Brian nickname Tony.

Brian nickname Tony.

To contact Brian Levinson, send email to

updated 1/31/25
(need to add a bunch of 61-63 post baseball,

My first ever partial card sheets have arrived in January 2025! (previously nothing larger than hostess 3 panels)
1959 Topps football --ripped up partial sheet, ripped into two parts, rips along edges too, BUT includes a complete Jim Brown, a starr ripped in half, complete Layne, and a number of other HOF
1961 Fleer football --very nice partial sheet of about 12 players including Blanda
Wonderbread football -- very nice partial sheet cut off with partial players on edges, includes complete Griese, Cszonka, Warfield!

Please do not send hits to second sets thank you.

poor star waivers --I have sent out 25 or so first waiver. Smaller second waiver not sent out yet

Have made great strides recently in cleaning out card room, but lots more to do. Many stacks of dupes need to be integrated into dupe boxes. One of two desks is cleared! Closet is completely empty at this time, with all the family memorabilia out in the hallway...Will try to get some cards out before I finish organizing and cleaning, but might have to wait

70 1939 PLAYBALLS arrived!!!!! I only had about 10. GOT THE GREAT ARKY VAUGHN AMONG OTHERS! Looks like it will be easy to get the high numbers..
IF WANT ME TO SEND CARDS OR WANT ANY TRADES, CAN CALL OR TEXT ME 913-909-4625, OR EMAIL ME AT or join the Ken Morganti zooms --if you let me know you were at the zoom, even if I am not there, I will send you a free card!

ALMOST COMPLETE SETS : TIME TO GET THESE DONE! Some are low hanging fruit like the 53B color commons!

Butterfinger --3 commons to go! Carleton Collins Earnshaw (have 3/4 of an Earnshaw but missing his entire head)

1949 Remar Baking Co. NEED need need JUST TWO MORE! Kerr Woods

1953 Bowman color baseball 2 to go!-- 114 116 yost

1955 Bowman only 2 to go! (any condition)
NEED 239rommel ump 252smalley

1968 topps posters need Clemente, Swoboda yaz

1970 topps baseball first set: 2 to go! 553lefebrve , 625chance,

1978 hostess
NEED 33Stennett 146Carter 147Blomberg

1979 Hostess
Need 28-33, 92 94-99

1960 fleer football -2 to go-NEED 26Tripucka 110Carmichael

1964 Philly 9 TO GO NEED 1Berry 17Ditka 48Lilly 51Meredith 74Hornung 82Wood 86PervisAtkins 99Alderman 161JimmyJohnson

1965 Philly football (red backs) 4 to go
Need 19(Ditka) 71Packersteam 75FGregg 98Ramsteam

Upgrades needed 79 nitschke 81Starr 83 (WOOD-f/g)110hole punch paper loss or paper stuck on front of 179 189

1966 philly (green backs) need about 7 more
NEED 1(missing?) 12(Wheelwright) ,58(Hayes) 98(McKeever)
132(baker)158(bakken),169(St Louis Cards)

Need to send thanks to Joe Denning, Scott Duguid Mike Rich, and others --Henthorn too, (did I ever do this?)
RAOK and return fire note to self --send cards to new guys ( Williams and who else?) send Jensen camps Doug smith plus others?, Mike Rich trade (did I do this yet?)

trade items --pretty near complete low condition 1956 topps baseball, most of a low condition 1970 topps baseball set, a near complete obc condition 69T baseball set, 50/60 of Topps Giants set, partial 55B set with a Mantle, lots of low condition Butterfingers, thousands of baseball and football commons lesser condition 50s-70s, various star cards, hundreds of dupe hostess cards (mostly 77, 78, 79 I think) I think most of a 1960 fleer football set...

High numbers for trade:
53T have about 30 highs (including Haddix and Newhouser and a poor Bollings)
57T Have a bunch of 4th series

I have completed (except for upgrades) baseball -- topps -53 56 58, 59, 60, 65, 67, 69 71-78, 60 leaf, 62 bell brand, 64 topps giants, 67 topps pinups, deckle edge, 1970 Topps Super with wrapper, 1970 Kelloggs, 1974 Kelloggs 1937 Diamond matchbooks. 1934 Gold medal flour/food (Wheaties actually) 12 card base set

Football completed -- 51Topps Magic, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61Fleer 69-71, 72 lows.

My CONDITION REQUIREMENTS -vary from poor to VG/EX depending on set. Typically I will be fine with any card no matter how bad the back is. I don't like major creasing down middle, or paper loss to face. Trimming is fine, but I don't like entire border missing. I LIKE rounded corners for most sets other than the few I am collecting higher grade


1) Baseball -(by year starting with earliest)
2) Football— (by year starting with earliest)
3) Basketball 69-70 and 70-71
4) Memorabilia list have/want mostly KC Athletics Dodgers pre-68 and 70s Reds, programs, scorecards, and misc,
need baseball (and football) boxes and wrappers for many years, ... don't collect autos much, though have a few on baseballs mainly . . .
5) List of completed sets
6) List of cards sent out and cards received
7) List of RC cola cans available
8) Stuff to trade or waive (outdated)



1908-09 A.C. Dietsche postcards HAVE 1907 Rossman, O'Leary and Schaefer (paper loss) and Lynn (two
are a certain size and two are a different size)

1909-11 Colgan’s chips. HAVE Baker Beaumont Edwards Getz Hally Howard Jordan Killefer McGann Natress Oakes most very poor
T206 HAVE Shannon (KC)

1911 T205 HAVE George Stone
1912 T207 HAVE Chalmers Krausse
1912 c46. HAVE James Murray
1912 Hassan HAVE Mcgraw/Jennings/just before the battle and wallace/Pelty/a close play at home and have centerpieces Caught Asleep off First and Chance Beats out a Hit -

Zeenuts HAVE 1916 Brown of S.F.
Zeenuts HAVE 1923 (All are heavily trimmed) Agnew Anifinson Compton Crandall Deal High Knight Krause Kremer Lafayette McAuliffe Maderas Mails Read Shea Sheehan Wells
Zeenuts HAVE 1924 (all poor) Brubaker Byler Durst Kopp Siebold
Zeenuts HAVE 1925 (all poor) Bagby Cather Cutshaw Frederick Kohler McCabe McCarren Pillette Vinci Wachenfeld
Zeenuts HAVE 1926 (all poor) Kunz Makin Mulligan Sanders Yelle Zoellers
Zeenuts HAVE 1927 all very poor -- Agnew Bool Kallio Krause Parker Stainecker
Zeenuts HAVE 1929 poor Finn Mulligan
Zeenuts HAVE 1930 French and poor Pinelli

1919-21 W514 HAVE Jim burke
1920 E120 HAVE Red Faber! and J.T. Zachary (skinned back)
1921 w516. HAVE Benny Kauf! (two time Federal League batting average and SB champ!)
1921 Caramel E-121-80 HAVE trimmed Bancroft and trimmed Owens!
1922 Neilsons Chocolate W573 HAVE Charlie Hollocher (graded)! (underrated player due to career ending age 28) and rough Walter Gerber and rough hemline and McClellan(skinned back), and leverette scrapbook back or skinned or reprint? also all these are poor type in old english print 19 40 42 61 82?
Toporcer other
other type of Neilson: Miller, Powell (gave away one)
1923 W515. HAVE Kenneth Williams, Benny Kauf, (and very trimmed Jim Burket might be different strip card)
1923 w572. HAVE Milton Stock, George Burns
1925-1931 W590. HAVE Milton Stock
1927 caramel e210 HAVE Walter Reuther
1927 W560. HAVE Andy Cohen and Bob Sprague (date may be 1929 for this set)
1928 W513. HAVE none (traded
1929 W560 HAVE Max Bishop

1929 or 1930 Kashin. (have about 20 now)
Dale Alexander Larry Benton Moe Berg Max Bishop Guy Bush Harold Carlson Owen Carroll Chalmers Cissel Earle Combs Hughie Critz
H.J. DeBerry Pete Donohue Taylor Douthit Charlie Dressen Red Faber Fred Fitzsimmons Lew Fonseca horace Ford Jimmie Foxx
Frank Frisch Lou Gehrig Charlie Gehringer Goose Goslin George Grantham Lefty Grove Bump Hadley Charlie Hafey Jesse Haines Harvey Hendrick
Babe Herman Andy High Urban Hodapp Rogers Hornsby Waite Hoyt Willis Hudlin Frank Hurst Charlie Jamieson Percy Jones Sam Jones Willie Kamm
Chuck Klein Mark Koenig Ralph Kress Fred Leach Ad Liska Red Lucas Fred Maguire Perce Malone Heinie Manush Rabbit Maranville Douglas McWeeny
Oscar Melillo Frank O’Doul Mel Ott Herb Pennock William Regan Harry Rice Lance Richbourgh Charles Root Ed Roush
Harold Ruel Jack Russell Babe Ruth Fred Schulte Harry Seibold Joe Sewell Luke Sewell Art Shires Bob Smith Bill Terry
Al Thomas Lafayette Thompson Phil Todt Dazzy Vance Jimmy Welsh Earl Whitehill Claude Willoughby Hack Wilson

1930 W554 Collecting set HAVE 9 of 18! HIGH PRIORITY

NEED Fonseca Foxx Gehrig Hoyt O'Doul Ott Ruth Hack Wilson

HAVE HAVE HAVE Cochrane McWeeny Waner (Waner very poor) and Grimes all sepia And Judge B&W (Have dupe Judge). And now have Grove missing a piece! And Pennock! And Simmons and very poor Rommel and Klein (have dupe Grimes missing large chunk)

1931 W517 HAVE Jimmie Foxx! and Roger Hornsby! Also have Blue, Chalmer Cissell and Rube Walberg and trimmed Shore(s) and trimmed Quinn

1932 Cubs Picture Pack HAVE Stan Hack (might eventually collect entire set?)

1933 Goudey HAVE Frisch, Heinie Manush (2 different ones), and Lloyd Waner and Fred Lindstrom ! And Pennock! and Poor Rice! Also have trimmed Vernon
gomez and trimmed Rick Ferrell and four commons, only 1 trimmed. Also now have Tommy Bridges thanks to Joe Miller! And connally
NOw have a Red Faber thanks to Stever Archibald! have hole punched Klein and hole punched Goslin!

1934 Gold Medal Food (Flour)(Wheaties) HAVE COMPLETE 12 CARD SET
Possibly upgrade to ones with borders - Hallahan, couple other might need upgrading
r313A And have one of the envelopes they came in.

RARE GOLD MEDAL FOOD cards --HAVE HAVE HAVE Hale, Harder, Vosmik!

Note: There are perhaps 16 or so rare ones, considered part of this set, though not
a part of the two world series teams, and apparently did not come in the envelope with the base 12, so IMO they really are a different set.

also have 3 of the adverts: Bartell, Boyle, and Collins

NEED FOR FIRST SET 3 Carleton Collins (have ad of him) Earnshaw (have 3/4 of an Earnshaw but missing his head)

Upgrades needed: Pearson, (need borders) Vance(gaping hole in middle) O'Farrell (rip down middle), Marberry rips.

HAVE Averill Benton Berger(u) Bottomley Boyle Carroll Chapman Cochrane Cronin Crowder Derringer Dickey Ferrell Fonseca Fox and Foxx variation, Frey Frisch Gehrig Gehringer Gomez Grabowski Grove Haas Hafey Harris Hogan Holley Hornsby Jordan Lee Mancuso Manush marberry(u) Melillo Moore Morrissey Mowry O'Farrell(u) Pearson(u) Reynolds Ruffing Ruth Ryan Simmons Suhr Swetonic Vance(u) Vosmik, Lloyd Waner Paul Waner, Waite, West Whitehill Wilson

Averill, Bartell, Carleton, Collins, Durocher, Earnshaw, Ferrell Frisch (Gehrig-just have player cutout) Hornsby Johnson Jordan Marberry Martin Pearson Ruth Vance West

Dupes (including partial second set) -most low or very low grade some missing borders Have haveBenton Berger Bottomley Boyle(2.) Carroll(2) Chapman(5) -cochrane cronin (5) Crowder(2) Dean Derringer Dickey(2) Fonseca Fox (but not Foxx)Frey Gehrig(cut out ofjust player) Gehringer Gomez (3, fonseca on back of one), Grabowski Grove(3) Haas(2) Hafey Harris(4) Hogan(4) Holley(2) Hoyt(3) Kuhel Lee Mancuso(3) Manush(3) Melillo Moore Morrissey(2) Mowry(2) OFerrell Ott, Reynolds(3) Ruffing(2) Ryan(3) Swetonic(2) , Simmons Suhr Vosmik(2) Lloyd Waner, Paul Waner (3) Whitehill Wilson

1934 V94 OPC (“Canadian butterfinger”) ( PRIORITY if found affordably) HAVE have have: Averill Benton Brown Cochrane Cronin Dickey Fonseca Grove Hogan Lee Mancuso Moore Morrissey Worthington (have dupe Grove).

1934 Goudey -HAVE Appling, Hurst, Bob Johnson, Leslie of Dodgers, and boken Porter (and dupe trimmed Porter?) swift

34-36 diamond stars —Have a poor lew fonseca
(Not collecting)

1934-36 batter up HAVE HAVE Allen both grey and purple(both poor, Cissell Contwell Cuccinello Frankhouse si johnson Kuhel Traynor, Bill Terry (T. Terry) and McNair

1935 Goudey 4 in 1 HAVE Dean/Frisch/Carleton/Orsatti

1935 Wheaties --HAVE --Cochrane (missing ornate border, and a dupe in pieces
1937ish years? --HAVE a couple others Ott, two different bridges radcliff, and a few others --need to add names

1930s Diamond Matchbooks

silver border (Combes, crowder Cuchinello (sp -Dodgers player) desautel lucas o'farrell orsatti mckechnie mowry Walter Stewart, John Moore mangled with matches, and a few others
1935 black border Hogan
1935-36 HAVE Bryant Bucher, Cramer v davis Fischer Frisch(2) Galan Hallahan Harder Herman(autograph?) Jordan Dutch Leonard, Lindstrom Links Medwick Warneke Warstler and a few others
and Finney Fitzsimmons Hadley Harder Kerr Kleinhaus (and Jordan referencing 36 season)

1936-1937 Chicago Cubs COMPLETED on 6/22 (excluding color variations) (got 7 more dupes--working on all color variations?
HAVE Bryant Carleton Cavarretta Collins Davis Dean (2 colors) Demaree (all three colors, all with complete matches) French (and red with matches), Frey Galan Garbark Hack - (two with all matches multiple colors) Hartnett (and red with matches), Herman Jurges (all three colors) Lee Marty O’Dea Parmelee Root Shounx2 Stainbackx3 Waner

1937 team on back HAVE Fitzsimmons Grimm (2 of 3) Klein Van Mungo need 9 more

Odea with matches -year? Walter Brown mangled with matches

COllecting entire 36 Goudey R322 set (not wide pens)
Many very very poor
HAVE Camilli, Castleman, Coscorant Cuyler, very very poor Derringer, Gomez, Harris Helmsley and Higgins Klein and Paul Waner

1936 National Chicle Premium R311 have have -have Cronin Bill Terry and Red Sox team and cubs team and Wes Ferrell harder, O’Neil ruffing

1936 National Chicle Fine Pens -HAVE HAVE HAVE Berger, Berry Bucher and Babich, Bolton, Chicago White Sox team, Dietrick Gelbert, Stan Hack, Harder, Lucas Randy Moore moses hurt, MCQuinn gets his man, O'Neill Rogelx2, maybe others

1937 R314 goudey wide pens (some double hole punched others in worse condition
HAVE HAVE HAVE Averill Bergerx3 Bordagaray Camilli Cochrane Coscarart two Ferrells Frisch Gehringer Gelbert Goslin Hemsley Hoag Hubbell, Kampouris MacFayden McNair Martin Gene Moore Randy Moore Terry Moorex2,Ostermueller Rowe2 Lloyd Luke Sewell, Sullivan Walker, Waner Warstler Werner Whitehead

Different wide pen --Vernon Gomez, Chuck Klein

1939 Reading Athletic Club centennial matchbook (have)

1939 Goudey R303b (sepia) HAVE Goodman (missing chunk)
1939 Goudey R303c (grey) HAVE Case, Goodman Heath, Higgins Keltner Kreevich Mancuso York (Vaughn on the way)

1939 Playball (started list 10/29/24, already had about 10 cards)

NEED NEED Need 1, 3 7 10 11 18 26 27 30 31 38 39 43 46 47 50 51 53 54 56 60 66 69 70 75 76 87 92Williams 100 101 103 113 116 117 119 120 124-138, 140 142 143 146 148-162

upgrade 17 63

Have salesmen samples of three --Gomez, Keller and Ruffing!

1940 Playball HAVE-Cooney Hubbell Hudson and Cochrane(missing piece) (not collecting set, but always like to get players)

1941 Playball (not collecting set but always like to get players)
HAVE Arky Vaughan! And Weatherly and hole punched Hubbell
and also J. Brown, Derringer, Doerr Garms Hayes Hemsley, Higgins, Bob Johnson Lewis McQuinn Milnar Trotsky Jack Wilson

1943 M.P & Co. HAVE Henrich and Stan Hack and Medwick


1921 HAVE Killefer (Killifer) and a partial collins
1926 or so - just player cutout of Stanley Harris and pipp

1939-1946 (S=Sepia, G=Grey) HAVE ApplingS BoudreauS CaverettaS Bob ElliottS FellerS Holmes (an exhibit card G and S), KellerS MarionS MizeS Pafko(S and G) PasseauS, StirnweissS Ted WilliamsS

1947-1966 EXHIBITS
HAVE HAVE HAVE(going to collect both grey and sepia versions --
Aaron Adcock Aparicio Appling Ashburn Bailey Baker Banks and Banks stat back, Barber Battey Bearden Berra (2 versions, both g and s of one)) Blackwell Branca (1949) Brecheen(1949) Bruton Burdette (two versions) Campanella Carrasquel Cavaretta
Cepeda Cerv Colavito Coleman Cooper Craig Dark, Dom DiMaggio Dobson Doby, Doerr Drysdale Ennis Evans Evers Fain(tipton) Farrell Feller Ford(stat back), Ford Fox Gonzalez,
Gonzalez stat back, Goodman (two versions) Groat (best wishes) Groth, Gustine Haas Hatton Hegan Henrich Herzog Hinton stat back, Hodges(both made and printed) Howard Hutchinson Irvin Jay Jethroe
Kaline Kell Keller(poor) Kelllner Killebrew(paper loss) Kinder Kiner Klaus Kolloway Koufax Kuenn (2 variations and stat back) Landis
Larson Lemon Lindell Linz Lockman Logan Long Lopat Mays McBride McDaniel McDougald Maglie Majeski Marshall Mathews Mayo Mays Maz Minoso (two versions) Mueller Mitchell Moon stat back(poor) Musial Neal New York Yankees team 1950 World Champions
Newcombe (two versions, have both grey and sepia of shaking hands) Newhouser O;Dellstatback NortheyS PafkoG(maybe 39-46) PappasS PascualS PearsonS PeskyS PhilleyS PierceG (paper loss) Pinson Porterfield
Raschi Reese Rice Rizzuto, Rizzuto(1949) Roberts Rollins Runnels stat back,
Sain (1949) Santo Sauer Sawatski Siebern Sievers Simmons Skowron SlaughterSandG Snider(G and S) Spahn (both hat versions, both grey and sepia of B hat) Stephens
Torgeson (made and printed)Thomas stat back, Thomson Trucks Verban Vernon Waitkus Wakefield Wertz (two versions) Westlake Woodling Wright Yankees team card 1950 World Champions, Zernial

1947-1966 Exhibits NEED NEED NEED list to come eventually

1946 Remar bread (red loaf back) NEED 1, 4-8 13-15 19-22 (only have Stewart of unnumbered)

1947 remar bread NEED 2 6-8 12 13 15 16 18 19 23 24 25
HAVE smiths backs 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 14

1947 Signal Oil --have 16 different Oakland Oaks, have no other teams -need following Oaks --Dimaggio, Stengel

1947 Bond Bread HAVE HAVE HAVE Blackwell, Brecheen Elliott Ennis Holmes Kerr Lockman Marshall Mize Pafko Sain Tebbets

1948 Signal Oil -NEED 2, 5-7, 9, 13-19 21-24

1949 stars set (or reprints?)(erroneously called Bond Bread) SQUARE CORNERS HAVE HAVE HAVE Blackwell, Doerr Elliott Feller Kiner Pafko Pesky

1948 bowman (amassing not actively collecting)
HAVE HAVE 2(POOR), 4(POOR) 9 10 11 13 16 19 20 23 24 25 27 28 31-34 39 42 43u 44 46u

48-49 Leaf —have HOPP lindell and priddy ( lindell led league in triples twice!)

1949 Remar Baking Co. NEED need need Kerr Woods (double check that I have Perry?)

Upgrade for writing rapp

1949 Bowman (amassing but not actively seeking)
HAVE HAVE HAVE 3P 7 9 10 12 13 15 16 17 20 21 22 (both backs) 27 28 29 30 31 34 36 38 42 43 54 57 62 63 68grey) 70 71 72 77 79 85 88 89 90 94 95 96 102 103 106 107 108 109 115 117 118 120 121 122 123 124 126 128 132 135 136 138 139 141 144 157 167 168 187 194 200 212 230 237

1950 remar bread - NEED Behrman Dressen Gettel Groth Lavagetto Nelson Rapp Tost

Upgrade due to writing duezabou galan metkovich herman (Kelly bad back) Malone(face gouged out)

1950 bowman (stars are poor—amassing not actively collecting) many have bad backs

Need Need need 3 4 5 13 19-23 37 41 44 46 48 49 51 52 56 57 59 62 64 68 71-74 75 77 79. 81 82 87 88 93 94 96 97 98 101 105 112 115 118 120 123 125 126 127 129 130 135 136 139 147 148 149 150 152 153 157 159 172 179 180 189 190 191 193 195 202-206 208 210 214 215 217-220 222 225 226 227 229 232 234 246 248

2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 17 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 39 42 47 53 54 55 58 60 61 63 65u 66u 67 69 70 75 80 84 85 86 91 95 99 100 103 104 106 107 108 109 113 114 116 117u 119 120 121 masi 122 124 130 131 132 133 134 137 138 141 142, 143 144 145 146 151 154 155 158 160 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 173 174 175 176 177 178 181 182U 184 185 186 188 192 196 197 198 199 200 209 211 212 213221 223 233 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 247 250 251

1950 Royal Desserts --HAVE have HAVE 3, 6, 8 17 18

1951 Bowman (fair or better, poor stars ok, staples ok though trying to upgrade away from staples)(paper loss on back ok)
NEED NEED NEED 1 14? 19 23 28 30 32 40 98 111 182 203 205 221mueller 253,259 260 278 303 305 306 311, 314 324

upgrade , 109 170 186ashburn 278 322

1951 Topps Red Backs --complete 9/24!
NEED NEED NEED just 52b variation)

1951 topps blue backs --low condition, (have about 4 dupes)
HAVE HAVE HAVE 1 2 11 13 17 18 19 22 23 34 36 38 40 42 43 45 47 48 52

Berk Ross --Very poor just got my first few October 2021 backs missing on most HAVE Spahn AND Sain, Kiner, Lopat Raschi,Allie Reynolds, Page and a couple Phillies and Sain

1952 Topps very low priority (P/F/G) not collecting highs of course am trying to get all A's and Dodgers
NEED NEED NEED 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 11 12 13 14 16 18 19 22-25 28-30 36 38-44 46-48 50 51 54 55 57 60 62 64 68-78 85 86 87 89 91 92 94 95 97 99 101 102104-108 110 111 113 117 120 121 124 132 133 135 136 138 139 141-147 150-151 153-158 160-164 166 167 168 171-185 187 188 189 191 193 195 196 202 204-207 211 213-218 221 224-227 231 233 236-238 240-243 245 247-249 251-254 257-263 267-293 295-407

Have A's 21 31 34u 45, 58 112,116 131, 134,201 210 219 256
Have Dodgers 7 20, 37 Snider, 53 66 roe (trimmed) 198 239 250 and have Cox

1952 Parkhurst Frostade (not collecting) HAVE Mallette and Murray

1952 Mother's Cookies HAVE just 7 Handley

1952 red man
HAVE —signed Feller, lower grade Spahn and others (all no tabs) including Berra Blackwell(partial), Durocher Gordon, Dickson Hearn hamner Jansen willie Jones Lockman Maggie Minoso torgeson Pierce Porter field , Schoendienst, Stanky Wertz,
Need: AL 1 2 4-7 9-11 13 18-26
Need NL 2 4 9 12 15-18 20 21 24 26 (upgrade 3)

1952 Bowman (Medium priority) g/VG or so (stars g)
NEED NEED NEED NEED 43 Feller, 45 Pesky, 50 Staley, 96 Branca, (101 M#$%$%) 102 Lowery, 105 Brown, 114 Hiller, 150 Wehmeier, 161 Jensen, 162 Irvin, 168 Roe, 175 Jackson, 217-218 Stengel Mays, 224 Schmitz 231 Fondy 232 Slaughter 234 Fitzsimmons 238 McMillan

uPGRADES NEEDED 1 (Berra)? 23 35 44camoy 52scooter 53Ashburn 36 70 75kell 96 97 114 118 143? 148 160 164 191? 194? 202 204 219
The following all have bad backs (paper attached or paper loss) to upgrade low priority: 27 33 37 39 65 92 100 123 125 138 147 153 157 163 167 170 171 172 173 176 177 181 184 189 208 215 221 223 236 237 242 243 244 249 252

1953 Redman (all no tab)-HAVE Ashburn, DiMaggio Dobson hackerand Kell lemon maglie(partial), mitchellmize(partial), Parnell porterfield Stengel and Jensen and Campy Snider and Pee wee! Aand Dropo, spahn and Thomson Westrum, Wilhelm (not collecting --well i guess I am)
Need AL 2 3 5 7 10-14? 16 20 21 23 26 (18 is partial)
Need NL 1 2 4 6 11-13 15-19 22 24 26 (8 is partial)

1953 Johnston Cookies (started 9/21)----
Have --1,2 6 8 9 10 14 16 19 21 25

1953 TOPPS COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8/16/23

Upgrades (to around f/g)(those in parentheses not important to upgrade) 30 32 34 60 74 82 (142?) (221 Paige) (227) 233 240 (245) 259

1953 bowman color (HIGH PRIORITY)
NEED 4 to go-- 114 116 yost 119 Mitchell 154lown,

Upgrades to vg- or so: 9Rizzuto 21 70 81 88 93rizzuto/martin 108 143 145 152 157

1953 BOWMAN COLOR SECOND SET --very low grade, not collecting, but have most of the common low numbers might start a need list? (dupe stars have Ford Hodges and Berra and Mathews and Spahn)

1953 Bowman B&W
(very low priority) (most very poor-writing, staining)
HAVE HAVE HAVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 25 30 31 32 35 37 40 43(30) 45 46 60 62 63 64
NEED NEED NEED 9 13, 17 21-24 26-28 33 34 36 38 39 41 42 44 47-59 61 65-end

1954 Red Heart (collecting set -missing corners are fine)-
NEED need need Cox, Fox, Gilliam KKlu Kuenn M_ Martin Minoso Musial Sauer Schoend Slaughter Spahn White

1954 DanDee --HAVE HAVE HAVE --Cooper Garcia Gordon La Palme Strickland


NEED AL 3 4 6 7 17 20 (upgrade 16)
NEED NL 5 11 13-16 19 23 25

1954 Topps (Aaron and Mays are high priority but gonna be tough)
(About good or so some creasing ok, not across face)
NEED: 37?) 59, 77 87 90 94, 98 102 107 128, 132 135 141 145 156 161 165 167 173, 183 185 197-198 201 204 205 208 214 225-226, 230 231 236 239 250 and up

Upgrades 1williams 14 69 72 86 103 120 121 122 136 137 149
193 199 211 213 233 240

1954 Bowman (medium priority, low grade)
NEED NEED NEED 65Mantle 79Simmons 89Mays 129Bauer 135Pesky 143WJones 145BMartin 146Gernert 149BYoung 166Consuegra 177Ford 182Lollar 210Piersall 215Bucha 220Landrith 222Luna

UPGRADES 26 57 58 66 90 campy 96 101 106 110 132feller 154newcombe 167 178 196 199 200

1954 Johnston Cookies HAVE hAVE 15 23 38 41

1955 Topps PRIORITY IS A COMPLETE AARON CARD (not a priority but have most of the lower numbers, about ? to go including tough stars
NEED 38Turley 123 koufax 124 killebrew 135 O'Brien 156Black 157BMiller 161-164 Coleman Throneberry Clemente 169Oldis 181-182McMillanHRobinson 189Rizzuto 193-195 (Sain, Mays Roebuckmight have a graded one) 197ASmith 200 ( Jensen) 202JOwens 204FSmith 207-208 (Consolo RMoore

Upgrades to fair or good 2(Ted) 28Banks 47Aaron 50jackie 53 160 166 168 174 177 180 190 201

1955 Bowman only to go (any condition) (missing 201?)
NEED 239rommelump 252smalley

Upgrades to g/vg or so with only minor creasing:7 12 68howard
92 132 134feller 152 201 204frank 229 231 234 246 274 283 292 297 303 318

(need to double check variation list have 4 bollings and extra Johnson

1955 Bowman second set (LIST CREATED DECEMBER 2024)
Lots of these are poor NEED NEED 7 10 12 13 14 15 27 28 34 35 51 65 67 70 73 74 81 87 93 121 131 132 136 141 143 151 164 170 185 201 218 225-231 233-236 239-243 246 249=252 257 259 261 263 265 267 269-272 274 275 276 277 282 283 285 289-293 297 301 302 303 308 309 318

1955 Redman
Need AL 1-7 9-13 16 17 20 22 23 25-end (upgrade 14 18)
Need NL 2 5-7, 9-11 13-15 17-end

1955 Johnston cookies HAVE HAVE 47 48

1955 rodeo meats (first cards received 10/24) HAVE have have. Finegan Melillo Slaughter Zernial and Clete Boyer

1956 Topps Complete!!!!!!!!!
Upgrades to first set to vg or so(low priority): 11 33Clemente 127 133 135mantle 138 163 171 173 191 198 202 210 216 222 240ford 248 251yanks 259 279 284 289 295

1956 Topps second set needs (I have become a lunatic too at least I am not collecting both backs)
very rough set some trimmed NEED NEED NEED 29 30(Robinson) 33(Clemente) 42 135(Mantle) 159 191 197 199 204 212 222 251 255(Lemon) 265 283 (have both cl)

Need upgrade to about f/g FOR SECOND SET(not seeking these)--MANY NEEDED the worst onesNEED are: 54 79(koufax) 118(fox) 127 133 138 143 166 171 198 202 209 210 217 232 234 235 236 248 259 270 274 276 293 295 319 330 336 337

1957 Topps
NEED LIST (I have a lot of dupe 4th series) ALMOST DONE!
(first complete need list entered 4/1/21)
3Long 24(Maz), 38(Fox),47Blasingame 76(Clemente) 198Tigersteam, 232Lockman 270Senatorsteam 273JDavis, 282Dittmer, 283Covington, 284Zimmer, 292Klaus, 328(Brooks),332Bowman, , 342Mauch ,352Kinder 372Zauchin

upgrades to fair/good/vg (most are poor) 1(Ted W) 5 15 59 75 161 183 212(colavito) 291 318 338(Bunning) 335(missing chunk)< 340 390

1958 topps
COMPLETE 8/7/20 except for below:
Need 23 (have two yn)
Need regular Braves checklist and regular Brewers(no not brewers -different team) checklist (have the alphabetical variation)(Do these exist?(no not
have bazooka contest

Upgrade to vg or so:30Aaron! 187koufax also priority 1williams 5 mays 7 12 17 47maris 50 52clemente 96 109 110 115 117 122 143 171 175 188 217 223 242 281 313 349 358
411 452 485williams allstar

Yellow variations needed NEED LIST: (low priority) --11, 32, 33, 46 50 52 Clemente 61, 65 70 76 77 81 plus am I missing others?

have all four alphabetical checklists
Have yellow player names 8 13 20 23 24 30 51(is this a yellow name?) 53 57 58 60 78 92u 97 98 101
Have yellow team names 2 35 79 81 85 100 108

Hires Root Beer --HAVE Wally Post (not collecting set)

1959 Topps needed: Complete except for upgrades!
Upgrade needed to vgex (my nicest condition set of all) 10 12 265 335 473 541 543 561
May be a few more upgrades needed of stars (have upgraded Mantle twice, still pretty creased)

1959 topps second set: (low condition) getting cards in order, need most of the lows and highs, could trade triples -some stars …

1959 Kahn's HAVE Jim Grant (not collecting set)

1960 Topps COMPLETE April 2022
1960 topps upgrades needed: (not manyneeded)

1960 leaf —(started 6/12/21 with lot of most of the lows)
NEED: (around good) 1, 9 20 22 23 25 27

need all HIGHs 73 to end except
HAVE HAVE HAVE 82, 87 88 93 97 106 107 109 113 114 122 123 127 129 134 135 136

1960 Bell Brand (not collecting) HAVE Essegian, Podres Snider(creased)

1960 Kahn's HAVE JUST ONE Kasko

1961 Topps baseball(mostly high numbers left)
low priority
44 388u 401, 405 , 417 430. (one number accidentally deleted here) 460 472 478 480
523-529, 531 533 536-537
541-546, 553 554, 558 559 561-563 571 572 573, 576 578 580, 583
Upgrade from poor/fair 89 290 340 492 555 556
Variations I have 361 checklist two different backs, and red letter variation

1961 Union Oil --have a common (not collecting set)

1961 Bell Brand - have Davis, Demeter (pinhole) Roebuck, Sherry and Wills(stained)

1961 Nu Scoops (started 2023, low priority but could trade for large number) NEED 402-404, 406-419,421-427, 429 430, 432-434, 4436-441,443 445 446 449 450 452-454 456-470 472 474 476-478 480

Got some post need to add to lists
1961 Post (low priority) --list started 11/29/23 --NEED NEED NEED 2-6 8-13 16 18 20-24 27-34 36-40 42 45 49 50, 52-54 58 60 62-65 68-75 81 83-85 91-96 98 100 102-106 108-113 115-119 121 122 125 126 128-139 141-144 146 147 150 156-161 163-166 171-175 178 180 182 183 191-197

uPGRADES NEEDED 14 35kaline 51 101spahn 145Mays

1962 Bell Brand COMPLETE!
Need upgrade to Alston, Drysdale Roebuck

1962 topps baseball. (just made first want list 6/28/20 )just finished putting in numerical order instead of by team, 1/2/23
135 141 150 186(nongreenie) 192 checklist variations needed) 269 281 386 388 401 407 409 412 444 449 450 494 497 499 526, 530 533 537 541 546 550 552 553 557 566 567 569, 571 572 575, 577 585 591 592 594-end . . .

Greenies NEEDED 110, 113 114 115 118 119 120 121 124 127 130 131 133 134 135 136 137? 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 146 148 150 151 152 153 154 157 158 159? 160 163 167? 170 171 172 173 174 175? 176 179 181 188
(maybe 189) 195 196

low priority upgrades to vg- or so 3,18, 33, 52, 58 136 254 279 334 335 341 424 425yaz 429 448 455 475 505 marichalreally bad)

1962 Post --low priority) list started 11/29/23 NEED 8 11 12 14=16 25 28 31-33 35 37 38 40 41 43-47 51 54 56 57 59 60 63 65 68 70 72 74 77 81-83 87 88 91 92 95 97-99 101 104-106 108-113 115 116 118 120 121 123 126 128-131 135 139 140 143 144 (HAVE Adock need 145 Adcock) 148 150-153 155-160 162 165 171-177 179 180 181
182 183 185 187-190 192 195 196,

UPGRADES 27 55 90 127 136 160

1963 Topps (high priority 18 or so to go excluding upgrades)
Need: (fair/good/VG) 247, 301, 302 331, 385 395, 398, 434 466 469 537, 540,541 542 545 553 558, 563

Possible upgrades (low priority) (Gibson, Musial Oliva rookie all g/vg) (Mays way OC) 6 10 64 68 138 151 203 214P 215 227 231 237 251 255 270 306 319P 320(Spahn) 361 383 384 391 396 404 412(Dodgerss big three) 415(Gibson) 417P 422 432 451 455 460 467 472brock 480 490(McCovey) 491 500(killebrew) 504 510 514 524 530 532 534 539 557 560 561 571P

1963 fleer Complete! Even the checklist now! (trimmed Clemente, Mays has writing on back)
-Have the following dupes: 4 8 10 12 22u 26 29 30 34 38 39 50 58 59 62 and brooks (have 2 or 3 Adcock dupes)

1963 Post (low priority) list started 11/29/23
NEED 8 15-18 23 24 36 38 45 49 53 56 61 69 80 87 97 98 102 108 114 119 127 128 132 135 141 143 151-153 162 172-174 179 181-182 185 187 195 196 199 Have several of both large and small letter variations and have the mantle magazine card
(upgrade from poor -4 43 70 71 139

1963 Kahn's HAVE HAVE HAVE Blasingame, Boyer, Kasko Lynch Purkey

1964 Topps (mostly high numbers left need about 56 more cards)(i just put in numerical order instead of team order on 8/22/22)
WANT LIST medium priority (around vg) 139 324 415 440 462 464 468 473 474 481 482 492 500 509 522 523 529 531 535 537 538 539 542 543 545 547 564 565 568 570 571 576 581-585

Upgrades to about vg on front (I also have many with writing on back not listing) 167
173 177killebrew 200(koufax-one i have is good minus) 229(bad back), 247 306 (342 bad back) 378 419 433 439 441 503 518p 533 540 550 554

1964 Topps Giants
COMPLETE! (Have additional 50/60 near complete set for trade)

1964 Topps coins - 2024 first list
Need need need 2 3 5 6 7 12 13 15 20 22 25 26 28 30 33 34 36 37 42 46 48 49 50 51 54 55 56 57 59 65 67 69 74 75 79 80 87 88 89 90 97 103 104 105 106 109 111 113 115 116 118 120?

1964 Topps Stand Ups HAVE HAVE HAVE Aaron Friend, Pinson Malzone (not collecting set)and a few more

1965 Topps Baseball
Complete!! Need a few upgrades to around VG Mantle is probably the worst condition.

1966 Topps Baseball --Not collecting high numbers? Got 27 of them at once so I guess I am now.

NEED list: (50 Mantle mine might be reprint, hard to tell) 52 215 216 218 224 296 302 312 380 383 436 444 451 453-455, 457 458 460 463 464 470 475 476 481 484 488 490 497 499 505 511 513-516,518 519, 522 524 525 526 528, 532-533, 539 540, 542 543 544 547 548 550 552 556, 559, 561 562 563 565, 566-568, 570 574 575, 577 578 583 585 588, 590 591 593 598

upgrades ,176 217 270 300clemente 308 ,426 434 535 565 569 573 576

1967 Topps complete!
(i think I still need a few upgrades but only a very few

1968 Topps NEED LIST STARTED 9/6/21 (medium priority since I am getting close)--g/vg or better. (Ken Morganti just hit 19 leaving only 8 to go!)

NEED 150Clemente, 177Ryan 355Banks 373FRobinsonAS 431Womack 523Tsitouris 575Palmer 584 Shepard

Upgrades to vg plus (and others not listed)(please do not send without speaking to me first -low priority) 52 55 65 72 76 77 83 87 100gibson 107 109 110 aaron, 111 112 113 120 132 133 141 155 157 167 169 171 173 182 183 184 192 201 207 213 234 250yaz 265 268 280m 284 285 most of the 290s 310 319 323 324 326 330maris 358 360 361killallstar 371373clemallstar 374 381 381 391 408carlton 397 422 423 445 459 460 464 480managers dream 497 501 505 509 512 515 525 528 531 532tiant 536 554 557 566 594 595 597

1968 Topps game insert COMPLETE

1968 Topps Posters --(started 9/23) --need Clemente Yaz Swoboda

Have --Aaron Allen Alvis Cepeda, Chance, Drysdale Fregosi Howard Hunter Kaline Killebrew Lonberg McCarver Mays Mantle Peters Frank Robinson Rose Santo Staub wynn
(Have dupe Cepeda, Hunter, Mantle Mays, F Rob, Rose (2) (maybe Santo?) Staub

1968 Atlantic Oil -collecting set, at least the obtainable cards
HAVE HAVE HAVE --Aaron Aspromonte, Cash Clemente(rough) Pappas Pinson Powell Robinson Rose Valentine Wills

1969 Topps First set complete 10/23!

upgrades to first set vg 15u 82u 110u 124u 127 169 170 193 200(Gibson) 232 237 239 247 290 308 424roseallstar 480Seaver 498 500mantle 508 510carew 532 572 622 650williams

1969 topps baseball second set (please do not send any cards) f/g/vg 13 80 110 152 154 168 229 234 237 244 258 270 275 276 286 300 375killebrew 380 416 421 424 432 433 480Seaver 500mantle 511 538 544 572 574 600oliva 601 610 619 621 622 627 629 650

upgrades to second set g plus (many needed not seeking upgrades) 53 62 71 73 78 82 oh forget it 85 90 91 very low grade set (left poor Bench and poor Aaron in) 135 169 230 231 242 247 258 281writing 290 306 308 371 383 384 385 ...393 398 405 440mccovey 460 495 498 507 509 510carew 553 558 560 597fingers 598 603 605 606 630 636

1969 Nabisco (just got my first 10/21)--HAVE --Aaron,very poor MaYs, very poor Seaver, very poor Rose, very poor Oliva, brooks, Staub, Stottle, Ferrara

1970 Topps NEED LIST STARTED 9/6/21 Wow, this set coming along fast (only 2 more needed!).
g/vg or better (trying for no creases except minor corner creases)
553lefebrve , 625chance,

upgrades to vg plus only corner creasing (Clemente too)
215 349 460 463 488 503 507 509 570 572 579 584 600mays 664 672

NEED 1 24 65 66 69 83 119 138 142 148 157 161 167 169 171 172 176 178 182 183 185 204 205 206 211 213 214 220 226 231 242 253 280 286 301 306 321 333 349 350 351 359 363 370 372 383 387 422 424 431 434 440 445 458 461 462 463 466 470 481 488 489 490 498 503 504 511 519 521 524 535 536 537 547 551 553 554 555 557 558 559 565 568 570 577 579 581 585 593 600 605 609 610 620 625 626 628 634 635 637 641 654 659 664 669 676 692 696 702 704 713 715 716

1970 Kelloggs --COMPLETE

So below would be needs for 2nd set (not collecting second sert though)
NEED 1 2 4 6 8 10 13 14 16 18-25 27 29 31-37 39 41-45 50-54 56 58 61 62 71 72
upgrades 48

1970 Super COMPLETE (with wrapper but not box) (bought a complete set 8/18/23)
Upgrades needed: Clemente, Jackson a few others

1970 Super second set (not working on, is available for trade or sale maybe for 71 supers) NEED NEED NEED
5 12 13 19 20 26 29 38 40 (41?)

Upgrade to fair (most have multiple holes) 10 17 27 32 39 42

1971 Super collecting set —
NEED NEED NEED VG or so: 1 2 5 , 7, 9, 12, 20 rose, 27, 31 35 santo 37 clemente 52

1971 Topps OPC --(only OPC set I am collecting -mostly lesser condition still need some low numbered commons)
NEED 37 (Rich McKinney), 59(Mauch), 65(HR leaders), 167(Grieve), 202((C. Raymond), 210(Carew), , 235(Colbert) 251(Reberger) 263(Ellis) 288(Moeller) 297(Briggs) , 324(Nettles) 329(WS3) 362(Orioles rookies), 398HowieReed 400Aaron 403Coleman 404astrosrookies 405Cardenas 407rudi 409 415 417 419 421-423 428 431 434 437 444 446 448 460 463 464 468 472 473 475 477 481 483486 488 493 495 497 500 501 503 506 510 512 513 514 516 517 520 521
1971 OPC high:
high need all except HAVE HAVE HAVE 537 540 581 589 699 708 729 730 746 749 (not really seeking high numbers but will look for lesser condition or lucky finds)

upgrade from poor/fair 26 137 154 223 240 321

1971 Topps coins (Not actively seeking except for large lots)- Just started in 2024, only have a few
Need Need need 1-10 12-24 26-28 30-42 44-49 51-72 74-78 80-97 99-104 106-113 115 116 118–124 126 127 129-142 144-150 153 to end

1971 topps second set lower condition set)
(please do not send cards before contacting me, can trade, lesser condition highs, 300 317 359 384 410 438 441 455 524 525 526 528 530 535 539 541 542 544-550 558 561 562 568 570 571 573-576 579 580 582 584 587 589 592 594 596 599 604-608 610 611 613 614 618 620 621 626 630 635 638-641 648-651 656 661 664 667 672 683 684 687 688 692 700 701 703 704 709 716 723 726 727 737 748 750

Upgrades to second set g/vg (please do not send)(need to add pre-337) 337 339 342 387 388 490 522 538 551 581 585 615 624 645 751

1971 Bazooka HAVE HAVE HAVE -Rough Rose and Campaneris, Harper, McNally, Marichal, Staub (am I now collecting this set?) also have missing borders Aparicio,Dierker, Merritt and Williams

1973 Topps HIGH PRIORITY --first set I collected
Upgrades needed: (two lists —p/f needing upgrade followed by g or creased needing upgrade)

The following 1973 are poor/fair/good: (GOT CAREW AND FELIPE ALOU)
Need to review upgrades --list below may not be accurate
330 450 545

and Would like to eventually upgrade these 1973 to VG/EX, to match rest of set:
380 475 530 650 maybe others

1974 Topps first set complete with nationals variations

1974 second set vg or so complete? (need to double chec
AND Need upgrades these are poor or fair or heavily creased 283

1974 baseball third set g to vg complete?
Plus upgrades 252 283 3 - might have these now

1974 Kelloggs --have complete set, need uncracked upgrades to about 12 cards --need to make list

1975 Topps
low priority baseball 3rd set near complete (Maybe should not have given away a couple Bretts)

--still no list, these cards are still in team groups which i did many years ago now just dupe 75-78 or so together (superior way to have collection --one team per binder, but too tough for incomplete sets )
I have a very low grade complete 4th set

Hostess PANELS 75-79

AND individual hostess now 75-79
started panels 2022)

1975 Hostess Panels-
NEED NEED NEED 16-24DHoltzmancedeno evans, MccoveyOlivaSanguillen, RiversBrockNettlesINMAIL, 28-30CampyRoseBell 34-36RodriguezMayHorton 82-105 SingerBenchPerry KingmanHerrmanGarr, ReggieRaderMaddox, RussellMayberryCash, BurroughsSimmonsDecker, BucknerDarwinNiekro, SundbergGrossTiant, BeckertMcRaeJorgenson 109-126GrubbKattMillan, MoneyMondayBosman, MetzgerJenkinsBaker, ChampionGibsonFreehan, GeronimoOrtaJones, BusbyMadlockPalmer 130-132 AaronStennettPetrocelli,

1976 Hostess Panels
NEED NEED NEED 13-21, 25-39, 43-63, 73-75 (might need 76-78

1977 Hostess Panels
NEED NEED NEED 4-6 22-30 34-36 52-60 64-66 70-78

1978 Hostess Panels
NEED NEED NEED 4-39, 43-60, 64-78, 88-90, 94-96, 100-114, 121-123, 127-150
--HAVE HAVE HAVE 1-3 40-42 61-63, 79-87 91-93 97-99 115-117 118-120and 124-126

7-9 16-18 25-33 37-45 55-57 67-69 73-78 85-87 91-108 121-129 133-138

1975 NEED
7-9 16 18u 48 58 76-82 85-97 101 107-109 111-113 121-125, 127-129 133 138 139 145 146

1976 NEED (mixed brown and black)
17 19 20 26-30 33-36 42, 49U 56 62 76 77U 79 83 114 116 121 133 137 138 141 146 149

1977 NEED
(Not sure if collecting variations)

Second 1977 Hostess set (not collecting) poor
NEED 21 25 26 31-36 44 62 67 68 69 76 111-115 131 132 137-141 146 (took some out of set to give away SO THIS LIST NO LONGER ACCURATE)

NEED 33Stennett 146Carter 147Blomberg
(upgrade list later)

need NEED need 7 21 26 31 33 41 42 66 78 82 145-147 150 SOME OF THESE WERE LATER PULLED OUT TO SEND TO OTHERS

1979 Hostess
Need 28-33, 92 94-99

1979 Topps --will buy a decent set someday(nope --prices got a lot higher --not $75 anymore).
(almost done with want list— well I was dunno where it is now --need 40-50 or so am just going to buy a set someday Have about 1200 or so dupes . the near complete set . . .
Need to find want list and update --check re additional cards received.

1980 Topps (lower grade set)
No list yet --starting to put in order --missing about 3 cards 1-50, so probably need quite a few. Have maybe 2000 cards.

1982 Zellers NEED numbers 3 (Raines) and number 20 of the complete panels

2022 Heritage (look like 1973 Topps) NEED (missing one or two low numbers), 401-403, 406 407 410-417 419-427 429 431-435 439-442 444-450 452 453 455-460 463 464 465 467-470 472-476478-486 489 493 494 495 497 and --(thanks to Jerry Straniero got most of the higher SP - still need-498-501 503 511 512 515 520-521 525 529 539 547 562 565 586 590 591 592 597 605 606 623 629 633 645 657 668 676 677 693 700-705 707-725


1953 topps
1956 TOPPS
1958 TOPPS
1959 TOPPS
1960 TOPPS
1962 Bell Brand
1963 FLEER
1964 Topps Giants
1965 TOPPS
1967 TOPPS
1971-1978 TOPPS
1977 Hostess single cards
(1979 might be complete, 1980 NOT complete!

Gold Medal food base set of 12 --just need Pepper Martin


Collecting entire sets now for almost every set 1951-1972 though some I am just keeping what I get, if not dupes, instead of sending out. Am still sending out all my 73-78 cards, except keeping any stars I get in, though might collect those sets someday.

HAVE HAVE HAVE Have the following


1936 (i THINK) Diamond Matchbooks -- (have 3 dupes) HAVE brumbaugh carlson corbett doehring grosvenor johnsos karr masterson miller ronzani sisk Trost, zeller

Matchbook Wagnon mangled but with matches

1948 BOWMAN FOOTBALL (not actively collecting) HAVE 2 (Iverson -18?) 25 28 31 34 37 40 41 43 46 49 51 52 55 58 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97 98 100 106

1948-52 exhibits mostly lower grade, HAVE 21/59 (and have both color variations of 3) (don't have any SP)
(might be collecting both sepia and B&W) --HAVE HAVE HAVE Frankie Albert (both colors) Baugh (poor), Barwegan (both), Canadeo, Connor, Dudley (poor), Fears(both), Geri, Hirsch, Layne (both color variations), Motley, Ratterman, Rhodemyre, Rykovich , Sitko Smith Trippi, Tripucka Turner (both color variations BW poor), Waterfield, Claude Young, tank younger

1949 Leaf have all poor 22 38 46

1950B (low low priority) HAVE 2,3 4 10 11 13 14 17 (Waterfield rough), 18 19, 21 29, 30 31 32 33 36 39 40 41 42 44 46 60 65 106 116 121 123 129

1951B (low priority)(low condition set) HAVE 5 9 10 11 12 19 21 25 28 29 30 31 35 37-45 47 48 49 50 52 54 57 62u 63 66 68 69 72 74 78 92 96 97 100 101 103 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 120 121 122 123 124 125 127 130 135 136 137 138 140u 141 143,

1951 topps magic COMPLETE 10/17/23!

1952 Wheaties HAVE HAVE HAVE Graham Lujack Walker Waterfield

1952 large (too tough?) -have HAVE HAVE --3 8 10u 12 15, 20, 26 29 35 38 49 51 60 66 75 83(no border), 90(poor), 92 100 124 125

1952 small --HAVE HAVE HAVE 6 13 19 39 45 47 55 61 74 79 88 92 100 105 125 127u 128 138U

1953 HAVE HAVE HAVE 1u 3 6 9u 10u 12 17 21 22 24 26 27 32 54u 55 57 58 70 77 91

1954 Bowman - first set complete with purchase of obc condition set March 2025 - might need some upgrades

Second set (have 120 or so/132) (t = trimmed missing all of border) Not seeking upgrades…
NEED NEED NEED 20 55 73 80 84 89 96 113 129 130 131 132
NEED UPGRADE: 9p 10 41T 66T 68(holes) 74t 78T 94U

1955 bowman football (need 19 plus upgrades)
NEED NEED NEED 7 8 65 68 74u 76u 81 100 102103 104(no border) 105(tipton) 110 112 114 120u 121u 122-124 127u 131u 132u 136 142u 144 153 156 159

Upgrade 101 double hole punched,

Topps all American (not collecting set)
HAVE HAVE HAVE in rough condition HAVE HAVE HAVE 1 2 5 9 15 18 23 26 28 30 32 33 34 36 40 41 42 43 48 51 53 57 58 60 71 73 76 78 79 82 83 86 88 89 96 98

1956 Topps Complete except --
technically need but not really seeking, -checklist and contest cards too have contest cards A and B only and

Upgrades to good needed 58 matson (need to check to see if been upgraded)

1957 TOPPS FOOTBALL (lower priority) G or better

need NEED NEED LIST (lesser condition set --g to vg
15, 28, 51, 89, 90, 98, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 109, 114, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 125, 126, 131, 134, 135, 138 141, 151, 152, 154 plus any after 154

upgrades to about good: 2, 49bednarik 64 70 92 95 97 115 116 127 128 139 149

1958 Topps Football: Complete Except my Jim Brown might be fake

Upgrades needed from poor to g/vg or so
Lower priority upgrades fair to g/vg or so: 29 33 68 79 80 82 111

1959 Topps Football --complete
upgrades to g/vg or so from poor: 36 52
Upgrades from fair to g/vg 4 5 30 51 huff 103 karras 116 136 145

1960 Topps now have complete set. Need upgrades list to come.

-only 2 cards to go, Need Tripucka and Carmichael)
NEED 20 26 98 110 --only need 2 of these

Upgrade to g/vg 3 82 92

1961 Topps football (started 2020) --collecting set (only 30 or fewer to go, excluding upgrades!) --
NEED--18 35 38 40 41 57 58U 59 64 66u 70 71 85u 95 97u 101U 102 112 115u 135u 140u? 156u 161 162 164 , 174 182u 186 198(CL)

NEED stars partial list: 40 (Hornung) 41 Taylor 45 Jordan 57 Unitas in action 59 Brodie, 150 Maynard(u),

1961 Fleer COMPLETE 2023

Upgrades to VG or so (low priority)(many have tape on them) 38 41 47 53 60 76 84 102 114 147 186 187 191 192 197otto 213

1961 Fleer football second set rough (not trying to complete?) NEED 1 11 13 15 19 30 31 33-38 41-44 47 48 52 53 55 59 60 63 76 77 78 84 86-90 94 96 102 103 108 109 114 121 126 134 135 136 147 155 158 163 164 166169 175-179 182 184-189 191 192 196 197 199 201 202 203 205

1961 post/jello have some keeping what I get but not seeking
Have mays…

1961 Nu-Cards (NOT COLLECTING SET?) HAVE 117(Hadl) 142, 157

1962 topps football--NEED
3 7 11 13 17 24 25 33 64 68u 69 75 77 86 88 89 90 a ws 94 103 120 125 137 138 141 149 152 164 168 176

need stars Ditka, Tarkenton
upgrade 162

1962 Fleer football
NEED 1-7 9 13 14 16 19 21u 22 25 26 29 33 37 38 41-43 45 50 52 53 58 60-63 67 79 have kemp, 86-87

1962 post HAVE 38

1963 Topps football Want list (started in 2020 or 2021) including purple sky variation. HP means have purple, but not regular version. This is a poor/fair condition set mostly so almost no condition requirement at all except no beards or mustaches or extensive writing.

NEED 15hp), 44(hp) 51 56, 67(hp) 73 75 76(hp) 77 84 86 (Starr hp) 91(hp), 110 111(hp) 115(hp), 117 118(hp) 119 120 125 126(hp?) 127(hp) 159 160 161 163 164 167 168 plus any after 170

Purples I have: 1, 2 3, 4, 5 7, 10? 9 11(?faint) 13 15, 23 32 34,37 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 53 54(faints?) 61(?faint) 63 64 65 67 69 70 76(?faint) 79faint 81 86 87 88(faint) 89 90faint?91 94 95 96 99 100 101 105 106 107 108 111 114 115 118 124 126? 127 128 132 136 137 138 139 142 143 148

possible upgrade--
74 Meredith has annoying scribbles 105 114 144

1963 Fleer football (gave away some but got some more) lesser condition set -- NEED NEED NEED 1 4 6 8 9 11 12 14 16 17 18 20 21 22 24 25 26 28 29 32-35 38 40 41 45 47 48 51-53 56 57 59 60 62 64 66 67 69 -76 79 80 82-86 88 TO END

1964 Venezuelan (just amassing not actively seeking) HAVE HAVE HAVE 155 186 189 264 269 271 319 334 341

1964 Philly
(trying to complete set, but maybe upgrading to Ex since got about 100 mostly ex or better)

NEED 1 17 48 51 71 74 82 86 99 100 161

upgrades to vg/ex (low priority but a few are marred)18 45 56 117 155

1964 Topps Topps football NEED list
NEED 1 4 7 8 10 12 15 18 19 21 26 27 28 29 30 31 34 40 41 42 44 46 47 51-54 58 59 64 67 68 69 70 73 75 76 79 80 83 85 86 88 91 93 94 97 99 104-108 109 111 114 119 122 124 127 132 137 139 140 141 142 144 146 147 149 154 155 159 160 161 167-170 172-174 (176 to end)

1965 Philly football (high priority) (red backs)
COLLECTING ENTIRE SET (4 to go along with about 6 upgrades needed)
(to match cards I have VG to EX front, backs can be obliterated since many of mine have extra paper residue
Need 19 (Ditka) 71 75 98
Upgrades needed 79 nitschke 81Starr 83 (WOOD-f/g)110hole punch paper loss or paper stuck on front of 179 189

1965 topps football NEED NEED NEED
2 3 5 8 11 12 14 18 19 20 22 23 24 27-31, 33 36-42 46 47 49-53 55 58 60 61 63 64 66 67 71-75 77 78 81 82 87 88 89 91 93 97 99 102 104 105 107 108 109 111-113 116-119 121 122 124 126 127 129 131-134 136 137 141 142 147 150 152 153 155 158 160 166 169 172 and up

1966 Topps HAVE Namath gilchrist Lamont a and have a few other cards not yet listed
Chiefs HAVE 64 65 66 68 69 72 76 80u

1966 philly (green backs)
NEED 1(not in binder) 12(Wheelwright) ,58(Hayes) 64u 82u,,,98(McKeever)
132(baker),169(St Louis Cards)

1967 Topps slowly amassing cards (no list yet LIST NOT COMPLETE --NEED TO FINISH
HAVE kemp gilchrist maynard

HAVE (LIST INCOMPLETE HAVE MORE 27 34 40 48 52 53 61 63 65u 66 67 69

1967 philly (brown backs)
NEED ,46, 53,57,58, 75U, 79 80U,81U,85, 97 100 109u ,115,120,132,133 137,138, 142 144,146U,,152 153,157,159,165,167,171,173,179,180,181,184,185,192,

upgrade 55 123 155

1968 football

NEED: 25 32p 38 40 44u 65 72 86u 104 124 127u 130 135 140 143 146u 155 157 158 159 160U 164 166 170u 178 180u 183u 195 202 206 211u 215u

1969 football complete!
Butkus and 80 checklist only card that really needs upgrading
Need upgrade to few to Vg plus, without creasing (not a priority)
Upgrades ( all of these are already decent most have minor creasing) 20 (Dawson) 33, 80 checklist 120csonka 122 139 butkus really bad) 142 155 156 161 griese 162,164 166 171 174 176 177 180 193 204 221 223,228 232 236 239 240 241 252 259

1969 Topps football stamps albums --
HAVE 9 4 stamp sheets with Starr, several blank team albums, partial Chargers album, l;,,

1969 Tresler Comet set (started 9/25/20)
HAVE Beauchamp, Buncom, Peterson, Phillips Rice Trumpy Wright Wyche -gave away 2 of these -might give away or trade more.

COMPLETE --Brian Lindholme knocks off last two -CL and Bergey!
upgrades needed --9 (CL) 59 page 77 87 Lilly 116 139 156 158 168 177 193 235

1970 Topps super glossy set --have 15 of 33 including Griese and Unitas (creased)

1970 Kelloggs --have complete set most with writing on back --a few cracked might need upgrade

1970 super
NEED 22Sayers 27Morrison 33Namath 35Griese (Have dupes of Starr Unitas(2 of him) Deacon Jones and others)

Upgrade to f/g --32 Lamonica

1971 Super --have none?

1971 posters (not collecting) HAVE 14 of them, and 2 dupes

COMPLETE! Brian Lindholme completes with last two cards needed --Leroy Brown included!
Upgrades needed 200 (Starr) 261 warfield

collecting entire low number set (low number set might now in 2023 be complete --not sure about #206 -maybe in pile somewhere)

Highs NEEDED: 264-266, 268-278, 280-285, 288, 289, 291-304,307-310, 313, 315 316 320 321 322 324-334, 336-340,342 to end
(264 and up but High numbers not a priority at all --probably won't ever seek--maybe start with getting Lanier and any other high numbered Chiefs)
Need upgrade to G Hayes 140 194 200 (Staubach)


CFL one each year—(maybe one card from all teams --done with 58-72? do i have 66-67?
Have extra CFL cards

1958 have one Stevenson Calgary
1959 have one gillett lions
1960 have one volcano (autocorrected?) eskimos
1961 have roger Nelson eskimos and alouettes team
1962 have one Pleon blue bombers and Lancaster
1963 have one Sandy Stephens Alouettes
1964 have one sonny homer bc lions
1965 have one Tommy Grant tiger cats
1968 have one Hamelin Blue Bombers
1970 have one phaneuf Alouettes
1971 have one riva alouettes
1972 have one boleski stampeders

NOT SEEKING ANY FOOTBALL 1973-78 OR LATER at this time ( still distributing what I have)
Have complete set 1976 Wonder Bread and a few 74 and 75 wonder bread

1948 -have a type card
1957 HAVE Braun, Bill Sharman
61-62 HAVE Clyde Lovellette (Kansas college player) and Gene Shue

low grade
NEED 2(Goodrich) 20(Havlicek) 25(Alcindor) 43(Bradley) 72(Sanders) 85 (Debusschere) 90(West) 93(Lee) 98 (Frazier)


NEED 3 4,5 32 37 49 75 87 112-114 120 123 127U 128 131 135 143 144 148 150 155 160 169 170 172

upgrade 7bradley 10havlicek 65baylor 95 133

Just picked up some more mixed 70s and have some others not listed
71-72 HAVE Bridges Issel Frazier fg percent leaders jo jo white and have 25 115 129
72-3 HAVE Fox Lucius Allen Chamberlain Bridges thurmond Komives and have19 50goodrich 92nelson 127 132 135 153 259
73-74 HAVE bing bridges freeman Heard Wesley and Leaks and others have 8 89 123 186 194
74-75 HAVE West Lanier archival
75-76 HAVE Collins Cassie Russell
76-77 have 20 or so
77-78 have a couple and have 3

78-79 HAVE Goodrich Gervin,
79-80 HAVE Murphy, Goodrich earl monroe j williamson plus

(may start amassing boxing)
Mecca Cigarettes HAVE Burns Carney Fitzsimmons Mace/King Madden Maher Welsh
HAVE 1928 Ogden Brown and Rolfe

only have:
1922 t. Bromilow (reprint?)
Pinnace J. H. foster

Seeking type
62-63 25, 27
69? Esposito
73-73 Orr and have a few others

Several plane sets started --need to list the others

Wings --NEED 5 6 9 10 12 16 19 20 24 25 26 28 29 39 40 42 43 50 and up

MEMORABILIA COLLECTION --(under construction--will list some programs and pennants needed, etc.)

--collecting KC Athletics, 50s 60s Dodgers and other teams and individual CT players, Kansas basketball too, pennants, auto baseballs, yearbooks, programs, scorecards, spring training worn jerseys (inexpensive obscure players have four), some autographed books, etc. Anything else cool too . . Big Red Machine --have ball signed by 4 big stars

Hoping to get every year of KC Athletics programs and yearbooks

Should have bought the green and gold KC Athletics uniform on ebay a year ago --if you see one for sale let me know!

Magazines --in October 2021, got 6 Baseball Magazines from 36-39. Probably don't need to keep them all. Have a bunch of the covers with the player posters but have given away most of them.

Yearbooks I have:
Athletics: 1953 1955 1963 1964 1965 1967
Dodgers: 1953, 1954, 1956, 1961 1964 1966 1967 (maybe more now?)

Scorecards I have:
Athletics: (1954 philly) 1956, and another?
Dodgers: 1946 1953 1954 1961 1965 1966 1967

Jays Publishing --have 1961 Athletics (multiple
and Chicago White Sox (multiple)

World Series programs:
Dodgers-Twin 65 World Series program

Baseball card wrappers:
Seeking complete 1973-79 run years I collected as a kid, plus maybe 72, 71, 67, 65, 63 . . .
Need: 1973 Topps, (have 73 OPC), 1974, maybe 75? Will update

Baseball card boxes
have 66 Topps, 74 Topps, 79 OPC and bottom of 67 (need top?)
Need 73-79, and then maybe 72, 71, 67 65, 63 and if cheap enough, 60, 59, 58 . . .
Would trade 66 for 65 or 67

Aura vision 1964 Need Spahn Ward
Need pressed Mays and Mantle maybe

have mays frank rob and mantle without the record grooves (unpressed). Also have Allison, Banks, Drysdale, Colavito, Ford, Gentile, Kaline, Maris and another Frank Rob --Currently have dupe Kaline, Gentile, Banks I think 14 Fords, and maybe a couple others and dupe Koufax

Signed stuff --Have Braves team signed ball from about 1958 --about 25 plus signatures
Misc Orioles signed balls could trade or give away --
Have ball signed by three Negro leaguers

Royals --couple Patek signed balls, Billy Butler signed ball

Have one 1949 program, and Big 7 tournament program from 1949,
and team signed ball from 2011 or so.

Have Memphis State basketball team signed from mid 70s

Got a Super Bowl IV program for $4 in 2021 at vegetable stand running a nonending estate sale

ll the below football sets are complete but may need upgrades:

1956 Topps football Purchase many lots on ebay

1958 Topps football (all but Brown from auction of Peter Mead's set --upgraded many) (Brown might be fake?)
1959 Topps football (from auction of Peter Mead's set -upgraded many)
1960 topps football (traded with Jay Tysver-upgraded some)

1969 Topps Football (purchased set on ebay and upgraded some)
1970 Topps football (last two commons from Brian Lindholme need some upgrades)
1970 Kelloggs football (a few cracked, almost all have writing on back)
1971 Topps football (last two minor stars from Brian Lindholme need some upgrades)

STARTING LIST OF ALL OBCers and what I can maybe hit in future:

Altemose, George --needs lots of high 72s (3/20) sent 72 Munson and Bench March 2020

Angland, Dan --Probably can hit baseball various years, check wantlist, most of the 53s, lots of football, maybe purchasing 3000 of the 70s football doesn't want 78s (don't have any 66 philly for him

Arbeeny, Anthony --Cannot hit list at this time(March 2020)

Boyd, Byron —baseball and football — lots (last envelope 3/20)

Delia, Wayne --Needs a lot of 70s football --sent 50 March 2020 SEND MORE SOON!

K Randy --New guy --cannot hit his list at this time (March 2020) Does collect a LOT of different sets

Neill, Bob --needs lots of exhibits (one exhibit sent 3/20)

Roach, Jennifer --lots on her lists, but V/VG 50s and VG 60s (sending 16 65s April 2020, but need to find a big star for welcome)

Stout Joe --sent 63 Berra in return fire 4/2/20, (already sent 53 Campy and 9-10 other 53T) tough list to hit now
Taylor, Sam --impossible list (has completed all topps sets . . .)

Wagner, Geno --only T205 and T206 listed

White still needs 50s (3/20) --sent cards march 2020

yeiter, Charles --Needs Phillies (as does Matt Yudt below) but very small wl otherwise cards sent 3/20

Yudt, Matt --duplicate Phillies (quite a few) and collects a lot of different sets --some maybe hittable

Zentkovich, Mark --always a tough list to hit, but maybe some HOF

Zurawski, Larry --hittable list --50s, 60s

Outgoing mailings since 3/11/20:

Mailed 3/11/20:
Moleta, James --just one 66 Philly and about 20 77 baseball (received)
Talbot, Mark --just the 1/2 of a 53 Spahn with black bio (sorry Anthony Arbeeny and Bob Reed, but not sure if I have ever sent anything to Mark Talbot) Did NOT expect multiple requests for that card! (received)
Non-OBCer --55B Virdon (received --set killer!)
Schock, Taylor --trimmed butterfinger Manush, 1964 coins Kaline and 2 others, 4 56 football

mailed 3/16
Barnes, Jerry --one baseball card, a few 58, 59 football (note --easy to hit football lists!)
Barnett, Donnie --6 low grade 53 and 54 baseball
Conway, Greg - 4 baseball cards (2 very low grade)
Luciano, Dave --3 uglies and one other low grade card
Lyons, Rick --one Exhibit Reese, 4 other low grade cards
Neill, Bob--Musial exhibit (small paper loss)(he needs lots of exhibits)
Salinksy, Michael --Hodges exhibit creased (only card requested, cannot hit his card list)
Silva, James --2 Monte Moore red books and some 58 and 59 baseball cards (received)
Yeiter, Charles -small OBC welcome package (65 Rose, Gibson, 2 others --can send 69 football later)
Watts, Ed --small OBC welcome package 63 yaz, 63 Ford, a few 65 Mets and Angels

Envelopes mailed 3/18/20:

Altemose, George --72 Bench low grade and Munson upgrade
DeJong, Doug --58, 59 and 74 football, about 15 cards
Delia, Wayne --40 or so football, almost all 78s (can send a bunch more 70s to him)
Marsali John small welcome obc package cause not sure if I have sent anything, about 15 58s with cepeda Wynn
Miller Joe one 51 topps football and 7-8 low grade 53 and 54 baseball

Envelopes mailed 3/28
Boyd Byron —50s and 60s baseball
White Andrew 50s baseball
Schock Taylor— post office guy agreed should not have been returned for insufficient postage

4/2 sent
White Andrew zoom waiver horrible 58 Aaron and 53 minoso
Hutch Ed zoom waiver poor 59 Koufax
Stout Joe 63 Berra

4/6 Envelopes sent
Berg, Don --about 10 or so low grade 55, 56, 58
Christopherson, Jason --a few very low grade 53 to 63
Gray, John Scott --zoom two matchbooks --Grimm and ODea plus a few football low grade 55B and 58T
Greenway, Barney --small welcome package about 21 cards mostly 61 and a few 59 --61 yas and 59 Martin
Kodl Chris --small welcome package about 8 60 with Snider, and 61 F Rob all star, and 61 poor Santo
Reed, Bob --football --56 with Blanda, Stan Jones and a sp, and various 60s cards
Roach, Jennifer --small welcome package 16 65s with Wilhelm, Conig, all around VG i hope
Rumley-Wells, Mike --64 coins Richardson and Ford waiver request and McCarthy postcard Kucks
Schott, Ed --50s and 70s Colts
Stamper, John --zoom two 74 Nats variations, plus a 53T, a couple coins
West, Marshall --just 21 76 football

nvelopes mailed 4/22
Betza, Brian --2 60 football low grade hof, a few 55T low grade with Wilhelm, 10 or so 58 commons
Brewer, Jake -about 40 cards from 60, 61 and 65 commons, minor stars
Duguid, Scott About 20 commons --61, 63 67
Goetsch, Ken --low grade 56 and 58 football --a few very low grade hof
Labs. Richard --football, part of a 58 johnny u, and some low grade 56 57 and 59
Lindholme, Brian just about 6 football commons mostly 60s (including a 56 sp but maybe G not VG--(check back to see if 1960 list is have or need and condition requirements)
Prickett, Patrick --a few cards including 65 perez rookie
Salek, Chuck --1/2 a 53 Berra and some very low grade 66 philly football, 58 joe schmidt, couple other cards
Toback, David --About 50 football cards from 70-77 (no stars but most in nice condition)
Valacak --sent a few 50s and 60s football rough
Woodrome, Carl -- 18 54-56 topps but extremely low grade, no stars (need to find other cards to send him later)

Envelopes mailed 4/27

Adriance, Joe --66 Koufax
DeJong, -(trade)
Hoehne, Ron --about 18 cards --mostly 59s and a few 61s --lower grade, couple minor stars, 4/20 send more 59s later
Moleta, James (trade)
Sankner, Stephen --50s, 60s and 71 football cards condition at least good plus as requested, 4/20 (hardly has any football --can send from many many years)
Shirley, Aaron --low grade 50 Bowman, a few 56 and a 55T 4/20
Smart, Shawn --about 20 or so 54, 55, 56 and 59T --low and extremely low grade 4/20 (Might send puffy or box of Smart condition cards later . . .)

4/28 envelopes
Freedman, Joel (trade) plus a few low grade 50s football
Morganti, Ken --(trade)

Toback, Dave --rejected twice by post office for insufficient funds --going out for third time -
Donaldson, Bob --71 Munson
Labs, Richard 70 Starr
Salinsky, Michael --61 Aaron
Stout, Joe --72 Griese and 72 Namath (lowish grade)

Envelopes mailed 5/5
Archibald, Steven --welcome to OBC --6-7 56 football low grade but stars and sp, and a few 55B football low grade
Domino, Sal 53 Slaughter from zoom waiver plus 5 or 6 common hits various
Rittenberg, Steve --5 65 philly football with stars low grade, plus misc including Red Sox tiptons
R-W, Mike --zoom waiver 56 Snider
Yeiter, Charles (partial trade)

some tipton cards sent to non-obcer

Housely, Tom --Elvin Hayes and various football 50s 60s mostly very low grade
White, Andrew --51B loooow grade, 53T, and 58t --commons, one high 53.

Archibald, Steven --just a 52B #252 poor waiver claim
Elwell, Jake --two 52B waiver claims, plus 71 Yaz coin (might never be able to hit this list again)
Labs, Richard (return fire sorta trade --a bunch of football cards --try to find more)

Glidden, Matthew --a few 58 topps common upgrades
Greenway, Barney — 34 butterfinger frisch missing border
Capio, Cesar --toback game winnings plus 64 Ford and a few commons
Toback, Dave --2 61 MVP cards and bunch of leftover waivers --fleer greats, kaline game card, some misc

Arbeeny, Anthony --just a few wacky checklists and one 64 coin --
DeJong, Doug 59 BVG 7 Steelers pennant and 3 other cards
White, Andrew --59 fencebusters card and 20 53topps (decent condition) (forgot I just sent him some cards, but he HAS been sending out a lot of waivers)

Moleta, James --7 51B
Sankner, Steve --51B, 60 ford, 61 Cepeda, 52t, 2 53t (some very poor)
Smart Shawn --4 or 5 ok 51b 52b and some tipton Bowman and other tipton cards (just one flat)
Stout, Joe (return fire plus) about 10 low grade 53T, 2-3 bowman 51 or 52
Woodrome, Carl --DS Aaron plus leaf Boyer 4 52B, 1 51B

Boyd, Byron --hockey card plus maybe a few 59s?
Chapman, bob - 51b 52b and 53t maybe 8 cards or so
Domino, Sal --52T Dodgers zoom waiver (from Mac Wubben)
Freedman Joel -nonsports
Huntoon, Andy --zoom waiver 60 all-star Lollar (from Wubben) and 4-5 59-60 commons
Jensen, Scott --zoom waivers two 59T team cards (nice) and a couple 53T
Miller, Joe --7 or so low grade 70s hockey and 5 low grade 55T
Rittenberg, steve -one card zoom waiver
RW, Mike --2 52B and a hockey scratchoff
Shirley, Aaron bunch of Rambo cards and other nonsports
Schock Taylor - nonsports
Stamper John -3 51 and 52b
Valacak tj 6 wrestling cards
Non obcer trade- a bunch of 67s

Archibald steve (partial trade/waiver) 67 high low grade 61 aaron mvp plus couple others
D’Angelo bob- sorta trade- 67 barker high plus football 55 58 59 60 with low grade incl George conerly Taylor Schmidt


Angland, Dan 54b matson and low grade4 54t 2 56t
Archibald, steve trimmed butterfinger and 2 65P low grade stars
Henthorn, Greg --a few 53 or 54 and some 58 upgrades pulled. about 10 cards
Moleta, James trade (Bradshaw)
RW Mike 2 64 coins 71 Aaron ia and part of a butterfinger
Silva, Jim 57 Hodges and 7 or so low grade 59s
Toback, Dave trade (67 highs)
Zentkovich --59 Cepeda all star and two cardinals

Betza Brian decent 72 stars with mays ia and others and nice 71 hunter Stargell etc and 15 54b football all trimmed
Dworchak Kyle welcome pack about 20 60 and 61 about 12 low grade 54t a 61t Aaron mvp and two very low grade 67 high dps-need to find a star card later
Valacak TJ part of a butterfinger and 54b bednarik

6/8/20 this group got the bulk of the tiptons and added some remaining 50s cards that were poor or fair, and stuck in a few ex 72 royals, a few good 72 stars, a few good 74 stars, other misc cards. . .
Keenum, James about 1/2 the 60s tiptons plus some other cards-
Moleta, James low grade 71football, 73 baseball --all he requested, plus a few extra cards
Smart, Shawn --roughly 200 count box--sent in 4 envelopes on 6/18, most of the 70s tipton, plus about 1/2 60s tipton, plus some other cards
Toback, Dave -playball, most of the football tiptons, plus other cards
Woodrome, Carl -- a few 55t, 56t, a 67 high plus most of the 50s tiptons, a few other cards

6/15 --mailed
Dahms, John cca plus 4 more 54b football low grade
Lindholme, Brian 10 1960 football with stars
Moleta James cca plus 14 or so 71 football
Rich, Mike. Trade (butterfinger cochrane and grove, w517 two strip cards aa bunch of matchbooks

6/18 in mail
Angland Dan a few 54b and or 55t
Arbeeny, Anthony - requested 72 Bench IA and a few other decent 72s
Duguid, Scott --requested 64 F Rob with writing plus a few very low grade 61 commons
Miller, Joe -- two requested Fleer greats, and a few low grade 53T commons
Sankner Steve a few 54b and or 55t
Schock Taylor- one 70 football common
Shawn smart -four envelopes —64 f rob mostly 60s and 70s Tipton a few 54b and 55t 72 Aaron and a few other decent cards mixed in

Stout, Joe about 30 78 football
Toback, Dave 7 or 8 78 football (down to one more?)

6/23 in mail
Barnes Gerald a few 78 football, maybe 5, and quite a few 77 football
Betza Brian 23 78 football
Dangelo. Caa win brown and ds bradshaw and poor 59 unitas and a few 50s football (post office 6/24)
Delia, Wayne — 78 football--flat of them
Kodl Chris 46 or so 78 footbal
Labs Richard 2 78 football and other football cards
Mackie. Mike 1978 football maybe 30? dunno.
Pillion, Ken 1978 football starting 45
R-W Mike 38 or so 78 football
R-w Mike caa win 57 ford and two other cards plus 2 53t and other cards
Sankner, Steve --78 football starting 35 or so

Morganti, Ken 65 Mays with pinhole trade
Toback, Dave 39 1977 football

6/29 or 30 /20
Archibald Steve caa winning 60 maris and sorta trade 64 mays
Delia Wayne 32 77 football
Elliott, Tom 77 football 27 or so ?
Elwell Jake —zoom waivers 3 54b football and some other card
Labs richard 2 55b trimmed highs
Orzoff, Stewart —football-60 Jim Taylor Two others, some poor 61 and 64 and 14 75 football -need To try tosend more stars welcome package
Pillion Ken —77 football 30 or so
Schott Ed 43 or so 78 football only colts
Stout joe — 25 or so 78 football and 17 or so 74 football
Finally mailed 7/8/20
Angland, Dan 45? or so 77 football
Dworchak Kyle --CCA winning plus a few 60 commons I think
Glidden, Matt --CCA winnings -8 or 9 cards plus 3 low grade 56
Henthorn, Greg --I think a 69 Renfro, 58 Plum lesser condition, and a few 70something football . . .
Moleta, James --CCA winning 68 Mantle, plus trade of Jim Brown, plus a few 71 football
Wubben, Mac --2 74 football and a few 75 I think

Mailed 7/14/20
Aaron Shirley cca and four or five 74 football
Steve Rittenberg 35 or 40 78 football
Brian Lindholme 6 or 8 1960 football (probably a star to two?) and 71 low grade sayers
Bob Donaldson 35 or so 74 football (all but 10 lost in mail!)
Michael Salinsky --waiver 58 Gifford with writing, two other low grade cards
Nick Covello waiver Perreault, and 7 or 8 or so 58-63 baseball commons maybe a high number in there

Mailed 7/15/20
James Keenum 45 or so football mostly 74 a few later 70s
Byron Boyd waiver win low grade 73 Aaron and also sent 67 Estrada and a few 59 and 65 commons

Mailed 7/27/20
John Stamper -two envelopes --74 Ryan waiver, 2 60 football zoom, separate envelope --DS --two cards
Stewart Orzoff --60 Jim Brown zoom
Bob Reed --waiver of 56 football Conerly and Scudero plus 2 other common 56s (low grade)
Mike RW --DS 1 card plus I think a 53T Williams (sorry not Ted) (this one got left out, I think and was mailed 8/4)
Joe Stout --waiver 71 csonka, Landry (poor) and 15-20 or so 73 football
Brian Betza --15-20 or so 70 something football
Will Steffe --OBC welcome package --one card each 53T-67T, commons except 65 Mantle hits Hr card (wide open want list --needs almost every cards 50s, 60s)

7/28/20 mailed
Grant Rainsley –4 or 5 hockey 70s Esposito etc from older waiver
Mark Zentkovich –63 Musial EX but for hole punch from newer waiver
Joe Miller –two fleer greats and maybe some other card(s)? from older waiver

7/29/20 in mail
Steve Sankner 8 or so 65 philly bad backs, trimmed 62 maris, 78 football wrapper
Shawn Smart 57 boyer creased, 59 perry
Jeff Whitworth 3 77 football
Jake Elwell - 4 bruins
Rick Lyons 51 magic poor, 2 77 football and 78 football wrapper
Andrew White -very very poor 55b rizzuto and 53t and paper loss 59 kaline allstar
ailed 8/1/20 or so
Steve Archibald waiver 64 snider and high 60 paper loss with 3 54b football creased
Carl Woodrome 59 boyer 68 Seaver 55b umpire
Dave Toback 60 leaf snider creased and 55b high trimmed
Dan Angland 1 hockey card 60 high writing and 59 high f/g
Ken Goetsch 78 wrapper and 4 56 football lesser and 58 matson and 58 football giants
Don Berg 78 football wrapper and a couple baseball commons (still needs quite a few 58 baseball but I am running low, and needs high numbers various years)

(Mike RW --listed above but wasn't mailed until today)
Mike Rich --78 football wrapper --zoom --
John Stamper --62 Maz, 51 magic, 78 football wrapper, decent 72 Bradshaw --waiver and zoom
Stewart Orzoff --decent 72 Joe Greene -zoom
Joe Miller --62 Spahn all-star and a 51 magic --waiver
randy K. 68 Mays (creases) request
Sal Domino --7 73 football and 10-15? 75 football commons --zoom and additions

Shawn Smart poor1962 Musial waiver
Michael Salinsky poor 55b reese waiver
Jimi Thayer poor 57 Berra waiver
Carl Woodrome poor 54 Snider waiver
Steve sankner ok 62 Bunning waiver
Dan Angland fair dodger southpaws waiver
Doug Smith ds and a low grade 67 high
Scott Jensen ds maybe extras?
Bob Neil ds couldn’t hit wl

Charles Yeiter --65 Mcgraw rookie poor missing corner, 1 54T philly, some 8-10 or so? 58 and 59 phillies with a 59 high
Joe Stout --return fire or anticipatory return fire? --2 62 post and 3 low grade 67 highs 563 missing corner, 568, 574
Nathan Mack --either DS or trade, dunno, 21 62 Post recently purchased from Esright, including Clemente and Yaz and Ford

John Stamper --zoom 3 76 OPCs and 59 Anderson with hole I think
Jay Tysver zoom poor 59 Ashburn with some other guy on card, and a 55B
Larry Tipton --football exhibit Motley
James Keenum --zoom 2 76 OPC and a dozen or so 71 football commons
Sal Domino --a 76 OPC (i think) and 8 or so 71 football higher numbers I think

Dave Toback cca winnings plus other football low grade 69 and gale sayers and some 70 somethings
James Moleta cca winnings and some ok 73 commons (have a lot more 73s to send him)
Jerry Straniero I think waiver 63 #574 and a few other cards
James Keenum I think 78 football wrapper and waiver 74 Carew and a few other cards
Aaron Shirley waiver 74 Reggie Gibson ws Reggie and some misc 74s
Jim Craig waiver exhibit Jackie gleason I think
Randy Krolewicz waiver exhibit Gary Cooper i think and 68 rose requested
Jake Elwell waiver 63 #574 and a few other cards
Scott Duguid waiver 63 #574 and a few common 61s I think
Joe Miller waiver 63 #574 and a few 60 football with Bednarik
Shawn Smart waiver 63 #574
Carl Woodrome waiver 63 #574
Scott Jensen cca and a few 65t
Bob Chapman 10 75 football including 2 unmarked cl (only needs about 10 more 75s but didnt have the rest)
Chris Kodl CCA win and 67 high woodward lesser condition
Wayne Delia --trade without definitive cards being sent except sending a decent Philly Jim Brown --also 8 76 football, 77 75 football, 48 74 football, 30 71 football (more like vg), 17 70 football, 12 or so lesser condition 58 football with about 8 minor HOFs like Conerly, Blanda, John Henry Johnson, Ringo R. Brown, Marchetti etc, a couple other football cards

Mailed out
Joe Miller — trade 65 Aaron plus?
Steve Sankner —trade 54 Billy Martin plus?

Ken Morganti trade of a 71 Munson and added some more 71s and 65 commons
Dave Toback CCA win (lesser grade 72s with stars) plus waiver wins of 72 Staubach in action 3 other cards

Steve Archibald cca
Lee Halterman trade plus about 30 cards as if he were in obc — baseball and football decent 67 niekro and 69 Mackay mostly lesser 60 65 67 baseball and 69 football -

Joe Stout --Aaron super and 72 OJ and 78 football wrapper

Joe Miller --4 51 Redbacks mostly poor with hole punched Berra
Bob Bannon --One 51 Redback f/g
Brad Chambers --trade of 66 Koufax

Lee Halterman --non obcer also sending him a creased 69 Bench (but he owes me a card)
Chris Kodl --cca win of 3 poor 51 redbacks for only 1 chip, plus a 67 indians team high number with tape
Steve Archibald --CCA win of 51B Stephens, and I think I found a few football commons to send
James Moleta --CCA win 54 Whitey Ford I think for almost nothing, and added 15 or so 73 commons

Donnie Barnett --CCA win plus extras --about 140 cards
Mike Salinsky --late 50s early 60s football cards --about 15 or so, couple stars, sort of trade --may be some type of return fire
Jay Tysver --trade --sent obc condition 56 Williams, 61 Aaron allstar, 53 Newhouser and lower grade 55B Kaline

9/14/20 (mostly waivers going out and a couple RAOk -anywhere from 1 to 30 or so cards (if 30 probably poor))
Dan Angland 58 Mathews allstar
Brian Betza poor exhibit
Kyle Dworchak 67 high miscut And a few other 60s commons
Chris Kodl 58 brave team alph var poor back
Steve Lipsky welcome to obc 8 or so mostly 60s Phil’s need to find more
James Moleta kashin Blue
Bob Neill 66 Aaron fair
Mike Rich Part of a butterfinger Hoyt and some miscuts
Mike R-W 51b hank Thompson
Steve Sankner 71 or 72 oj couple reprints and a 51 magic and a bunch of poor football
Aaron Shirley 30 or so miscuts mostly 74
Shawn Smart Lots of poor baseball 50s 60s 70s
John Stamper 10 or so fake reprints
Joe Stout Elliott ex and 51b hutch
Dave Toback Lots of poor football and a 51 magic and a nicer 69 olsen
Chris Tripler 68 Brock and a few other low grade 68s and two 73 football- need to find more...

Brian Lindholme --2 poor 71 Butkus and 2 Kiick

Bob Chapman --forwarded 2 cards accidentally sent to me and added 7 more 67s

Mike R-W --CCA win plus 3 61s
non obc trade --75 brett, 58 brooks 60 unitas and a couple other cards for fair 60 yaz

Bob Chapman 61 Brooks Rob for ptbnl
James Keenum --DS 64 Mays plus some other cards
Steve Lipsky --RAOK-70s eagles and 2 60 eagles
Kent Goto --RAOK --a dozen or so 63s

10 envelopes out today --waivers CCA, and a few RAOK (list to follow)
Anthony Arbeeny 5 77 football maybe upgrades to ex?
Steve Archibald crease 72 Reggie and 74 Winfield
Steve Archibald cca plus a couple 55b football
Don Berg 51 redback poor Wynn and 58 Stengel
Doug DeJong redback and three football
Richard Labs redback and a 73 football and 4 59 with a couple hof
Steve Sankner creased 70 Starr and 72 Namath
Will Steffen a topps giant and 8 1960 commons
Dave Toback cca win plus extra cards
Andrew White a redback and 58 common

Sent around 10/14/20
Rick Lyons 72 Munson ia and some 60s football
Shawn Smart 62 Ruth card plus 74 miscuts
Carl Woodrome 64 topps giant and 71 Reggie
Mark Zentkovich —raok

sent 10/16/20
Bob Reed --zoom 6 or so lesser condition 54B football
James Keenum --zoom --60 Conerly and stan jones
Richard Labs --zoom of 2 lesser 68 football and added some other football
Sal Domino --zoom of a 68 football, and added 12 or so 75 football

Sent 10/17/20
Jim Craig butterfinger Cronin with writing and some 70 football

sent 10/20/20 or so
Dave Toback CCA win plus some more 70 and 75 football commons i think --sent later than this date.
Mike R-W --CCA win plus some football commons
Greg Henthorn -8 or so 53-56 topps baseball

James Moleta --CCA win plus some 71 football commons

Ken Morganti -about 12-15 65 commons, various condition (owe him some more cards, but very tough list)

Sent 11/12/20
Anthony Arbeeny --trade of 5 62 fleer football
Andy Huntoon --zoom of very poor 56 Hodges, plus other cards?
Dave Toback --CCA win plus some 77 and 78 football
Steve Rittenberg --zoom low grade 74 Aaron plus 15 or so 78 football
Dan Angland --zoom cards plus waiver?
Sal Domino --zoom 63 Richardson?
Steve Sankner --zoom and waiver plus other cards
Dave Luciano waiver 63 Kolstad

sent 11/17/20
Jake Brewer --waiver single poor Raschi exhibit
Chuck Salek --waiver 68 Rose and 68 Jurgensen
Richard Labs --zoom and waivers --3 59 football HOF, 1 69 common and 20 or so 74 football
Mark Zentkovich --request --13 1973 football (all the hits I had)
Andrew White --zoom plus
Steve Rittenberg --zoom plus 69 Jurgensen, other cards
Joe Stout --1 52B, 4 or 5 51b and some 71 football

Andy Huntoon --kmart rookies set

Sent 11/19/20
Dan Angland –70 Starr, 4 or so 53, 54t, about 22 77 football
Chris Kodl –about 8 cards –50s -lower grade
Smart –poor 51red back, a few poor 53t, very poor football
Sankner –3 poor 53t 1 54t one fleer newsom, about 20 73 football
Lyons –51b 196, bell Roseboro, a dozen poor football
Toback –61 fleer starr no border, 59 groza poor,
Ron Hoehne –74 variation natl league 197, about 8 low grade 54t
Valacak—3 lesser 54B with badly creased dutchman
Barney Greenway –about 14 59s –lesser condition with Wilhelm
Moleta –3 or 4 1954t and some 71 football

Sent 12/1/20
Jake Brewer general waiver --7 55B and 16 58T approx
Rick Lyons --waiver - apparently 4 58 baseball and 7 61t football
Joe Miller --waiver --maybe a few 55b and other cards
Scott Jensen --waiver maybe a few 55b and other cards
Brian Lindholme RAOk sort of --3 lesser condition football exhibits, 6 football cards 54b or so, I think included HOF Stautner?
Dan Angland --purchase of 750 73, 75, 76 football cards (only stuck in a few extra cards 4 55B baseball, recently sent waiver package)

Kyle Dworchak --waivers 10 55B mostly decent with one high

12/4/20 to be mailed
Ken Morganti --single card 64 #519 (all i could hit)
Doug Smith --DS of two star cards (forgot to look for additional hits)
Chris Kodl general waiver request --found 5 or 6 58s 3 60, and a dozen or so lesser condition 71 football

Anthony Arbeeny --4 62 Fleer cards (not dupes, cue regret, but half of what he needs to complete set)
Dave Toback --CCA winnings --an eclectic mix bargain at half a chip
Randy Griffin --3 67s with one nicer league leader card, and 15 or so lesser condition 66s

Bob Reed --trade all football -sent 3 lesser condition 56 minor stars, a decent 61 minor star, a common 60F, 6 decent 61F with a couple minor stars, and a really nice philly Jurgensen

Scott Duguid general waivers --25 or so cards mostly 60s?
Bob Bannon trade --W554 Cochrane with caption
Tom Biggs --33 cards welcome to OBC package (medium size maybe find bigger star later?) 62 Santo rest 64-67 with 66 Drysdale, 67 Brock, Maz, marichal
Bob Chapman DS of 62 and 63 baseball plus 30 free cards

(haven't even gotten to card room in last few weeks except briefly since my son is here)
Tom Biggs CCA win I think plus extra cards
Andrew White --advance notice RAOk 51 red back Wynn and added some 58/59 upgrades to good, I think

James Keenum --general waiver request so sent 6 58s and 21 61s-all commons

sent 1/11/21
Ed Hutchinson zoom plus --63 Perry high, 5 or 6 66 Indians
Sal Domino --zoom 63 Frank Robinson (creased but decent)
Jay Tysver --football exhibit zoom request (decent for type)
Steve Archibald CCA plus some other cards
Tom Biggs CCA plus some other cards
Ken Morganti RAOK (since he is starting 62 post -SP #54 from my $75 box pickup)

1/14/21 or so
11 envelopes to non obcers from FB low grade vintage post --9-18 cards, mostly 61 commons, either free or low cost
1 more envelope to non obcer --4 free cards from 61 -slightly better than commons though

Steve Archibald CCA plus two lesser 54B football
Tom Biggs -CCA plus 8 or 9 61 and 67 commons including Gilliam
Dave Toback CCA plus 78 Calvin Hill and a dozen or so 75 football

Sent 1/26/21`
Dan Angland -waivers and extras --three 64 League leaders, couple 63s and 64s
Shawn Smart --waivers and extras --poor 55b Newcombe, poor 62 Kubek, plus a few more 62s
Carl Woodrome waiver and extras --64 League leaders, 61 Dodgers team and some 64s
Brian Betza --waivers and extras --61 dodgers team and some 60, 65 and a 58
Doug DeJong trade --sending a decent 54B Van Brocklin, and some really nice 61, 62 fleer, with Billy cannon, and a couple 62 packers,

Joe Stout --24 1970 football with low grade Namath

Sent 2/9/21
Steve Archibald 170 lesser condition 1971 OPC with Rose Carlton a couple other stars (he's sending me some stuff return fire)

Sent 2/11/21
Chris Kodl -3 grey backed 59 commons and a creased high
Patrick Prickett --waivers --about 18 football --some 65 philly with bad backs and 66 and 67 philly various condition with a Lenny Moore, and a 1971 OPC Reds team card

Sent 2/16/21
Steve Sankner --52 Zernial waiver plus CCA
Jeff Delott --CCA win (couldnt find anything else)
Jake Elwell --CCA win plus 7 or 8 rough 69s
Steve Lipsky --creased 65P Brown plus various Phillies and couple Eagles (some type of return fire coming for Brown)
Taylor Schock -waiver Demaree matchbook and also sending a decent philly willie wood
Charles Yeiter poor 65 Ford waiver(CCA value 0.25 chips) and also sending a 55b and 55t phillies
Richard Labs --2 RC Cola cans requested, plus 3 philly football
Rick Lyons, 61 athletics picture pack unopened plus a few football including some 65 philly some with bad backs
Non obcer fb trade for some really really really (I mean really!) poor 55b, 54b

James Moleta --a little over 100 1966, g-vg mostly, almost all commons, no highs. . .

Sent 2/19/21
Tom Housely --waiver poor 57 Van Brocklin, and sent two philly --Merlin Olsen and Cowboys team
Chuck Salek --waiver 52 Woodling (ok but pinhole)

Sent 2/22/21:
Steve Archibald CCA win 61 Athletics picture pack plus a couple football 61 fleer and a 61 browns team

Sal Domino 10 or so 71 OPC baseball
Jennifer Roach --request of a 61 Athletics picture pack (maybe trade) plus a single 55B high
Steve Sankner CCA win of 55b Grim (left out of last envelope I think)
Mark Zent. sending 71 OPC Carleton and team card
TJ Valacak --waiver 57 Ameche, and 4-5 66-67 philly gum cards
Non obcer RK--56 Boyer and another 56 (FB --he might send me something)

Sent 3/2/21
Jimi Thayer --53 Kiner
Neal Thomas --7 71 OPC
Bob Bannon waiver request 61 Athletics picture pack plus a 75 Brett and some lesser condition 75s -and a gold medal Firpo missing borders

Sent 3/3/21
Dave Toback --CCA poor Doak and 2 others, plus 6-8 lesser Philly with Mackey

SENT 3/8/21
Jake Elwell --69 Bart Starr --old request --I think he saw this card sitting on my desk when I took a picture of other waiver cards and requested it, but never went out.
Aaron Shirey --CCA plus 3 or 4 55B
Andrew Huntoon --two decent 67 high DPs from zoom waiver (out 3/9)
Steve Lipsky creased 74 Unitas requested and a 58 and 60 Eagle
Shawn Smart --CCA plus another 55T (out 3/9)
Neal Thomas --CCA win (not sure if I put in anything extra, but recently sent him some 71 OPC)

Sent 3/9/21
Joe Miller --296 card lot split, plus added some lesser condition 60s football, a few minor stars, mostly Philly Gum I think to try to make it more even.

sent 3/11/21
Barry Schechter (welcome to OBC) Red Heart Fain (creased but decent) and 51 redback Tommy Holmes

Sent out on 3/17/21
All these were OPC wrappers only:
Rick Lyons --78-82 all years
Michael Salinsky --OPC wrappers 78-82 all
Sam Taylor --OPC wrappers 78-82 all
Sal Domino--78-82 plus one extra 82 variation
Ken Morganti --78-80
TJ Valacak all
Mike Rich --all
Mark Talbot --in same envelope as Mike Rich, 81-82 other variation

SEnt 3/24/21
Non OBCer --FB offer to send free cards --3 56 and 4 57, including Ralph Terry
nonobcer --sold for what I paid or less --3 58 yl name variations
Scott Duguid --one 58 yl name variation requested by him

4/27/21 Sent
Scott Jensen -return fire creased 67 Clemente, plus trade of 10 67 highs including creased Shannon, rest are all sp highs
Barry Scheckter --John Ryan Butterfinger (sorta decent shape) --sort of waiver
James Moleta --Gold Medal missing border Rogell --sort of waiver
Sam Taylor --trade --Gold Medal Medwick (my nicer one tough to part with) and a creased gold medal frisch
Tom Biggs --CCA win 51 Slaughter plus 4-5 64s with a couple decent higher numbers

5/10/21 SENT
Josh Levine RAOK --Carlton RC cola can
Mark Talbot --Tresler card, a nice V94 Butterfinger, and two lesser condition common Butterfingers (promised to send long ago)
Brian Betza --creased 69 Csonka requested, along with 6 or so philly gum couple minor stars

5/18/21 SENT
Andrew White --ZOOM --an okay 55 allamerican and from old zoom 6 55B football with writing, and 3 59 football writing on back
Greg Henthorn raok --one basketball, and 5 or so 54B football and something else.
6/11/21 SENt
Scott Duguid -late zoom --just a high no 56 Adcock with writing (havent had time to look for more hits)
Andy Huntoon -late zoome-54B and 55B Carl Furillos --not mint but ok
James Moleta --53T Kinder (bio variation) (requested when saw me buy)
Joe Miller --3 high number 55B, 4 midnumber 57s (he sent me a 52B large Matson)
Sal Domino - late zoom --64 savage --last common he needs for set

Not getting much out lately
Michael Salinsky old zoom 2 55B football --tough WL (dont have VGEX)
Ken Morganti --old zoom fleer sticker, couple kelloggs, added 59 Berra, and a few others
Mike Mackie return fire 72 Namath, Butkus, and others
Andrew White old zoom --some 55B football including creased Van Brocklin
Rick Lyons old zoom --55B football --Sumerall, 5-10 others, fleer sticker, couple kelloggs

Sent 9/3/21
Joe Stout --19 1960 leaf low numbers, 3 53T highs (lesser condition dps) and a nice 57 Kubek
Shawn Smart --2 68s one a nice Torre, 2 69s, 3 lesser condition 53T and a rough 51 red back Stephens

CCA to Chris Kodl 53 Slaughter and added 4 topps giants
CCA to Steve Archibald 58 Koufax and added several 54-56 low grade football, including minor stars

9/20/21 SENT
Biggs --60 Maris allstar rough, and 4 59s
Zentkovich --rough 53 Hemus high and decent 71 Tark, Houston, a couple others
Neal Thomas --51b Schoend and a redback common
Sal Domino -56 Zimm (nice front, bad back)
Kyle D --53B Jensen, and 5 58 commons
Joe Miller --53B Kell and 9 or 10 65 and 66 philly with Charley Taylor
Andrew W -56 Reese , 2 more 56
Steve Sankner --56 Alston and one 53t and 55t
Dan Angland --56 Kell, tape, and 3 55s
Chris Kodl --poor 51B boudreau and 14 55s or 56s
Bob Chapman --56 McDougald and 8 or so 64 philly

Clifford Franklin and Eddie Bankston (new members) --one got about 12 74 football commons, and a 70 Seaver and a couple 70 highs and creased 70 Brooks allstar, other got some 71 football commons and OJ and 72 baseball commons 12-15 cards total or so

sent 10/14/21
Dave Toback --a bunch of football CCA win replacement stuff he doesn't have --70 Jurgensen, about 25-30 other cards mostly philly, mostly decent condition, Lilly, minor stars, mostly commons
Steve Archibald --waiver 3 hockey tall boys
Vern Law -- 5 cards requesting auto.

Sent 10/18/21
Ken Morganti --zoom 2 70 highs, found 2 66 commons
Andrew Cook --zooom 61F Maynard creased, 3 post football, and found 4-5 low number 60 leaf
Mike Salinsky --waiver (through CCA) of 69 Starr, and a waiver 53 Johnston common
Andrew White --waiver 55B Minoso lesser, and one other card

SENT 10/20/21
Joe Stout --105 cards, including 62 Unitas, badly written on Ruth scoop, 69 football Jones (CCA complete set request), and a bunch of 54-67 football, including some lesser condition 65s, various condition others, some stars
Jake Brewer --65 Yaz and 65 Maris from Estright auction (won over him, but he needed cards)

SENT --Rick Lyons --two venezuelan cards and 5 65p --really nice Huff and 4 other minor stars

Mike Rich --waiver 1934 gold medal jojo White missing border
Bob Reed --51b Parmesa high (writing) he requested(not a dupe) and 4 60 fleer football
Jason Christopherson --old player auto with bio on index card from net54 mystery box

10/25/21 (multiple waivers offered, and zoom)
Kevin Wolf
Andrew White
Shawn Smart
Doug DeJong (1956 topps checklist marked)
Don Berg
Randy Griffin
Dan Angland
Chris Kodl
Sal Domino
Charles Yeiter
Richard Labs
Ken Morganti
Ed Watts (1967 Cardwell hi number)
Steve Sankner
Aaron Shirley (1946 scorecard and other stuff)
Brian Betza
George Vrecheck

10/28/21 SENT
Bob Chapman (Toback set kill game) --2 1973 commons in 500s
Bob Bannon (Toback set kill game) --Carter rookie set killer (miscut showing dotted line at bottom but otherwise sharp)

Ed Schott --6 or so 71 OPC Orioles
Joe Stout --3 or so 71 OPC Orioles
Vince Turner --nonobc trade (68 Bench without border and 66 Stargell for 68 Rose)
Dave Toback --trade --54 Graham ok shape, and bad 50 Waterfield for decent 51 redback feller
Ken Morganti zoom 68 atlantic oil frank rob
Andy Huntoon zoom --3 lesser conditon exhibits I got from Andrew White, passing on (I upgraded the Feller)
Sal Domino --zoom atlantic oil Frank robinson

SENT Randy Krol. zoom Frank Rob Atlantic Oil

Thomas Biggs --CCA win of 10 HOF mostly poor cards mostly 60s, and I think a few extra 53T

Non-obcer FV --trade my worst 53T Delsing and a 242 Silvera
James Moleta --trade --3 53T black bios (Pierce, DiMaggio, Lopat) and also Wynn missing border

SENT 11/22/21
Mike Mroz multiple hole punched 57 Newcombe waiver plus a 70 high
Peter Mead return fire for Holway book --63 fleer Yaz plus common and 4 topps giants
Jennifer Roach, CCA win and bingo and a 51b
Ken Morganti -request of 63 purple sky --Berry, nice Taylor and one other (raided from singles, but owe him)
Kyle Dworchak bingo and added 57 Kaline
Scott Duguid CCA win and sent another 10 poor 63 football
Dave Toback -CCA win, added two topps magic, instead of other CCA wins, sent some football hits
Patrick PRickett --trade --sent 63 Ditka and Jones Huff Marchetti, and some 53T commons, MCdougald, poor Slaughter
steve ARchibald -CCa win and 57s with Reese and Martin and some Yankees

11/24/21 sent
Joe Stout one lesser 43 high sp, and 5 or 10 51B
Joe Miller --61 Starr, 61 Fleer starr, 61 fleer taylor, 2 Nomellino 63, nice 63 Taylor, and poor 63 Nitschke

12/21 --sent Slipsky cards in trade
12/21/21 --sent 4 53T highs to Mike Salinsky in trade; sent Dave Toback stack of poor redmen in trade

2/28/22 (long gap in sending cards)
zoom mailings (from 3 different zooms)
Mike Salinsky --OPC football type card
Aaron Shirley --53T high number Cardinal sp poor, and a redman Schoen.
Ken Morganti --rough 63 Unitas purple and a 68 baseball game card
Sal Domino --55B ump, and a 53B and?
Steve Ritt. very rough redman Jensen
Mike Rich --very rough redman common date variation

More zoom mailings sent in March
Sal Domino
Aaron Shirley
Andy Huntoon
and some others

3/29 Joel Friedman zoom 62 Minoso
James Moleta zoom 75 Brett, Yount and a few others

6/16/22 sent (sat for months) --Richard Labs (53B color Simmons and Roberts), Sal Domino (4 53 bio variations), Ken Goetsch (1 63 midhigh and about 7 57s) Aaron Shirley --2 63 midhigh and Jennifer Roach CCA win way overdue

SEnt 7/15/22 --Patrick Prickett (has sent me good stuff in past) --several football cards, 51 topps magic, cannot remember what else

SEnt 7/20/22
Mostly non sports wrappers from waiver offer November 2021
Taylor Schock
Don Berg
Mike Rich
Edsell Bankston (only requested one)
Andy Huntoon
Aaron Shirley
Dan Angland
Jim Craig

SENT 7/21/22
Sal Domino --wrappers and zoom card
Michael Salinsky --wrappers and CCA win and 1970 super
Dan Williams --return fire, 2 67 highs (1 sp i think), 59 high allstar, and some mixed 57, 60 and 75 cards

SENT 7/26/22
Richard Labs --zoom Starr and Taylor
Jeff Delott --CCA and a rough blue back
Kyle Dworchak --CCA and some other cards
James Maleta one-half of purchase of 6 Yankees playball sample cards plus two 72 football high numbers

Mark Camps --4 57s a couple in 4th series, and I think some other cards but do not remember.
Maybe other envelopes sent not listed

SENT 8/1/22
John Stamper zoom 2 1972 football highs
Jerry Barnes zoom 1 1972 football high
Dave Toback --2 CCA wins (more to come

Sent 8/3/22
Steven Archibald VSP (35 1954B football)
Michael Salinsky --VSP
Scott Duguid --waiver wrappers and CCA win 71 OPC reggie
Bob D'Angelo VSP
Aaron Shirley some poor 59 grey backs
Brian Betza some poor 59 greybacks

Scott Duguid --CCA win 55B ump
Kyle Dworchak CCA win 55B ump
Greg Henthorn --several very poor 59 grey backs with Wynn and a couple football commons
Mach Wubben --one 72 football high
Jennifer Roach --VSP 53T cards a few highs plus special card
Jimi Thayer --VSP wins --a bunch of 53T including 2 sp highs

Dave Toback --CCA wins --4 72 football high numbers, and VSP --about 10 football various years commons

Don Berg -CCA-poor Snider redback --delayed
D'Angelo CCA -extra card poor53 Joe Black --delayed

Sent some VSP cards not listed, probably some zoom as well.

Cards sent 11/2/22
Zoom last week:
Sal Domino –3 51B
Mark Camps –3 51b
Johns Stamper 1 51b and about 8 rough 71 opc
Aaron Shirley 12 or so 51b
Richard Labs 3 51B and 3 71 OPC phillies

Jennifer Roach VSP

SENT 11/08/22
return fire Chris Tripler 2 51 red backs and 2 or so 51B
return fire Ed Fagan --a couple 57s and 8 or 10 nice 68s (I think)
Neal Thomas (VSP) --53T Jensen

SENT (waaaay late)
1/3/23 --Steve Sankner CCA win bell brand card plus a 70 super killebrew
1/6/23 Sent
Toback cca win and extra
Biggs --cca win and extras
Kodl --cca win and extra

More cca sent --not listed, and big trade with Dan Potter

SENT 2/13/23
Mac Wubben poor butterfinger Frisch
Marc Talbot poor butterfinger Dickey
Larry Gersbach --6 Salada coins (all I had)
Andy Blackburn --welcome to OBC --61 --about 18 including lesser condition Drysdale, Cepeda, Dodgers team
Mike Mroz --8 55B baseball, various condition
Greg Henthorn 53B Roberts

Sent waivers to about 10-12 guys mostly each got 5-10 51b and 52b mostly with bad backs

Sent some other cards not listed here.
Sent earlier 63 Nietschke purple sky to Ken Morganti
Aaron Shirley --a 70 kellogg Card and a hostess panel
Bob Neill --12 71 OPC lesser condition with santo Oliva and some league leaders

SENT 10/3/23
Arbeeny (63 fleer football highs)
Rittenberg --? purple sky and other cards
Rosny --welcome to obc, 67 brock, 3 51 redbacks, and other cards
Prickett --a few football hits
Musgrove --12 71 opc with santo, oliva, league leaders
Dan Williams --? sent some cards

10/23 SENT
Some zooms --
Morganti White Sox unopened picture pack
Colleen Dearborn --White Sox unopened picture pack
Other zooms/RAOK sent not listed
Michael Salinsky --2 or 3 cards

10/23 SENT
ANDREW GOGUEN --very late welcome to OBC (not sure if ever sent before) 53T Mize, 62 Spahn, 55B Kiner and poor wide pen
Patrick Prickett --53T high sp
Brian Lindholme --a few cards including creased Bench super
Jeff Grever --zoom poor wide pen plus 10-12 70 topps I think

Stopped recording what I sent after this
(Sent recently some 1949 Remar cards, hostess 3 panels cards, posters from Baseball magazine from 1930s, etc)

not sent
Mike Rich --26 RC Cola football cans --still working on trade

Henthorn, Greg --CCA win 54B football common, added baseball nice 63 high, two decent 64 highs, 3 66, 70 sparky, 68 football 78-79 basketball!
Rich, Mike --big trade -4 Cashin (2 vg/ex, 1 vg) Dykes, Blue, Whitney, Hogan, replacement w517 Chalmers, three strip --w514 w515 w516, I think, all very rough, a bunch of matchbooks -mostly in nice flattened condition, including the cubs set Waner, 7 others (some are replacements for ones I sent), 37 team set mungo and replacement Klein, 7-8 other matchbook commons
(I traded him butterfinger low grade Cochrane and decent Grove, and a W517 Chalmers with writing, and the Phil Douglas decent strip card W?, and another strip card, and a bunch of matchbooks including two with matches, and two Durochers, etc.

Ken goetsch —Thanks for 30 or 40 3 pocket sleeves for mailing response to request —big stuffed envelopes —no cards. The ones who probably should thank him are whoever these go out to filled with cards :)

James Keenum—thanks for 3 66 a 68 football and a 69-70 and 70-71 basketball cards Neal walk and mike Davis! Basketball is at bottom of long wl.

Joe Miller thanks for three incredible excellent Plus 59 upgrades Including buc hall replacing three of my dwindling number of laminated 59s and adds in a obc condition 61 yankees team perfect for my Set

Jake Elwell for zoom win Sal Bando my first 70 super, along with a 54t and another card.

6/29/20. Anthony Arbeeny for 55t a 55b 66 cepeda and semi hi allstar John o’donoghue!

Also fb purchase sniders— from Wes livingston—a nice 54b poor 54t 60 leaf and 64 and threw in a 69 yaz allstar

Bob Donaldson two 1921 exhibits - my first two! Had to do detective work for awhile to figure out what they were!

Kyle dworchak sent me a bunch of empty used nine pocket sheets for mailing—he sent them priority sorry wasn’t that much of an emergency!

Wayne Delia sent me 58s Goodman and McMillan so just two to go, and another 4 58 upgrades, and 10 sharp 64s mostly in the 400s highlighted by Ralph terry!

Richard labs sent me a nice #589 62 bob turley, six 68 football, 63 high number veal, A 67 philly And two 72 football.

Brian Lindholme return fire —obc kashin ruffing and nice obc diamond star fonseca plus a bunch of used nine pockets!

Dave Toback 9 66 with stars like siebern and sadecki sanford and ward!

Brian Betza 66 O’Toole and 66 Diego segui (who apparently lives on my street and has for many years according to a neighbor).

Sal Domino for three 54T with Bobby Adams who sold Reds tickets in off season and some more three pocket sheet for mailing --I have enough for about 3000 cards now!
Larry Gersbach for a waiver win of a Red Heart Erskine --very nice trimming looks cool --see pic! and adds a 79 Hostess.
Andrew White for a 53 Dropo, and 56 McDougald and KC Athetics team!😊M
Mike Diamonti for 4 57 football stars including Yale Lary!

More July 2020
Dan Angland sent about 143 three pockets for mailing use
Steve orzoff second to last 58 and 7 63s with ford ws kaat and couple highs
Steve Hitzman --three pretty nice 62s --with Tony Cloninger
Doug DeJong for a 53t a 62 and a 53B color wally moses philly A's coach
Taylor Schock for a 63 and a 66 both pretty nice
Dave Toback for 6 62s --
Kyle Dworchak --a couple nice 55s, 3 64s 3 69s with Rick Monday and one of the biggest hits I've ever gotten, a 63 Frank Robinson
Steve Archibald for 2 53B color athletics with Harry Byrd coming off rookie of the year though that was about it for his career, and mgr Dykes, and 3 54b including Clint Courtney who narrowly lost rookie of the year to Byrd in 52 9 votes to 8.
Joe Stout --just one 63, Giants coaches, I guess the card shop didn't have many . .

George Vrecheck 2 53T and a 54B
Jim Silva 3 53t and 6 62 with Kaat and White
Mac Wubben for 2 KC A's postcards --maybe Elder? - really helps with the KC A's collection -
Mike Salinsky for 70 Alan Page, 2 55b dodgers and 62 Roseboro
Larry Tipton for a post (or maybe Jello?) Pinson, and two coke bottle caps --Mays and Aaron (these are three of the 6 players try to collect everything of) -my first two bottle caps
Richard Labs for 7 mostly really sharp 64 Giants including Tommy Davis, Milt Pappas, Callison and Gary Peters --I just told him in zoom I would take any left over!

James Moleta for sorta trade but don't know what I'm getting so more like non-random act of kindness--received 53 Groat 56 klu and 54B Athletic and some other 50s cards thanks!
Richard Labs --4 more 64 Giants with Kaline! (just got 7 a few days before from him!)
Joe Stout --6 63s --semihigh and High numbers with Jim Perry!
Greg Henthorn 52 Alex Kellner (Athletic)! and a few UV cards
Jennifer Roach --with a CCA win added a couple really nice 53Ts!
Joe Miller for a 53T, a 55B Furillo nice, a 57 Dodger, and SERIES HURING RIVALS LOU BURDETTE AND BOBBY SHANTZ from 1958 SET KILLER! (I had bid on some of these, but kept losing).
Ken Morganti --DS but 57 Mantle at reduced price so thanks!

August 2020
Don Berg for one Hostess and about 6 68 football
Joe Stout for a 64 4 62s with Larry Jackson and 4 59 upgrades —have a couple more laminated cards I can replace!
Joe Denning for 5 64s in the 400s with deron Johnson and a 62!
Steve Orzoff return fire 5 semi high 63s and a 53t Ted klu! One of last three stars I needed!

Second half August 2020
Chris Kodl —we were both bidding on fb lot mostly 69 71 and 72 baseball but had a few football and basketball-Chris said I could have some after I let him win. So he sent me what I requested—a 76 staubach 72 joiner 71-72 Thurmond (basketball) and the big one, a nice 64 philly tarkenton!

Ed Schott ds of a 51 Bowman Steve van buren for $5, greatest football player for awhile, also added 51B Lininger I think the first of this set I
And a 65 Indians team card nice upgrade

Jimi Thayer for nine 67 philly football including Jim Marshall!

Shawn Smart for a 52b majestic A, a 55t A 57 high number brave Pizarro and a 62!

Wayne Delia partly a trade I sent him a philly Jim Brown and he made a A huge list of what he could send me, I said I would get more to him, so he sent all plus more—2 53t 54t pesky 13 55b all around vg with preacher roe did Gordon Frank Thomas, 6 nice 55t with Jim Rivera, 34 yep 34 62t nice vg plus all 300s to 500s with mudcat grant Lollar Leon Wagner Hal brown cash all star, and 10 64 topps giants all sharp with torre pascual boyer Pizarro ...

Joe Miller got 55b ford in trade also sent a nice high no suave
Jake Elwell 77 Brett record breaker and three 61 football just started set -/ included Blanda and Elbert Dubenion — did not know Dubenion was such a star player
Ken Morganti grade plus a 53t and 54t
Jimi Thayer --9 67 Philly football --(second group of 9 from Jimi --Jimi wants me to get going on this set, I had been giving away these, but now am keeping)
Jim Craig couple (minor) star pitchers 53t Paul miner and Theo wilks.
Joe Stout 4 63s santo and midnumbers with post
Wayne Delia 3 vg 1950bs two a’s and a dodger pretty good players hoist Chapman and hatten and two play ball pippin of a’s and Hudson of dodgers

Ken Morganti — this is crazy —54 Berra about good but just about gem mint for me— rounded corners but really really nice
Bid on quite a few of these but hadn’t ever gotten one
also sent a sharp 53 Bowman color shantz coming off his great year and a 63 semi high and a single 63 football and 8 64s with Fox piersall koufax ll and some sharp high numbers

Steve sankner — trade trimmed r322

September 2020
Mark Talbot auction win plus goudey wide pen Hubbell! My second of this set! Also three exhibits including lemon jethroe and Evans —and kashin and a butterfinger Hoyt trimmed to envelope size.

Nate Mack trade return but counts as raok cause didn’t know what I was getting plus got lots of extras—
6 47-66 exhibits Including Newhouser and Stephens
13 1962s with cepeda
9 1964s with strikeout leaders
3 1964 topps giants with santo colavito and aparicio
27 1966s with marichal and high number salmon!

Chris Tripler 2 nice 54b with kinder and a 55t haddix
Dave Toback CCA win plus another dozen or so 69s
Andrew White for waiver claim of 9 nice 69s

Joe Miller for a 55t ray boone
Scott Duguid for a 61 high athletic and Really sharp topps giants aparicio and colavito
Greg Henthorn for some maybe rough but with star power—a cfl card for my type set, 2 61t with haddix 12 perfect innings 62 drysdale 63 leaf kaat and one of my favorite players, a 61 Lenny Moore!

Donnie Barnett --4 53T with Dick Groat!
Shawn Smart 6 62s in smart condition
Bob Neill for 51B high number Glaviano, and 2 64 with La Russa (cant believe I didnt have a KC A)
Steve Lipsky returns fire to a couple of my new lists --5 61T football with all-league Fred Bruney and 5 68s with Gabriel, Charley Taylor and Cappelletti --all really nice bright colored cards.
Mike Rich about 8 69s with Joe Niekro and a 41 Playball Hubbell -EX but for a hole punch!
Mike Salinsky --a "trade" but didnt know what I was getting in return --62 Billy Martin and ruth farewell speech, football --3 59t upgrades, a 60 fleer, 64T, 3 64P, and 7 68s with a pretty nice Tommy McDonald and a rough Jim Taylor
Chris Kodl two semi high 63ts
Steve Archibald for 5 61t football with Del Shofner!
Andrew White for obc condition zoom waiver Feller exhibit!
Mark Zentkovich for a 71 football Ted Vactor card down to two cards now! and one of two cards needed for my second 74 baseball set and a couple cards for third set.

October 2020
Bob Donaldson 2 53t both pretty nice!
Steve Lipsky a couple 7 footers 69-70 basketball and 2 65p football with hof Lary!
Scott Duguid while back sent me a 68 griese through Tourdot!
Don Berg for 10 62s with Kaat and Clendenon!
Doug DeJong for 2 58 football upgrades and 7 69 baseball
Anthony Arbeeny for really nice 62 semi high McDaniel and a robin roberts, two high 64s and a 64p Charlie Johnson!

late October 2020
GREG HENTHORN for 2 69 football upgrades, John Hadl greatest KU player ever, and the legendary Chief Buck Buchanan! and baseball --2 62T including a high number crisp cornered Roebuck (some tape marks are good so he doesn't look tooooo much better than my other Dodgers, a 66T, and 5 69s with one of my favorite players Joe Morgan and Jerry Koosman coming off a spectacular rookie season --19W, 2.08 ERA, 7 shutouts!

RICHARD LABS for 9 all pretty nice 62t, including Gary Bell who "is on the brink of greatness."

SAL DOMINO for zoom waiver of a 57 Alvin Dark and a 57 Cubs team card --fun to look at the old team leaders --hard to believe Hack Wilson used to have the team RBI record with only 190.

MIKE RICH --trade --got 58 Aaron yl, about 3 different CFL cards from 60s, and about 3 62 baseball commons one maybe greenie

ANDREW WHITE --3 obc condition salutation baseball exhibits from zoom

Early november 2020

JAMES MOLETA for 7 pretty nice 62s with Callison and 3 57s all good pitchers —including Stephen gromek 123 lifetime wins through 56!

BRIAN LINDHOLME for 4 53t including two high numbets!
Don’t get those very often!

JIM CRAIG sends three 1960 cards sharp semi high Cash and two very nice highs- knocks off 30% of my 1960 wantlist!

Greg Henthorn for 3 54B with Lynn Chandois --last year --handled punt returns, kickoff returns including one for TD, 43 catches for 412 yards AND 470 rushing yards!

Dave Toback --11 69s with Wilbur Wood!

More November 2020
Joe Stout --3 somewhat battered common 54Ts and a 56T --though Charles Harmon and Bill Taylor didn't play much in majors, they both had lifetime minor league averages well over 300 --Harmon at 336 lifetime on the 54 card! Led league in 1950 in hits doubles and RBI and batted 374, batted 375 in 1951 with 143 rbi!.

Kyle Dworchak sent me 3 nice 61s and 3 nice 62s --including Angels team card in which I learn Lee Thomas led the team in hits with 129, and Bob Bolin card learn Bob struck out 271 in 1959 in Northwest League!

Anthony Arbeeny -sorta trade, but he could send me whatever he wanted, so really it's all AOK, 6 54T, a 59T high number, 62 tribe hill trio, win leaders with ford and bunning, home run leaders with Willie Mays Frank Robinson and Orlando Cepeda!, and a high or semi high Ernie Broglio 507, and a couple high number 64s.

Steve Sankner --sends me 9 72-73 basketball, including some pretty big stars --happy hairston, Norm van Lier, Phil Chenier --such a dated look to the set it is cool, but I'm still not going to expand my want list!

More November 2020
Randy K -- a couple of pack fresh cards 54 Poholsky and 51B Robertson -- really, i mean these are way too nice. . .

late November
Dave Toback 9 68 football with Bobby Joe Conrad --7th alltime WR in catches or yards when retired, despite first couple years spent on defense and running back!
Ed Pike --OBC mask!
Joe Stout --a 64 high Bobby Bragan (have his auto --great book) 4 73 upgrades including Al Oliver, all time Royals leader then in HR with 27, 74 upgrade,
Joe Stout again --2 61s --Dodgers team and Roy Sievers, a pretty high 62 (511) and 6 semihigh 66s!

Early December
Brian Lindholme --TWO SETS KILLED --70 and 71 football --just took 4 commons, but BRIAN LINDHOLME goes down in OBC history as the greatest set killer ever! Also sent a 51B and a 54B football card!

Chuck Salek --star studded envelope --2 61 with win leaders 6 players pictured including a KC athletic! (never knew that team EVER had a pitcher among leaders in wins) and Dodgers team. a 63 high Hawkins upgrade, and a 57 McDougald!

(non obcer Lee Halterman send me a 55B Blanda in return for a poor 69 Bench I sent him a while back)

More December 2020
Jim Craig --52 Suder for my A's collection (havent had a 52 hit in a while)!
Shawn Smart --two pretty nice 69s including one who had played on 5 minor league all star teams!
Tom Biggs CCA win plus two 69s --including one of the early Big Red Machine players --Pat Corrales

Dave Toback --9 69s
Bob Reed (trade) about 20 football cards various years in 60s and a 72 Csonka

Rick Lyons for 7 66s including Bill Monbouquette and 2 69s!
Kyle Dworchak for a 54b athletic a 55t, a55b a 57 and 4 69s including borderline Hall of Meriter Roy White and Minnie Rojas --had no idea he was the 67 Fireman of the Year!
Bob Bannon for 2 58 yellow name variations and 3 61s!
Late December 2020
Thanks to Anthony Arbeeny for a 61 Fleer football Walston, 5 62 Fleer football with Groman and Tripucka and 2 57 Braves!
Randy K --two envelopes, one a 72 football one of the last 3 I need, answering my plea, and a waiver claim of a basketball poster of Bob Rule from about 1970 --a great type hit
Dan Angland for 3 pretty nice 55T baseball
January 2021
Jake Brewer zoom postmarked November 30th arrived! Two redmen --Wertz and Pierce! and a 69 seattle pilots
Dave Toback --9 68 football (these are pretty nice --that's what I sadly thought when I got them and a bunch of others by mistake and forwarded them to Dave)
Jim Silva --a 53T Fred "Hattie" Hatfield and 9 62s headlined by Bobby Allison!

Jake Elwell --70 Super Bosman zoom request! --Bosman LED the league in ERA in 1969 with a 2.19 in 193 IP!!
Geno Wagner --one nice 60 in the 400s --knocks off 20% of my 1960 WL!
Brian Lindholme --1956 Joe Schmidt upgrade!!! One of just two upgrades I desperately needed! And four 62 football too

James Keenum --Five very nice 62s including Dick Stuart!
Dave Toback --yet another envelope --9 1966 with Sonny Siebert coming off year 4th in Al in wins, 3rd in ERA and 3rd in Ks!
Mark Zentkovich --Two 62s and a 69!
Sal Domino for 3 54Ts, including underrated stars Johnny Logan and Solly Hemus (had a great four year run)

Neal Thomas --6 69s with Kc A John blue moon ODOM AND Jim Lonborg!

Bob Bannon for a requested player cut out of an 1895 illustrated mag!

received 2/12/21
Chris Kodl a 54T and another good card
Steve Archibald (sorta trade where I sent him 170 lesser 71 OPC) a 51 redback, 12 51B various condition some pretty nice, a 54 Turley, 55 Sievers, 9 pretty rough 56s, but includes Billy Martin, Antonelli, and Trucks!
Ken Morganti along with a couple great DS cards, a 64 Hubbs in memoriam card

Joe Stout -(return fire) --a 72 football upgrade, 8 64T with several high numbers including Charlie Maxwell who in 1956 hit 28 HR and batted 326!, and 4 pretty high sharp 69s, with Tommy John and Gaylord Perry!

Received 2/23. 2/24/21
Ken Goetsch for 5 68 football -- with some stars --Gary Collins,Johnny Morris Jim Tyrer (great player, sad story)
Dave Toback for 67 66 baseball and 2 69 baseball in the 600s
Received 3/1 --Steve Sankner for a nice 54B Del Rice and a couple 72-73 basketball --former KU superstar Bill Bridges and Howie Komives

CCA from Mike Mroz 4 nice topps giants but added a 5th Killebrew upgrade!
CCA from Barry Schechter of sharp bright showpiece 51 Trippi (I rarely see 51 that arent poor) added another sharp 51 with five punch holes which is pretty cool
Patrick Prickett --13 1971 OPC with Dean Chance, and 1954 underrated Bob Boyd, 53 harry suitcase simpson and high number gene woodling and 20% of my remaining 1960 set --high number Joe Cunningham allstar! (this was return fire, but it's like a slingshot versus a battleship)

Received 3/4/21
Jimi Thayer --(pre-return fire, a 62, 5 66 with Gary Peters, a 70 aparicio and 5 70 checklists (my wantlist says I don't have a 1970 list yet, so he sent me all the checklists)
Mike R-W --along with a CCA win, added including some that were NOT dupes --3 56 higher numbers, 63 Floyd Robinson and 63 Bob Bailey rookie card that also has Kranepool, Alvis and Oliva
Sal Domino 9 71 OPC many in the 400s (are they tougher?) with stars in their home city guys like Chuck Hinton, Doug Rader and Gene Alley

rECEIVED 3/8/21
Rick Lyons --3 61 fleer football with Frank Ryan, an unmarked 65 philly checklist, a 68 football, a 69 nice Jim Lonborg and three 71 OPC baseball!

Received 3/10/21 through 3/17/21

Chuck Salek --a 52T, 56T and 61T!

James Moleta --a bunch of return fire --6 mostly super sharp 55 and 56T, including Virgil Trucks! 5 55B including Zimmer and Piersall, about 6 61s with games won leaders, 6 62s with Sadecki and Pizarro and mccormick shows his stuff, and a couple 55B football!

Dave Toback --yet another envelope, says return fire, but he may have surpassed me, this time some more 68 football mostly really really nice, including Bobby Mitchell

Scott Duguid for a near mint 64P Terry Barr, coming of a 66 catch 1086 yard 13 TD season! and a nice 1960 Detroit Tigers coaches card, knocking off 1/4 of my 1960 wantlist!

Steve Archibald for six nice 61T including a baseball thrills card!

Joe Miller --we bought some cards together, first he insisted on paying too much, so I sent him some extra cards, but then he also sent me a nice 55B Vernon, 2 56T, a 57 Furillo, a 59 upgrade, and a really nice looking PSA authentic altered 33 Goudey of the great Tommy Bridges who is perennial contender to be elected to the hall of merit!

RECEIVED 3/22/21
Jake Elwell 57 Sievers a 55b football and 4 68 football a bit rough but one is Warfield!

Chris Kodl for a 54t Labine and a sharp high 62!

Steve Lipsky for two 55b football eagles of course and two 73 baseball upgrades — Brock and sparkY
Jake Elwell 57 Sievers a 55b football and 4 68 football a bit rough but one is Warfield!

Chris Kodl for a 54t Labine and a sharp high 62!

Steve Lipsky for two 55b football eagles of course and two 73 baseball upgrades — Brock and sparky

I just made my first 55b football wantlist only about a week ago, nice to get hits already, warfield a big hit, Brooklyn players always a priority and 73 baseball my first year collecting so great to have the upgrades. Pretty cool day thanks guys.

Have some more received recently need to write down --
Gregg Henthorn
Steve Jensen (need to doublecheck) 1960 Maris allstar!
Others I have in pile need to write down --did I miss any?

REceived March/April 2021
Michael Salinsky for football --2 61s and 4 68s
Sam Taylor for football --a 65P and 3 66
Jennifer Roach CCA win plus 4 73 baseball upgrades
Andrew White zoomed me a 54B football card
Greg Henthorn for 8 69s with Wilhelm

Scott Duguid --sorta trade/return fire --Two pretty nice 61 highs! and 3 62 football with Lipscomb!
Tom Housely --RAOK --3 69s a 71 OPC! and 3 62 football!

received April 30 -trade with Sam Taylor --received 3 very nice 54B football including Creekmur! and 9 61 football with St. Clair and 4 65 philly football with Meredith Jurgensen and Charley Taylor! and a 53T baseball and a couple 63 baseball --Stengal and a mid high!
Tom Biggs CCA win plus an extra topps Giants Hof
Scott Jensen --trade for a 1957 Mantle/Berra! and he added 5 more pretty nice 57s

May received
Mike Rich --70 Pinson Super and Aaron patch
Greg Henthorn --20 cards --57 Bunning high (paper loss scratch but presentable) plus 56 Adcock, 68s and 69s and 2 73 high number upgrades --big raok (I think

Josh Levine --return fire --6 exhibits including a berthold haas who I never heard of but he was a 1947 allstar.
Chris Kodl --5 53 and 54 topps, all in obc condition, including a Moon rookie!
Joe Miller --trade for a 52 bowman large Matson in lesser condition, but a sp
Andrew Cook, DS --but really cool 1922 Neilson's chocolate -a type card and my first Charlie Hollocher, and first Chicago National . .

Received June to mid-July
James Moleta --three 55b football and then another envelope -- zoom 55t baseball and he added another 55t plus a 53b color athletic!
Ken Morganti --zoom --3 54b football with Trippi! and three 55b football and even a 63 fleer football only my 4th from that set.
Taylor Schock --RAOK --three higher number 73 upgrades (my first year collecting so big hits) and a 56T and two 69-70 basketball --two stars from San Diego --Don Kojis and John Block!
Mike Mackie -RAOK -- 4 51B --including Carl Furillo!
Steve Rittenberg zoom --three nice 55b football including a couple higher numbers!

received 8/31/21
Larry Gersbach --upgrade 73 Carew, couple 69T

Received 9/3/21
DS from Taylor Schock about 6 salutation exhibits, added Bearden exhibit and a 64 philly football card

Jennifer Roach (with OBC vintage box) --14 1973 topps upgrades! and 3 54T!
Greg Henthorn for a RAOK --24 68s with batting leaders Yaz FRob and Kaline, some higher numbers, 8 69s with some higher numbers, and 47 1970 with some league leader cards, Jim Wynn and Joe Horlen --total of 79 cards!

Received September 2021
Jennifer Roach --along with CCA sends me 4 62 baseball --including Bob's Pupils cards with Boros Scheffing and Jake Wood --I didn't realize Jake Wood had 14 triples in 1961 leading the league (though for career only had 26)

Chris Kodl RAOk for a 55T 3 56T with Harridge card and the tough Dodgers team cards and 3 57s
Joe Stout pre-return fire --1 68, 1 69 1 73 upgrade, and 104 1970 With Jenkins, Pinson Wynn--big dent in the list!
Rick Lyons --3 70-71 BB -and 3 61 fleer football with Dick Bass and Lou Michaels

RECEIVED end of September 2021
Shawn Smart --4 midnumber 69s --did not know Dave Boswell struck out 204 in 1967!
Scott Duguid a super sharp 63 topps high number Ted Savage, hitting a high priority set!
Have I missed anyone?

Received october 2021
Steve Archibald, with a CCA win, 2 54B --nice ones, Bob Porterfield coming off a 9 shutout season! and Sabath Anthony Mele.
Jimi Thayer for RAOk 6 1970, including Dave Johnson and Max Alvis

Received more October 2021
Robert Musgrove --RAOK one very sharp 71 Reds rookie with Carbo (new member? I need to send welcome package)
Joe Stout --more return fire --hits top priorities --apparently birddogged these for me at a show --2 53 topps cards and the penultimate 1960 card --a Kaline allstar!
Wes Sheppard --RAOK 4 or 5 1954 Bowman baseball! (I think he sent me another envelope recently too?)
Steve Sankner RAOK or return fire of 1964 Hodges high number and a 62 football card!
Ken Morganti for zoom of 55B Slaughter and 3 64 fleer football!

RECEIVED november 2021
Six 57 football including Jim Cason! Pretty sure this was from Richard Labss
Andrew White waiver of a 55T football all american card, (also two 56 football 66 and 113, but maybe I got wrong envelope as I am done with 56 --could forward)
George Vrecheck returned fire two envelopes --15 all very nice 70 topps with underrated Chris Short, a 52B, and 3 73 upgrades which are big hits!
Dan Angland for a 52 Vernon Law!
Steve Sankner --three 68s --includinga super sharp Norm Cash!
Ed Watts --return fire a 56 Del Ennis!
Andy Cook --return fire a nice Johnston Cookies!
(missing some maybe --havent written all of them down?)
Anthony Arbeeny - in response to trade offer, sent me cards without needing trade, --4 63T football, all are rough but so is my set! Some might be sp?

Rick Lyons -return fire a 64 venezuela (I sent him one plus another crappy one), but he added 51B Bobby Thomson (didnt mention the big home run!) and another 51B and 6 big upgrades for my 73 set (first year collected)!

Richard Labs (might be return fire) two 64P sam Bakers (variation?) a 64P Morrall!, 2 67P, and a 68 football!

Sal Domino return fire 6 really nice 71 OPC all in 400s including ROY Bernie Carbo!

Thanks to Patrick Prickett trade --a nice 64 Stargell, 53T high, Giant gunners with Mays, 68 Yaz, 68 Kemp and some others
CCA purchase plus three 62s from Steve ARchibald

Received December 2021
Chris Kodl raok two 57 4th series!
Steve Lipsky trade lots of cards 57 two 58 upgrades 61 64 batting leaders 64 Yankees and a high really nice 68 tony Perez and some 50s football with nomellini and creekmur
Rick Lyons for 8 71 opc with clendenon all pretty nice!
Somebody who signs with a single letter and doesn’t use a return address sent me 6 really nice 73 upgrades some high numbers!
Joe Miller trade 7 51 topps magic 53 tripping 4 56 topps baseball and a few others
Ken Morganti return fire 11 63 football with stautner and a 73 baseball

Joes Stout raok 5 footbal and two baseball --couple highs
Wes Shepard --8 nice 68s with santo and a 69
Greg Henthorn -- cca lot maybe with 2 56 team checklists

Jennifer Roach --RAOK/or later return fire --a 54B Vernon and 6 or so 73 upgrades!
Dave Toback --trade and return fire --51T Feller, 3 70-71 basketball, and then 2 more 51T, and a bunch of 68s and a few 69s!

Received December/January 2020/21
Dave Toback --sort of trade/return fire combo --2 51Ts and some 68s and 69s
Dave Toback --"long overdue return fire" 4 more 70-71 basketball --

TJ Valacak --cca win plus a 62, 2 68s, 2 69s with Pinella rookie and 3 70s one Lanier no. 583
Michael Salinksy --trade/return fire --looks like I owe him --a 51b (Zarilla coming off a 325 year) 52b, 3 53B color, 2 55b, one an umpire, 3 56s,one is Hatfield #318, and 3 1960 Leafs

Bob Chapman --raok of 9 nice 68s with "Richie" Allen!
Mathew Glidden for a stat back Whitey Ford exhibit I won in trivia contest
Brian Lindholme waiver of a 55B football card, but the throw in was 41 play ball of Rollie Hemsley who had a 20 year career, multiple allstar appearances!

Received February/March 2022
Mike Rich 9 very sharp 1970 topps baseball nicer than any in my set
Rick Svetecz --a really nice green tint!
HercDriver --added a 61T hit to some cards I bought!
Doug Smith --two 52B hits!
Sal Domino --return fire --5 pretty nice 54Ts with schofield and a higher number and a 55t
Anthony Arbeeny --4 1960 Fleer football hits!
Mark Talbot --two exhibits --Pesky and Taffy Wright!

Received April 2022
Larry Tipton --3 54 topps including woodling raok!
Greg Henthorn --11 1970 topps with several highs including Red Jim Merritt who I desperately needed
James Moleta --return fire --several 55 topps and 56 topps pretty nice with some high numbers, and 4 redmen including a Berra!

Rick Wolf sent me some cards a while back --I think it is these dozen really nice 68 topps that got separated from the envelope in my pile.

Received May-June 2022
Dan Williams --sent before became member --4 nice 68s with Cepeda and Hargan! 1970 kelloggs Bunker! and 8 1970 with the big card being the Blue/Tenace rookie stars card!
Doug Smith for 2 52B Grasso and Merriman!
Brian Betza sent me two 1954 Topps cards Olson and Ross --
James Moleta for 2 55B football --both higher numbers, and 2 68 baseball, and 5 70 baseball with Buckner rookie star card!
Jimi Thayer --3 70-71 basketball, including Larry Siegfried!
Tom Housley --trimmed 53B color, 54B of Raschi, 56 Simmons rough but a high number, and 4 60 --with Pierce and Pascual!
Joel Freedman --I think he sent me a drakes panel --maybe by mistake since I do not collect but is kind of cool . . .
Bob Chapman--5 1970s with Kaat!
Larry Leonard for a 57 Charley Maxwell!

Received July 2022
Jennifer Roach raok 2 KC athletics from 55B set (how is it I did not have these yet?!), 9 1970s including a cincy, and 3 1973 upgrades (priority for me year I started collecting)
Mark Camps (new member?) raok very sharp high number 1961s Hodges and high number, both one of a kind with kids writing
Aaron Shirley raok --Royals stuff --two signed photos, one of Brett, Royals decal, and three stadium postcards!
Ken Morganti --an atlantic oil card and 5 69-70 basketball with Bellamy
John Stamper --three exhibits --Blackwell, Carrasquel, Gonzalez
Kyle Dworchak for a nice 55B, four 1957s including a KC Athletic I had somehow not gotten, and a 59 upgrade!

Received August 2022
Jim Craig --53T Bill Miller and high number Foiles, leaving just Satchel Paige!

Dave Toback vsp cards --3 51B, 7 64P, 5 65P. 1 67P --knocks out a big chunk of remaining 65P!
Taylor Schock --4 exhibits --Adock trucks Lockman and ? return fire)
Some CCA and VSP packages --many cards from Neal Thomas --maybe 60 or 70, mostly 68-70, some from Bob Chapman and others

Sal Domino --exhibits--Calavito and Groth
CCA --Archibald 53B color Boudreau
CCA and VSP --Jennifer Roach --10 high 64s, another 50-80 or so cards --from 51B to 70
James Moleta --bunch of cards in return for half of purchased sample play balls --4 high 60 leafs (2 with autos taped on), 2 trimmed w517, 63 maz,

Mac Wubben --2 53B BW with Woodling! and 57s
VSP -from Don Berg 51 red back! 56T upgrade, 5 68 and 9 69--in really nice shape
VSP Neil Thomas --10 more 70T--nice ones with Santo all star
Stephen Sankner --football hits --a 61 and a 63!
VSP --Aaron Shirley a 51B, couple 55B, not sure if others are VSP or OBC --69 strikeout leaders (I love the backs--since list top 50 in NL< get down to Cloninger with 72k), and a 70 pretty high, and he added a 71 Royals player and 88 Donruss Brett since I am in KC
VSP ==Dave Toback 12 55T football hits with len ford, McElhenny, 3 66T football 68 Biletnikoff and Buchanan and couple others, and 52B Garver and Bickford

September 2022 received
Chuck Salek --1960 league leaders with Koufax and Drysdale, 54b with Schoendienst, several other cards (OBC or VSP?)
Jennifer Roach --10 57s including 3 tough 4th series
VSP --Don Berg --51B Jansen

October 2022 received
Thanks to Bob Chapman for a really sharp 54B –
Richard Labs for 6 really nice 68 football
Ed Fagan for 4 68 football
Stephen Lipsky for 5 62s a 68 2 69 and 2 64 philly football!
Chris Tripler for a 62 and about 6 60s with some highs and Tony C!
Also received VSP from a few people

Way behind on cards/thanks (some notes on my computer disappeared, so I apologize if I left anyone out)

Thanks to Ed Fagan for some amazing upgrades to 69 football headlined by Bob Lilly and also a bunch of other sharp upgrades! Really nice cards!

Thanks to Greg Henthorn for 24 nice all very high number 1974 topps upgrades to my three sets, or maybe the last few cards I need for the third set-the high numbers are tougher for me (should not be since entire set was released at once but i when I got thousands in one lot there were few highs) --These are great!

Thanks to Brian Lindholme --I need to find the cards or my notes , but they were greatly appreciated I might have been so excited I immediately put them where they needed to go!

Thanks to James Keenum for 5 cards baseball and football headlined by a really nice 68 Callison and a high number 69 Hoerner!

Thanks to Tom Biggs for hits and upgrades headed by a 1959 topps upgrade (the only set I try to get vg/ex my first adult set), a couple 69 Reds, my favorite team a 64, and a 54B!

Thanks to Nate Mack for a huge trade that included a 68 stars card with Mays and two other HOF (yes Mantle), 66 Banks, 66 Ferguson, and I did not know what else I was getting if anything, but he added other cards including 5 exhibits with Drysdale, and 4 66 highs!

Received 3/23
Thanks to Brian Betza for return fire -- 2 52T Dodgers and 2 52T Athletics, and 16 cards 62-69 some higher numbers!

Thanks to Greg Henthorn for return fire too (both these guys always seem to immediately return fire), 3 61 highs, 2 62s, and a sharp 66 high with team name nicely corrected!

Received a bunch of 69-70 and 70-71 basketball maybe 100-150 from Jay Tysver in trade, have a lot of dupes now.

Thanks to the following: (continued --got sent too soon)

Jennifer Roach, in addition to CCA, sent me 3 54B baseball!

Mark Talbot sent me 6 55B baseball with Kuenn!

Andrew Goguen --(new OBC member? I still need to get him welcome cards maybe?) sent me 3 71 OPC including borderline HOF incredibly underrated Roy White!

Mark Camps (says it is return fire) sends me 3 54B baseball (none are the same as the 3 Jennifer sent me!) including Al Dark, and 4 70 baseball!

Robert Musgrove (have I sent him welcome cards?) sends me 2 69-70 basketball --Guy Rodgers and Jim Walker! Rarely get cards from this set!

Mark Zentkovich sends me return fire 4 69-70 basketball with Gus Johnson!

Jim Silva sends me 3 55B baseball, one a high number!

Wes Shepard in addition to a purchase of a 63 Fleer Blanda, adds in 2 63F Raiders!


Received 9/23
Gunny Musgrove --3 64 topps football, 6 67 football

Kyle Dworchak --baseball 2 51B, 54B high, 5 62, 9 69 with some high

Eric Papacek (VSP) 10 1962T baseball,and 2 64
Joel Freedman thanks for a 61F football one of only ones left and 2 64T football

Dan Williams --3 or 4 cards
Bob Neill --sent me poor Mantle poster for free that I bid $15 on, plus 4 exhibits!

10/23 received
Joe Stout -3 52B baseball
Kyle Dworchak -2 70 baseball and a greenie

Stopped keeping track, but not a large number of cards received after this...

Thanks guys!

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