Ray Luurs's Baseball Want List

Ray Luurs's Baseball Want List

To contact Ray Luurs, send email to raymondluurs@gmail.com

1.) -1975-Clarence Mengler’s Baseball Best-Bobby Murcer
2,) 1975-Clarence Mengler’s Baseball Best-Tony Oliva
3.) 1977-79-Sportscaster Series 42-(42-09)Print Run C Bert Blyleven
4.)1985-Polaroid/JCPenney Cleveland Indians-Bert Blyleven
5.)2002-New Orleans Zephyrs-(26) Gary Gaetti
6.) 1973-74--Linnett Portrait-(NNO)(NY Emblem on )-Bobby Murcer
7.)953 San Francisco Seals Issue 014 (Dave Melton)
8.)1960-Topps Venezuelan-(136)-(Jim Kaat)
9.) 1982 Topps Blackless(685) Bert Blyleven
10.)2012-Choice Sugar Land Skeeters-(3)Gary Gaetti)

1952 Topps 311 (1 left)

1953 Fargo Moorhead: ​001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 (16 Left).

​​1953 San Francisco Seals Issue 014 (Dave Melton)(1 left).
​​1953 San Francisco Seals Issue 014 (Dave Melton)(1 left).
1955 Topps: Variation– 50 Jackie Robinson(partial Logo), 137D (missing 53 and print in copywrite)(2 left).

​​1958 Topps: Variation: 433A, 433C (2 Left)

1960 TOPPS–Variations-9B 58A 102B

1961 TOPPS—Upgrades- 048 051 053 070 075 098B 098C 171 265 273A 273B 361A 361B 393 437A 446 516 (19 Left)
1962 Jello-013, 025, 069. 079, 082, 095, 103, 112, 113, 114, 114, 116, 117, 118, 166, 168, 171, 179, 180, 181, 195, 200(22 left

1962 Post (Canadian baseball) 001, 005A 006B.010, 020, 021, 022A, 022B, 035, 036, 037, 040, 042, 043, 047, 052, 062, 070, 075, 077. 078, 086, 87, 099, 195, 108, 110, 111, 112, 117, 123, 125, 128, 138, 144, 153, 159, 167, 170, 172, 177, 181, 182, 189, 149B,(46 left)
1962 Post (Canadian football)– 001 002 003 004 005 006 008 010 011 013 014 015 017 018 019 021 022 023 025 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 041 042 044 046 049 050 051 053 054 055 058 061 064 065 067 069 070 072 076 077 081 082 083 084 086 088 089 090 091 093 094 096 097 098 100 103 105 107 108 110 111 112 116 119 120 121 123 124 126 127 128 130 131 132 133 134 135 (86 Left)

1963 Post (Canadian Football)- 001 002 004 005 007 008 009 011 012 013 014 016 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 031 032 033 034 36 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 045 046 047 048,049 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 068 069 070 071 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 090 091 092 093 095 096 097 098 099 100 101 103 104 105 106 108 109 111 112 113 114 115 116 118 120 123 124 125 126 127 128 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 142 143 144 145 146 147 149 150 151 152 153 154 156 157 158 159 160 (141 Left)
​1963 TOPPS–Variation-175B(Bob Buhl-Blue edge instead of green)- (1 left).

1967 Topps— Variations–45B, 128A 191B, 402 B, 424, 47A ( 6 Left).

1969 Topps-567 )No Black line around 1969 Rookie Star.

1980 TOPPS– 164B 367A 5567B (3 Left)

1990‌‌‌-414B ‌

‌‌‌‌1991‌‌‌-Variation-048B,‌‌‌ ‌‌‌087B

1999‌‌-220DD‌‌ ‌‌is‌‌ ‌‌all‌‌ ‌‌I‌‌ ‌‌have‌‌ ‌‌(Mark‌‌ ‌‌McGuire),‌‌ ‌‌461T‌‌ ‌‌is‌‌ ‌‌all‌‌ ‌‌I‌‌ ‌‌have‌‌ ‌‌(Sammy‌‌ ‌‌Sosa)‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌
‌2000‌‌-236‌‌ ‌‌(A,‌‌ ‌‌B,‌‌ ‌‌D,‌‌ ‌‌E)‌‌ ‌‌237‌‌ ‌‌(A,‌‌ ‌‌B,‌‌ ‌‌D,‌‌ ‌‌E,‌‌ ‌‌238‌‌ ‌‌A,‌‌ ‌‌C,‌‌ ‌‌D,‌‌ ‌‌E)‌‌ ‌‌239‌‌ ‌‌(A,‌‌ ‌‌B,‌‌ ‌‌C,‌‌ ‌‌D)‌‌ ‌‌240‌‌ ‌‌(A,‌‌ ‌‌B,‌‌ ‌‌‌C,‌‌D)‌‌ ‌‌475(A,‌‌ ‌‌C,‌‌ ‌‌D,‌‌ ‌‌E)‌‌ ‌‌476‌‌ ‌‌)B,‌‌ ‌‌C,‌‌ ‌‌D,‌‌ ‌‌E)‌‌ ‌‌477(B,‌‌ ‌‌C,‌‌ ‌‌D,‌‌ ‌‌E)‌‌ ‌‌478‌‌ ‌‌(A,‌‌ ‌‌B,‌‌ ‌‌C,‌‌ ‌‌E)‌‌ ‌‌‌479(A,‌‌ ‌‌B,‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌‌‌C,‌‌ ‌‌E)‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌
Inividual Players
Total 3760 of 8365=45%

Bert Blyleven
730 of 2524=29%

1977-Texas Rangers Photocard-(NNO)
1977-79-Sportscaster Series 42-09)Print Run C
1982-Cleveland Indians Photocard-(NNO)
1982-Topps Blackless-(685)
1984-Topps Sticker Test Strip-(NNO)
1985-Cleveland Indian Photocards-(NNO)
1985-Polaroid/JCPenney Cleveland Indians-(NNO)
1985-Topps Mini Test Issue-(355)
1987-Minnesota Twins-(19)
1988- Donruss-(71)No period Inc
1988-Minnesota Twins Smokey Colorgram Player Cards-(NNO)
1988-Minnesota Twins Smokey Colorgram Postcard-(NNO)
1989-T & M Sport Action Photos-(NNO)
1989-Tickerton California Angels-(NNO)
1989-Topps Sticker-Harold Reynolds with Bert Blyleven and Andy McGaffigan5/75/285)+
1990-Collectors Marketing Action Photo 8 X 10-(NNO)
1990-Collectors Marketing Action Photo 8 X 10-(NNO)
1990-Halo Magazine-(NNO)
1990-Halo Magazine Panels-(NNO)
1990-TV Sports Mailbag-(105)
1990-Venezuela Grandes Ligas Sticker-(50)
1991-California Angels Press Proof 8 X 10-(NNO)
1991-O-Pee-Chee Wax Bottom Panels-(A/B/C/D)
1991-Sports Heroes Postcards-(NNO)
1991-Upper Deck-(571) Hockey Hologram on Back
1991-Upper Deck-(571) Comic Baseball Hologram on Back
2001-Topps Archives Autographs-(TAA-124)
2002-Topps Hall of Fame Vintage Buybacks AutoProofs-(204)
2003-Topps All-Time Fan Favorite Archives Autograph-(FFA-BB)
2003-Topps All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(204)1976 Topps
2003-Topps Retired Signature Edition Autographs Refractors(26)-(TA-BB)
2004-Donruss Classic Membership VIP Combos Signature Jersey(50)-(M-14)
2004-Donruss Classic Membership VIP Combos Signature Prime Jersey(1)-(M-14)
2004-Donruss Classic Membership VIP Jersey(25)-(M-14)
2004-Donruss Classic Membership VIP Prime Jersey(1)-(M-14)
2004-Donruss Classic Membership VIP Signature(50)-(M-14)
2004-Donruss Classic Team Colors Combos Signature Jersey Prime(1)-TC-47)
2004-Donruss Classic Team Colors Jersey Prime (1)-TC-47)
2004-Donruss Classic Team Colors Signature (50)-TC-47)
2004-Donruss Elite Extra Edition Draft Class Signature(50)-(DC-2)
2004-Donruss Throwback Threads Century Material Prime(25)-(CC-6)
2004-Donruss Throwback Threads Century Signature Material (50)-(CC-6)
2004-Donruss Throwback Threads Century Signature Material Prime(10)-(CC-6)
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(1)-1989 Donruss Baseball Best
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(5)-1985 Donruss Black Ink
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(3)-1988 Donruss Baseball Best Black Ink
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(1)-1988 Donruss Baseball Best Blue Ink
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(32)-1987 Donruss Black Ink
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(2)-1987 Donruss Blue Ink
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(15)-1988 Donruss Black Ink
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(5)1982 Donruss Black Ink
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(12)-1982 Donruss Blue Ink
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(2)1989 Donruss Blue Ink
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(6)-1984 Donruss Black Ink
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(23)1984 Donruss Blue Ink
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(14)1981 Donruss Black Ink
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(3)1981 Donruss Blue Ink
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(52)1985 Donruss Black Ink
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(4)1985 Donruss Blue Ink
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(2)-1990 Donruss Blue Ink
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(10)-1991 Donruss Blue Ink
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(4)198 Donruss Black Ink
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(1))1983 Donruss Blue
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(1)1986 Donruss Black Ink
2004-Donruss Timelines Recollection Collection(1)1986 Donruss Blue Ink
2004-Donruss World Series Blue Holofoil 10(10)-(WS-59)
2004-Donruss World Series Blue Holofoil10(10)-(WS-77)
2004-Donruss World Series Blue Holofoil 25(25)-(WS-77)
2004-Donruss World Series Blue Holofoil 50(50)-(WS-77)
2004-Donruss World Series Blue Holofoil 100(100)-(WS-77)
2004-Donruss World Series Blue Material Fabric WS Jersey(87)-(WS-50)
2004-Donruss World Series Blue Signature(25)-(WS-59)
2004-Donruss World Series Blue Signature(25)-(WS-77)
2004-Donruss World Series Signature Trio(25)-(15)
2004-Donruss National Pastime Buyback Autograph(57)-(NNO) 2000 GG #82
2004-Leaf Recollection Collection #4(7)-1990(63) Black Ink
2004-Leaf Recollection Collection #5(1)-1990(63) Blue Ink
2004-Leaf Certified Cuts K-Force Signature (50)-(KF-5)
2004-Leaf Certified Cuts K-Force Signature Material Prime(1)-(KF-5)
2004-Leaf Certified Fabrics of the Game(100)-(FG-153)
2004-Leaf Certified Fabrics of the Game Autograph AL/NL(5)-(FG-153)
2004-Leaf Certified Fabrics of the Game Autograph Jersey Number(5)-(FG-153)
2004-Leaf Certified Fabrics of the Game Autograph AL/NL(5)-(FG-153)
2004-Leaf Certified Fabrics of the Game Autograph Jersey Year(1)-(FG-153)
2004-Leaf Certified Fabrics of the Game Autograph Position(5)-(FG-153)
2004-Leaf Certified Fabrics of the Game Autograph Reward(1)-(FG-153)
2004-Leaf Certified Fabrics of the Game Autograph Stats(1)-(FG-153)
2004-Leaf Certified Fabrics of the Game Jersey Number(28)-(FG-153)
2004-Leaf Certified Fabrics of the Game Prime(1)-(FG-153)
2004-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Material(100)-(AI-16)
2004-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Material PS(5-(AI-16)
2004-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Material Spectrum(5)-(AI-16)
2004-Topps Original Signature Edition(54)-(25) 1987 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature Edition(1)-(26) 1971 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature Edition(1)-(30)1975 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature Edition(4)-(235) 1976Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature Edition(41)-(280)) 1983 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature Edition(45)-(308) 1979 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature Edition(40)-(355) 1985 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature Edition(62)-(445) 1986 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature Edition(12)-(457) 1980 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature Edition(29)-(451) 1981 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature Edition(10)-(789) 1984 Topps
2004-Upper Deck Legends Timeless Team Autographs Gold (5)- (171)1979 Upper Deck
2004-Upper Deck Legends Timeless Team Autographs Gold(5)-(272)1987 Upper Deck
2004-Upper Deck Legends Timeless Team Autographs Platinum(1)-(171)1979 Upper Deck
2004-Upper Deck Legends Timeless Team Autographs Platinum(87)-(272)1987 Upper Deck
2004-Upper Deck Legends Timeless Team Bronze (50) -(171)1987 Upper Deck
2004-Upper Deck Legends Timeless Team Bronze(50)-(272)1987 Upper Deck
2004-Upper Deck Legends Timeless Team Gold (5) -(171)1979 Upper Deck
2004-Upper Deck Legends Timeless Team Gold(5)-(272)1987 Upper Deck
2004-Upper Deck Legends Timeless Team Legendary Signature Trio-(PBH)
2004-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic Game Used Memorabilia(275)-(SS-BB)
2004-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic Game Used Memorabilia Silver Rainbow(50)-(SS-BB)
2004-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic Game Used Patch Silver Rainbow(10)-(GU-BB)
2004-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Signature Gold(25)-(BL)
2004-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Signature Platinum(1)-(BL)
2005-Donruss Champion Impression Black(5(-(249)
2005-Donruss Champion Impression Gold(50)-(249)
2005-Donruss Champion Press Plates Black(1)-(249)
2005-Donruss Champion Press Plates Cyan(1)-(249)
2005-Donruss Champion Press Plates Magenta(1)-(249)
2005-Donruss Champion Press Plates Yellow(1)-(249)
2005-Donruss Champion Sample)-(249)
2005-Donruss Classics Stars of Summer Gold(50)-(BOS-2)
2005-Donruss Classics Stars of Summer Platinum(1)-(BOS-2)
2005-Donruss Classics Stars of Summer Signatures Materials(50)-(BOS-2)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Bronze(50)-429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings DK Challenge(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Black(25)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Black Platinum(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Blue Platinum(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Green Platinum(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Red Platinum(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Gold(10)-(429)
2005-Donrus Diamond Kings Material Bronze (1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Black (1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Black Platinum(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Blue (1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Blue Platinum(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Green (1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Green Platinum(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Red–(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Red Platinum (1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Gold(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Platinum(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Silver(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Non Canvas-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Platinum (1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Press Plates Black 1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Press Plates Cyan 1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Press Plates Magenta 1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Press Plates Yellow (1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Bronze(50)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Black(1 )-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Black Platinum(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Blue(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Blue Platinum(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Green(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Green Platinum(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Red(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Red Platinum(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Gold(25)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Materials Bronze(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Materials Framed Black(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Materials Framed Black Platinum (1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Materials Framed Blue Platinum(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond King Signature Materials Framed Green Platinum(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Red Platinum (50)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Gold(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Materials Platinum(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Materials Siver(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Platinum(1)-(429)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Silver(5)-(429)
2005-Donruss Elite Throwback Threads Autographs Prime(10)-(TT-3)
2005-Donruss Greats Gold HoloFoil(100)-(5)
2005-Donruss Greats Platinum HoloFoil(50)-(5)
2005-Donruss Greats Signature Platinum HoloFoil(50)-(5)
2005-Donruss Leather and Lumber Leathers Cuts(128)-(LC-3)
2005-Donruss Leather and Lumber Rival Jersey Prime(5)-(R-24)
2005-Donruss Leather and Lumber Rival Platinum(1)-(R-24)
2005-Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Blue-(248)
2005-Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Bronze(100)-(248)
2005-Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Gold(10)-(248)
2005-Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Silver(10)-(248)
2005-Donruss Throwback Threads Green Century Proof(50)-(279)
2005-Donruss Throwback Threads Material Jersey Prime(50)-(279)
2005-Donruss Throwback Threads Platinum Blue Century Proof(10)-(279)
2005-Donruss Timeless Treasure NoHitters(25)-(NH-7)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Material Olympic(1)-(S-64)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Material Pro Ball(1)-(S-64)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Material USA Flag(28)-(S-64)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Centennial(39)-(S-64)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Material Centennial(39)-(S-64)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Material Centennial(39)-(S-64)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Material Prime Centennial(1)-(S-64)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Material Prime Olympics(1)-(S-64)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Material Prime Pro Ball(1)-(S-64)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Material Prime US Flags(1)-(S-64)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Material Pro Ball(1)-(S-64)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Olympics(92)-(S-64)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature US Flag(100)-(S-64)
2005-Leaf Century Timeline Threads Jersey Numbers(28)-(TT-17)
2005-Leaf Century Timeline Threads Prime(1)-TT-17)
2005-Leaf Century Timeline Threads Signature Number(19)-TT-17)
2005-Leaf Century Timeline Threads Prime(1)-TT-17)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Absolute Ink Material Swatch Double 50)- (AI-59)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Absolute Ink Material Swatch Double Spectrum(25)- AI-59)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Absolute Ink Material Swatch Double Spectrum Prime(1)(AI-59)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Absolute Ink Material Swatch Triple Spectrum Prime(1)-(AI-59)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Absolute Ink Team Six Spectrum(50)-(TS-29)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Absolute Ink Team Six Swatch Single(14)-(TS-29)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Absolute Ink Team Six Swatch Single Spectrum-(TS-29)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Absolute Ink Team Tandem Swatch Single Prime Black(125)-(TT-54)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends Gold Refractor(65)-(2)
2005-Topps Pristine Legend Personal Endorsement Gold(25)-(PEA-BB)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends Printing Plates Black(1)-(2)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(2)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends Printing Plates Magenta(1)-2)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends Printing PlatesYellow(1)(2)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends SuperFractors(1)-(2)
2005-Upper Deck Past Time Pennant Dual Signature -(BBJM)
2005-Upper Deck Past Time Pennant Dual Signature -(BBKH)
2005-Upper Deck Past Time Pennant Signature Gold-(BB)
2005-Upper Deck Past Time Pennant Signature Silver-(BB)
2005-Upper Deck Past Time Pennant Silver(100)-(BB)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts MLB Apparel(150)-(MLB-BB)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts MLB ApparelAutographs(30)-(AP-BB)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts MLB Rare Apparel Signatures(-))-(BB)
2005-Upper Deck Dual Artifacts Signature(10)-DA-KB)
2005-Upper Deck Dual Artifacts Signature(10)-(DA-SB)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts Patches(50)-MLB-BB)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts Signature Patches(10)-(MLB-BB)
2008-TriStar Signecut Baseball Edition (Series Two) Blue(5)-(NNO)
2008-TriStar Signecut Baseball Edition (Series Two)Gold(50)-(NNO)
2008-TriStar Signecut Baseball Edition (Series Two) Purple(1)-(NNO)
2008-TriStar Signecut Baseball Edition (Series Two) Red(25)-(NNO)
2009-Upper Deck 1989 20th Anniversary Buyback--(225)
2009-Upper Deck 1989 20th Anniversary Buyback--(712)
2010-Historic Autographs Hall of Fame & All-Star Edition-NNO)
2010-Panini Century Material Jersey Prime(25)-(9)
2010-Panini Century Material Jersey Signature(50)-(9)
2011-In the Game Heroes and Prospect Dual Autographs Gold-(DA-BBLW)
2011-IIn the Game Heroes and Prospect Dual Autographs Silver-(DA-BBLW)
2011-In the Game Heroes and Prospect Heroes Jersey Autograph Gold-(HJA-BB)
2011-In the Game Heroes and Prospect Heroes Jersey Autograph Silver-(HJA-BB)
2011-In the Game Heroes and Prospect Heroes Jersey Number Patch Gold–HM-19)
2011-In the Game Heroes and Prospect Heroes Jersey Number Patch Silver(HM-19)
2011-Leaf Legends of Sports-(BA9)
2011-Leaf Legends of Sports Gold-(BA9)
2011-Leaf Legends of Sports Moments of Greatness Autographs Bronze-(MG3)
2011-Leaf Legends of Sports Moments of Greatness Autographs Gold-(MG3)
2011-Leaf Legends of Sports Moments of Greatness Autographs Printing Plates Black(1)(MG3)
2011-Leaf Legends of Sports Moments of Greatness Autographs Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(MG3)
2011-Leaf Legends of Sports Moments of Greatness Autographs Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(MG3)
2011-Leaf Legends of Sports Moments of Greatness Autographs Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(MG3)
2011-Leaf Legends of Sports Moments of Greatness Autographs Purple(1)-(MG3)
2011-Leaf Legends of Sports Moments of Greatness Autographs Silver-(MG3)
2011-Leaf Legends of Sports Numeration Autographs Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(MG3)
2011-Leaf Legends of Sports Printing Plates Black(1)-(MG3)
2011-Leaf Legends of Sports Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(MG3)
2011-Leaf Legends of Sports Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(MG3)
2011-Leaf Legends of Sports Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(MG3)
2011-Leaf Legends of Sports Purple(1)-(MG3)
2011-Leaf Legends of Sports Silver(1)-(MG3)
2011-Panini Prime Cut Emblems of the Hall Materials Prime(10)-(2)
2011-Panini Prime Cut Emblems of the Hall Materials Signatures(10)-(2)
2011-Panini Prime Cut Emblems of the Hall Materials Signatures Prime(5)-(2)
2011-Panini Prime Cut Emblems of the Hall Signatures(25)-(2)
2011-Panini Prime Cut Signature Combos- (5)-(2)
2011-Panini Prime Cut SignatureTrios- (5)-(2)
2011-Topps Hope Diamond Anniversary(60)-(570B)
2011-Topps 60 Dual Relics(50)-(T60DR-(6)
2011-Topps Lineage Canary Diamond(1)-(190)
2011-Topps Lineage Printing Plates Black(1)-(190)
2011-Topps Lineage Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(190)
2011-Topps Lineage Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(190)
2011-Topps Lineage Printing Plates Yellow(1)-190)
2011-Topps Marquee Museum Collection Autographs(10)-(MCA-BB)
2011-Topps Tier One Crowd Pleasers(50)-(CP-BB)
2011-Topps Tier One Crowd Pleasers Autograph Gold-(CP-BB)
2011-Topps Tier One Gold(1)-(28)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Jumbo Patch Combos(1)-(TTJAPC-3)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Jumbo Plus Relic Autographs(3)-(TTJAPAR-11)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Jumbo Plus Relic Autographs Platinum(1)-(TTJAPA-11)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Jumbo Plus Relics (3)-2011(TTJPR-1)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Jumbo Plus Relics Autograph Platinum(1)- (TTJPR-1)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Platinum(1)-(3)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Printing Plates Black(1)-(3)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(3)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(3)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(3)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autograph(18)-(TTAR-234)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autograph(18)-(TTAR-235)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autograph(18)(TTAR-236)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Gold(9)-TTAR-234)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Gold(9)-TTAR-235)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Gold(9)-TTAR-236)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Platinum(1)-(1TTAR-234)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Platinum(1)-(TTAR-235)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Platinum- (1)-(TTAR-236)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Sapphire-(3)(TTAR-234)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Sapphire(3)(TTAR-235)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Sapphire(3)(TTAR-236)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs White Whale Printing Plates(1)-(TTAR-234)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs White Whale PrintingPlates(1)(TTAR-235)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs White Whale Printing Plates(1))(TTAR-236)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Relics AutograohsWood(1)(TTAR-234)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Relics AutograohsWood(1)(TTAR-235)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Relics AutograohsWood(1)-)(TTAR-236)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Unity Relics (36))-(TTUSR-229)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Unity Relics Platinum(1)-(TTUSR-229)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Unity Relics Sapphire(3)-(TTUSR-229)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Unity Relics Sepia(27)-(TTUSR-229)
2011-Topps Triple Threads Unity Relics (36))-(TTUSR-229)
2012-Historic Autographs Legends Of The Hall-(NNO)
2012-Historic Autographs Why The Hall Not(32)-(NNO)
2012-Leaf Cut Signature History of Baseball -(NNO)
2012-Leaf Inscription-(BB-81)
2012-Leaf Inscription Gold Foil(5)-(IBB1)
2012-Leaf Memories 90 Leaf Buybacks Autographs(28)-(63)
2012-Leaf Memories 90 Leaf Buybacks Autographs Red(1)-(63)
2012-Leaf Sports Icons Cuts Signature Edition-(NNO)
2012-Panini Cooperstown Crystal Collection Blue(499)-(109)
2012-Panini Cooperstown Crystal Collection Red(399)-(109)
2012-Panini Cooperstown Signatures-(25)-(HOF-BLY)
2012-Panini National Treasures All Decade Signature Material(25)-(44)
2012-Panini National Treasures HOF Class of Signatures(25)-49)
2012-Panini National Treasures Jumbo Signature Material(10)-(5)
2012-Panini National Treasures Jumbo Signature Nickname(5)-(5)
2012-Panini National Treasures Jumbo Signature Material Prime(5)-(5)
2012-Panini National Treasures Prime-(25-117)
2012-Panini National Treasures Prime Laundry Tag(5)-(117)
2012-Panini National Treasures Prime Logo(1)-(117)
2012-Panini Signature Series Game Ball Signature(10)-(5)
2012-Panini Signature Series INKredible Trios(5)-(2)
2012-Panini Signature Series K-Force Signature(25)-(4)
2012-Panini Signature Series Leather Cut Signature Prime Materials(5)-(2)
2012-Panini Signature Series Leather Cut Signatures(1)-(2)
2012-Panini Signature Series Signature Stamps(50)-(NNO)
2012-Playoff Prime Cut Colossal Memorabilia Prime(5)-(3)
2012-Playoff Prime Cut Colossal Memorabilia Prime Signature(10)-(3)
2012-Playoff Prime Cut Colossal Memorabilia Signatures(25)-(3)
2012-Playoff Prime Cuts Icons Jersey Number Signature(28])-(3)
2012-Playoff Prime Cuts Icons Jersey Number Prime(25)-(3)
2012-Playoff Prime Cuts Icons Jersey Number Prime Signatures(5)-(3)
2012- Prime Cuts Icons Jerseys Number Signature(49)-(3)
2012-Playoff Prime Cuts Icons Materials Combos(25)-(3)
2012-Playoff Prime Cuts Icons Materials Combos Prime(10)-(3)
2012-Playoff Prime Cuts Icons Materials Combos Prime Signature(25)-(3)
2012-Prime Cuts Icons Signature Combos)(10)-(10)
2012-Playoff Prime Cuts Significant Signature -(4)
2012-Sportkings Series E Spectacular Patch(1)-(SP-20)
2012-Topps Archive Framed Mini Autographed 25)-(280)
2012-Topps Tribute Autographs Blue( 50)-(TA-BB)
2012-Topps Tribute Autographs Blue( 50)-(TA-BBL)
2012-Topps Tribute Autographs Framed Printing Plates Black(1)-(TA-BB)
2012-Topps Tribute Autographs Framed Printing Plates Black(1)(TA-BBL)
2012-Topps Tribute Autographs Framed Printing Plates Cyan(1)- (1)(TA-BB)
2012-Topps Tribute Autographs Framed Printing Plates Cyan(1)- (1)-(TA-BBL),
2012-Topps Tribute Autograph Framed Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (TA-BB)
2012-Topps Tribute Autograph Framed Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (TA-(BBL)
2012-Topps Tribute Autograph Framed Printing Plates Yellow- (1) (TA-BB)
2012-Topps Tribute Autograph Framed Printing Plates Yellow- (1)-(TA-(BBL),
2012-ToppsTribute Autograph Gold(15)-TA-BB)
2012-ToppsTribute Autograph Gold(15)-TA-BB)
2012-ToppsTribute Autograph Onyx Gold Ink(1)-TA-BB)
2012-ToppsTribute Autograph Onyx Gold Ink(1)-TA-BBL)
2012-ToppsTribute Autograph Orange(25)-(TA-BB)
2012-ToppsTribute Autograph Orange(25)-TA-BB)
2012-ToppsTribute Autograph Purple(1)-TA-BB)
2012-ToppsTribute Autograph Purple(1)-(TA-(BBL)
2012-ToppsTribute Autograph Red5)-(TA-BB)
2012-ToppsTribute Autograph Red5)-TA-BBL)
2012-Topps Tribute Prime Patch Purple(1)-PP-BB)
2012-Topps Tribute Retired Remnants Relics(99)-RR-BB)
2012-ToppsTribute Autograph e(1)-TA-BB)(TA-(BBL))
2012-Topps Tribute Retired Remnants Relics Blue(50)-(RR-BB)
2012-Topps Tribute Retired Remnants Relics Gold(15)-RR-BB)
2012-Topps Tribute Retired Remnants Relics Orange(25)-RR-BB)
2012-Topps Tribute Retired Remnants Relics Purple(1)-RR-BB)
2012-Topps Tribute Retired Remnants Relics Red(10)-(RR-BB)
2012-Topps Tribute World Series Swatches 2(99)WSS-BB)
2012-Topps Tribute World Series Swatches Blue(50 )-2(WSS-BB)
2012-Topps Tribute World Series Swatches Gold(15)(WSS-BB)
2012-Topps Tribute World Series Swatches Orange(25 )-WSS-BB)
2012-Topps Tribute World Series Swatches )2012(WSS-BB)
2012-Topps Tribute World Series Swatches Orange(25 )2012(WSS-BB)
2012-Topps Tribute World Series Swatches Purple(1 )2012(WSS-BB)
2013-Historic Autographs Original The 1970(5)-(NNO)
2013-Panini Cooperstown Signatures(99)-(HOF-BRT)
2013Topps Allen and Ginter Glossy (1)-(30)
2013-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini -30)
2013-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini A & G Red Back-30)
2013-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Mini Printing Plates Black(1)-(30),
2013-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Mini Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(30),
2013-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Mini Printing Plates Magenta(1(30),
2013-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Mini Printing PlatesYellow(1)-(30)
2013-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini No Card Number-(30)
2013-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood-(30)
2013-Topps Gypsy Queen Framed Silver(1)-(30))
2013-Topps Gypsy Queen Hometown Currency Coins(5))-(30)
2013-Topps Gypsy Queen Framed Mini Printing Plates Black(1)-(30)
2013-Topps Gypsy Queen Framed Mini Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(30)
2013-Topps Gypsy Queen Framed Mini Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(30)
2013-Topps Gypsy Queen Framed Mini Printing PlatesYellow(1)-(30)
2013-Topps Gypsy Queen Framed Mini Leather(1)-30)
2013-Topps Gypsy Queen Framed Mini Wood(5)-(30)
2013-Topps Gypsy Queen Original Art Patch(1)-DAP-BB)
2013-Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(30)
2013-Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plates Magenta 1)-2(30)
2013-Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(30)
2013-Topps Museum Collection Archival Autographs(5)-(AA-BBL)
2013-Topps Museum Collection Archival Autographs Gold (5)-(AA-BBL)
2013-Topps Museum Collection Archival Autographs Septa (5)-AA-BBL)
2013-Topps Museum Collection Framed Museum Collection Autographs Black(5)-(MCA-BB)
2013-Topps Museum Collection Framed Museum Collection Autographs Gold(15)-(MCA-BB)
2013-Topps Museum Collection Framed Museum Collection Autographs Silver(10)-(MAA-BB)
2013-Topps Museum Collection Primary Pieces Quad Relics Autographs (10)-(BB)
2013-Topps Redemption Replacement Autographs Black Refractor(1)-(NNO)
2013-Topps Redemption Replacement Autograph Blue Refractor(10)-(NNO)
2013-Topps Redemption Replacement Autographs Gold Refractor(199)-(NNO)
2013-Topps Redemption Replacement Autographs Green Refractor(50)-(NNO)
2013-Topps Redemption Replacement Autographs Purple Refractor(5)-(NNO)
2013-Topps Redemption Replacement Autographed Red Refractor(99)-(1)- (CS-BB
2013-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini A & G Red Back-30)
2014- In the Game Past, Present and Future PSA/DNA Autograph Cards-(NNO)
2014- In the Game Past, Present and Future Sketch Cards(1)-(NNO)
2014-Panini Classic Significant Signature Gold(10)-(7)
2014-Panini Classic Significant Signature Platinum(1)-(7)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary ‘12 Panini Cooperstown Buyback (4)- (36)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Base Blue Frame(75)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Base Green Frame(75)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Base Red Frame(75)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Blue Frame (Base 2) Printing Plates Black1)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Blue Frame (Base 2) Printing Plates Cyan1)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Blue Frame (Base 2) Printing Plates Magenta (1) -(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Blue Frame (Base 2) Printing Plates Yellow(1)-C(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Blue Frame Black(1)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Blue Frame Gold(5)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Blue Frame Green(10)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Class Dual Signature(5)-17
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Crusade Black Die Cut(1)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Crusade Gold Die Cut(10)-2014(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Crusade Green Die Cut(5)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Crusade Purple Die Cut(50)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Diamond Kings Black(1)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Diamond Kings Gold(10)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Diamond Kings Green(5)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Green Frame Black(1)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Green Frame Blue(25)-96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Green Frame Gold(5)-96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Green Frame Green(10))-96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Green Framed( Base 1) Printing Plate Black(1)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Green Framed( Base 1) Printing Plate Cyan1)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Green Framed( Base 1) Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Green Framed( Base 1) Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Green Frame Red(50)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Class Dual Signature-17
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Red Framed( Base 3) Printing Plate Black-(1)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Red Framed( Base 3) Printing Plate Cyan(1)-2014(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Red Framed( Base 3) Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th AnniversaryRed Framed( Base 3) Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Red Frame Black(1)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Red Frame Blue(25)-96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Red Frame Gold(5)-96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Red Frame Green(10))-96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Red Frame Red(50)-(96)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Signature Black(1)-(4)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Signature Blue(25)-(23)(73)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Signature Black(1)-(4)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Signature Gold(1)-(4)(73)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Signature Green(2)-(4)(73)
2014-Panini Hall of Fame 75th Anniversary Signature Gold(1)-(49-4)(50-73)
2014-Panini Immaculate Heroes Materials(15)-(25)
2014-Panini Immaculate Heroes Mat2014-Panini Classic Significant Signature Gold(10)-(7)
2014-Panini Immaculate Heroes Materials(15)-(25)
2014-Panini Immaculate Heroes Materials Prime(25)-(-25)
2014-Topps 75th Anniversary Buyback(1976)-9235)
2015- Leaf Cut Signature History of Baseball Edition-(NNO)
2015-Leaf Heroes of Baseball Printing Plates Black(1)-4)
2015-Leaf Heroes of Baseball Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(4)
2015-Leaf Heroes of Baseball Printing PlateMagenta(1)-(4)
2015-Leaf Heroes of Baseball Printing PlatesYellow(1)-(4)
2015-Panini Cooperstown 2014 HOF Crusade Red Collection Collection (25)
2015-Panini Cooperstown 2014 HOF Diamond Kings Recollection Collection(25)-(96)
2015-Panini Cooperstown-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown Etched in Cooperstown Dual Blue(1)-(22)
2015-Panini Cooperstown Etched in Cooperstown Dual Silver Gem Diamond(1)-(22)
2015-Panini Cooperstown Etched in Cooperstown Dual Silver Gem Emerald(10)-(22)
2015-Panini Cooperstown Etched in Cooperstown Dual Silver Gem Ruby(15)-(22)
2015-Panini Cooperstown Etched in Cooperstown Dual Silver Gem Sapphire(10)-(22)
2015-Panini Cooperstown Etched in Cooperstown Dual Silver Gold(10)-(22)
2015-Panini Cooperstown Etched in Cooperstown Dual Silver Holo Gold(5)-(22)
2015-Panini Cooperstown Gold(25)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown Golf Classics Gold(25)-(2)
2015-Panini Cooperstown Green(10)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Chronicle Holo Silver(1)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Chronicle Printing Plates Black (1)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Chronicle Printing Plates Cyan (1)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Chronicle Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Chronicle Printing Plates Yellow (1)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOFCrown Royale Die Cuts-2015(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOFCrown Royale Die Cuts Black(1)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOFCrown Royale Die Cuts Green(5)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Cut Signature-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Golf Outing Images Black(1)-(2)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Induction Images-(1)-(2)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Induction Blue(25)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Induction Dual Signatures-(31)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Induction Dual Signatures---(33)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Induction Gold(5)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Induction Green10)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Induction Holo Silver(1)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Induction Image Black(1)-(3)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Induction Image Gold(25)-(3)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Induction Printing Plates Black(1)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Induction Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Induction Printing Plates Magenta(1)-7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Induction Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Induction Signature-4)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Induction Signature Black(1)(4)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Induction Signature Gold(25)-(4)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Induction Signature Green(5)-(4)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Induction Signature-(4)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Induction Signature4)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Signature Black(1)-(3)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Signature Blue(25)-(3)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Signature Gold(5)-(3)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF SignatureGreen(10)-2(3)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Chronicle Red(35)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown HOF Holo Silver(1)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown Printing Plates Black(1)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown Printing Plates Magenta(1)-7)
2015-Panini Cooperstown Printing Plates Yellow(1)-2(7)
2015-Panini Diamond Kings HOF Heroes Framed Black Signatures Materials(1)-(17)
2015-Panini Diamond Kings HOF Heroes Framed Blue Signatures Materials(25)-(17)
2015-Panini Diamond Kings HOF Heroes Framed Green Signatures Materials(5)-(17)
2015-Panini Diamond Kings HOF Heroes Framed Red Signatures Materials(49)-(17)
2015-Panini Diamond Kings HOF Heroes Signatures Materials Black(1)-(17)
2015-Panini Diamond Kings HOF Heroes Signatures Materials Gold(10)-(17)
2015-Panini Diamond Kings HOF Heroes Signatures Materials Silver(15)-(17)
2015-Panini Immaculate Ink(25)-(54)
2015-Panini Immaculate Ink Holo Gold(5)-(54)
2015-Panini Immaculate Ink Platinum(1)-(54)
2015-Panini National Treasures Made In(25)-(11)
2015-Panini National Treasures Notable Nicknames(25)-(11)
2015-Panini National Treasures Silhouette Autographs(25)-(6)
2015-Panini National Treasures Silhouette Autographs Black(1)-(6)
2015-Panini National Treasures Silhouette Autographs Gold(10)-(6)
015-Panini National Treasures Silhouette Autographs Green(1)-(6)
2015-Panini National Treasures Silhouette Autographs Black(1)-(6)
2015-Panini National Treasures Silhouette Autographs Cyan(1)-(6)
2015-Panini National Treasures Silhouette Autographs Magenta(1)-(6)
2015-Panini National Treasures Silhouette Autographs Yellow(1)-(6)
2016-Donruss Recollection Autographs Buybacks(5)-(111)
2016-Donruss Optic Significant Signatures -(SSBB)
2016-Donruss Optic Significant Signatures Blue(15)(SSBB)
2016-Donruss Optic Significant Signatures Gold(5)-(SSBB)
2016-Donruss Optic Significant Signatures Gold Vinyl(1)-(SSBB)
2016-Donruss Optic Significant Signatures Green(3)-(SSBB)
2016-Donruss Optic Significant Signatures Red(10)-(SSBB)
2016-Historic Autographs, Originals The 1970;s-(NNO)
2016-Panini Immaculate Heroes Autographs(25)--HA-BB)
2016-Panini Immaculate Heroes Autographs Black(1)-(8)
2016-Panini Immaculate Heroes Autographs Autographs(25)-(8)
2016-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Marks(49)-(IM-BE)
2016-Panini Immaculate Quad Players(49)-(QP-RC)
2016-Panini Immaculate Quad Players Black(1)-(QP-RC)
2016-Panini Immaculate Quad Players Red(10)-QP-RC)
2016-Panini Immaculate Swatches((99)-(IS-BY)
2016-Panini Immaculate Swatches Button)1)-(IS-BY)
2016-Panini Immaculate Swatches Laundry Tag(1)-(IS-BY)
2016-Panini Immaculate Swatches Prime(10)-(IS-BY)
2016-Panini National Treasures Clear Signatures(25)-(CS-BB)
2016-Panini National Treasures Colossal Primel(5)-(C-BB)
2016-Panini National Treasures Colossal Prime Jersey Numbers(5)-(C-BB)
2016-Panini National Treasures Colossal Prime Team Logo(1)-(C-BB)
2016-Panini National Treasures Colossal Prime Team Patches(1)-(C-BB)
2016-Panini Pantheon Chronicle Calligraphy(15)-(CC-B)
2016-Panini Pantheon Chronicle Calligraphy Bronze(5)-(CC-B)
2016-Panini Pantheon Chronicle Calligraphy Gold(10)-(CC-B)
2016-Panini Pantheon Chronicle Calligraphy Holo Silver (1)-(CC-BB)
2016-Panini Pantheon Metropolis Moments Milestone (25)-2016(M-3)
2016-Panini Pantheon Metropolis Moments Milestone Bronze (10)-2016(8)
2016-Panini Pantheon Metropolis Moments Milestone Gold (15)-(8)
2016-Panini Pantheon Metropolis Moments MilestoneHolo Silver (1)-2016(8)
2016-Panini Pantheon Milestone Scripts (25)-(MS-BB)
2016-Panini Pantheon Milestone Scripts Bronze (10)-(MS-BB)
2016-Panini Pantheon Milestone Scripts Gold(15)-(MS-BB)
2016-Panini Pantheon Milestone Scripts Holo Silver (1)-(MS-BB)
2016-Panini Pantheon Milestone Scripts Red(5)-(MS-BB
2016-Panini Pantheon Milestone Scripts Triples (25)-(MS-BB)
2016-Panini Pantheon Milestone Scripts Triples Bronze (5)-(MS-BB)
2016-Panini Pantheon Milestone Scripts Triples Gold (10)-(MS-BB)
2016-Panini Pantheon Milestone Scripts Triples Holo Silver (21)-(MS-BB)
2016-Panini Prime Cuts(15)-(216)
2016-Panini Prime Cuts Bronze(10)-216)
2016-Panini Prime Cuts Holo Gold (5)-(216)
2016-Panini Prime Cuts Holo Platinum(1)-(216)
2016-Panini Prime Cut Holo Reds(3)-(216)
2016-Panini Prime Cuts Prime Eight Signature Booklet(10)-(5)
2016-Panini Prime Cuts Prime Eight Signature Booklet Holo Platinum(1)-(5)
2016-Topps Epic Gold-(1)-(131)
2016-Topps Archive Black Border-(24)
2016-Topps Archive Printing Plate Black(1)-(24)
2016-Topps Archive Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(24)
2016-Topps Archive Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(24)
2016-Topps Archive Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(24)
2016-Topps Archive 10 X 14(99)-(24)
2016-Topps Archive 5 X 7(1) Gold-(24)
2016-Topps Archive 5 X 7(99)-(24)
2016-Topps Archive 5 X 7(1) Gold-(24)
2016-Topps Legacies of Baseball Vault Metal Black Logo(1)-(VN-8)
2016-Topps LLegacies of Baseball Vault Metal Red Logo(25)-(VN-8
2016-Topps Tribute 5 X 7 (49)-(40)
2016-Topps Tribute 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(40)
2016-Topps Tribute 10 X 14 (99)-(40)
2016-Topps Tribute 10 X 14 Gold(1)-(40)
2016-Topps Tribute Black-(5)-(40)
2016-Topps Tribute Printing Plate Black(1)-(40)
2016-Topps Tribute Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(40)
2016-Topps Tribute Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(40)
2016-Topps Tribute Printing Plate Yellow(1)(40)
2016-Topps Tribute Purple(50)-(40)
2016-Topps Tribute Red(5)-(40)
2016-Topps Tribute Superfractor(1)-(40)
2017-Leaf Cut Signature History of Baseball Edition(3)(NNO)
2017-Leaf Greatest Hits(3)-(64)
2017-Panini Chronicle Chronicle Swatches Purple(25)-(CS-BE)
2017-Panini Chronicle Chronicle Swatches Red(5)-(CS-BE)
2017-Leaf Cut Signature History of Baseball Edition-(NNO)
2017-Leaf Sports Icon Cuts Signature Edition(1)-(NNO)
2017-Panini Flawless Signature(25)-33)
2017-Panini Flawless Signature Black(1)-(33)
2017-Panini Flawless Signature Emerald(5)-(33)
2017-Panini Flawless Signature Gold(10)-(33)
2017-Panini Flawless Signature Ruby(20)-(33)
2017-Panini Flawless Signature Sapphire(15)-(33)
2017-Panini Flawless Memorable Marks(25)-(MM-BB)
2017-Panini Flawless Memorable Marks Black(1)-(MM-BB)
2017-Panini Flawless Memorable Marks Emerald(5)(MM-BB)
2017-Panini Flawless Memorable Marks Gold(25)-(MM-BB)
2017-Panini Flawless Memorable Marks Ruby(20)-(MM-BB)
2017-Panini Flawless Memorable Marks Sapphire(15)-(MM-BB)
2017-Panini Immaculate Collection Jumbo(25)-(IJ-BV)
2017-Panini Immaculate Jumbo Jersey Number(5)-IJ-BV)
2017-Panini Immaculate Jumbo Patch(2-)(IJ-BV))
2017-Panini Immaculate Jumbo Sleeve Patch(1)-(IJ-BV)
2017-Panini National Treasures Colossal Materials(49)-(CM-BB)
2017-Panini National Treasures Colossal Materials Brand Logo(1))-(CM-BB)
2017-Panini National Treasures Colossal Materials Jersey Number(10)-CM-BB)
2017-Panini National Treasures Colossal Materials Laundry Tags(1)-(CM-BB)
2017-Panini National Treasures Colossal Materials Nameplate(5)-(CM-BB)
2017-Panini National Treasures Colossal Materials Patch(2)-(CM-BB)
2017-Panini National Treasures Colossal Materiala Team Logo(5)-CM-BB)
2017-Panini National Treasures Legends Booklet Dual Materials(99)-(BDM-BB)
2017-Panini National Treasures Legends Booklet Dual Material Stats(99)-(BDM-BB)
2017-Panini National Treasures Monumental Booklet (25)-(MM-2)
2017-Panini National Treasures Monumental Booklet Holo Gold(10)-(MM-2)
2017-Panini National Treasures Monumental Booklet Platinum(1))-2017(MM-2)
2017-Topps Archive Rediscover Stamped Buyback Bronze(769)1984 Topps
2017-Topps Archive Rediscover Stamped Buyback Silver-(295)1988 Topps
2017-Topps Archive Rediscover Stamped Buyback Bronze-(555)1989 Topps
2017-Topps Archive Rediscover Stamped Buyback Silver(48)1993 Topps
2017-Topps Archive Rediscover Stamped Buyback Silver(194)
2017-Topps Archive Black(1)(104)
2017-Topps Archive Blue(75)-(104)
2017-Topps Archive Peach(199) -104)
2017-Topps Archive Red199) -104)
2017-Topps Archive 5 X 7(49) 2017(194)(T104)
2017-Topps Archive 5 X 7(10) Gold-2017(104)(104)
2018-Leaf In the Game Used Sports Fantastic Fabric (FF-05)
2018-Leaf In the Game Used Sports Fantastic Fabric Blue Prismatic (FF-05)
2018-Leaf In the Game Used Sports Fantastic Fabric Gold Prismatic(1)- (FF-05)
2018-Leaf In the Game Used Sports Fantastic Fabric Magenta Prismatic(04)(FF-05)
2018-Leaf In the Game Used Sports Fantastic Fabric Printing Plates Black(1)- (FF-05)
2018-Leaf In the Game Used Sports Fantastic Fabric Printing Plates Cyan(1)- (FF-05)
2018-Leaf In the Game Used Sports Fantastic Fabric Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (FF-05)
2018-Leaf In the Game Used Sports Fantastic Fabric Printing Plates Yellow(1)- (FF-05)
2018-Leaf In the Game Used Sports Fantastic Fabric Purple Prismatic- (FF-05)
2018-Leaf In the Game Used Sports Fantastic Fabric Red Prismatic(3)-(FF-05)
2018-Leaf In the Game Used Sports Fantastic Fabric Silver Prismatic(2)- (FF-05)
2018-Panini Diamond Kings DK Signatures-(S-BB)
2018-Panini Diamond Kings DK Signature Holo Blue(10)-(S-BB)
2018-Panini Diamond Kings DK Signature Holo Gold(15)-(S-BB)
2018-Panini Diamond Kings DK Signature Holo Silver(25)-(S-BB)
2018-Panini Diamond Kings DK Signature Masterpiece(1))-(S-BB)
2018-Panini Diamond Kings DK Signature Purple(5)-(S-BB)
2018-Panini Flawless Supplied Cards(1)-(GD BBM)2016 Panini Flawless Great Duals Memorabilia
Autographs Black)
2018-Panini Flawless Supplied Cards(1)-(GD BBM)2016 Panini Flawless Great Duals Memorabilia
Autographs Emerald)
2018-Panini Flawless Supplied Cards(1)-(GD BBM)2016 Panini Flawless Great Duals Memorabilia
Autographs Gold)
2018-Panini Immaculate Collection Autographs(15)-(IA-BB)
2018-Panini Immaculate Collection Autographs Blue(10)-(IA-BB)
2018-Panini Immaculate Collection Autographs Platinum)-(I1(IA-BB)
2018-Panini National Treasure-(16-8OS)
2018-Panini National Treasures 16 Players Booklet(25)-(16-8OS)
2018-Panini National Treasures 16 Players Booklet Gold(10)-(16-8OS)
2018-Panini National Treasures 16 Players Booklet Platinum(1)-(16-8OS)
2018-Panini National Treasures-(99)-(131)
2018-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame
2018-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Platinum(99)-(131)
2018-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Signature Gold(10)-(19)
2018-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Signature Holo Gold(5)-(19)
2018-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Signature Platinum(1)-(19)
2018-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Platinum(1)-(131)
2018-Panini National Treasures Prime(10)-(131)
2018-Panini National Treasures Printing Black(1)-(131)
2018-Panini National Treasures Printing Cyan(1)-(131)
2018-Panini National Treasures Printing Magenta(1)-(131)
2018-Panini National Treasures Printing Yellow(1)-(131)
2018-Sportkings Century Heroes Cut Signature Sketch(1)-(CH1-BB)
2018 Topps Archive 1959 Venezuelan-(85)
2018 Toppa Archive Blue(25)-(85)
2018 Topps Archive Fan Favorite Autograph-(FFA-BEB)
2018 Topps Archive Fan Favorite Autograph Blue(25)-(FFA-BEB)
2018 Topps Archive Fan Favorite Autograph Gold Foil(1)-(FFA-BEB)
2018 Topps Archive Fan Favorite Autograph Purple(150)-(FFA-BEB)
2018 Topps Archive Fan Favorite Autograph Silver(99)-(FFA-BEB)
2018 Toppa Archive Gold Foil(1)-(85)
2018 Toppa Archive Purple(175)-(85)
2018 Toppa Archive Silver(99)-(85)
2018 Topps Fire Inferno(1)-(153)
2018 Topps Fire Magenta(25)-(153)
2018 Topps Fire Onyx-(153)
2018-Topps Fire Topps Vault Blank Bac(1)-(153)
2018 Topps Five Stars Silver Signature-(FFSS-BY)
2018 Topps Five Stars Silver Signature Blue(20)-(FFSS-BY)
2018 Topps Five Stars Silver Signature Gold(10)-(FFSS-BY)
2018 Topps Five Stars Silver Signature Green(15)-(FFSS-BY)
2018 Topps Five Stars Silver Signature Orange(5)-(FFSS-BY)
2018 Topps Five Stars Silver Signature Purple(25)-(FFSS-BY)
2018 Topps Five Stars Silver Signature Red(1)-(FFSS-BY)
2018-Topps On-Demand Dynamic Dual Hall of Famers Autographs(HOF-3 A)
2018-Topps On-Demand Dynamic Dual Hall of Famers AutographsBlack(5)- (HOF-3C A)
2018-Topps On-Demand Dynamic Dual Hall of Famers Autographs Gold(1)- (HOF-3SD A)
2018-Topps On-Demand Dynamic Dual Hall of Famers Autographs Red(10)-( HOF-3B A)
2018-Topps On-Demand Dynamic Dual Hall of Famers Black(5)-(HOF-3)
2018-Topps On-Demand Dynamic Dual Hall of Famers Blue(HOF-3A)
2018-Topps On-Demand Dynamic Dual Hall of Famers Gold(1)- (HOF-3D)
2018-Topps On-Demand Dynamic Dual Hall of Famers Red(10)- (HOF-3B)
2018-Topps Tribute-(20)
2018-Topps Tribute Black(1)-(20)
2018-Topps Tribute Purple(50)-(20)
2018-Topps Tribute Red(10)-(20)
2019-Bowman 1989 Bowman Buyback Autograph(50)-(41)
2019 Leaf In Game Used(35)-(UA-BB1)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Fantasy Baseball Leaders 6 Relics(30)-(FBL-10)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Fantasy Baseball Leaders 6 Relics Gold(1)-(FBL-10)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Fantasy Baseball Leaders 6 Relics Magenta( 5)-(FBL-10)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Fantasy Baseball Leaders 6 Relics Platinum Blue(9)- (FBL-10)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Fantasy Baseball Leaders 6 Relics Purple-(FBL-10)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Fantasy Baseball Leaders 6 Relics Red(3)-(FBL-10)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Fantasy Baseball Leaders 6 Relics Silver(2)-(FBL-10)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Franchise Baseball Leaders 6 Relics(35)-(FRF-10)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Franchise Baseball Leaders 6 Relics Gold(1)-(FRF-10)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Franchise Baseball Leaders 6 Relics Magenta-(FRF-10)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Franchise Baseball Leaders 6 Relics Platinum Blue-(FRF-10)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Franchise Baseball Leaders 6 Relics Purple-(FRF-10)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Franchise Baseball Leaders 6 Relics Red-(FRF-10)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Franchise Baseball Leaders 6 Relics Silver-(FRF-10)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Gold(1))-(UA-BB1)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Magenta(4)-(UA-BB1)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Platinum Blue(5)-(UA-BB1)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Printing Plates Black(1)-(UA-BB1)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(UA-BB1)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(UA-BB1)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Printing Plates Yellow()-(UA-BB1)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Purple(10)-(UA-BB1)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Red(3)-(UA-BB1)
2019 Leaf In Game Used Silver(2)-(UA-BB1)
2019-Leaf Ultimate Sports Ultimate The Exceptional Ones Patch(1)-TEO-09)
2019-Leaf Ultimate Sports Ultimate Memorabilia 8(15)-(U8-10)
2019-Leaf Ultimate Sports Ultimate Memorabilia 8 Gold(1)-(U8-10)
2019-Leaf Ultimate Sports Ultimate Memorabilia 8 Platinum(5)-(U8-10)
2019-Leaf Ultimate Sports Ultimate Memorabilia 8 Printing Plates Black(1)-(U8-10)
2019-Leaf Ultimate Sports Ultimate Memorabilia 8 Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(U8-10)
2019-Leaf Ultimate Sports Ultimate Memorabilia 8 Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(U8-10)
2019-Leaf Ultimate Sports Ultimate Memorabilia 8 Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(U8-10)

2019-Leaf Ultimate Sports Ultimate Memorabilia 8 Purple(5)-(U8-10)
2019-Leaf Ultimate Sports Ultimate Memorabilia 8 Red(3)-(U8-10)
2019-Leaf Ultimate Sports Ultimate Memorabilia 8 Silver(2)-(U8-10)
2019-Leaf Ultimate Sports Ultimate Memorabilia Quad(75)-(UQ-06)
2019-Leaf Ultimate Sports Ultimate Memorabilia Quad Gold(1)-(UQ-06)
2019-Leaf Ultimate Sports Leaf Ultimate Sports Ultimate Quad Platinum(5)- (UQ-06)
2019-Leaf Ultimate Sports Leaf Ultimate Sports Ultimate Quad Purple(12)- UQ-06)
2019-Leaf Ultimate Sports Leaf Ultimate Sports Ultimate Quad Red(3)-(UQ-06)
2019-Leaf Ultimate Sports Leaf Ultimate Sports Ultimate Quad Silver((2)-(UQ-06)
2019-Panini Flawless Update Supplied Cards(1)-(TBA)
2019-Panini Flawless Update Supplied Cards(1)-(TBA)
2019-Panini Flawless Update Supplied Cards(5)-(TBA)
2019-Panini Flawless Update Supplied Cards(5)-(TBA)
2019-Panini Flawless Update Supplied Cards(10)-(TBA)
2019-Panini Flawless Update Supplied Cards(10)-(TBA)
2019-Panini Flawless Update Supplied Cards(15)-(TBA)
2019-Panini Flawless Update Supplied Cards(15)-(TBA)
2019-Panini Flawless Update Supplied Cards(20)-(TBA)
2019-Panini Flawless Update Supplied Cards(20)-(TBA)
2019-Panini Flawless Update Supplied Cards(25)-(TBA)
2019-Panini Flawless Update Supplied Cards(25)-(TBA)
2019-Panini Immaculate Collection Supplied Cards-(2)
2019-Panini Immaculate Collection Supplied Cards-(3)
2019-Panini Immaculate Collection Supplied Cards-(4)
2019-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Materials(99)-(HOF-BB)
2019-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Materials Button(5)-(HOF-BB)
2019-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Materials Platinum(1)-(HOF-BB)
2019-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Materials Prime(15)-(HOF-BB)
2019-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Materials Printing Plates Black(1)(HOF-BB)
2019-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Materials Printing PlateCyan(1)- HOF-BB)
2019-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Materials Printing Plates Magenta(1) -(HOF-BB)
2019 Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Materials Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(HOF-BB)
2019-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Materials Tags(1))-(HOF-BB)
2019-Panini National Treasures ID Tags(1)-(IT-BB)
2019-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Material Tags(1))- (HOF-BB)
2019-Panini National Treasures Supplied Cards-(14)
2019-Panini National Treasures Supplied Cards-(15)
2019-Panini National Treasures Supplied Cards-(16)
2019-Panini National Treasures Supplied Cards-(17)
2019-Panini National Treasures Supplied Cards-(18)
2019-Panini Prizm Signatures-(20)
2019-Panini Prizm Signatures Black Finite Prizm(1)-(20)
2019-Panini Prizm Signatures Gold Prizm(10)-(20)
2019-Topps 1984 Topps Baseball 5 X 7(49)-(84-85)
2019-Topps 1984 Topps Baseball 5 X 7 Gold(10))-(84-85)
2019-Topps 1984 Topps Baseball 10 X 14(99)-(84-85)
2019-Topps 1984 Topps Baseball 1O X 14 Gold(1))-(84-85)
2019-Topps 1984 Topps Baseball 150th Anniversary(150)-(84-85)
2019-Topps 1984 Topps Baseball All-Star Autograph-(84-85)
2019-Topps 1984 Topps Baseball All-Star Autograph Gold(50)-(84-85)
2019-Topps 1984 Topps Baseball All-Star Autograph Platinum(1)-(84-85)
2019-Topps 1984 Topps Baseball All-Star Autograph Red(25)-(84-85)
2019-Topps 1984 Topps Baseball Platinum(1)-(84-85)
2019-Topps 1984 Topps Baseball Red(10)-(84-85)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Baseball Framed Mini Autographs-(MA-BB)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Baseball Framed Mini Autographs Black Frame(25)-(MA-BB)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Baseball Framed Mini Autographs Gold Ink(5)-(MA-BB)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Baseball Framed Mini Autographs Red Ink(10)-(MA-BB)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter X Baseball Framed Mini Autographs Silver Ink (25)-
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(1)-(2) 1990 Topps Kay-Bee Kings of Baseball
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(1)-(23) 1986 Topps Major League Leaders Minis
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(33)-(25) 1987 Topps
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(2)-(26) 1971 Topps
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(27)-(48) 1993 Topps
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(1)-(126) 1984 O-Pee-Chee
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(41)-(130) 1990 Topps
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(27)-(131) 1978 Topps
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(1)-(153)2018 Topps Fire
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(1)-(175)1991 Stadium Club
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(1)-(280)1983 O-Pee-Chee
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(12)-(280) 1983 Topps
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(99)-(295) 1988 Topps
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(31)-(308) 1979 Topps
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(27)-(375) 1992 Topps
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(1)-(457) 1980 Topps
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(99)-(554) 1981 Topps
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(97)-(555) 1989 Topps
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(20)-(615) 1991 Topps
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(99)-(11T) 1989 Topps Traded
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(1)-(11T) 1989 Topps Traded Limited Edition(Tiffany)
2019-Topps Archives Signature Series Retired Player Edition(1)-(T60-136) 2011 Topps Update Topps 60
2019-Topps Clearly Authentic 150 Years of Professional Baseball Autographs- (YPB-BB)s
2019-Topps Clearly Authentic 150 Years of Professional Baseball Autographs Black(75)- (YPB-BB)
2019-Topps Clearly Authentic 150 Years of Professional Baseball Autographs Blue(25)-(YPB-BB)
2019-Topps Clearly Authentic 150 Years of Professional Baseball Autographs Gold(1)- YPB-BB)
2019-Topps Clearly Authentic 150 Years of Professional Baseball Autographs Green(99)- YPB-BB)
2019-Topps Clearly Authentic 150 Years of Professional Baseball Autographs Orange(5)-(YPB-BB)
2019-Topps Clearly Authentic 150 Years of Professional Baseball Autographs Purple(10)- (YPB-BB)
2019-Topps Clearly Authentic 150 Years of Professional Baseball Autographs Red(50)-(YPB-BB)
2019-Topps Five Star Golden Graph (50)-GG-BB)
2019-Topps Five Star Golden Graph Blue (20)-GG-BB)
2019-Topps Five Star Golden Graph Gold(10)-GG-BB)
2019-Topps Five Star Golden Graph Green (15)-GG-BB)
2019-Topps Five Star Golden Graph Orange(5)-GG-BB)
2019-Topps Five Star Golden Graph Purple(25)-GG-BB)
2019-Topps Five Star Golden Graph Red(1)-GG-BB)
2019-Topps Heritage 1970 Mint Relics Dime(10)-70M-BB)
2019-Topps Heritage 1970 Mint Relics Half-Doll(1)-(70M-BB)
2019-Topps Heritage 1970 Mint Relics Nickel(15)-70M-BB)
2019 -Topps Heritage 1970 Mint Relics Quarter(5)-(70M-BB)
2019-Topps Heritage 1970 Real One Autographs-ROA-BB)
2019-Topps Heritage 1970 Real One Autographs Special Edition Red Ink(70)-(ROA-BB)
2019-Topps Legacy of Baseball Autographs-(LBA-BB
2019-Topps Legacy of Baseball Autographs 150th Anniversary(150)-(LBA-BB
2019-Topps Legacy of Baseball Autograph Gold-(LBA-BB)
2019-Topps Legacy of Baseball Autograph Platinum-(LBA-BB)
2019-Topps Legacy of Baseball Autograph Red-(LBA-BB)
2019-Topps On-Demand1 Mini 1984 Topps Baseball
2019-Topps On-Demand1 Mini 1984 Topps Baseball Pink(25)-(T84-85)
2019 -Topps On-Demand1 Mini 1984 Topps Baseball Platinum(1)-T84-85)
2019 -Topps Tier One Talent Autographs(200)-(TTA-BBL)
2019 -Topps Tier One Talent Autographs(200)-(TTA-BBL)
2019 -Topps Tier One Talent Autographs Bronze Ink(25)TTA-BB)
2019 -Topps Tier One Talent Autographs Bronze Ink(25)-(TTA-BBL)
2019 -Topps Tier One Talent Autographs Gold Ink(1)TTA-BB)
2019 -Topps Tier One Talent Autographs Gold Ink(1)(TTA-BBL)
2019 -Topps Tier One Talent Autographs Silver Ink(10)TTA-BB)
2019 -Topps Tier One Talent Autographs Silver Ink(10)(TTA-BBL)
2019 -Topps Transcendent Collection 1953 SuperFractor Autographs(1)- (S53-BBL)
2019 -Topps Transcendent Collection Autograph Patches(1)-(AP-BB)
2019-Topps Tribute Iconic Perspective Autographs(99)-(AA-PP)
2019-Topps Tribute Iconic Perspective Autographs Black(1)-(AA-PP)
2019-Topps Tribute Iconic Perspective Autographs Orange(25)-(AA-PP)
2019-Topps Tribute Iconic Perspective Autographs Red(5)-(AA-PP)
2019-Topps Tribute Tandem Book Programs Autographs(TT-BB)
2019-Topps Tribute Tribute Autographs-(TA-BBL),
2019-Topps Tribute Tribute Autographs Black-(1)-(TA-BBL)
2019-Topps Tribute Tribute Autographs Blue( 50)-(TA-BBL)
2019-Topps Tribute Tribute Autographs Green(99)-(TA-BBL)
2019-Topps Tribute Tribute Autographs Orange(25)-(TA-BBL)
2019-Topps Tribute Tribute Autographs Printing Plates Black(1)-(TA-BBL)
2019-Topps Tribute Tribute Autographs Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(TA-BBL)
2019-Topps Tribute Tribute Autographs Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(TA-BBL)
2019-Topps Tribute Tribute Autographs Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(TA-BBL)
2019-Topps Tribute Tribute Autographs Purple(50)-(TA-BBL)
2019-Topps Tribute Tribute Autographs Red(10)-(TA-BBL)
2019-Topps Tribute to Enshrinement Autograph-(HOF-BB)
2019-Topps Tribute to Enshrinement Autograph Black(1)-(HOF-BB)
2019-Topps Tribute to Enshrinement Autograph Orange(25)-(HOF-BB)
2019-Topps Tribute to Enshrinement Autograph Purple(50)-(HOF-BB)
2019-Topps Tribute to Enshrinement Autograph Red(10)-HOF-BB)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Triple Threads Autograph Relics(18)-TTAR-BB1)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Triple Threads Autograph Relics(18)-(TTAR-BB2)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Triple Threads Autograph Relics Emerald(18)-(TTAR-BB1)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Triple Threads Autograph Relics Emerald(18)-(TTAR-BB2)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold(9))-TTAR-BB1)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold(9))--(TTAR-BB2)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Autograph Relics Printing Plates Black(1)- (TTAR-BB1)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Autograph Relics Printing Plates Black(1)-(TTAR-BB2)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Autograph Relics Printing Plates Cyan(1)- (TTAR-BB1)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Autograph Relics Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(TTAR-BB2)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Autograph Relics Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (TTAR-BB1)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Autograph Relics Printing Plates Magenta(1)- TTAR-BB2)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Autograph Relics Printing Plates Yellow(1)- (TTAR-BB1)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Autograph Relics Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(TTAR-BB2)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Autograph Relics Ruby(1)-(TTAR-BB1
2019 Topps Triple Thread Autograph Relics Ruby(1)-(TTAR-BB2)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Autograph Relics Ruby(3)-(TTAR-BB1)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Autograph Relics Ruby(3)-(TTAR-BB2)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Autograph Relics Wood1)-(TTAR-BB1)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Autograph Relics Wood1)-(TTAR-BB2
2019 Topps Triple Thread Autograph Relics Emerald(18)-(TTAR-BB1)
2019 Topps Triple Thread Autograph Relics Emerald(18)-(TTAR-BB2)
2019-Topps Updates 150 Years of Professional Baseball 150th Anniversary(150)-(150-47)
2019-Topps Updates 150 Years of Professional Baseball 150th Anniversary 5 X 7(49)-(150
2019-Topps Updates 150 Years of Professional Baseball 150th Anniversary 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(150-47)
2019-Topps Updates 150 Years of Professional Baseball 150th Anniversary Blue-(150-47)
2019-Topps Updates 150 Years of Professional Baseball 150th Anniversary Gold(150)-(150-47)
2019-Topps Updates 150 Years of Professional Baseball 150th Anniversary Platinum(1)-(150-47)
2019-Topps Updates 150 Years of Professional Baseball 150th Anniversary Red(10)(150-47)
2019-Topps Updates 150 Years of Professional Baseball 150th Anniversary Manufactured Medallion Relics(10)-(150-47)
2019-Topps Updates 150 Years of Professional Baseball Manufactured Medallion Relics Gold (1)- (150-47)
2019-Topps Updates 150 Years of Professional Baseball Manufactured Medallion Relics Platinum(1)-(150-47)
2019-Topps Updates 150 Years of Professional Manufactured Medallion Relics Red(25)-(150-47)
2020-Donruss 1986 Optic Retro Gold(10)-(R86-17)
2020-Donruss 1986 Optic Retro Gold Vinyl(1)-(R86-17)
2020-Donruss Look at this Emoji 25)-(221)
2020-Donruss Number One Emoji(5)-(221)
2020-Donruss Press Proof(5)-(221)
2020-Donruss Printing Press Black(1)-(221)
2020-Donruss Printing Press Cyan(1)-(221)
2020-Donruss Printing Press Magenta(1)-(221)
2020-Donruss Printing Press Yellow(1)-221)
2020-Donruss Season Stat(17)-(221)
2020-Leaf Cut Signature Hall of Fame Baseball Edition(4)-(NNO)
2020-Leaf In The Game Used Sports The Fantastic Franchise Relics Emerald Foil(4)- (TTF-12)
2020-Leaf In The Game Used Sports The Fantastic Franchise Relics Gold Spectrum Foil(1 )- (TTF-12)
2020-Leaf In The Game Used Sports The Fantastic Franchise Relics Magenta Spectrum Foil(4)-(TTF-12)
2020-Leaf In The Game Used Sports The Fantastic Franchise Relics Navy Blue Spectrum Foil(35)-(TTF-12)
2020-Leaf In The Game Used Sports The Fantastic Franchise Relics Platinum Blue Spectrum Foil(7)- (TTF-12)
2020-Leaf In The Game Used Sports The Fantastic Franchise Relics Printing Plates Black(1)- (TTF-12)
2020-Leaf In The Game Used Sports The Fantastic Franchise Relics Printing Plates Cyan(1)- (TTF-12)
2020-Leaf In The Game Used Sports The Fantastic Franchise Relics Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (TTF-12)
2020-Leaf In The Game Used Sports The Fantastic Franchise Relics Printing Plates Yellow(1)- (TTF-12)
2020-Leaf In The Game Used Sports The Fantastic Franchise Relics Purple Spectrum Foil(12)- (TTF-12)
2020-Leaf In The Game Used Sports The Fantastic Franchise Relics Red Spectrum Foil(3)- (TTF-12)
2020-Leaf In The Game Used Sports The Fantastic Franchise Relics Silver Spectrum Foil(2)- (TTF-12)
2020-Panini Absolute Absolute Heroes Material Signature(25)-(AHS-BB)
2020-Panini Absolute Absolute Heroes Material Signature Spectrum Black(1))-(AHS-BB)
2020-Panini Absolute Absolute Heroes Material Signature Spectrum Gold(4)-(AHS-BB)
2020-Panini Absolute Absolute Heroes Material Signature Spectrum Purple(10)-(AHS-BB)
2020-Panini Absolute Tools of The Trade 2 Swatch Signature(49)-(TOT2-BE)
2020-Panini Absolute Tools of The Trade 2 Swatch Signature Spectrum Black(1)-(TOT2-BE)
2020-Panini Absolute Tools of The Trade 2 Swatch Signature Spectrum Gold(5)-(TOT2-BE)
2020-Panini Absolute Tools of The Trade 2 Swatch Signature Spectrum Purple(10) - (TOT2-BE)
2020-Panini Absolute Tools of The Trade 2 Swatch Signature Spectrum Red(25)-(TOT2-BE)
2020-Panini Diamond Kings Artist Proof Masterpiece(1)-(42)
2020-Panini Diamond Kings Framed Black Masterpiece(1)-(42)
2020-Panini Diamond King Framed Wood 13)-(42)
2020-Panini Diamond King Litho Proof(25)-(42)
2020-Panini Diamond King Litho Proof Black Framed Masterpiece(1)-(42)
2020-Panini Flawless Great Dual Memorabilia Autographs Emerald(5)- (GDM-BE)
2020-Panini Flawless Great Dual Memorabilia Autographs Gold(10) -(GDM-BE)
2020-Panini Flawless Great Dual Memorabilia Autographs Platinum (1)-2020 (GDM-BB)
2020-Panini Flawless Great Dual Memorabilia Autographs Ruby(9)-(GDM-BB)
2020-Panini Flawless Great Dual Memorabilia Autographs Sapphire(15)-(GDM-BB)
2020-Panini Flawless Penmanship Material(25)-(PM-BB)
2020-Panini Flawless Penmanship Material Emerald(5)-(PM-BB)
2020-Panini Flawless Penmanship Material Gold)(25)-(PM-BB)
2020-Panini Flawless Penmanship Material Platinum(1)-(PM-BB)
2020-Panini Flawless Penmanship Material Ruby(20)-(PM-BB)
2020-Panini Flawless Penmanship Material Sapphire(15)-(PM-BB)
2020-Panini Flawless Quad Patch Signature Emerald(5)(QPS-BB)
2020-Panini Flawless Quad Patch Signature Gold(10)-(QPS-BB)
2020-Panini Flawless Quad Patch Signature Platinum(1)-(QPS-BB)
2020-Panini Flawless Quad Patch Signature Sapphire(15)-(QPS-BB)
2020-Panini Flawless Signature Prime Material Emerald(5)-(SPM0BB)
2020-Panini Flawless Signature Prime Material Gold(10)-(SPM0BB)
2020-Panini Flawless Signature Prime Material Platinum(1)-(SPM0BB)
2020-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Duals(49)-(ID-BB)
2020-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Duals Blue(25)-(ID-BB)
2020-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Duals Gold(8)-(ID-BB)
2020-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Duals Platinum(1)-(ID-BB)
2020-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Duals Printing Plates Black(1) -(ID-BB)
2020-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Duals Printing Plates Cyan(1) -(ID-BB)
2020-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Duals Printing Plates Magenta1-(ID-BB)
2020-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Duals Printing Plates Yellow(1) -(ID-BB)
2020-Panini Immaculate Collection Premium(15)-(P-BB)
2020-Panini Immaculate Collection Premium Gold(10)-(P-BB)
2020-Panini Immaculate Collection Premium Green(5)-(P-BB)
2020-Panini Immaculate Collection Premium Platinum(1)-(P-BB)
2020-Panini Immaculate Collection Premium Printing Plates Black(1)-(P-BB)
2020-Panini Immaculate Collection Premium Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(P-BB)
2020-Panini Immaculate Collection Premium Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (P-BB)
2020-Panini Immaculate Collection Premium Printing PlatesYellow(1)-(P-BB)
2020-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Material Booklet(10)-MB-BB)
2020-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature City Material Booklet City(5)- (CSMB-BB)
2020-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Materials Booklet HOF Class (5)- (CSMB-BB)
2020-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Materials Booklet Names(10)- (CSMB-BB)
2020-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Materials Booklet Platinum (1)- (CSMB-BB)
2020-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Materials Booklet Statline(1)- (CSMB -BB)
2020-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Materials Booklet Statline Variation(5)- (CSMB-BB)
2020-Panini National Treasures Retro Signatures(25)-(RS-BB)
2020-Panini National Treasures Retro Signatures Platinum(1)-(RS-BB)
2020-Panini National Treasures Retro Signatures Printing Plates Black(1)-(RS-BB)
2020-Panini National Treasures Retro Signatures Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(RS-BB)
2020-Panini National Treasures Retro Signatures Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (RS-BB)
2020-Panini National Treasures Retro Signatures Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(RS-BB)
2020-President’s Choice Solitaire Game Used Large Gold(1)-(NNO)
2020-President’s Choice Solitaire Game Used Large Silver1)-(NNO)
2020-President’s Choice Solitaire Inducted1)-(NNO)
2020-Topps Allen and Ginter Glossy(1)-(311)
2020-Topps Allen and Ginter Black Border-(311)
2020-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Brooklyn Back(25)-(311)
2020-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Printing Plate Black(1)-(311)
2020-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(311)
2020-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(311)
2020-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(311)
2020-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Glossy(1)-(311)
2020-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini No Card Number-(311)
2020-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood(1)-(311)
2020-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini X-(311)
2020-Topps Allen and Ginter X Red(5)-(311)
2020-Topps Allen and Ginter X Silver(1)-(311)
2020-Topps Archive Signature Series Retired Player Edition(1)-(25) 1989 Topps Tiffany
2020-Topps Archive Signature Series Retired Player Edition(15)-(131) 1989 Topps
2020-Topps Archive Signature Series Retired Player Edition(1)-(285) 1990 Bowman Tiffany
2020-Topps Archive Signature Series Retired Player Edition(35)-(355) 1985 Topps
2020-Topps Archive Signature Series Retired Player Edition(27)-(375) 1992 Topps
2020-Topps Archive Signature Series Retired Player Edition(20)-1980 Topps
2020-Topps Archive Signature Series Retired Player Edition(97)-(555) 1989 Topps
2020-Topps Archive Signature Series Retired Player Edition(4)-(738) 1981Topps
2020-Topps Archive Signature Series Retired Player Edition(28)-(789) 1984 Topps
2020-Topps Clearly Authentic Decade’s Best Autographs-(DBA-BB)
2020-Topps Clearly Authentic Decade’s Best Autographs Blue(25)-(DBA-BB)
2020-Topps Clearly Authentic Decade’s Best Autographs Gold (1-(DBA-BB)
2020-Topps Clearly Authentic Decade’s Best Autographs Orange(5)-(DBA-BB)
2020-Topps Clearly Authentic Decade’s Best Autographs Purple(10)-(DBA-BB)
2020-Topps Clearly Authentic Decade’s Best Autographs Red(50)-(DBA-BB)
2020-Topps Decade Best Gold(Series One)5 X 7(10)-(DB-38)
2020-Topps Decade Best Gold(Series Two)5 X 7(10)-(DB-61)
2020-Topps Decade Best Autographs(Series One)10 X 14(99)-(DB-38)
2020-Topps Decade Best Autographs-(Series Two)10 x 14(99)-DB-61)
2020-Topps Decade Best Autographs(Series One)(25)-(DB-38)
2020-Topps Decade Best Autographs(Series Two)(25)-(DB-38)
2020-Topps Decade Best Chrome Gold (Series One)(50)-(DB-38)
2020-Decade Best Chrome Superfractors (Series One) (1))-DB-38)
2020-Decade Best Chrome Superfractors(Series Two)(1)-(DB-61)
2020-Topps Decade Best Green-((Series 2)-(DB-61)
2020-Topps Decade Best Platinum(Series 1)(DB-38)
2020-Topps Decade Best Platinum( Series 2-(DB-61)
2020-Topps Decade Best Red(Series 1)-(DB-38)
2020-Topps Decade Best Red-(Series 2)-(DB-61)
2020 Topps Five Stars Silver Signature Blue(20)-(SS-BB)
2020 Topps Five Stars Silver Signature Gold(10)-(SS-BB)
2020 Topps Five Stars Silver Signature Green(15)-(SS-BB)
2020 Topps Five Stars Silver Signature Orange(5)-(SS-BB)
2020 Topps Five Stars Silver Signature Purple(25)-(SS-BB)
2020 Topps Five Stars Silver Signature Red(1)-(SS-BB)
2020 Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buyback-(26)
2020 Topps Heritage Flashback Autograph Relics(25)-(FAR-BB)
2020 Topps Heritage Flashback Autograph Relics Patch(1)-(FAR-BB)
2020 Topps Heritage Real One Autographs High Number-(ROA-BB)
2020 Topps Heritage Real One Autographs High Number-(ROA-BB)
2020 Topps Heritage Real One Autographs Red Ink High Number(71)-(ROA-BB)
2020 Topps Luminaries Master of the Mound Autograph Relics(15)-(MOMAR-BB)
2020 Topps Luminaries Master of the Mound Autograph Relics Black(1)- (MOMAR-BB)
2020 Topps Luminaries Master of the Mound Autograph Relics Blue(5)- (MOMAR-BB)
2020 Topps Luminaries Master of the Mound Autograph Relics(15)-(MOMA-BB)
2020 Topps Luminaries Master of the Mound Autograph Black(1)-(MOM-BB)
2020 Topps Luminaries Master of the Mound Autograph Blue (5)-(MOM-BB)
2020 Topps Luminaries Master of the Mound Autograph Red(10)- (MOM-BB)
2020 Tier One Autograph Relics(99)-(T1AR-BB)
2020 Tier One Autograph Relics Dual Patch(25)-(T1AR-BB)
2020 Tier One Autograph Relics Triple Patch(1)-(T1AR-BB)
2020 Tier One Clear One Autographs(10)-(T1AR-BB)
2020 Tier One Prime Performer Autograph-(PPA-BB)
2020 Tier One Prime Performer Autograph-(PPA-BBL)
2020 Tier One Prime Performer Autograph Bronze Ink-(25)-PPA-BB)
2020 Tier One Prime Performer Autograph Bronze Ink-(25)-(PPA-BBL)
2020 Tier One Prime Performer Autograph Gold Ink-(1)-PPA-BB)
2020 Tier One Prime Performer Autograph Gold Ink-(1)-PPA-BBL)
2020 Tier One Prime Performer Autograph Red Ink(10)-PPA-BB)
2020 Tier One Prime Performer Autograph Red Ink(10)-)PPA-BBL)
2020 Topps Transcendent Original Sketch(1)-(TTCS-BB)
2020 Topps Transcendent Hall of Fame Edition 1954 Topps SuperFractor Autograph(1)- (54HOF-BB)
2020 Topps Transcendent Hall of Fame Edition Icons(50)- (15)
2020 Topps Tribute Autograph(199)-(TA-BB)
2020 Topps Tribute Autograph Black(1)-(TA-BB)
2020 Topps Tribute Autograph Blue(150)-(TA-BB)
2020 Topps Tribute Autograph Green(99)-(TA-BB)
2020 Topps Tribute Autograph Orange(25)-(TA-BB)
2020 Topps Tribute Autograph Printing Press Black(1)-(TA-BB)
2020 Topps Tribute Autograph V Printing Press Cyan91)-(TA-BB)
2020 Topps Tribute Autograph Printing Press Magenta(1)-(TA-BB)
2020 Topps Tribute Autograph Printing Press Yellow(1)-(TA-BB)
2020 Topps Tribute Autograph Red(10)-(TA-BB)
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics(18)-(TTA-BB1)
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics(18)-(TTAR-BB2)
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold(9)-(TTA-BB1)
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold(9)-((TTAR-BB2)
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Printing Plates Black(1)- (TTA-BB1)
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Printing Plates Black(1)-)(TTAR-BB2)
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Printing Plates Cyan1)- (TTA-BB1)
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Printing Plates Cyan1)-(TTAR-BB2)
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (TTA-BB1)
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (TTAR-BB2)
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Printing Plates Yellow(1)- (TTA-BB1)
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(TTAR-BB2)
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Ruby(1)- (TTA-BB1)
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Ruby(1)- (TTA-BB2)
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Sapphire(3)- (TTA-BB1)
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Sapphire(3)-(TTAR-BB2)
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Wood(1)- (TTA-BB1)
2020 Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Wood(1)-(TTAR-BB2)
2020 Topps X Super 70 Autograph-(3A)
2020 Topps X Super 70 Autographs Gold(1)-(3)
2020 Topps X Super 70 Autographs Orange(5)-(3)
2020 Topps X Super 70 Autographs Purple(10)-(3)
2021-Leaf of Art Sport Paint the Corners Autographs Bronze-(PC-BB1)
2021-Leaf of Art Sport Paint the Corners Autographs Emerald-(PC-BB1)
2021-Leaf of Art Sport Paint the Corners Autographs Gold(1)-(PC-BB1)
2021-Leaf of Art Sport Paint the Corners Autographs Navy-(PC-BB1)
2021-Leaf of Art Sport Paint the Corners Autographs Platinum-(PC-BB1)
2021-Leaf of Art Sport Paint the Corners Autographs Purple-(PC-BB1)
2021-Leaf of Art Sport Paint the Corners Autographs Red-(PC-BB1)
2021-Leaf of Art Sport Paint the Corners Autographs Silver-(PC-BB1)
2021-Panini Absolute Absolute Ink(25)-(AI-BB)
2021-Panini Absolute Absolute Ink Retail(15)-(AI-BB)
2021-Panini Absolute Absolute Ink Spectrum Black(1)-(AI-BB)
2021-Panini Absolute Absolute Ink Spectrum Gold(10)-(AI-BB)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Blue(15)-(31)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Gold(10)-(31)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Green(5)-(31)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Pink(9)-(31)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Platinum(1)-(31)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Printing Plates Black(1)-(31)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(31)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(31)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(31)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Red(20)-(31)
2021-Panini Mosaic Vintage Green Fluorescent-(V-11)
2021-Panini Mosaic Vintage Pink Fluorescent(10)--(V-11)
2021-Panini Mosaic Vintage Reactive Blue(99)-(V-11)
2021-Panini Mosaic Vintage Reactive Yellow(99)-(V-11)
2021-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Booklets(25)-(CSB-BB
2021-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Booklets City(10)-(CSB-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Booklets HOF Class(5)-(CSB-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Booklets Holo Platinum Blue(1)-(CSB-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Booklets Names(25)-(CSB-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Booklets StatLine(25)-(CSB-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Booklets StatLine(25)-(CSB-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Booklets StatLine Variation(10)-(CSB-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures Game Gear Materials Signatures(25)-(TBD)
2021-Panini National Treasures Game Gear Materials Signatures Duals Green(5)-(TBD)
2021-Panini National Treasures Game Gear Materials Signatures Duals Holo Platinum Blue(1)-(TBD)
2021-Panini National Treasures Game Gear Materials Signatures Duals Holo Silver(10)-(TBD)
2021-Panini National Treasures Game Gear Materials Signatures Triples Green(5)-(TBD)
2021-Panini National Treasures Game Gear Materials SignaturesTriples Holo Platinum Blue(1)-(TBD)
2021-Panini National Treasures Game Gear Materials Signatures Triples Holo Silver(10)-(TBD)
2021-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Material Signatures Holo Platinum Blue(1)-(TBD)
2021-Panini National Treasures Game Gear Materials Signatures Printing Plates Black(1)-(S-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures Game Gear Materials Signatures Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(S-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures Game Gear Materials Signatures Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(S-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures Game Gear Materials Signatures Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(S-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures e HOF Materials(99)-(HOF-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures HOF Materials Button(3)-(HOF-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures HOF Materials Holo Gold(25)-(HOF-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures HOF Materials Holo Silver(10)-(HOF-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures HOF Materials Platinum(1)-(HOF-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures HOF Materials Purple(2)-(HOF-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures HOF Materials Signatures(49)-(HOFS-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures HOF Materials Signatures Holo Gold (25)-(HOFS-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures HOF Materials Signatures Holo Platinum Blue(1)-(HOFS-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures HOF Materials Signatures Holo Silver(10)-(HOFS-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures HOF Materials Signatures Printing Plates Black (1)- (HOFS-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures HOF Materials Signatures Printing Plates Cyan (1)- (HOFS-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures HOF Materials Signatures Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (HOFS-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures HOF Materials Signatures Printing Plates Yellow(1)- (HOFS-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures International Treasures- (IT-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures International Treasures Platinum(1)- (IT-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures International Treasures Printing Plates Black(1)- (IT-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures International Treasures Printing Plates Cyan(1)- (IT-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures International Treasures Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (IT-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures International Treasures Printing Plates Yellow(1)- (IT-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures Retro Signatures (25)-(RS-BL)
2021-Panini National Treasures Retro Signatures Platinum(1)-(RS-BL)
2021-Panini National Treasures Retro Signatures Printing Plates Black(1)- (IT-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures Retro Signatures Printing Plates Cyan(1)- (IT-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures Retro Signatures Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (IT-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures Retro Signatures Printing Plates Yellow(1)- (IT-BB)
2021-Panini National Treasures Supplied Cards(50)-(HFS-BE ) 2020 Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Signatures
2021-Panini National Treasures Supplied Cards(25)-(HFS-BE) 2020 Panini National Treasures Hall ofFame Signatures Gold
2021-Panini National Treasures Supplied Cards(15)-(HFS-BE) 2020 Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Signatures Holo Silver
2021-Panini National Treasures Supplied Cards(1)-(HFS-BE) 2020 Panini National Treasures Hall of
Fame Signatures Platinum
2021-Panini National Treasures Supplied Cards(1)-(HFS-BE) 2020 Panini National Treasures Hall of
Fame Signatures Printing Plates Black
2021-Panini National Treasures Supplied Cards(1)-(HFS-BE) 2020 Panini National Treasures Hall of
Fame Signatures Printing Plates Cyan
2021-Panini National Treasures Supplied Cards(1)-(HFS-BE) 2020 Panini National Treasures Hall of
Fame Signatures Printing Plates Magenta
2021-Panini National Treasures Supplied Cards(1)-(HFS-BE) 2020 Panini National Treasures Hall of
Fame Signatures Printing Plates Yellow
2021-President’s Choice Solitaire Hall of Fame(1)-(NNO)
2021-Topps Archives Signatures Retire Players Edition(1)-(2) 1990 Topps Kay-Bee Kings of Baseball
2021-Topps Archives Signatures Retire Players Edition(1)-(2) 2005 Topps Pristine Legend
2021-Topps Archives Signatures Retire Players Edition(1)-(7) 1991 Topps Woolwotth Baseball Highlights
2021-Topps Archives Signatures Retire Players Edition(1)-(23) 1986 Topps Major League Leaders Minis
2021-Topps Archives Signatures Retire Players Edition(48)-(25) 1987 Topps
2021-Topps Archives Signatures Retire Players Edition(89)-(30) 2013 Topps Allen and Ginter
2021-Topps Archives Signatures Retire Players Edition(2)-(41) 1989 Bowman
2021-Topps Archives Signatures Retire Players Edition(1)-(235) 1976 Topps
2021-Topps Archives Signatures Retire Players Edition(21)-(280) 1983 Topps
2021-Topps Archives Signatures Retire Players Edition(99)-(295) 1988 Topps
2021-Topps Archives Signatures Retire Players Edition(66)-(355) 1985 Topps
2021-Topps Archives Signatures Retire Players Edition(99)-(554) 1981 Topps
2021-Topps Archives Signatures Retire Players Edition(45)-(555) 1989 Topps
2021-Topps Archives Signatures Retire Players Edition(43)-(615) 1991 Topps
2021-Topps Archives Signatures Retire Players Edition(38)-(789)1 984 Topps
2021-Topps Chrome Black Autographs-(CBA-BBL)
2021-Topps Chrome Black Autographs Gold(50)-(CBA-BBL)
2021-Topps Chrome Black Autographs Orange(25)-(CBA-BBL))
2021-Topps Chrome Black Autographs Red(5)-(CBA-BBL)
2021-Topps Chrome Black Autographs Refractor(150)-(CBA-BBL
2021-Topps Chrome Black Autographs SuperFractor(1)-(CBA-BBL)
2021-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Black/Gold 70th Anniversary Platinum Wave Refractor(70)-(569)
2021-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Black/Red 70th Anniversary Mini-Diamond Refractor(5)-(569)
2021-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Blue Mini-Diamond Refractor(199)-(569)
2021-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Platinum 70th Anniversary Mini-Diamond Refractor-(569)
2021-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Gold/Rose Gold 70th Anniversary Wave Refractor(50)-(569)
2021-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Green/Yellow 70th Anniversary Refractor(99)-(569)
2021-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Orange/Yellow 70th Anniversary Refractor(25)-(569)
2021-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Platinum 70th Anniversary Mini-Diamond Refractor(70)- (569)
2021-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Prism Gold- (569)
2021-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Prism Red- (569)
2021-Topps Chrome Platinum Prism Refractor- (569)
2021-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Rose Gold Mini-Diamond Refractor(75)- (569)
2021-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary SuperFractor(1)- (569)
2021-Topps Fire Star Golden Graphs-(GG-BB)
2021-Topps Five Star Golden Graphs Blue(20)-(GG-BB)
2021-Topps Five Star Golden Graphs Gold(10)-(GG-BB)
2021-Topps Five Star Golden Graphs Green(15)-(GG-BB)
2021-Topps Five Star Golden Graphs Orange(5)-(GG-BB)
2021-Topps Five Star Golden Graphs Purple(25)-(GG-BB)
2021-Topps Five Star Golden Graphs Red(1)-(GG-BB)
2021-Topps Golden Label Framed Autographs-(FA-BB)
2021-Topps Golden Label Framed Autographs Black(75)-(FA-BB)
2021-Topps Golden Label Framed Autographs Blue(50)-(FA-BB)
2021-Topps Golden Label Framed Autographs Gold(1)-(FA-BB)
2021-Topps Golden Label Framed Autographs Red(25)-(FA-BB)
2021-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buyback-(515)
2021-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Quad Relics(10)-(CCQ-HTRB)
2021-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Quad Relics Patch(1)-(CCQ-HTRB)
2021-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs High Number-(ROA-BB)
2021-Topps Heritage Real One Special Edition Red Ink High Number(72)-(ROA-BB)
2021-Topps Heritage Real One Dual Autographs High Number(25)-(RODA-BK)
2021-Topps Heritage Real One Triple Autographs(5)-(ROTA-BRT)
2021-Topps Luminaries Master of Mound Autograph-(MOM-BB)
2021-Topps Luminaries Master of Mound Autograph Black(1)-(MOM-BB)
2021-Topps Luminaries Master of Mound Autograph Blue(3)-((MOM-BB)
2021-Topps Luminaries Master of Mound Autograph Purple(3)-(MOM-BB)
2021-Topps Luminaries Master of Mound Autograph Red(10)-((MOM-BB)
2021-Topps Museum Collection Framed Autographs Black(5)-(MFA-BBL)
2021-Topps Museum Collection Framed Autographs Gold(10)-(MFA-BBL)
2021-Topps Museum Collection Framed Autographs Silver(15)-(MFA-BBL)
2021-Topps Museum Collection Framed Autographs Wood(1)-(MFA-BBL)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Deca Autograph Relic Combo Book(10)-(DARCB-1)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Deca Autograph Relic Combo Book Gold(5)-(DARCB-1)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Deca Autograph Relic Combo Book Ruby(1)-(DARCB-1)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph Relics(27)-(TTAR-BBL1)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph Relics(27)-(TTAR-BBL2)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph Relics(27)-(TTAR-BBL1)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph Relics(27)-(TTAR-BBL2)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph Relics Amber(18)-(TTAR-BBL1)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph Relics Amber(18)-(TTAR-BBL2)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold(9)-(TTAR-BBL1)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold(9)-(TTAR-BBL2)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph Relics Printing Plates Black(1)-(TTAR-BBL1)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph RelicsPrinting Plates Black(1)-(TTAR-BBL2)
021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph Relics Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(TTAR-BBL1)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph RelicsPrinting Plates Cyan(1)-(TTAR-BBL2)
021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph Relics Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (TTAR-BBL1)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph RelicsPrinting Plates Magenta(1)- (TTAR-BBL2)
021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph Relics Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(TTAR-BBL1)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph RelicsPrinting Plates Yellow(1)-(TTAR-BBL2)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph Relics Ruby)-(TTAR-BBL1)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph Relics Ruby(1)-(TTAR-BBL2)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph Relics Sapphire(3)-(TTAR-BBL1)
2021-Topps Triple Threads Triple Threads Autograph Relics Sapphire(3)-(TTAR-BBL2)
2021-Topps Update Baseball Stars Autographs-(MSA-BB)
2021-Topps Update Baseball Stars Autographs Black(199)-(MSA-BB)
2021-Topps Update Baseball Stars Autographs Gold(50)-(MSA-BB)
2021-Topps Update Baseball Stars Autographs Platinum(1)-(MSA-BB)
2021-Topps Update Baseball Stars Autographs Red(25)-(MSA-BB)
2021-Topps X Spotlights 70 ft Andy Friedman -(5)
2021-Topps X Spotlights 70 ft Andy Friedman Autographs-(5)
2021-Topps X Spotlights 70 ft Andy Friedman CMYK4-Color Test Print Black(1)-(5)
2021-Topps X Spotlights 70 ft Andy Friedman CMYK4-Color Test Print Cyan(1)-(5)
2021-Topps X Spotlights 70 ft Andy Friedman CMYK4-Color Test Print Magenta(1)-(5)
2021-Topps X Spotlights 70 ft Andy Friedman CMYK4-Color Test Print Yellow(1)-(5)
2021-Topps X Spotlights 70 ft Andy Friedman Glossy Stock(50)-(5)
2021-Topps X Spotlights 70 ft Andy Friedman Rainbow Foil(5)-(5)
2021-Topps X Spotlights 70 ft Andy Friedman Red Back(5)-(5)
2021-Topps X Spotlights 70 ft Andy Friedman Spotlight 70 Stamp(70)-(5)
2021-2022-Leaf Pearl Pearl Signatures 8 Black Spectrum(1)-(P8-6)
2021-2022-Leaf Pearl Pearl Signatures 8 Blue Spectrum-(P8-6)
2021-2022-Leaf Pearl Pearl Signatures 8 Gold Spectrum(1)-(P8-6)
2021-2022-Leaf Pearl Pearl Signatures 8 Green Sparkle-(P8-6)
2021-2022-Leaf Pearl Pearl Signatures 8 Rainbow Kaleidoscope(1)-(P8-6)
2021-2022-Leaf Pearl Pearl Signatures 8 Red Spectrum(1)-(P8-6)
2021-2022-Leaf Pearl Pearl Signatures 8 Silver Glitter Spectrum(1)-(P8-6)
2021-2022-Leaf Pearl Pearl Signatures 8 Silver Spectrum(1)-(P8-6)
2022-Donruss Number One(1)-(171)
2022-Donruss Printing Plates Black(1)-(171)
2022-Donruss Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(171)
2022-Donruss Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(171)
2022-Donruss Printing Plates Yellow( 1)-(171)
2022-Donruss Season Stat Line(9)-(171)
2022-Historic Autographs Historic Trivia World Series Signature Edition-(NNO)
2022-Leaf Decadence Octet Autographs Black(1)-(O-06)
2022-Leaf Decadence Octet Autographs Blue-(O-06)
2022-Leaf Decadence Octet Autographs Bronze-(O-06)
2022-Leaf Decadence Octet Autographs Gold(1)-(O-06)
2022-Leaf Decadence Octet Autographs Green-(O-06)
2022-Leaf Decadence Octet Autographs Red-(O-06)
2022-Leaf Decadence Octet Autographs Silver-(O-06)
2022-Leaf In The Game Used Sports Memorabilia Madness Black-(MM-08)
2022-Leaf In The Game Used Sports Memorabilia Madness Bronze-(MM-08
2022-Leaf In The Game Used Sports Memorabilia Madness Emerald-(MM-08)
2022-Leaf In The Game Used Sports Memorabilia Madness Gold(1)-(MM-08)
2022-Leaf In The Game Used Sports Memorabilia Madness Pattern Silver-(MM-08)
2022-Leaf In The Game Used Sports Memorabilia Madness Platinum Blue(MM-08)
2022-Leaf In The Game Used Sports Memorabilia Madness Purple-(MM-08)
2022-Leaf In The Game Used Sports Memorabilia Madness Red-(MM-08)
2022-Leaf In The Game Used Sports Memorabilia Madness Silver-(MM-08)
2022-Leaf In The Game Used Sports Team Utopia Bronze-(TU-22)
2022-Leaf In The Game Used Sports Team Utopia Emerald-(TU-22)
2022-Leaf In The Game Used Sports Team Utopia Gold(1)-(TU-22)
2022-Leaf In The Game Used Sports Team Utopia Pattern Silver(35)-(TU-22)
2022-Leaf In The Game Used Sports Team Utopia Platinum Blue(6)-(TU-22)
2022-Leaf In The Game Used Sports Team Utopia Purple(15)-(TU-22)
2022-Leaf In The Game Used Sports Team Utopia Red(3)-(TU-22)
2022-Leaf In The Game Used Sports Team Utopia Silver-(TU-22)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Black Crystal-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Black Mojo-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Black Prismatic-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Black Wave-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Blue Crystal-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Blue Mojo-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Blue Prismatic-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Blue Wave-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Giraffe Crystal-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Giraffe Mojo-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Giraffe Prismatic-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Giraffe Wave-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Gold Crystal-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Gold Mojo-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Gold Prismatic-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Gold Super Prismatic(1)-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Gold Wave(1)-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Green Crystal-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Green Mojo-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Green Prismatic(1)-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Green Wave(1)-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Orange Crystal-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Orange Mojo-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Orange Prismatic-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Orange Wave-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Peacock Crystal-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Peacock Mojo(1)l-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Peacock Prismatic-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Peacock Wave-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Pink Crystal-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Pink Mojo-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Pink Prismatic-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Pink Wave-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Printing Plates Black(1)-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Purple Crystal-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Purple Mojo-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Purple Prismatic-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Purple Wave-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Red Crystal-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Red Flood Super Prismatic (1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Red Mojo-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Red Prismatic-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Red Wave-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Silver Crystal-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Silver Mojo-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Silver Prismatic-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Silver Wave-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Snakeskin Crystal-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Snakeskin Mojo-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Snakeskin Prismatic-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Snakeskin Wave-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Tiger Crystal-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Tiger Mojo-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Tiger Prismatic-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Tiger Wave-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined AutographsZebra Crystal-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Zebra Mojo-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs ZebraPrismatic-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Autographs Zebra Wave-(E-BB1)
2022-Leaf Metal Enshrined Pre-Production Proof Orange Prismatic(1)-(E-BB1)
2022-Panini Absolute Iconic Ink(25)-II-BB)
2022-Panini Absolute Iconic Ink Spectrum Black(1)-II-BB)
2022-Panini Absolute Iconic Ink Spectrum Gold(10)-II-BB)
2022-Panini Diamond Kings Brush Strokes-(BS-BB)
2022-Panini Diamond Kings Brush Strokes Holo Silver(15)-(BS-BB)
2022-Panini Diamond Kings Brush Strokes Masterpieces(1)-(BS-BB)
2022-Panini Diamond Kings Brush Strokes Purple(10)-(BS-BB)
2022-Panini Diamond Kings Brush Strokes Red(5)-(BS-BB)
2022-Panini National Treasures Legendary Signatures Booklet(24)-(LSB-BB)
2022-Panini National Treasures Legendary Signatures Booklet Awards(10)-(LSB-BB)
2022-Panini National Treasures Legendary Signatures Booklet City(10)-(LSB-BB)
2022-Panini National Treasures Legendary Signatures Booklet Holo Platinum Blue(1)-(LSB-BB)
2022-Panini National Treasures Legendary Signatures Booklet Nicknames(10)-(LSB-BB)
2022-Panini National Treasures Legendary Signatures Booklet Nicknames Variation(10)-(LSB-BB)
2022-Texas Rangers 1970 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(NNO)
2022-Topps Allen and Ginter Glossy-(312)
2022-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Brooklyn Back-(312)
2022-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Black(1)-(312)
2022-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(312)
2022-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(312)
2022-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(313)
2022-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Glossy(1)-(312)
2022-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood(1)-(312)
2022-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Red(5)-(312)
2022-Topps Archives Signatures Series Retired Players(43)-(11T) 1989 Topps Traded
2022-Topps Archives Signatures Series Retired Players(48)-(25) 1987 Topps
2022-Topps Archives Signatures Series Retired Players(1)-(46) 2003 Topps Tribute
2022-Topps Archives Signatures Series Retired Players(32)-(48) 1993 Topps
2022-Topps Archives Signatures Series Retired Players(31)-(285) 1990 Bowman
2022-Topps Archives Signatures Series Retired Players(30)-(445) 1986 Topps
2022-Topps Archives Signatures Series Retired Players(99)-(554) 1981 Topps
2022-Topps Archives Signatures Series Retired Players(1)-(630) 1977 Topps
2022-Topps Archives Signatures Series Retired Players(1)-(T60-136) 2011 Topps Updates Topps 60
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Aqua Lava Refractor(299)-(343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs-(CPA-BB)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Aqua Refractor(150)-(343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Black Refractor(150)-(CPA-BB)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Blue Prism Refractor(99)-(CPA-BB)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Gold Refractor(50)-(CPA-BB)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Orange Refractor(25)-(CPA-BB)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Pink Refractor(15)-(CPA-BB)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Platinum Toile Cream/Blue Refractor(99)-(CPA-BB)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Platinum Toile Cream/Red Refractor(5) - (CPA-BB)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Red Refractor(5) - (CPA-BB)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Autographs Superfractor(1) - (CPA-BB)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Black Refractor(10)-(3
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Fuchsia Atomic Refractor(100)-(343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Gold Wave Refractor(50)-(343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Green Wave Refractor(99)-(343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Orange Refractor(25)-(343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Orange Wave Refractor(25)-(343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Platinum Toile Cream/Black Refractor(10)-(343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Platinum Toile Cream/Fuchsia Atomic Refractor(100)- (343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Platinum Toile Cream/Gold Refractor(50)-(343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Platinum Toile Cream/Red Refractor(5)- (343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Platinum Toile Cream/Rose Gold Refractor(75)- (343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Platinum Toile White/Blue Refractor(199)-(343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Platinum Toile White/Orange Refractor(25)-(343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Prism Refractor-(343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Red Atomic Refractor(100)-(343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Red Lava Refractor(5)-(343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Red Prism Refractor-(343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Red Refractor(5)-(343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Refractor-(343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Rose Gold Mini Diamond Refractor(75)-(343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary Rose Gold Refractor(75)-(343)
2022-Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary SuperFractor(1)-(343)
2022-Topps Five Star Five Star Autograph Jumbo Prime-(FSJP-BB)
2022-Topps Five Star Five Star Autograph Jumbo Prime Brand Patch(1)-(FSJP-BB)
2022-Topps Five Star Five Star Autograph Jumbo Prime Button(5)-(FSJP-BB)
2022-Topps Five Star Five Star Autograph Jumbo Prime Gold(10)-(FSJP-BB)
2022-Topps Five Star Five Star Autograph Jumbo Prime Green(15)-(FSJP-BB)
2022-Topps Five Star Five Star Autograph Jumbo Prime Laundry Tag Patch(1)-(FSJP-BB)
2022-Topps Five Star Five Star Autograph Jumbo Prime MLB Logo(1)-(FSJP-BB)
2022-Topps Five Star Five Star Autograph Jumbo Prime Silver Rainbow(5)-(FSJP-BB)
2022-Topps Five Star Five Star Autograph Jumbo Prime Team Patch(1)-(FSJP-BB)
2022-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs(99)-(HAFA-BB)
2022-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs Onyx(10)-(HAFA-BB)
2022-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs Platinum(1)-(HAFA-BB)
2022-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs Ruby(5)-(HAFA-BB)
2022-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Plaque Autographs(25)-(HAFA-BB)
2022-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Plaque Autographs Onyx(10)-(HAFA-BB)
2022-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Plaque Autographs Platinum(1)- (HAFA-BB)
2022-Topps Gilded Collection GoldFramed Hall of Famer Plaque Autographs Ruby(5)- (HAFA-BB)
2022-Topps Gilded Collection GoldFramed Hall of Famer Plaque Autographs(25)- (HAFA-BB)
2022-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks SGA-(199)
2022-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Quad Relics(10)- (CCQ-KCOB)
2022-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Quad Relics Patch(1)- (CCQ-KCOB)
2022-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Triple Relics (25)-(CCD-OC)
2022-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Triple Relics Patch(1)-(CCD-OC)
2022-Topps Heritage Oversized 1973 Topps Box Autograph Box Toppers High Number-(OB-BB)
2022-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs-(ROA-BB)
2022-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs High Numbers-(ROA-BB)
2022-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs Special Edition Red Ink High Numbers(73)-(ROA-BB)
2022-Topps Heritage Real One Dual Autographs High Numbers(25)-(ROA-BB)
2022-Topps Luminaries Masters of the Mound Autographs(15)-(MOM-BB)
2022-Topps Luminaries Masters of the Mound Autographs Black(1)-(MOM-BB)
2022-Topps Luminaries Masters of the Mound Autographs Blue(5)-(MOM-BB)
2022-Topps Luminaries Masters of the Mound Autographs Purple(3)-(MOM-BB)
2022-Topps Luminaries Masters of the Mound Autographs Red(10)-(MOM-BB)
2022-Topps Museum Collection Luminaries Momentous Dual Jumbo Patch Autograph Book(5)- (MMDPA-JB)
2022-Topps Museum Collection Luminaries Momentous Dual Jumbo Patch Autograph Book Emerald(1)- (MMDPA-JB)
2022-Topps Tier One Autographed Prodigious Patches(10)- (PPA-BBY)
2022-Topps Tier One Autographed Prodigious Patches Platinum(1)- (PPA-BBY)
2022-Topps Tier One Prime Performers Autographs(199)- (PPA-BB)
2022-Topps Tier One Prime Performers Autographs Bronze Ink(25)- (PPA-BB)
2022-Topps Tier One Prime Performers Autographs Gold Ink(1)- (PPA-BB)
2022-Topps Tier One Prime Performers Autographs Silver Ink(10)- (PPA-BB)
2022-Topps Tier One Tier One Talent Autographs(299)- (T1TA-BBY)
2022-Topps Tier One Prime Performers Autographs Bronze Ink(25)- (T1TA-BBY)
2022-Topps Tier One Prime Performers Autographs Gold Ink(1)- (T1TA-BBY)
2022-Topps Tier One Prime Performers Autographs Silver Ink(10)- (T1TA-BBY)
2022-Topps Tier One Tier One Talent Autographs(299)-(T1TA-BBY)
2022-Topps Tier One Tier One Talent Autographs Gold Ink(1)-(T1TA-BBY)
2022-Topps Tier One Tier One Talent Autographs Silver Ink(10)-(T1TA-BBY)
2022-Topps Tier One Tier One Talent Autographs Silver Ink(10)-(T1TA-BBY)
2022-Topps Triple Threads Deca Autographs Relic Combo Book(10)-(DARCB-1)
2022-Topps Triple Threads Deca Autographs Relic Combo Book Gold(5)-(DARCB-1)
2022-Topps Triple Threads Deca Autographs Relic Combo Book Ruby(1)-(DARCB-1)
2022-Topps Triple Threads Deca Autographs Relic Book(10)-(DRC-1)
2022-Topps Triple Threads Deca Autographs Relic Book Gold(5)-(DRC-1)
2022-Topps Triple Threads Deca Autographs Relic Book Ruby(1)-(DRC-1)
2023-Donruss Cooperstown Black(1)-(CT-6)
2023-Donruss Holo Gold(1)-(232)
2023-Donruss Press Proof(5)-(232)
2023-Donruss Printing Press Black(1)-(232)
2023-Donruss Printing Press Cyan(1)-(232)
2023-Donruss Printing Press Magenta(1)-(232)
2023-Donruss Printing Press Yellow(1)-(232)
2023-Donruss Season Stat Line(20)-(232)
2023-Leaf History Book Sports Edition Chapter 1 Black Book Bronze Holo Foil(15)-(BB-3)
2023-Leaf History Book Sports Edition Chapter 1 Black Book Gold Holo Foil(1)-(BB-3)
2023-Leaf History Book Sports Edition Chapter 1 Black Book Platinum Holo Foil(5)-(BB-3)
2023-Leaf History Book Sports Edition Chapter 1 Black Book Purple Holo Foil(10)-(BB-3)
2023-Leaf History Book Sports Edition Chapter 1 Black Book Red Holo Foil-(BB-3)
2023-Leaf History Book Sports Edition Chapter 1 Black Book Silver Holo Foil(15)-(BB-3)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Signature 6 Black Spectrum Holofoil-(S6-12)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Signature 6 Bronze Spectrum Holofoil-(S6-12)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Signature 6 Emerald Spectrum Holofoil-(S6-12)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Signature 6 Gold Spectrum Holofoil(1)-(S6-12)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Signature 6 Platinum Spectrum Holofoil-(S6-12)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Signature 6 Purple Spectrum Holofoil-(S6-12)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Signature 6 Red Spectrum Holofoil-(S6-12)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Signature 6 Silver Sparkle Spectrum Holofoil-(S6-12)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Signature 6 Silver Spectrum Holofoil-(S6-12)
2023-Panini Chronicle Spectra Black Finite(1)-(81)
2023-Panini Chronicle Spectra Gold Vinyl(1)-(81)
2023-Panini Chronicle Spectra Green Pulsar(25)-(81)
2023-Panini Chronicle Spectra Holo-(81)
2023-Panini Chronicle Spectra Hyper(50)-(81)
2023-Panini Chronicle Spectra Meta-(81)
2023-Panini Chronicle Status Swatches Holo Gold(10)-(SS-BB)
2023-Panini Chronicle Status Swatches Holo Platinum Blue(1)-(SS-BB)
2023-Panini Immaculate Collection HOF Induction Signatures(10)-(HOF-BB)
2023-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Clear Signatures Materials(10)-(ICB-BB)
2023-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Clear Signatures Materials Holo Gold(5)-(ICB-BB)
2023-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Clear Signatures Materials Platinum(1)- (ICB-BB)
2023-Panini National Treasures Field Gears Duals(35)-(FDG-BB)
2023-Panini National Treasures Field Gears Duals Holo Gold (25)-(FDG-BB)
2023-Panini National Treasures Field Gears Duals Holo Silver(10)-(FDG-BB)
2023-Panini National Treasures Field Gears Duals Platinum(1)-(FDG-BB)
2023-Panini National Treasures Treasured Jersey Number(28)-(TJN-BB)
2023-Panini Prizm Black Finite(1)-275)
2023-Panini Prizm Gold(10)-(275)
2023-Panini Prizm Gold Vinyl(1)-(275)
2023-Panini Prizm Giraffe Prizm(5) -(275)
2023-Panini Prizm Gold Prizm(10) -(275)
2023-Panini Prizm Gold Shimmer Prizm(10) -(275)
2023-Panini Prizm Gold Vinyl Prizm(1) -(275)
2023-Panini Prizm Ice Prizm-(275)
2023-Panini Prizm Pink Ice Prizm-(275)
2023-Panini Prizm Pulsar Ice Prizm-(275)
2023-Panini Select Black Finite Prizm(1)-(241)
2023-Panini Select Black Snakeskin Pulsar Prizm(1)-(241)
2023-Panini Select Blue-(241)
2023-Panini Select Blue Prizm-(241)
2023-Panini Select Elephant Prizm-(241)
2023-Panini Select Gold Flash Prizm(10)-(241)
2023-Panini Select Gold Vinyl Prizm(1)-(241)
2023-Panini Select Green Prizm-(241)
2023-Panini Select Green/White/Purple Prizm(25)-(241)
2023-Panini Select Neon Orange Pulsar Prizm(3)-(241)
2023-Panini Select Orange Flash Prizm-(241)
2023-Panini Select Pink Prizm(10)-(241)
2023-Panini Select Silver Prizm-(241)
2023-Panini Select Tie-Dye Prizm(25)-(241)
2023-Panini Select Tiger Prizm-(241)
2023-Panini Select Zebra Prizm-(241)
2023-Panini Three and Two Bases Loaded(3)-(93)
2023-Panini Three and Two Black(10)-(93)
2023-Panini Three and Two Emerald(5)-(93)
2023-Panini Three and Two Gold(25)-(93)
2023-Panini Three and Two Holo Platinum Blue(1)-(93)
2023-Panini Three and Two Holo Silver(20)-(93)
2023-Panini Three and Two Jumbo Swatches(25)-(JS-BB)
2023-Panini Three and Two Red(6)-(JS-BB)
2023-Panini Three and Two Two Strike(2)-(93)
2023-Topps Archives Topps Team History Baseball Post Card Box Topper-(H69-MIN)
2023-Topps Definite Definite Nameplate Collection(1)-(DNC-BBL)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs Emerald(25)-(HAFA-BB)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs Onyx(10)-(HAFA-BB)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs Platinum(1)-(HAFA-BB)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs Rose Gold(50)-(HAFA-BB)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famers Autographs Ruby(5)-(HAFA-BB)
2023-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Quad Relics(10)(CCQR-KCOB)
2023-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Quad Relics Patch(1)(CCQR-KCOB)
2023-Topps Heritage Oversized 1974 High Number-(OB-BB)
2023-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs-(74RO-BB)
2023-Topps Heritage Real One Autograph Dual-(RODA-BK)
2023-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs Special Edition Red Ink- (74RO-BB)
2023-Topps Luminaries Master of the Mound Autographs(15)-(MOM-BB)
2023-Topps Luminaries Master of the Mound Autographs Black(1)-(MOM-BB)
2023-Topps Luminaries Master of the Mound Autographs Blue(5)-(MOM-BB)
2023-Topps Luminaries Master of the Mound Autographs Purple(3)-(MOM-BB)
2023-Topps Luminaries Master of the Mound Autographs Red(10)-(MOM-BB)
2023-Topps Museum Collection Museum Framed Autographs Black(5)-(MFA-BBL)
2023-Topps Museum Collection Museum Framed Autographs Gold(10)-(MFA-BBL)
2023-Topps Museum Collection Museum Framed Autographs Silver(15)-(MFA-BBL)
2023-Topps Museum Collection Museum Framed Autographs Wood(1)-(HOFA-BB)
2023-Topps Museum Collection Museum Framed Autographs Hall of Fame-(MFA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tier One Prodigious Patches(1)-(PPA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tier One Prodigious Patches Platinum(1)-(PPA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tier One Clear One Autographs(1)-(PPA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tier One Prime Performers Autographs(49)-(PPA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tier One Prime Performers Autographs Bronze Ink(25)-(PPA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tier One Prime Performers Autographs Gold Ink(1)-(PPA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tier One Prime Performers Autographs Silver Ink(10)-(PPA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tribute Stamps of Approval Relics Purple(50)-(TA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tribute Autographs(199)-(TA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tribute Autographs Black(1)-(TA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tribute Autographs Blue(150)-(TA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tribute Autographs Gold(75)-(TA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tribute Autographs Green(99)-(TA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tribute Autographs Orange(25)-(TA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tribute Autograph Printing Plates Black(1)-(TA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tribute Autograph Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(TA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tribute Autograph Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(TA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tribute Autograph Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(TA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tribute Autographs Purple(50)-(TA-BBL)
2023-Topps Tribute Autographs Red(10)-(TA-BBL)
2023-Topps Update All Ace Autographs-(AA-59)
2023-Topps Update All Aces Gold(75)-(AA-59)
2023-Topps Update All Aces Platinum(1)-(AA-59)
2023-Topps Update All Aces Red(10)-(AA-59)
2024-Finest Finest Autographs-(FA-BB)
2024-Finest Finest Autographs Black Refractor(10)-(FA-BB)
2024-Finest Finest Autographs Blue Refractor(99)-(FA-BB)
2024-Finest Finest Autographs Gold Refractor(50)-(FA-BB)
2024-Finest Finest Autographs Green Refractor(75)-(FA-BB)
2024-Finest Finest Autographs Orange Refractor(25)-(FA-BB)
2024-Finest Finest Autographs Purple Refractor(125)-(FA-BB)
2024-Finest Finest Autographs Red Lava Refractor(5)-(FA-BB)
2024-Finest Finest Autographs Refractor(25)-(FA-BB)
2024-Finest Finest Autographs Sky Blue Refractor(150)-(FA-BB)
2024-Finest Finest Autographs SuperFractor(1)-(FA-BB)
2024-Historic Autographs All Time Greats Cut Autographs(3)-(NNO)
2024-Leaf Electrum The Big 4 Bronze(1)-(TB4-12)
2024-Leaf Electrum The Big 4 Gold (1)-(TB4-12)
2024-Leaf Electrum The Big 4 Green(1)-(TB4-12)
2024-Leaf Electrum The Big 4 Pink(1)-(TB4-12)
2024-Leaf Electrum The Big 4 Platinum(1)-(TB4-12)
2024-Leaf Electrum The Big 4 Purple(1)-(TB4-12)
2024-Leaf Electrum The Big 4 Red(1)-(TB4-12)
2024-Leaf Electrum The Big 4 Silver(1)-(TB4-12)
2024-Leaf Electrum The Big 4 Silver Board with Tie Dye Skin & Etch(1)-(TB4-12)
2024-Leaf Electrum The Big 4 Silver Board with White Etch(1)-(TB4-12)
2024-Leaf Metal Signature Series Borderless Shimmer Pink(1)-(BL-BB2)
2024-Panini Crusade Blue(199)-(102)
2024-Panini Crusade Gold(10)-(102)
2024-Panini Crusade Green(5)-(102)
2024-Panini Crusade Platinum(1)-(102)
2024-Panini Crusade Purple(99)-(102)
2024-Panini Crusade Red(299)-(102)
2024-Panini Crusade Silver-(102)
2024-Panini CrusadeTeal(49)-(102)
2024-Panini Impeccable Gold Cooperstown Logo(1)-(15)
2024-Panini Impeccable Silver Cooperstown Logo(25)-(15)
2024-Topps Allen and Ginter A & G Autographed Relic Books(10)-(ARBC-BB)
2024-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Mini Relic-(MFR-BBL)
2024-Topps Dynamic Duals Autographs On Card Dual-(OCKB)
2024-Topps Heritage 1975 Topps in 3D-(753D-14)
2024 Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(30)
2024-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Quad Relic (10)-(CCQR-CBBC)
2024-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Quad Relic Patch (1)-(CCQR-CBBC)
2024-Topps Heritage Oversized 1975 Topps Baseball(OB-14)
2024-Topps Heritage Oversized 1975 Topps Baseball Autographs-(OBAV-BB)
2024-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs-(ROA-BBL)
2024-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs Special Edition Red Ink(75)-(ROA-BBL)
2024-Topps Heritage Mini Real One Mini Autographs-(RO-BBL)
2024 Topps Museum Collection Archival Autographs-(AA-BB)
2024 Topps Museum Collection Archival Autographs Amethyst(15)-(AA-BB)
2024 Topps Museum Collection Archival Autographs Copper(50)-(AA-BB)
2024 Topps Museum Collection Archival Autographs Emerald(1)-(AA-BB)
2024 Topps Museum Collection Archival Autographs Gold(25)-(AA-BB)
2024 Topps Museum Collection Archival Autographs Pink Sapphire(99)-(AA-BB)
2024 Topps Museum Collection Archival Autographs Ruby(10)-(AA-BB)
2024 Topps Museum Collection Archival Autographs Sapphire-(AA-BB)
2024 Topps Pristine Pristine Pieces Autographs Relics-(PPAR-BBL)
2024 Topps Pristine Pristine Pieces Autographs Relics Gold Refractor(50)-(PPAR-BBL)
2024 Topps Pristine Pristine Pieces Autographs Relics Orange Refractor(25)-(PPAR-BBL)
2024 Topps Pristine Pristine Pieces Autographs Relics Pristine Refractor(99)-(PPAR-BBL)
2024 Topps Pristine Pristine Pieces Autographs Relics Red Refractor(5)-(PPAR-BBL)
2024 Topps Pristine Pristine Pieces Autographs Relics SuperFractor(1)-(PPAR-BBL)
2024-Topps Tier One Clear One Autographs-(C1A-BBL)
2024-Topps Tier One Next Level Autographs-(NLA-BBL)
2024-Topps Tier One Next Level Autographs Blue Foil-(NLA-BBL)
2024-Topps Tier One Next Level Autographs Green Foil-(NLA-BBL)
2024-Topps Tier One Next Level Autographs Holo Gold Foil(1)-(NLA-BBL)
2024-Topps Tier One Next Level Autographs Holo Silver Foil-(NLA-BBL)
2024-Topps Tier One Next Level Autographs Red Foil-(NLA-BBL)
2024-Topps Tier One Signature Tools Autograph Relics(1)-(STAR-BB)
2024-Topps Tribute Autographs Black(1)-(TA-BB)
2024-Topps Tribute Autographs Orange(25)-(TA-BB)
2024-Topps Tribute Autographs Printing Plates Black(1)-(TA-BB)
2024-Topps Tribute Autographs Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(TA-BB)
2024-Topps Tribute Autographs Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(TA-BB)
2024-Topps Tribute Autographs Plates Yellow(1)-(TA-BB)
2034-Topps Tribute Tribute Autographs Red(10)-(TA-BB)
2024-Topps Tribute Tribute to the Threads Autograph Relics(99)-(TTTA-BB)
2024-Topps Tribute Tribute to the Threads Autograph Relics Black(1)-(TTTA-BB)
2024-Topps Tribute Tribute to the Threads Autograph Relics Orange(25)-(TTTA-BB)
2024-Topps Tribute Tribute to the Threads Autograph Relics Red(10)-(TTTA-BB)

819 of 1549=53%
1998-Bowman Chrome Golden Anniversary(5)-(148)
1998--Bowman Chrome Golden Anniversary Refractor(50)-(148)
1998-Bowman Chrome International
1998-Stadium Club First Day Issue(200)-(385)
1998-Stadium Club Printing Plates Black(1)-(385)
1998-Stadium Club Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(385)
1998-Stadium Club Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(385)
1998-Stadium Club Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(385)
1998-Topps Chrome Refractor-(494)
1999-Bowman Chrome Gold Refractor(25)-(184)
1999-Bowman Chrome International Refractors(100)-(184)
1999-Bowman Chrome Refractors-1999(25)
1999-Bowman Gold(99)-(184)
1999-SP Top Prospects President Edition-(35)
1999-Team Best Baseball America Diamond Best Silver-(29)
1999-Team Best Baseball America Gold(50)-(29)
1999-Topps MVP Promotions Stamped((No Stamp)100)-(494)
1999-Topps MVP Promotions Stamped(Stamp(100)-(494)
2000-Bowman Chrome Retro/Future Refractor-(322)
2000-Just Black-(27)
2000-SP Top Prospects President Edition-2000(10-1)21)
2001-Bowman Chrome Gold Refractor(99)-(241)
2001-Donruss Signature Proof(25)-(196)
2001-Leaf Stars and Rookies Chicago Collection(5)-150
2001-SP Top Prospect Destination the Show-(S10)
2001-Upper Deck Exclusives Gold(25)--2001(33)
2001-Upper Deck Exclusives(100)-(33)
2002-Donruss Classics National -(5)- (144)
2002-Donruss Elite Aspiration(5)-(19)
2002-Donruss Elite National Sports Collectors Convention Status(5)-(193)
2002-Donruss Elite National Sports Collectors Convention Wrapper Convention(5)-(193)
2002-Donruss Elite Orange County(5)-(193)
2002-Donruss Elite Passing the Torch Autographs(50)-(5)
2002-Donruss Elite Status Chicago Nationals(5)-(193)
2002-Donruss Studio All-Star Game-(102)
2002-Donruss Studio NationaL Sports Collector Convention(5)-(102)
2002-Donruss Studio Samples Gold-(102)
2002-Donruss Studio Samples Silver(102)
2002-Fleer Mini(50)-(182)
2002-Leaf-National Convention(5)-(181)
2002-Leaf Certified-(82)
2002-Leaf Certified Mirror Black (1))-(81)
2002-Leaf Certified Mirror Emerald(5)-(81)
2002-Leaf Certified Mirror Gold(25)-(81)
2002-Topps 206 Sweet Caporal Black-(399)
2002-Topps 206 Uzit-(399)
2003-Donruss Chicago Collection Wrapper Redemption(5)-(151)
2003-Donruss National Collectors] Convention Stat Line Season(1)-151)
2003-Donruss National Collectors] Convention Wrapper Redemption(5)-151)
2003-Donruss Stat Line Career(14)-(151)
2003-Donruss Stat Line Season-(4)-(151)
2003-Donruss Team Heroes Autographs(250)-(290)
2003-Donruss Team Heroes Chicago Collection Wrapper Redemption(5)-(151)
2003-Donruss Team Heroes Glossy-(290)
2003-Donruss Team Heroes Hawaii Trade Conference(1)-(290)
2003-Donruss Team Heroes Hawaii Trade Conference Glossy(1)-(290)
2003-Donruss Team Heroes Hawaii(1)-(290)
2003-Donruss Team Heroes National Sports Collectors Wrapper Redemption(1)-(290)
2003-Donruss Team Heroes National Sports Collectors Wrapper Redemption(5)-(290)
2003-DonrussTeam Heroes Samples Gold-(290)
2003-DonrussTeam Heroes Samples Silver-(290)
2003-DonrussTeam Heroes Statline(29)(290)
2003-Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Black Autograph(1)-(101)
2003-Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Black(1)-(101)
2003-Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Black Materials(1)-(101)
2003-Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Blue Materials(100)-2003(101)
2003-Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Emerald Autographs(5)-(101)
2003-Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Emerald(5)-(101)
2003-Leaf Certified Materials Emerald Materials(5)-(101)
2003-Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Gold(25)-(101)
2003-Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Gold Materials(25)-(101)
2003-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia National Sports Collectors Convention(5)-(63)
2003-Playoff Portraits Autographs Bronze(100)-(128)
2003-Playoff Portraits Autographs Gold(25)-(128)
2003-Playoff Portraits Material Bronze Bat/Jersey(50)-(128)
2003-Playoff Portraits Material Bronze Jersey(50)-(128b)
2003-Playoff Portraits Gold(10)-(128)
2003-Playoff Portraits Materials Combos Gold Bat/Jersey(10)-(128)
2003-Playoff Portraits Material Silver Jersey(50)-(128)
2003-Playoff Portraits Material Combo Silver Bat and Jersey(25)-(128)
2003-Playoff Portraits Original Art(1)-(128)
2003-Topps Black-(52)-(329)
2003-Topps Gallery Press Plates Black(1)-(185)
2003-Topps Gallery Press Plates Cyan(1)-(185)
2003-Topps Gallery Press Plates Magenta(1)-(185)
2003-Topps Gallery Press Plates Yellow(1)-(185)
2003-Upper Deck 40-Man Rainbow(40)-(294)
2004-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Spectrum Platinum(1 )-(123)
2004-Topps Chrome Red X- Refractors-(337)
2004-Topps Chrome Refractors-(337)
2004-Topps Total Press Plate Black(1)-2004(312)
2004-Topps Total Press Plate Cyan(1)-2004(312)
2004-Topps Total Press Plate Magenta(1)-2004(312)
2004-Topps Total Press Plate Yellow(1)-2004(312)
2004-Topps Traded & Rookies Checklist Blue Backs-(83) 3 of 10
2004-Topps Traded & Rookies Checklist Red Backs-(83) 3 of 10
2004-Topps Traded & Rookies Checklist Blue Backs-(93) 3 of 10
2004-Topps Traded & Rookies Checklist Red Backs-(93) 3 of 10
2005-Donruss Press Proof Black(10)(243)
2005-Donruss Press Proof Gold(25)(243)
2005-Donruss Prime Patches Major League Material Autograph(1)-(MLM-47)
2005-Donruss Prime Patches Major League Material Autograph Bat(1)-( MLM-47)
2005-Donruss Prime Patches Major League Material Autograph Jersey(1)- (MLM-47)
2005-Donruss Prime Patches Major League Material Autograph Name Plate Patch(1)-(MLM-47)
2005-Donruss Prime Patches Major League Material Double Swatch Prime(13)-(MLM-47)
2005-Donruss Prime Patches Major League Material Jersey(1)-(MLM-47)
2005-Donruss Prime Patches Major League Material Jumbo Swatch(52)- (MLM-47)
2005-Donruss Prime Patches Major League Material Laundry Tag(1)- (MLM-47)
2005-Donruss Prime Patches Major League Material Name Plate Patch(21)- (MLM-47)
2005-Donruss Prime Patches Major League Material Quad Swatch Prime(8)- (MLM-47)
2005-Donruss Prime Patches Major League Material Triple Swatch Prime(5)- (MLM-47)
2005-Donruss Studio Proofs Platinum(10)-(174)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Quads (150)-(TQ-52)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Quads Spectrum(100)- (TQ-51)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Quads Spectrum(100)- (TQ-52)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Quads Swatch Singles(150)- (TQ-51)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Quads Swatch Singles(150)- (TQ-52)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Quads Swatch Singles Spectrum(50)- (TQ-51
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Quads Swatch Singles Spectrum(50)- TQ-52)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Six (100)- (TS-43)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Six Spectrum (50)- (TS-41)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Six Spectrum (50)- (TS-43)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Six Swatch Single Spectrum(100)- (TS-41)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Six Swatch Single Spectrum(100)-(TS-43)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Trios Swatch Single Spectrum(25)-(TS-49)
2005-SP Collection SPx Signatures Spectrum(10)-(SU-CU)
2005-SP Collection SPx Superscript Triple(5)-(SU-BMC)
2005-SP Collection SPx Winning Material Dual Jersey (20)-(WM-BC)
2005-SP Collection SPx Winning Material Dual Jersey (20)-(WM-MC)
2005-SP Collection SPx Winning Material Dual Jersey Signatures(5)-WM-MC)
2005-SP Collection Superscripts Signature(15)-(SU-CU)
2005-SP Collection SPx Superscripts Triple Signature(5)-(SU-BMC)
2005-Topps Black(4)-(352)
2005-Topps Chrome Gold Superfractors(1)-(406)
2005-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)-(406)
2005-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(406),
2005-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(406),
2005-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)(406),
2005-Topps Printing Plates Black1)-(352),
2005-Topps Printing Plates Cyan1)-(352),
2005-Topps Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(3
2005-Topps Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(362),
2005-Topps Total Press Plates Black Front(1)-(194)
2005-Topps Total Press Plates Cyan Front(1)-(194)
2005-Topps Total Press Plates Magenta Front(1)-(194)
2005-Topps Total Press Plates Yellow Front(1)-(194)
2005-Topps Total Press Plates Black Back(1)-(194)
2005-Topps Total Press Plates Cyan Back(1)-(194)
2005-Topps Total Press Plates Magenta Back(1)-(194)
2005-Topps Total Press Plates Yellow Back(1)-(194)
2006-Bowman Heritage Black(1)-(14)
2006-Bowman Heritage Printing Plates Black(1)-(14)
2006-Bowman Heritage Printing Plates Cyan1)-(14)
2006-Bowman Heritage Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(14)
2006-Bowman Heritage Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(14)
2006-Bowman Heritage White-(14)
2006-Fleer Glossy Gold-(367)
2006-Fleer Printing Plates Black(1)-(367)
2006-Fleer Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(367)
2006-Fleer Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(367)
2006-Fleer Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(567)
2006-Topps Blue- (10)-506)
2006-Topps Platinum (1)-506)
2006-Topps Printing Plates Black(1)-(506)
2006-Topps Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(506)
2006-Topps Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(506)
2006-Topps Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(506)
2006-Ultra Gold Medallion-(228)
2006-Upper Deck Gold -(299)-(281),
2006-Upper Deck Silver Spectrum(25)-(281)
2006-Upper Deck Epic Printing Plates Black(1)-(150)
2006-Upper Deck Epic Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(150)
2006-Upper Deck Epic Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(150)
2006-Upper Deck Epic Printing Plates Yellow (1)-(150)
2006-Upper Deck Ovation Center Stage Printing Plates Black(1)-(MC)
2006-Upper Deck Ovation Center Stage Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(MC)
2006-Upper Deck Ovation Center Stage Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(MC)
2006-Upper Deck Ovation Center Stage Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(MC)
2006-Upper Deck Ovation Spotlight Signature Printing Plates Black(1)-(MC)
2006-Upper Deck Ovation Spotlight Signature Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(MC)
2006-Upper Deck Ovation Spotlight Signature Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(MC)
2006-Upper Deck Ovation Spotlight Signature Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(MC)
2006-Upper Deck Special F/X Blue-(281)
2007-Bowman Chrome Orange Refractors(25)-(94)
2007-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)-(94)
2007-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(94)
2007-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(94)
2007-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(94)
2007-Bowman Chrome Red Refractors(5)-(94)
2007-Bowman Chrome SuperFractor(1)-(94)
2007-Bowman Heritage Printing Plates Black(1)-58)
2007-Bowman Heritage Printing Plates Cyan(1)-58)
2007-Bowman Heritage Printing Plates Magenta(1)-58)
2007-Bowman Heritage Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(58)
2007-Bowman Heritage Red(1)-(58)
2007-Bowman Printing Plates Black(1)BHPriPla-(94)
2007-Bowman Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(94)
2007-Bowman Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(94)
2007-Bowman Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(94),
2007-Bowman Red(1)-(94),
2007-Fleer Mini Die Cuts Gold-(140)
2007-Fleer Printing Plates Black(1)-(140)
2007-Fleer Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(140)
2007-Fleer Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(140)
2007-Fleer Printing Plates Yellow(1)-140)
2007-Minnesota Twins Police(9)
2007-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Bazooka(25)-(253)
2007-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Black No Card Number-(253)
2007-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini No Card Number-(253)
2007-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Printing Plates Black(1)-(253)
2007-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(253)
2007-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(253)
2007-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(253)
2007-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)-(58)
2007-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(58)
2007-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(58)
2007-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(58)
2007-Topps Chrome SuperFractor-(58)
2007-Topps Co-Signers Hyper Plaid Silver(1)--(31)
2007-Topps Co-Signers Hyper Silver Blue((15)-(31)
2007-Topps Co-Signers Hyper Silver Bronze((50)-(31)
2007-Topps Co-Signers Hyper Silver Gold (5)-2007(31)
2007-Topps Co-Signers Printing Plates Spot(1)-(31)
2007-Topps Co-Signers Red(299)-(31)
2007-Topps Co-Signers Silver Blue(150)-((31)
2007-Topps Co-Signers Silver Bronze(175)-((31)
2007-Topps Co-Signers Silver Gold(125)-((31)
2007-Topps Mini Wood-(253)
2007-Topps Platinum(1)-(119)
2007-Topps Printing Plates Black(1)- (119)
2007-Topps Printing Plates Cyan(1)- (119)
2007-Topps Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (119)
2007-Topps Printing PlatesYellow(1)- (119)
2007-Ultra Printing Plates Black(1)-2007(110)
2007-Ultra Printing Plates Cyan(1)-2(110)
2007-Ultra Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(110)
2007-Ultra Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(110)
2007-Ultra Retail-(110)
2007-Upper Deck First Edition Printing Plates Black(1)-112)
2007-Upper Deck First Edition Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(112)
2007-Upper Deck First Edition Printing Plates Magenta(1)-112)
2007-Upper Deck First Edition Printing Plates Yellow(1)-112)
2007-Upper Deck Gold(75)-154)
2007-Upper Deck Printing Plates Black(1)-154
2007-Upper Deck Printing Plates Cyan(1)-154
2007-Upper Deck Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(154
2007-Upper Deck Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(154
2007-Upper Deck Minnesota Twins SGA-(6)
2007-Upper Deck MLB Promotional Team Pack-(6
2007-Upper Deck Spectrum Swatches Patches(50)-(SSW-MI)
2007-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Ultimate Ensemble Dual Patches(25)-2007(MC)
2008-Bowman Printing Plates Black(1)-(188)
2008-Bowman Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(188)
2008-Bowman Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(188)
2008-Bowman Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(188)
2008-Bowman Red(1)-(188)
2008-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth(10)-2008(11)
2008-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Black(1)-2008(11)
2008-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Cyan(1)-2008(11)
2008-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Magenta(1)-2008(11)
2008-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Yellow(1)-2008(11)
2008-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini No Card Number-(11)
2008-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood-(11)
2008-Topps Co-Signers Hyper Plaid Blue(50)-(26)
2008-Topps Co-Signers Hyper Plaid Bronze(75)-(26)
2008-Topps Co-Signers Hyper Plaid Gold(10)-(26)
2008-Topps Co-Signers Hyper Plaid Green(25)-(26)
2008-Topps Co-Signers Hyper Plaid Red(100)-(26)
2008-Topps Co-Signers Hyper Plaid Silver(1)-(26)
2008-Topps Platinum(1)-(393)
2008-Topps Printing Plates Black(1)-(393)
2008-Topps Printing Plates Cyan1)- (393)
2008-Topps Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(393)
2008-Topps Printing PlatesYellow1)-(393)
2008-Upper Deck First Edition Factory Set-(230)
2008-Upper Deck First Edition Jersey-(UDFE-CU)
2008-Upper Deck Premier Team Memorabilia(25)-(TEAM-CSM)
2008-Upper Deck Premier Team Memorabilia Gold(9)-TEAM-CSM)
2008-Upper Deck Premier Team Memorabilia Silver(3)-(TEAM-CSM)
2008-Upper Deck Premier Trios Memorabilia(50)-(PTM-CMM)
2008-Upper Deck Premier Trios Memorabilia Gold(33)-(PTM-CMM)
2008-Upper Deck Premier Trios Memorabilia Silver(3)-(PTM-CMM)
2008-Upper Deck Game Jersey-UDJ-CU)
2008-Upper Deck Game Patches-(UDJ-CU)
2009-Minnesota Twins Police-(9)
2009-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Bazooka-(86)
2009-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth(10)(-86),
2009-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Black(1)-2009(86)
2009-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Cyan(1)-2009(86)
2009-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(86)
2009-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Yellow(86)
2009-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini No Card Number(50)-(NNO)
2009-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood-(86)
2009-Topps Platinum(1)-469)
2009-Topps Printing Plates Black(1)-(469)
2009-Topps Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(469)
2009-Topps Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(469)
2009-Topps Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(469)
2009-Upper Deck Icons Icons Autographs(99)-2009(CU)
2009-Upper Deck Icons Icons Jerseys Gold(25)-2009(CU)
2010-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)-(57)
2010-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates yan1)-Cyan(57)
2010-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(57)
2010-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(57)
2010-Bowman Chrome Red Refractors(5)-(57)
2010-Bowman Chrome Superfractor-(157))
2010-Bowman Printing Plates Black(1)- 2010(34)
2010-Bowman Printing Plates Cyan(1)- 2010(34)
2010-Bowman Printing Plates Magenta(1)- 2010(34)
2010-Bowman Printing Plates Yellow(1)- 2010(34)
2010-Bowman Red-2010(34)
2010-Finest Printing Plates Black(1) -2010(117)
2010-Finest Printing Plates Cyan(1)-2010(117)
2010-Finest Printing Plates Magenta (1)-2010(117)
2010-Finest Printing Plates Yellow(1)-2010(117)
2010-Finest Refractors Purple(1)-2010(117)
2010-Sega Card-Gen-(105)
2010-Topps 206 Mini Carolina Brights(1)-(143)
2010-Topps 206 Mini Printing Plates Black(1)-(143)
2010-Topps 206 Mini Printing Plates Cyan(1--2010(143)
2010-Topps 206 Mini Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(143)
2010-Topps 206 Mini Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(143)
2010-Topps 206 Printing Plates Black(1)-(143)
2010-Topps 206 Printing Plates Cyan(1--2010(143)
2010-Topps 206 Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(143)
2010-Topps 206 Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(143)
2010-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Bazooka(25)-(61)
2010-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Back No Card Number-(NNO)
2010-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Printing Plates Black(1)-(61)
2010-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(61)
2010-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(61)
2010-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(61)
2010-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Silk(10)-(61)
2010-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Wood))-(61)
2010-Topps Attax-(NNO
2010-Topps Black-(537)
2010-Topps Chrome Gold Refractors(50-132)
2010-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)-132)
2010-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-132)
2010-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Magenta 1)-132)
2010-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)-132)
2010-Topps Chrome Refractor-(132)
2012-Topps Chrome Superfractor(1)-(132)
2010-Topps Copper-(399)-(132)
2010-Topps Heritage Chrome Advertising Panels-(NNO)
2010-Topps Heritage Chrome Black Refractors(61)-(C107)
2010-Topps Heritage Chrome Dual Stamp(50)-(NNO)
2010-Topps Minnesota Twins SGA-(MIN-11)
2010-Topps National Chicle Cowhide(1)-(30)
2010-Topps National Chicle Printing Plates Black(1)--30)
2010-Topps National Chicle Printing Plates Cyan(1)--(30)
2010-Topps National Chicle Printing Plates Magenta(1)(30)
2010-Topps National Chicle Printing PlatesYellow(1)-(30)
2010-Topps National Chicle Umbrella Red Back(1)-2010(30)
2010-Topps Opening Days Printing Plate Black(1)-148)
2010-Topps Opening Days Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(148)
2010-Topps Opening Days Printing Plate Magenta(1)-148)
2010-Topps Opening Days Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(148),
2010-Topps Platinum(1)-(537)
2010-Topps Printing Plates Black(1)-(537)
2010-Topps Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(537)
2010-Topps Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(537)
2010-Topps Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(537)
2010-Topps Red-(537)
2010-Topps Silk Collection(50)-(NNO)
2010-Topps Vintage Card Stocks(99)-(537)
2010-Upper Deck UD Game Jersey Patch(25)-UDGP-MC)
2011-Bowman Chrome Gold Canary Diamond(1)(132)
2011-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)-2(132)
2011-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(132)
2011-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Magenta-(1)-(132)
2011-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(132)
2011-Bowman Chrome Red Refractor(1)- 2011(132)
2011-Bowman Chrome Refractors-(132)
2011-Bowman Chrome SuperFractor(1)-(57
2011-Bowman Printing Plates Black(1)-(150)
2011-Bowman Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(150)
2011-Bowman Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(150)
2011-Bowman Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(150)
2011-Bowman Red(1)- 2011(150))
2011-Bowman SuperFractor(1)-(132)
2011-Sega Card Gen-(107)
2011-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Bazooka(25)-(128)
2011-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Black(1)-(128)
2011-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(128)
2011-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(128)
2011-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(128)
2011-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Back No Card No Number(50)-(128)
2011-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood-2011(1)-(128)
2011-Topps Canary Diamond Anniversary(1)-(21)
2011-Topps Diamond Anniversary Authentic Diamonds(1)-(21)
2011-Topps Factory Set Holiday Bonus(75)-(21)
2011-Topps Gypsy Queen Framed Mini Printing Plates Black(1)-(121)
2011-Topps Gypsy Queen Framed Mini Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(121)
2011-Topps Gypsy Queen Framed Mini Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(121)
2011-Topps Gypsy Queen Framed Mini Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(121)
2011-Topps Gypsy Queen Framed Stamp(10)-(121)
2011-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Black-2011(121)
2011-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Leather(10)-1(21)
2011-Topps Hope Diamond Anniversary(60)-(21)
2011-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Black(1)- (9)
2011-Topps Opening Day Printing PlateCyan(9)
2011-Topps Opening Day Printing Plate Magenta-(9)
2011-Topps Opening Day Printing Plate Yellow-(9)
2011-Topps Platinum(1)-(21)
2011-Topps Printing Plates Black(1)-(21)
2011-Topps Printing Plates Black(1)-(21)
2011-Topps Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(21)
2011-Topps Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(21)
2011-Topps Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(21)
2011-Topps Update All-Star Stitches Gold Canary Diamond(1)-(US-275)
2011-Topps Update All-Star Stitches Jumbo Patches(6)-(USJP-22)
2011-Topps Update Black(60)-(US-275)
2011-Topps Update All-Star Stitches Canary Diamond Anniversary(1)-(US-275)
2011-Topps Update All-Star Stitches Jumbo Parches(6)-(ASJP-22)
011-Topps Updates Diamond Anniversary Authentic Diamonds(1)-(21)
2011-Topps Updates Platinum(1)-(US-275)
2011-Topps Updates Printing Plates Black(1)-(US275)
2011-Topps Updates Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(US275)
2011-Topps Updates Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(US275)
2011-Topps Updates Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(US275)
2011-Topps Updates Target Red Borders-(US275)
2011-Topps Updates Walmart Blue Borders-(US275)
2012-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)-2012(156)
2012-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(156)
2012-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(156)
2012-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(156)
2012-Bowman Chrome Red Refractor(5)-(156)
2012-Bowman Chrome SuperFractor(1)-(156)
2012-Bowman Printing Plates Black(1)-(109)
2012-Bowman Printing Plates Cyanl1)-(109)
2012-Bowman Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(109)
2012-Bowman Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(109)
2012-Bowman Red(1)-(109)
2012-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Black(1)-(62)
2012-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Cyan1)-(62)
2012-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(62)
2012-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(62)
2012-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Silk(10)-(62)
2012-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Gold Borders-(62)
2012-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini No Card Number-(62)
2012-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood(1)-(62)
2012-Topps Allen and Ginter Relic-(AGR-MCU)
2012-Topps Allen and Ginter Topps Vault Blank Backs(1)-(NNO)
2012-Topps Gold Embossed(1)-(454)
2012-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plates Black(1) -(121)
2012-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plates Cyan1) -(121)
2012-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plates Magenta(1) -(121)
2012-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plates Yellow(1) -(121)
2012-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Platinum(5)-2014(191)
2012-Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plates Black(1) -(191)
2012-Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plates Cyan(1) -(191)
2012-Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plates Magenta(1) -(191)
2012-Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(191)
2012-Topps In the Name Letter Relics(C)(1)-(IINTR-MCU))
2012-Topps In the Name Letter Relics(U)(1)-(IINTR-MCU))
2012-Topps In the Name Letter Relics(D)(1)-(IINTR-MCU))
2012-Topps In the Name Letter Relics(D)(1)-(IINTR-MCU))
2012-Topps In the Name Letter Relics(Y)(1)-(IINTR-MCU))
2012-ToppsIn the Name Letter Relics(E)(1)-(IINTR-MCU))
2012-Topps In the Name Letter Relics(R)(1(IINTR-MCU))
2012-Topps Mini Platinum(5)-2012(454)
2012-Topps Mini Printing Plates Black(1)- (454)
2012-Topps Mini Printing Plates Cyan(1)- (454)
2012-Topps Mini Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (454)
2012-Topps Mini Printing Plates Yellow(1)- (454)
2012-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Black(1)- (39)
2012-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Cyan(1)- (39)
2012-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(39)
2012-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Yellow(1)- 39)
2012-Topps Orange(190)-(454)
2012-Topps Own the Name Letter Relics(C)(1)-(OTNR-MCU)
2012-Topps Own the Name Letter Relics(U)(1)-(OTNR-MCU)
2012-Topps Own the Name Letter Relics(D)(1)-(OTNR-MCU)
2012-Topps Own the Name Letter Relics(D)(1)-(OTNR-MCU)
2012-Topps Own the Name Letter Relics(Y)(1)-(OTNR-MCU)
2012-ToppsOwn the Name Letter Relics(E)(1)-(OTNR-MCU)
2012-Topps Own the Name Letter Relics(R)(1)-(OTNR-MCU)
2012-Topps Platinum-(454)
2012-Topps Printing Plates Black(1)- (454)
2012-Topps Printing Plates Cyan(1)- (454)
2012-Topps Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (454)
2012-Topps Printing Plates Yellow(1)- (454)
2012-Topps Triple Threads All-Star Jumbo Laundry Tag(1)-(ASLT-49)
2012-Topps TripleThreads All-Star Jumbo Sleeve Patch(1)-(ASJP-MCU)
2012-Topps Triple Threads All-Star Jumbo Sleeve Team Patch(1)-(JSTP-49)
2012-Topps Triple Threads All-Star MLB Logo Patch(1)-(ASLP-22)
2012-Topps Triple Threads All-Star Patches(9)-(TTASP-22)
2012-Topps Triple Threads All-Star Patches Platinum(1)-(TTASP-22)
2012-Topps Wood-(454)
2013-Panini America's Pastime Black(1)-(87)
2013-Topps Mini Platinum(1)-(449)
2013-Topps Orange-(230)-(449)
2013-Topps Platinum(1)-(449)
2013-Topps Printing Plates Black(1)-(449)
2013-Topps Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(449)
2013-Topps Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(449)
2013-Topps Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(449)
2013-Topps Sapphire(25)-(449)
2013-Topps Silver Slate Framed(10)-(449)
2013-Topps Update Gold-(US-145)
2013-Topps Updates Platinum(1)(US145)(US226)
2013-Topps Updates Printing Plates Black(1)-(US145)
2013-Topps Updates Printing Plates Black(1)-(US226)
2013-Topps Updates Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(US145)
2013-Topps Updates Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(US226)
2013-Topps Updates Printing PlatesMagenta(1)-US145)
2013-Topps Updates Printing PlatesMagenta(1)-(US226)
2013-Topps Updates Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(US145)
2013-Topps Updates Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(US226)
2013-Topps Updates Topps Vault Blank Back(1)-(US145)
2013-Topps Updates Topps Vault Blank Back(1)-(US226)
2014-Bowman Printing Plates Black(1)-(122)
2014-Bowman Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(122)
2014-Bowman Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(122)
2014-Bowman Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(122)
2014-Bowman Red(1)-(122)
2014-BowmanWhite Ice(1)-(122)
2014-Panini Prizms Black-(8)
2014-Panini Prizm Fearless Prizms-(8)
2014-Panini Prizm Fearless Prizms Finite(1)-(8)
2014-Panini Prizm Prizms Back(1)-(8)
2014-Stadium Club Members Only-(35)
2014-Topps Allen and Ginter Glossy(1)-(14)
2014-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Black(1)-(14)
2014-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Cyan1)-(14)
2014-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(14)
2014-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(14)
2014-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Glossy(1)-(14)
2014-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini No Card No Number(50)-(14)
2014-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood(1)-(14)
2014-Topps Archives Printing Plates Black(1)- 2014(24)
2014-Topps Archives Printing Plates Cyan(1)-2014(24)
2014-Topps Archives Printing Plates Magenta(1)-2014(24)
2014-Topps Archives Printing Plates Yellow(1)-2014(24)
2014-Topps Camo(99)-(237)
2014-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)-(157)
2014-Topps Chrome Printing Plates
2014-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)-(157)
2014-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(157)
2014-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(157)
2014-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(157)
2014-Topps Chrome Superfractor(1)-(1)-(157)
2014-Topps Clear(237)
2014-Topps Clea(237)(636)
2014-Topps Five Star Dual Patch Autograph Book(10)-(FSDP-GC)
2014-Topps Five Star Dual MLB Logo Autograph Patch (1)-(FSLB-MCU)
2014-Topps Green-(636)
2014-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Clear(1)-2014(317)
2014-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plates Black(1) -(317)
2014-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plates Cyan(1) -2014(317)
2014-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plates Magenta(1) -2014(317)
2014-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plates Yellow(1) -2014(317)
2014-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Graphite(1)-317)
2014-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Leather(1)-(317)
2014-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Wood(5)-(317)
2014-Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plates Black(1) -2014(317)
2014-Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plates Cyan(1) -2014(317)
2014-Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plates Magenta(1) -2014(317)
2014-Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plates Yellow(1) -2014(317)
2014-Topps Heritage Black Backs-(2)
2014-Topps Heritage -(237)
2014 Topps-In The Name Relic(1)C-(TN-MCU)
2014 Topps-In The Name Relic(1)U-(TN-MCU)
2014 Topps-In The Name Relic(1)D-(TN-MCU)
2014 Topps-In The Name Relic(1)D-(TN-MCU)
2014 Topps-In The Name Relic(1)Y-(TN-MCU)
2014 Topps-In The Name Relic(1)E-(TN-MCU)
2014 Topps-In The Name Relic(1)R-(TN-MCU)
2014-Topps Minis Platinum(1)-(237)
2014-Topps Minis Platinum(1)-(638)
2014-Topps Minis Printing Plates Black(1)-(237)
2014-Topps Minis Printing Plates Black(1)-(638)
2014-Topps Minis Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(237)
2014-Topps Minis Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(638)
2014-Topps Minis Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(237)
2014-Topps Minis Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(638)
2014-Topps Minis Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(237)
2014-Topps Minis Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(638)
2014-Topps Opening Day Printing Press Black(1)-(38)
2014-Topps Opening Day Printing Press Cyan(1)-(38
2014-Topps Opening Day Printing Press Magenta(1)-(38)
2014-Topps Opening Day Printing Press Yellow(1)-(38)
2014-Topps Orange Factory Set-(199)-(237)
2014-Topps Orange Factory Set-(199)-(638)
2014-Topps Platinum(1)-(237)
2014-Topps Platinum(1)-(638)
2014-Topps Power Players Prizes(75)-(237)
2014-Topps Power Players Prizes(75)-(636)
2014=Topps Tier One Acclaimed Autographs Bronze Ink(25)-(AA-MCU)
2014-Topps Tier One Acclaimed Autographs Gold Ink(1)-(AA-MCU)
2014-Topps Tier One Acclaimed Autographs Red Ink-(5)-(AA-MCU)
2014-Topps Tier One Acclaimed Autographs Silver Ink(10)-2014(AA-MCU)
2014-Topps Tier One Acclaimed All Star Relics(1)-2014(ASR-MCU)
2014-Topps Triple Threads All-Star Jumbo Laundry Tag(1)-(ASLP-MCU)
2014-Topps TripleThreads All-Star Jumbo Sleeve Patch(1)-(AJSP-MCU)
2014-Topps Triple Threads All-Star Jumbo Sleeve Team Patch(1)-(JSTP-MCU)
2014-Topps Triple Threads All-Star MLB Logo Patch(1)-(9)-(AMLP-MCU)
2014-Topps Triple Threads All-Star Patches-(9)-(ASP-MCU)
2014-Topps Triple Threads All-Star Patches Ruby(1)-(ASP-MCU)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Jumbo Patch Combos (1)- (TTJPC-GTC)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs(18) -(TTR-MCU1)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs(18) -(TTR-MCU2)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs(18) -(TTR-MCU3)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Gold(9) -(TTR-MCU1)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Printing Plates Black(1)- 2(TTAR-MCU1)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Printing Plates Black(1)-(TTAR-MCU2)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Printing Plates Black(1)-(TTAR-MCU3)
2014-Topps Triple Threads RelicsAutographs Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(TTAR-MCU1)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(TTAR-MCU1)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(TTAR-MCU2)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(TTAR-MCU3)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(TTAR-MCU1)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(TTAR-MCU2)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(TTAR-MCU3)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(TTAR-MCU1)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(TTAR-MCU2)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(TTAR-MCU3)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Ruby(1)-(TTR-MCU1)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Ruby(1)-TTR-MCU2)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Ruby(1)-(TTR-MCU3)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Sapphire(3)-(TTR-MCU1)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Sapphire(3)-(TTR-MCU2)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Sapphire(3)- (TTR-MCU3)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Wood(1)-(TTAR-MCU1
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Wood(1)-TTAR-MCU2)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Autographs Wood(1)-(TTAR-MCU3)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Combos Doubles(18)-(TTRDC-13)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Combos Doubles Gold(9)-(TTRDC-13)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Combos Doubles Ruby(1)-(TTRDC-13)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Combos Doubles Sapphire(3)-(TTRDC-13)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Combos Emerald(18)-(TTRC-TCG)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Combos Gold(9)-(TTRC-TCG)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Combos Ruby(1)-(TTRC-TCG)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Combos Sapphire(3)-(TTRC-TCG)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Combos Sepia(27)-(TTRC-TCG)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics(36)-(TTRC-TCG)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Combos Doubles Ruby(1)-(TTR-DC13)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Combos Doubles Sapphire(3)-(TTR-DC13)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Combos Gold(9)-(TTRC-TCG)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Combos Ruby(1)-(TTRC-TCG)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Combos Sapphire(3)-(TTRC-TCG)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Combos Sepia(27)-(TTRC-TCG)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Relics Emerald(1)-(TTAR-MCU1)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Unity Relics Autographs(99)-(UARJ-MC)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Unity Relics Autographs Emerald(50)-(UARJ-MC)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Unity Relics Autographs Gold(25)-(UARJ-MC)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Unity Relics Autographs Ruby(1)-(UARJ-MC)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Unity Relics Autographs Sapphire(10)-(UAJR-MC )
2014-Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relics(36))-(UJR-MC)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relics(36))-(UJR-MCU)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relics Emerald(18)-(UJR-MC)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relics Emerald(18)-(UJR-MCU)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relics Gold(9)-(UJR-MC)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relics Gold(9)-(UJR-MCU)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relics Ruby-(1)-(UJR-MC)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relics Ruby(1)-(UJR-MCU)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relics Sapphire-(3)-(UJR-MC)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relics Sapphire-(3)-(UJR-MCU)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relics Sepia(27)-(UJR-MC)
2014-Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relics Sepia(27)-(UJR-MCU)
2014-Topps Own the Name Letter Relics(1)C-(OTN-MC)
2014-Topps Own the Name Letter Relics(1)U-(OTN-MC)
2014-Topps Own the Name Letter Relics(1)D-(OTN-MC)
2014-Topps Own the Name Letter Relics(1)Y-(DOTN-MC)
2014-Topps Own the Name Letter Relics(1)E-(OTN-MC)
2014-Topps Own the Name Letter Relics(1)R-(OTN-MC)
2014-Topps Own the Name Letter Relics(1)-(OTN-MC)
2014-Topps Variations-636(Sparkle on Helmet)
2015-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)- 2015(41)
2015-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-2015(41)
2015-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Magenta(1)-2015(41)
2015-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)-2015(41)
2015-Bowman Chrome SuperFractor(1)-22015(41)
2015-GEICO New York Mets Playing Cards-(10 of Diamond)
2015-Topps 10 X 14 ‘52 Tribute Baseball Gold(49)-(108)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10th Anniversary Buybacks Framed Mini 2010 Black Border-(61)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10th Anniversary Issue(10)-(NNO)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10th Anniversary Issue No Number(234)-(NNO)
2015-Topps 5 X 7 ‘52 Tribute Baseball(99)-(108)
2015-Topps 5 X 7 ‘52 Tribute Baseball Gold(49)-(108)
2015-Topps 10 X 14 ‘52 Tribute Baseball-(108)
2015-Topps 10 X 14 ‘52 Tribute Baseball Gold(49)-(108)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10th Anniversary Buybacks 2007 Topps
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10th Anniversary Buybacks 2010 Topps
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10th Anniversary Buybacks 2010 Topps Framed Mini
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10th Anniversary Issue(10)-(243)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10th Anniversary Issue No Number(234)-(NNO)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10 X 14
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10 X 14 Black 10 X 14
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Book Cards Relics Autographs(10)-(SBC-MCU)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Glossy(1)-(234)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini -2015(234)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Black Border-(234)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Black(1)-(234)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(234)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(234)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(234)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Glossy(1)-(234)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Metal(3)-(234)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini No Card No Number(50)-(234)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Rip Micro(2)-(234)
,2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood-(1)-(234)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Silk(10)-(128)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini X-2015(234)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter X A & G Back-2015(234)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter X Metal-2015(234)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Silver White Border-(234)
2015-Topps 5 x 7(99)-(513)
2015-Topps 5 x 7 Red(10)-(513)
2015-Topps Black-(64)-(513)
2015-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)(190)
2015-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1(190)
2015-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(190)
2015-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(190)
2015-Topps Chrome Red Refractor(5)-(190)
2015-Topps Chrome Refractor-(190)
2015-Topps Chrome Superfractor-(190)
2015-Topps Clear(10)-(513)
2015-Topps Framed(20)-(513)
2015-Topps Gold(2015)-(513)
2015-Topps Heritage 10 X 14(65)-(NNO)
2015-Topps Heritage Blue Ink Back(155)
2015-MLB Collection ‘52 Tribute 10 X 14(99)-(108)
2015-MLB Collection ‘52 Tribute 10 X 14)Gold 10 x 14(1)-(108)
2015-MLB Collection ‘52 Tribute 5X 7(99)-(198)
2015-MLB Collection ‘52 Tribute 5 X 7)Gold 10 x 14(49)-(108)
2015-Topps Mini Black(10)-(513)
2015-Topps Mini Gold(1)-(513)
2015-Topps Mini Red(5)-(513)
2015-Topps Museum Collection Momentous Material Jumbo Dual Relics(5)- (MMDJR-CG)
2015-Topps Museum Collection Momentous Material Jumbo Patch Relics(5)-(MMJP-MCR)
2015-Topps Museum Collection Momentous Material Jumbo Relics(50)-(MMJR-MCD)
2015-Topps Museum Collection Momentous Material Jumbo Relics(50)-(MMJR-MCY)
2015-Topps Museum Collection Momentous Material Jumbo Relics Emerald(1)-(MMJR-MCD)
2015-Topps Museum Collection Momentous Material Jumbo Relics Emerald(1)-(MMJR-MCY)
2015-Topps Museum Collection Momentous Material Jumbo Laundry Tags(1)-(MMLT-MCD)
2015-Topps Museum Collection Momentous Material Jumbo Laundry Tags(1)-(MMLT-MCY)
2015-Topps Museum Collection Primary Pieces Quad Patches(5)-(PPQP-MCR)
2015-Topps Oversize Red(10)-(513)
2015-Topps Pink(50)-(513)
2015-Topps Platinum(1)-(513)
2015-Topps Printing Plates Black(1)-(513)
2015-Topps Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(513)
2015-Topps Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(513)
2015-Topps Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(513)
2015-Topps Purple-(513)
2015-Topps Rainbow-(513)
2015-Topps Snow Camo(99)-(513)
2015- Topps Tier One Acclaimed Autographs(249)-(AA-MC)
2015-ToppsTier One Acclaimed Autographs Asia Pacific Exclusive Red Ink(5)- (AA-MC)
2015-Topps Tier One Acclaimed Autograph Clear(25)-(COAMC)
2015-Topps Tier One Acclaimed Autographs Gold Ink(1)-(AAMC)
2015-Topps Tier One Acclaimed Autographs Red Ink(5)-(AAMC)

brian Dozier
698 0f 1875=37%

2009-Bowman Chrome Draft Picks & Prospects Printing Plates Black(1)- (BDPP16)
2009-Bowman Chrome Draft Picks & Prospects Printing Plates Cyan(1)- (BDPP16)
2009-Bowman Chrome Draft Picks & Prospects Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (BDPP16)
2009-Bowman Chrome Draft Picks & Prospects Printing Plates Yellow(1)- (BDPP16),
2009-Bowman Chrome Draft Picks & Prospects Red Refractors(5)-(BDPP-16)
2009-Bowman Chrome Draft Picks & Prospects Superfractors(1)-(BDPP-16
2009-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Printing Plates Black(1)- (BDPP16)
2009-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Printing Plates Cyan(1)- (BDPP16)
2009-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (BDPP16)
2009-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Printing Plates Yellow(1)- (BDPP16)
2012-Bowman Chrome Blue Refractors(250)-(91)
2012-Bowman Chrome Orange Refractor(25)-(91)
2012-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)-(91))
2012-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(91))
2012-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(91)
2012-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(91)
2012-Bowman Chrome Red Refractractor(5)-(91)
2012-Bowman Chrome Superfractor(1)-(91)
2012-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Orange Refractors(25)-(39)
2012-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Printing Plates Black(1)-(39)
2012-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(39)
2012-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(39)
2012-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(39)
2012-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Purple Ice(10)-(39)
2012-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Red(5)-(39)
2012-Bowman Platinum Prospects Atomic Refractors(5)-(BPP62)
2012-Bowman Platinum Prospects Gold Refractors(50)-(BPP62)
2012-Bowman Platinum Prospects Printing Plates Black(1)-(BPP62)
2012-Bowman Platinum Prospects Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(BPP62)
2012-Bowman Platinum Prospects Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(BPP62)
2012-Bowman Platinum Prospects Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(BPP62)
2012-Bowman Platinum Prospects Red Refractors(25)-(BPP62)
2012-Bowman Platinum Prospects Refractors-(BPP62)
2012-Bowman Platinum Prospects Superfractors(199)-(BPP62)
2012-Bowman Platinum Top Prospects Die Cuts(25)-(BD)
2012-Bowman Sterling Gold Canary Diamond Refractors(1)-(3)
2012-Bowman Sterling Printing Plates Black(1)-(3)
2012-Bowman Sterling Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(3)
2012-Bowman Sterling Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(3)
2012-Bowman Sterling Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(3)
2012-Bowman Sterling Purple Refractors(10)-(3)
2012-Bowman Sterling Red Refractors(1)-(3)
2012-Bowman Sterling Superfractors(1)-(3)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Atomic Refractors(5)-(AR-BD)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Gold Refractors (50)-(AR-BD)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Orange Refractors(99)-(AR-BD)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Printing Plates Black(1)-(AR-BD)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(AR-BD)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(AR-BD)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(AR-BD)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Red Refractors(25)-(AR-BD)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Refractors(198)-(AR-BD)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Superfractors(5)-(AR-BD)
2012-Topps Chrome Atomic Refractors(10)-(198)
2012-Topps Chrome Gold Refractors(50)-(198)
2012-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)-(198)
2012-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(198)
2012-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(198)
2012-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(198)
2012-Topps Chrome Red Refractors(25)-(198)
2012-Topps Chrome Superfractors(1)-(198)
2012-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs-ROA-DZ)
2012-Topps Heritage Real One Autograph Red Ink(10)-(ROA-BD)
2012 Topps Pro Debut Variation-(139B) Fielding
2012 Topps Pro Debut Gold-(139)
2012 Topps Pro Debut Printing Press Black(1)-(139)
2012 Topps Pro Debut Printing Press Cyan(1)-(139)
2012 Topps Pro Debut Printing Press Magenta(1)-(139)
2012 Topps Pro Debut Printing Press Yellow(1)-(139)
2012-Topps Updates Black(64)-(US161)
2012-Topps Updates Orange(10)-(US161)
2012-Topps Updates Platinum(1)-(US161)
2012-Topps Updates Printing Press Black(1)-(US161)
2012-Topps Updates Printing Press Cyan1)-(US161)
2012-Topps Updates Printing Press Magenta(1)-(US161)
2012-Topps Updates Printing Press Yellow(1)-(US161)
2012-Topps Update Wood(1)-(US 161)
2013-Minnesota Twins Photo Card-(NNO)
2013-Sega-Gen Card-(109)
2013-Topps Mini Black(5)-(596)
2013-Topps Mini Platinum(1)-(596)
2013-Topps Mini Printing Plates Black(1)-(596)
2013-Topps Mini Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(596)
2013-Topps Mini Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(596)
2013-Topps Mini Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(596)
2013 Topps- Orange(230)-(596)
2013 Topps- Pink(50)-(596)
2013 Topps- Platinum(1)-(596)
2013-Topps Printing Plates Black(1)-(596)
2013-Topps Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(596)
2013-Topps Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(596)
2013-Topps Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(596)
2013-Topps Sapphire(25)-(596)
2014-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)- (203)
2014-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(203)
2014-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(203)
2014-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)- (203)
2014-Bowman Chrome Red Refractor-(203)
2014-Bowman Chrome Superfractors- (203)
2014-Donruss Stat Line Season(33)-(314)
2014-Panini Prizm Prizms Black(1)-(86)
2014-Panini Prizm National Sports Convention(5)-(86)
2014-Panini Prizm Prizm-(86)
2014-Stadium Club Electric Foil-(35)
2014-Stadium Club Foilboard(25)-(35)
2014-Stadium Club Member Only-(35)
2014-Topps MLB Retro Team Poster 5 X 7(99)-(NNO)
2014-Topps 1rst Edition-(221)
2014-Topps Black(221)
2014-Topps Camo(99)-(221)
2014-Topps Clear(10)-(221)
2014-Topps Heritage Black Back-(169)
2014-Topps Mini Black(5)-(221)
2014-Topps Mini Platinum(1)-(221)
2014-Topps Mini Printing Plates Black(1)-(221)
2014-Topps Mini Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(221
2014-Topps Mini Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(221)
2014-Topps Mini Printing Plates Yellow(1)-2014(221)
2014-Topps MLB Retro Team Poster Postcards Prints(99)-(NNO)
2014-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Black(1)-(105)
2014-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(105)
2014-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(105)
2014-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(105)
2014-Topps Orange Factory Set(199)-(596)
2014-Topps Pink(50)-2014(221)
2014-Topps Platinum(1)-221)
2014-Topps Power Player Prizes(75)-(221)
2014-Topps Printing Plates Black(1)-2014(221)
2014-Topps Printing Plates Cyan(1)-014(221)
2014-Topps Printing Plates Magenta(1)-22014(221)
2014-Topps Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(221)
2015-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)-(120)
2015-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(120)
2015-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Magenta( 1)-(120)
2015-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(120)
2015-Bowman Chrome Superfractor(1)-(120)
2015-Bowman’s Best Printing Press Black(1)-(38)
2015-Bowman’s Best Printing Press Cyan(1)-(38)
2015-Bowman’s Best Printing Press Magenta(1)-(38)
2015-Bowman’s Best Printing Press Yellow(1)-(38)
2015-Bowman’s Best Red Refractor(5)-38)
2015-Bowman’s Best Superfractor(1)-(38)
2015-Donruss Elite Black Status Die Cut(1)-(17)
2015-Donruss Elite Red Status Die Cut(25)-(17)
2015-Donruss Stat Line Career (6)-(116)
2015-Panini Elite Member Only Material Premium(1)-(35)
2015-Panini Elite Member Only Material Prime(25)-(35)
2015-Panini National Treasure All Star Material Triple Prime(1)-(8)
2015-Panini National Treasures Colossal Prime Brand Logo)(1)-(6)
2015-Panini National Treasures Colossal Prime Laundry Tag(1)-(6)
2015-Panini National Treasures Colossal Prime Nameplate(25)-(6)
2015-Panini National Treasures Colossal Prime Team Logo(11)-(6)
2015-Panini National Treasures Colossal Prime Team Patch(10)-2015(6)
2015-Panini Prizm Black Finite Prizms(1)-(36)
2015-Panini Prizm National Convention Limited Edition(5)-(36)
2015-Panini Prizm Number 2 Prizms(2)-(36)
2015-Panini Passion Black Finite Prizms(1)-(36)
2015-Panini Prizm Number 2 Prizms(2)-(36)
2015-Topps 5 X 7(99)-(259)
2015-Topps 5 X 7 Gold(49)-(259)
2015-Topps 5 X 7 Red(10)-(259)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10 X 14(99)-(91)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10 X 14 Black(1)-(NNO)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10th Anniversary Anniversary(10)-(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10th Anniversary Anniversary NSN-(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10th Anniversary Mini Silver-(10)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Glossy(1)-(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Flag(25)-156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plate Black(1)-(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plate Cyan(1)- (156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plate Magenta(1)--(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Glossy(50)-(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini No Card Number(50)-(NNO)*
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Red Border(40)-(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood(1)-(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini A & G Back(1)-(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter X Silver White Border(1)-(156)
2015-Topps Archive Black(1)-(155)
2015-Topps Archive Printing Plates Black(1)-(155)
2015-Topps Archive Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(155)
2015-Topps Archive Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(155)
2015-Topps Archive Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(155)
2015-Topps Clear(10)-(259)
2015-Topps Framed-2015(10-259)
2015-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Black(5)-(287),
2015-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plates Black(1)-(287)
2015-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(287)
2015-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(287)
2015-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(287)
2015-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Gold(99)-(287)
2015-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Leather(1)-(287)
2015-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Red(50)-(287)

2015-Topps Heritage Blue Ink Back-(120)
2015-Topps Heritage Gum Stained Back(120)
2015-Topps MLB Collection '52 Tribute 5 X 7(99)-(243)
2015-Topps MLB Collection '52 Tribute 5 X 7 Gold 5 X 7(49)-(91)
2015-Topps MLB Collection '52 Tribute 10 X 14(99)-(91)
2015-Topps MLB Collection '52 Tribute 10 X 14 Gold 10 x 14(1)-(91)
2015-Topps Mini Gold(1)(259)
2015-Topps Mini Red(5)-(259)
2015-Topps Opening Day Black(1)-(89)
2015-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Black(1)-(89)
2015-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(89)
2015-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(89)
2015-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(89)
2015-Topps Oversize Red(99)-(256)
2015-Topps Pink(50)-(259)
2015-Topps Platinum(1)-(259)
2015-Topps Printing Plates Black(1)-(259)
2015-Topps Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(259)
2015-Topps Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(259)
2015-Topps Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(259)
2015-Topps Snow Camo(99)-(259)
2015-Topps Sparkle Foil(179)-(259)
2015-Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relics Gold(9)-(UJR-BD)
2015-Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relics Ruby(1)-(UJR-BD)
2015-Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relics Sapphire(3)-(UJR-BD)
2015-Topps Updates All Star Jumbo Patches(6)-(ASJP-BD)
2015-Topps Updates All Star Stitches Platinum(1)-2015(STIT-BD)
2015-Topps Updates Black(64)-(US62)
2015-Topps Updates Pink(50)-(US62)
2015-opps Updates Platinum(1)-(US-62)
2015-Topps Updates Printing Plates Black(1)-(US 62)
2015-Topps Updates Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(US 62)
2015-Topps Updates Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(US 62)
2015-Topps Updates Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(US 62)
2015-Topps Updates Rainbow Foil-(US-62)
2016-Bowman 10 x 14
3016-Bowman 10 x 14 Gold 10 x14
2016-Bowman Metallic(1)-(53)
2016-Bowman Platinum Black(1)-(71)
2016-Bowman Platinum Printing Plates Black(1)-(53)
2016-Bowman Platinum Printing Plates Cyan1)-(53)
2016-Bowman Platinum Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(53)
2016-Bowman Platinum Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(53)
2016-Bowman Printing Plates Black(1)-(53)
2016-Bowman Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(53)
2016-Bowman Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(53)
2016-Bowman Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(53)
2016-Bowman Red(5)-(53)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Optic Gold(10)(17)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Optic Gold Vinyl(1)-(17)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Optic Green(5)-(17)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Printing Press Black(1)-17)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Printing Press Cyan(1)-(17)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Printing Press Magenta(1)-17)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Printing Press Yellow(1)-(17)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Test Proof Black DK(26)-(17)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Test Proof Magenta DK(10)-(17)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Test Proof Yellow DK(5)-17)
2016-Donruss Optic Gold(10)-(159)
2016-Donruss Optic Gold Vinyl(1)-(159)
2016-Donruss Optic Greenl(1)-(159)
2016-Donruss Optic Pink(1)-(159)*
2016-Donruss Printing Press Black(1)-(115)
2016-Donruss Printing Press Cyan(1)-(115)
2016-Donruss Printing Press Magenta(1)-(115)
2016-Donruss Printing Press Yellow(1)-(115)
2016-Donruss Test Proof DK Yellow(1)-(115)
2016-Finest Franchise Finest Red Refractors(5)-(FF-BD)
2016-Finest Franchise Finest Superfractor (1)-(FF-BD)
2016-Finest Printing Plates Blacks(1)-41)
2016-Finest Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(41)
2016-Finest Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(41)
2016-Finest Printing Plates Yellow 1)-(41)
2016-Finest Red Refractors(1)-(41)
2016-Finest Superfractors(1)-(41)
2016-Minnesota Twins Police Card-(4)
2016-Panini Immaculate Jumbo Nameplate(1)-(IJ-BD)
2016-Panini Immaculate Jumbo Patch(3)-(IJ-BD)
2016-Panini Immaculate Jumbo Sleeve Patch(1)-(100I
2016-Panini Immaculate National Treasures Game Dated Prime(15)-(GD-BD)
2016-Panini Immaculate National Treasures Game Dated Prime Brand Logo(1)-(4)
2016-Panini Immaculate National Treasures Game Dated Prime Jersey Number-(1)-(4)
2016-Panini Immaculate National Treasures Game Dated Prime Laundry Tag(1)-(4)
2016-Panini Immaculate National Treasures Game Dated Prime Nameplate(3)-(4)
2016-Panini Immaculate National Treasures Game Dated Prime Team Log
2016-Panini Immaculate National Treasures Game Dated Prime Team Patch(1)-(4)
2016-Stadium Club 5 X 7(49)-(118)
2016-Stadium Club Gold 5 X 7(10)-(118)
2016-Topps 5 X 7 Blue(1)-(308)
2016-Topps 5 X 7 Red(5)-(308)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 X 7(49)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 X 7(49)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Cloth Exclusive(10)-(389)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Glossy(1)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Black Borders-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Exclusive-(389)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth(10)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth Printing Plates Black(1)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth Printing Plates Black(1)-(389)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(389)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(389)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Glossy(1)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Metal(3)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Metal Exclusive(3)-(389)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood(1)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood Exclusive(1)-(389)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter RIP(25)-(RIP-39)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter X)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini -(74)
2016-Topps Archives 5 X 7(49)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives Black Borders(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives Printing Plates Black(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Chrome Sapphire 65th Anniversary Edition Gold(5)-(308)
2016-Topps Heritage 5 X 7(10)-(74)
2016-Topps Heritage 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(74)
2016-Topps Archives Black Borders(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives Printing Plates Black(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Bunt t5 X 7(49)-(149)
2016-Topps Bunt 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(149)
2016-Topps Bunt Printing Plate Black(1)-(27)
2016-Topps Bunt Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(27)
2016-Topps Bunt Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(27)
2016-Topps Bunt Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(27)
2016-Topps Chrome Sapphire 65th Anniversary Edition Gold(5)-(308)
2016 Topps Chrome Blue Wave Refractor(75)-(183)
2016 Topps Chrome Orange Refractor(25)-(183)
2016-Topps Chrome Printing Plate Black(1)-(183)
2016-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(183)
2016-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(183)
2016-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(183)
2016-Topps Chrome Red Refractor(5)-(183)
2016-Topps Chrome Superfractor(1)-(183
2016-Topps Clear-(308)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Clear(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plate Black(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plate Cyan1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Graphite(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Green(99)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Leather(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Red(5)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plate Black(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plate Cyan1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Heritage Chrome Superfractor(1)-(427)
2016-Topps Chrome Heritage Gold Refractor(5)-(427)
2016-Topps Heritage Grain Front/Glossy Back(5)-(427)
2016-Topps In The Name of Relics(1)-ITNBD)(D)
2016-Topps In The Name of Relics(1)-ITNBD)(O)
2016-Topps In The Name of Relics(1)-ITNBD)(Z)
2016-Topps In The Name of Relics(1)-ITNBD)(I)
2016-Topps In The Name of Relics(1)-ITNBD)(E)
2016-Topps In The Name of Relics(1)-ITNBD)(R)
2016-Topps Industry Summit(1)-(308)
2016-Topps Mini Blue(10)-(308)
2016-Topps Mini Platinum (1)-(308)
2016-Topps Mini Red(5)-(308)
2016-Topps Minnesota Twins-(MT-4)
2016-Topps Museum Collection Jumbo Lumber Nameplate(1)-(JLNP-BD)
2016-Topps Platinum(1)-(308)
2016-Topps Printing Plate Black(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Printing Plate Cyan1)-(121)
2016-Topps Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Purple-(306)
2016-Topps Tier One All Star Relic Jumbo(1)-(T1ASR-BD)
2016-Topps Tier OneAll Star Jumbo ASG Patches(1)-(-(ASJP-BD)
2016-Topps Tier One All Star Jumbo Sleeves(1)-(-(ASJS-BD)
2016-Topps Tier One Bat Knob(1)-T1BK-BD)
2016-Topps Tier One Limit Number(1)-(LL-BD)
2016-Triple Threads All-Star Laundry Tags Relics(1)-(ASLT-BD)
2016-Triple Threads All-Star Majestic Logo Patches(1)-(ASLM-BD)
2016-Triple Threads All-Star Patches(3)-(TTASP-BD)
2016-Triple Threads All-Star Patches Ruby(1)-(TTASP-BD)
2017-Bowman Chrome Superfractor(1)-(54)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Signatures Black(1)-(RS-BD)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Signatures Blue(99)-(RS-BD)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Signatures Green(5)-((RS-BD)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Signatures Blue(99)-(RS-BD)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Variation Aqueous Test Proof(49)-(RV-21)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Variation Artist Proof(10)-(RV-21)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Variation Pink Borders(25)-(RV-21)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Variation Press Proof(5)-(RV-21)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Variation Printing Plates Black(1)(RV-21)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Variation Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(RV-21)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Variation Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(RV-21)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Variation Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(RV-21)
2017-Donruss Dominator Black(25)-(D-9)
2017-Donruss Magenta Back-(120)
2017-Donruss Optic Black(25)-(116)
2017-Donruss Optic Dominator Gold Vinyl(1)-(D-7)
2017-Donruss Optic Dominator Green(5)-(D-7)
2017-Donruss Optic Gold(10)-(116)
2017-Donruss Optic Gold Vinyl(1))-(116)
2017-Donruss Optic Green(5))-(116)
2017-Donruss Pink Borders(25)-(120)
2017-Donruss Press Proof(5)-(120)
2017-Finest 5 X 7 (99)-(NNO)
2017-Finest 5 X 7 Gold (1)-(NNO)
2017-Finest 10 X 14 (99)-(NNO)
2017-Finest 10 X 14 Gold (1)-(NNO)
2017-Finest Superfractor(1)-(28)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #1(1)-(91
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #2(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #3(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #4(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #5(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #6(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #7(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #8(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #9(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #10(1)-(91)
22017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #11(1)-(91)
22017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #12(1)-(91
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #13(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #14(2)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #15(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #16(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #17(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #18(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #19(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #20(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #21(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #22(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #23(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #24(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #25(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #26(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #27(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #28(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #29(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #30(1))-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #31(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #33(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #34(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #35(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #36(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #37(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #38(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #39(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #40(1))-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #41(1)-(91
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #42(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #43(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #44(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #45(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #46(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #47(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #48(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #49(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #50(1)-(91)
22017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #51(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #52(1)-(91
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #53(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #54(2)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #55(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #56(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #77(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #58(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #59(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #60(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #61(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #62(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #63(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #64(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #65(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #66(1-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #67(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #68(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #69(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #70(1))-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #71(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #72(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #73(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #74(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #75(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #76(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #77(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #78(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #79(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #80(1))-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #81(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #82(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #83(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #84(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #85(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #86(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #87(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #88(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #89(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #90(1))-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #91(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #92(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #93(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #94(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #95(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #96(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #97(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #98(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #99(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #100(1))-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #101(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #102(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #103(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #104(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #105(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #106(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #107(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #108(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #109(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #110(1))-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #111(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #112(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #113(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #114(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #115(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run 116(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #117(1)-(91)
2017-Panini Chronicle Black(1)-(91)
2017-Panini Chronicle Red(25)-(91)
2017-Panini Chronicle Triple Threat Materials Gold(10)-(TTM-BD)
2017-Panini Chronicle Triple Threat Materials Green(5)-(TTM-BD)
2017-Panini Chronicle Triple Threat Materials Nebula(1)-(TTM-BD)
2017-Panini Chronicle Triple Threat Materials Pink(49)-(TTM-BD)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Aurora Masterpiece(1)-(A-1)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings DK Signatures Framed Holo Black Masterpieces(1)-(73)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Holo Blue(10))-(DKS-BD)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings DK Signatures Holo Gold(15)-(DKS-BD)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings DK Signatures Holo Silver(25))-(DKS-BD)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Jersey Kings Holo Blue(10)-(JK-BR)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Jersey Kings Holo Gold(25)-(JK-BR)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Jersey Kings Masterpieces(1)-(JKS-BD)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Jersey Kings Signatures(25)-(JKS-BD)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Jersey Kings Signatures Holo Blue(10)-(JKS-BR)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Jersey Kings Signatures Holo Gold(15)-(JKS-BR)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Jersey Kings Signatures Masterpiece(1)-(JKS-BR)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Masterpiece(1)-(73)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Masterpiece Framed Black(1)-(73)
2017-Panini Diamond King Sketches and Swatches Holo Blue(5)-(2)
2017-Panini Diamond King Sketches and Swatches Holo Gold(15)-(2)
2017-Panini Diamond King Sketches and Swatches Masterpieces(1)-(2)
2017-Panini -Flawless Flawless Signatures(20)-(FS-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Flawless Signatures Black(1)-(FS-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Emerald(3)-(FS-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Gold(5)-(FS-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Ruby(15)-(FS-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Sapphire(10)-(FS-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Memorable Marks(20)-(MM-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Memorable Marks Black(1)-(MM-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Memorable Marks Emerald(3)-(MM-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Memorable MarksGold((5)-(MM-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Memorable Marks Ruby)(15)-(MM-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Memorable Marks Sapphire(10)-(MM-BD)
2017-Panini Panini Flawless Patch Autographs Black(1)-(PA-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Patch Autographs Emerald)(5)-(PA-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Patch Autographs Gold (10)-(PA-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Patch Autographs Ruby(20)-(PA-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Patch Autographs Sapphire(15)-(PA-BD)
2017-Panini Immaculate Collection Blue(10)-(73)
2017-Panini Immaculate Collection Gold(5)-(73)
2017-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Trio Players(25)-(ITP-DSM)
2017-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Trio Players Blue(10)-((ITP-DSM)
2017-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Trio Players Platinium(1)-((ITP-DSM)
2017-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Triple Signatures(25)-(TS-APD)
2017-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Triple Signatures Blue(10)-(TS-APD)
2017-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Triple Signatures Platinum(1)-(TS-APD)
2017-Panini Immaculate Collection Platinum(1)-(73)
2017-Panini Immaculate Printing Plates Black(1)-(73)
2017-Panini Immaculate Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(73)
2017-Panini Immaculate Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(73)
2017-Panini Immaculate Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(73)
2017-Panini Immaculate Red(25)-(73)
2017-Panini Immaculate Shadow Box Materials(15)-(SM-BD)
2017-Panini National Treasures Colossal Materials Brand Logo(1)-(CM-BD)
2017-Panini National Treasures Colossal Materials Brand Tags(1)-(CM-BD)
2017-Panini National Treasures Colossal Materials Jersey Number(10)-(CM-BD)
2017-Panini National Treasures Colossal Materials Laundry Tag(1)-(CM-BD)
2017-Panini National Treasures Colossal Materials Patch(1)-(CM-BD)
2017-Panini National Treasures Colossal Materials Team Logo(5)-(CM-BD)
2017-Panini National Treasures Hometown Heroes Platinum(1)-(HH-BD)
2017-Stadium Club 5 X 7(49)-(100)
2017-Stadium Club 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(100)
2017-Stadium Club 10 X 14(99)-(100)
2017-Stadium Club 10 X 14 Gold(10)-(100)
2017-Stadium Club First Day Issue-(100)
2017-Stadium Club Gold Rainbow Foil(1)-(100)
2017-Stadium Club Member Only-(100)
2017-Stadium Club Rainbow Foil(25)-(100)
2017-Topps 5 x 7 (99)-(543)
2017-Topps 5 x 7 Gold(10)-(543)
2017-Topps 65th Anniversary Party 2014 First Edition(1)-(221)
2017-Topps 65th Anniversary Party 2016 Chrome Sapphire(1)-(308)
2017-Topps 65th Stamp(1)-(543)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 X 7(49)-(74)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(74)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter 10 X 10(99)-(NNO)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter 10 X 14 Gold(1)-(NNO)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth(10)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Black(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Black(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Glossy(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Metal(3)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter Vault Blank Bank(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter X Framed Mini Printing Plates Black(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter X Framed Mini Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter X Framed Mini Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter X Framed Mini Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Red(5)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Silver(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Archives 5 X 7(49)-(49)
2017-Topps Archives 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(49)
2017-Topps Archives 10 X 14(99)-(NNO)
2017-Topps Archives 10 X 14(1)-(NNO)
2017-Topps Archives Black(1)-(49)
2017-Topps Bunt 5 X 7(49)-(151)
2017-Topps Bunt 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(151)
2017-Topps Bunt 10 X 14(99)-(NNO)
2017-Topps Bunt 10 X 14 Gold(10)-(NNO)
2017-Topps Bunt Printing Plates Black(1)-(151)
2017-Topps Bunt Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(151)
2017-Topps Bunt Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(151)
2017-Topps Bunt Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(151)
2017-Topps Bunt Purple(25)-(151)
2017-Topps Bunt Red(1)-(151)
2017-Topps Chrome Gold Refractor(50)-(190)*
2017-Topps Chrome Printing Plate Black(1)-(190)
2017-Topps Chrome Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(190)
2017-Topps Chrome Printing Plate Magenta 1)-(190)
2017-Topps Chrome Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(190)
2017-Topps Chrome Red Refractor(5)-(190)
2017-Topps Chrome Sapphire Edition Gold(5)-(543)
2017-Topps Chrome Sapphire Edition Superfractor(5)-(543)
2017-Topps Father’s Day Powder Blue(25)-(543)
2017-Topps Fire 5 X 7(49)-(119)
2017-Topps Fire 5 X 7 Gold 5 X 7(10)-(119)
2017-Topps Fire Walk It Off 5 X 7(49)-(119)
2017-Topps Fire Walk It Off 5 X 7 Gold 5 X 7(10)-(119)
2017-Topps Fire 10 X 14(49)-(119)
2017-Topps Fire 10X 14 Gold 10 X 14(10)-(119)
2017-Topps Fire Walk It Off 10 X 14(49)-(119)
2017-Topps Fire Walk It Off 10X 14 Gold 10 X 14(10)-(119)
2017-Topps Fire Inferno(1)-(119)
2017-Topps Five Tool 5 X 7(49 )-(T41)
2017-Topps Five Tool 10 X 14 Gold(10 )-(T41)
2017-Topps Five Tool 10 X 14(99)-(T41)
2017-Topps Five Tool 5 X 7(1 )-(T41)
2017-Topps Gallery Artist Originals(1)-(136)
2017-Topps Gallery Masterpiece Red(1)-(136)
2017-Topps Gallery Printing Plates Black(1)-(136)
2017-Topps Gallery Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(136)
2017-Topps Gallery Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(136)
2017-Topps Gallery Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(136)
2017-Topps Gallery Red(1)-(136)
2017-Topps Gypsy Queen 5 X 7 (49)-(269)
2017-Topps Gypsy Queen Gold 5 X 7(10)-(269)
2017-Topps Gypsy Queen 10 X 14(199)-2017(269)
2017-Topps Gypsy Queen 10 X 14 Gold(1)-2017(269)
2017-Topps Gypsy Queen Black(1)-(269)
2017-Topps Gypsy Queen Black and White(50)-(269)
2017-Topps Gypsy Queen Blank Back(1)-(269)
2017-Topps Heritage 1968 Baseball Game 5 X 7(49)-(30)
2017-Topps Heritage 1968 Baseball Game 5 X 7 Gold 5 X 7(49)-(30)
2017-Topps Heritage 5 X 7 (49)-(465)
2017-Topps Heritage 5 X 7 Gold 5 X 7 (10)-(465)
2017-Topps Heritage 10 X 14 (99)-(30)
2017-Topps Heritage 10 X 14 Gold 5 X 7 (1)-(30)
2017-Topps Heritage Blue Borders-(465)
2017-Topps Heritage Bright Yellow Backs-(465)
2017-Topps Heritage Chrome Blue Refractor(68)-THC-465)
2017-Topps Heritage Chrome Gold Refractor(5)-(THC-465)
2017-Topps Heritage Chrome Superfractor(1)-(THC-465)
2017-Topps Heritage Grey Backs(10)-(THC-465)
22017-Topps Heritage Reverse Stock-(465)
2017-Topps Inception 5 x 7(49)-17
2017-Topps Inception 5 x 7 Gold(10)-(17)
2017-Topps Inception 10 x 14(99)-17
2017-Topps Inception 10 x 14 Gold(1)-(17)
2017-Topps Inception Blue(25)-(17)
2017-Topps Inception Inception(1)-(17)
2017-Topps Inception Printing Plates Black(1)-(17)
2017-Topps Inception Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(17)
2017-Topps Inception Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(17)
2017-Topps Inception Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(17)
2017-Topps Inception Red(75)-(17)
2017-Topps Memorial Day Camo(25)-(543)
2017 Topps Minnesota Twins 5 X 7(99)-(MIN-16)
2017 Topps Minnesota Twins Gold(10)5 X 7-(MIN-16)
2017 Topps Minnesota Twins Red 5 X 7(5)-(MIN-16)
2017-Topps Mother Day Hot Pink(50)-(543)
2017-Topps On-Demand Mini-(543)
2017-Topps On-Demand Mini Blue(10)-(543)
2017-Topps On-Demand Mini Gold(1)-(543)
2017-Topps On-Demand Mini Red(5)-(543)
2017-Topps Opening Day 1 of 1 (1) -(162)
2017-Topps Opening Day 5 X 7 (49) -(162)
2017-Topps Opening Day Gold 5 X 7(10)(162)
2017-Topps Opening Day 5 X 7 Red(5) -(162)
2017-Topps Opening Day Superstar Celebration 5 X 7 (49) -(162)
2017-Topps Opening Day Superstar Celebration Gold 5 X 7 (10)-(162)
2017-Topps Opening Day 10 X 14 (99) -(162)
2017-ToppS Opening Day 10 X 14 Gold 10 X 14(1)(162
2017-Topps Opening Day Superstar Celebration 10 X 14 (99) -(162)
2017-Topps Opening Day Superstar Celebration 10 X 14 Gold 10 X 14 (10) -(162)
2017-Topps Team Set 5 x 7 (5)-(MIN 16)
2017-Topps Salute (49)5 x 7 -(S-143)DO NOT USE
2017-Topps Salute (49)5 x 7 -(S-143)
2017-Topps Salute Gold 5 x 7 (10)-(S-143)
2017-Topps Salute Platinum(1))-(143)
2017-Topps Sparkle Foil(175)-(543)
2017-Topps Tier One Relics(331)-(T1RBD)
2017-Topps Tier One Relics Dual(25)-(T1RBD)
2017-Topps Tier One Relics Triple(1)-(T1RBD)
2017-Topps Vintage Stock(99)-(543)*
2018-Bowman Chrome Superfractor(1)-(90)
2018-Bowman’s Best 5 X 7(49)-(20)
2018-Bowman’s Best 5 X 7 Gold 5 X 7(10)-(20)
2018-Bowman’s Best 10 X 14(99)-(20)
2018-Bowman’s Best 10 X 14 Gold 10 X 14(1)-(20)
2018-Bowman’s Best Red(10)-(20)
2018-Bowman’s Best Superfractor(1)-(20)
2018-Donruss 1984 Mother’s Day Ribbon(25)-(249)
2018-Donruss 1984 Press Proof(5)-(249)
2018-Donruss 1984 Printing Plates Black(1)-(249)
2018-Donruss 1984 Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(249)
2018-Donruss 1984 Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(249)
2018-Donruss 1984 Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(249)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Cracked Ice(7)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Gold(10)-17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Gold Vinyl(1)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Green(5)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Mother’s Day Ribbon(25)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Optic Gold(10)-17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Optic Gold Vinyl(1)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Optic Green(5)-17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Press Proof(5)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Printing Plates Black(1)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Stat Line Game Day(2)-(17)
2018-Donruss Optic Gold(10)-(74)
2018-Donruss Optic Gold Vinyl(1)-(74)
2018-Donruss Optic Green(5)-(74)
2018-Donruss Optic -(74)
2018-Donruss Optic Signatures Series-(SS-BD)*
2018-Donruss Optic Signatures Series Gold(10)-(SS-BD)
2018-Donruss Optic Signatures Series Gold Vinyl(1)-(SS-BD)
2018-Donruss Optic Signatures Series Green(5)-(SS-BD)
2018-Donruss Optic Signatures Series Red(25)-(SS-BD)
2018-Donruss Printing Plates Black(1)-(17)
2018-Donruss Printing Plates Cyan1)-(17)
2018-Donruss Printing Plates Magenta)-(17)
2018-Donruss Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(17)
2018-Donruss Stat Line Game Day(5)-(72)
2018-Finest Autographs Blue(150)-(FA-BD)
2018-Finest Autographs Orange(99)-(FA-BD)
2018-Finest Autographs Orange Wave(99)-(FA-BD)
2018-Finest Autographs Red(5)-(FA-BD)
2018-Finest Autographs Red Wave(5)-(FA-BD)
2018-Finest Autographs Superfractor(1)-(FA-BD)
2018-Finest Orange Refractor(25)-(69)
2018-Finest Red Refractor(5)-(69)
2018-Finest Superfractor(1)-(69)
2018-Panini Chronicle Spectra Nebula(1)-(41)
2018-Panini Diamond Kings Gallery of Stars Masterpiece(1)-(GS-8)
2018-Panini National Treasures 16 Players Materials Booklet(25)-(16-AM)
2018-Panini National Treasures 16 Players Materials Booklet Gold(1)-(16(1-AM)
2018-Panini National Treasures 16 Players Materials Booklet Platinum(1)-(16-AM)
2018-Panini National Treasures 32 Players Treasures Chest Materials Booklet(25)- (TC32-1)
2018-Panini National Treasures 32 Players Treasures Chest Materials Booklet Gold(10)-(TC32-1)
2018-Panini National Treasures 32 Players Treasures Chest Materials Booklet Platinum(1)-(TC32-1)
2018-Panini National Treasures Century Materials Signatures Gold(20)-(CSM-BD)
2018-Panini Treasures Century Materials Signatures Holo Gold(10)-(CSM-BD)
2018-Panini National Treasures Century Materials Signatures Platinum(1)- (CSM-BD)
2018-Panini National Treasures Century Materials Signatures Gold(20)-(CSM-BD)
2018-Panini Treasures Century Materials Signatures Holo Gold(10)-(CSM-BD)
2018-Panini National Treasures Century Materials Signatures Platinum(1)- (CSM-BD)
2018-Stadium Club 5 x 7(49)-(281)
2018-Stadium Club 5 x 7 Gold(10)-(281)
2018-Stadium Club First Day Issue-(281)
2018-Stadium Club Member Only-(281)
2018-Stadium Club Photographic Proof-(281)
2018-Stadium Club Rainbow Foilboard(25)-(281)
2018-Stadium Club Rainbow Foilboard Gold(1)-(281)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball All-Star 5 x 7(49-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball All Star Gold 5 x 7(10)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball All-Star Gold(50)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball All-Stars Mini-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Mini Red(10)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Platinum(1)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Autograph(Series 2)-(83A-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Autograph Black(Series 2)(99)-(83A-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Autograph Gold(Series 2)(25)-(83A-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Autograph Platinum(Series 2)(1)-(83A-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Autograph Red(Series 2)(5)-(83A-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball 5 x 7(49-(83-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Gold 5 x 7(10)-(83-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Gold(50)-(83-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Mini-(83-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Mini Red(10)-(83-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Platinum(1)-(83-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Red(10)-(83-26)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 x 7(49)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 x 7 Gold(10)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Autograph Relic Book Card(10)-(ARBC-BD)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Black Framed Mini Baseball Autographed(25)-(MAG
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Blank Back(1)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Cloth(10)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Glossy Silver-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Mini Baseball Autograph-(MA-BD)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Mini Baseball Autograph Red Ink(10)- (MA-BD)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Mini Printing Plates Black(1)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Mini Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Mini Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Mini Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Baseball Superstition (Batting Gloves)-(MBS-2)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Exclusive Wood(1)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Glossy(1)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Gold-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Metal(3)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood(1)-(111)
2018 Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Framed Autograph Baseball(25)-(MA-BD)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Red(5)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Silver(1)-(111)
2018-Topps Archive 1969 and 1977 Signature Omissions-(42)
2018-Topps Archive 1959 VenezuelaN-(42)
2018-Topps Archives Black(1)-(AS-BD)
2018-Topps Archives Gold(10)-(AS-BD)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series)(1)-(28)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series(2012 Bowman Draft Picks and Prospects Buyback Autographs)(50)-(39)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series(2016 Bowman Buyback Autographs)(68)-(53)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series(2016 Bowman Chrome Buyback- Autographs) (4)-(53)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series( 2017 Bowman Chrome Buyback Autographs)(7)-(54)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series(2017 Topps Allen and Ginter Buyback Autographs)(1)-(77)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series(2017 Topps Bunt BuybackAutographs) (53)-(151)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series(2015 Topps Allen and Ginter Buyback Autograph ) (5)-(156)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series(2017 Topps Chrome Buyback Autograph ) (22)-(190)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series(2015 Topps Buyback Autograph )(54)-(259)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series(2016 Topps Buyback Autograph ) (91)-(308)
2018-Topps Archives Snapshots Black(1)-(AS-BD)
2018-Topps Archives Snapshots Gold(10)-(AS-BD)
2018-Topps Big League Red Foil(1)-(23)
2018-Topps Chrome Blue Refractor(150)-(140)*
2018-Topps Chrome Orange Refractor(25)-(140)
2018-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)-(140)
2018-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(140)
2018-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(140)
2018-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(140)
2018-Topps Chrome Red Refractor(5)-(140)
2018-Topps Chrome Red Wave Refractor(5)-(140)
2018-Topps Chrome Sapphire Edition Ruby Sapphire(10)-(130)
2018-Topps Chrome Sapphire Edition Superfractor(1)-(130)
2018-Topps Chrome Superfractor(1)-(130)
2018-Topps Clear(10)-(130)
2018-Topps Clear(ly Authentic MLB Awards Autographs-(MLAA-BD
2018-Topps Clear(ly Authentic MLB Awards Autographs Blue(25)-(MLAA-BD
2018-Topps Clear(ly Authentic MLB Awards Autographs Gold(1)-(MLAA-BD
2018-Topps Clear(ly Authentic MLB Awards Autographs Orange(5)-(MLAA-BD
2018-Topps Clear(ly Authentic MLB Awards Autographs Purple(10)-(MLAA-BD
2018-Topps Clear(ly Authentic MLB Awards Autographs Red(5)-(MLAA-BD
2018-Topps Fire Autograph Patch-(FAP-BD)
2018-Topps Fire Autograph Patch Blue(15)-(FAP-BD)
2018-Topps Fire Autograph Patch Inferno(1)-(FAP-BD)
2018-Topps Fire Relics Inferno(1)-(FR-BD)
2018-Topps Fire Relics Magenta(25)-(FR-BD)
2018-Topps Fire Relics Purple-(FR-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Blue(25)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Gold(10)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Green(15)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Orange(5)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Purple-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Red(1)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Silver Signature(35)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Silver Signature Blue(20)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Silver Signature Gold(10)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Silver Signature Green(15)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five StarSilver Signature Orange(5)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Silver Signature Purple(25)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Silver Signature Red(1)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Gold Label Class 1 Gold(1)-(61)
2018-Topps Gold Label Class 2 Gold(1)-(61)
2018-Topps Gold Label Class 3 Gold(1)-(61)
2018-Topps Gold Label Framed Autographed Gold(1)-(FA-BD)
2018-Topps Gold Label Framed Autographed Red(25)-(FA-BD)
2018-Topps Gypsy Queen Black(1)-(269)
2018-Gypsy Queen 5 x 7(49)-(269)
2018-Topps Gypsy Queen Gold 5x 7(10)-(269)
2018-Topps Heritage 5x 7(49)-(356)
2018-Topps Heritage Gold 5x 7(49)-(356)
2018-Topps Heritage 100th Anniversary-(356)
2018-Topps Heritage Magenta Back-(356)
2018-Topps MLB Awards 5x 7(49)-(MLBA-18)
2018-Topps Heritage Reverse Stock-(356)
2018-Topps High Tek Autographs-(HT-BD)*
2018-Topps High Tek Black Magma Diffractor(50)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Black Orbit Diffractor(50)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Black Rainbow Foil(50)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Blue Rainbow Foil(150)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Gallactic Diffractor-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Gold Gallactic Diffractor(1)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Gold Magma Diffractor(1)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Gold Orbit Diffractor(1)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Gold Rainbow Foil(1)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Gold SpeTEKular Diffracctor(1)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Green Magma Diffractor(1)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Green Rainbow Foil(99)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Autographs Black(50)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Autographs Blue(75)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Autographs Gold(1)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Autographs Green(99)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Autographs Orange(25)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Autographs Red(10)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Magma Diffractor(1)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Orange Gallactic Diffractor(25)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Orange Magma Diffractor(25)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Orange Orbit Diffractor(25)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Orange Rainbow Foil25)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Orbit Diffractor-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Pattern 2-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Pattern 3-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Pattern 4-(HT-BD
2018-Topps High Tek Rainbow Foil-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Red Gallactic Diffractor(10)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Red Magma Diffractor(10)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Red Orbit Diffractor(10)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Red Rainbow Foil10)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps Holiday Metallic Snowflake Gold(1)-(HMW-273)
2018-Topps Home Run Challenge Winners (Series One)-HRC-BD)
2018-Topps Home Run Challenge Winners(Series Two)-HRC-BD)
2018-Topps Home Run Challenge Winners August(Gray)(40)-HRC-BD)
2018-Topps Home Run Challenge Winners July(Red)(27)-HRC-BD)
2018-Topps Home Run Challenge WinnersJune(Blue)((11)-HRC-BD)
2018-Topps Home Run Challenge Winners March/April(Silver)(23-(HRC-BD)
2018-Topps Home Run Challenge WinnersMay(Pink)(11)-HRC-BD)
2018-Topps Home Run Challenge Winners September(Black)(32)-HRC-BD)
2018-Topps Indepence Day(76)-(130)
2018-Topps MLB Awards Gold 5x 7(10)-(MLBA-18)
2018-Major League Autograph Relics Platinum(1)-MLMA-BD)
2018-Major League Autograph Relics Red(25)-MLMA-BD) *
2018-Major League Autograph Relics Autographs Platinum(Series 2)(30) -MLMA-BD)
2018-Major League Autograph Relics Autographs Red(Series 2)(25)-MLMA-BD)
2018-Topps Memorial Day Camo(25)-(130)
2018-MLB Awards Platinum(1)-(MLBA-18)
2018-MLB Awards Red(10)-(MLBA-18)
2018-MLB Independence Day US Flag Manufactured Patch Autographs(10)- (IDMLA-BD)
2018-MLB Independence Day US Flag Manufactured Patch Relics Blue(50)- (IDMLA-BD)
2018-MLB Independence Day US Flag Manufactured Patch Relics Platinum(1)- (IDMLA-BD)
2018-MLB Independence Day US Flag Manufactured Patch Relics Red(25)- (IDMLA-BD
2018-Topps Museum Collection Archival Autographs(299)-(AA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Archival Autographs Copper(50)-(AA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Archival Autographs Emerald(1)-(AA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Archival Autographs Gold(25)-(AA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Meaningful Materials Patch Relics Copper(35)- (MMR-BD)*
2018-Topps Museum Collection Meaningful Materials Patch Relics Emerald(1)- (MMR-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Meaningful Materials Patch Relics Gold(25)- (MMR-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Meaningful Materials Patch Relics Red(10)-(MMR-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Framed Autographs Blacks(5)-MFA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Framed Autographs Gold(10)-MFA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Framed Autographs Silver(15 )-MFA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Dual Relics Autographs(199)-(DRA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Memorabilia(1)-MM-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Memorabilia Laundry Tags(1)-MM-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Memorabilia Laundry Tags(1)-MM-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Dual Relics Autographs(199)-(DRA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Triple Relics Autographs(149)-(TRA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Dual Relics Autographs(199)- (DRA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Dual Relics Autographs Copper(50)- (DRA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Dual Relics Autographs Gold(25)-( DRA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Triple Relics Autographs(149)-(TRA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Triple Relics Autographs Copper-(TRA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Triple Relics Autographs Emerald(1)-(TRA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Triple Relics Autographs Gold(5)-(TRA-BD)
2018-Topps Now Black and White(1)-(461)
2018-Topps Now Black and White(1)-(543)
2018-Topps Now Road to Open Day Autograph-(OD-139B)
2018-Topps Now Road to Open Day Autograph)( OD-130C)
2018-Topps Now Road to Open Day Autograph-(OD-139D)
2018-Topps Now Road to Open Day Autograph-)(OD-13s 9E)
2018-Topps Now Road to Open Day Autograph- (OD-139F)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini-(83-26)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Blue(10)-(130)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Blue(10)-(US-263)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Gold(1)-(130)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Gold(1)-(US-263)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Green(5)-(130)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Green(5)-(US-263)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Pink(25)-(130)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Pink(25)-(US-263)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Platinum(1)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Platinum(1)-(83-26)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Red(10)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Red(10)-)(83-26)
2018-Topps On the Demand 1983 Topps All-Star(1)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps On the Demand Mini 1983 Topps All-Star(1)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps On the Demand 1983 Topps All-Star Platinum(1)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps On the Demand 1983 Topps All-Star Red(10)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps On the Demand 1983 Topps-(83-44)
2018-Topps On the Demand 1983 Topps Platinum(1)-(83-44)
2018-Topps On the Demand 1983 Topps Red(10)-(83-44)
2018-Topps Opening Day Stars 5x 7(49)-(MLBA-18)
2018-Topps Opening Day Stars Gold 5x 7(10)-(MLBA-18)
2018-Topps Opening Day Stars-(ODS-BD)
2018-Topps Platinum(1)-(130)
2018-Topps Printing Plates Black(1)-(130)
2018-Topps Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(130)
2018-Topps Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(130)
2018-Topps Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(130)
2018-Topps Tier One Prime Performer Autograph(285)-(PPA-BD)
2018-Topps Tier One Prime Performer Autograph Bronze Ink(25)-(PPA-BD)
2018-Topps Tier One Prime Performer Autograph Gold Ink(1)-(PPA-BD)
2018-Topps Tier One Prime Performer Autograph Silver Ink(10)-(PPA-BD)
2018-Topps Tier One Talent Autograph Bronze Ink(25)-(TTA-BD)
2018-Topps Tier One Talent Autograph Gold Ink(1)-(TTA-BD)
2018-Topps Tier One Talent Autograph Silver Ink(10)-(TTA-BD)
2018-Topps Tier One Talent Autograph Bronze Ink(25)-(TTA-BD)
2018-Topps Transcendent VIP Party ‘17 Topps Chrome Sapphire Edition(1)-(543)
2018-Topps Transcendent VIP Party ‘17 Topps Preview(1)-(130)
2018-Topps Trip;e Threads Autograph Relics(18)-(TTAR-BD1)(TTAR-BD2) (TTAR-BD3)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold(9)-(TTAR-BD1)(TTAR-BD2) (TTAR-BD3)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Ruby(1)-(TTAR-BD1) (TTAR-BD2)(TTAR-BD3)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Sapphire(3)-(TTAR-BD1) (TTAR-BD2)(TTAR-BD3)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Black(1)-(TTAR-BD1)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Black(1)-(TTAR-2)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Black(1)-(TTAR-3)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Cyan1)-(TTAR-BD1)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Cyan1)-(TTAR-BD2)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Cyan1)-)(TTAR-BD3)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(TTAR-BD1)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Magenta(1)-)(TTAR-BD2)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(TTAR-BD3)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(TTAR-BD1)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(TTAR-BD2)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(TTAR_BD3)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Wood(1)- (TTAR-BD1)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Wood(1)- (TTAR-BD2)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Wood(1)- (TTAR-BD3)
2018-Topps Update Jackie Robinson Day Manufactured Patch Blue(50)-(US-263
2018-Topps Update Jackie Robinson Day Manufactured Patch Gold(99 )-(US-263
2018-Topps Update Jackie Robinson Day Manufactured Patch Platinum(1 )- (US-263
2018-Topps Update Jackie Robinson Day Manufactured Patch Red(25 )-(US-263
2018-Topps Update Platinum(1))-(US-263)
2018-Topps Update Printing Plate Black(1))-(US-263
2018-Topps Update Printing Plate Cyan(1))-(US-263)
2018-Topps Update Printing Plate Magenta(1))-(US-263)
2018-Topps Update Printing Plate Yellow(1))-(US-263)
2018-Topps Update Rainbow Foil-(US-263)
2019-Stadium Club 5 X 7(49)-(261)
2019-Stadium Club Gold 5 X 7(10)-(261)
2019-Stadium Club 10 X 14(99)-(NNO)
2019-Stadium Club-(261)
2019-Stadium Club Black and White-(261)
2019-Stadium Club Black Foil-(261)
2019-Stadium Club First Day Issue-(261)
2019-Stadium Club Photographer’s Proof-(261)
2019-Stadium Club Rainbow Foilboard Gold-(261)
2019-Stadium Club Rainbow Foilboard(25)-(261)
2019-Stadium Club Red Foil-(261)
2019-Stadium Club Sepia-(261)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 X 7(49)-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Gold 5 X 7(10)-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Glossy(1)-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Gold-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Brooklyn Back-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Black(1)-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Glossy-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Gold Border-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini No Card Number-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Red(5)-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Silver(1) -(244)
2019-Topps 5 X 7(49)-(244)
2019-Topps 5 x 7 Gold(10) x 7(10)-(244)
2019-Topps Chrome Debut Gear Relics-(DG-BD)
2019-Topps Chrome Debut Gear Relics Green Refractor(99)-(DG-BD)
2019-Topps Chrome Debut Gear Relics Orange Refractors(25) -(DG-BD)
2019-Topps Chrome Debut Printing Plates Black(1)-(DG-BD)
2019-Topps Chrome Debut Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(DG-BD)
2019-Topps Chrome Debut Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(DG-BD
2019-Topps Chrome Debut Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(DG-BD)
2019-Topps Chrome Debut Gear Relics Red Refractor(5)-(DG-BD)
2019-Topps Chrome Debut Gear Relics SuperFractor(1)-(DG-BD)
2019-Topps Heritage 5 X 7(49)-(529)
2019-Topps Heritage 5 X 7 Gold 5 x 7(10)-(529)
2019-Topps Heritage 10 X 14(99)-(529)
2019-Topps Heritage 10 X 14 Gold 10 x 14(1)-(529)
2019-Topps Heritage Chrome Black Border(69)-(THC-529)
2019-Topps Heritage Chrome Gold Refractor(5)-(THC-529)
2019-Topps Heritage Chrome Purple Refractor(5)-(THC-529)
2019-Topps Heritage Chrome Superfractor(569)-(THC-529)
2019-Topps Heritage Mini(100)-(529)
2019-Topps Heritage O-Pee-Chee Back -(529)
2019-Topps Now Future World Series Chrome Winners-(WSC-14)
2019-Topps Now Future World Series Chrome Winners Black(99)-(WSC-14)
2019-Topps Now Future World Series Chrome Winners Green(199)-(WSC-14)
2019-Topps Now Future World Series Chrome Winners Orange(5)-(WSC-14)
2019-Topps Now Future World Series Chrome Winners Purple(25)-(WSC-14)
2019-Topps Now Future World Series Chrome Winners Red(10)-(WSC-14)
2019-Topps Now Future World Series Chrome Winners Superfractor(1)-(WSC-14)
2019-Topps Now Postseason-(PS-83)
2019-Topps Now World Series Champions-(WSC-14)
2019-Topps On-Demands Mini Blue(25)-US-(158)
2019-Topps On-Demands Mini Pink(10)-US-(158)
2019-Topps On-Demands Mini Platinum(1)-US-(158)
2019-Topps On-Demands Mini Red(5)-US-(158)
2019-Topps Total Gold(1)-(754)
2019-Topps Total Red(10)l-(754)
2019-Topps Update Independence Day(76)-(US-158)
2019-Topps Update Memorial Day Camo(25)-(US-158)
2019-Topps Update Platinum(1)-(US-158)
2019-Topps Update Printing Plate Black(1)-(US-158)
2019-Topps Update Printing Plate Cyan1)-(US-158)
2019-Topps Update Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(US-158)
2019-Topps Update Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(US-158)
2019-Topps Update Purple-(US-158)*
2019-Topps Update Vintage Stock(99)-(US-158)*
2020-Topps World Series Championship Relics(99)-(WCR-BD)
2020-Topps World Series Championship Relics Platinum(1)-(WCR-BD)
2020-Topps World Series Championship Relics Red(25)-(WCR-BD)
2020-Topps Heritage Flip Stock-(635)

Gary Gaetti
524 of 712=74%
1988-Donruss Pack Set-(INC 194)
1988-Topps Cloth Test-(NNO)
1989-OPC Sticker-(G. Gaetti-(8)
1989-T & M Sports Action Photos-(NNO)
1990-Little Big Leaders Panels-(NNO)
1990-Phoenix Baseball Magnetables-(95)
1990-Sportflics Promos-(51)
1991-Upper Deck-(34)(Baseball Hologram)
1991-Upper Deck-(34)(Crossing Hockey Stick)
1992-California Angels Police-(10)
1992-Pinnacle/Score Promo Panels -(24/21/36/39)
1992-Pinnacle/Score Promo Panels -(84/81/96/99)
1992-Pinnacle/Score Promo Panels-(36/39/45/41)
1993-California Angels Headshots Photo-(NNO)
1993-Photo File Team Collage-(NNO)
1994-Kansas City Royals Photocards-(NNO)
1995-Kansas City Royals Photocards-(NNO)
1996-Sportflix Artist Proof-(40)
1997-Donruss Team Set Pennant Edition-(161)
1997-Leaf Fractal Matrix Die Cut-(277)
1997-New Pinnacle Press Plates Preview Backs Black(1)-(136)
1997-New Pinnacle Press Plates Preview Backs Cyan(1)-(136)
1997-New Pinnacle Press Plates Preview Backs Magenta(1)-(136)
1997-New Pinnacle Press Plates Preview Backs Yellow(1)-(136)
1997-New Pinnacle Press Plates Preview Fronts Black(1)-(136)
1997-New Pinnacle Press Plates Preview Fronts Cyan(1)-(136)
1997-New Pinnacle Press Plates Preview Fronts Magenta(1)-(136)
1997-New Pinnacle Press Plates Preview Fronts Yellow(1)-(136)
1997-Pacific Crown Collection Silver-(408)
1997-Upper Deck(White Back-(373))
1998-Pacific Invincible Silver-(133)
1998-Pacific Omega Red-(196)
1998-Pacific Online Winners-610)
1998-Pacific Paramount Gold-1(228)
1998-Pacific Paramount Holographic Silver-1(228)
1998-Pacific Platinum Blue-(228)
1998-Score Showcase Series-(202)
1998-Score Cardinals -(14)
1998-Score Cardinals Platinum-(14)
1998-Stadium Club First Day Issue(200)-(232)
1998-Stadium Club Printing Plates Black(1)-(232)
1998-Stadium Club Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(232)
1998-Stadium Club Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(232)
1998-Stadium Club Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(232)
1998-Topps Chrome Refractor-(72)
1998-Ultra Masterpiece-(15)
1998-Ultra Platinum Medallion-(15)
1999-Fleer Tradition Starting 9(9)-(407)
1999-Pacific Paramount Holographic Gold(199)-(47)
1999-Pacific Paramount Red-(47)
1999-Upper Deck Exclusive Gold(10)-(333)
2002-New Orleans Zephyrs-(26)
2004-Topps All-Time Fan Favorites Refractors-(134)
2004-Topps Retired Signature Edition-(107)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan Favorites-Autograph Rainbow(10)-(FFA-GG)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan FavoritesPrinting Plates Black(1)-(72)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan FavoritesPrinting Plates Cyan(1)-(72)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan FavoritesPrinting Plates Magenta(1)-(72)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan FavoritesPrinting Plates Yellow(1)-(72)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan Favorites Refractors Gold(25)-(72)
2008-TriStar Signa Cuts Baseball Edition-(NNO)
2008-Upper Deck Minnesota Twins 1987 20th Anniversary Buybacks-(203)
2010-Historic Autographs Hall of Fame & All-Star Edition-(NNO)
2012-Choice Sugarland Skeeters-(3)
2012-Leaf Cut Signatures History of Baseball-(NNO)
2012-Leaf Memories ‘90 Leaf BuyBack Gold(5)-(96)
2012-Leaf Memories ‘90 Leaf Buyback Red(1)-(96)
2013-Leaf Memories 1991 Leaf BuyBack Gold(5)-(96)
2013-Leaf Memories 1990 Leaf Buyback Red(1)-(96)
2013-Panini Hometown Heroes City Hall Signatures Black-(1)
2013-Panini Hometown Heroes City Hall Signatures Gold(10)-(1)
2014-In The Game Past, Present and Future PSA/DNA Autograph Cards(CS-GG)
2014-Leaf Metal Draft Leaf Memories 1992 Buybacks Gold(5)-(107)
2014-Leaf Metal Draft Leaf Memories 1992 Buybacks Red(1)-(107)
2014-Panini Immaculate Collection Clubhouse Signature(99)-(60)
2015-Panini Prizm Baseball Signatures Prizm Black Finite(1)-(16)
2015-Panini Prizm Baseball Signatures Prizm Gold Pulsar(10)-(16)
2015-Panini Prizm Baseball Signatures Prizm Red, White and Blue(25)-(16)
2015-Panini Prizm Baseball Signatures Prizm Tie Dye(50)-(16))
2017-Leaf Greatest Hits(3)-(97)
2017-Topps Rediscover Stamped Buyback Stamped Buyback Blue-(304)1985 Topps
2017-Topps Rediscover Stamped Buyback Stamped Buyback Blue-(304)1990 Topps
2019-Bowman 1989 Bowman Buyback Autograph(50)-(41)
2022-Leaf In The Game The Grand Salami Six Black-(GS-04)
2202-Leaf In The Game The Grand Salami Six Bronze-(GS-04)
2022-Leaf In The Game The Grand Salami Six Emerald-(GS-04)
2022-Leaf In The Game The Grand Salami Six Gold -(GS-04)
2022-Leaf In The Game The Grand Salami Six Pattern Silver -(GS-04)
2022-Leaf In The Game The Grand Salami Six Platinum Blue -(GS-04)
2022-Leaf In The Game The Grand Salami Six Purple--(GS-04)
2022-Leaf In The Game The Grand Salami Six Red-(GS-04) -(GS-04)
2022-Leaf In The Game The Grand Salami Six Silver -(GS-04)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Barrel Gold(1)-(BB-49)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Knob(1)-(BB-49)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Bronze-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Emerald-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Gold-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Navy Blue-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Pewter-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Platinum-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Platinum-(BR3-20
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Printing Plates Black(1)-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Purple-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Red-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Silver-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Bronze-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Emerald-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Gold(1)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Navy Blue(7)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Pewter(12)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Platinum 4(20)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Printing Plates Black(1)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Printing Plates Cyan1)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Purple(35)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Red(4)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Silver(3)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Bronze-(GUL-49)
2022-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Emerald-(GUL-49)
2022-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Gold(10-(GUL-49)
2022-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Navy Blue-(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Pewter-(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Platinum-(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Printing Plates Black(1)-(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Purple-(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Red(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Silver-(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Lumber Team 8s Relics Bronze(30)-(LT8-4)
2023-Leaf Lumber Lumber Team 8s Relics Emerald(5)-(LT8-4)
2023-Leaf Lumber Lumber Team 8s Relics Gold(1)-(LT8-4)
2023-Leaf Lumber Lumber Team 8s Relics Navy Blue(7)-(LT8-4)
2023-Leaf Lumber Lumber Team 8s Relics Pewter(30)-(LT8-4)
2023-Leaf Lumber Lumber Team 8s Relics Platinum(20)-(LT8-4)
2023-Leaf Lumber Lumber Team 8s Relics Purple35)-(LT8-4)
2023-Leaf Lumber Lumber Team 8s Relics Navy Red(3)-(LT8-4)
2023-Leaf Lumber Lumber Team 8s Relics Silver(3)-(LT8-4)
2023-Leaf Lumber Off The End of The Bat Gold(1)-(OEB-50)
2022-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Bronze(65)-SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Emerals(5)-SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Gold(1)-SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Navy Blue(7)-SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Pewter(12)-(SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Platinum(25)-SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Printing Plates Black(1)-(SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Purple(35)-SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Red(12)-(SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Silver(3)-SS-11
2024-Leaf Lumber The Home Run 100 Bronze 40)-(-32)
2024-Leaf Lumber The Home Run 100 Emerald(3)-(THR-32)
2024-Leaf Lumber The Home Run 100 Gold(1)-(THR-32)
2024-Leaf Lumber The Home Run 100 Navy Blue(4)-(THR-32)
2024-Leaf Lumber The Home Run 100 Pewter(5)-(THR-32)
2024-Leaf Lumber The Home Run 100 Platinum(7)-(THR-32)
2024-Leaf Lumber The Home Run 100 Purple(20)-(THR-32)
2024-Leaf Lumber The Home Run 100 Red(3)-(THR-32)
2024-Leaf Lumber The Home Run 100 Silver(2)-(THR-32)

Jim Kaat
148 of 442=33%
1960-J. D. McCarthy Postcards-(NNO)
1960-Topps Venezuelan-(136)7)
1962-Jay Publishing-(NNO)
1962--Jay Publishing Font Variation-(NNO)
1962- Topps Advertising Panel-(3)
1962-Topps Venezuelan-(21)
1963-Jay Publishing-(NNO)
1963-Post-(10)With Light Pole
1964-Jay Publishing-(NNO)
1965-Asco Incorporated-(4)
1965--Jay Publishing-(NNO)
1965-Trade Bloc-(NNO)
1966-Fairway Foods-(NN()
1966-Sports Service-(NNO)
1966-Topps Venezuelan-(224)
1967-Bazooka Ad Panel-(16/17/18)
1967-Topps Punchouts-(NNO)
1967-Topps Venezuelan-(236)
1968--Minnesota Twins Postcard-(5)
1968-Topps Venezuelan CL 1-(67)
1969-Mike Andersen Postcards-(NNO)
1969-Minnesota Twins Color Picture Pack-(NNO)
1970-71-Dayton Daily News-(M137)
1971-Topps Greatest Moments-(7)
1972-Milton Bradley-(NNO)
1972-Topps Venezuelan Stamp-(228)
1972-Topps Venzuelan Stamp-(238)
1973--J. D. McCarthy Postcards-(NNO)
1875-SSPC Puzzle Back-(NNO)1976-Kellogg-(25)White Sox Logo on Back
1976- MSA Red Barn Disc-(NNO)
1976-Philadelphia Phillies Photocards-(14)
1977-Philadelphia Phillies Photocards-(14)
1978-Philadelphia Phillies Photocards-(16)
1979-Philadelphia Phillies Photocards-(13)
1980-J. D. McCarthy Postcards-(NNO)
1980-St. Louis Cardinals Photocards-(13)
1981-St. Louis Cardinals Photocards-(NNO)
1982-St. Louis Cardinals Photocards-(NNO)
1983-St. Louis Cardinals Photocards-(NNO)
1983-Topps Foldouts-(1)
1987-Hygrade All-Time Great-(51A)Cardinals Uniform
1987-TCMA Collectors Kit Reprint-(10)
2000-09-Minnesota Twins BobbleHead Authentic Commemorative Set-(NNO)
2001-Topps American Pie Rookie Reprint Relics-(BB-RR)
2001-Topps Archive Autographs-(TTA-141)
2001-Upper Deck Decade 1970 Game Jersey Autograph-(SJ-JKA)
2001-Upper Deck Decade 1970 Game Jersey Patch-(P-JKA)
2001-Upper Deck Gold G;ove Leather Bound(LB-JKA)
2002-Topps Archive Autographed-(TAA-JK)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-2003(21)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(62)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(63)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(75)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(80)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(80T)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(136)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(136)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(165)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(243)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(245)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(290)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(300)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(440)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(445)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-9450)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(530)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(638)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(709)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(715)
2003-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic Autograph Black Ink(100)-(YG-JK)
2003-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic Autograph Blue Ink-(YG-JK)
2003-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic Autograph Red Ink-(YG-JK)
2003-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Instant Winner Redemption-(155)
2003-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Instant Winner Redemption-(156)
2003-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Instant Winner Redemption-(157)
2003-Upper Deck Yankees Signature Series Pinstripe Excellence Autograph(125)- (PE-JK)
2003--Upper Deck Yankees Signature Series Pinstripe Excellence Autograph(125)- (PE-TK)
2003-Upper Deck Yankees Signature Series Yankees Forever Autographs(50)-(JKL)
2003-Upper Deck Yankees Signature Series Yankees Forever Autographs(50)- (KGT)
2003-Upper Deck Yankees Signature Series Yankees Forever Autographs(50)-(KJB)
2004-Fleer National Pastime Buyback Autographs-(81)
2004-SP Prospects Draft Generations Triple Autographs(25)-(DG-KHW)
2004-SP Prospects Draft Link to the Past Dual Autographs(50)- (LP-KW)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Autographs-(187)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Autographs Gold(5)-(6)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Autographs Gold(5)-(187)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Autographs Platinum(1)-(6)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Autographs Platinum(1)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Bronze(50)-(6)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Bronze(50)-(187)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Gold(5)-(6)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Gold(5)-(187)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Legendary Signature Dual-(KK)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Legendary Signature Triple-(KKP)
2004-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Signature(999)-(JK)
2004-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Signature Gold(25)-(JK)
2004-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Signature Platinum-(JK)
2004-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Signature Quadruple(10)-(QS-KKPC)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classics Script Dual(100)-(KJ)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classics UD Promo-(33)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan Favorite Printing Plate Black(1)-(130)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan Favorite Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(130)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan Favorite Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(130)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan Favorite Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(130)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan Favorite Refractor(299)-(130)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan Favorite Refractor(299)-(130)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan Favorite Refractor Gold(25)-(130)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition-(101)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Autographs-(TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Autographs Printing Plates Black(1)- (TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature EditionAutographs Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition AutographsPrinting Plates Magenta(1)- (TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Autograph Refractor(25)-(TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Refractor Black(54)-(TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Refractor Foilboard(1)-(TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Refractor Printing Plate Black(1)-(TA-JKL
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Refractor Printing Plate Cyan(1)--(TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Refractor Printing Plate Magenta(1)- (TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Refractor Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(TA-JKL)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts Auto Facts(458)-(JK2)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts Auto Facts Rainbow(458)-(JK1)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts Auto Facts Rainbow(458)-(JK2)
2005-Upper Deck AL/NL Artifact(325)-(AL-JK)
2005-Upper Deck AL/NL Artifacts Rainbow(99)-(AL-JK)
2005-Upper Deck AL/NL Artifacts Rainbow(30)-(AL-JK)
2005-Upper Deck AL/NL Rare Artifacts Signature(1)-(AL-JK)
2005-Upper Deck Dual Artifacts(99)-(DA-KC)
2005-Upper Deck Dual Artifacts(99)-(DA-KN)
2005-Upper Deck Dual Artifacts Rainbow(25)-(DA-KB)
2005-Upper Deck Dual Artifacts Rainbow(25)-(DA-KC)
2005-Upper Deck Dual Artifacts Rainbow(25)-(DA-KN)
2005-Upper Deck Dual Artifacts Signature(10)-(DA-KB)
2005-Upper Deck Dual Artifacts Signature(10)-(DA-KC)
2005-Upper Deck Dual Artifacts Signature(10)-(DA-KN)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts MLB Apparel(325)-(MLB-JK)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts MLB ApparelAutograph(30)-(MLB-JK)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts Rare Apparel Autographs(1)-(JK)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts Patches(50)-(AP-JK)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts Patches(10)-(AP-JK)
2007-Heroes Decks Heroes Playing Cards-(9 Clubs)
2008-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs-(ROA-JK)
2008-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs Red Ink(59)-(ROA-JK)
2008-TriStar Signa Cuts Baseball Edition-(NNO)
2008-TriStar Signa Cuts Baseball Edition Vintage/Deceased/Star-(NNO)
2010-Historic Autographs Hall of Fame & All-Star Edition-(NNO)
2010-Topps heritage Framed Buyback Stamps--(180)
2011-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(21)
2012-Leaf Cuts Signature History of Baseball-(NNO)
2012-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(165)
2012-TriStar Signa Cuts Bronx Edition -(NNO)
2014-Famous Fabrics Big Apple Baseball(1)-(NNO)
2014-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(136)
2014-Topps Heritage Celebrity Cut Signatures 1965(1)-(CCS-JK)
2014-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(62)
2015-Topps Originals Buybacks 1962-(21)
2015-Topps Originals Buybacks 1966(224)
2015-Topps Originals Buybacks 1967-(235)
2016-Historical Original The 1970-(NNO)
2016-Topps Archives Fan Favorite Autographs(1)-FFA-JK)
2016-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(211)
2016-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(235)
2016-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(237)
2016-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(278)
2016-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(300)
2017-Topps Heritage Rediscover Stamped Buybacks Bronze-(672)
2017-Topps Heritage Rediscover Stamped Buybacks Silver-(672)
2017-Topps Heritage Rediscover Stamped Buybacks-(67)
2017-Topps Heritage Rediscover Stamped Buybacks-(450)
2018-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks -(290)
2019-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks -(75)
2020-1961 Peter’s Meats Reprints-(7)
2020-1971 Topps One of the Game Greatest Moments Box Topper High Number-(2)
2020-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks -(245)2021-Topps 206(W10) Lenox Brown-(NNO)
2021-Topps 206(W10) Old Mills-(NNO)
2021-Topps 206(W10) Sovereign-(NNO)
2021-Topps 206(W10) Sweet Caporal-(NNO)
2021-Topps 206(W10) Ty Cobb-(NNO)
2021-Topps 206(W10) Utiz-(NNO)
2021-Topps Archives-(TPOA-JK)1963 Peel-Off Autograph
2021-Topps Archives Blue(25)-(TPOA-JK)1963 Peel-Off Autograph
2021-Topps Archives Gold(1)-(TPOA-JK)1963 Peel-Off Autograph
2021-Topps Archives Silver(99)-(TPOA-JK)1963 Peel-Off Autograph
2021-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks -(709)
2021-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks -(710)
2021-Topps X Spotlight 70 FT Andy Friedman-(32)
2021-Topps X Spotlight 70 FT Andy Friedman Variation(25)-(32)
2021-Topps X Spotlight 70 FT Andy Friedman Autograph-(32-A)
2021-Topps X Spotlight 70 FT Andy Friedman Glossy Stock(50)-(32)
2021-Topps X Spotlight 70 FT Andy Friedman Rainbow Foil(5)-(32)
2021-Topps X Spotlight 70 FT Andy Friedman Red Back(10)-(32)
2021-Topps X Spotlight 70 FT Andy Friedman Spotlight70 Stamps(70)-(32)
2021-2022-Topps Now Off Season-(OS-50)
2021-2022-Topps Now Off Season Blue(49)-(OS-50)
2021-2022-Topps Now Off Season Gold(1)-(OS-50)
2021-2022-Topps Now Off Season Orange(5)-(OS-50)
2021-2022-Topps Now Off Season Purple(25)-(OS-50)
2021-2022-Topps Now Off Season Red(10)-(OS-50)
2022-Topps Gypsy Queen- Autographs-(GQA-JK)
2022-Topps Gypsy Queen- Autographs Black(1)-(GQA-JK)
2022-Topps Gypsy Queen- Autographs Black and Whitw(50)-(GQA-JK)
2022-Topps Gypsy Queen- Autographs Blue(99)-(GQA-JK)
2022-Topps Gypsy Queen- Autographs Indig0150)-(GQA-JK)
2022-Topps Gypsy Queen- Autographs Missing Back Plates(25)-(GQA-JK)
2022-Topps Gypsy Queen- Autographs Missing Nameplate-(GQA-JK)
2022-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(199)
2022-Topps Heritage Clubhouse CollectionTriple Relics (25)-(CCT-BKB)
2022-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Triple Relics Patch(1)-(CCT-BKB)
2022-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs-(ROA-JK)
2022-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs Special Edition Red Ink(73)-(ROA-JK
2022-Topps Now-(539)
2022-Topps Now-(588)
2022-Topps Now Blue(49)-(539)
2022-Topps Now Blue(49)-(588)
2022-Topps Now Gold(1)-(539)
2022-Topps Now Gold(1)-(588)
2022-Topps Now Orange(5)-(539)
2022-Topps Now Orange(5)-(588)
2022-Topps NowPurple(25)-(539)
2022-Topps Now Purple(25)-(588)
2022-Topps Now Red(10)-(539)
2022-Topps Now Red(100-(588)
2022-Topps x Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman-(Jim Kaat Design)1981 Topps Autographs-(62)
2022-Topps x Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman-(Jim Kaat Design)1981 Topps Red Back(10)-(62)
2022-Topps x Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman-(Jim Kaat Design)1981 Topps Color Test Prints(1)(62)
2022-Topps x Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman-(Jim Kaat Design)1981 Topps Rainbow Foil(5)-(62)
2022-Topps x Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman-(Jim Kaat Design)1981 Topps Red Back(10)(62)
2022-Topps x Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman-(Jim Kaat Design)1981 Topps Stamp(70)(62)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports The Superlative 16 Black Spectrum Holofoil-(TS 16-8)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports The Superlative 16 Bronze Spectrum Holofoil-(TS 16-8)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports The Superlative 16 Emerald Spectrum Holofoil(1)-(TS 16-8)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports The Superlative 16 Gold Spectrum Holofoil(1)-(TS 16-8)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports The Superlative 16 Platinum Spectrum Holofoil-(TS 16-8)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports The Superlative 16 Purple Spectrum Holofoil-(TS 16-8)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports The Superlative 16 Red Spectrum Holofoil-(TS 16-8)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports The Superlative 16 Silver Sparkle Spectrum Holofoil-(TS 16-8)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports The Superlative 16 Silver Spectrum Holofoil-(TS 16-8)
Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 2 Black Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 2 Bronze Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 2 Emerald Spectrum Holofoil(1)-(TT2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 2 Gold Spectrum Holofoil(1)-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 2 Platinum Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 2 Purple Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 2 Red Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 2 Silver Sparkle Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 2 Silver Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 4 Black Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 4 Bronze Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 4 Emerald Spectrum Holofoil(1)-(TT2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 4 Gold Spectrum Holofoil(1)-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 4 Platinum Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 4 Purple Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 4 Red Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 4 Silver Sparkle Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 4 Silver Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Topps 206-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 95 Morton Brick Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Blank Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Carolina Brights Backs-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Interleague Logo Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Piedmont Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Polar Bear Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Sweet Caporal Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Tolstoi Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Ty Cobb-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Utiz-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Wood-(NNO)
2023-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Autographs-(MA-JKA)
2023-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Autographs Black(25)-(MA-JKA)
2023-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Autograph Red Ink-(MA-JKA)
2023-ToppsAllen and Ginter X Framed Mini Autographs(25)-(MA-JKA)
2023 ToppsAllen and Ginter X Framed Mini Autographs Black Frame(25)-(MA-JKA)
2023 Topps Allen and Ginter X Framed Mini Autograph Black Frame Gold(5)-(MA-JKA)
2023-Topps Archives 1969 Topps Team Baseball Post Card Box Topper-(H69-MIN)
2023-Topps Archive Topps Original Buyback Autographs(10)-(Jim Kaat)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs-(HAFA-JK)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs Emerald(25)-(HAFA-JK)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs Onyx(10)-(HAFA-JK)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs Platinum(1)-(HAFA-JK)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs Rose Gold(50)-(HAFA-JK)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs Ruby(5)-(HAFA-JK)
2023-Topps Heritage 1974 Topps Puzzlers-(74PB-37)
2023-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(440)
2023-Topps Heritage Real Ones Autographs Dual-(RODA-BK)
2023-Topps Museum Collection Museum Framed Hall of Fame Autographs-(HOFA-JK)

Bobby Murcer
157 of 523=30%

1969-Mike Anderson Postcard-(NNO)
1969-New York Yankees Framing Picture-(NNO)
1970-New York Yankees Clinic Day Postcard-(NNO)
1970-New York Yankees Framing Picture-(NNO)
1970-71-Dayton Daily News M137-(320)
1971-Bazooka Panels-(NNO)
1971-Bazooka Number Test-(9)
1971-New York Yankees Clinic Day Postcard-(10)
1971-Topps Coin-(54)
1971-Topps Greatest Moments-(46)
1972Milton Bradley-(NNO)
1972 Topps Candy Lid Test-(NNO)
1972 Topps Candy Lid Test Proofs-(NNO)
1972-Venezuelan Stamps-(9)
1973-Topps Candy Lids-(NNO)
1973-Topps Candy Lids-(NNO)
1973-Topps Comic-(NNO)
1973-Topps Pin-Up-(NNO)
1973-74--Linnett Portrait-(NNO)(NY Emblem on )
1974-New York Yankees 4 X 5 Photos-(NNO)
1976-Hostess Panel-(121-123)Brown Back
1977-Chicago Tribune Chicago Cubs Scrapbook-(NNO)
1977-Hostess Twinkies-(2)
1977-MSA Saga Discs-(NNO)
1977-MSA Wendy’s Discs-(NNO)
1976-SSPC Team Sheet UnSeparated-(244-270)
1979-New York Yankees Photo Albums-(NNO)
1980-New York Yankees Photo Albums-(170)
1981-New York Yankees Photo Albums-(NNO)
1981-OPC Gray Back-(25)
1982-New York Yankees Photo Albums-(NNO
1991-Upper Deck Heroes of Baseball Sheets-(NNO)
2000-Upper Deck Yankees Legends Lumber-(BM-LL)
2000-Upper Deck Yankees Legends Lumber Gold-(BM-LL)
2000-Upper Deck Yankees Legends Lumber Masterpiece Set-(BM-LL)
2001--Topps American Pie Rookie Reprint Relics-(BB-RT)
2001-Topps Archives Autographs-(TAA-103)
2001-Upper Deck Decade 1970 Game Bat-(B-BOM)
2001-Upper Deck Decade 1970 Game Jersey-(J-BM2)
2001-Upper Deck Decade 1970 Game Jersey Autograph-(SJ-BM2)
2001-Upper Deck Decade 1970 Game Jersey Patch-(P-BM2)
2003-Danbury Mint 24kt Gold-(NNO)
2003-Topps All-Time Fan Favorites Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(113)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic-(3)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Bronze(99)-(3)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Gold(30)-(3)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Mitchell and Ness Jersey-(BMU1)65A
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Mitchell and Ness Jersey-(BMU2)65H
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Mitchell and Ness Jersey-(BMU3)73A
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Mitchell and Ness Jersey-(BMU4)73H
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Mitchell and Ness Jersey-(BMU5)79A
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classics Mitchell and Ness Jersey-(BMU6)79H
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Mitchell and Ness Redemption-(4)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Scripts-(AU-3)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Scripts Dual(100)-(MB)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Scripts Dual(100)-(MO)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Scripts Dual(100)-(MP)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Scripts Dual(100)-(WM)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Scripts Quad(10)-(PNCM)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Scripts Triple(20)-(MBM)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Scripts Triple(20)-(RWM)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Silver-(3)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic UD Promo-(3)
2005-Donruss Great Yankees Clipping Material-(YC-5)
2005-Donruss Great Yankees Clipping Material Prime-(YC-5)
2005-Heroes Deck New York Yankees Baseball Heroes Playing Cards-(9 Hearts)(2nd Edition)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph(25)-(CC-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Gold(10)-(CC-MU
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Material(25)-(CC-MU
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Material Gold(10)-(CC-MU
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Material Platinum(1)-(CC-MU
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Platinum(1)-(CC-MU
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Careers Gold(75)-(CC-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Careers Material-(CC-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Careers Material Gold(75)-CC-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Careers Material Platinum(1)-(CC-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Career Platinum(1)-(CC-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days(399)-(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph(25)-(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Gold(10)-(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Material(25)-(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Material Gold(10)-(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Material Platinum(1)-(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Platinum(1)-(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Gold(75)-(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Material -(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Material Gold(75) -(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Material Platinum(1) -(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Platinum(1) -(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage(399) -(LE-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph(25) -(LE-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Gold-(LE-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Material-(LE-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Material Gold -(LE-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Material Platinum-(LE -MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Platinum-(LE -MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Gold(75)-(LE -MU)*
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Material-(LE -MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Material Gold(75)-(LE -MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Material Platinum-(LE -MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Platinum(1)-(LE -MU)
2005-UD Past Time Pennants Signatures Bronze-(BO)
2005-UD Past Time Pennants Signatures Gold-(BO)
2005-UD Past Time Pennants Signatures Silver-(BO)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Lumber Triple(85)-(GEN-MMJ)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Materials Triple(50)-(GEN-MMJ)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Signatures Triple(35)-(GEN-MMJ)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Past Lumber Gold (75)-(PA-MU)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Past Lumber Silver(115)-(PA-MU)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Past Materials Gold(25)-(PA-MU)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Past Materials Silver(99)-(PA-MU)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Past Signatures Bronze(35)-(PA-MU)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Past Signatures Gold -(PA-MU)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Past Signatures Silver(99)-(PA-MU)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Signatures Material Dual(75) -(PA-MU)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game-(14)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Autographics-(GG-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Autographics P+
rinting Plate Black(1)-(GG-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Autographics Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(GG-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Autographics Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(GG-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the GameAutographics Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(GG-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Autographs-(14)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Copper(299)-(14)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Pewter-(14)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Printing Plate Black(1)-(14)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(14)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(14)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(14)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Yankee Clipping-(NNY-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Yankee Clipping Autograph-(NNY-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Yankee Clipping Autograph-(NNY-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Yankee Clipping Autograph Memorabilia- (NNY-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Yankee Clipping Memorabilia-(NNY-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Yankee Clipping Printing Plates Black(1)-(NNY-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Yankee Clipping Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(NNY-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Yankee Clipping Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(NNY-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Yankee Clipping Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(NNY-BM)
2006-Heroes Deck New York Yankees Baseball Heroes Playing Cards-(9 Hearts)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts(550)-(124)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Bronze(99)-(LM-MU)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Gold(225)-(LM-MU)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Platinum(15)-(LM-MU)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Printing Plate Black(1)-(MU)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(MU)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(MU)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Silver(199)-(LM-MU)*
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Memorable Moments Autograph(50) - (MM-BM)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Memorable Moments Material(225) - (MM-BM)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Memorable Moments Printing Plate Black(1) - (MM-BM)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Memorable Moments Printing Plate Cyan(1) - (MM-BM)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Memorable Moments Printing Plate Magenta(1) - (MM-BM)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Memorable Moments Printing Plate Yellow(1) - (MM-BM)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Place in History Signature(6)-(PH-MU)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Printing Plate Black(1)-(124)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(124)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(124)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(124)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts When It Was a Game Material(75)-(WG-MU)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts When It was a Game Printing Plate Black(1)-(124)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts When It was a Game Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(124)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts When It was a Game Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(124)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts When It was a Game Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(124)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts When It was a Game Silver(550)-(124)
2006-Upper Deck Exquisite Collection Ensemble Endorsement Triple(15)- (EN3-MJM
2008-TriStar Signa Cuts Baseball Edition-(NNO)
2008-Upper Deck Premier Significant Six Autograph(6)-(SIX-6)
2008-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Signature Red Stitch Black Ink(250)-(BM)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3663)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3664)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3668)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3671)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3673)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3675)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3676)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3677)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3679)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3680)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3681)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3684)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3685)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3687)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3688)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3691)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3693)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3696)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3698)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3701)*
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3702)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3704)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3705)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3706)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3707)*
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3709)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3710)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3711)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3713)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3714)*
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3716)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3718)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3721)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3723)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3726)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3727)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3729)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3730)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3731)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy Final Season-(43)
2009-Topps Legends of the Game Cut Signatures-(LGCS-BM)
2009-Topps Sterling Career Chronicles Relics Quad Signatures(10)-(4SCA-108)
2009-Topps Sterling Career Chronicles Relics Quad Signatures Sterling Silver(1)- (4SCA-108)
2009-Topps Sterling Career Chronicles Relics Triple Autographs(10)- (3SCA-137
)2009-Topps Sterling Career Chronicles Relics Triple Autographs(10)-(3SCA-138)
2009-Topps Sterling Career Chronicles Relics Triple Autographs Sterling Silver(1)-(3SCA-137)
2009-Topps Sterling Career Chronicles Relics Triple Autographs Sterling Silver(1)-(3SCA-138)
2010-Topps 206 Mini Framed Relics Old Mill-(TR-BM)
2010-Topps 206 Mini Framed Relics Polar Bear-(TR-BM)
2010-Topps-Manufactured Hat Logo Patch(99)-(HMT-36)
2010-Topps Tribute Relics Triple(99)-(TTR-BM)
2010-Topps Tribute Relics Triple Black(50)-(TTR-BM)
2010-Topps Tribute Relics Triple Blue(75)-(TTR-BM)
2010-Topps Tribute Relics Triple Gold(25)-(TTR-BM)
2010-Topps Tribute Relics Triple Red(1)-(TTR-BM)
2010-Topps Tribute Autograph Relics Combos Double(3)-(TTAR-4)
2010-Topps Tribute Autograph Relics Combos Double Platinum(1)-(TTAR-4)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics(18)-(TTAR-163)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics(18)-(TTAR-164)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics(18)-(TTAR-165)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph RelicsGold(9)-(TTAR-163)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold(9)-(TTAR-164)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold(9)-(TTAR-165)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Platinum(1)-(TTAR-163)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Platinum(1)-(TTAR-164)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Platinum(1)-(TTAR-165)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Sapphire(3)-(TTAR-163)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Sapphire(3)-(TTAR-164)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Sapphire(3)-(TTAR-165)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate(1)- (TTAR-163)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate(1)- (TTAR-164)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograh Relics White Whale Printing Plate(1)- (TTAR-165)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Wood(1)-(TTAR-163)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Wood(1)-(TTAR-164)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Wood(1)-(TTAR-165)
2010-Topps Update Manufactured Bat Barrel(99)-(MBB-121)
2010-Topps Update Manufactured Bat Barrel Black(25)-(MBB-121)
2010-Topps Update Manufactured Bat Barrel Pink(1)-(MBB-121)
2011-SP Legendary Cuts(5)-(20)
2011-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Black Signatures(2)-(20)
2011-SP Legendary Cuts Past and Present Dual Signatures(9)-(NY70S-MW)
2012-Heroes Deck New York Yankees Baseball Heroes Playing Cards-(9 Hearts)
2012-Leaf Cut Signature History of Baseball-(NNO)
2012-SP Signature Edition-(NNY-3)
2012-Topps Five Star Cut Signature Book(1)-(FSCS-BM)
2012-Topps Museum Collection Cut Signatures(1)-(CS-BM)
2013-Leaf Cut Signatures Pride of the Pinstripe(9)-(NNO)
2013-Panini’s Americas Pasttime Cuts(1)-(50)
2013-Topps Chasing History Cut Signature(1)-(CHCS-BM)
2013-Topps Archives Chicago Cubs-(CUBS-7)
2013-Topps Archives Chicago Cubs Season Tickets-(CUBS-7)
2013-Tristar Signa Bronx Edition-(NNO)
2014-75th Anniversary Buybacks -(333)1970 Topps
2014-75th Anniversary Buybacks -(86)1972 Topps
2014-75th Anniversary Buybacks -(90)1974 Topps
2014-Famous Fabrics Big Apple Baseball(1)-(NNO)(All-Star)
2014-Famous Fabrics Big Apple Baseball(1)-(NNO)(Bill Castro Back)
2014-Famous Fabrics Big Apple Baseball(1)-(NNO)(Bobby Murcer)
2014-Famous Fabrics Big Apple Baseball Sketches-(NNO)
2015-Panini Diamond Kings Black-(17)
2015-Panini Diamond Kings DK Minis Materials Prime(25)-(17)
2015-Panini Diamond Kings Framed Black(1)-(17)
2015-Panini Diamond Kings Framed Blue(99)-(17)*
2015-Panini Diamond Kings Framed Green (5)-(17)
2015-Panini Diamond Kings Framed Red-(17)*
2015-Panini Diamond Kings Gold(25) -(17)
2015-Topps Original Buybacks 1970-(343)
2015-Topps Original Buybacks 1977(40)
2015-Topps Original Buybacks 1979-(135)*
2016-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks 1967-(93)
2017-Historic Autographs Scripts-(NNO)
2017-Topps Diamond Icons Cuts Signatures(4)-(CS-BM)
2017-Topps Diamond Icons Cuts Signatures Gold(1)-(CS-BM)
2017-Topps Dynasty Cuts Signatures(1)-(DCS-BM)
2017-Topps Luminaries Cuts Signatures(1)-(CS-BM)
2018-Panini Diamond KIngs Diamond Cuts(5)-(7)
2018-Panini Diamond KIngs Diamond Cuts Masterpiece(1)-(7)
2018-Panini National Treasures (99)-139)
2018-Panini National Treasures Button)-(139)
2018-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Booklet(4)-(CSM--BM)
2018-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature City Booklet(5)-(CSM--BM)
2018-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Nickname Booklet(1)-(CSM--BM)
2018-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Statline Booklet(1)-(CSM--BM)
2018-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Statline Booklet(1)-(CSM--BM)
2018-Panini National Treasures Legendary Trios Booklet(25)-(LT-NY2)
2018-Panini National Treasures Platinum(1)-(139)
2018-Panini National Treasures Prime(5)-(139)
2018-Panini National Treasures Printing Plate Black(1)-(139)
2018-Panini National Treasures Printing Plate Cyan-(139)
2018-Panini National Treasures Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(139)
2018-Panini National Treasures Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(139)
2018-Panini National Treasures Tag(2)-(139)
2018-Topps Diamond Cut Icons Signature-(CS-BM)
2018-Topps Diamond Cut Icons Signature Gold(1)-(CS-BM)
2018-Topps Dynasty Signature(1)-(CS-BM)
2018-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(657)
2018-Topps LuminariesCut Signature(1)-(CS-BM201
2019 -Topps Diamond Cut Icons Signature(4)-(CS-BM)
2019-Topps Diamond Cut Icons Signature Gold(1)-(CS-BM)
2019-Topps Dynasty Cut Icons Signature (1)-(CS-BM)
2019-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(333)
2019-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(339)
2019-Topps Luminaries Cut Icons Signature (1)-(CS-BM)
2020-Panini National Treasures Legendary Silhouette Duals Booklet(15)-(LS-NY)
2020-Panini National Treasures Legendary Silhouette Duals Black Booklet(3)- (LS-NY)
2020-Panini National Treasures Legendary Silhouette Duals Holo Gold Booklet(10)- (LS-NY)
2020-Panini National Treasures Legendary Silhouette Duals Holo Silver Booklet(5)- (LS-NY)
2020-Panini National Treasures Legendary Silhouette Duals Platinum Booklet(1)- (LS-NY)
2020-Topps Diamond Cut Icons Signature(1)-(CS-BM)
2020-Topps Diamond Cut Icons Signature Gold(1)-(CS-BM)
2020-Topps Dynasty Cut Icons Signature(1)-(CS-BM)
2020-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(635)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Legends Material-(LG-BM)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Legends Material Blue(25)-(LG-BM)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Legends Material Gold(10)-(LG-BM)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Legends Material Platinium(1)-(LG-BM)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Legends Material Printing Plates Black(1)-(LG-BM)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Legends Material Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(LG-BM)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Legends Material Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(LG-BM)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Legends Material Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(LG-BM)
2021-Topps Diamond Cut Icons Signature(4)-(CS-BM)
2021-Topps Diamond Cut Icons Signature Gold(1)-(CS-BM)
2021-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks 1971-(86)
2021-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(699)
2021-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(700)
2022-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(240)
2022-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(343)

Tony Oliva
151 of 92
1964-Topps Rookie All-Star Banquet-(27)
1964-Topps Venezuelan-(10)
1965-Asco Incorporated-(7)
1965-Bazooka Panels-(4-6)
1965-Jays Publishing-(NNO)
1965-Trade Bloc-(NNO)
1966-Fairway Food-(NNO)
1966-Sports Service-(NNO)
1966-Topps Rub-Offs(NNO)
1966-Topps Venezuelan 1965 Batting Average-(216)(
1966-Topps Venezuelan 1965 RBI Leaders-()
1967-Bazooka Panel-(40/41/42)
1967-Topps Disc-(NNO)
1967-Topps Punchouts-(NNO)
1968-Bazooka Panel 9-(NNO)
1968-Bazooka Panel-(9)M. Alvis, J. Fregosi, B. Gibson, T.Oliva & V. Pinson)
1968-Dexter Press-(8)
1968-Minnesota Twins Postcards-(7)
1968-O-Pee-Chee Poster-(25)
1968-Sports Illustrated Poster Card-(7A3)
1968-Topps Action All-Star Sticker-(NNO)
1968-Topps Milton Bradley Win-A-Card-(165)
1968-Topps Venezuelan-(165)
1969-Minnesota Twins Color Picture Pack-(NNO)
1969-MLB PhotoStamp-)NNO)
1969-MLBPA Pins-(20)
1969-70-MLB/MLBPA Pins-(NNO)
1970-Minnesota Twins 4 X 5 Photos-(NNO))
1970-Transogram Statue Card-(NNO)
1970-Transogram Statue Card Panels-(NNO)
1970-71-Dayton Daily News M137 5/5/70
1970-71-Dayton Daily News M137 5/17/70
1971-Bazooka Numbered Test-(36)
1971-Dell Stamp Team Stamp–(NNO)
1971-Milk Dud Boxes-NNO)
1971-Topps Coin-(128)
1971-Topps Greatest Moment-(11)
1971-Topps Tattoos-(NNO
1972--O-Pee-Chee Team Club-(156)
1972-Topps Posters-(7)
1972-Topps Venezuelan Stamps-(134)
1974-Minnesota Twins Picture Pack-)NNO)
1974-Topps Deckle Edge-(62)
1974-Topps Deckle Edge White Back-(62)
1974-Topps Stamp-(NNO)
1974-Topps Stamp Panels-(NNO)
1975-Clarence Mengler Baseball Best-(NNO)
1976-Hostess Panels-(10-12)
1977-Sertoma Stars-(NNO)Variation Darker version
1982-Dover Publication Reprint-(165)
1984-TCMA Greats-(3)
1984-85-Sports Design Product-(41)
1985-Minnesota Twins Postcards-(NNO)
1986-Minnesita Twins-(4)
1986--Minnesita Twins Postcards-(NNO)
1987-Minnesita Twins-(4)
1987-1982 Greatest Hitter-(10)
1991-Gatorade Tony Oliva Minnesota Twins Jersey Retirement-(NNO)
1992-Topps Match the Stats Game-(NNO)Gray Back
2000-09-Minnesota Twins Bobblehead Authentic Commemorative Set-(NNO)
2001-SP Legendary Cuts Debut Game Bats-(D-TO)
2001-SP Legendary Cuts Game Bats Combo-2001(TO-RC)
2002-Fleer Greats of the Game Autographs-(NNO)
2002-Topps Archives Autograph-2002(TAA-TO)
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Refractors(299)-(52)
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(228)1963 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(116)1964 Topps

1964-Topps Rookie All-Star Banquet-(27)
1964-Topps Venezuelan-(10)
1965-Asco Incorporated-(7)
1965-Bazooka Panels-(4-6)
1965-Jays Publishing-(NNO)
1965-Trade Bloc-(NNO)
1966-Fairway Food-(NNO)
1966-Sports Service-(NNO)
1966-Topps Rub-Offs(NNO)
1966-Topps Venezuelan 1965 Batting Average-(216)(
1966-Topps Venezuelan 1965 RBI Leaders-()
1967-Bazooka Panel-(40/41/42)
1967-Topps Disc-(NNO)
1967-Topps Punchouts-(NNO)
1968-Bazooka Panel 9-(NNO)
1968-Bazooka Panel-(9)M. Alvis, J. Fregosi, B. Gibson, T.Oliva & V. Pinson)
1968-Dexter Press-(8)
1968-Minnesota Twins Postcards-(7)
1968-O-Pee-Chee Poster-(25)
1968-Sports Illustrated Poster Card-(7A3)
1968-Topps Action All-Star Sticker-(NNO)
1968-Topps Milton Bradley Win-A-Card-(165)
1968-Topps Venezuelan-(165)
1969-Minnesota Twins Color Picture Pack-(NNO)
1969-MLB PhotoStamp-)NNO)
1969-MLBPA Pins-(20)
1969-70-MLB/MLBPA Pins-(NNO)
1970-Minnesota Twins 4 X 5 Photos-(NNO))
1970-Transogram Statue Card-(NNO)
1970-Transogram Statue Card Panels-(NNO)
1970-71-Dayton Daily News M137 5/5/70
1970-71-Dayton Daily News M137 5/17/70
1971-Bazooka Numbered Test-(36)
1971-Dell Stamp Team Stamp–(NNO)
1971-Milk Dud Boxes-NNO)
1971-Topps Coin-(128)
1971-Topps Greatest Moment-(11)
1971-Topps Tattoos-(NNO
1972--O-Pee-Chee Team Club-(156)
1972-Topps Posters-(7)
1972-Topps Venezuelan Stamps-(134)
1974-Minnesota Twins Picture Pack-)NNO)
1974-Topps Deckle Edge-(62)
1974-Topps Deckle Edge White Back-(62)
1974-Topps Stamp-(NNO)
1974-Topps Stamp Panels-(NNO)
1975-Clarence Mengler Baseball Best-(NNO)
1976-Hostess Panels-(10-12)
1977-Sertoma Stars-(NNO)Variation Darker version
1982-Dover Publication Reprint-(165)
1984-TCMA Greats-(3)
1984-85-Sports Design Product-(41)
1985-Minnesota Twins Postcards-(NNO)
1986-Minnesita Twins-(4)
1986--Minnesita Twins Postcards-(NNO)
1987-Minnesita Twins-(4)
1987-1982 Greatest Hitter-(10)
1991-Gatorade Tony Oliva Minnesota Twins Jersey Retirement-(NNO)
1992-Topps Match the Stats Game-(NNO)Gray Back
2000-09-Minnesota Twins Bobblehead Authentic Commemorative Set-(NNO)
2001-SP Legendary Cuts Debut Game Bats-(D-TO)
2001-SP Legendary Cuts Game Bats Combo-2001(TO-RC)
2002-Fleer Greats of the Game Autographs-(NNO)
2002-Topps Archives Autograph-2002(TAA-TO)
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Refractors(299)-(52)
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(228)1963 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(116)1964 Topps

1964-Topps Rookie All-Star Banquet-(27)
1964-Topps Venezuelan-(10)
1965-Asco Incorporated-(7)
1965-Bazooka Panels-(4-6)
1965-Jays Publishing-(NNO)
1965-Trade Bloc-(NNO)
1966-Fairway Food-(NNO)
1966-Sports Service-(NNO)
1966-Topps Rub-Offs(NNO)
1966-Topps Venezuelan 1965 Batting Average-(216)(
1966-Topps Venezuelan 1965 RBI Leaders-()
1967-Bazooka Panel-(40/41/42)
1967-Topps Disc-(NNO)
1967-Topps Punchouts-(NNO)
1968-Bazooka Panel 9-(NNO)
1968-Bazooka Panel-(9)M. Alvis, J. Fregosi, B. Gibson, T.Oliva & V. Pinson)
1968-Dexter Press-(8)
1968-Minnesota Twins Postcards-(7)
1968-O-Pee-Chee Poster-(25)
1968-Sports Illustrated Poster Card-(7A3)
1968-Topps Action All-Star Sticker-(NNO)
1968-Topps Milton Bradley Win-A-Card-(165)
1968-Topps Venezuelan-(165)
1969-Minnesota Twins Color Picture Pack-(NNO)
1969-MLB PhotoStamp-)NNO)
1969-MLBPA Pins-(20)
1969-70-MLB/MLBPA Pins-(NNO)
1970-Minnesota Twins 4 X 5 Photos-(NNO))
1970-Transogram Statue Card-(NNO)
1970-Transogram Statue Card Panels-(NNO)
1970-71-Dayton Daily News M137 5/5/70
1970-71-Dayton Daily News M137 5/17/70
1971-Bazooka Numbered Test-(36)
1971-Dell Stamp Team Stamp–(NNO)
1971-Milk Dud Boxes-NNO)
1971-Topps Coin-(128)
1971-Topps Greatest Moment-(11)
1971-Topps Tattoos-(NNO
1972--O-Pee-Chee Team Club-(156)
1972-Topps Posters-(7)
1972-Topps Venezuelan Stamps-(134)
1974-Minnesota Twins Picture Pack-)NNO)
1974-Topps Deckle Edge-(62)
1974-Topps Deckle Edge White Back-(62)
1974-Topps Stamp-(NNO)
1974-Topps Stamp Panels-(NNO)
1975-Clarence Mengler Baseball Best-(NNO)
1976-Hostess Panels-(10-12)
1977-Sertoma Stars-(NNO)Variation Darker version
1982-Dover Publication Reprint-(165)
1984-TCMA Greats-(3)
1984-85-Sports Design Product-(41)
1985-Minnesota Twins Postcards-(NNO)
1986-Minnesita Twins-(4)
1986--Minnesita Twins Postcards-(NNO)
1987-Minnesita Twins-(4)
1987-1982 Greatest Hitter-(10)
1991-Gatorade Tony Oliva Minnesota Twins Jersey Retirement-(NNO)
1992-Topps Match the Stats Game-(NNO)Gray Back
2000-09-Minnesota Twins Bobblehead Authentic Commemorative Set-(NNO)
2001-SP Legendary Cuts Debut Game Bats-(D-TO)
2001-SP Legendary Cuts Game Bats Combo-2001(TO-RC)
2002-Fleer Greats of the Game Autographs-(NNO)
2002-Topps Archives Autograph-2002(TAA-TO)
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Refractors(299)-(52)
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(228)1963 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(116)1964 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(340)1965 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(216)1966 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(220)1966 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(450)1966 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(50)1967 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(239)1967 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(165)1968 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(427)1969 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(600)1969 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(510)1970 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(290)1971 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(86)1972 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(400)1972 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(80)1973 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(190)1974 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(325)1975 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(35)1976 Topps
2003-Topps Embossed–(62)1970 Topps
2003-Topps Embossed-(480)1968 Topps
2003-Topps Signature Edition Autographs -(TA-TO)
2003-Topps Signature Edition Autographs Refractor-(TA-TO)
2003-Topps Signature Edition Autographs Refractor(25)-(TA-TO)
2003-Topps Signature Edition Autographs Refractor Black(99)-(TA-TO)
2003-Topps Tribute World Series-(79)1965 Topps
2003-Topps Tribute World Series Gold(100)-(79)1965 Topps
2004-Donruss Classics Team Color Combo Signature-(TC-17)
2004-Donruss Classics Team Color Combo Signature Prime(1)-(TC-17)
2004-Donruss Classics Team Color Jersey(100)-(TC-17)
2004-Donruss Classics Team Color Jersey Prime(1)-(TC-17)
2004-Donruss Classics Team Color Signature(50)-(TC-17)
2004-Donruss Throwback Threads Century Collection Material(250)-(CC-89)
2004-Donruss Throwback Threads Century Collection Material- Prime(50)-(CC-89)
2004-DonrussThrowback Threads Century Collection Material Combo(25)-(CC-89)
2004-DonrussThrowback Threads Century Collection Material Combo Prime(25)- (CC-89)
2004-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Signature Spectrum Gold(50)-(116)
2004-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Signature Spectrum Platinum(1)-(116)
2004-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Spectrum Silver(72)-(116)
2004-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Spectrum Gold(50)-(116)
2004-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Spectrum Platinum(1)-(116)
2004-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Spectrum Silver(100)-(116)
2004-Topps All Time Fan Favorite Autographs-(FFA-TO)
2004-Topps All Time Fan Favorite Refractor(299)-(8)
2004-Topps Original Signature(1)-(35)1976 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature(18)-(80)1973 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature(1)-(65)1968 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature(11)-(190)1974 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature(1)-(228)1963 Topps Autograph
2004-Topps Original Signature(2)-(290)1971 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature(10)-(325)1975 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature(5)-(400)1972 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature(1)-(427)1969 Topps All-Star
2004-Topps Original Signature(9)-(510)1970 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature(4)-(600)1969 Topps
2004-Topps Retired Signature Edition-(78)
2004-Topps Retired Signature Edition Autograph-(TA-TO)
2004-Topps Retired Signature Autograph Press Plate Black(1)-(TA-TO)
2004-Topps Retired Signature Autograph Press Plate Cyan(1)- (TA-TO)
2004-Topps Retired Signature Autograph Press Plate Magenta(1)-(TA-TO)
2004-Topps Retired Signature Autograph Press Plate Yellow(1)-(TA-TO)
2004-Topps Retired Signature Edition Autograph Refractors(25)-(TO)
2004-Topps Retired Signature Edition Black(78)
2004-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic Signature Black(150)-(SSA-63)
2004-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic Signature Black Holo-Foil(100)-(SSA-63)
2004-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic Signature Blue(125)-(SSA-63)
2004-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic Signature Red(25)-(SSA-63)
2005-Donruss Champions-(362)
2005-Donruss Champions Impressions Black(5)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champions Impressions Combos(93)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champions Impressions Gold(50)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champions Impressions Green(25)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champions Impressions Orange(75)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champions Impressions Red(250)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champion Press Plates Black(1)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champion Press Plates Cyan(1)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champion Press Plates Magenta(1)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champion Press Plates Yellow(1)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champions Samples-(362)
2005-Donruss Classic Star of Summers(1000) -(BOS-24)
2005-Donruss Classic Star of Summers Gold(50)-(BOS-24)
2005-Donruss Classic Star of Summers Materials(250)-(BOS-24)
2005-Donruss Classic Star of Summers Platinum(1)-(BOS-24)
2005-Donruss Classic Star of Summers Signature(50)-(BOS-24)
2005-Donruss Classic Star of Summers Signature Materials(50)-(BOS-24)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Bronze-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Challenge-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Black(25) -(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Black Platinum(1)-(291))
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Blue(100)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Blue Platinum(1)-(291))
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Green(50)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Green Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Red-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Red Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond King Hawaii Trade Conference(10)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Bronze(200)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Black(10)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Black Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Blue(50)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Blue Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Green(25)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Green Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Red(100)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Red Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Gold(50)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Silver(100)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Non Canvas(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond King Press Plates Press Plates(Black(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond King Press Plates Press Plates Cyan(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond King Press Plates Press Plates Magenta(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond King Press Plates Press Plates Yellow(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Black(1)-291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Bronze(10)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Black(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Black Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Blue(5)(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Blue Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Green(5)(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Green Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Red(10)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed RedPlatinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Gold(5)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Backl(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Bronze-2005(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Gold-2005(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Black(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Framed Black Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donuss Diamond Kings Signature Material Framed Blue(50)-2005(291)
2005-Donuss Diamond Kings Signature Material Framed Blue Platinum-2005(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Framed Green(25)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Framed Green Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Framed Red(50)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Framed Red Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Silver(5)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Silver(50)-(291)
2005-Donruss Greats Platinum HoloFoil(50)-(85)
2005-Donruss Greats Platinum-(85)
2005-Donruss Greats Signature Platinum-(85)
2005-Donruss Greats Silver-(85)
2005-Donruss Minnesota Twins-(13)
2005-DonrussThrowback Threads Throwback Collection Material(250)-2005(6)
2005-DonrussThrowback Threads Throwback Collection Material Prime(100)- (TC-6)
2005-DonrussThrowback Threads Throwback Collection Signature Material(50) -(6)
2005-DonrussThrowback Threads Throwback Collection Signature Material Combo(25)-(6)
2005-DonrussThrowback Threads Throwback Collection Signature Material Combo Prime(10)-(6)
2005-DonrussThrowback Threads Throwback Collection Signature Material (25)-(6)
2005-Donruss Throwback Threads Throwback Collection Spectrum-(6)
2005-Donruss Timeless Treasures Home Road Gamers Duo(50)-(25)
2005-Donruss Timeless Treasures Home Road Gamers Duo Prime(10)-(25)
2005-Donruss Timeless Treasures Home Road Gamers Trios(25)-(25)
2005-Donruss Timeless Treasures Home Road Gamers Trios Prime-(25)
2005-Donruss Timeless Treasures Home Road Gamers Duo-(25)
2005-Donruss Timeless Treasures Home Road Gamers Signature Duo(25)-(25)
2005-DonrussTimeless Treasures Home Road Gamers Signature Trios(25)-(25)
2005-DonrussTimeless Treasures Home Road Gamers Signature Trios Prime(5)-(25)
2005-Fleer National Pastimes Buyback Autographs-(TO)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Material Centennial(39)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Material Olympic(92)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Material ProBall(69)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Material USA Flag(100)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Material Centennial(39)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Material Olympic(6)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Material Prime Centennial(1)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Material Prime Olympic(6)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Material Prime ProBall(6)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Material Prime USA Flag(100)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Limited Team Trademarks(50)-(TT-38)
2005-Leaf Limited Team Trademarks Foil(10)-(TT-38)
2005-Leaf Limited Team Trademarks Jersey Numbers(1)-(TT-38)
2005-Leaf Limited Team Trademarks Jersey Numbers Prime(26)-(TT-38)
2005-Leaf Limited Team Trademarks Signature-(50)-TT-38)
2005-Leaf Limited Team Trademarks Signature Jersey Numbers(26)-(TT-38)
2005-Leaf Limited Team Trademarks Signature Jersey Prime (26)-(S-38)
2005-Leaf Recollection Autographs-2004(4), (5) Printing Plate Black(1)-
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Heroes(250)-(AH-68)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Heroes Reverse Spectrum(25)-(AH-68)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Heroes Spectrum(100)-(AH-68)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Heroes Swatch Double(150)-(AH-68)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Heroes Swatch Double Spectrum Prime(100)- (AH-68)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Heroes Swatch Triple(150)-(AH-68)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Heroes Swatch Triple Spectrum Prime(75)- (AH-68)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Marks of Fame Autograph Swatch Double- (MF-39)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Marks of Fame Autograph Swatch Double Spectrum Prime(MF-39)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Marks of Fame Autograph Swatch Single(125)- (MF-39)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Marks of Fame Autograph SwatchTriple(10)- (MF-39)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Marks of Fame Autograph Swatch Triple Spectrum Prime(1)-(MF-39)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Mark of Fame Spectrum(25)-(MF-39)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Mark of Fame Swatch Double(50)-(MF-39)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Marks of Fame Swatch Doubles Spectrum Prime(25)-(MF-39)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Mark of Fame Swatch Triple(25)-(MF-39)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Marks of Fame Swatch Triple Spectrum Prime(15)-(MF-39)
12005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem(150)-(TQ-10)
2005-Playoff Memorabilia Team Tandem Spectrum(100)-(TQ-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem-Swatch Singles(150)-(TQ-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem-Swatch Singles Spectrum(100)- (TQ-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem(250)-(TQ-10)
2005-Playoff Memorabilia Team Tandem Spectrum(150)-(TT-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem-Swatch Double(50)-(TT-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem-Swatch Double Spectrum(10)- (TT-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem-Swatch Singles Spectrum Prime Black(1)-(TT-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem-Swatch Double-(TQ-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem-Swatch Double Spectrum-(TQ-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem Swatch Double Spectrum Prime Black-(TQ-10)
20052005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem Swatch Double Spectrum Prime Black-(TT-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem Swatch Single(50)-(TT-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem Swatch Single Spectrum(10)- (TT-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem Swatch Single Spectrum Prime Black(1)-(TT-10)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph(25)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Gold(10) -(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Materials(25) -(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Material Gold(10) -(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cut Classic Careers Autograph Material Platinum(1)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Patch(25) -(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Patch Gold(5)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts- Classic Careers Autograph Patch Platinum(1)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Platinum(1)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Gold(75)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Material Gold(75) -(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Material Platinum(1)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Patch(50)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Patch Gold(10)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Patch Platinum(1) -(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Platinum(1)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph(25)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Gold(10)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Materials(25)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Materials Gold(10)-2(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Materials Platinum(1)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Patch(25)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Patch Gold(5)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Patch Platinum(1)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Gold(75)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Materials-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Materials Gold(75)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Materials Platinum(1)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Patch (50)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Patch Gold (10)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Patch Platinum (1)-(GD=TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Platinum (1)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Duos Autograph (15)-(DU-CO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Duos Autograph (25)-(DU-CO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage (399)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph (25)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Gold (10)-2(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Material (25)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Material Gold (10)- (LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Materials Platinum (1)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Patch (16)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Patch Gold (5)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Patch Platinum (1)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Platinum (1)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Gold (75)-2(LE-TO(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Material Gold (75)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Material Platinum (1)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Patch (50)-2005(TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Patch Gold ((LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Patch Platinum (1)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Platinum (1)-(LE-TO)
2005-Topps Pristine Power Core Bat Knob Relic(7)-2005(TO)
2005-Topps Pristine Power Stick Bat Knob Relic(1)-(TO)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends Gold Refractors(65)-(28)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends Leading Indicator Relics Refractors(25)-(TO)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends Printing Plates Black-(28)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends Printing Plates Cyan-(28)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends Printing Plates Magenta-(28)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends Printing Plates Yellow-(28)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends Refractors(549)-(28)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends SuperFractors(1)-(28)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Blue(50)-(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Gold(1)-(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Green(199)-(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Original Relics(1)-(287)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Printing Plates Black(1) -(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Printing Plates Yellow(1) -(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Reprints Chrome(25)-(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Reprints Chrome Gold(1)-(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Reprints Chrome Refractors(15)-(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Silver(5)-(9)
2005-Upper Deck Recollection Dual Signature-(TO-KH)
2005-Upper Deck Recollection Dual Signature Blue(35)-(TO-KH)
2005-Upper Deck Recollection Dual Signature Platinum(1)-(TO-KH)
2005-Upper Deck Recollection Dual Signature Red99)-(TO-KH)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Lumber Triple(85)-(GEN-OAR)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of MaterialsTriple(50)-(GEN-OAR)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Signature Triple(35)-(GEN-OAR)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation Past Lumber Silver(115)-(PA-TO)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Lumber Triple(85)-2005(OAR
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation Past Material Gold(25) -(PA-TO)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation Past Material Silver(99)-(PA-TO)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Lumber Triple(85)-(OAR
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation Past Signature Bronze(35)-(PA-TO)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation Past Signature Gold(15) -(PA-TO)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation Past SignatureSilver(99)-(PA-TO)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Material Dual(75)-(TSM-TO)
2006-Heroes Deck Minnesota Twins Baseball Heroes Playing Cards-(9 of Clubs)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Gold(225)-(LM-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Platinum(15)-(LM-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Printing Plate Black(1)- (TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Printing Plate Cyan(1)-s-(TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(TO)
SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Silver(199)-(LM-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Place in History Signature (99)(PH-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Place in History Signature (99)(PH-TO2)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Printing Plate Black(1)- (TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Printing Plate Cyan(1)-s-(TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Plate Magenta(1)-(TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Plates Yellow(1)-(TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game(99)-(WG-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game(99)-(WG-TO2)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Materials(75)-(WG-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Materials (75)-(WG-TO2)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Printing Plates Black(1)-(WG-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Printing Plates Black(1)-(WG-TO2)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(WG-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(WG-TO2)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(WG-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(WG-TO2)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(WG-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(WG-TO2)
2006-Upper Deck Auto-Facts Signatures Endorsement(300)-(AF-TO)
2006-Upper Deck Auto-Facts Signatures Printing Plates Black(1)-(AF-TO)
2006-Upper Deck Auto-Facts Signatures Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(AF-TO)
2006-Upper Deck Auto-Facts Signatures Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(AF-TO)
2006-Upper Deck Auto-Facts Signatures Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(AF-TO)
2006-Upper Deck Epic Endorsements(45)-(EE-TO)
2006-Upper Deck Epic Four Barrel(1)-(OJDW)
2006-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Legendary Ensemble Signature(25)- (LES-CHO)
2007--Hero Deck Playing Card-(LM-TO)
2007-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Materials Dual(69)-LM-TO)
2007-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Materials Quad(25)-(LM-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Memorabilia Patch(55)-(CM-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Dual Signature Black Stitch Red Ink(1)- (SPDS-CO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Dual Signature Black Stitch Red Ink(1)- (SPDS-OH)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Dual Signature Gold Stitch Black Ink(15)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Dual Signature Gold Stitch Black Ink(15)- (SPDS-CO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Dual Signature Red Stitch Blue Ink(5)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Dual Signature Red Stitch Blue Ink(50)- (SPDS-CO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signature Barrel Black Ink(50)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signature Barrel Blue Ink(75)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signature Black Barrel Gold Ink(1)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signature Black Barrel Silver Ink(5)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signature Black Leather Green Ink(1)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signature Black Leather Silver Ink(5)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signatures Black Stitch Blue Ink(1)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signatures Black Stitch Red Ink(1)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signatures Gold Stitch Blue Ink(50)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signatures Leather Blue Ink(75)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signatures Leather Gold Ink(50)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signatures Red Stitch Black Ink(175)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signatures Red Stitch Blue Ink(125)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signatures Silver Stitch Black Ink(25)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signatures Silver Stitch Blue Ink(6)- (SPS-TO)
2008-SP Legendary Cuts Memorabilia Dark Blue(25)-(LM-TO)
2008--SP Legendary Cuts Memorabilia Light Green(6)-(LM-TO)
2008-SP Legendary Cuts Memorabilia Violet(50)-(LM-TO)
2008-TriStar Signa Cuts Baseball Edition (NNO)1964 AL Rookie of the Year
2009-Sportking Series C 2009 NSCC Spoerskings VIP Promotions-(VIP-02)
Sportking Series C Double Memorabilia-(DM-09)
2009-Sportking Series C Mini-(152)
2009-Sportking Series C Mini Gold(-(NN))
2009-Sportking Series C Mini Silver(7)-(152)
2009-Sportking Numerology Gold(1)-(N-18)
2009-Sportking Numerology Silver-(N-18)
2010-Famous Fabrics National Pride Cuba-(NNO)
2010-Historic Autographs Hall of Fame & All-Star Edition-(NNO)
2010-Panini Century Materials Bat Signatures(25)-(67)
2010-Panini Century Materials Jersey(100)-(67)
2010-Panini Century Material Jersey Prime Signatures(50)-(67)
2010-Panini Century Material Jersey Signatures(25)-(67)
2010-Sportking Series D National Convention Single Memorabilia Silver(9) -(SK-56)
2011-SP Legendary Cuts Past and Present Dual Signature(5)-2011(MIN-OV)
2012-Historic Autographs Decades The 1960s(21)-(71)
2012-Leaf Cut Signature History if Baseball-(NNO)
2012-Panini Golden Age Historic Signature-26)
2012-Panini National Treasures Treasure Signature Materials(49)-(67)
2012-Panini National Treasures Signature Materials Prime(25)-(67)
2012-Panini National Treasures Signature Materials Prime Button(7)-(67)
2012-SP Signature Edition-(MIN1)
2012-SP Signature Edition Compatriots Signatures Triple(5)-(CUBA1)
2012-SP Signature Edition Franchise Focus Signatures Five(5)-(MIN)
2012-SP Signature Edition Franchise Focus Signatures Quad(25)-(MIN)
2012-SP Signature Edition Superstars Signature Quad(5)-(KYRO)
2012-Sportsking Series E Art(1)-(NNO)
2012-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(228)1963 Topps
2013-Historic Autograph Decades 1970-(NNO)
2013-Panini America’s Pastime Boys of Summer Autographs(10)-(BS-TO)
2013-Panini America’s PastimeBoys of Summer Autographs Black(1)-(BS-TO)
2013-Panini America’s PastimeBoys of Summer Autographs Gold(5)-(BS-TO)
2013-Panini America’s PastimeBoys of Summer Autographs Red(3)-(BS-TO)
2014-In The Game Past, Present and Future PSA/DNA Autograph-(CS-TOL)
2014-Panini Classics Lineups(99)-(14)
2014-Panini Classics Triples Bats(15)-(15)
2014--Panini Classics Triples Jersey(25)-(15)
2014--Panini Classics Triples Jersey Prime(10)-(15)
2014-Panini National Treasures Game Ball Signatures(10)-(94)
2014-Topps 75th Anniversary Buybacks-(86)1972 Topps
2014-Topps 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(1)1964 Topps
2014-Topps 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(340)1964 Topps
2016-Historic Autographs Originals The 1970-(NNO)
2016-Panini Pantheon Arena Acclaimed(49)-(AA-TO)
2016-Panini Pantheon Arena Acclaimed Bronze(10)-(AA-TO)
2016-Panini Pantheon Arena Acclaimed Gold(25)-(AA-TO)
2016-Panini Pantheon Arena Acclaimed Holo Silver(1)-(AA-TO)
2016-Panini Pantheon Metropolis Monuments Materials(99)-2016(9)
2016-Panini Pantheon Metropolis Monuments Materials Bronze(10)-(9)
2016-Panini Pantheon Metropolis Monuments Materials Gold(25))-(9)
2016-Panini Pantheon Metropolis Monuments Materials Holo Silver(1)(9)
2016-Panini Pantheon Script 1 Material(99)-(1)
2016-Panini Pantheon Script 1 Material Bronze(10)-(1)
2016-Panini Pantheon Script 1 Material Gold(25)-(1)
2016-Panini Pantheon Script 1 Material Holo Silver(1)-(1)
2016-Panini Pantheon Scripted Rudiarius Materials(149)-(SR-TO)
2016-Panini Pantheon Scripted Rudiarius Materials Bronze(10)-(SR-TO)
2016-Panini Pantheon Scripted Rudiarius Materials Gold(25)-(SR-TO)
2016-Panini Pantheon Scripted Rudiarius Materials Holo Silver(1)-(SR-TO)
2016-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks(50)1966 Topps
2016-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks(211)1966 Topps
2016-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks(239)1966 Topps
2017-Panini Flawless Great Autographs Black(1)-(GA-TO)
2017-Panini Flawless Great Autographs Emerald(3)-(GA-TO)
2017-Panini Flawless Great Autographs Gold(5)-(GA-TO)
2017-Panini Flawless Great Autographs Ruby(15)-(GA-TO)
2017-Panini Flawless Great Autographs Sapphire(10)-(GA-TO)
2017-Panini Flawless Legendary Signature Black(1)-(LS-TO)
2017-Panini Flawless Legendary Signature Emerald(5)-(LS-TO)
2017-Panini Flawless Legendary Signature Gold(5)-(LS-TO)
2017-Panini Flawless Legendary Signature Ruby(15)-(LS-TO)
2017-Panini Flawless Legendary Signature Sapphire(10)-(LS-TO
2017-Panini National Treasures League Leaders Combos(10)-(LLC-CO)
2017-Panini National Treasures League Leaders Combos Holo Gold(5)-(LLC-CO)
2017-Panini National Treasures League Leaders Combos Holo Silver(3)-(LLC-CO)
2017-Panini National Treasures League Leaders Combos Platinum(1)-(LLC-CO)
2017-Panini National Treasures Retro Signatures(25)-(RS-TO)
2017-Panini National Treasures Retro Signatures Platinum(1)-(RS-TO)
2017-Panini National Treasures Six Swatch Signature(20)-(SSS-TO
2017-Panini National Treasures Six Swatch Signature Black(3)-(SSS-TO)
2017-Panini National Treasures Six Swatch Signature Holo Gold(10)-(SSS-TO)
2017-Panini National Treasures Six Swatch Signature Holo Silver(5)-(SSS-TO)
2017-Panini National Treasures Six Swatch Signature Platinum(1)-(SSS-TO)
2017-Panini National Treasures Treasured Signature(20)-(TS-TO)
2017-Panini National Treasures Treasured Signature Platinum(1)-(TS-TO
2017-Topps Rediscover Stamped Buybacks Bronze-(665)1989 Topps
2017-Topps Rediscover Stamped Buybacks Gold-(665)1989 Topps
2017-Topps Rediscover 50th Anniversary Buybacks (165)
2017-Topps Rediscover 50th Anniversary Buybacks (371)
2018-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(1)1968 AL Batting Leaders
2018-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(600)
2018-Panini Immaculate Collection Parchment Signature(25)-(PS)
2018-Panini Immaculate Collection Parchment Signature Blue(10)-(PS)
2018-Panini Immaculate Collection Parchment Signature Platinum(1)-(PS-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Legendary Silhoutte Dual Booklet(49)-(PS-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Legendary Silhoutte Dual Booklet Gold(25)- (PS-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Legendary Silhoutte Dual Booklet Platinum(1)- PS-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Material Signature Treasures Holo Gold (5)- (MST-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Materials Signature Treasures Holo Silver (10)- (MST-TOignatures)
2018-Panini National Treasures Legendary Signature Treasures Platinum(1)- MST-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Legendary Signature Treasures Printing Plate yBlack(1)- MST-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Legendary Signature Treasures Printing Plate Cyan(1)- MST-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Legendary Signature Treasures Printing Plate Magenta(1)- MST-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Legendary Signature Treasures Printing Plate Yellow(1)- MST-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Treasured Signatures(10)- (TS-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Treasured Signatures Platinum(1)- (TS-TO)
2018-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(1)1968 AL Batting Leaders
2018-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(600)
2018-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(1)1968 AL Batting Leaders
2019-Topps 150 Years of Baseball-(90)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 X 7(49)-116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(116)
2019-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-62)1968 American League Batting Leaders
2019-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(510)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Mini Cloth(10)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Glossy(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Gold Hot Box-(116)*
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Brooklyn Back(25)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Black(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Magenta1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Glossy(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Gold Borders(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Metal(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini No Card Numbers(1)-(NNO)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Stained Glass-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Glossy(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter X-(116)*
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Red(5)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Silver(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Archive Fan Favorite Autographs-(FFA-TO)
2019-Topps Archive Fan Favorite Autographs Blue(25)-(FFA-TO)
2019-Topps Archive Fan Favorite Autographs Gold(1)-(FFA-TO)
2019-Topps Archive Fan Favorite Autographs Purole(150)-(FFA-TO)
2019-Topps Archive Fan Favorite Autographs Silver(99)-(FFA-TO)
2019-Topps Heritage Real One High Number Autographs-(ROA-TO)
2019-Topps Heritage Real One High Number Autographs Red Ink(70)-(ROA-TO)
2019-Topps Heritage Real One High Number Dual Autographs-(RODA-CO)
2020-Topps Heritage 1971 Topps One of the Game’s Greatest Moments Box Toppers-(2)
2020-ToppsHeritage 1971 Topps One of the Game’s Greatest Moments Box Toppers High Numbers-(14)
2020-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(61)1971 AL Batting Leaders
2020-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(290)
2020-Panini National Treasures American Autographs(25)-(AA-TO)
2020-Panini National Treasures American Autographs Holo Gold(110)-(AA-TO)
2020-Panini National Treasures American (Autographs Holo Silver(5)-(AA-TO)
2020-Panini National Treasures American Autographs Platinum(1)-(AA-TO)
2020-Panini National Treasures ID Tags1)-(ID-TO)
2020-Panini National Treasures Midnight Signature(25)-(MS-TO)
2020-Panini National Treasures Midnight Signature Holo Gold(10)-(MS-TO)
2020-Panini National Treasures Midnight Signature Holo Silver(5)-(MS-TO)
2020-Panini National Treasures Midnight Signature Platinum(1)-(MS-TO)
2020-Panini National Treasures Midnight Signature(25)-(AA-TO)
2020-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Triple Relics High Number(25)-
2020-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Triple Relics Patch High Number(1)-
2020-Topps Heritage Real One Aitographs High Number-(ROA-TO)
2020-Topps Living-(366)
2020-Topps Now Turn Back the Clock Cherry(7)-(91)
2020-Topps Now Turn Back the Clock White Ash(3)-(91)
2021-Donruss Classics Autographs-(CA-TO)
2021--Donruss Classics Autographs Black(1)-(CA-TO)
2021--Donruss Classics Autographs Blue(15)-(CA-TO)
2021--Donruss Classics Autographs Gold(5)-(CA-TO)
2021-Topps Allen and Ginter Autographed Relic Book(10)-(ARBC-TO)
2021-Topps Allen and Ginter N43 Boxleaders Autographs(15)-(BLNA-10)
2021-Topps Heritage 1972 Mint Relic Dime(10)-MIR-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage 1972 Mint Relic Half-Dollar(1)-MIR-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage 1972 Mint Relic Nickel(15)-MIR-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage 1972 Mint Relic Quarter(5)-MIR-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage 1972 Topps Baseball Poster Box Topper-(BPB-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage 1972 Topps US Poster Stamp Relics-(PRS-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(86)1971 AL Batting Leaders
2021-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(400)
2021-Topps Allen and Ginter Autographed Relic Book(10)-(ARBC-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Dual Autographed Relics-(CCDA-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Dual Autographed Relics Patch(1)- (CCDA-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Quad Autographed Relics(10)- (CCQ-HTRB)
2021-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Dual Autographed Relics Patch(1)- (CCQ-HTRB)
2021-Topps Heritage Flashbacks Autographed Relics(25)- (FAR-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage Flashbacks Autographed Relics Patch(1)- (FAR-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs- (ROA-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs Special Edition Red Ink(25)- (ROA-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage Real One Triple Autographs - (ROTA-BRT)
2021-Topps Luminaries Hit Kings Autograph Patches(15)-(HKAP-TO)
2021-Topps Luminaries Hit Kings Autograph Patches Black(1)-(HKAP-TO)
2021-Topps Museum Collection Dual On-Card Autographs(15)-(DA-BO)
2021-Topps Museum Collection Momentous Moments Dual Jumbo Patch Autograph Book(5)-(MMDPA-OB)
2021-Topps Museum Collection Momentous Moments Dual Jumbo Patch Autograph Book Emerald(1)-(MMDPA-OB)
2021-Topps Tier One Relics(50)-(T1AR-TO)
2021-Topps Tier One Relics Dual Patch(10)-(T1AR-TO)
2021-Topps Tier One Relics Triple Patch(1)-(T1AR-TO)
2021-Topps Tier One Relics Autographed Prodigious Patches(10)-(PPA-TO)
2021-Topps Tier One Relics Autographed Prodigious Patches Platinum(1)- (PPA-TO)
2021-Topps Tier One Relics Dual Autograph Relic Book-(DAR-OH)
2021-Topps Tier One RelicsDual Autograph Relic Book Dual Patch(1)-(DAR-OH)
2021-Topps Tier One Legends Relics-(144)-(T1LR-TO)
2021-Topps Tier One Legends Relics Dual Patches(25)-(T1LR-TO)
2021-Topps Tier One Legends Relics Triple Patches(1)-(T1LR-TO)
2021-Topps Tier One Legends Relics Triple Autographs(10)-(TA-COM
2022-Panini Absolute Iconic Ink(49)-(II-TO)
2022-Panini Absolute Iconic Ink Retail(25)(49)-(II-TO)
2022-Panini Absolute Iconic Ink Spectrum Black(1)-(II-TO)
2022-Panini Absolute Iconic Ink Spectrum Blue(15))-(II-TO)
2022-Panini Absolute Iconic Ink Spectrum Gold(10)-(II-TO)
2022-Panini Diamond Kings Brush Strokes-(BS-TO)
2022-Panini Diamond Kings Brush Strokes Holo Blue(15)-(BS-TO)
2022-Panini Diamond Kings Brush Strokes Holo Gold(25)-(BS-TO)
2022-Panini Diamond Kings Brush Strokes Holo Silver(49)-(BS-TO)
2022-Panini Diamond Kings Brush Strokes Masterpieces(1)-(BS-TO)
2022-Panini Diamond Kings Brush Strokes Purple(10)-(BS-TO)
2022-Panini Diamond Kings Brush Strokes Red(5)-(BS-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials(25)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Blue(10)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Gold(5)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Green(3)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Platinum(1)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Printing Plates Black(1)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Printing Plates Magenta (1) -(LDM-TO
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Printing Plates Yellow (1)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Red(15)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Printing Plates Black(1)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Printing Plates Magenta (1)-
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Printing Plates Yellow(1)- (LDM-TO)
2022-Topps 206 American Beauty Back-(NN0)
2022-Topps 206 California/early Hollywood-(NNO)
2022-Topps 206 Carolina Brights-(NNO)
2022-Topps 206 El Principes Gales Back-(NNO)
2022-Topps 206 Old Mills-(NNO)-(NNO)
2022-Topps 206 Piedmont Back-(NNO)
2022-Topps 206 Polar Bear Back-(NNO)
2022-Topps 206 Tolstoi Back-(NNO)
2022-Topps 206 Ty Cobb Back-(NNO)
2022-Topps 206 Wood Paper Stock-(NNO)
2022-Topps Heritage Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Dual Autographed Relics (10)-(CDAR-OC)
2022-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Dual Autographed Relics Patch(1)-(CDAR-OC)
2022-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Dual Relics (73)-(CCD-OC)
2022-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Dual Relics Patch(1)-(CCD-OC)
2022-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Quad Relics (10)-(CCQ-KCOB)
2022-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Quad Relics Patch (1)-(CCQ-KCOB)
2022-Topps Heritage Flashback Autograph Relics(25)-(FAR-TO)
2022-Topps Heritage Flashback Autograph Relics Patch(1)-(FAR-TO)
2022-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs-(ROA-TO)
2022-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs Special Edition Red Ink(73)-(ROA-TO)
2022-Topps Heritage Real One Dual Autographs(25)-(RODA-OC)
2022-Topps Now-(589)
2022-Topps Now Autographs-(589A)
2022-Topps Now Autographs-(589B)
2022-Topps Now Autographs-(589C)
2022-Topps Now Autographs-(589D)
2022-Topps Now Autographs-(589E)
2022-Topps Now Autographs-(589F)
2022-Topps NowBlue(49-(589)
2022-Topps Now Gold(1)-(589)
2022-Topps Now Orange(5)-(589)
2022-Topps Now Purple(25)-(589)
2022-Topps Now Red(10)-(589)
2022-Topps X Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman Autographs Red Back-(61-A)1989 Topps
2022-Topps X Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman-(61)1989 set
2022-Topps XSpotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman Color Test (1)-(61)1989 Topps
2022-Topps X Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman Rainbow Foil(5)-(61)1989 Topps
2022-Topps X Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman Red Back(10)-(61)1989 Topps
2022-Topps XSpotlight 70ii by Andy Friedman Short Print-(SP-61)1970 Topps
2022-Topps X Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman Stamp-(61)1989 set
2023-Donruss Artist Proof(10)-(287)
2023-Donruss Holo Gold(1)-(287)
2023-Donruss Press Proof(5)-(187)
2023-Donruss Printing Plates Black(1)-(287)
2023-Donruss Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(287)
2023-Donruss Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(287)
2023-Donruss Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(287)
2023-Donruss Season Stat Line(400)-(287)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra-(19)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra Black Finite(1)-(19)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra Black Gold(10)-(19)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra Gold Vinyl(1)-(19)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra Green(25)-(19)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra Holo-(19)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra Hyper(50)-(19)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra Pink(17)-(19)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra Psychodelic-(19)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra Red Disco(25)-(19)
2023-Panini Immaculate Collection Shadowbox Signature(25)-(SS-TO)
2023-Panini Immaculate Collection Shadowbox Signature Black(5)-(SS-TO)
2023-Panini Immaculate Collection Shadowbox Signature Green(3)-(SS-TO)
2023-Panini Immaculate Collection Shadowbox Signature Holo Silver (10)-(SS-TO)
2023-Panini Immaculate Collection Shadowbox Signature Platinum(1)-(SS-TO)
2023-Panini Immaculate Collection Shadowbox Signature Red(15)-(SS-TO)
2023-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Material Signature(25)-(HFMS-TO)
2023-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Material Signature Holo Silver(10)-(HFMS-TO)
2023-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Material Signature Printing Plate Black(1)-(HFMS-TO)
2023-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Material Signature Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(HFMS-TO)
2023-Panini NationalTreasuresHallofFameMaterial Signature Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(HFMS-TO)
2023-PaniniNationalTreasuresHallof FameMaterialSignature Printing Plate Yellowk(1)-(HFMS-TO)
2023-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Signature Holo Silver(10)-(HSI-TO)
2023-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Signature Platinum(1)-(HSI-TO)
2023-Panini Prizm Black Finite(1)-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm Black Gold(5)-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm Black Gold Shimmer(5)-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm Blue Shimmer(7)-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm Giraffe-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm Gold(10)-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm Gold Shimmer(10)-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm Gold Vinyl(1)-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm Ice-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm Pulsar-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm White Sparkle-(191)
2023-Panini Select Black Finite(1)-(297)
2023-Panini Select-(297) Black Snakeskin(1)-(297)
2023-Panini Select Blue-(297)
2023-Panini Select Blue Prizms -(297)
2023-Panini Select Elephant Prizm-(297)
2023-Panini Select Gold Flash Prizm(10)-(297)
2023-Panini Select Gold Prizm(10)-(297)
2023-Panini Select Gold Vinyl(1)-(297)
2023-Panini Select Green Prizm Green/White/Purple Prizm(25)-(297)
2023-Panini Select-(297 Neon Orange(3))
2023-Panini Select Orange Flash Prizm-(297)
2023-Panini Select Pink Prizm-(297)
2023-Panini Select Silver Prizm-(297)
2023-Panini Select Tiger Prizm-(297)
2023-Panini Select Zebra Prizm-(297)
2023-President’s Choice Solitaire 2.0 Update Hall of Fame 2022-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 95 Morton Brick Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Autographs-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Blank Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Carolina Brights Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Interleague Logo Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Sweet Caporal Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Ty Cobb Back(1)-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Utiz Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Wood Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Golf Framed Hall of Fame Autographs-(HAFA-TO)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Golf Framed Hall of Fame Autographs Emerald(25)-(HAFA-TO)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Golf Framed Hall of Fame Autographs Onyx(10)-(HAFA-TO)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Golf Framed Hall of Fame Autographs Platinum(1)-(HAFA-TO)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Golf Framed Hall of Fame Autographs Rose Gold(50)-(HAFA-TO)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Golf Framed Hall of Fame Autographs Ruby(5)-(HAFA-TO)
2023-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buyback-(190)
2023-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Quad Relics(10)-(CCQR-KCOB)
2023-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Quad Relics(1)-(CCQR-KCOB)
2023-Topps Heritage Flashback Autographed Relics (25)-(FAR-TO)
2023-Topps Heritage Flashback Autographed Relics Patch(1)-(FAR-TO)
2023-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs-(74RO-TO)
2023-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs Special Edition Red Ink(74)-(74RO-TO)

Brian Piccolo
1969-Glendale Stamp-(NNO)
2005-Leaf Limited Cuts Autographs(1)-(LC-8)
2005-Leaf Limited Hawaii Trade Conference(25)-(104)
2005-Leaf Limited Platinum Spotlight(1)-(104)
2005-Upper Deck Portraits Cut Signature 8X10(1)-(CS9)
2007-Upper Deck Exquisite Collection Dual Legendary Cuts(1)-($DLC-PP)
2007-Upper Deck Premier Stitchings Cuts(1)-(CUT-BP)
2009-Donruss Classics Cuts(1)-(17)
2009-Playoff National Treasure Souvenirs Cuts(1)-(17)
2009-Upper Deck Immortal Letterman(125)-(IL-BP)Letter B
2009-Upper Deck Immortal Letterman(125)-(IL-BP)Letter A
2009-Upper Deck Immortal Letterman(125)-(IL-BP)Letter R
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Generation 6 Jerseys(35)-(G6J-16)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Generation 6 Jerseys-(G6J-28)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Generation 6 Jerseys(-(G6J-34)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Generation 6 Jerseys Gold(25)-(G6J-16)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Generation 6 Jerseys Gold(25)-(G6J-28)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Generation 6 Jerseys Gold(25)-(G6J-34)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Generation 6 Patches-(G6J-16)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Generation 6 Patches-(G6J-28)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Generation 6 Patches(15)-(G6J-34
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Ultimate Legendary 6 Jersey -(J-3)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Ultimate Legendary 6 Jersey -(18)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Ultimate Legendary 6 Jersey Patches-(J-3)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Ultimate Legendary 6 Jersey Patches-(18)
2011-Playoff National Treasure Souvenirs Cuts(1)-(D1)
2014-2014-Panini National Treasure Cuts(1)-(3)
2016-Panini Limited Cuts Dual Booklet(1)-(5)
2017-Donruss Certified Legendary Cuts(1)-(100)
2019-Topps Heritage 1970 Celebrity Cut Signature(1)-(70CCS-BP)
2020-Panini National Treasure Cuts(1)-(CUT-BP)

Ceasar Tovar
44 of 92
1967-Topps Punch-Out-(NNO)
1967-Topps Venezuelan-(191)
1968-Dexter Press-(72)
1968-Minnesota Twins Postcards-(9)
1968-Sports Illustrated Poster Cards-(7A2)
1969-Globe Import Playing Card Gas Station Issue-(9 Spade b)
1969-Mike Andersen Postcard-(NNO)
1969-Minnesota Twins Picture Pack-(NNO)
1969-Transogram Statue Cards-(NNO)
1970-Minnesota Twins 4 X 5 Photo-(NNO)
1970-Ovenca Venezuelan-(122)
1970-Ovenca Venezuelan-(245)
1970-71-Dayton Daily News M137-(153)10/01/70
1971-Kellogg -(18)
1971-Milk Duds-(NNO)
1971-Milk Duds Boxes-(NNO)
1972-73-Venezuelan Winter League Sticker(152)
1973-Philadelphia Phillies Photocard-(136)
1973-Philadelphia Phillies Photocard-(137)Variation
1973-74-Venezuelan Winter League Stickers-(140)
1974-Texas Rangers Photocards-(NNO)
1974-75-Venezuelan Winter League Sticker(NNO)
1994-95-Lineup Venezuelan Winter League-(130)*
2007-Heroes Deck Playing Cards-(8 Clubs)
2014-Famous Fabric Big Apple Baseball(1)-(NNO)
2014-Topps 75th Anniversary Buybacks-(275)1972
2014-Topps 75th Anniversary Buybacks-(408)1977*
2017-Topps 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(420)
2018-Gummy Arts-(31)
2018-Topps 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(530)

Brian Dozier
698 0f 1875=37%
2009-Bowman Chrome Draft Picks & Prospects Printing Plates Black(1)- (BDPP16)
2009-Bowman Chrome Draft Picks & Prospects Printing Plates Cyan(1)- (BDPP16)
2009-Bowman Chrome Draft Picks & Prospects Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (BDPP16)
2009-Bowman Chrome Draft Picks & Prospects Printing Plates Yellow(1)- (BDPP16),
2009-Bowman Chrome Draft Picks & Prospects Red Refractors(5)-(BDPP-16)
2009-Bowman Chrome Draft Picks & Prospects Superfractors(1)-(BDPP-16
2009-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Printing Plates Black(1)- (BDPP16)
2009-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Printing Plates Cyan(1)- (BDPP16)
2009-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Printing Plates Magenta(1)- (BDPP16)
2009-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Printing Plates Yellow(1)- (BDPP16)
2012-Bowman Chrome Blue Refractors(250)-(91)
2012-Bowman Chrome Orange Refractor(25)-(91)
2012-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)-(91))
2012-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(91))
2012-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(91)
2012-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(91)
2012-Bowman Chrome Red Refractractor(5)-(91)
2012-Bowman Chrome Superfractor(1)-(91)
2012-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Orange Refractors(25)-(39)
2012-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Printing Plates Black(1)-(39)
2012-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(39)
2012-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(39)
2012-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(39)
2012-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Purple Ice(10)-(39)
2012-Bowman Draft Pick & Prospects Red(5)-(39)
2012-Bowman Platinum Prospects Atomic Refractors(5)-(BPP62)
2012-Bowman Platinum Prospects Gold Refractors(50)-(BPP62)
2012-Bowman Platinum Prospects Printing Plates Black(1)-(BPP62)
2012-Bowman Platinum Prospects Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(BPP62)
2012-Bowman Platinum Prospects Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(BPP62)
2012-Bowman Platinum Prospects Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(BPP62)
2012-Bowman Platinum Prospects Red Refractors(25)-(BPP62)
2012-Bowman Platinum Prospects Refractors-(BPP62)
2012-Bowman Platinum Prospects Superfractors(199)-(BPP62)
2012-Bowman Platinum Top Prospects Die Cuts(25)-(BD)
2012-Bowman Sterling Gold Canary Diamond Refractors(1)-(3)
2012-Bowman Sterling Printing Plates Black(1)-(3)
2012-Bowman Sterling Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(3)
2012-Bowman Sterling Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(3)
2012-Bowman Sterling Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(3)
2012-Bowman Sterling Purple Refractors(10)-(3)
2012-Bowman Sterling Red Refractors(1)-(3)
2012-Bowman Sterling Superfractors(1)-(3)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Atomic Refractors(5)-(AR-BD)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Gold Refractors (50)-(AR-BD)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Orange Refractors(99)-(AR-BD)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Printing Plates Black(1)-(AR-BD)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(AR-BD)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(AR-BD)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(AR-BD)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Red Refractors(25)-(AR-BD)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Refractors(198)-(AR-BD)
2012-Finest Rookie Autographs Superfractors(5)-(AR-BD)
2012-Topps Chrome Atomic Refractors(10)-(198)
2012-Topps Chrome Gold Refractors(50)-(198)
2012-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)-(198)
2012-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(198)
2012-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(198)
2012-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(198)
2012-Topps Chrome Red Refractors(25)-(198)
2012-Topps Chrome Superfractors(1)-(198)
2012-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs-ROA-DZ)
2012-Topps Heritage Real One Autograph Red Ink(10)-(ROA-BD)
2012 Topps Pro Debut Variation-(139B) Fielding
2012 Topps Pro Debut Gold-(139)
2012 Topps Pro Debut Printing Press Black(1)-(139)
2012 Topps Pro Debut Printing Press Cyan(1)-(139)
2012 Topps Pro Debut Printing Press Magenta(1)-(139)
2012 Topps Pro Debut Printing Press Yellow(1)-(139)
2012-Topps Updates Black(64)-(US161)
2012-Topps Updates Orange(10)-(US161)
2012-Topps Updates Platinum(1)-(US161)
2012-Topps Updates Printing Press Black(1)-(US161)
2012-Topps Updates Printing Press Cyan1)-(US161)
2012-Topps Updates Printing Press Magenta(1)-(US161)
2012-Topps Updates Printing Press Yellow(1)-(US161)
2012-Topps Update Wood(1)-(US 161)
2013-Minnesota Twins Photo Card-(NNO)
2013-Sega-Gen Card-(109)
2013-Topps Mini Black(5)-(596)
2013-Topps Mini Platinum(1)-(596)
2013-Topps Mini Printing Plates Black(1)-(596)
2013-Topps Mini Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(596)
2013-Topps Mini Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(596)
2013-Topps Mini Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(596)
2013 Topps- Orange(230)-(596)
2013 Topps- Pink(50)-(596)
2013 Topps- Platinum(1)-(596)
2013-Topps Printing Plates Black(1)-(596)
2013-Topps Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(596)
2013-Topps Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(596)
2013-Topps Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(596)
2013-Topps Sapphire(25)-(596)
2014-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)- (203)
2014-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(203)
2014-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(203)
2014-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)- (203)
2014-Bowman Chrome Red Refractor-(203)
2014-Bowman Chrome Superfractors- (203)
2014-Donruss Stat Line Season(33)-(314)
2014-Panini Prizm Prizms Black(1)-(86)
2014-Panini Prizm National Sports Convention(5)-(86)
2014-Panini Prizm Prizm-(86)
2014-Stadium Club Electric Foil-(35)
2014-Stadium Club Foilboard(25)-(35)
2014-Stadium Club Member Only-(35)
2014-Topps MLB Retro Team Poster 5 X 7(99)-(NNO)
2014-Topps 1rst Edition-(221)
2014-Topps Black(221)
2014-Topps Camo(99)-(221)
2014-Topps Clear(10)-(221)
2014-Topps Heritage Black Back-(169)
2014-Topps Mini Black(5)-(221)
2014-Topps Mini Platinum(1)-(221)
2014-Topps Mini Printing Plates Black(1)-(221)
2014-Topps Mini Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(221
2014-Topps Mini Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(221)
2014-Topps Mini Printing Plates Yellow(1)-2014(221)
2014-Topps MLB Retro Team Poster Postcards Prints(99)-(NNO)
2014-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Black(1)-(105)
2014-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(105)
2014-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(105)
2014-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(105)
2014-Topps Orange Factory Set(199)-(596)
2014-Topps Pink(50)-2014(221)
2014-Topps Platinum(1)-221)
2014-Topps Power Player Prizes(75)-(221)
2014-Topps Printing Plates Black(1)-2014(221)
2014-Topps Printing Plates Cyan(1)-014(221)
2014-Topps Printing Plates Magenta(1)-22014(221)
2014-Topps Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(221)
2015-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)-(120)
2015-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(120)
2015-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Magenta( 1)-(120)
2015-Bowman Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(120)
2015-Bowman Chrome Superfractor(1)-(120)
2015-Bowman’s Best Printing Press Black(1)-(38)
2015-Bowman’s Best Printing Press Cyan(1)-(38)
2015-Bowman’s Best Printing Press Magenta(1)-(38)
2015-Bowman’s Best Printing Press Yellow(1)-(38)
2015-Bowman’s Best Red Refractor(5)-38)
2015-Bowman’s Best Superfractor(1)-(38)
2015-Donruss Elite Black Status Die Cut(1)-(17)
2015-Donruss Elite Red Status Die Cut(25)-(17)
2015-Donruss Stat Line Career (6)-(116)
2015-Panini Elite Member Only Material Premium(1)-(35)
2015-Panini Elite Member Only Material Prime(25)-(35)
2015-Panini National Treasure All Star Material Triple Prime(1)-(8)
2015-Panini National Treasures Colossal Prime Brand Logo)(1)-(6)
2015-Panini National Treasures Colossal Prime Laundry Tag(1)-(6)
2015-Panini National Treasures Colossal Prime Nameplate(25)-(6)
2015-Panini National Treasures Colossal Prime Team Logo(11)-(6)
2015-Panini National Treasures Colossal Prime Team Patch(10)-2015(6)
2015-Panini Prizm Black Finite Prizms(1)-(36)
2015-Panini Prizm National Convention Limited Edition(5)-(36)
2015-Panini Prizm Number 2 Prizms(2)-(36)
2015-Panini Passion Black Finite Prizms(1)-(36)
2015-Panini Prizm Number 2 Prizms(2)-(36)
2015-Topps 5 X 7(99)-(259)
2015-Topps 5 X 7 Gold(49)-(259)
2015-Topps 5 X 7 Red(10)-(259)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10 X 14(99)-(91)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10 X 14 Black(1)-(NNO)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10th Anniversary Anniversary(10)-(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10th Anniversary Anniversary NSN-(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter 10th Anniversary Mini Silver-(10)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Glossy(1)-(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Flag(25)-156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plate Black(1)-(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plate Cyan(1)- (156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plate Magenta(1)--(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Glossy(50)-(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini No Card Number(50)-(NNO)*
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Red Border(40)-(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood(1)-(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini A & G Back(1)-(156)
2015-Topps Allen and Ginter X Silver White Border(1)-(156)
2015-Topps Archive Black(1)-(155)
2015-Topps Archive Printing Plates Black(1)-(155)
2015-Topps Archive Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(155)
2015-Topps Archive Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(155)
2015-Topps Archive Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(155)
2015-Topps Clear(10)-(259)
2015-Topps Framed-2015(10-259)
2015-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Black(5)-(287),
2015-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plates Black(1)-(287)
2015-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(287)
2015-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(287)
2015-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(287)
2015-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Gold(99)-(287)
2015-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Leather(1)-(287)
2015-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Red(50)-(287)

2015-Topps Heritage Blue Ink Back-(120)
2015-Topps Heritage Gum Stained Back(120)
2015-Topps MLB Collection '52 Tribute 5 X 7(99)-(243)
2015-Topps MLB Collection '52 Tribute 5 X 7 Gold 5 X 7(49)-(91)
2015-Topps MLB Collection '52 Tribute 10 X 14(99)-(91)
2015-Topps MLB Collection '52 Tribute 10 X 14 Gold 10 x 14(1)-(91)
2015-Topps Mini Gold(1)(259)
2015-Topps Mini Red(5)-(259)
2015-Topps Opening Day Black(1)-(89)
2015-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Black(1)-(89)
2015-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(89)
2015-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(89)
2015-Topps Opening Day Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(89)
2015-Topps Oversize Red(99)-(256)
2015-Topps Pink(50)-(259)
2015-Topps Platinum(1)-(259)
2015-Topps Printing Plates Black(1)-(259)
2015-Topps Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(259)
2015-Topps Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(259)
2015-Topps Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(259)
2015-Topps Snow Camo(99)-(259)
2015-Topps Sparkle Foil(179)-(259)
2015-Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relics Gold(9)-(UJR-BD)
2015-Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relics Ruby(1)-(UJR-BD)
2015-Topps Triple Threads Unity Jumbo Relics Sapphire(3)-(UJR-BD)
2015-Topps Updates All Star Jumbo Patches(6)-(ASJP-BD)
2015-Topps Updates All Star Stitches Platinum(1)-2015(STIT-BD)
2015-Topps Updates Black(64)-(US62)
2015-Topps Updates Pink(50)-(US62)
2015-opps Updates Platinum(1)-(US-62)
2015-Topps Updates Printing Plates Black(1)-(US 62)
2015-Topps Updates Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(US 62)
2015-Topps Updates Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(US 62)
2015-Topps Updates Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(US 62)
2015-Topps Updates Rainbow Foil-(US-62)
2016-Bowman 10 x 14
3016-Bowman 10 x 14 Gold 10 x14
2016-Bowman Metallic(1)-(53)
2016-Bowman Platinum Black(1)-(71)
2016-Bowman Platinum Printing Plates Black(1)-(53)
2016-Bowman Platinum Printing Plates Cyan1)-(53)
2016-Bowman Platinum Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(53)
2016-Bowman Platinum Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(53)
2016-Bowman Printing Plates Black(1)-(53)
2016-Bowman Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(53)
2016-Bowman Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(53)
2016-Bowman Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(53)
2016-Bowman Red(5)-(53)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Optic Gold(10)(17)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Optic Gold Vinyl(1)-(17)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Optic Green(5)-(17)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Printing Press Black(1)-17)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Printing Press Cyan(1)-(17)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Printing Press Magenta(1)-17)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Printing Press Yellow(1)-(17)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Test Proof Black DK(26)-(17)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Test Proof Magenta DK(10)-(17)
2016-Donruss Diamond Kings Test Proof Yellow DK(5)-17)
2016-Donruss Optic Gold(10)-(159)
2016-Donruss Optic Gold Vinyl(1)-(159)
2016-Donruss Optic Greenl(1)-(159)
2016-Donruss Optic Pink(1)-(159)*
2016-Donruss Printing Press Black(1)-(115)
2016-Donruss Printing Press Cyan(1)-(115)
2016-Donruss Printing Press Magenta(1)-(115)
2016-Donruss Printing Press Yellow(1)-(115)
2016-Donruss Test Proof DK Yellow(1)-(115)
2016-Finest Franchise Finest Red Refractors(5)-(FF-BD)
2016-Finest Franchise Finest Superfractor (1)-(FF-BD)
2016-Finest Printing Plates Blacks(1)-41)
2016-Finest Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(41)
2016-Finest Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(41)
2016-Finest Printing Plates Yellow 1)-(41)
2016-Finest Red Refractors(1)-(41)
2016-Finest Superfractors(1)-(41)
2016-Minnesota Twins Police Card-(4)
2016-Panini Immaculate Jumbo Nameplate(1)-(IJ-BD)
2016-Panini Immaculate Jumbo Patch(3)-(IJ-BD)
2016-Panini Immaculate Jumbo Sleeve Patch(1)-(100I
2016-Panini Immaculate National Treasures Game Dated Prime(15)-(GD-BD)
2016-Panini Immaculate National Treasures Game Dated Prime Brand Logo(1)-(4)
2016-Panini Immaculate National Treasures Game Dated Prime Jersey Number-(1)-(4)
2016-Panini Immaculate National Treasures Game Dated Prime Laundry Tag(1)-(4)
2016-Panini Immaculate National Treasures Game Dated Prime Nameplate(3)-(4)
2016-Panini Immaculate National Treasures Game Dated Prime Team Log
2016-Panini Immaculate National Treasures Game Dated Prime Team Patch(1)-(4)
2016-Stadium Club 5 X 7(49)-(118)
2016-Stadium Club Gold 5 X 7(10)-(118)
2016-Topps 5 X 7 Blue(1)-(308)
2016-Topps 5 X 7 Red(5)-(308)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 X 7(49)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 X 7(49)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Cloth Exclusive(10)-(389)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Glossy(1)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Black Borders-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Exclusive-(389)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth(10)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth Printing Plates Black(1)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth Printing Plates Black(1)-(389)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(389)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(389)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Glossy(1)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Metal(3)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Metal Exclusive(3)-(389)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood(1)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood Exclusive(1)-(389)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter RIP(25)-(RIP-39)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter X)-(74)
2016-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini -(74)
2016-Topps Archives 5 X 7(49)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives Black Borders(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives Printing Plates Black(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Chrome Sapphire 65th Anniversary Edition Gold(5)-(308)
2016-Topps Heritage 5 X 7(10)-(74)
2016-Topps Heritage 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(74)
2016-Topps Archives Black Borders(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives Printing Plates Black(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Archives Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(149)
2016-Topps Bunt t5 X 7(49)-(149)
2016-Topps Bunt 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(149)
2016-Topps Bunt Printing Plate Black(1)-(27)
2016-Topps Bunt Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(27)
2016-Topps Bunt Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(27)
2016-Topps Bunt Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(27)
2016-Topps Chrome Sapphire 65th Anniversary Edition Gold(5)-(308)
2016 Topps Chrome Blue Wave Refractor(75)-(183)
2016 Topps Chrome Orange Refractor(25)-(183)
2016-Topps Chrome Printing Plate Black(1)-(183)
2016-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(183)
2016-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(183)
2016-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(183)
2016-Topps Chrome Red Refractor(5)-(183)
2016-Topps Chrome Superfractor(1)-(183
2016-Topps Clear-(308)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Clear(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plate Black(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plate Cyan1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Framed Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Graphite(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Green(99)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Leather(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Mini Red(5)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plate Black(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plate Cyan1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Gypsy Queen Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Heritage Chrome Superfractor(1)-(427)
2016-Topps Chrome Heritage Gold Refractor(5)-(427)
2016-Topps Heritage Grain Front/Glossy Back(5)-(427)
2016-Topps In The Name of Relics(1)-ITNBD)(D)
2016-Topps In The Name of Relics(1)-ITNBD)(O)
2016-Topps In The Name of Relics(1)-ITNBD)(Z)
2016-Topps In The Name of Relics(1)-ITNBD)(I)
2016-Topps In The Name of Relics(1)-ITNBD)(E)
2016-Topps In The Name of Relics(1)-ITNBD)(R)
2016-Topps Industry Summit(1)-(308)
2016-Topps Mini Blue(10)-(308)
2016-Topps Mini Platinum (1)-(308)
2016-Topps Mini Red(5)-(308)
2016-Topps Minnesota Twins-(MT-4)
2016-Topps Museum Collection Jumbo Lumber Nameplate(1)-(JLNP-BD)
2016-Topps Platinum(1)-(308)
2016-Topps Printing Plate Black(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Printing Plate Cyan1)-(121)
2016-Topps Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(121)
2016-Topps Purple-(306)
2016-Topps Tier One All Star Relic Jumbo(1)-(T1ASR-BD)
2016-Topps Tier OneAll Star Jumbo ASG Patches(1)-(-(ASJP-BD)
2016-Topps Tier One All Star Jumbo Sleeves(1)-(-(ASJS-BD)
2016-Topps Tier One Bat Knob(1)-T1BK-BD)
2016-Topps Tier One Limit Number(1)-(LL-BD)
2016-Triple Threads All-Star Laundry Tags Relics(1)-(ASLT-BD)
2016-Triple Threads All-Star Majestic Logo Patches(1)-(ASLM-BD)
2016-Triple Threads All-Star Patches(3)-(TTASP-BD)
2016-Triple Threads All-Star Patches Ruby(1)-(TTASP-BD)
2017-Bowman Chrome Superfractor(1)-(54)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Signatures Black(1)-(RS-BD)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Signatures Blue(99)-(RS-BD)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Signatures Green(5)-((RS-BD)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Signatures Blue(99)-(RS-BD)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Variation Aqueous Test Proof(49)-(RV-21)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Variation Artist Proof(10)-(RV-21)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Variation Pink Borders(25)-(RV-21)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Variation Press Proof(5)-(RV-21)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Variation Printing Plates Black(1)(RV-21)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Variation Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(RV-21)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Variation Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(RV-21)
2017-Donruss 1983 Retro Variation Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(RV-21)
2017-Donruss Dominator Black(25)-(D-9)
2017-Donruss Magenta Back-(120)
2017-Donruss Optic Black(25)-(116)
2017-Donruss Optic Dominator Gold Vinyl(1)-(D-7)
2017-Donruss Optic Dominator Green(5)-(D-7)
2017-Donruss Optic Gold(10)-(116)
2017-Donruss Optic Gold Vinyl(1))-(116)
2017-Donruss Optic Green(5))-(116)
2017-Donruss Pink Borders(25)-(120)
2017-Donruss Press Proof(5)-(120)
2017-Finest 5 X 7 (99)-(NNO)
2017-Finest 5 X 7 Gold (1)-(NNO)
2017-Finest 10 X 14 (99)-(NNO)
2017-Finest 10 X 14 Gold (1)-(NNO)
2017-Finest Superfractor(1)-(28)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #1(1)-(91
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #2(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #3(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #4(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #5(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #6(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #7(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #8(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #9(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #10(1)-(91)
22017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #11(1)-(91)
22017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #12(1)-(91
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #13(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #14(2)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #15(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #16(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #17(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #18(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #19(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #20(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #21(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #22(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #23(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #24(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #25(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #26(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #27(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #28(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #29(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #30(1))-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #31(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #33(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #34(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #35(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #36(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #37(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #38(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #39(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #40(1))-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #41(1)-(91
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #42(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #43(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #44(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #45(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #46(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #47(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #48(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #49(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #50(1)-(91)
22017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #51(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #52(1)-(91
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #53(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #54(2)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #55(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #56(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #77(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #58(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #59(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #60(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #61(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #62(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #63(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #64(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #65(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #66(1-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #67(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #68(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #69(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #70(1))-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #71(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #72(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #73(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #74(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #75(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #76(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #77(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #78(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #79(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #80(1))-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #81(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #82(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #83(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #84(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #85(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #86(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #87(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #88(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #89(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #90(1))-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #91(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #92(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #93(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #94(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #95(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #96(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #97(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #98(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #99(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #100(1))-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #101(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #102(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #103(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #104(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #105(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #106(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #107(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #108(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #109(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #110(1))-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #111(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #112(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #113(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #114(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #115(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run 116(1)-(91)
2017-Honus Bonus Fantasy Baseball Career Stat Home Run #117(1)-(91)
2017-Panini Chronicle Black(1)-(91)
2017-Panini Chronicle Red(25)-(91)
2017-Panini Chronicle Triple Threat Materials Gold(10)-(TTM-BD)
2017-Panini Chronicle Triple Threat Materials Green(5)-(TTM-BD)
2017-Panini Chronicle Triple Threat Materials Nebula(1)-(TTM-BD)
2017-Panini Chronicle Triple Threat Materials Pink(49)-(TTM-BD)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Aurora Masterpiece(1)-(A-1)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings DK Signatures Framed Holo Black Masterpieces(1)-(73)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Holo Blue(10))-(DKS-BD)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings DK Signatures Holo Gold(15)-(DKS-BD)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings DK Signatures Holo Silver(25))-(DKS-BD)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Jersey Kings Holo Blue(10)-(JK-BR)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Jersey Kings Holo Gold(25)-(JK-BR)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Jersey Kings Masterpieces(1)-(JKS-BD)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Jersey Kings Signatures(25)-(JKS-BD)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Jersey Kings Signatures Holo Blue(10)-(JKS-BR)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Jersey Kings Signatures Holo Gold(15)-(JKS-BR)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Jersey Kings Signatures Masterpiece(1)-(JKS-BR)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Masterpiece(1)-(73)
2017-Panini Diamond Kings Masterpiece Framed Black(1)-(73)
2017-Panini Diamond King Sketches and Swatches Holo Blue(5)-(2)
2017-Panini Diamond King Sketches and Swatches Holo Gold(15)-(2)
2017-Panini Diamond King Sketches and Swatches Masterpieces(1)-(2)
2017-Panini -Flawless Flawless Signatures(20)-(FS-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Flawless Signatures Black(1)-(FS-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Emerald(3)-(FS-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Gold(5)-(FS-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Ruby(15)-(FS-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Sapphire(10)-(FS-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Memorable Marks(20)-(MM-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Memorable Marks Black(1)-(MM-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Memorable Marks Emerald(3)-(MM-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Memorable MarksGold((5)-(MM-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Memorable Marks Ruby)(15)-(MM-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Signatures Memorable Marks Sapphire(10)-(MM-BD)
2017-Panini Panini Flawless Patch Autographs Black(1)-(PA-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Patch Autographs Emerald)(5)-(PA-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Patch Autographs Gold (10)-(PA-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Patch Autographs Ruby(20)-(PA-BD)
2017-Panini Flawless Patch Autographs Sapphire(15)-(PA-BD)
2017-Panini Immaculate Collection Blue(10)-(73)
2017-Panini Immaculate Collection Gold(5)-(73)
2017-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Trio Players(25)-(ITP-DSM)
2017-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Trio Players Blue(10)-((ITP-DSM)
2017-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Trio Players Platinium(1)-((ITP-DSM)
2017-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Triple Signatures(25)-(TS-APD)
2017-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Triple Signatures Blue(10)-(TS-APD)
2017-Panini Immaculate Collection Immaculate Triple Signatures Platinum(1)-(TS-APD)
2017-Panini Immaculate Collection Platinum(1)-(73)
2017-Panini Immaculate Printing Plates Black(1)-(73)
2017-Panini Immaculate Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(73)
2017-Panini Immaculate Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(73)
2017-Panini Immaculate Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(73)
2017-Panini Immaculate Red(25)-(73)
2017-Panini Immaculate Shadow Box Materials(15)-(SM-BD)
2017-Panini National Treasures Colossal Materials Brand Logo(1)-(CM-BD)
2017-Panini National Treasures Colossal Materials Brand Tags(1)-(CM-BD)
2017-Panini National Treasures Colossal Materials Jersey Number(10)-(CM-BD)
2017-Panini National Treasures Colossal Materials Laundry Tag(1)-(CM-BD)
2017-Panini National Treasures Colossal Materials Patch(1)-(CM-BD)
2017-Panini National Treasures Colossal Materials Team Logo(5)-(CM-BD)
2017-Panini National Treasures Hometown Heroes Platinum(1)-(HH-BD)
2017-Stadium Club 5 X 7(49)-(100)
2017-Stadium Club 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(100)
2017-Stadium Club 10 X 14(99)-(100)
2017-Stadium Club 10 X 14 Gold(10)-(100)
2017-Stadium Club First Day Issue-(100)
2017-Stadium Club Gold Rainbow Foil(1)-(100)
2017-Stadium Club Member Only-(100)
2017-Stadium Club Rainbow Foil(25)-(100)
2017-Topps 5 x 7 (99)-(543)
2017-Topps 5 x 7 Gold(10)-(543)
2017-Topps 65th Anniversary Party 2014 First Edition(1)-(221)
2017-Topps 65th Anniversary Party 2016 Chrome Sapphire(1)-(308)
2017-Topps 65th Stamp(1)-(543)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 X 7(49)-(74)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(74)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter 10 X 10(99)-(NNO)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter 10 X 14 Gold(1)-(NNO)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Cloth(10)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Black(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Black(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Glossy(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Metal(3)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter Vault Blank Bank(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter X Framed Mini Printing Plates Black(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter X Framed Mini Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter X Framed Mini Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter X Framed Mini Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Red(5)-(77)
2017-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Silver(1)-(77)
2017-Topps Archives 5 X 7(49)-(49)
2017-Topps Archives 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(49)
2017-Topps Archives 10 X 14(99)-(NNO)
2017-Topps Archives 10 X 14(1)-(NNO)
2017-Topps Archives Black(1)-(49)
2017-Topps Bunt 5 X 7(49)-(151)
2017-Topps Bunt 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(151)
2017-Topps Bunt 10 X 14(99)-(NNO)
2017-Topps Bunt 10 X 14 Gold(10)-(NNO)
2017-Topps Bunt Printing Plates Black(1)-(151)
2017-Topps Bunt Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(151)
2017-Topps Bunt Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(151)
2017-Topps Bunt Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(151)
2017-Topps Bunt Purple(25)-(151)
2017-Topps Bunt Red(1)-(151)
2017-Topps Chrome Gold Refractor(50)-(190)*
2017-Topps Chrome Printing Plate Black(1)-(190)
2017-Topps Chrome Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(190)
2017-Topps Chrome Printing Plate Magenta 1)-(190)
2017-Topps Chrome Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(190)
2017-Topps Chrome Red Refractor(5)-(190)
2017-Topps Chrome Sapphire Edition Gold(5)-(543)
2017-Topps Chrome Sapphire Edition Superfractor(5)-(543)
2017-Topps Father’s Day Powder Blue(25)-(543)
2017-Topps Fire 5 X 7(49)-(119)
2017-Topps Fire 5 X 7 Gold 5 X 7(10)-(119)
2017-Topps Fire Walk It Off 5 X 7(49)-(119)
2017-Topps Fire Walk It Off 5 X 7 Gold 5 X 7(10)-(119)
2017-Topps Fire 10 X 14(49)-(119)
2017-Topps Fire 10X 14 Gold 10 X 14(10)-(119)
2017-Topps Fire Walk It Off 10 X 14(49)-(119)
2017-Topps Fire Walk It Off 10X 14 Gold 10 X 14(10)-(119)
2017-Topps Fire Inferno(1)-(119)
2017-Topps Five Tool 5 X 7(49 )-(T41)
2017-Topps Five Tool 10 X 14 Gold(10 )-(T41)
2017-Topps Five Tool 10 X 14(99)-(T41)
2017-Topps Five Tool 5 X 7(1 )-(T41)
2017-Topps Gallery Artist Originals(1)-(136)
2017-Topps Gallery Masterpiece Red(1)-(136)
2017-Topps Gallery Printing Plates Black(1)-(136)
2017-Topps Gallery Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(136)
2017-Topps Gallery Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(136)
2017-Topps Gallery Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(136)
2017-Topps Gallery Red(1)-(136)
2017-Topps Gypsy Queen 5 X 7 (49)-(269)
2017-Topps Gypsy Queen Gold 5 X 7(10)-(269)
2017-Topps Gypsy Queen 10 X 14(199)-2017(269)
2017-Topps Gypsy Queen 10 X 14 Gold(1)-2017(269)
2017-Topps Gypsy Queen Black(1)-(269)
2017-Topps Gypsy Queen Black and White(50)-(269)
2017-Topps Gypsy Queen Blank Back(1)-(269)
2017-Topps Heritage 1968 Baseball Game 5 X 7(49)-(30)
2017-Topps Heritage 1968 Baseball Game 5 X 7 Gold 5 X 7(49)-(30)
2017-Topps Heritage 5 X 7 (49)-(465)
2017-Topps Heritage 5 X 7 Gold 5 X 7 (10)-(465)
2017-Topps Heritage 10 X 14 (99)-(30)
2017-Topps Heritage 10 X 14 Gold 5 X 7 (1)-(30)
2017-Topps Heritage Blue Borders-(465)
2017-Topps Heritage Bright Yellow Backs-(465)
2017-Topps Heritage Chrome Blue Refractor(68)-THC-465)
2017-Topps Heritage Chrome Gold Refractor(5)-(THC-465)
2017-Topps Heritage Chrome Superfractor(1)-(THC-465)
2017-Topps Heritage Grey Backs(10)-(THC-465)
22017-Topps Heritage Reverse Stock-(465)
2017-Topps Inception 5 x 7(49)-17
2017-Topps Inception 5 x 7 Gold(10)-(17)
2017-Topps Inception 10 x 14(99)-17
2017-Topps Inception 10 x 14 Gold(1)-(17)
2017-Topps Inception Blue(25)-(17)
2017-Topps Inception Inception(1)-(17)
2017-Topps Inception Printing Plates Black(1)-(17)
2017-Topps Inception Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(17)
2017-Topps Inception Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(17)
2017-Topps Inception Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(17)
2017-Topps Inception Red(75)-(17)
2017-Topps Memorial Day Camo(25)-(543)
2017 Topps Minnesota Twins 5 X 7(99)-(MIN-16)
2017 Topps Minnesota Twins Gold(10)5 X 7-(MIN-16)
2017 Topps Minnesota Twins Red 5 X 7(5)-(MIN-16)
2017-Topps Mother Day Hot Pink(50)-(543)
2017-Topps On-Demand Mini-(543)
2017-Topps On-Demand Mini Blue(10)-(543)
2017-Topps On-Demand Mini Gold(1)-(543)
2017-Topps On-Demand Mini Red(5)-(543)
2017-Topps Opening Day 1 of 1 (1) -(162)
2017-Topps Opening Day 5 X 7 (49) -(162)
2017-Topps Opening Day Gold 5 X 7(10)(162)
2017-Topps Opening Day 5 X 7 Red(5) -(162)
2017-Topps Opening Day Superstar Celebration 5 X 7 (49) -(162)
2017-Topps Opening Day Superstar Celebration Gold 5 X 7 (10)-(162)
2017-Topps Opening Day 10 X 14 (99) -(162)
2017-ToppS Opening Day 10 X 14 Gold 10 X 14(1)(162
2017-Topps Opening Day Superstar Celebration 10 X 14 (99) -(162)
2017-Topps Opening Day Superstar Celebration 10 X 14 Gold 10 X 14 (10) -(162)
2017-Topps Team Set 5 x 7 (5)-(MIN 16)
2017-Topps Salute (49)5 x 7 -(S-143)DO NOT USE
2017-Topps Salute (49)5 x 7 -(S-143)
2017-Topps Salute Gold 5 x 7 (10)-(S-143)
2017-Topps Salute Platinum(1))-(143)
2017-Topps Sparkle Foil(175)-(543)
2017-Topps Tier One Relics(331)-(T1RBD)
2017-Topps Tier One Relics Dual(25)-(T1RBD)
2017-Topps Tier One Relics Triple(1)-(T1RBD)
2017-Topps Vintage Stock(99)-(543)*
2018-Bowman Chrome Superfractor(1)-(90)
2018-Bowman’s Best 5 X 7(49)-(20)
2018-Bowman’s Best 5 X 7 Gold 5 X 7(10)-(20)
2018-Bowman’s Best 10 X 14(99)-(20)
2018-Bowman’s Best 10 X 14 Gold 10 X 14(1)-(20)
2018-Bowman’s Best Red(10)-(20)
2018-Bowman’s Best Superfractor(1)-(20)
2018-Donruss 1984 Mother’s Day Ribbon(25)-(249)
2018-Donruss 1984 Press Proof(5)-(249)
2018-Donruss 1984 Printing Plates Black(1)-(249)
2018-Donruss 1984 Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(249)
2018-Donruss 1984 Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(249)
2018-Donruss 1984 Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(249)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Cracked Ice(7)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Gold(10)-17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Gold Vinyl(1)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Green(5)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Mother’s Day Ribbon(25)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Optic Gold(10)-17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Optic Gold Vinyl(1)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Optic Green(5)-17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Press Proof(5)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Printing Plates Black(1)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(17)
2018-Donruss Diamond Kings Stat Line Game Day(2)-(17)
2018-Donruss Optic Gold(10)-(74)
2018-Donruss Optic Gold Vinyl(1)-(74)
2018-Donruss Optic Green(5)-(74)
2018-Donruss Optic -(74)
2018-Donruss Optic Signatures Series-(SS-BD)*
2018-Donruss Optic Signatures Series Gold(10)-(SS-BD)
2018-Donruss Optic Signatures Series Gold Vinyl(1)-(SS-BD)
2018-Donruss Optic Signatures Series Green(5)-(SS-BD)
2018-Donruss Optic Signatures Series Red(25)-(SS-BD)
2018-Donruss Printing Plates Black(1)-(17)
2018-Donruss Printing Plates Cyan1)-(17)
2018-Donruss Printing Plates Magenta)-(17)
2018-Donruss Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(17)
2018-Donruss Stat Line Game Day(5)-(72)
2018-Finest Autographs Blue(150)-(FA-BD)
2018-Finest Autographs Orange(99)-(FA-BD)
2018-Finest Autographs Orange Wave(99)-(FA-BD)
2018-Finest Autographs Red(5)-(FA-BD)
2018-Finest Autographs Red Wave(5)-(FA-BD)
2018-Finest Autographs Superfractor(1)-(FA-BD)
2018-Finest Orange Refractor(25)-(69)
2018-Finest Red Refractor(5)-(69)
2018-Finest Superfractor(1)-(69)
2018-Panini Chronicle Spectra Nebula(1)-(41)
2018-Panini Diamond Kings Gallery of Stars Masterpiece(1)-(GS-8)
2018-Panini National Treasures 16 Players Materials Booklet(25)-(16-AM)
2018-Panini National Treasures 16 Players Materials Booklet Gold(1)-(16(1-AM)
2018-Panini National Treasures 16 Players Materials Booklet Platinum(1)-(16-AM)
2018-Panini National Treasures 32 Players Treasures Chest Materials Booklet(25)- (TC32-1)
2018-Panini National Treasures 32 Players Treasures Chest Materials Booklet Gold(10)-(TC32-1)
2018-Panini National Treasures 32 Players Treasures Chest Materials Booklet Platinum(1)-(TC32-1)
2018-Panini National Treasures Century Materials Signatures Gold(20)-(CSM-BD)
2018-Panini Treasures Century Materials Signatures Holo Gold(10)-(CSM-BD)
2018-Panini National Treasures Century Materials Signatures Platinum(1)- (CSM-BD)
2018-Panini National Treasures Century Materials Signatures Gold(20)-(CSM-BD)
2018-Panini Treasures Century Materials Signatures Holo Gold(10)-(CSM-BD)
2018-Panini National Treasures Century Materials Signatures Platinum(1)- (CSM-BD)
2018-Stadium Club 5 x 7(49)-(281)
2018-Stadium Club 5 x 7 Gold(10)-(281)
2018-Stadium Club First Day Issue-(281)
2018-Stadium Club Member Only-(281)
2018-Stadium Club Photographic Proof-(281)
2018-Stadium Club Rainbow Foilboard(25)-(281)
2018-Stadium Club Rainbow Foilboard Gold(1)-(281)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball All-Star 5 x 7(49-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball All Star Gold 5 x 7(10)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball All-Star Gold(50)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball All-Stars Mini-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Mini Red(10)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Platinum(1)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Autograph(Series 2)-(83A-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Autograph Black(Series 2)(99)-(83A-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Autograph Gold(Series 2)(25)-(83A-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Autograph Platinum(Series 2)(1)-(83A-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Autograph Red(Series 2)(5)-(83A-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball 5 x 7(49-(83-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Gold 5 x 7(10)-(83-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Gold(50)-(83-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Mini-(83-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Mini Red(10)-(83-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Platinum(1)-(83-26)
2018-Topps 1983 Topps Baseball Red(10)-(83-26)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 x 7(49)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 x 7 Gold(10)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Autograph Relic Book Card(10)-(ARBC-BD)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Black Framed Mini Baseball Autographed(25)-(MAG
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Blank Back(1)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Cloth(10)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Glossy Silver-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Mini Baseball Autograph-(MA-BD)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Mini Baseball Autograph Red Ink(10)- (MA-BD)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Mini Printing Plates Black(1)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Mini Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Mini Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Mini Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Baseball Superstition (Batting Gloves)-(MBS-2)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Exclusive Wood(1)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Glossy(1)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Gold-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Metal(3)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood(1)-(111)
2018 Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Framed Autograph Baseball(25)-(MA-BD)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Red(5)-(111)
2018-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Silver(1)-(111)
2018-Topps Archive 1969 and 1977 Signature Omissions-(42)
2018-Topps Archive 1959 VenezuelaN-(42)
2018-Topps Archives Black(1)-(AS-BD)
2018-Topps Archives Gold(10)-(AS-BD)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series)(1)-(28)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series(2012 Bowman Draft Picks and Prospects Buyback Autographs)(50)-(39)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series(2016 Bowman Buyback Autographs)(68)-(53)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series(2016 Bowman Chrome Buyback- Autographs) (4)-(53)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series( 2017 Bowman Chrome Buyback Autographs)(7)-(54)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series(2017 Topps Allen and Ginter Buyback Autographs)(1)-(77)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series(2017 Topps Bunt BuybackAutographs) (53)-(151)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series(2015 Topps Allen and Ginter Buyback Autograph ) (5)-(156)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series(2017 Topps Chrome Buyback Autograph ) (22)-(190)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series(2015 Topps Buyback Autograph )(54)-(259)
2018-Topps Archives Signature Series(2016 Topps Buyback Autograph ) (91)-(308)
2018-Topps Archives Snapshots Black(1)-(AS-BD)
2018-Topps Archives Snapshots Gold(10)-(AS-BD)
2018-Topps Big League Red Foil(1)-(23)
2018-Topps Chrome Blue Refractor(150)-(140)*
2018-Topps Chrome Orange Refractor(25)-(140)
2018-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Black(1)-(140)
2018-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(140)
2018-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(140)
2018-Topps Chrome Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(140)
2018-Topps Chrome Red Refractor(5)-(140)
2018-Topps Chrome Red Wave Refractor(5)-(140)
2018-Topps Chrome Sapphire Edition Ruby Sapphire(10)-(130)
2018-Topps Chrome Sapphire Edition Superfractor(1)-(130)
2018-Topps Chrome Superfractor(1)-(130)
2018-Topps Clear(10)-(130)
2018-Topps Clear(ly Authentic MLB Awards Autographs-(MLAA-BD
2018-Topps Clear(ly Authentic MLB Awards Autographs Blue(25)-(MLAA-BD
2018-Topps Clear(ly Authentic MLB Awards Autographs Gold(1)-(MLAA-BD
2018-Topps Clear(ly Authentic MLB Awards Autographs Orange(5)-(MLAA-BD
2018-Topps Clear(ly Authentic MLB Awards Autographs Purple(10)-(MLAA-BD
2018-Topps Clear(ly Authentic MLB Awards Autographs Red(5)-(MLAA-BD
2018-Topps Fire Autograph Patch-(FAP-BD)
2018-Topps Fire Autograph Patch Blue(15)-(FAP-BD)
2018-Topps Fire Autograph Patch Inferno(1)-(FAP-BD)
2018-Topps Fire Relics Inferno(1)-(FR-BD)
2018-Topps Fire Relics Magenta(25)-(FR-BD)
2018-Topps Fire Relics Purple-(FR-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Blue(25)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Gold(10)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Green(15)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Orange(5)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Purple-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Red(1)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Silver Signature(35)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Silver Signature Blue(20)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Silver Signature Gold(10)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Silver Signature Green(15)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five StarSilver Signature Orange(5)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Silver Signature Purple(25)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Five Star Silver Signature Red(1)-(FSA-BD)
2018-Topps Gold Label Class 1 Gold(1)-(61)
2018-Topps Gold Label Class 2 Gold(1)-(61)
2018-Topps Gold Label Class 3 Gold(1)-(61)
2018-Topps Gold Label Framed Autographed Gold(1)-(FA-BD)
2018-Topps Gold Label Framed Autographed Red(25)-(FA-BD)
2018-Topps Gypsy Queen Black(1)-(269)
2018-Gypsy Queen 5 x 7(49)-(269)
2018-Topps Gypsy Queen Gold 5x 7(10)-(269)
2018-Topps Heritage 5x 7(49)-(356)
2018-Topps Heritage Gold 5x 7(49)-(356)
2018-Topps Heritage 100th Anniversary-(356)
2018-Topps Heritage Magenta Back-(356)
2018-Topps MLB Awards 5x 7(49)-(MLBA-18)
2018-Topps Heritage Reverse Stock-(356)
2018-Topps High Tek Autographs-(HT-BD)*
2018-Topps High Tek Black Magma Diffractor(50)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Black Orbit Diffractor(50)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Black Rainbow Foil(50)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Blue Rainbow Foil(150)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Gallactic Diffractor-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Gold Gallactic Diffractor(1)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Gold Magma Diffractor(1)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Gold Orbit Diffractor(1)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Gold Rainbow Foil(1)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Gold SpeTEKular Diffracctor(1)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Green Magma Diffractor(1)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Green Rainbow Foil(99)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Autographs Black(50)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Autographs Blue(75)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Autographs Gold(1)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Autographs Green(99)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Autographs Orange(25)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Autographs Red(10)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Magma Diffractor(1)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Orange Gallactic Diffractor(25)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Orange Magma Diffractor(25)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Orange Orbit Diffractor(25)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Orange Rainbow Foil25)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Orbit Diffractor-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Pattern 2-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Pattern 3-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Pattern 4-(HT-BD
2018-Topps High Tek Rainbow Foil-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Red Gallactic Diffractor(10)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Red Magma Diffractor(10)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Red Orbit Diffractor(10)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps High Tek Red Rainbow Foil10)-(HT-BD)
2018-Topps Holiday Metallic Snowflake Gold(1)-(HMW-273)
2018-Topps Home Run Challenge Winners (Series One)-HRC-BD)
2018-Topps Home Run Challenge Winners(Series Two)-HRC-BD)
2018-Topps Home Run Challenge Winners August(Gray)(40)-HRC-BD)
2018-Topps Home Run Challenge Winners July(Red)(27)-HRC-BD)
2018-Topps Home Run Challenge WinnersJune(Blue)((11)-HRC-BD)
2018-Topps Home Run Challenge Winners March/April(Silver)(23-(HRC-BD)
2018-Topps Home Run Challenge WinnersMay(Pink)(11)-HRC-BD)
2018-Topps Home Run Challenge Winners September(Black)(32)-HRC-BD)
2018-Topps Indepence Day(76)-(130)
2018-Topps MLB Awards Gold 5x 7(10)-(MLBA-18)
2018-Major League Autograph Relics Platinum(1)-MLMA-BD)
2018-Major League Autograph Relics Red(25)-MLMA-BD) *
2018-Major League Autograph Relics Autographs Platinum(Series 2)(30) -MLMA-BD)
2018-Major League Autograph Relics Autographs Red(Series 2)(25)-MLMA-BD)
2018-Topps Memorial Day Camo(25)-(130)
2018-MLB Awards Platinum(1)-(MLBA-18)
2018-MLB Awards Red(10)-(MLBA-18)
2018-MLB Independence Day US Flag Manufactured Patch Autographs(10)- (IDMLA-BD)
2018-MLB Independence Day US Flag Manufactured Patch Relics Blue(50)- (IDMLA-BD)
2018-MLB Independence Day US Flag Manufactured Patch Relics Platinum(1)- (IDMLA-BD)
2018-MLB Independence Day US Flag Manufactured Patch Relics Red(25)- (IDMLA-BD
2018-Topps Museum Collection Archival Autographs(299)-(AA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Archival Autographs Copper(50)-(AA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Archival Autographs Emerald(1)-(AA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Archival Autographs Gold(25)-(AA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Meaningful Materials Patch Relics Copper(35)- (MMR-BD)*
2018-Topps Museum Collection Meaningful Materials Patch Relics Emerald(1)- (MMR-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Meaningful Materials Patch Relics Gold(25)- (MMR-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Meaningful Materials Patch Relics Red(10)-(MMR-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Framed Autographs Blacks(5)-MFA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Framed Autographs Gold(10)-MFA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Framed Autographs Silver(15 )-MFA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Dual Relics Autographs(199)-(DRA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Memorabilia(1)-MM-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Memorabilia Laundry Tags(1)-MM-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Memorabilia Laundry Tags(1)-MM-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Dual Relics Autographs(199)-(DRA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Triple Relics Autographs(149)-(TRA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Dual Relics Autographs(199)- (DRA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Dual Relics Autographs Copper(50)- (DRA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Dual Relics Autographs Gold(25)-( DRA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Triple Relics Autographs(149)-(TRA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Triple Relics Autographs Copper-(TRA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Triple Relics Autographs Emerald(1)-(TRA-BD)
2018-Topps Museum Collection Signature Swatches Triple Relics Autographs Gold(5)-(TRA-BD)
2018-Topps Now Black and White(1)-(461)
2018-Topps Now Black and White(1)-(543)
2018-Topps Now Road to Open Day Autograph-(OD-139B)
2018-Topps Now Road to Open Day Autograph)( OD-130C)
2018-Topps Now Road to Open Day Autograph-(OD-139D)
2018-Topps Now Road to Open Day Autograph-)(OD-13s 9E)
2018-Topps Now Road to Open Day Autograph- (OD-139F)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini-(83-26)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Blue(10)-(130)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Blue(10)-(US-263)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Gold(1)-(130)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Gold(1)-(US-263)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Green(5)-(130)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Green(5)-(US-263)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Pink(25)-(130)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Pink(25)-(US-263)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Platinum(1)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Platinum(1)-(83-26)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Red(10)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps ON Demand Mini Red(10)-)(83-26)
2018-Topps On the Demand 1983 Topps All-Star(1)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps On the Demand Mini 1983 Topps All-Star(1)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps On the Demand 1983 Topps All-Star Platinum(1)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps On the Demand 1983 Topps All-Star Red(10)-(83AS-44)
2018-Topps On the Demand 1983 Topps-(83-44)
2018-Topps On the Demand 1983 Topps Platinum(1)-(83-44)
2018-Topps On the Demand 1983 Topps Red(10)-(83-44)
2018-Topps Opening Day Stars 5x 7(49)-(MLBA-18)
2018-Topps Opening Day Stars Gold 5x 7(10)-(MLBA-18)
2018-Topps Opening Day Stars-(ODS-BD)
2018-Topps Platinum(1)-(130)
2018-Topps Printing Plates Black(1)-(130)
2018-Topps Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(130)
2018-Topps Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(130)
2018-Topps Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(130)
2018-Topps Tier One Prime Performer Autograph(285)-(PPA-BD)
2018-Topps Tier One Prime Performer Autograph Bronze Ink(25)-(PPA-BD)
2018-Topps Tier One Prime Performer Autograph Gold Ink(1)-(PPA-BD)
2018-Topps Tier One Prime Performer Autograph Silver Ink(10)-(PPA-BD)
2018-Topps Tier One Talent Autograph Bronze Ink(25)-(TTA-BD)
2018-Topps Tier One Talent Autograph Gold Ink(1)-(TTA-BD)
2018-Topps Tier One Talent Autograph Silver Ink(10)-(TTA-BD)
2018-Topps Tier One Talent Autograph Bronze Ink(25)-(TTA-BD)
2018-Topps Transcendent VIP Party ‘17 Topps Chrome Sapphire Edition(1)-(543)
2018-Topps Transcendent VIP Party ‘17 Topps Preview(1)-(130)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics(18)-(TTAR-BD1)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics(18)-(TTAR-BD2)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics(18)-(TTAR-BD3)
22018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold(9)-(TTAR-BD1)
018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold(9)-(TTAR-BD2)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold(9)-(TTAR-BD3)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Ruby(1)-(TTAR-BD1)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Ruby(1)- (TTAR-BD2)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Ruby(1)-)(TTAR-BD3)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Sapphire(3)-(TTAR-BD1)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Sapphire(3) (TTAR-BD2)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Sapphire(3)-(TTAR-BD3)

2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Black(1)-(TTAR-BD1)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Black(1)-(TTAR-2)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Black(1)-(TTAR-3)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Cyan1)-(TTAR-BD1)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Cyan1)-(TTAR-BD2)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Cyan1)-)(TTAR-BD3)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(TTAR-BD1)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Magenta(1)-)(TTAR-BD2)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(TTAR-BD3)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(TTAR-BD1)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(TTAR-BD2)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(TTAR_BD3)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Wood(1)- (TTAR-BD1)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Wood(1)- (TTAR-BD2)
2018-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Wood(1)- (TTAR-BD3)
2018-Topps Update Jackie Robinson Day Manufactured Patch Blue(50)-(US-263
2018-Topps Update Jackie Robinson Day Manufactured Patch Gold(99 )-(US-263
2018-Topps Update Jackie Robinson Day Manufactured Patch Platinum(1 )- (US-263
2018-Topps Update Jackie Robinson Day Manufactured Patch Red(25 )-(US-263
2018-Topps Update Platinum(1))-(US-263)
2018-Topps Update Printing Plate Black(1))-(US-263
2018-Topps Update Printing Plate Cyan(1))-(US-263)
2018-Topps Update Printing Plate Magenta(1))-(US-263)
2018-Topps Update Printing Plate Yellow(1))-(US-263)
2018-Topps Update Rainbow Foil-(US-263)
2019-Stadium Club 5 X 7(49)-(261)
2019-Stadium Club Gold 5 X 7(10)-(261)
2019-Stadium Club 10 X 14(99)-(NNO)
2019-Stadium Club-(261)
2019-Stadium Club Black and White-(261)
2019-Stadium Club Black Foil-(261)
2019-Stadium Club First Day Issue-(261)
2019-Stadium Club Photographer’s Proof-(261)
2019-Stadium Club Rainbow Foilboard Gold-(261)
2019-Stadium Club Rainbow Foilboard(25)-(261)
2019-Stadium Club Red Foil-(261)
2019-Stadium Club Sepia-(261)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 X 7(49)-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Gold 5 X 7(10)-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Glossy(1)-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Gold-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Brooklyn Back-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Black(1)-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Glossy-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Gold Border-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini No Card Number-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Red(5)-(244)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Silver(1) -(244)
2019-Topps 5 X 7(49)-(244)
2019-Topps 5 x 7 Gold(10) x 7(10)-(244)
2019-Topps Chrome Debut Gear Relics-(DG-BD)
2019-Topps Chrome Debut Gear Relics Green Refractor(99)-(DG-BD)
2019-Topps Chrome Debut Gear Relics Orange Refractors(25) -(DG-BD)
2019-Topps Chrome Debut Printing Plates Black(1)-(DG-BD)
2019-Topps Chrome Debut Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(DG-BD)
2019-Topps Chrome Debut Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(DG-BD
2019-Topps Chrome Debut Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(DG-BD)
2019-Topps Chrome Debut Gear Relics Red Refractor(5)-(DG-BD)
2019-Topps Chrome Debut Gear Relics SuperFractor(1)-(DG-BD)
2019-Topps Heritage 5 X 7(49)-(529)
2019-Topps Heritage 5 X 7 Gold 5 x 7(10)-(529)
2019-Topps Heritage 10 X 14(99)-(529)
2019-Topps Heritage 10 X 14 Gold 10 x 14(1)-(529)
2019-Topps Heritage Chrome Black Border(69)-(THC-529)
2019-Topps Heritage Chrome Gold Refractor(5)-(THC-529)
2019-Topps Heritage Chrome Purple Refractor(5)-(THC-529)
2019-Topps Heritage Chrome Superfractor(569)-(THC-529)
2019-Topps Heritage Mini(100)-(529)
2019-Topps Heritage O-Pee-Chee Back -(529)
2019-Topps Now Future World Series Chrome Winners-(WSC-14)
2019-Topps Now Future World Series Chrome Winners Black(99)-(WSC-14)
2019-Topps Now Future World Series Chrome Winners Green(199)-(WSC-14)
2019-Topps Now Future World Series Chrome Winners Orange(5)-(WSC-14)
2019-Topps Now Future World Series Chrome Winners Purple(25)-(WSC-14)
2019-Topps Now Future World Series Chrome Winners Red(10)-(WSC-14)
2019-Topps Now Future World Series Chrome Winners Superfractor(1)-(WSC-14)
2019-Topps Now Postseason-(PS-83)
2019-Topps Now World Series Champions-(WSC-14)
2019-Topps On-Demands Mini Blue(25)-US-(158)
2019-Topps On-Demands Mini Pink(10)-US-(158)
2019-Topps On-Demands Mini Platinum(1)-US-(158)
2019-Topps On-Demands Mini Red(5)-US-(158)
2019-Topps Total Gold(1)-(754)
2019-Topps Total Red(10)l-(754)
2019-Topps Update Independence Day(76)-(US-158)
2019-Topps Update Memorial Day Camo(25)-(US-158)
2019-Topps Update Platinum(1)-(US-158)
2019-Topps Update Printing Plate Black(1)-(US-158)
2019-Topps Update Printing Plate Cyan1)-(US-158)
2019-Topps Update Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(US-158)
2019-Topps Update Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(US-158)
2019-Topps Update Purple-(US-158)*
2019-Topps Update Vintage Stock(99)-(US-158)*
2020-Topps World Series Championship Relics(99)-(WCR-BD)
2020-Topps World Series Championship Relics Platinum(1)-(WCR-BD)
2020-Topps World Series Championship Relics Red(25)-(WCR-BD)
2020-Topps Heritage Flip Stock-(635)
2020-Topps Heritage White-(635)

Gary Gaetti
524 of 712=74%
1988-Donruss Pack Set-(INC 194)
1988-Topps Cloth Test-(NNO)
1989-OPC Sticker-(G. Gaetti-(8)
1989-T & M Sports Action Photos-(NNO)
1990-Little Big Leaders Panels-(NNO)
1990-Phoenix Baseball Magnetables-(95)
1990-Sportflics Promos-(51)
1991-Upper Deck-(34)(Baseball Hologram)
1991-Upper Deck-(34)(Crossing Hockey Stick)
1992-California Angels Police-(10)
1992-Pinnacle/Score Promo Panels -(24/21/36/39)
1992-Pinnacle/Score Promo Panels -(84/81/96/99)
1992-Pinnacle/Score Promo Panels-(36/39/45/41)
1993-California Angels Headshots Photo-(NNO)
1993-Photo File Team Collage-(NNO)
1994-Kansas City Royals Photocards-(NNO)
1995-Kansas City Royals Photocards-(NNO)
1996-Sportflix Artist Proof-(40)
1997-Donruss Team Set Pennant Edition-(161)
1997-Leaf Fractal Matrix Die Cut-(277)
1997-New Pinnacle Press Plates Preview Backs Black(1)-(136)
1997-New Pinnacle Press Plates Preview Backs Cyan(1)-(136)
1997-New Pinnacle Press Plates Preview Backs Magenta(1)-(136)
1997-New Pinnacle Press Plates Preview Backs Yellow(1)-(136)
1997-New Pinnacle Press Plates Preview Fronts Black(1)-(136)
1997-New Pinnacle Press Plates Preview Fronts Cyan(1)-(136)
1997-New Pinnacle Press Plates Preview Fronts Magenta(1)-(136)
1997-New Pinnacle Press Plates Preview Fronts Yellow(1)-(136)
1997-Pacific Crown Collection Silver-(408)
1997-Upper Deck(White Back-(373))
1998-Pacific Invincible Silver-(133)
1998-Pacific Omega Red-(196)
1998-Pacific Online Winners-610)
1998-Pacific Paramount Gold-1(228)
1998-Pacific Paramount Holographic Silver-1(228)
1998-Pacific Platinum Blue-(228)
1998-Score Showcase Series-(202)
1998-Score Cardinals -(14)
1998-Score Cardinals Platinum-(14)
1998-Stadium Club First Day Issue(200)-(232)
1998-Stadium Club Printing Plates Black(1)-(232)
1998-Stadium Club Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(232)
1998-Stadium Club Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(232)
1998-Stadium Club Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(232)
1998-Topps Chrome Refractor-(72)
1998-Ultra Masterpiece-(15)
1998-Ultra Platinum Medallion-(15)
1999-Fleer Tradition Starting 9(9)-(407)
1999-Pacific Paramount Holographic Gold(199)-(47)
1999-Pacific Paramount Red-(47)
1999-Upper Deck Exclusive Gold(10)-(333)
2002-New Orleans Zephyrs-(26)
2004-Topps All-Time Fan Favorites Refractors-(134)
2004-Topps Retired Signature Edition-(107)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan Favorites-Autograph Rainbow(10)-(FFA-GG)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan FavoritesPrinting Plates Black(1)-(72)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan FavoritesPrinting Plates Cyan(1)-(72)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan FavoritesPrinting Plates Magenta(1)-(72)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan FavoritesPrinting Plates Yellow(1)-(72)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan Favorites Refractors Gold(25)-(72)
2008-TriStar Signa Cuts Baseball Edition-(NNO)
2008-Upper Deck Minnesota Twins 1987 20th Anniversary Buybacks-(203)
2010-Historic Autographs Hall of Fame & All-Star Edition-(NNO)
2012-Choice Sugarland Skeeters-(3)
2012-Leaf Cut Signatures History of Baseball-(NNO)
2012-Leaf Memories ‘90 Leaf BuyBack Gold(5)-(96)
2012-Leaf Memories ‘90 Leaf Buyback Red(1)-(96)
2013-Leaf Memories 1991 Leaf BuyBack Gold(5)-(96)
2013-Leaf Memories 1990 Leaf Buyback Red(1)-(96)
2013-Panini Hometown Heroes City Hall Signatures Black-(1)
2013-Panini Hometown Heroes City Hall Signatures Gold(10)-(1)
2014-In The Game Past, Present and Future PSA/DNA Autograph Cards(CS-GG)
2014-Leaf Metal Draft Leaf Memories 1992 Buybacks Gold(5)-(107)
2014-Leaf Metal Draft Leaf Memories 1992 Buybacks Red(1)-(107)
2014-Panini Immaculate Collection Clubhouse Signature(99)-(60)
2015-Panini Prizm Baseball Signatures Prizm Black Finite(1)-(16)
2015-Panini Prizm Baseball Signatures Prizm Gold Pulsar(10)-(16)
2015-Panini Prizm Baseball Signatures Prizm Red, White and Blue(25)-(16)
2015-Panini Prizm Baseball Signatures Prizm Tie Dye(50)-(16))
2017-Leaf Greatest Hits(3)-(97)
2017-Topps Rediscover Stamped Buyback Stamped Buyback Blue-(304)1985 Topps
2017-Topps Rediscover Stamped Buyback Stamped Buyback Blue-(304)1990 Topps
2019-Bowman 1989 Bowman Buyback Autograph(50)-(41)
2022-Leaf In The Game The Grand Salami Six Black-(GS-04)
2202-Leaf In The Game The Grand Salami Six Bronze-(GS-04)
2022-Leaf In The Game The Grand Salami Six Emerald-(GS-04)
2022-Leaf In The Game The Grand Salami Six Gold -(GS-04)
2022-Leaf In The Game The Grand Salami Six Pattern Silver -(GS-04)
2022-Leaf In The Game The Grand Salami Six Platinum Blue -(GS-04)
2022-Leaf In The Game The Grand Salami Six Purple--(GS-04)
2022-Leaf In The Game The Grand Salami Six Red-(GS-04) -(GS-04)
2022-Leaf In The Game The Grand Salami Six Silver -(GS-04)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Barrel Gold(1)-(BB-49)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Knob(1)-(BB-49)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Bronze-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Emerald-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Gold-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Navy Blue-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Pewter-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Platinum-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Platinum-(BR3-20
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Printing Plates Black(1)-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Purple-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Red-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 3 Relics Silver-(BR3-20)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Bronze-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Emerald-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Gold(1)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Navy Blue(7)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Pewter(12)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Platinum 4(20)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Printing Plates Black(1)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Printing Plates Cyan1)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Purple(35)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Red(4)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Bat Rack 4 Relics Silver(3)-(BR4-14)
2022-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Bronze-(GUL-49)
2022-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Emerald-(GUL-49)
2022-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Gold(10-(GUL-49)
2022-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Navy Blue-(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Pewter-(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Platinum-(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Printing Plates Black(1)-(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Purple-(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Red(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Game Used Lumber Silver-(GUL-49)
2023-Leaf Lumber Lumber Team 8s Relics Bronze(30)-(LT8-4)
2023-Leaf Lumber Lumber Team 8s Relics Emerald(5)-(LT8-4)
2023-Leaf Lumber Lumber Team 8s Relics Gold(1)-(LT8-4)
2023-Leaf Lumber Lumber Team 8s Relics Navy Blue(7)-(LT8-4)
2023-Leaf Lumber Lumber Team 8s Relics Pewter(30)-(LT8-4)
2023-Leaf Lumber Lumber Team 8s Relics Platinum(20)-(LT8-4)
2023-Leaf Lumber Lumber Team 8s Relics Purple35)-(LT8-4)
2023-Leaf Lumber Lumber Team 8s Relics Navy Red(3)-(LT8-4)
2023-Leaf Lumber Lumber Team 8s Relics Silver(3)-(LT8-4)
2023-Leaf Lumber Off The End of The Bat Gold(1)-(OEB-50)
2022-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Bronze(65)-SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Emerals(5)-SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Gold(1)-SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Navy Blue(7)-SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Pewter(12)-(SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Platinum(25)-SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Printing Plates Black(1)-(SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Purple(35)-SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Red(12)-(SS-11)
2023-Leaf Lumber Silver Sluggers Relics Silver(3)-SS-11
2024-Leaf Lumber The Home Run 100 Bronze 40)-(-32)
2024-Leaf Lumber The Home Run 100 Emerald(3)-(THR-32)
2024-Leaf Lumber The Home Run 100 Gold(1)-(THR-32)
2024-Leaf Lumber The Home Run 100 Navy Blue(4)-(THR-32)
2024-Leaf Lumber The Home Run 100 Pewter(5)-(THR-32)
2024-Leaf Lumber The Home Run 100 Platinum(7)-(THR-32)
2024-Leaf Lumber The Home Run 100 Purple(20)-(THR-32)
2024-Leaf Lumber The Home Run 100 Red(3)-(THR-32)
2024-Leaf Lumber The Home Run 100 Silver(2)-(THR-32)

Jim Kaat

148 of 442=33%

1960-J. D. McCarthy Postcards-(NNO)
1960-Topps Venezuelan-(136)7)
1962-Jay Publishing-(NNO)
1962--Jay Publishing Font Variation-(NNO)
1962- Topps Advertising Panel-(3)
1962-Topps Venzuelan-(21)
1963-Jay Publishing-(NNO)
1963-Post-(10)With Light Pole
1964-Jay Publishing-(NNO)
1965-Asco Incorporated-(4)
1965--Jay Publishing-(NNO)
1965-Trade Bloc-(NNO)
1966-Fairway Foods-(NN()
1966-Sports Service-(NNO)
1966-Topps Venezuelan-(224)
1967-Bazooka Ad Panel-(16/17/18)
1967-Topps Punchouts-(NNO)
1967-Topps Venezuelan-(236)
1968--Minnesota Twins Postcard-(5)
1968-Topps Venezuelan CL 1-(67)
1969-Mike Andersen Postcards-(NNO)
1969-Minnesota Twins Color Picture Pack-(NNO)
1970-71-Dayton Daily News-(M137)
1971-Topps Greatest Moments-(7)
1972-Milton Bradley-(NNO)
1972-Topps Venezuelan Stamp-(228)
1972-Topps Venzuelan Stamp-(238)
1973--J. D. McCarthy Postcards-(NNO)
1875-SSPC Puzzle Back-(NNO)1976-Kellogg-(25)White Sox Logo on Back
1976- MSA Red Barn Disc-(NNO)
1976-Philadelphia Phillies Photocards-(14)
1977-Philadelphia Phillies Photocards-(14)
1978-Philadelphia Phillies Photocards-(16)
1979-Philadelphia Phillies Photocards-(13)
1980-J. D. McCarthy Postcards-(NNO)
1980-St. Louis Cardinals Photocards-(13)
1981-St. Louis Cardinals Photocards-(NNO)
1982-St. Louis Cardinals Photocards-(NNO)
1983-St. Louis Cardinals Photocards-(NNO)
1983-Topps Foldouts-(1)
1987-Hygrade All-Time Great-(51A)Cardinals Uniform
1987-TCMA Collectors Kit Reprint-(10)
2000-09-Minnesota Twins BobbleHead Authentic Commemorative Set-(NNO)
2001-Topps American Pie Rookie Reprint Relics-(BB-RR)
2001-Topps Archive Autographs-(TTA-141)
2001-Upper Deck Decade 1970 Game Jersey Autograph-(SJ-JKA)
2001-Upper Deck Decade 1970 Game Jersey Patch-(P-JKA)
2001-Upper Deck Gold G;ove Leather Bound(LB-JKA)
2002-Topps Archive Autographed-(TAA-JK)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-2003(21)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(62)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(63)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(75)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(80)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(80T)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(136)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(136)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(165)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(243)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(245)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(290)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(300)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(440)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(445)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-9450)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(530)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(638)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(709)
2003-Topps Vintage Embossed-(715)
2003-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic Autograph Black Ink(100)-(YG-JK)
2003-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic Autograph Blue Ink-(YG-JK)
2003-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic Autograph Red Ink-(YG-JK)
2003-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Instant Winner Redemption-(155)
2003-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Instant Winner Redemption-(156)
2003-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Instant Winner Redemption-(157)
2003-Upper Deck Yankees Signature Series Pinstripe Excellence Autograph(125)- (PE-JK)
2003--Upper Deck Yankees Signature Series Pinstripe Excellence Autograph(125)- (PE-TK)
2003-Upper Deck Yankees Signature Series Yankees Forever Autographs(50)-(JKL)
2003-Upper Deck Yankees Signature Series Yankees Forever Autographs(50)- (KGT)
2003-Upper Deck Yankees Signature Series Yankees Forever Autographs(50)-(KJB)
2004-Fleer National Pastime Buyback Autographs-(81)
2004-SP Prospects Draft Generations Triple Autographs(25)-(DG-KHW)
2004-SP Prospects Draft Link to the Past Dual Autographs(50)- (LP-KW)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Autographs-(187)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Autographs Gold(5)-(6)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Autographs Gold(5)-(187)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Autographs Platinum(1)-(6)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Autographs Platinum(1)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Bronze(50)-(6)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Bronze(50)-(187)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Gold(5)-(6)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Gold(5)-(187)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Legendary Signature Dual-(KK)
2004-Upper Deck Timeless Teams Legendary Signature Triple-(KKP)
2004-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Signature(999)-(JK)
2004-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Signature Gold(25)-(JK)
2004-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Signature Platinum-(JK)
2004-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Signature Quadruple(10)-(QS-KKPC)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classics Script Dual(100)-(KJ)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classics UD Promo-(33)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan Favorite Printing Plate Black(1)-(130)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan Favorite Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(130)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan Favorite Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(130)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan Favorite Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(130)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan Favorite Refractor(299)-(130)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan Favorite Refractor(299)-(130)
2005-Topps All-Time Fan Favorite Refractor Gold(25)-(130)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition-(101)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Autographs-(TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Autographs Printing Plates Black(1)- (TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature EditionAutographs Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition AutographsPrinting Plates Magenta(1)- (TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Autograph Refractor(25)-(TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Refractor Black(54)-(TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Refractor Foilboard(1)-(TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Refractor Printing Plate Black(1)-(TA-JKL
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Refractor Printing Plate Cyan(1)--(TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Refractor Printing Plate Magenta(1)- (TA-JKL)
2005-Topps Retired Signature Edition Refractor Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(TA-JKL)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts Auto Facts(458)-(JK2)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts Auto Facts Rainbow(458)-(JK1)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts Auto Facts Rainbow(458)-(JK2)
2005-Upper Deck AL/NL Artifact(325)-(AL-JK)
2005-Upper Deck AL/NL Artifacts Rainbow(99)-(AL-JK)
2005-Upper Deck AL/NL Artifacts Rainbow(30)-(AL-JK)
2005-Upper Deck AL/NL Rare Artifacts Signature(1)-(AL-JK)
2005-Upper Deck Dual Artifacts(99)-(DA-KC)
2005-Upper Deck Dual Artifacts(99)-(DA-KN)
2005-Upper Deck Dual Artifacts Rainbow(25)-(DA-KB)
2005-Upper Deck Dual Artifacts Rainbow(25)-(DA-KC)
2005-Upper Deck Dual Artifacts Rainbow(25)-(DA-KN)
2005-Upper Deck Dual Artifacts Signature(10)-(DA-KB)
2005-Upper Deck Dual Artifacts Signature(10)-(DA-KC)
2005-Upper Deck Dual Artifacts Signature(10)-(DA-KN)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts MLB Apparel(325)-(MLB-JK)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts MLB ApparelAutograph(30)-(MLB-JK)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts Rare Apparel Autographs(1)-(JK)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts Patches(50)-(AP-JK)
2005-Upper Deck Artifacts Patches(10)-(AP-JK)
2007-Heroes Decks Heroes Playing Cards-(9 Clubs)
2008-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs-(ROA-JK)
2008-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs Red Ink(59)-(ROA-JK)
2008-TriStar Signa Cuts Baseball Edition-(NNO)
2008-TriStar Signa Cuts Baseball Edition Vintage/Deceased/Star-(NNO)
2010-Historic Autographs Hall of Fame & All-Star Edition-(NNO)
2010-Topps heritage Framed Buyback Stamps--(180)
2011-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(21)
2012-Leaf Cuts Signature History of Baseball-(NNO)
2012-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(165)
2012-TriStar Signa Cuts Bronx Edition -(NNO)
2014-Famous Fabrics Big Apple Baseball(1)-(NNO)
2014-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(136)
2014-Topps Heritage Celebrity Cut Signatures 1965(1)-(CCS-JK)
2014-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(62)
2015-Topps Originals Buybacks 1962-(21)
2015-Topps Originals Buybacks 1966(224)
2015-Topps Originals Buybacks 1967-(235)
2016-Historical Original The 1970-(NNO)
2016-Topps Archives Fan Favorite Autographs(1)-FFA-JK)
2016-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(211)
2016-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(235)
2016-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(237)
2016-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(278)
2016-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(300)
2017-Topps Heritage Rediscover Stamped Buybacks Bronze-(672)
2017-Topps Heritage Rediscover Stamped Buybacks Silver-(672)
2017-Topps Heritage Rediscover Stamped Buybacks-(67)
2017-Topps Heritage Rediscover Stamped Buybacks-(450)
2018-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks -(290)
2019-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks -(75)
2020-1961 Peter’s Meats Reprints-(7)
2020-1971 Topps One of the Game Greatest Moments Box Topper High Number-(2)
2020-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks -(245)2021-Topps 206(W10) Lenox Brown-(NNO)
2021-Topps 206(W10) Old Mills-(NNO)
2021-Topps 206(W10) Sovereign-(NNO)
2021-Topps 206(W10) Sweet Caporal-(NNO)
2021-Topps 206(W10) Ty Cobb-(NNO)
2021-Topps 206(W10) Utiz-(NNO)
2021-Topps Archives-(TPOA-JK)1963 Peel-Off Autograph
2021-Topps Archives Blue(25)-(TPOA-JK)1963 Peel-Off Autograph
2021-Topps Archives Gold(1)-(TPOA-JK)1963 Peel-Off Autograph
2021-Topps Archives Silver(99)-(TPOA-JK)1963 Peel-Off Autograph
2021-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks -(709)
2021-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks -(710)
2021-Topps X Spotlight 70 FT Andy Friedman-(32)
2021-Topps X Spotlight 70 FT Andy Friedman Variation(25)-(32)
2021-Topps X Spotlight 70 FT Andy Friedman Autograph-(32-A)
2021-Topps X Spotlight 70 FT Andy Friedman Glossy Stock(50)-(32)
2021-Topps X Spotlight 70 FT Andy Friedman Rainbow Foil(5)-(32)
2021-Topps X Spotlight 70 FT Andy Friedman Red Back(10)-(32)
2021-Topps X Spotlight 70 FT Andy Friedman Spotlight70 Stamps(70)-(32)
2021-2022-Topps Now Off Season-(OS-50)
2021-2022-Topps Now Off Season Blue(49)-(OS-50)
2021-2022-Topps Now Off Season Gold(1)-(OS-50)
2021-2022-Topps Now Off Season Orange(5)-(OS-50)
2021-2022-Topps Now Off Season Purple(25)-(OS-50)
2021-2022-Topps Now Off Season Red(10)-(OS-50)
2022-Topps Gypsy Queen- Autographs-(GQA-JK)
2022-Topps Gypsy Queen- Autographs Black(1)-(GQA-JK)
2022-Topps Gypsy Queen- Autographs Black and Whitw(50)-(GQA-JK)
2022-Topps Gypsy Queen- Autographs Blue(99)-(GQA-JK)
2022-Topps Gypsy Queen- Autographs Indig0150)-(GQA-JK)
2022-Topps Gypsy Queen- Autographs Missing Back Plates(25)-(GQA-JK)
2022-Topps Gypsy Queen- Autographs Missing Nameplate-(GQA-JK)
2022-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(199)
2022-Topps Heritage Clubhouse CollectionTriple Relics (25)-(CCT-BKB)
2022-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Triple Relics Patch(1)-(CCT-BKB)
2022-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs-(ROA-JK)
2022-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs Special Edition Red Ink(73)-(ROA-JK
2022-Topps Now-(539)
2022-Topps Now-(588)
2022-Topps Now Blue(49)-(539)
2022-Topps Now Blue(49)-(588)
2022-Topps Now Gold(1)-(539)
2022-Topps Now Gold(1)-(588)
2022-Topps Now Orange(5)-(539)
2022-Topps Now Orange(5)-(588)
2022-Topps NowPurple(25)-(539)
2022-Topps Now Purple(25)-(588)
2022-Topps Now Red(10)-(539)
2022-Topps Now Red(100-(588)
2022-Topps x Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman-(Jim Kaat Design)1981 Topps Autographs-(62)
2022-Topps x Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman-(Jim Kaat Design)1981 Topps Red Back(10)-(62)
2022-Topps x Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman-(Jim Kaat Design)1981 Topps Color Test Prints(1)(62)
2022-Topps x Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman-(Jim Kaat Design)1981 Topps Rainbow Foil(5)-(62)
2022-Topps x Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman-(Jim Kaat Design)1981 Topps Red Back(10)(62)
2022-Topps x Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman-(Jim Kaat Design)1981 Topps Stamp(70)(62)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports The Superlative 16 Black Spectrum Holofoil-(TS 16-8)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports The Superlative 16 Bronze Spectrum Holofoil-(TS 16-8)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports The Superlative 16 Emerald Spectrum Holofoil(1)-(TS 16-8)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports The Superlative 16 Gold Spectrum Holofoil(1)-(TS 16-8)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports The Superlative 16 Platinum Spectrum Holofoil-(TS 16-8)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports The Superlative 16 Purple Spectrum Holofoil-(TS 16-8)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports The Superlative 16 Red Spectrum Holofoil-(TS 16-8)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports The Superlative 16 Silver Sparkle Spectrum Holofoil-(TS 16-8)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports The Superlative 16 Silver Spectrum Holofoil-(TS 16-8)
Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 2 Black Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 2 Bronze Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 2 Emerald Spectrum Holofoil(1)-(TT2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 2 Gold Spectrum Holofoil(1)-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 2 Platinum Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 2 Purple Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 2 Red Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 2 Silver Sparkle Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 2 Silver Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 4 Black Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 4 Bronze Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 4 Emerald Spectrum Holofoil(1)-(TT2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 4 Gold Spectrum Holofoil(1)-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 4 Platinum Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 4 Purple Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 4 Red Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 4 Silver Sparkle Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Leaf Superlative Sports Trouville 4 Silver Spectrum Holofoil-(T2-4)
2023-Topps 206-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 95 Morton Brick Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Blank Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Carolina Brights Backs-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Interleague Logo Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Piedmont Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Polar Bear Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Sweet Caporal Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Tolstoi Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Ty Cobb-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Utiz-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Wood-(NNO)
2023-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Autographs-(MA-JKA)
2023-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Autographs Black(25)-(MA-JKA)
2023-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Autograph Red Ink-(MA-JKA)
2023-ToppsAllen and Ginter X Framed Mini Autographs(25)-(MA-JKA)
2023 ToppsAllen and Ginter X Framed Mini Autographs Black Frame(25)-(MA-JKA)
2023 Topps Allen and Ginter X Framed Mini Autograph Black Frame Gold(5)-(MA-JKA)
2023-Topps Archives 1969 Topps Team Baseball Post Card Box Topper-(H69-MIN)
2023-Topps Archive Topps Original Buyback Autographs(10)-(Jim Kaat)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs-(HAFA-JK)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs Emerald(25)-(HAFA-JK)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs Onyx(10)-(HAFA-JK)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs Platinum(1)-(HAFA-JK)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs Rose Gold(50)-(HAFA-JK)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Gold Framed Hall of Famer Autographs Ruby(5)-(HAFA-JK)
2023-Topps Heritage 1974 Topps Puzzlers-(74PB-37)
2023-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(440)
2023-Topps Heritage Real Ones Autographs Dual-(RODA-BK)
2023-Topps Museum Collection Museum Framed Hall of Fame Autographs-(HOFA-JK)

Bobby Murcer
157 of 523=30%

1969-Mike Anderson Postcard-(NNO)
1969-New York Yankees Framing Picture-(NNO)
1970-New York Yankees Clinic Day Postcard-(NNO)
1970-New York Yankees Framing Picture-(NNO)
1970-71-Dayton Daily News M137-(320)
1971-Bazooka Panels-(NNO)
1971-Bazooka Number Test-(9)
1971-New York Yankees Clinic Day Postcard-(10)
1971-Topps Coin-(54)
1971-Topps Greatest Moments-(46)
1972Milton Bradley-(NNO)
1972 Topps Candy Lid Test-(NNO)
1972 Topps Candy Lid Test Proofs-(NNO)
1972-Venezuelan Stamps-(9)
1973-Topps Candy Lids-(NNO)
1973-Topps Candy Lids-(NNO)
1973-Topps Comic-(NNO)
1973-Topps Pin-Up-(NNO)
1973-74--Linnett Portrait-(NNO)(NY Emblem on )
1974-New York Yankees 4 X 5 Photos-(NNO)
1976-Hostess Panel-(121-123)Brown Back
1977-Chicago Tribune Chicago Cubs Scrapbook-(NNO)
1977-Hostess Twinkies-(2)
1977-MSA Saga Discs-(NNO)
1977-MSA Wendy’s Discs-(NNO)
1976-SSPC Team Sheet UnSeparated-(244-270)
1979-New York Yankees Photo Albums-(NNO)
1980-New York Yankees Photo Albums-(170)
1981-New York Yankees Photo Albums-(NNO)
1981-OPC Gray Back-(25)
1982-New York Yankees Photo Albums-(NNO
1991-Upper Deck Heroes of Baseball Sheets-(NNO)
2000-Upper Deck Yankees Legends Lumber-(BM-LL)
2000-Upper Deck Yankees Legends Lumber Gold-(BM-LL)
2000-Upper Deck Yankees Legends Lumber Masterpiece Set-(BM-LL)
2001--Topps American Pie Rookie Reprint Relics-(BB-RT)
2001-Topps Archives Autographs-(TAA-103)
2001-Upper Deck Decade 1970 Game Bat-(B-BOM)
2001-Upper Deck Decade 1970 Game Jersey-(J-BM2)
2001-Upper Deck Decade 1970 Game Jersey Autograph-(SJ-BM2)
2001-Upper Deck Decade 1970 Game Jersey Patch-(P-BM2)
2003-Danbury Mint 24kt Gold-(NNO)
2003-Topps All-Time Fan Favorites Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(113)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic-(3)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Bronze(99)-(3)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Gold(30)-(3)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Mitchell and Ness Jersey-(BMU1)65A
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Mitchell and Ness Jersey-(BMU2)65H
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Mitchell and Ness Jersey-(BMU3)73A
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Mitchell and Ness Jersey-(BMU4)73H
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Mitchell and Ness Jersey-(BMU5)79A
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classics Mitchell and Ness Jersey-(BMU6)79H
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Mitchell and Ness Redemption-(4)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Scripts-(AU-3)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Scripts Dual(100)-(MB)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Scripts Dual(100)-(MO)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Scripts Dual(100)-(MP)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Scripts Dual(100)-(WM)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Scripts Quad(10)-(PNCM)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Scripts Triple(20)-(MBM)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Scripts Triple(20)-(RWM)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic Silver-(3)
2004-Upper Deck Yankees Classic UD Promo-(3)
2005-Donruss Great Yankees Clipping Material-(YC-5)
2005-Donruss Great Yankees Clipping Material Prime-(YC-5)
2005-Heroes Deck New York Yankees Baseball Heroes Playing Cards-(9 Hearts)(2nd Edition)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph(25)-(CC-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Gold(10)-(CC-MU
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Material(25)-(CC-MU
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Material Gold(10)-(CC-MU
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Material Platinum(1)-(CC-MU
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Platinum(1)-(CC-MU
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Careers Gold(75)-(CC-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Careers Material-(CC-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Careers Material Gold(75)-CC-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Careers Material Platinum(1)-(CC-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Career Platinum(1)-(CC-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days(399)-(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph(25)-(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Gold(10)-(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Material(25)-(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Material Gold(10)-(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Material Platinum(1)-(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Platinum(1)-(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Gold(75)-(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Material -(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Material Gold(75) -(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Material Platinum(1) -(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Platinum(1) -(GD-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage(399) -(LE-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph(25) -(LE-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Gold-(LE-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Material-(LE-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Material Gold -(LE-MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Material Platinum-(LE -MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Platinum-(LE -MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Gold(75)-(LE -MU)*
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Material-(LE -MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Material Gold(75)-(LE -MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Material Platinum-(LE -MU)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Platinum(1)-(LE -MU)
2005-UD Past Time Pennants Signatures Bronze-(BO)
2005-UD Past Time Pennants Signatures Gold-(BO)
2005-UD Past Time Pennants Signatures Silver-(BO)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Lumber Triple(85)-(GEN-MMJ)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Materials Triple(50)-(GEN-MMJ)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Signatures Triple(35)-(GEN-MMJ)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Past Lumber Gold (75)-(PA-MU)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Past Lumber Silver(115)-(PA-MU)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Past Materials Gold(25)-(PA-MU)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Past Materials Silver(99)-(PA-MU)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Past Signatures Bronze(35)-(PA-MU)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Past Signatures Gold -(PA-MU)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Past Signatures Silver(99)-(PA-MU)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Signatures Material Dual(75) -(PA-MU)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game-(14)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Autographics-(GG-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Autographics P+
rinting Plate Black(1)-(GG-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Autographics Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(GG-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Autographics Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(GG-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the GameAutographics Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(GG-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Autographs-(14)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Copper(299)-(14)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Pewter-(14)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Printing Plate Black(1)-(14)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(14)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(14)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(14)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Yankee Clipping-(NNY-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Yankee Clipping Autograph-(NNY-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Yankee Clipping Autograph-(NNY-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Yankee Clipping Autograph Memorabilia- (NNY-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Yankee Clipping Memorabilia-(NNY-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Yankee Clipping Printing Plates Black(1)-(NNY-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Yankee Clipping Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(NNY-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Yankee Clipping Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(NNY-BM)
2006-Fleer Greats of the Game Yankee Clipping Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(NNY-BM)
2006-Heroes Deck New York Yankees Baseball Heroes Playing Cards-(9 Hearts)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts(550)-(124)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Bronze(99)-(LM-MU)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Gold(225)-(LM-MU)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Platinum(15)-(LM-MU)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Printing Plate Black(1)-(MU)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(MU)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(MU)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Silver(199)-(LM-MU)*
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Memorable Moments Autograph(50) - (MM-BM)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Memorable Moments Material(225) - (MM-BM)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Memorable Moments Printing Plate Black(1) - (MM-BM)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Memorable Moments Printing Plate Cyan(1) - (MM-BM)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Memorable Moments Printing Plate Magenta(1) - (MM-BM)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Memorable Moments Printing Plate Yellow(1) - (MM-BM)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Place in History Signature(6)-(PH-MU)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Printing Plate Black(1)-(124)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(124)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(124)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(124)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts When It Was a Game Material(75)-(WG-MU)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts When It was a Game Printing Plate Black(1)-(124)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts When It was a Game Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(124)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts When It was a Game Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(124)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts When It was a Game Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(124)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts When It was a Game Silver(550)-(124)
2006-Upper Deck Exquisite Collection Ensemble Endorsement Triple(15)- (EN3-MJM
2008-TriStar Signa Cuts Baseball Edition-(NNO)
2008-Upper Deck Premier Significant Six Autograph(6)-(SIX-6)
2008-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Signature Red Stitch Black Ink(250)-(BM)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3663)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3664)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3668)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3671)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3673)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3675)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3676)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3677)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3679)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3680)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3681)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3684)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3685)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3687)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3688)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3691)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3693)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3696)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3698)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3701)*
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3702)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3704)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3705)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3706)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3707)*
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3709)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3710)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3711)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3713)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3714)*
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3716)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3718)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3721)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3723)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3726)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3727)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3729)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3730)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy-(3731)
2008-Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy Final Season-(43)
2009-Topps Legends of the Game Cut Signatures-(LGCS-BM)
2009-Topps Sterling Career Chronicles Relics Quad Signatures(10)-(4SCA-108)
2009-Topps Sterling Career Chronicles Relics Quad Signatures Sterling Silver(1)- (4SCA-108)
2009-Topps Sterling Career Chronicles Relics Triple Autographs(10)- (3SCA-137
)2009-Topps Sterling Career Chronicles Relics Triple Autographs(10)-(3SCA-138)
2009-Topps Sterling Career Chronicles Relics Triple Autographs Sterling Silver(1)-(3SCA-137)
2009-Topps Sterling Career Chronicles Relics Triple Autographs Sterling Silver(1)-(3SCA-138)
2010-Topps 206 Mini Framed Relics Old Mill-(TR-BM)
2010-Topps 206 Mini Framed Relics Polar Bear-(TR-BM)
2010-Topps-Manufactured Hat Logo Patch(99)-(HMT-36)
2010-Topps Tribute Relics Triple(99)-(TTR-BM)
2010-Topps Tribute Relics Triple Black(50)-(TTR-BM)
2010-Topps Tribute Relics Triple Blue(75)-(TTR-BM)
2010-Topps Tribute Relics Triple Gold(25)-(TTR-BM)
2010-Topps Tribute Relics Triple Red(1)-(TTR-BM)
2010-Topps Tribute Autograph Relics Combos Double(3)-(TTAR-4)
2010-Topps Tribute Autograph Relics Combos Double Platinum(1)-(TTAR-4)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics(18)-(TTAR-163)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics(18)-(TTAR-164)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics(18)-(TTAR-165)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph RelicsGold(9)-(TTAR-163)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold(9)-(TTAR-164)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Gold(9)-(TTAR-165)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Platinum(1)-(TTAR-163)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Platinum(1)-(TTAR-164)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Platinum(1)-(TTAR-165)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Sapphire(3)-(TTAR-163)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Sapphire(3)-(TTAR-164)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Sapphire(3)-(TTAR-165)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate(1)- (TTAR-163)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics White Whale Printing Plate(1)- (TTAR-164)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograh Relics White Whale Printing Plate(1)- (TTAR-165)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Wood(1)-(TTAR-163)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Wood(1)-(TTAR-164)
2010-Topps Triple Threads Autograph Relics Wood(1)-(TTAR-165)
2010-Topps Update Manufactured Bat Barrel(99)-(MBB-121)
2010-Topps Update Manufactured Bat Barrel Black(25)-(MBB-121)
2010-Topps Update Manufactured Bat Barrel Pink(1)-(MBB-121)
2011-SP Legendary Cuts(5)-(20)
2011-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Black Signatures(2)-(20)
2011-SP Legendary Cuts Past and Present Dual Signatures(9)-(NY70S-MW)
2012-Heroes Deck New York Yankees Baseball Heroes Playing Cards-(9 Hearts)
2012-Leaf Cut Signature History of Baseball-(NNO)
2012-SP Signature Edition-(NNY-3)
2012-Topps Five Star Cut Signature Book(1)-(FSCS-BM)
2012-Topps Museum Collection Cut Signatures(1)-(CS-BM)
2013-Leaf Cut Signatures Pride of the Pinstripe(9)-(NNO)
2013-Panini’s Americas Pasttime Cuts(1)-(50)
2013-Topps Chasing History Cut Signature(1)-(CHCS-BM)
2013-Topps Archives Chicago Cubs-(CUBS-7)
2013-Topps Archives Chicago Cubs Season Tickets-(CUBS-7)
2013-Tristar Signa Bronx Edition-(NNO)
2014-75th Anniversary Buybacks -(333)1970 Topps
2014-75th Anniversary Buybacks -(86)1972 Topps
2014-75th Anniversary Buybacks -(90)1974 Topps
2014-Famous Fabrics Big Apple Baseball(1)-(NNO)(All-Star)
2014-Famous Fabrics Big Apple Baseball(1)-(NNO)(Bill Castro Back)
2014-Famous Fabrics Big Apple Baseball(1)-(NNO)(Bobby Murcer)
2014-Famous Fabrics Big Apple Baseball Sketches-(NNO)
2015-Panini Diamond Kings Black-(17)
2015-Panini Diamond Kings DK Minis Materials Prime(25)-(17)
2015-Panini Diamond Kings Framed Black(1)-(17)
2015-Panini Diamond Kings Framed Blue(99)-(17)*
2015-Panini Diamond Kings Framed Green (5)-(17)
2015-Panini Diamond Kings Framed Red-(17)*
2015-Panini Diamond Kings Gold(25) -(17)
2015-Topps Original Buybacks 1970-(343)
2015-Topps Original Buybacks 1977(40)
2015-Topps Original Buybacks 1979-(135)*
2016-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks 1967-(93)
2017-Historic Autographs Scripts-(NNO)
2017-Topps Diamond Icons Cuts Signatures(4)-(CS-BM)
2017-Topps Diamond Icons Cuts Signatures Gold(1)-(CS-BM)
2017-Topps Dynasty Cuts Signatures(1)-(DCS-BM)
2017-Topps Luminaries Cuts Signatures(1)-(CS-BM)
2018-Panini Diamond KIngs Diamond Cuts(5)-(7)
2018-Panini Diamond KIngs Diamond Cuts Masterpiece(1)-(7)
2018-Panini National Treasures (99)-139)
2018-Panini National Treasures Button)-(139)
2018-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Booklet(4)-(CSM--BM)
2018-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature City Booklet(5)-(CSM--BM)
2018-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Nickname Booklet(1)-(CSM--BM)
2018-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Statline Booklet(1)-(CSM--BM)
2018-Panini National Treasures Cut Signature Statline Booklet(1)-(CSM--BM)
2018-Panini National Treasures Legendary Trios Booklet(25)-(LT-NY2)
2018-Panini National Treasures Platinum(1)-(139)
2018-Panini National Treasures Prime(5)-(139)
2018-Panini National Treasures Printing Plate Black(1)-(139)
2018-Panini National Treasures Printing Plate Cyan-(139)
2018-Panini National Treasures Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(139)
2018-Panini National Treasures Printing Plate Yellow(1)-(139)
2018-Panini National Treasures Tag(2)-(139)
2018-Topps Diamond Cut Icons Signature-(CS-BM)
2018-Topps Diamond Cut Icons Signature Gold(1)-(CS-BM)
2018-Topps Dynasty Signature(1)-(CS-BM)
2018-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(657)
2018-Topps LuminariesCut Signature(1)-(CS-BM201
2019 -Topps Diamond Cut Icons Signature(4)-(CS-BM)
2019-Topps Diamond Cut Icons Signature Gold(1)-(CS-BM)
2019-Topps Dynasty Cut Icons Signature (1)-(CS-BM)
2019-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(333)
2019-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(339)
2019-Topps Luminaries Cut Icons Signature (1)-(CS-BM)
2020-Panini National Treasures Legendary Silhouette Duals Booklet(15)-(LS-NY)
2020-Panini National Treasures Legendary Silhouette Duals Black Booklet(3)- (LS-NY)
2020-Panini National Treasures Legendary Silhouette Duals Holo Gold Booklet(10)- (LS-NY)
2020-Panini National Treasures Legendary Silhouette Duals Holo Silver Booklet(5)- (LS-NY)
2020-Panini National Treasures Legendary Silhouette Duals Platinum Booklet(1)- (LS-NY)
2020-Topps Diamond Cut Icons Signature(1)-(CS-BM)
2020-Topps Diamond Cut Icons Signature Gold(1)-(CS-BM)
2020-Topps Dynasty Cut Icons Signature(1)-(CS-BM)
2020-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(635)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Legends Material-(LG-BM)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Legends Material Blue(25)-(LG-BM)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Legends Material Gold(10)-(LG-BM)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Legends Material Platinium(1)-(LG-BM)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Legends Material Printing Plates Black(1)-(LG-BM)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Legends Material Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(LG-BM)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Legends Material Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(LG-BM)
2021-Panini Immaculate Collection Legends Material Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(LG-BM)
2021-Topps Diamond Cut Icons Signature(4)-(CS-BM)
2021-Topps Diamond Cut Icons Signature Gold(1)-(CS-BM)
2021-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks 1971-(86)
2021-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(699)
2021-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(700)
2022-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(240)
2022-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(343)

Tony Oliva
151 of 92
1964-Topps Rookie All-Star Banquet-(27)
1964-Topps Venezuelan-(10)
1965-Asco Incorporated-(7)
1965-Bazooka Panels-(4-6)
1965-Jays Publishing-(NNO)
1965-Trade Bloc-(NNO)
1966-Fairway Food-(NNO)
1966-Sports Service-(NNO)
1966-Topps Rub-Offs(NNO)
1966-Topps Venezuelan 1965 Batting Average-(216)(
1966-Topps Venezuelan 1965 RBI Leaders-()
1967-Bazooka Panel-(40/41/42)
1967-Topps Disc-(NNO)
1967-Topps Punchouts-(NNO)
1968-Bazooka Panel 9-(NNO)
1968-Bazooka Panel-(9)M. Alvis, J. Fregosi, B. Gibson, T.Oliva & V. Pinson)
1968-Dexter Press-(8)
1968-Minnesota Twins Postcards-(7)
1968-O-Pee-Chee Poster-(25)
1968-Sports Illustrated Poster Card-(7A3)
1968-Topps Action All-Star Sticker-(NNO)
1968-Topps Milton Bradley Win-A-Card-(165)
1968-Topps Venezuelan-(165)
1969-Minnesota Twins Color Picture Pack-(NNO)
1969-MLB PhotoS tamp-)NNO)
1969-MLBPA Pins-(20)
1969-70-MLB/MLBPA Pins-(NNO)
1970-Minnesota Twins 4 X 5 Photos-(NNO))
1970-Transogram Statue Card-(NNO)
1970-Transogram Statue Card Panels-(NNO)
1970-71-Dayton Daily News M137 5/5/70
1970-71-Dayton Daily News M137 5/17/70
1971-Bazooka Numbered Test-(36)
1971-Dell Stamp Team Stamp–(NNO)
1971-Milk Dud Boxes-NNO)
1971-Topps Coin-(128)
1971-Topps Greatest Moment-(11)
1971-Topps Tattoos-(NNO
1972--O-Pee-Chee Team Club-(156)
1972-Topps Posters-(7)
1972-Topps Venezuelan Stamps-(134)
1974-Minnesota Twins Picture Pack-)NNO)
1974-Topps Deckle Edge-(62)
1974-Topps Deckle Edge White Back-(62)
1974-Topps Stamp-(NNO)
1974-Topps Stamp Panels-(NNO)
1975-Clarence Mengler Baseball Best-(NNO)
1976-Hostess Panels-(10-12)
1977-Sertoma Stars-(NNO)Variation Darker version
1982-Dover Publication Reprint-(165)
1984-TCMA Greats-(3)
1984-85-Sports Design Product-(41)
1985-Minnesota Twins Postcards-(NNO)
1986-Minnesita Twins-(4)
1986--Minnesita Twins Postcards-(NNO)
1987-Minnesita Twins-(4)
1987-1982 Greatest Hitter-(10)
1991-Gatorade Tony Oliva Minnesota Twins Jersey Retirement-(NNO)
1992-Topps Match the Stats Game-(NNO)Gray Back
2000-09-Minnesota Twins Bobblehead Authentic Commemorative Set-(NNO)
2001-SP Legendary Cuts Debut Game Bats-(D-TO)
2001-SP Legendary Cuts Game Bats Combo-2001(TO-RC)
2002-Fleer Greats of the Game Autographs-(NNO)
2002-Topps Archives Autograph-2002(TAA-TO)
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Refractors(299)-(52)
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(228)1963 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(116)
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(340)1965 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(216)1966 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(220)1966 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(450)1966 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(50)1967 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(239)1967 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(165)1968 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(427)1969 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(600)1969 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(510)1970 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(290)1971 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(86)1972 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(400)1972 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(80)1973 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(190)1974 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(325)1975 Topps
2003-All-Time Fan Favorite Vintage Embossed Buybacks-(35)1976 Topps
2003-Topps Embossed–(62)1970 Topps
2003-Topps Embossed-(480)1968 Topps
2003-Topps Signature Edition Autographs -(TA-TO)
2003-Topps Signature Edition Autographs Refractor-(TA-TO)
2003-Topps Signature Edition Autographs Refractor(25)-(TA-TO)
2003-Topps Signature Edition Autographs Refractor Black(99)-(TA-TO)
2003-Topps Tribute World Series-(79)1965 Topps
2003-Topps Tribute World Series Gold(100)-(79)1965 Topps
2004-Donruss Classics Team Color Combo Signature-(TC-17)
2004-Donruss Classics Team Color Combo Signature Prime(1)-(TC-17)
2004-Donruss Classics Team Color Jersey(100)-(TC-17)
2004-Donruss Classics Team Color Jersey Prime(1)-(TC-17)
2004-Donruss Classics Team Color Signature(50)-(TC-17)
2004-Donruss Throwback Threads Century Collection Material(250)-(CC-89)
2004-Donruss Throwback Threads Century Collection Material- Prime(50)-(CC-89)
2004-DonrussThrowback Threads Century Collection Material Combo(25)-(CC-89)
2004-DonrussThrowback Threads Century Collection Material Combo Prime(25)- (CC-89)
2004-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Signature Spectrum Gold(50)-(116)
2004-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Signature Spectrum Platinum(1)-(116)
2004-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Spectrum Silver(72)-(116)
2004-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Spectrum Gold(50)-(116)
2004-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Spectrum Platinum(1)-(116)
2004-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Spectrum Silver(100)-(116)
2004-Topps All Time Fan Favorite Autographs-(FFA-TO)
2004-Topps All Time Fan Favorite Refractor(299)-(8)
2004-Topps Original Signature(1)-(35)1976 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature(18)-(80)1973 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature(1)-(65)1968 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature(11)-(190)1974 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature(1)-(228)1963 Topps Autograph
2004-Topps Original Signature(2)-(290)1971 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature(10)-(325)1975 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature(5)-(400)1972 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature(1)-(427)1969 Topps All-Star
2004-Topps Original Signature(9)-(510)1970 Topps
2004-Topps Original Signature(4)-(600)1969 Topps
2004-Topps Retired Signature Edition-(78)
2004-Topps Retired Signature Edition Autograph-(TA-TO)
2004-Topps Retired Signature Autograph Press Plate Black(1)-(TA-TO)
2004-Topps Retired Signature Autograph Press Plate Cyan(1)- (TA-TO)
2004-Topps Retired Signature Autograph Press Plate Magenta(1)-(TA-TO)
2004-Topps Retired Signature Autograph Press Plate Yellow(1)-(TA-TO)
2004-Topps Retired Signature Edition Autograph Refractors(25)-(TO)
2004-Topps Retired Signature Edition Black(78)
2004-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic Signature Black(150)-(SSA-63)
2004-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic Signature Black Holo-Foil(100)-(SSA-63)
2004-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic Signature Blue(125)-(SSA-63)
2004-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic Signature Red(25)-(SSA-63)
2005-Donruss Champions-(362)
2005-Donruss Champions Impressions Black(5)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champions Impressions Combos(93)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champions Impressions Gold(50)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champions Impressions Green(25)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champions Impressions Orange(75)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champions Impressions Red(250)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champion Press Plates Black(1)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champion Press Plates Cyan(1)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champion Press Plates Magenta(1)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champion Press Plates Yellow(1)-(362)
2005-Donruss Champions Samples-(362)
2005-Donruss Classic Star of Summers(1000) -(BOS-24)
2005-Donruss Classic Star of Summers Gold(50)-(BOS-24)
2005-Donruss Classic Star of Summers Materials(250)-(BOS-24)
2005-Donruss Classic Star of Summers Platinum(1)-(BOS-24)
2005-Donruss Classic Star of Summers Signature(50)-(BOS-24)
2005-Donruss Classic Star of Summers Signature Materials(50)-(BOS-24)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Bronze-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Challenge-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Black(25) -(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Black Platinum(1)-(291))
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Blue(100)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Blue Platinum(1)-(291))
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Green(50)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Green Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Red-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Framed Red Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond King Hawaii Trade Conference(10)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Bronze(200)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Black(10)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Black Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Blue(50)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Blue Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Green(25)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Green Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Red(100)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Framed Red Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Gold(50)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Materials Silver(100)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Non Canvas(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond King Press Plates Press Plates(Black(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond King Press Plates Press Plates Cyan(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond King Press Plates Press Plates Magenta(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond King Press Plates Press Plates Yellow(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Black(1)-291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Bronze(10)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Black(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Black Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Blue(5)(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Blue Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Green(5)(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Green Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed Red(10)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Framed RedPlatinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Gold(5)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Backl(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Bronze-2005(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Gold-2005(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Black(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Framed Black Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donuss Diamond Kings Signature Material Framed Blue(50)-2005(291)
2005-Donuss Diamond Kings Signature Material Framed Blue Platinum-2005(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Framed Green(25)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Framed Green Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Framed Red(50)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Framed Red Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Material Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Platinum(1)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Signature Silver(5)-(291)
2005-Donruss Diamond Kings Silver(50)-(291)
2005-Donruss Greats Platinum HoloFoil(50)-(85)
2005-Donruss Greats Platinum-(85)
2005-Donruss Greats Signature Platinum-(85)
2005-Donruss Greats Silver-(85)
2005-Donruss Minnesota Twins-(13)
2005-DonrussThrowback Threads Throwback Collection Material(250)-2005(6)
2005-DonrussThrowback Threads Throwback Collection Material Prime(100)- (TC-6)
2005-DonrussThrowback Threads Throwback Collection Signature Material(50) -(6)
2005-DonrussThrowback Threads Throwback Collection Signature Material Combo(25)-(6)
2005-DonrussThrowback Threads Throwback Collection Signature Material Combo Prime(10)-(6)
2005-DonrussThrowback Threads Throwback Collection Signature Material (25)-(6)
2005-Donruss Throwback Threads Throwback Collection Spectrum-(6)
2005-Donruss Timeless Treasures Home Road Gamers Duo(50)-(25)
2005-Donruss Timeless Treasures Home Road Gamers Duo Prime(10)-(25)
2005-Donruss Timeless Treasures Home Road Gamers Trios(25)-(25)
2005-Donruss Timeless Treasures Home Road Gamers Trios Prime-(25)
2005-Donruss Timeless Treasures Home Road Gamers Duo-(25)
2005-Donruss Timeless Treasures Home Road Gamers Signature Duo(25)-(25)
2005-DonrussTimeless Treasures Home Road Gamers Signature Trios(25)-(25)
2005-DonrussTimeless Treasures Home Road Gamers Signature Trios Prime(5)-(25)
2005-Fleer National Pastimes Buyback Autographs-(TO)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Material Centennial(39)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Material Olympic(92)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Material ProBall(69)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Material USA Flag(100)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Material Centennial(39)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Material Olympic(6)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Material Prime Centennial(1)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Material Prime Olympic(6)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Material Prime ProBall(6)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Century Stamps Signature Material Prime USA Flag(100)-(S-70)
2005-Leaf Limited Team Trademarks(50)-(TT-38)
2005-Leaf Limited Team Trademarks Foil(10)-(TT-38)
2005-Leaf Limited Team Trademarks Jersey Numbers(1)-(TT-38)
2005-Leaf Limited Team Trademarks Jersey Numbers Prime(26)-(TT-38)
2005-Leaf Limited Team Trademarks Signature-(50)-TT-38)
2005-Leaf Limited Team Trademarks Signature Jersey Numbers(26)-(TT-38)
2005-Leaf Limited Team Trademarks Signature Jersey Prime (26)-(S-38)
2005-Leaf Recollection Autographs-2004(4), (5) Printing Plate Black(1)-
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Heroes(250)-(AH-68)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Heroes Reverse Spectrum(25)-(AH-68)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Heroes Spectrum(100)-(AH-68)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Heroes Swatch Double(150)-(AH-68)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Heroes Swatch Double Spectrum Prime(100)- (AH-68)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Heroes Swatch Triple(150)-(AH-68)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Heroes Swatch Triple Spectrum Prime(75)- (AH-68)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Marks of Fame Autograph Swatch Double- (MF-39)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Marks of Fame Autograph Swatch Double Spectrum Prime(MF-39)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Marks of Fame Autograph Swatch Single(125)- (MF-39)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Marks of Fame Autograph SwatchTriple(10)- (MF-39)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Marks of Fame Autograph Swatch Triple Spectrum Prime(1)-(MF-39)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Mark of Fame Spectrum(25)-(MF-39)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Mark of Fame Swatch Double(50)-(MF-39)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Marks of Fame Swatch Doubles Spectrum Prime(25)-(MF-39)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Mark of Fame Swatch Triple(25)-(MF-39)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Marks of Fame Swatch Triple Spectrum Prime(15)-(MF-39)
12005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem(150)-(TQ-10)
2005-Playoff Memorabilia Team Tandem Spectrum(100)-(TQ-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem-Swatch Singles(150)-(TQ-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem-Swatch Singles Spectrum(100)- (TQ-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem(250)-(TQ-10)
2005-Playoff Memorabilia Team Tandem Spectrum(150)-(TT-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem-Swatch Double(50)-(TT-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem-Swatch Double Spectrum(10)- (TT-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem-Swatch Singles Spectrum Prime Black(1)-(TT-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem-Swatch Double-(TQ-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem-Swatch Double Spectrum-(TQ-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem Swatch Double Spectrum Prime Black-(TQ-10)
20052005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem Swatch Double Spectrum Prime Black-(TT-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem Swatch Single(50)-(TT-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem Swatch Single Spectrum(10)- (TT-10)
2005-Playoff Absolute Memorabilia Team Tandem Swatch Single Spectrum Prime Black(1)-(TT-10)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph(25)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Gold(10) -(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Materials(25) -(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Material Gold(10) -(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cut Classic Careers Autograph Material Platinum(1)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Patch(25) -(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Patch Gold(5)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts- Classic Careers Autograph Patch Platinum(1)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Autograph Platinum(1)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Gold(75)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Material Gold(75) -(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Material Platinum(1)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Patch(50)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Patch Gold(10)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Patch Platinum(1) -(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Classic Careers Platinum(1)-(CC-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph(25)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Gold(10)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Materials(25)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Materials Gold(10)-2(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Materials Platinum(1)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Patch(25)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Patch Gold(5)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Autograph Patch Platinum(1)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Gold(75)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Materials-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Materials Gold(75)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Materials Platinum(1)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Patch (50)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Patch Gold (10)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Patch Platinum (1)-(GD=TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Glory Days Platinum (1)-(GD-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Duos Autograph (15)-(DU-CO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Duos Autograph (25)-(DU-CO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage (399)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph (25)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Gold (10)-2(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Material (25)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Material Gold (10)- (LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Materials Platinum (1)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Patch (16)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Patch Gold (5)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Patch Platinum (1)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Autograph Platinum (1)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Gold (75)-2(LE-TO(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Material Gold (75)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Material Platinum (1)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Patch (50)-2005(TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Patch Gold ((LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Patch Platinum (1)-(LE-TO)
2005-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Lineage Platinum (1)-(LE-TO)
2005-Topps Pristine Power Core Bat Knob Relic(7)-2005(TO)
2005-Topps Pristine Power Stick Bat Knob Relic(1)-(TO)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends Gold Refractors(65)-(28)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends Leading Indicator Relics Refractors(25)-(TO)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends Printing Plates Black-(28)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends Printing Plates Cyan-(28)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends Printing Plates Magenta-(28)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends Printing Plates Yellow-(28)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends Refractors(549)-(28)
2005-Topps Pristine Legends SuperFractors(1)-(28)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Blue(50)-(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Gold(1)-(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Green(199)-(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Original Relics(1)-(287)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Printing Plates Black(1) -(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Printing Plates Yellow(1) -(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Reprints Chrome(25)-(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Reprints Chrome Gold(1)-(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Reprints Chrome Refractors(15)-(9)
2005-Topps Rookie Cup Silver(5)-(9)
2005-Upper Deck Recollection Dual Signature-(TO-KH)
2005-Upper Deck Recollection Dual Signature Blue(35)-(TO-KH)
2005-Upper Deck Recollection Dual Signature Platinum(1)-(TO-KH)
2005-Upper Deck Recollection Dual Signature Red99)-(TO-KH)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Lumber Triple(85)-(GEN-OAR)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of MaterialsTriple(50)-(GEN-OAR)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Signature Triple(35)-(GEN-OAR)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation Past Lumber Silver(115)-(PA-TO)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Lumber Triple(85)-2005(OAR
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation Past Material Gold(25) -(PA-TO)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation Past Material Silver(99)-(PA-TO)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Lumber Triple(85)-(OAR
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation Past Signature Bronze(35)-(PA-TO)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation Past Signature Gold(15) -(PA-TO)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation Past SignatureSilver(99)-(PA-TO)
2005-Upper Deck Trilogy Generation of Material Dual(75)-(TSM-TO)
2006-Heroes Deck Minnesota Twins Baseball Heroes Playing Cards-(9 of Clubs)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Gold(225)-(LM-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Platinum(15)-(LM-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Printing Plate Black(1)- (TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Printing Plate Cyan(1)-s-(TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(TO)
SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Silver(199)-(LM-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Place in History Signature (99)(PH-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Material Place in History Signature (99)(PH-TO2)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Printing Plate Black(1)- (TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Printing Plate Cyan(1)-s-(TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Plate Magenta(1)-(TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Plates Yellow(1)-(TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game(99)-(WG-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game(99)-(WG-TO2)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Materials(75)-(WG-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Materials (75)-(WG-TO2)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Printing Plates Black(1)-(WG-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Printing Plates Black(1)-(WG-TO2)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(WG-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(WG-TO2)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(WG-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(WG-TO2)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(WG-TO)
2006-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary When it Was A Game Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(WG-TO2)
2006-Upper Deck Auto-Facts Signatures Endorsement(300)-(AF-TO)
2006-Upper Deck Auto-Facts Signatures Printing Plates Black(1)-(AF-TO)
2006-Upper Deck Auto-Facts Signatures Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(AF-TO)
2006-Upper Deck Auto-Facts Signatures Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(AF-TO)
2006-Upper Deck Auto-Facts Signatures Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(AF-TO)
2006-Upper Deck Epic Endorsements(45)-(EE-TO)
2006-Upper Deck Epic Four Barrel(1)-(OJDW)
2006-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Legendary Ensemble Signature(25)- (LES-CHO)
2007--Hero Deck Playing Card-(LM-TO)
2007-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Materials Dual(69)-LM-TO)
2007-SP Legendary Cuts Legendary Materials Quad(25)-(LM-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Memorabilia Patch(55)-(CM-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Dual Signature Black Stitch Red Ink(1)- (SPDS-CO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Dual Signature Black Stitch Red Ink(1)- (SPDS-OH)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Dual Signature Gold Stitch Black Ink(15)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Dual Signature Gold Stitch Black Ink(15)- (SPDS-CO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Dual Signature Red Stitch Blue Ink(5)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Dual Signature Red Stitch Blue Ink(50)- (SPDS-CO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signature Barrel Black Ink(50)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signature Barrel Blue Ink(75)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signature Black Barrel Gold Ink(1)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signature Black Barrel Silver Ink(5)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signature Black Leather Green Ink(1)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signature Black Leather Silver Ink(5)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signatures Black Stitch Blue Ink(1)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signatures Black Stitch Red Ink(1)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signatures Gold Stitch Blue Ink(50)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signatures Leather Blue Ink(75)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signatures Leather Gold Ink(50)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signatures Red Stitch Black Ink(175)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signatures Red Stitch Blue Ink(125)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signatures Silver Stitch Black Ink(25)- (SPS-TO)
2007-Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics Signatures Silver Stitch Blue Ink(6)- (SPS-TO)
2008-SP Legendary Cuts Memorabilia Dark Blue(25)-(LM-TO)
2008--SP Legendary Cuts Memorabilia Light Green(6)-(LM-TO)
2008-SP Legendary Cuts Memorabilia Violet(50)-(LM-TO)
2008-TriStar Signa Cuts Baseball Edition (NNO)1964 AL Rookie of the Year
2009-Sportking Series C 2009 NSCC Spoerskings VIP Promotions-(VIP-02)
Sportking Series C Double Memorabilia-(DM-09)
2009-Sportking Series C Mini-(152)
2009-Sportking Series C Mini Gold(-(NN))
2009-Sportking Series C Mini Silver(7)-(152)
2009-Sportking Numerology Gold(1)-(N-18)
2009-Sportking Numerology Silver-(N-18)
2010-Famous Fabrics National Pride Cuba-(NNO)
2010-Historic Autographs Hall of Fame & All-Star Edition-(NNO)
2010-Panini Century Materials Bat Signatures(25)-(67)
2010-Panini Century Materials Jersey(100)-(67)
2010-Panini Century Material Jersey Prime Signatures(50)-(67)
2010-Panini Century Material Jersey Signatures(25)-(67)
2010-Sportking Series D National Convention Single Memorabilia Silver(9) -(SK-56)
2011-SP Legendary Cuts Past and Present Dual Signature(5)-2011(MIN-OV)
2012-Historic Autographs Decades The 1960s(21)-(71)
2012-Leaf Cut Signature History if Baseball-(NNO)
2012-Panini Golden Age Historic Signature-26)
2012-Panini National Treasures Treasure Signature Materials(49)-(67)
2012-Panini National Treasures Signature Materials Prime(25)-(67)
2012-Panini National Treasures Signature Materials Prime Button(7)-(67)
2012-SP Signature Edition-(MIN1)
2012-SP Signature Edition Compatriots Signatures Triple(5)-(CUBA1)
2012-SP Signature Edition Franchise Focus Signatures Five(5)-(MIN)
2012-SP Signature Edition Franchise Focus Signatures Quad(25)-(MIN)
2012-SP Signature Edition Superstars Signature Quad(5)-(KYRO)
2012-Sportsking Series E Art(1)-(NNO)
2012-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(228)1963 Topps
2013-Historic Autograph Decades 1970-(NNO)
2013-Panini America’s Pastime Boys of Summer Autographs(10)-(BS-TO)
2013-Panini America’s PastimeBoys of Summer Autographs Black(1)-(BS-TO)
2013-Panini America’s PastimeBoys of Summer Autographs Gold(5)-(BS-TO)
2013-Panini America’s PastimeBoys of Summer Autographs Red(3)-(BS-TO)
2014-In The Game Past, Present and Future PSA/DNA Autograph-(CS-TOL)
2014-Panini Classics Lineups(99)-(14)
2014-Panini Classics Triples Bats(15)-(15)
2014--Panini Classics Triples Jersey(25)-(15)
2014--Panini Classics Triples Jersey Prime(10)-(15)
2014-Panini National Treasures Game Ball Signatures(10)-(94)
2014-Topps 75th Anniversary Buybacks-(86)1972 Topps
2014-Topps 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(1)1964 Topps
2014-Topps 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(340)1964 Topps
2016-Historic Autographs Originals The 1970-(NNO)
2016-Panini Pantheon Arena Acclaimed(49)-(AA-TO)
2016-Panini Pantheon Arena Acclaimed Bronze(10)-(AA-TO)
2016-Panini Pantheon Arena Acclaimed Gold(25)-(AA-TO)
2016-Panini Pantheon Arena Acclaimed Holo Silver(1)-(AA-TO)
2016-Panini Pantheon Metropolis Monuments Materials(99)-2016(9)
2016-Panini Pantheon Metropolis Monuments Materials Bronze(10)-(9)
2016-Panini Pantheon Metropolis Monuments Materials Gold(25))-(9)
2016-Panini Pantheon Metropolis Monuments Materials Holo Silver(1)(9)
2016-Panini Pantheon Script 1 Material(99)-(1)
2016-Panini Pantheon Script 1 Material Bronze(10)-(1)
2016-Panini Pantheon Script 1 Material Gold(25)-(1)
2016-Panini Pantheon Script 1 Material Holo Silver(1)-(1)
2016-Panini Pantheon Scripted Rudiarius Materials(149)-(SR-TO)
2016-Panini Pantheon Scripted Rudiarius Materials Bronze(10)-(SR-TO)
2016-Panini Pantheon Scripted Rudiarius Materials Gold(25)-(SR-TO)
2016-Panini Pantheon Scripted Rudiarius Materials Holo Silver(1)-(SR-TO)
2016-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks(50)1966 Topps
2016-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks(211)1966 Topps
2016-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks(239)1966 Topps
2017-Panini Flawless Great Autographs Black(1)-(GA-TO)
2017-Panini Flawless Great Autographs Emerald(3)-(GA-TO)
2017-Panini Flawless Great Autographs Gold(5)-(GA-TO)
2017-Panini Flawless Great Autographs Ruby(15)-(GA-TO)
2017-Panini Flawless Great Autographs Sapphire(10)-(GA-TO)
2017-Panini Flawless Legendary Signature Black(1)-(LS-TO)
2017-Panini Flawless Legendary Signature Emerald(5)-(LS-TO)
2017-Panini Flawless Legendary Signature Gold(5)-(LS-TO)
2017-Panini Flawless Legendary Signature Ruby(15)-(LS-TO)
2017-Panini Flawless Legendary Signature Sapphire(10)-(LS-TO
2017-Panini National Treasures League Leaders Combos(10)-(LLC-CO)
2017-Panini National Treasures League Leaders Combos Holo Gold(5)-(LLC-CO)
2017-Panini National Treasures League Leaders Combos Holo Silver(3)-(LLC-CO)
2017-Panini National Treasures League Leaders Combos Platinum(1)-(LLC-CO)
2017-Panini National Treasures Retro Signatures(25)-(RS-TO)
2017-Panini National Treasures Retro Signatures Platinum(1)-(RS-TO)
2017-Panini National Treasures Six Swatch Signature(20)-(SSS-TO
2017-Panini National Treasures Six Swatch Signature Black(3)-(SSS-TO)
2017-Panini National Treasures Six Swatch Signature Holo Gold(10)-(SSS-TO)
2017-Panini National Treasures Six Swatch Signature Holo Silver(5)-(SSS-TO)
2017-Panini National Treasures Six Swatch Signature Platinum(1)-(SSS-TO)
2017-Panini National Treasures Treasured Signature(20)-(TS-TO)
2017-Panini National Treasures Treasured Signature Platinum(1)-(TS-TO
2017-Topps Rediscover Stamped Buybacks Bronze-(665)1989 Topps
2017-Topps Rediscover Stamped Buybacks Gold-(665)1989 Topps
2017-Topps Rediscover 50th Anniversary Buybacks (165)
2017-Topps Rediscover 50th Anniversary Buybacks (371)
2018-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(1)1968 AL Batting Leaders
2018-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(600)
2018-Panini Immaculate Collection Parchment Signature(25)-(PS)
2018-Panini Immaculate Collection Parchment Signature Blue(10)-(PS)
2018-Panini Immaculate Collection Parchment Signature Platinum(1)-(PS-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Legendary Silhoutte Dual Booklet(49)-(PS-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Legendary Silhoutte Dual Booklet Gold(25)- (PS-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Legendary Silhoutte Dual Booklet Platinum(1)- PS-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Material Signature Treasures Holo Gold (5)- (MST-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Materials Signature Treasures Holo Silver (10)- (MST-TOignatures)
2018-Panini National Treasures Legendary Signature Treasures Platinum(1)- MST-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Legendary Signature Treasures Printing Plate yBlack(1)- MST-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Legendary Signature Treasures Printing Plate Cyan(1)- MST-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Legendary Signature Treasures Printing Plate Magenta(1)- MST-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Legendary Signature Treasures Printing Plate Yellow(1)- MST-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Treasured Signatures(10)- (TS-TO)
2018-Panini National Treasures Treasured Signatures Platinum(1)- (TS-TO)
2018-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(1)1968 AL Batting Leaders
2018-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(600)
2018-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(1)1968 AL Batting Leaders
2019-Topps 150 Years of Baseball-(90)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 X 7(49)-116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter 5 X 7 Gold(10)-(116)
2019-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-62)1968 American League Batting Leaders
2019-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(510)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Framed Mini Cloth(10)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Glossy(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Gold Hot Box-(116)*
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Brooklyn Back(25)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Black(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Magenta1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Framed Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Glossy(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Gold Borders(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Metal(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini No Card Numbers(1)-(NNO)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Stained Glass-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Glossy(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter Mini Wood(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter X-(116)*
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Red(5)-(116)
2019-Topps Allen and Ginter X Mini Silver(1)-(116)
2019-Topps Archive Fan Favorite Autographs-(FFA-TO)
2019-Topps Archive Fan Favorite Autographs Blue(25)-(FFA-TO)
2019-Topps Archive Fan Favorite Autographs Gold(1)-(FFA-TO)
2019-Topps Archive Fan Favorite Autographs Purole(150)-(FFA-TO)
2019-Topps Archive Fan Favorite Autographs Silver(99)-(FFA-TO)
2019-Topps Heritage Real One High Number Autographs-(ROA-TO)
2019-Topps Heritage Real One High Number Autographs Red Ink(70)-(ROA-TO)
2019-Topps Heritage Real One High Number Dual Autographs-(RODA-CO)
2020-Topps Heritage 1971 Topps One of the Game’s Greatest Moments Box Toppers-(2)
2020-ToppsHeritage 1971 Topps One of the Game’s Greatest Moments Box Toppers High Numbers-(14)
2020-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(61)1971 AL Batting Leaders
2020-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(290)
2020-Panini National Treasures American Autographs(25)-(AA-TO)
2020-Panini National Treasures American Autographs Holo Gold(110)-(AA-TO)
2020-Panini National Treasures American (Autographs Holo Silver(5)-(AA-TO)
2020-Panini National Treasures American Autographs Platinum(1)-(AA-TO)
2020-Panini National Treasures ID Tags1)-(ID-TO)
2020-Panini National Treasures Midnight Signature(25)-(MS-TO)
2020-Panini National Treasures Midnight Signature Holo Gold(10)-(MS-TO)
2020-Panini National Treasures Midnight Signature Holo Silver(5)-(MS-TO)
2020-Panini National Treasures Midnight Signature Platinum(1)-(MS-TO)
2020-Panini National Treasures Midnight Signature(25)-(AA-TO)
2020-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Triple Relics High Number(25)-
2020-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Triple Relics Patch High Number(1)-
2020-Topps Heritage Real One Aitographs High Number-(ROA-TO)
2020-Topps Living-(366)
2020-Topps Now Turn Back the Clock Cherry(7)-(91)
2020-Topps Now Turn Back the Clock White Ash(3)-(91)
2021-Donruss Classics Autographs-(CA-TO)
2021--Donruss Classics Autographs Black(1)-(CA-TO)
2021--Donruss Classics Autographs Blue(15)-(CA-TO)
2021--Donruss Classics Autographs Gold(5)-(CA-TO)
2021-Topps Allen and Ginter Autographed Relic Book(10)-(ARBC-TO)
2021-Topps Allen and Ginter N43 Boxleaders Autographs(15)-(BLNA-10)
2021-Topps Heritage 1972 Mint Relic Dime(10)-MIR-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage 1972 Mint Relic Half-Dollar(1)-MIR-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage 1972 Mint Relic Nickel(15)-MIR-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage 1972 Mint Relic Quarter(5)-MIR-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage 1972 Topps Baseball Poster Box Topper-(BPB-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage 1972 Topps US Poster Stamp Relics-(PRS-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(86)1971 AL Batting Leaders
2021-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(400)
2021-Topps Allen and Ginter Autographed Relic Book(10)-(ARBC-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Dual Autographed Relics-(CCDA-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Dual Autographed Relics Patch(1)- (CCDA-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Quad Autographed Relics(10)- (CCQ-HTRB)
2021-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Dual Autographed Relics Patch(1)- (CCQ-HTRB)
2021-Topps Heritage Flashbacks Autographed Relics(25)- (FAR-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage Flashbacks Autographed Relics Patch(1)- (FAR-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs- (ROA-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs Special Edition Red Ink(25)- (ROA-TO)
2021-Topps Heritage Real One Triple Autographs - (ROTA-BRT)
2021-Topps Luminaries Hit Kings Autograph Patches(15)-(HKAP-TO)
2021-Topps Luminaries Hit Kings Autograph Patches Black(1)-(HKAP-TO)
2021-Topps Museum Collection Dual On-Card Autographs(15)-(DA-BO)
2021-Topps Museum Collection Momentous Moments Dual Jumbo Patch Autograph Book(5)-(MMDPA-OB)
2021-Topps Museum Collection Momentous Moments Dual Jumbo Patch Autograph Book Emerald(1)-(MMDPA-OB)
2021-Topps Tier One Relics(50)-(T1AR-TO)
2021-Topps Tier One Relics Dual Patch(10)-(T1AR-TO)
2021-Topps Tier One Relics Triple Patch(1)-(T1AR-TO)
2021-Topps Tier One Relics Autographed Prodigious Patches(10)-(PPA-TO)
2021-Topps Tier One Relics Autographed Prodigious Patches Platinum(1)- (PPA-TO)
2021-Topps Tier One Relics Dual Autograph Relic Book-(DAR-OH)
2021-Topps Tier One RelicsDual Autograph Relic Book Dual Patch(1)-(DAR-OH)
2021-Topps Tier One Legends Relics-(144)-(T1LR-TO)
2021-Topps Tier One Legends Relics Dual Patches(25)-(T1LR-TO)
2021-Topps Tier One Legends Relics Triple Patches(1)-(T1LR-TO)
2021-Topps Tier One Legends Relics Triple Autographs(10)-(TA-COM
2022-Panini Absolute Iconic Ink(49)-(II-TO)
2022-Panini Absolute Iconic Ink Retail(25)(49)-(II-TO)
2022-Panini Absolute Iconic Ink Spectrum Black(1)-(II-TO)
2022-Panini Absolute Iconic Ink Spectrum Blue(15))-(II-TO)
2022-Panini Absolute Iconic Ink Spectrum Gold(10)-(II-TO)
2022-Panini Diamond Kings Brush Strokes-(BS-TO)
2022-Panini Diamond Kings Brush Strokes Holo Blue(15)-(BS-TO)
2022-Panini Diamond Kings Brush Strokes Holo Gold(25)-(BS-TO)
2022-Panini Diamond Kings Brush Strokes Holo Silver(49)-(BS-TO)
2022-Panini Diamond Kings Brush Strokes Masterpieces(1)-(BS-TO)
2022-Panini Diamond Kings Brush Strokes Purple(10)-(BS-TO)
2022-Panini Diamond Kings Brush Strokes Red(5)-(BS-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials(25)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Blue(10)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Gold(5)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Green(3)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Platinum(1)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Printing Plates Black(1)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Printing Plates Magenta (1) -(LDM-TO
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Printing Plates Yellow (1)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Red(15)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Printing Plates Black(1)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(LDM-TO)
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Printing Plates Magenta (1)-
2022-Panini Immaculate Legend Dual Materials Printing Plates Yellow(1)- (LDM-TO)
2022-Topps 206 American Beauty Back-(NN0)
2022-Topps 206 California/early Hollywood-(NNO)
2022-Topps 206 Carolina Brights-(NNO)
2022-Topps 206 El Principes Gales Back-(NNO)
2022-Topps 206 Old Mills-(NNO)-(NNO)
2022-Topps 206 Piedmont Back-(NNO)
2022-Topps 206 Polar Bear Back-(NNO)
2022-Topps 206 Tolstoi Back-(NNO)
2022-Topps 206 Ty Cobb Back-(NNO)
2022-Topps 206 Wood Paper Stock-(NNO)
2022-Topps Heritage Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Dual Autographed Relics (10)-(CDAR-OC)
2022-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Dual Autographed Relics Patch(1)-(CDAR-OC)
2022-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Dual Relics (73)-(CCD-OC)
2022-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Dual Relics Patch(1)-(CCD-OC)
2022-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Quad Relics (10)-(CCQ-KCOB)
2022-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Quad Relics Patch (1)-(CCQ-KCOB)
2022-Topps Heritage Flashback Autograph Relics(25)-(FAR-TO)
2022-Topps Heritage Flashback Autograph Relics Patch(1)-(FAR-TO)
2022-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs-(ROA-TO)
2022-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs Special Edition Red Ink(73)-(ROA-TO)
2022-Topps Heritage Real One Dual Autographs(25)-(RODA-OC)
2022-Topps Now-(589)
2022-Topps Now Autographs-(589A)
2022-Topps Now Autographs-(589B)
2022-Topps Now Autographs-(589C)
2022-Topps Now Autographs-(589D)
2022-Topps Now Autographs-(589E)
2022-Topps Now Autographs-(589F)
2022-Topps NowBlue(49-(589)
2022-Topps Now Gold(1)-(589)
2022-Topps Now Orange(5)-(589)
2022-Topps Now Purple(25)-(589)
2022-Topps Now Red(10)-(589)
2022-Topps X Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman Autographs Red Back-(61-A)1989 Topps
2022-Topps X Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman-(61)1989 set
2022-Topps XSpotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman Color Test (1)-(61)1989 Topps
2022-Topps X Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman Rainbow Foil(5)-(61)1989 Topps
2022-Topps X Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman Red Back(10)-(61)1989 Topps
2022-Topps XSpotlight 70ii by Andy Friedman Short Print-(SP-61)1970 Topps
2022-Topps X Spotlight 70 ii by Andy Friedman Stamp-(61)1989 set
2023-Donruss Artist Proof(10)-(287)
2023-Donruss Holo Gold(1)-(287)
2023-Donruss Press Proof(5)-(187)
2023-Donruss Printing Plates Black(1)-(287)
2023-Donruss Printing Plates Cyan(1)-(287)
2023-Donruss Printing Plates Magenta(1)-(287)
2023-Donruss Printing Plates Yellow(1)-(287)
2023-Donruss Season Stat Line(400)-(287)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra-(19)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra Black Finite(1)-(19)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra Black Gold(10)-(19)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra Gold Vinyl(1)-(19)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra Green(25)-(19)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra Holo-(19)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra Hyper(50)-(19)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra Pink(17)-(19)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra Psychodelic-(19)
2023-Panini Chronicles Spectra Red Disco(25)-(19)
2023-Panini Immaculate Collection Shadowbox Signature(25)-(SS-TO)
2023-Panini Immaculate Collection Shadowbox Signature Black(5)-(SS-TO)
2023-Panini Immaculate Collection Shadowbox Signature Green(3)-(SS-TO)
2023-Panini Immaculate Collection Shadowbox Signature Holo Silver (10)-(SS-TO)
2023-Panini Immaculate Collection Shadowbox Signature Platinum(1)-(SS-TO)
2023-Panini Immaculate Collection Shadowbox Signature Red(15)-(SS-TO)
2023-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Material Signature(25)-(HFMS-TO)
2023-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Material Signature Holo Silver(10)-(HFMS-TO)
2023-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Material Signature Printing Plate Black(1)-(HFMS-TO)
2023-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Material Signature Printing Plate Cyan(1)-(HFMS-TO)
2023-Panini NationalTreasuresHallofFameMaterial Signature Printing Plate Magenta(1)-(HFMS-TO)
2023-PaniniNationalTreasuresHallof FameMaterialSignature Printing Plate Yellowk(1)-(HFMS-TO)
2023-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Signature Holo Silver(10)-(HSI-TO)
2023-Panini National Treasures Hall of Fame Signature Platinum(1)-(HSI-TO)
2023-Panini Prizm Black Finite(1)-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm Black Gold(5)-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm Black Gold Shimmer(5)-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm Blue Shimmer(7)-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm Giraffe-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm Gold(10)-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm Gold Shimmer(10)-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm Gold Vinyl(1)-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm Ice-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm Pulsar-(191)
2023-Panini Prizm White Sparkle-(191)
2023-Panini Select Black Finite(1)-(297)
2023-Panini Select-(297) Black Snakeskin(1)-(297)
2023-Panini Select Blue-(297)
2023-Panini Select Blue Prizms -(297)
2023-Panini Select Elephant Prizm-(297)
2023-Panini Select Gold Flash Prizm(10)-(297)
2023-Panini Select Gold Prizm(10)-(297)
2023-Panini Select Gold Vinyl(1)-(297)
2023-Panini Select Green Prizm Green/White/Purple Prizm(25)-(297)
2023-Panini Select-(297 Neon Orange(3))
2023-Panini Select Orange Flash Prizm-(297)
2023-Panini Select Pink Prizm-(297)
2023-Panini Select Silver Prizm-(297)
2023-Panini Select Tiger Prizm-(297)
2023-Panini Select Zebra Prizm-(297)
2023-President’s Choice Solitaire 2.0 Update Hall of Fame 2022-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 95 Morton Brick Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Autographs-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Blank Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Carolina Brights Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Interleague Logo Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Sweet Caporal Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Ty Cobb Back(1)-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Utiz Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps 206 Wood Back-(NNO)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Golf Framed Hall of Fame Autographs-(HAFA-TO)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Golf Framed Hall of Fame Autographs Emerald(25)-(HAFA-TO)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Golf Framed Hall of Fame Autographs Onyx(10)-(HAFA-TO)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Golf Framed Hall of Fame Autographs Platinum(1)-(HAFA-TO)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Golf Framed Hall of Fame Autographs Rose Gold(50)-(HAFA-TO)
2023-Topps Gilded Collection Golf Framed Hall of Fame Autographs Ruby(5)-(HAFA-TO)
2023-Topps Heritage 50th Anniversary Buyback-(190)
2023-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Quad Relics(10)-(CCQR-KCOB)
2023-Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Quad Relics(1)-(CCQR-KCOB)
2023-Topps Heritage Flashback Autographed Relics (25)-(FAR-TO)
2023-Topps Heritage Flashback Autographed Relics Patch(1)-(FAR-TO)
2023-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs-(74RO-TO)
2023-Topps Heritage Real One Autographs Special Edition Red Ink(74)-(74RO-TO)

Brian Piccolo

1969-Glendale Stamp-(NNO)

2005-Leaf Limited Cuts Autographs(1)-(LC-8)
2005-Leaf Limited Hawaii Trade Conference(25)-(104)
2005-Leaf Limited Platinum Spotlight(1)-(104)
2005-Upper Deck Portraits Cut Signature 8X10(1)-(CS9)
2007-Upper Deck Exquisite Collection Dual Legendary Cuts(1)-($DLC-PP)
2007-Upper Deck Premier Stitchings Cuts(1)-(CUT-BP)
2009-Donruss Classics Cuts(1)-(17)
2009-Playoff National Treasure Souvenirs Cuts(1)-(17)
2009-Upper Deck Immortal Letterman(125)-(IL-BP)Letter B
2009-Upper Deck Immortal Letterman(125)-(IL-BP)Letter A
2009-Upper Deck Immortal Letterman(125)-(IL-BP)Letter R
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Generation 6 Jerseys(35)-(G6J-16)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Generation 6 Jerseys-(G6J-28)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Generation 6 Jerseys(-(G6J-34)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Generation 6 Jerseys Gold(25)-(G6J-16)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Generation 6 Jerseys Gold(25)-(G6J-28)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Generation 6 Jerseys Gold(25)-(G6J-34)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Generation 6 Patches-(G6J-16)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Generation 6 Patches-(G6J-28)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Generation 6 Patches(15)-(G6J-34
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Ultimate Legendary 6 Jersey -(J-3)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Ultimate Legendary 6 Jersey -(18)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Ultimate Legendary 6 Jersey Patches-(J-3)
2009-Upper Deck Ultimate Collection Ultimate Legendary 6 Jersey Patches-(18)
2011-Playoff National Treasure Souvenirs Cuts(1)-(D1)
2014-2014-Panini National Treasure Cuts(1)-(3)
2016-Panini Limited Cuts Dual Booklet(1)-(5)
2017-Donruss Certified Legendary Cuts(1)-(100)
2019-Topps Heritage 1970 Celebrity Cut Signature(1)-(70CCS-BP)
2020-Panini National Treasure Cuts(1)-(CUT-BP)

Cesar Tovar

44 of 92

1967-Topps Punch-Out-(NNO)
1967-Topps Venezuelan-(191)
1968-Dexter Press-(72)
1968-Minnesota Twins Postcards-(9)
1968-Sports Illustrated Poster Cards-(7A2)
1969-Globe Import Playing Card Gas Station Issue-(9 Spade b)
1969-Mike Andersen Postcard-(NNO)
1969-Minnesota Twins Picture Pack-(NNO)
1969-Transogram Statue Cards-(NNO)
1970-Minnesota Twins 4 X 5 Photo-(NNO)
1970-Ovenca Venezuelan-(122)
1970-Ovenca Venezuelan-(245)
1970-71-Dayton Daily News M137-(153)10/01/70
1971-Kellogg -(18)
1971-Milk Duds-(NNO)
1971-Milk Duds Boxes-(NNO)
1972-73-Venezuelan Winter League Sticker(152)
1973-Philadelphia Phillies Photocard-(136)
1973-Philadelphia Phillies Photocard-(137)Variation
1973-74-Venezuelan Winter League Stickers-(140)
1974-Texas Rangers Photocards-(NNO)
1974-75-Venezuelan Winter League Sticker(NNO)
1994-95-Lineup Venezuelan Winter League-(130)*
2007-Heroes Deck Playing Cards-(8 Clubs)
2014-Famous Fabric Big Apple Baseball(1)-(NNO)
2014-Topps 75th Anniversary Buybacks-(275)1972
2014-Topps 75th Anniversary Buybacks-(408)1977*
2017-Topps 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(420)
2018-Gummy Arts-(31)
2018-Topps 50th Anniversary Buybacks-(530)

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Old Baseball Cards (OBC), copyright © 1991 -
Unauthorized use of the material contained
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