Steve Rittenberg's Wantlist

Steve Rittenberg's Wantlist

To contact Steve Rittenberg, send email to

****** These pages may be migrating to Google Sheets. Stay tuned. And ask if something is current in the meantime. ******

Last update March 8, 2025 unless otherwise noted. If the audit date is more than a month old, please ask before sending, including RAOK cards. [ ] means I no longer need a card because it was was ordered or promised to be sent or has not been put away. This list is way too long. Maybe I abandon some of these?

My other pages
Vintage Red Sox | Non-sport | Coins |1981 - present | 1981 - 1990 hockey | Red Sox 1981 - present | Complete Sets and Thanks!

Links on this page:
Pre WW II baseball | Topps baseball | Bowman baseball | OPC baseball | Go to Oddball Exhibits, Post, Hostess/Twinkies, TCMA, Other A to Z
Click Go to Football National Chicle, 1951 Topps Magic, 1956 set #2, 1966 set #1, 1966-1980 set #2, 1971 Posters
Click Go to Basketball 1980-81 Bird /Magic / Dr J. Someday? 1948 Bowman
Click Go to Hockey 1951-52, 1952-53 Parkhurst, 1970s Topps and OPC insert sets
Click Go to Boxing Leaf Boxing, Topps Ringside Boxing. I need to move T and E boxing here
Click Go to Multi-Sports T218 and similar T issues, N28, N29 others (now in NS and to be moved here)

Pre-war baseball
--------------------------------- Batter Up ---------------------------------
1934-36 Batter Up R318 - complete! [A topless set!] [Audited: 8-7-15] Latest activity: Received Hack Wilson from Brian Lindholme to complete my low number set.

1934-36 Batter Up R318 Red Sox - Low numbers: I want all colors available. 10 Rick Ferrell (have pink, green, red), 13 Bill Cissell (have brown), 31 Lefty Grove (Have brown, blue), 49 Carl Reynolds (have blue, b/w, b/w topless), 60 Ed Morgan (have pink), 63 Roy Johnson (have blue, brown). High numbers: Need 147 Almada, 148 Cooke, 149 Berg, 151 Melillo, 162 Cascarella, 182 Cronin. I have extra high numbers to swap for Red Sox high numbers.

--------------------------------- Diamond Stars ---------------------------------
1934 Diamond Stars [Need 1] Low numbers: None. High numbers** 99 Traynor (450/500)
Wow! Received 103 Dickey from Mac at the National in '14, Mungo from him in '15, and 105 Lombardi in '16. Purchased reprints for the rest of the high numbers. Status: List current. Medium priority. [Audited 11-11-24]

High priority 1934-36 Diamond Star Red Sox - complete! [Audited 12-29-23]

--------------------------------- Goudey ---------------------------------
1933 Goudey - Complete! ($1 reprints in place of Ruth, Gehrig and Lajoie)
1934 Goudey Complete! ($1 reprints in place of Gehrigs) [Audited 6-14-15]

1935 Goudey (cut in four) I will also accept the four pieces taped together. Yikes! I bought a big pile to get me started but there were more dupes than I expected. [56 needed of 138]
BengeR, BentonL, BishopM, BlantonC, BonuraZ, BottomleyJ, CampbellB, CantwellB, CoffmanD, CramerD, DeanD, DykesJ, EarnshawG, EnglishW, FerrellR, FerrellW, FitzsimmonsF, FoxxJ, GoodmanI, GoslinG,
GreenbergH, GrimesB, GrubeF, HaasM, HadleyB, HarderM, HayesJ, HemsleyR, HigginsP, HildebrandO, HudlinW, KampourisA, KleinC, KnickerbockerB, LyonsT, MahaffeyR, ManushH, Meyers (Myers)B, MyattG, OstermuellerF,
PietT, RhemF, RoweS, RuthB, SewellL, StrippJ, TroskyH, VosmikJ, WalkerG, WeaverM, WeilandB, WestS, WilliamsD, WilsonJ, WrightG, ZacharyT
[Last update. 11/25/19. Audited 1/4/19] Low priority - can't find these on ebay or at shows. Its difficult to put them away.
Dupes: Bartell NYG, Brandt NYG, Burke WAS, Bush PIT, Comorosky CIN, Hogan BRV, Kress WAS, Mancuso NYG, Marberry DET, Orsatti STL-N, Ruel CHW, Terry NYG, WanerP PIT
Red Sox: Too hard to complete???

1935 Goudey 4-in-1 intact Red Sox team set: (why are this so hard to complete!)
Part 1: Red Sox fronts: Complete!
Part 2: Joe Cronin puzzle backs (Puzzle #5) [Need 1 of 12] 2 puzzles. 6 cards each. I thought I had the real thing but now I think it's a reprint. I need Picture 5 Card E Leslie-Frey-Stripp-Clark. BV $125 All Dodgers on Front. Back is Cronin's right eye. For some dumb reason I bought a reprint but thought it was genuine. $125 I have an extra 3E L-F-S-C to swap for 5E. [Audited 4-11-21.]

1935 Goudey 4-in-1 intact Berry PHA, Burns STN, Campbell CIN, Cochrane DET, Critz NYG, Cronin BOS, Fox DET, Frisch DRT, Grimes CHC, Hayes CHW, Herman PIT, Hudlin CLE, Kamm CLE, Mahaffey A's, Manush WAS, Ruel DET, Ruffing NYY, Ruth BRV, Schuble DET, Spohrer BRV, Traynor PIT, Waner PIT, Werber BOX, West STN

--------------------------------- Playball ---------------------------------
1939 Playball - complete! Includes a reprint #92 Williams but the hole is filled!
1939 Playball lower case (for Red Sox team set) - 7 Doerr, 16 Peacock, 92 Williams (haha). [Audited 4-18-13] Status: Current. These are harder to find than I thought.
1939 Playball need CAP replacements for lower case - Have: 35, 47, 57, 72, 78, 82, 89 Low priority. I will elevate priority when I find someone who wants them.

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---------------------------------------------- Topps baseball ----------------------------------------------
1951 Topps Blue backs - complete!
High priority 1956 Topps White backs [Need 1 (The cards in [] are pending). I will add dates to help me remember when I forget.] I have grays for all of these to swap for your whites.
110 Berra (Plus 117 Trucks for Talbot) [Last update 6-22-24. Audited 6-22-24.] July 2023: Found 151 Jacobs at AU Sports (LCS) in Chicago. Woot!! June 2024 - Found 159 Courtney!!
1956 Topps Gray backs - Complete! Thank you to James Keenum for a Koufax back swap!! [Last update 2-25-21. Audited 3-5-21.]

Gray back upgrades needed to replace cards with WOF. 30 Robinson (Don't really care if I get one), 52 Grim, 53 Portocarrero, 62 Smith, 67 Power, 77 Haddix, 85 Indians Left,
1957 Topps [Need 1] Checklist 4-5 (Bazooka) [Last update 1-20-19. Audited 5/25/19] Wow! I received a 1-2 CL and a contest card from Mark Talbot at Nat'1 13. Can you believe it? I bought the 3-4 Bazooka CL in July '19 and didn't even cross it off. DOH! Priority: Medium.
1958 Topps Yellow Team / Yellow Name. [Need 7 of 34] Need 2 Lemon YT, 32 Porter YN, 33 Neeman YT, 46 Sleater YN, 50 Pierce YT, 58 Schult YT, 70 Kaline YN. Thanks fo recent hits from Dingman, Domino, and Moleta. [Audited 11/4/23]

These are extremely cool but often hard to tell which is which. So lets get another of the regular cards to place next to these.
1958 Topps (not the variations) Complete! [Audited 11/21/23]

Lazy Note 1: Reprints used for the regular & variation Clemente until I found them at @ 5% of BV.
1965 Topps Transfers Have: Alvis, Bouton, Christopher, Davis, Kranepool, Pizarro, BrooksRobinson, Spangler, Williams
Red Sox Team set: (Need) Conigliaro, Radatz, Yaz
1966 Topps Rub offs [Need 63 of 120] AaronH ATL, AllenR PHI, AspromonteB HOU, BanksE CHI, BlefaryC BAL, BoyerK STL, BunningJ PHI, CallisonJ PHI, CampanerisB KAN, CardenalJ LOS, ChanceD LAA, CloningerT ATL, Colavito (u) CLE, ConigliaroT BOS, DavisW LAD, EllisS CIN, FisherJ NEW, FloodC STL, FordW NYY, Freehan, Gibson, Grant, Hall, Harrelson, Kaline, Killebrew, Lewis, Mantilla, Mantle, Mays, McCarver, McCovey, McMullen, Monbouquette, Morgan (u), Orsino, Pappas, Radatz, Richardson, FrankRobinson, Roseboro, White, Williams, Yastrzemski, Orioles, Red Sox, Cubs (u), White Sox, Reds, Indians, Tigers (u), Astros, Athletics (u), Dodgers, Braves, Twins, Mets (u), Yankees, Phillies, Pirates, Giants, Cardinals. [Last update 12.10.24. Last audit ??]
1968 Topps Milton Bradley - See Oddballs
1969 Topps Decals - complete
1969 Topps Deckle. Working on 9 sets simultaneously. :-) Here's what I still need. The completed pages are listed at the bottom.
Here's what I need after eBay and COMC orders show up:
11b Wynn x 1

Here's what's pending (ordered from ebay or COMC) and hasn't been put away -- this is just for me.
[4 Yaz BOS x2 from COMC]

Latest hits: 13 Jan Stamper wipes out the list and finishes FIFTEEN pages all by himself! 3 Feb Domino sends a McCovey and Shirley sends a Gibson. 27 April Talbot handed me a Mays, Rose, 2 Gibsons, and a McCovey to finish 4 more pages! Superhero Jerry Straniero hands me a Foy to knock off that page and get me down to a single card!!!

Completed: 1 Brooks, 2 Powell, 3 Harrelson, 5 Fregosi, 6 Aparicio, 7 Tiant, 8 McLain, 9 Horton, 10 Freehan, 11a Wilhelm, 12 Carew, 13 Stottlemyre, 14 Monday, 15 Davis, 16 Howard, 17 Alou, 18 Kessinger, 19 Santo, 20 Helms, 21 Rose, 22a Staub, 22b Foy, 23 Haller, 24 Wills, 25 Koosman, 26 Allen, 27 Clemente, 28 Flood, 30 Ferrara, 31 McCovey, 33 Mays. [Last update 12/24/24. Audited 12/24/24]
1970 Topps Scratch Offs (wh ctr) Scratched - Complete!
1970 Topps Scratch Offs (wh ctr) Unscratched - Complete!
1970 Topps Scratch Offs (wh ctr) No back: - Complete Upgraded needed Marichal. Dupes, Allen, Beckert, Colbert, Colbert, Jones, Spencer. [Last update 2024.01.13. Audited 24.01.13]

1971 Topps Scratch Offs (red ctr) No back: [Need 8] BandoS, ColbertN, HeganM, JonesM, KillebrewH, Perez (upgradr wr on fr), StargellW, WynnJ Missing. Dupes: Marichal [Audit 7/13/24] I have some whole ones but want ones with no back. I don't have the heart to separate them: Colbert, Jones.
1973 Topps Team CL -- All audited on 7/7/23
I am insane. I have enough dupes that I decided to split into unmarked and marked sets. I should have some other dupes around here to look through... I need to go back and re-list the dupes
1973 Topps Team CL (1*) Unmarked [Need 3] ATL, BOS, NYY [Audited 12/10/24]
1973 Topps Team CL (1*) Marked - complete! [Audited 7/20/24]

1973 Topps Team CL (2*) Unmarked [Need 3] CLE, MIL, TEX [Last update 12/10/24. Audited 12/10/24] Thanks to Ken Morganti for an Unmarked NYY**. Boo Yankees!!
1973 Topps Team CL (2*) Marked - Complete! [Audited 7/7/23]
1976 Topps Team MAIL IN Cards This is the mail-in set. I actually had these when I was a kid! [4 of 24] Atlanta Braves, Kansas City, Minnesota, Oakland A's. These are NOT the standard cards. They are from a mail in offer and have a bright back, not the standard dark gray back. Dupes: CHW, CLE, DET, HOU, LOS, SDP, SFG. [Last Update 7/7/23. Audited 7/7/23.]
1977 Topps Cloth Stickers (Set #1 0 needed) Complete! [Last update 5/31/18. Last audited 5/31/18]
Set #2? Where is set #1 ?? Well, this is a mystery. Maybe one day I'll find it and have an awesome windfall. Until then, here's my lists for * and **. I have some nice * dupes available to swap for **.
1977 Cloth Sticker * [3 cards with 1 pending from COMC] [6 Braun SP MIN], 8 Brock STL, 38 Rose SP CIN, [Last update 7/13/24. Audited 7/13/24.] Thanks S. Domino for '23 Natl Handshake with Brett *.

1977 Cloth Sticker ** [8 cards with 2 pending from COMC] 2 Bell SP CLE, 22 Jackson NYY, [31 Morgan CIN], [35 Pagan SEA], 40 Ryan SP CAL, 53 Yastrzemski BOS (want 3) [Last update 1/13/24. Audited 7/7/23.]

Cloth Sticker puzzle pieces: List destroyed by Sal Domino at the National. He bought two sets so he could finish mine. Now it's my turn to find some and help others.
1978 Topps Mail-in Team Checklists [Have 1 of 27] HAVE MIL
1979 Topps Mail-in Team Checklists [Need 4 of 27] Angels, Astros, Red Sox (need 2), Header/Advertisement

[Move to your completed page, LFA!!!] Completed:
Regular sets: 1951 Red Backs, 1952 1-310, 1953-1980 (subject to gremlins (1961) and upgrades (1959)

Parallel/traded: 1959 gray/white, 1960 gray/white, 1962 green tints, 1974 Was/SD parallels, 1974 Traded, 1975 mini, 1976 Traded
Insert/odbball sets: 1963 Peel-Offs, 1964 Coins, 1964 Giants, 1965 Embossed, 1967 Posters, 1968 Game Card, 1969 Decals, 1969 Deckle Edge, 1970 Posters (complete set from the Amazing Goto), 1970 Scratch Offs, 1970 Super, 1971 Coins, 1971 Scratch Offs, 1971 Super, 1977 Cloth [Where are they??)

Notes that no one caes about but you.
1959 Topps upgrades - Complete! 1959 Topps (variations) - Complete! Wow. I owe Morganti for the last one, 40 Spahn (b 1931)
1963 Topps Peel-Offs - Complete, including upgrades! [Audited 6-14-15]
1967 Topps Posters - Complete! Dupes: 10, 21, 26, 28, 31x2, 32 [Audited 8/7/14. Where are these?]
1968 Topps Posters - complete! Red Sox posters: complete! [Last update 7/2/21. Audited 1/5/21]
1969 Topps Decals Complete! Thanks Spike for the Oliva! [Last update 22.09.01. Audited 22.12.24]
1970 Topps Scratch Offs (wh ctr) Unscratched - Completed with a Marichal from Bob Reed. [Last update 21.05.21. Audited 22.05.10]
1970 Topps Scratch Offs (wh ctr) Scratched - Completed 12/28/20 with a SeaverT scratched by .... me. Dupes about TWENTY cards from about EIGHT different players. Please ask. Dupes: Jones x3; Pinella x 2. Latest hits: Wynn, Powell, and Killebrew from Denning. Apraricio and McCarver from Domino.
1971 Topps Coins - complete! 1971 Topps Coins Red Sox team set - complete!
1971 Topps Scratch Offs (red ctr) Scratched or unscratched - Complete! Dupes: Hegan Osteen Osteen, Allen, Jones, Colbert. [Last update 5/10/22, Audit 5/10/22.]
1974 Topps Team CL (1*) Unmarked - complete!
1974 Topps Team CL (1*) Marked - complete!
1974 Topps Team CL (2*) Unmarked - complete!
1974 Topps Team CL (2*) Marked - complete!

Special project #1: Johnny Jeter.
Backstory: When a friend, John Jeter, was tending my cats, he left a note asking me to check out particular cards in my Topps coffee table book. To thank him, I'd like to make an album with a page of each of the cards he pointed out. I want these in EX or better. Can you birddog for me? If someone can check with dealers with cards in numerical order, I will pay back for your expenses and try to add hits to your list.

Here's the list: COMPLETED! Time to deliver these.
1970 Topps #141 Pirates RCs Dave Cash/Johnny Jeter. Complete!
1971 Topps #47 Johnny Jeter, Pirates. Complete!
1972 Topps #288 Johnny Jeter, Padres. Complete!.
1973 Topps #423 Johnny Jeter, White Sox. Complete!
1974 Topps #615 Johnny Jeter, White Sox. Complete!
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---------------------------------------------- Bowman baseball ----------------------------------------------
1948 Bowman [Need 10 of 48] 5 Feller RC, 6 Berra RC, 8 Rizzuto RC SP, 13 Marshall RC SP, 17 Slaughter RC, 18 Spahn RC, 20 Kerr RC SP, 26 Shea RC SP, 36 Musial RC, 38 Schoendienst RC [Last Update 11.15.23. Audited 11.15.23] Need reprint for Spahn and Schoend. Have RPs for the other key cards. SPs needed: 13 Marshall, 20 Kerr, 26 Shea @ $5 each. RCs wanted at 5-10%: 5, 6, 8, 17, 18, 36, 38.
1949 Bowman base set [Need 2 of 240 cards] for regular set 84 Campanella, 233 Doby (These are both gray backs so also appear in my 'gray back' list. And now I have reprints for boths of these.)

Cards #1-73 were also printed on white (creme) stock and gray stock. There is no #4 in white. So I'll collect those too. They don't seem hard to find.
1949 Bowman White - complete! Last cards (Marion and Slaughter) from M. Macrae! He's my hero.

Oh yes they are hard to find. And ebay sellers never tell you which you are getting. I still need a bunch of these, including several keys/HOFs.
1949 Bowman Gray [Need 16 of 240] 14 SimmonsC, 24 MusialS, 26 KellG, 27 FellerB, 30 SeminickA, 32 YostE, 42 EversH, 46 RobertsR, 49 SheaF, 51 WehmeierH, 57 BeardenG, 58 ElliottB, 60 Berra (have RP) 62 HattonG, 64 DiMaggioD, 68 JonesS [Last update 1.14.24. Audited 1.14.24]

High numbers (145-240) [Need 1 of 95 highs] 233 DobyL - found a reprint [Last update 6-13-18. Audited 4-5-20]
Reprints to be replaced someday: 50 Robinson, 60 Berra Gray, 84 Campanella, 214 Ashburn, 224 Paige, 233 Doby

1949 Bowman Red Sox gray backs: Complete! 1949 Bowman Red Sox white backs: Complete!

1950 Bowman Copyright on back - complete!

1950 Bowman No copyright on back [Need 6] 185 Judson RC, 188 Johnson SOX, 194 Cox60, 197 Wyrostek, 200 Higbe, 205 Goliat RC, 246 Dropo SOX [Last update 6-19-24. Audited 6.19.24] ** 5/22/22. Cards added back to the list! Today I am adding 187 Stringer SOX, 188 Johnson SOX, 246 Dropo SOX.
1954 Bowman Variations - complete! [Completed 4-12-15]
1954 Bowman Variation Red Sox - complete (Goodman is the only variation)

Completed: 1950 base set, 1951-1955, 1954 Variations
1955 Bowman variations - Complete! Project completed with 48a Bolling ERR (Tigers) from Casey Blanton. Thanks to James Moleta for getting me going on these. More help received from Morganti, Roach, and Domino. [Last update 3.09.25. Audited 03.09.25]

Special Project #2: Cubs and White Sox for Jim Rittenberg. Jim is the owner of Mother Hubbard's Sports Bar and Grill in Chicago. We are pseudo cousins. Jim always takes care of OBC when the National is in Chicago. To say thanks, I'd like to obtain 1 of each Bowman Cub/White Sox card from 1949-52. I have a list and a few to send him. I hope using this space will prod me to be more active.

May '20. My records deteriorated. Whenever Jim moves back from Acapulco (or some similar place), he will let me know what we've given him.

Bowman's for Jim are on pause until Jim can tell me where we stand. So I'm crossing them off here.
1949 Bowman Cubs [Need 6 of 15] Tentative need: 22 Lowrey, 38 Verban, 63 Pafko , 76 Nicholson, 152 Maddern RC, 168 Lade RC
1949 Bowman White Sox [Need 5 of 11] Tentative need: 44 Philley, 96 Wright, 119 Baker, 175 Appling, 217 Pieretti

1950 Bowman Cubs [Need 2 of 15] Tentative need 24 Schmitz, 61 Rush RC
1950 Bowman White Sox [Need 3 of 14] Tentative need 5 Kuzava RC, 37 Appling, 38 Wight RC

1951 Bowman Cubs [Need 5 of 19] Tentative need 70 Northey, 139 Lade, 174 Owen, 175 Terwilliger, 318 Hacker
1951 Bowman White Sox [Need 4 of 19] Tentative need 12 Majeski, 36 Dobson (P2J), 231 Aloma (P2J), 303 Rotblatt RC

1952 Bowman Cubs [Need 5 of 15] Tentative need 16 Lown (P2J), 64 Smalley (P2J), 88 Edwards (P2J), 126 Cavaretta (Missing??), 211 Minner (P2J)
1952 Bowman White Sox [Need 5 of 14] Tentative need 77 Robinson (P2J), 165 Rogovin (P2J), 201 Coleman, 221 Kretlow RC $60, 237 Lollar $60

This list needs an audit. 1951 and 1952 were audited and appear correct. Need to find out if Jim already has any of these.

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---------------------------------------------- Exhibits----------------------------------------------
1939-46 Salutation Exhibits [9 needed] Cuccinello, Dean, Gehrig, Gomez, Hartnett SP, Klein SP, Kreevitch SP, Mulcahy SP, Rizzo SP [Audited: 6-21-18]
Medium priority - I've found just about all the affordable ones except Vander Meer. Maybe find some reprints for the others as I never see the SPs. Status: List current.
1947-66 Exhibits [Need 8] G Coleman SP, Koufax, Kranepool SP, Peters SP, Powell SP, Richardson SP, Ward SP, Yaz BOS SP (Have 1 for Red Sox binder. Now need 1 for set) [Notes: I hate this set. Audited 8-8-15] Latest activity: Recd Yaz from George V in Chicago. Wow!! The rest all are from 1966. I'd gladly take RPs or even scans at this point.
1948 Baseball's Great HOF Exhibits [Need 2 + 5 upgrades] (u)Cobb, (u)Mack, (u)Plank, Ruth/Btg NYY, Ruth/Standing NYY, (u)Sisler [Audited 7-18-17] Latest activity: Bought some at Natl '18. Medium priority.
1962 Stat Back Exhibits (black back) - complete! [Audited 7-19-17]
1962 Stat Back Exhibits (red back) Red Sox team set - complete!
1963 Stat Back Exhibits (red back) - complete! I found SEVEN 1962 red back exhibits in my 1963 set. Here's what is still needed: NONE! I paid about $12 + S/H for a Groat. [Audited 12-3-18]
1974 Baseball's Great HOF Exh W464 RP [Need 6] Frankie Frisch, Rogers Hornsby, Hughie Jennings, Walter Johnson, John McGraw, George Sisler, Cy Young. Audited 4.13.24 Thanks Mike Rich for Waddell, Wagner, and Walsh! My Walter Johnson is sepia. Is that a different set?
1977 Baseball's Great HOF Exh (Blk) [Have 4] HAVE Ford, Greenberg, Wagner, Williams
1977 Baseball's Great HOF Exh (Blue) [Have 4] HAVE DiMaggio, Foxx, Hartnett, Mantle
1977 Baseball's Gr HOF Exh (Sepia) Set #2 [Have 10] HAVE Berra, Clemente, Dark, Feller, Mize, Musial, Ott, Paige, Ruth, Speaker
1980 Exhibits (Blue) #2 [Have 6] HAVE Banks, Killebrew, Maris, Musial, Brobinson, Spahn
1977 Jim Rowe 4-on-1 Exhibits #2 - complete!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Exhibits ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

---------------------------------------------- Oddball: A thru z ----------------------------------------------
1968 American Oil Sweepstakes [Need 9 of 12] Need Brewer (Golfer), Camaro, Corvette, Damascus, Mantle, P Jones (Race car driver), Richards (Track), Ruth, Sayers [Audited 5-26-19]
1969 Atlantic Oil Contest [Need 18 of 51 + 3 Red Sox. Last update 7/7/24. Last audit 7/7/24]
[Need 7 of 25 + 2 Red Sox] AL: Need Davis AL-4 ($100), Etchebarren WIN, Freehan AL-3($2500), Kaline AL-2, McCraw WIN AL-6, Scott SOX AL-6 (need 2), Wilson AL-WIN, Yaz SOX
[Need 11 of 26] NL: Need Agee WIN$$, Alou, Banks WIN$$, Clemente, Fairly WIN, Gibson, Maloney, Maris, Osteen WIN, Swoboda (Collect w #8 and win), Williams WIN$
Does anyone have a color copy or a scan of the $$$$ cards?
[Need 2 of 4] Repeated from above Red Sox needed: Scott, Yaz. [Audited 5-26-19] [b.2019]
1969 ARCO Red Sox - complete!
1963 Bazooka ATG [Need 1] 17 Ruth [Audited 5-26-19]
1963 Bazooka ATG Red Sox team set [Need 1] 6 Young [Audited 8-9-15]
1963 Bazooka ATG Silver [Need 15 + 3 Red Sox] 4 Mathewson, 6 Young SOX (need 2), 12 Johnson, 13 Brown, 15 Gehrig, 17 Ruth, 19 Greenberg, 20 McGraw, 23 Collins SOX, 24 Speaker SOX, 25 Chance, 26 Clarke, 27 Robinson, 33 Duffy, 36 Ott, 38 Lyons, 39 Anson [Audited 5-26-19]
1951 Berk Ross [Need 36 of 72 + 1 Red Sox. Last update 7.7.24. Last audit 7.7.24]
Series 1: Need 9 of 18. Need 1-2 Lemon, 1-3 Rizzuto, 1-7 Mize, 1-8 DiMaggio BOS (need 2), 1-9 Ashburn, 1-12 Schnittker, 1-13 ECharles, 1-16 BHogan, 1-18 BQuackenbush [Audited 7/7/24]
Series 2: Need 10 of 18. Need 2-1 Musial, 2-2 Spahn, 2-4 Berra, 2-7 Hamner, 2-9 Lopata, 2-10 Goliat, 2-11 White, 2-13 RRobinson, 2-14 DWalker, 2-16 Stewart
Series 3: Need 10 of 18. Need 3-1 Kiner, 3-3 Reynolds, 3-5 Page, 3-8 Sisler, 3-10 Heintzelman, 3-12 LaMotta, 3-15 Franz, 3-16 Abel, 3-17 Sherman, 3-18 Owens
Series 4: Need 7 of 18. Need 4-1 Woodling, 4-2 Mapes, 4-4 Byrne, 4-5 Ford, 4-8 Roberts, 4-11 Sharman, 4-15 Justice
Also need Red Sox: 1-8 Dom DiMaggio
1950 Callahan [6 needed] Baker '55, DiMaggio '55, Hartnett '55, Lyons '55, Schalk '55, Vance' 55 [Notes: All are tough to find at a reasonable price. Audited 6-9-24]
Latest activity: Acquired a Chandler for $$$. This set won't ever be finished with cards at reasonable prices.
Discs - Only collecting Red Sox. Please seed Red Sox list

---------------------------------------------- Coins ----------------------------------------------
1959, 1960 Armour Coins - please see Red Sox list
1962 Shirriff and Old London Coins - Need to make Red Sox list
1962 Salada Red Sox coins - please see Red Sox list
1963 Salada Red Sox coins - please see Red Sox list
Topps coins - completed

---------------------------------------------- Fleer ----------------------------------------------
1967-68 Set of 19 Team Cards - Need list of Red Sox
1969-72 Official BB Quiz - Need list of Red Sox
1973 Fleer Wildest Days and Plays - I learned these come in white back and an off white/cream backs. Here's a list for the off white/cream backs: 1-4, 8-18, 20-27, 29-35, 37, 39-42. I have plenty of white backs available for swapping.

---------------------------------------------- Hall of Fame (HOF) Postcards----------------------------------------------
1944-45 Albertype HOF PC754-1 [Have 0] Have none
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
1946-52 Albertype HOF PC754-2 [Have 1] Have Wagner
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
1953-55 Artvue HOF Postcards (Type 1 - holes in corners of placques) [Have 6 of 79] Have Anson, Comiskey, Foxx, McCarthy, Ruth, Waddell
1953-55 Artvue Type 1 [Need 4 of 4 Red Sox] Need J Collins, Cronin, Foxx, Grove
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
1956-63 Artvue HOF Postcards (Type 2 - bolts) [Have 5 of 94] Have DiMaggio, Feller, Gehrig, Wagner, Wheat
1956-63 Artvue Type 2 [Need 4 of 4 Red Sox] Need J Collins, Cronin, Foxx, Grove
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
1965-80 Curteichcolor HOF Postcards [Need 15 of 173]
(6) Need Curteicholor but will take any as a placeholder:
(9) Need Curtiecholor to upgrade from modern placeholder: [Averill], Campy '69, Clemente '73, Cobb, [Gehrig], MacPhail, Mathews, Mays, [Ruth]
*The vintage postcards were printed in green and black ink. I prefer green ink but will accept black. Untill I learn more, 'black ink' is NOT a varation.

1965-80 Curteichcolor HOF Postcards - Red Sox [Need 5 of 6] Need J Collins, Cronin, Foxx, Grove, Yawkey
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
1978-79 Dexter Press HOF postcards [Need 19 of 54] Boudreau, [Chance], Coveleski, Dihigo, [Evers], Galvin, Giles, Hooper (Sox set), Hoyt, JudyJohnson, Keeler, Kelly, Koufax, Lajoie, PopLloyd, Mack, MacPhail, Musial, Roush, Rusie, [Tinker], [Traynor], Waner, Williams (Need 2), [Youngs] [Audited 7/xx/24]
1980 - present (Bright Yellow) National Baseball HOF postcards - I don't know what year, if any. HAVE: Aaron, Banks, Ford, Dean, Berra, Aparicio, Drysdale, Gehrig, Killebrew, Matthews, Mantle, Mays, Musial, Ruth, Snider, Spahn, Williams [b. 8/9/15] [Please do not send any. I have different sets of these in the works. And possibly plenty of dupes.]
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
1959 Fleer Ted Williams Set #2 3, 8, 10, 15, 18, 22, 25, 26, 27, 32, 33, 37, 41, 42, 47, 52, 53, 57, 58, 60, 69, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78, 80

---------------------------------------------- Hostess ----------------------------------------------
The prices for the HOFers are to help me search when I don't have my full paper list with me.
1975 Hostess [Need 2 of 150] 48 Yaz INFIELD (tough variation), 85 Kingman SP, 86 Herrmann SP [Last update 4-3-21. Aud1ted 5-26-19.] But I need to split it between Hostess and Twinkies.
1976 Hostess - Complete 5-26-19!
1977 Hostess - Complete 6-12-18!
1978 Hostess - Complete 1-27-21! Thank you MRW for the Munson.
1979 Hostess - Complete 12-25-20!

1975 Hostess Twinkies - Need to split the set into Hostess and Twinkies
1975 Hostess Twinkies Red Sox - 18 Dwight Evans (need brown back and black back)
1976 Hostess Twinkies - Need to split the set into Hostess and Twinkies
1977 Hostess Twinkies single card panels. These are full 3x4 inch panels from a single twinkie package. For these, I am NOT collecting trimmed ones right now.
[Need 14 of 60] 9 Rod Carew, 10 Luis Tiant, 14 Dave Lopes, 16 Jim Spencer, 19 Montanez SP, 20 Metzger SP, 29 Murcer SP, 30 Monday SP, 36 Brett SP $5, 39 Bob Watson SP, 40 Foster, 44 Dave Winfield, 49 Jerry Morales, 50 Ron LeFlore, 59 Ken Griffey, 60 Kingman
This list is out of date because I am LAZY. 1977 Hostess Twinkies [Need 99 of 150] 9 Rod Carew, 10 Luis Tiant, 19 Montanez SP, 20 Metzger SP, 28 Hiller SP, 30 Monday SP, 36 Brett SP $5, 39 Bob Watson SP, 40 Foster, 44 Dave Winfield, 45 Al Oliver, 47 Larry Herndon, 48 Dave Goltz, 49 Jerry Morales, 50 Ron LeFlore, 59 Ken Griffey, 60 Kingman, 61 Ted Simmons, 62 Larry Bowa, 63 Tanana, 64 Thompson, 65 Ken Brett, 66 Roy Smalley, 67 Burris, 68 Burleson, 69 Bell, 70 Sutton $2.50, 71 Belanger, 72 Leonard, 73 Gaylord Perry, 74 Ruthven, 75 Jose Cruz, 76 Cesar Geronimo, 77 Koosman, 78 Garry Templeton, 79 Jim Hunter, 80 John Candelaria, 82 Staub, 83 Barr, 84 Butch Wynegar, 85 Cardenal, 87 Travers, 88 Waits, 89 Cey, 90 Bumbry, 91 Dent, 92 Amos Otis, 93 Grieve, 94 Enos Cabell, 95 Concepcion, 96 Felix Millan, 97 McBride, 98 Chambliss, 99 Metzger, 100 Rennie Stennett, 101 Roberts, 102 Lyman Bostock, 103 Rick Reuschel, 104 Carlton Fisk, 105 Jim Slaton, 106 Eckersley, 107 Ken Singleton, 108 Ralph Garr, 109 Freddie Patek SP, 110 Sundberg SP, 111 Niekro SP, 112 Richard SP, 114 Matlack SP, 115 Hernandez SP, 116 Graig Nettles SP, 117 Carlton SP $3, 118 Bill Madlock SP, 119 Reuss SP, 122 Ray Fosse SP, 123 George Hendrick SP, 124 Alan Ashby, 125 Lis, 126 Bando, 127 Richie Zisk, 131 Bob Grich, 132 Pagan, 133 Dave Cash, 134 Braun, 135 Dan Meyer, 136 Stein, 137 Fingers $2.5, 138 Downing, 139 Singer, 140 Alexander, 141 Tenace, 142 Matthews, 143 Gullett, 144 Garland, 145 Pete Broberg, 146 Joe Rudi, 147 Abbott, 148 George Scott, 149 Bert Campaneris, 150 Andy Messersmith

1975 Hostess Twinkies Red Sox - Audit needed
1976 Hostess Twinkies Red Sox - Audit needed
1977 Hostess Twinkies Red Sox - Audit needed

Hostess 3 card panels. Maybe I will work on these some day. For now, I'm amassing panels and focusing on ones with the Red Sox on them.

1979 Hostess brown ink - Pulled from my black ink set for Morganti on 7/6/24. Replacements needed: 16 Goltz, 28 Cey, 29 Richard, 30 Luzinski

---------------------------------------------- Kellogg's ----------------------------------------------
I recently learned that 1979 Kellogg's came in three variations. The dull orange and two variations of red. Some have three variations in the red. For now one red is sufficient.
1979 Kellogg's orange (need 3 including and 3 from COMC) [9 Eck - COMC], [20 Molitor - COMC], 37 Chambliss (missing!), [Audited 1/19/25. Red Sox team set - have Evans. Need Eck, Lynn, Rice, Yaz.]
1979 Kellogg's orange Red Sox Team set (Need 3 incl one from COMC) 9 Eck, [15 Rice - COMC], 45 Yaz
[Audited 1.19.25. Last updated 1.19.25]

1979 Kellogg's [need 4 with 3 pending from COMC] [5 Palmer], [32 Foster], 45 Yaz BOS, [50 Brett] Thanks S. Domino for '23 Natl Handshake. Thanks to Mark Talbot for two February 2024 hits [Audited 1/19/25. Red Sox: have all the regular cards.]

---------------------------------------------- Laughlin ----------------------------------------------
1974 Laughlin All-Star Games [need 13 of 40] 1934 Hubbell, 1946 TWilliams (want 2), 1949 JRobinson, 1957 Kaline, 1959 FRobinson, 1960 Mays, 1962 Clemente, 1965 Stargell, 1966 BRobinson, 1968 Seaver, 1970 Yastrzemski (want 2), 1972 Aaron (need 1 of 2), 1973 Bonds
1976 Laughlin NL Diamond Jubilee - HAVE 18, 25, 28, 30, 32 [Need 27 of 32]
1980 Laughlin Famous Feats Second Series [Need 3 of 40] 20 Stengel (missing?), 22 Mathewson, 24 Jackson [b. 2018?] [Audited 3-6-21] Thanks to Grever for Munson.
1980 Laughlin 300/400/500 [Need 13] - 2 Ruth, 6 TWilliams, 10 Mays, 15 Spahn, 16 Aaron, 17 Hornsby, 18 Mantle, 20 TWilliams, 22 Plank, 24 Sisler, 25 Mathews, 26 Wynn, 29 Gehrig
This partial set will be abandoned shortly because I bought a full set. Or should I build a second set?
1949 Leaf Baseball[Need xx of 98] [Audited 5-8-16]
First the ones that I can afford: Complete! [Last update 6-4-18. Audited 2-19-19.]

Then the furshlugginer SPs: [Have 7 reprints out of 48 total. Thanks to OBC friendly dealer Roger Neufeldt, I need 20 of 48 SPs!!]
5 Virgil Trucks/SP, 13 Casimer Michaels/SP, 20 Hank Sauer/SP, 33 Harry Lowrey SP, 43 Eddie Stevens SP, 45 Ken Keltner SP, 51 Alvin Dark SP, 54 Bobby Adams SP, 66 Orval Grove SP, 81 George Kurowski SP, 88 Frank Gustine/SP, 104 Edward Stewart/SP, 129 Kirby Higbe/SP, 131 Sid Gordon/SP, 138 Larry Doby/SP, 146 Harold Reiser/SP, 158 Harry Brecheen/SP, 160 Bob Scheffing/SP, 163 Freddy Hutchinson/SP, 165 Dale Mitchell/SP [Audited 2-19-19] Reprints and scans accepted for SPs.

Reprints included in lieu of $$$ cards: 8 Paige, 55 Henrich, 75 DDiMaggio Red Sox, 98 Newhouser, 120 Kell, 127 Slaughter, 133 Holmes
Dupe reprints: 98 Newhouser, 133 Holmes
Dupe non-SPs
Dupe SPs
1970 Milton Bradley - complete! [Audited 5-26-19]
1969 MLB Photostamps: [Need 12 of 18] AL Series 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8; NL Series 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 [b. 2019]
1960 Nu-Card Scoops Hi-Lites - complete [Wow! STAN HACK demolished my WL at the National '14 leaving me with just a Colavito to complete the set.]
1960 Nu-Card Scoops Hi-Lites Red Sox - complete
---------------------------------------------- OPC -----------------------------------------------
1965-68 OPC
As part of the clean up of my home from the October flooding, a plumber messed up and water went from the sink into the basement. 1965-68 OPC was in an 800 count box in the bottom stack of boxes moved out of the way for carpet repair. The cards were all* water damaged. I left them to dry but now their are all curled. I've tried to soak some commons, pat dry, and press under heavy books. First two attempts failed. Either the cards weren't soaked long enough or I didn't leave them to dry long enough. I don't know. I'm absolutely crushed about this.

If anyone is an expert on uncurling cards, please let me know. And even if I can flatten them, the cards won't be the same in my mind. I know we soak cards from albums but this soaking feels different. Any guidance or consolation is appreciated. [Who really cares about my self-created drama? When I grow up and act like an adult, I'll get rid of all this nonsense.]
* Two cards were in hard plastic. '68 Clemente and '68 Koosman.

1965 OPC Red Sox Complete!
1968 OPC Red Sox Complete! Thank you Larry Leonard for the last Yaz Ldr card.
1969 OPC Red Sox Complete! I overpaid but now the Red Sox run is done.
1971 OPC [2 needed] 628 Bateman MON, 665 Swoboda RC MON [Audited 11-5-22]
History of 1971 OPC that no one cares about. Why have I wasted your time to report it? Because I'm annoying, self-centered, and whiny.
2012 - All progress stopped for a while. Pulled #747 Sevirensen Spinks Moore for Rick Lyons. Five needed.
2016 - Sent 535 Flood + 560 Staub to Mac Wubben. Receive Yaz (for Red Sox team set) in return. Wow! Up to seven needed.
2017 - Received #547 Dobson from TJ and bought #747 at AU sports in Chicago. Back to five needed.
2022 - Received #560 Staub from Randy Krowlewicz with an assist from Rick Lyons. Four needed: 535 Flood, 628 Bateman, 665 Swoboda, 714 Williams
2022 - Received 535 Curt Flood and Dick Williams (from Rick Lyons. Wow! This is awesome!) Just two needed! 628 Bateman, 665 Swoboda. Correct as of 11/4/23

1971 OPC Red Sox - complete!

---------------------------------------------- Post/Jello ----------------------------------------------
1961 Post Cereal Box [Need 2 of 200 with 2 pending] [36 R Colavito DET - either floating around here or on COMC], [126 V Law PIT - COMC] [b. 8.10.15] [Last update: 7.6.24. Audited 7.6.24] Replace RP if I find a cheap real one: 132 Clemente
1961 Post Cereal Company [Need 28 of 200] [Last update: 7.6.24. Audited 7.6.24.]
(0) NYY: Complete!
(3) CHW: 21 Pierce, 22 Wynn $25, 24 Smith $17.50,
(1) DET: 35 Kaline $30,
(2) BOS: 47 Runnels BOS $17.50, 55 Sullivan PHI $25
(0) CLE: Complete!
(3) BAL: 72 Hansen, 73 CEstrada CompOnly $110, 75 Robinson $35
(4) KCA: 81 Lumpe, 86 Williams, 88 Herzog, 89 Hamlin sold line,
(0) MIN: Complete thanks to Mac Wubben who hands me a TOUGH 93 Lemon Minnesota in 2023.
AL: 13 cards needed

(4) MIL: 106 Mathews CompOnly $40, 109 Bruton DET $12.50, 115 Farrell MIL
(3) PHI: 118 Taylor, 120 Curry, 123 Callison
(0) PIT: Complete!
(1) SF: 142 Antonelli CLE
(0) LOS: Complete!
(1) STL: 175 McDaniel
(1) CIN: 182 Robinson $35
(3) CHC: 191 Banks $20, 193 Thomas $40, 195 Altman
NL: 12 cards needed

1961 Post Company Red Sox Team Set: Only need #47 Runnels. Wow! Didn't know I had so many. [I need TWO of these!]

1962 Post Cereal Set is now COMPLETE! Thanks to Randy Kniffin for a great dealer on the last few, including the Larker SP. Huge thanks to James Moleta for a DS starter set that included lots of SPs.
1963 Post Cereal [b. 8/10/15] [Need 23 of 200] [May 2019. Added a & b variations. Need 8 of 9 'a' variations. <--- Need to check this, 'b' variations listed in the next section.]

{Is it helpful to list each team on a separate row?}
MIN 1: 8 Battey
NYY 1: 15 Mantle $400
LAA 2: 26b Koppe (1962 BA .227)
CHW 3: 36.1 Fox (bat not showing) (need 2), 39 Robinson SSP,
DET 0: Complete!
BAL 0: Complete!
CLE 0: Complete!
BOS 1: 80 Yastrzemski SSP3,
KCA 1: 87 Jimenez SSP,
WAS: Complete!
SFG 1: 108 Haller SSP,
LAD 1: 119 Davis SSP2,
CIN 0: Complete!
PIT: Complete!
MIL: Complete!
StL 3: 162 Flood SSP, 167.1 McDaniel No trade (need 2),
CHC 1: 172 Williams SSP2,
PHI 1: [181 Gonzalez SP MISSING],
HOU 1: 187 Aspromonte $500,
NYM 0: Complete!
AL 8 NL 8

Codes: SP $30, SSP $150, SSP2 $250, SSP3 $350. $500 for Aspromonte? $5 reward to someone who teaches me how to print a scan in the right size. I will cut up a cereal box and glue the scanned card to the cardboard.

1963 Post Cereal variations [Need 4 of 10] 26b Koppe LAA (BA .227), 36b Fox CHW (bat part showing) (need a&b), 124.2 Daryl Spencer (arm showing), 167.1 McDaniel No trade

1963 Jello [Need 89 of 200] [b. 8/10/15] I can't believe I'm listing the Jellos separately but I like them more than the post. Please send me scanned copies of the tough SPs. Last change: 4 from Arbeeny (May 2023). Last update 5/13/23.

MIN (5):2 Allen, 3 Versalles SP, 6 Green SP, 8 Battey SP, 10 Kaat SP,
NYY (5):11 Kralick, 12 Skowron SP, 18 Howard SP, 21 Blanchard SP 22 Stafford SP
LAA (5):24 Bilko, 27 Torres, 31 Rodgers SP,33 McBride SP,34 Thomas SP,
CHW (3):35 Cunningham SP, 38 Smith, 40 Landis,
DET (6):47 Boros SP, 48 McAuliffe, 49 Bruton SP, 52 Brown SP, 55 Lary SP, 56 Mossi SP,
BAL (2):61 Adair SP, 65 Pappas SP,
CLE (4):68 Kindall SP, 72 Kirkland SP, [73 Luplow Missing], 74 Cline SP,
BOS (2):78 Bressoud BOS SP,82 Clinton SP need 1 of 2, <---- MOST WANTED CARD!!
KCA (4):88 Cimoli, 89 Charles SP, 91 Del Greco SP,92 Sullivan SP,
WAS (5):94 Retzer SP, 95 Bright SP, 97 Stenhouse SP,98 Cottier, 100 Osteen SP,
SFG (5):102 Hiller SP, 103 Pagan SP, 108 Haller, 112 McCovey SP, 113 Walls SP,
LAD (3):114 Gilliam SP, 116 Fairly, 122 Williams,
CIN (6):126 Blasingame SP, 128 Kasko SP, 129 Lynch, 132 Edwards SP, 135 Keough SP, 136 O'Toole SP
PIT (2):145 Friend, 146 McBean SP,
MIL (3):153 Crandall SP, 156 Torre SP, 157 Cloninger SP,
STL (5):161 Gotay SP**, 163 James SP, 164 Oliver SP, 166 Gibson SP, 167 McDaniel SP,
CHC (4):170 Santo, 172 Williams SP, 173 Rodgers SP, 175 Landrum SP,
PHI (3):178 Taylor SP, 181 Gonzalez SP, 184 Dalrymple,
HOU (5):185 Spangler,187 Aspromonte SP, 190 Warwick SP, 191 Lillis SP,192 Farrell SP,
NYM (4):195 Neal SP,198 Mantilla SP,199 Kanehl SP,200 Craig SP

Totals AL 42 NL 43

---------------------------------------------- TCMA ----------------------------------------------
1975 Shakey's Pizza - Bought a full set on ebay. Now need only Red Sox: 6 Joe Cronin, 7 George Burns, 10 Ted Williams, 14 Bobby Doerr
1976 Shakey's Pizza [Need 35 of 158] 1, 4, 6, 17, 18, 19, 42, 43, 47, 53, 58, 74, 76, 81, 87, 88, 91, 100, 103, 108, 111, 112, 113, 115, 125, 126, 133, 134, 135, 139, 141, 144, 145, 151, 153
1973-80 TCMA All Time Greats [Last update 5/28/23. Audited 5/28/23] [a/k/a 1973 TCMA] Thanks to Mike Rich and Bob Donaldson for building my set!
Series 1: Complete! Series 2: Complete! Series 3: Complete! Series 4: Complete! Series 5: Complete! Series 6: Complete!
1973-78 TCMA League Leaders: HAVE Freddie Lindstrom (Reverse is Natl Leagues Hits leaders from the 20s) [b. 8/9/15]
1974 TCMA The Babe Postcads (need 2 of 6): Need Ruth/Terry, Ruth/Huggins [b. 8/9/15. Last Update 5/1/22. Audited 5/1/22. Thanks Mike Rich and Spike Glidden for their generosity.]
1974 TCMA 1934 St. Louis Cardinals: HAVE Dizzy & Leo Celebrate (blank back, text back), Durocher Scores, Medwick Out Cochrane Catcher, 1934 St. Louis Cardinals World Champions
1975 TCMA 1924-25 Washington Nationals: HAVE Zachary/Marberry/Fergeson/Johnson <--- I might abandon this set. Want it?
1975 TCMA Guam WW2 HAVE: 1 Rizzuto/Moore, 4 May/Reese/Vander Meer <--- I might abandon this set. Want it?
1975 TCMA Greats (I think). I have a Musial but he's not on the checklist. Perhaps I need Cobb, Mantle, Paul Waner, Ted Williams. And more research.
1985 TCMA Photo classics: HAVE 12, 34, 36, 37. I will eventually move this to my UV list. [b. 8/9/15]

---------------------------------------------- Other ----------------------------------------------
1968 Milton Bradley [Need 1 of 77] 177 Ryan <--- hahaha. You know I will put a reprint in here! [Last update 8/24/24. Audited 7/20/24.]
Some of these are a LOT more yellow on the back than others. Ugh. I need an expert to look at them all.

Red Sox Team set: Need 10 NL Pitching Leaders (Lonborg, not Lonberg), not sure if my 61 Smith is an MB.
1977-84 Renatta Gallasso [Need 45] I need the last set: 226-270
Return to Links

---------------------------------------------- Football ----------------------------------------------
Bowman FB | Fleer FB | Kellogg's FB | Philadelphia FB | Post FB | Topps FB

Others: Leaf and National Chicle

Eventually I need to change to order of the sets in the album to reflect how this list was ordered.
Old WL listed sets Alpha by company:
- Bowman (1948, 1952),
- Fleer (1963, 1974, 1975, 1976-1980, 198x on UV page),
- Kelloggs (1970, 1971),
- Leaf (1948, 1949), National Chicle, Post (1962),
- Phila (1964, 1965),
- Topps,
- Topps Inserts

Football binders (sets in each album)
Oddball FB sets: National Chicle, Leaf (1948, 1949), Post (1962), Kelloggs (1970, 1971), Fleer (1974, 1975)
Philadelphia FB (1964, 1965)
Topps FB (1966, 1967, 1968)
Oddball Topps FB Inserts

Bowman Football
1948 Bowman Football #2 [58 needed] 3 Lujack, 4, 6, 7 Van Buren, 8, 9, 11, 12 Conerly, 15, 16, 20, 22 Baugh, 27, 32, 33, 35, 36 Turner, 39, 40, 41, 45, 47, 48, 50, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61 Wojo, 62, 63 Pihos, 65, 68, 71, 72, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 93, 95 McAfee, 96, 99, 102, 104, 105, 107 Luckman, 108

Who wants to buy a partial set?
1952 Bowman Small Football - complete!
1952 Bowman Large Football [2 needed] 135 Ronzani RC SP CO GRE, 144 Lansford DAL [Audited 6/12/18] How do I store a card in a PSA holder??

Fleer Football Return to Football Header
1960-1962 Fleer Football - complete!
1963 Fleer Football [2 needed] 47 Dawson, 72 Alworth
2018 - I found (and overpaid for) Dougherty! THREE to go. Will I ever finish? It took me at least ten years to find Dougherty. Maybe it will be another ten before I find any of the others.
2021 - I overpaid for Buonoconti. $50 for Vg. Who wants to print Dawson and Alworth on card stock and sell to me?
1974 Fleer Hall of Fame FB - Completed 5/2/22. Thank you Randy Krowlewicz for the Hubbard to finish the set. [Audited 11/15/20. Cards in [] are purchased and on their way.]
1975 Fleer Immortal Roll [Need 21] 3 BNagurski, 4 RGrange, 7 GHalas, 9 GMcAfee, 16 BHewitt, 18 DHutson, 20 DFortmann, 22 CBednarik, 24 PBrown, 27 OGraham, 33 SLuckman, 37 MMotley, 46 NVan Brocklin, 48 BWaterfield, 49 BLayne, 50 SBaugh, 58 DLavelli, 69 GNeale, 77 BGeorge, 81 LGroza, 84 DLane [Audited 7/19/23]
1976 Fleer Team Action Football [Need 64 of 66] Have 4, 48
1977 Fleer Team Action Football (White fronts, BW NFL logo) [Need 8 of 67 with 1 pending] [1], 22, 23, 27, 34, 38, 53, 67 SB OAK/MIN [Last update 5/28/23. Audited 7/14/24.]
1978 Fleer Team Action Football (Yellow fronts) - Complete!
1979 Fleer Team Action Football (White fronts, Color NFL logo) - Complete! [b.12.01.20, Last update 7/14/24. Audited 7/14/24.] Thanks to Ed Bankston for two recent hits (8 CHI, 56 WAS)
1980 Fleer Team Action Football (White fronts, Team logo left, caption in yellow box) - Complete! [b.12.01.20, Current as of 7/1/24. Audited 7/14/24.]

See UV list for 1981 thru X Fleer Football 1981 - present

Kelloggs Football Return to Football Header
1970 Kellogg's FB - complete! [b 8/10/15] [Last update: 3/24/24. Audit: 3/24/24]
1971 Kellogg's FB - complete! [b 8.10.15. Audited 12.30.23] [Ken Morganti built most of this set for me. Ed Hutchinson (March 2023) contributed 2 of the last 3. Last one purchased from Mark Macrae.]
1948 Leaf Football (Low numbers (1-48)) Need [Need 9 of 50] 4 Walker HOF, 6 Layne HOF, 17 Washington, 23 Kavanaugh, 30 Governali, 45 White, 46 Jacobs, 47 Clement, 50 Rauch
1948 Leaf Football (High numbers) [Have 5 of 48] HAVE 64 Frank Seno, 65 Bob Hendren, 69 Larry Joe, 70 Phil O'Reilly, 71 Paul Campbell
1949 Leaf Football HAVE 3 of 49] HAVE 1 Hendren, 2 Scott, 52 DeMoss
National Chicle. I must be nuts. I have a few from Andy Cook. HAVE 2, 4, 6, 7, 9 Rockne, 12, 15, 20, 22. Dupes: 22
1961 Nu-Card Football Stars [Need 69 of 80] Need 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, 156, 157, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180
Philadelphia Gum Football Return to Football Header
1964 Philadelphia FB - Completed at Cleveland National 2024 with 110 Tinglehoff from AJ Firestone.
1965 Philadelphia FB [Need 1 of 200 including 1 pending from COMC] [87 Gabriel $5 - on hold at COMC] [Last Update 12/10/24. Audited 12/10/24]

Steve: Didn't you finish these years ago?
Answer: My home flooded in October 2016. The 1964 and 1965 sets were destroyed. I now rebuilt them. Thanks to Jeff Delott for letting me know the previous version of the story was not clear.

Post Football Return to Football Header
1962 Post Cereal FB [Need 8] 28 Shofner SP NEW $100, 61 Brown CLE $75 (have RP), 78 Braase BAL $4, 92 Brodie SAN $12, 117 Morris SP CHI $60, 136 Connelly SP DAL $70, 175 Hawkins MIN $4, 193 Krakoski SSP WAS $250 Question: Are 78 Braase and 175 Hawkins really commons??

Set notes:
1. Jim Johnson (a $50 SP) is floating around somewhere. Boy, I'm glad I didn't give that one to the Jim Johnson that I work with! Update: Jim is safely home in the binder.
2. Thanks to Sam Majors (OBC friendly dealer) for the starter set a couple of years back. RIP Sam.
3. Several of these cards belong to Mike Young. It says so on the back. If you know him, please ask him to contact me.

[Last update: 3/24/24. Last audit: 3/24/24] Dupes as of 6/24/18: 6, 8, 16, 33, 35, 39, 57, 101, 113, 119, 128, 130, 167.

Topps Football Return to Football Header
1951 Topps Felt Backs - not interested yet but someday!
1951 Topps Magic - Complete! Dupes about 40-50 of them. Thanks to Joel Freedman for the push to get me started. I have a pile of trimmed ones (7, 22, 29, 38, . Who would trim these? The kid did a lousy job of it too. I hope he didn't become a surgeon. [b. 8/10/15] [Last update 3/14/21. Audited 3/14/21]
1955 Topps All American FB - complete!
1956-1965 Topps Football - complete!

1956 Topps #2 - complete! Thank you to Bob Reed for the Stonesifer set killer.
1963 Topps Purple Sky [11/25/23 - got off my lazy, fat a$$ and figured out what I have / need.
Purple sky wants: 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 32, 35, 37, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 55, 56, 57, 62, 64, 73, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 98, 101, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 114, 116, 118, 119, 120, 122, 124, 126, 127, 128, 132, 134, 135, 136, 141, 149, 158, 167, 168

Non-purple sky wants: 12 Colts TC, 24 Browns TC, 33 Lary DET, 34 Brown DET, 36 Lions TC, 97 Packers TC, 121 Eagles TC, 133 Steelers TC, 157 Cardinals TC, 169 Redskins TC, 170 CL 86-170 CL
1966 Topps Football [1 needed] 15 Funny Ring Checklist. Not worth more than $20. I have a nice reprint that I found for $1. That will suffice until I found one for $20.
1967-1980 Topps Football - complete!
1966 Topps football #2 [Need 4 of 132 with 2 on my desk & one low priority] 15 Funny Ring Checklist - a reprint is sufficient until I find one for $20, [on my desk but not in album 75 Taylor KAN], [on my desk ( I hope) but not in the album 79 Hudock], 86 West, [Last web update 2.1.25. Audited 2.1.25 - two floating around here. Idiot!]
1967 Topps football #2 - complete! [Last web update 11/3/24. Last audit 11/3/24]
1967 Topps Milton Bradley Football - complete! [Last update 11/2/24. Audited 11/2/24]
1968 Topps FB #2 - Complete! Last web update 6/20/21. Audited 5/22/22.
1968 Topps FB Poster Inserts (b.5.5.22) - Complete! Thank you Scott Jensen for the set kill at the '24 National. [Last update 11/14/24. Audited 11/14/24]
1968 Topps FB Standups (Topless) - Complete with F Little in the album! b. 3/4/19] [c. 1/5/21]
1968 Topps FB Standups (With Tops) [Need 4 of 22] JHadl, SJurgensen, FLittle, DMeredith [Last update 2.1.25. Last audit 2.1.25] Thanks to Hutch for Grabowski, S. Domino for '23 Natl Handshake with several. And HUGE thanks to Wes Shepard for the Namath!
1969 Topps FB #2 - complete!
1969 Topps Four-in-One inserts (individual stamps) - complete! [I think it's complete.....]
1969 Topps Four-in-one Inserts (whole) [b.8.6.15] [Need 1 of 66 - coming from COMC] [name is top left. Let me know if this is not clear.]
[Simmons, Hayes, Lockhart, Atkins] [Last update 11.3.24 Audited 1.14.24]
1970 Topps FB #2 - complete. Thanks to Ken Goetsch [Audited 3/6/21. Last web update 6/20/21]
1970 Topps FB Supers - [Need 1 of 35] 7 Deacon Jones - missing! Where the *&$@# is it???
1970 Topps FB Posters [Need 7 of 24 with 1 missing] 1 Sayers, 2 Bell, 10 Stenerud, 11 Butkus, [12 Barney - missing!], 17 Olsen, 24 Brown [Audited 11/14/24] Thanks Phil C. for the Alworth to get me started.
1970 Topps Glossy Inserts - complete
1971 Topps FB Game Inserts - complete!
1971 Topps Football Pin-Ups [These are half-size posters.] Complete! Dupes: 17 Nobis. Thank you to Jake Elwell, Sal Domino, George Vrechek, and Phil Chmielewski for their help.
1971 Topps FB #2 - complete!
1972 Topps FB #2 Lows - Complete! [Last update 3/14/21. Audited 3/14/21.]
1972 Topps FB #2 Highs - Not going to work on these.
1973 Topps FB #2 - Completed by Stuart Orzoff Dec 2021
1973 Topps FB CL (* unmarked) - complete! [Audited 6/10/24]
1973 Topps FB CL (* marked) - complete!
1973 Topps FB CL (** unmarked) - complete!
1973 Topps FB CL (** marked) - complete! Thanks to Mike Salinsky for a ** Unmarked Steelers. Who will come and mark it for me?
1973 Topps FB CL (anything) - complete!

1 Puzzle binder. Doesn't everyone have a puzzle binder? Backs of the 1968 All-Star teams forms a puzzle. So does the 1969 all-star team. 1972 has backs with a puzzle of Yaz. And there are puzzles in football and hockey too. I don't recall any basketball puzzles. Maybe 'puzzles' are an excuse to create my own webpage because these really need pictures.
1974 Topps FB #2 - Complete!
1974 Parker Brothers [Need 0 of 50] Complete with 35 Johnson from Hutch and 65 Upshaw from Guru [Audited 7/17/21] Found some PBs in my first and second sets. I added them to the second set list. [ ] = purchased but not yet received. These last two need to be put away and I will be done!!
1974 Topps FB CL - complete! Thanks Ken Goetsch! [Audit 4/10/21] -- Move these to the Oddball FB binder
1975 Topps FB #2 - complete! Thanks Ken Goetsch! [Last web update 6/20/21. Audited 5/2/21.]
1976 Topps FB #2 - Need #415 Stabler? I added Stabler as an upgrade on 1/3/21. I wonder if I sent out the upgrade.... Do I still need an upgrade?
1977 Topps FB #2 - complete! Completed by Stuart Orzoff in Dec 2021
1978 Topps FB #2 - complete! [Last update 6/30/21.]
1979 Topps FB #2 - Complete Thanks to Ken Goetsch, Dave Toback, and new OBCer Ed Bankston for the last 27. [Last web update 10/27/23. Audited 7/25/22.] [March 2025: Need to locate the set and audit it.]
1980 Topps FB #2 - complete! [Audited 7/6/24. Last web update 9/9/24.] Sept 2023: Ken Goetsch destroyed this list leaving me with just a few left. Wow! [March 2025: Where are the last few? Where is the set?]

Wonder Bread
1974 Wonder Bread FB - complete! Killed on 8/11/20 by Joe Denning. Woot!
1975 Wonder Bread FB - complete! [Audited 4/27/20]
1976 Wonder Bread FB - complete! [Audited 4/27/20]

---------------------------------------------- Basketball ----------------------------------------------
1948 Bowman Basketball [Need 48 of 72] 3, 4, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72 [Last update 9/9/24. Audited 11/16/23.]
1957-58 Topps BKB - Complete (with a RP Russell RC)
1961-62 Fleer BKB - Complete!
Topps 1970-71 BKB Posters [Need 20 of 24] Thanks James Moleta for getting me started. Need Frazier NEW, Caldwell ATL, Reed NEW, Hayes SAN, Mullins SAN, Robertson MIL, Bing DET, Sloan CHI, Greer PHI, Bryant BUF, Rule SEA, Alcindor MIL, Walker CHI, West LOS, Cunningham PHI, Chamberlain LOS, Monroe BAL, Hawkins PHO, Van Arsdale CIN, Chappell CLE [March 2025 - The list is out of date after I bought a near set.] The list is
Topps 1980-81 (intact) [1 needed] 34 Bird/139 Johnson/181 Erving [I have perforated cards and a reprint. Do I quit? I don't want to spend $100+ on this one.]
Fleer 1971-72 Globetrotters (Dark grey) - complete!
Fleer 1971-72 Globetrotters (Lite grey or White) - complete!
Fleer 1971-72 Globetrotters (Cocoa Puffs) - complete!
Fleer 1973-74 Fleer Cloth Patch Team Stickers - The Shots - [Need 14 of 21] Need 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 [Thank you Morganti and Domino for getting me started! b.06.20.24 Audited 7/3/24]
Fleer 1978-79 stickers - Need 114 of 132. Thanks for Super Sam Taylor for the starter pile. There are too many too list but I'll try anyway.
Atlanta Blue bkgr R4C3, Blue bkgr R4C6, Red bkgr R4C4, Yel bkgr R4C2, Yel bkgr R4C5
Boston Blue bkgr R4C3, Blue bkgr R4C6, Red bkgr R4C2, Red bkgr R4C5, Yel bkgr R4C4
Chicago Blue bkgr R3C3, Blue bkgr R3C6, Red bkgr R3C2, Red bkgr R3C5, Yel bkgr R3C1, Yel bkgr R3C4
Cleveland Blue bkgr R3C3, Blue bkgr R3C6, Red bkgr R3C1, Red bkgr R3C4, Yel bkgr R3C2, Yel bkgr R3C5
Denver Green strip R5C2, Green strip R5C3, Green strip R5C6
Detroit Blue bkgr R2C3, Blue bkgr R2C6, Red bkgr R2C1, Yel bkgr R2C2, Yel bkgr R2C5
Golden State Blue strip R2C2, Blue strip R2C5, Red strip R2C1, Red strip R2C4, Yel strip R2C3, Yel strip R2C6
Houston Blue bkgr R5C3, Blue bkgr R5C6, Red bkgr R5C1, Red bkgr R5C4, Yel bkgr R5C2, Yel bkgr R5C5
Indiana Green strip R4C1, Green strip R4C2, Green strip R4C4
Kansas City Blue strip R1C5, Red strip R1C1, Red strip R1C4, Yel strip R1C3, Yel strip R1C6
Los Angeles Los Blue strip R5C2, Los Blue strip R5C5, Los Red strip R5C1, Los Red strip R5C4, Los Yel strip R5C3, Los Yel strip R5C6
Milwaukee Blue bkgr R2C3, Blue bkgr R2C6, Red bkgr R2C2, Red bkgr R2C5, Yel bkgr R2C1, Yel bkgr R2C4
New Jersey Blue bkgr R5C3, Blue bkgr R5C6, Red bkgr R5C2, Yel bkgr R5C1, Yel bkgr R5C4
New Orleans Green strip R2C1, Green strip R2C2, Green strip R2C3, Green strip R2C5, Green strip R2C6
New York Blue strip R1C2, Blue strip R1C5, Red strip R1C1, Red strip R1C4, Yel strip R1C3, Yel strip R1C6
Philadelphia Blue strip R4C2, Blue strip R4C5, Red strip R4C1, Red strip R4C4, Yel strip R4C3, Yel strip R4C6
Phoeniz Blue strip R5C2, Blue strip R5C5, Red strip R5C1, Red strip R5C4, Yel strip R5C3, Yel strip R5C6
Portland Green strip R5C1, Green strip R5C2, Green strip R5C4, Green strip R5C6
San Antonio Green strip R1C1, Green strip R1C2, Green strip R1C5, Green strip R1C6
San Diego Blue strip R3C2, Blue strip R3C5, Red strip R3C1, Red strip R3C4, Yel strip R3C3, Yel strip R3C6
Seattle Green strip R3C1, Green strip R3C3, Green strip R3C4, Green strip R3C5, Green strip R3C6, Green strip R1C1
Washington Green strip R1C2, Green strip R1C3, Green strip R1C4, Green strip R1C5

---------------------------------------------- Hockey ----------------------------------------------
Topps Hockey
1954-55 thru 1979-80 - complete!
1973-74 Topps Hky Stickers (*) [Need 14 of 22] Bruins/Penguins, Golden Seals/Blues, BlackHawks/Flames, Red Wings/North Stars, North Stars/Canadiens, Canadiens/Red Wings, Islanders/Bruins, Rangers/Canucks, NHL/Kings, Flyers/Red Wings, Penguins/BlackHawks, Maple Leafs/Bruins, Maple Leafs/Flyers, Canucks/ Rangers. Thanks to Morganti for getting me started on these.
1973-74 Topps Hky Stickers (**)

1976-77 Topps Glossy Inserts (1 * on back) Rich and Betza finished this @ National '14. August 9, 2015: NOT complete. Arrgh. I put a 1 Clarke with ** into the binder instead of a *. Does this surprise anyone? [8/8/15] Now it's complete again. 8/17 - not completed? Received 1 Clarke with * at Chicago from Sal. [Audited 6/13/18]
1976-77 Topps Glossy Inserts (2 * on back) Complete! Thanks Mike Rich.
1977-78 Topps Glossy Inserts (1 * on back) Complete! Thanks Sal and Nick for #13 Park with one * [Audited 6/13/18]
1977-78 Topps Glossy Inserts (2 * on back) Complete! [Audited 6/13/18]
1977-78 Topps Glossy Inserts - Square (not rounded) corners (1 * on back) Complete! Curse you Talbot for starting me on these. [b. 8/9/15] Completed by Mike Rich. Dupes: 1 Cashman, 5 Dryden,
1977-78 Topps Glossy Inserts - Square (not rounded) corners (2 * on back) [Need 11 of 22] 1 Cashman, 2 Cheevers, 3 Clarke, 5 Dryden, 6 Gillies, 7 Lafleur, [10 Maloney], [11 Martin], 17 Resch, [20 Sittler], 21 Vachon. Curse you Talbot for starting me on these. [b. 8/9/15] [I have a * Cashman to swap for a ** Cashman] [7/20/20 I think there are 5 pending from Sportlots but I won't swear to it.]
1977-78 Topps Glossy insert - rectangular with TWO stars [Need 9] 1 Cashman, 2 Cheevers, 3 Clarke, 5 Dryden, 6 Gilles, 10 Maloney, 17 Resch, 20 Sittler, 21 Vachon [Audited 1/13/21]
I have plenty extra * to swap for ** might be more than #2, #10, #11, #20
1978-79 Topps Helmet and Stick Decals (blank back) - Have COL, NYR, WAS, LOS. [Last update 12.10.24. Audit ?]
1979-80 Topps Helmet and Stick Decals [Need 1] Montreal Canadiens (Puck/Goalie/0) [b. 8/10/15. ]
1980-81 Topps Hockey (unscratched or scratched) - complete after purchasing it, losing it, purchasing it again and putting it away 10 months later. Of course, I found the missing one only hours after I ordered another one.
1980-81 Topps Hockey (unscratched) - complete!

OPC Hockey
1971-72 Topps booklets - Complete!
1971-72 OPC booklets - Ugh - I've now divided these into OPC with English and OPC with French. I've lost my mind.
1971-72 OPC booklets (English) [Need 3 of 24] 1 Hull, 9 Polis, 19 Widing [Last updates 7/21/24 with Howe (!) from Superstar Mike Rich and 7/20/20 with 24 Orr from MVP J. Barnes. Audited 7/21/20]
1971-72 OPC booklets (French) [Need 4 of 24] 7 E Giacomin, 13 T Espo, 14 G Unger, 16 Keon [Audited 12-07-23]
1977-78 OPC Glossy Inserts (will it ever end??) - Complete!
1977-78 OPC Glossy Inserts - RECTANGULAR. (1 *) - complete!

WHA Hockey
1974-75 thru 1977-78 OPC WHA Hockey - complete!
1976-77 OPC WHA Hockey - complete! I bought a set so now I have lots of dupes. Gotta file them away.
1976-77 OPC WHA Hockey Puzzle - complete!

Parkhurst Hockey
1951-52 Parkhurst [5 needed] 4 Richard RC, 52 Bariko/McNeil, 61 Sawchuk RC DET, 66 Howe RC, 86 Kennedy RC TOR
1952-53 Parkhurst [1 needed] 58 Horton

Post 1980 hockey can be found here: 1981 - present

---------------------------------------------- Boxing ----------------------------------------------
-------------- Caramel Card Boxing sets ----------
E75 Prize Fighters (20) - Complete!
E76 Prize Fighter Caramels (black ink) (20) - complete!
E77 Prize Fighter Caramels (blue ink) [Have 3] Burns, Coulon, MacFarland [Current as of 6/8/24]
E78 (have never seen one - even a picture)
E79 1909 Philadelphia Caramel 27 Scrappers [Need 4 of 21 with one pending] James Jeffries, Jack Johnson, Johnson/Burns, Sam Langford [Audited 6/8/24]
E80 (have never seen one - even a picture)

-------------- Tobacco Card Boxing sets ----------
Yes, I know I need to convert some of these from HAVE lists to WANT lists to satisfy a few cranky, old men.
T219 Champion Pugilists [Have 8 of 50] HAVE Brown, Coulon, J Goodman, Jefferies, Kline, Mellody, Fighting Dick Nelson, Jack O'Brien. [Audited 6/8/24. I will convert to a WL when I have more.]
T220 complete! Thanks Mark Talbot for the Bob Fitzsimmons card.
T220 Silver [Have 6] Beecher, Moore, Goldman, Gans, Frayne, Lavigne [Audited 6/8/24]
T225 1910 Khedival Co. Prize Fight Series 101 - Complete. I have a pile of dupes. Do I work on a second set? And what to do with the back variations (Khedival/ 4 Surbrug) ?
T225 1911 Khedival Co. Prize Fight Series 102 [HAVE 2] Devlin, Hirst [Audited 6/8/24. No change since the last audit five years ago.]

-------------- Gum Card Boxing sets ----------
1948 Leaf Boxing [Need 4 of 50] 48 Joe Louis $$$$, 50 Rocky Graziano $$$$, 64 Ray Robinson $$$$ [Last updated 11/17/24. Audited 6/7/24]
1951 Topps Ringside [Need 2 of 96 with 2 others at COMC] 56 JGans, 77 Di Paolo [b. 8/10/15. Last updated 11/17/16. Audited 6/17/24]
Pending (in the mail, not in the album, or ordered from COMC) [39 Leonard COMC], [78 FZivic COMC]

---------------------------------------------- Multi-Sport Tobacco and Candy Issues ----------------------------------------------
Album:NST v6
T218 Athletes - Hassan back [New set born Nov 2015. George V gets the credit (or blame?) [26 (8 Track + 17 Boxers) of 102 needed]
C52 available to swap for a Mecca back: 46 McGovern

(9) Track & Field: Bacon Jr., Daniels (seated), Handy, Irons, Jensen, Jordan, Porter, Sheppard (side face view), Sheridan

(18) Boxers: Attell, Burke, Corbett, Jem Driscoll, Gans, Griffin, Johnson (fr), Keyes, Langford, H Lewis, W Lewis, Mellody, Fighting Dick Nelson, Harry Stone, M (twin) Sullivan, E Walsh, Ad Wolgast [Audited 6/22/24]
T218 Athletes - Mecca back [New set born Nov 2015. George V gets the credit (or blame?) [6 of 153 needed] Brannigan BOX, Hurley BOX, James Jefferies BOX, Johnson (side), McGovern BOX, Neil BOX, [Update 6/22/24. Audited 7/15/23. Set NST v6-02]
1912 T221 Champion Women Swimmers [Need 79 of 100] 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 [Audited 6/22/24. Set NST v6.04]
1912 T227 Miners Extra/Honest Champions Set [Need 19 of 24] Attell BX, Baker BB, Bender BB, Brown AUTO, Cobb BB, Coulon BX, de Oro BILL, IV BOAT, H.K. HORSE, Hilton GOLF, Hoppe BILL, Johnson BX, Klaus BX, Marquard BB, Mulford AUTO, Rodgers AVIA, Uhlan HORSE, Wolgast BX, Zbyszko WREST [Set NST v6.05]
1913 T230 Pan Handle Scrap World Champion Athletes [Have 6 of 50] HAVE Belote, Braun, Childs, Kramer, Gutterson, Jackson [Set NST v6.06]
E229 National Licorice Champion Athlete Series [Need 17 of 25] Adams, Bacon, Bellars, Cloughen, Daniels, Eller, Erickson, Gilbert, Hillman, Irons, McGrath, Pilgrim, Rose, Sheppard, Sheridan, Smithson, Trubenbach [NST v6-02]
N28 World's Champions> [Need 20] Audited 11/5/18 <-- move from other binder?
Baseball (7): Anson, Bennett, Clarkson, Comiskey, Glasscock, Keefe, Kelly
Oarsmen: Complete!
Wrestlers (2): Bibby, Muldoon
Pugilist (4): Carroll, Dempsey, Kilrain, Smith
Rifle (1): Oakley
Billiards (5): Adams, Dion, Schaefer, Sexton, Slosson
Pool (1): Malone
For this set, I'd happily accept dupes!!
N29 World's Champions [Have 12] HAVE Albert SK, Barry, Bibby SK, Crocker, Daly SK, Dwight, Hill SK, Ives, Patsey Kerrigan, Paulsen, Sears, McCormack [SK = Skinned][Audited 11/05/18] <-- move from other binder?

Update Wantlist: Enter Steve Rittenberg's password: and to update this wantlist

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