Click here for recent issues
My primary love is baseball, so those sets are listed first after all of the introductory fanfare. After baseball, you'll also spot basketball, football, non-sports, and my "book challenges." Thanks for looking!
Sets Close to Completion (realistically or otherwise):
34 Goudey - last 1 #61 Gehrig
35 Goudey (base set) - last 1: Ruth
35 Schutter-Johnson I'm going to be... LAST ONE: #19 baseball player
40 Play Ball - now down to 4!
47 Signal Oil Demaree sketches - need 2 LA Angels (Adams & Schuster) & some from other teams
47 Smith's Oakland Oaks - need Marshall #22
49 Bowman - need 5 more
50 Hopalong Cassidy - 6 to go
51 Bowman - need Mantle
51 Berk Ross - 9 more to go
52 Bowman Presidents - just need #s 2 & 3
52 Red Man - need 1: Ted Williams
53 Bowman Color - need 59Mantle
54 Bowman - #66 Williams
54 Dan Dee - need Mantle
54 Johnston Braves - need 6
54 Topps - need Aaron RC
55 Topps Double Header - need 5
57 Topps football - need 119Starr & 138Unitas
58 Bond Buffalo Bisons - need Jim Small
59 Fleer - 1 left #68 Ted Signs
60 Union Oil Meet the Dodgers (booklets) - NEED 1: Koufax
61 Post - need 4
63 Post/Jello - need 5
66 Batman Black - just need #1
66 Batman Blue - need 6 (any back)
66 Bat Laffs - need 3 more: 1 4 17
69 Topps white letter variations: 500 (a true "white" whale)
69 Topps 4-in-1 football - 8 left
72 Kelloggs - 2 left: Reggie & Gibby!
73 OPC baseball - 1 left! 220Ryan
73 Kelloggs - need 3
73 Johnny Pro Orioles - need #5-B.Rob batting var.
74 Kelloggs - need 2: 20Reggie & 38Rose
77 BK Yankees - 1 left: Piniella
78 Kelloggs - need 9
80 BK Star Wars - need 4
All sets are "I NEED" lists EXCEPT 48-9 Leaf & 64 Stand-up. Condition? Unless specified, any untrimmed card is great!
Any card #'s in parentheses should be in the mail.
T205 Yankees (b.5/20) need: Sweeney
T205 backs I NEED: Broadleaf, Drum, Hassan F30, Hindu
1934 Goudey: 61Gehrig
1934 Diamond Stars: any untrimmed are OK
14Terry 50Ott 54Greenberg 64Foxx 77Gehringer 95Appling 97-100 102-104 106 107
1935 Goudey 4-in-1 with any back version (listed by name of player in upper left) - LAST 1: Ruth
1940 Play Ball - 27Ted 30Berg 168Wagner 223Jennings
40PB hi# upgrades from trimmed to anything untrimmed: 187 226 227
1947 Signal Oil Demaree - I am interested in any & have a few dupes to swap. Wantlists below:
LA Angels - need Adams & Schuster
Oakland Oaks - DONE! (last 4 from Macrae 7/24: V.DiMaggio, H.Martin, Raimondi & Stengel)
Hollywood Stars - need Dasso, Dykes, Gregory, Kelleher, Lupien, Unser, Williams
Sacramento Solons - need anyone!
Seattle Rainiers - HAVE 1: Jakucki
1950 Bowman with "c" for copyright (not listed with main set): 186 202 218 222 224 229 230 235 238 240 243 245(without blue streak) 246 249 250
1950 Bowman no "c" for copyright (not listed with main set): 181 183 185 187 189 190 191 194 195 198 199 201 203 204 207 210 211 215 216 223 226 232 242 245(with blue streak) 248
1951 Bowman: 253Mick (260Erskine)
1951 Berk Ross baseball
1-3Rizzuto 1-6Coleman (1-7Mize) 1-9Ashburn 2-1Musial 2-4Berra 2-5JDiMaggio 4-8Roberts
1952 Berk Ross - gathering at this stage
1952 Topps (never thought I'd do this, and now I'm down to high numbers!)
311 312 314 319-322 324 330 332 333 336 340 344 347 350 352 355 359-362 364 368 369 374-377 382 383 386 388 389 392 395 396 400 401 403 406 407
1952-55 Red Man - thanks to Greg Miller for a start (12/14) on these beautiful sets! (converted to "want" lists 11/16 & 1953-55 are complete including non-date variations)
ONE MORE LEFT! 1952: AL Williams (NL done! Mays acquired 1/24 from Estright)
1953 Bowman Color - any shape ok - 59Mick
1954 Dan Dee - any condition OK - I need: 17-Mantle
1954 Johnston Cookies (b.9/23) 2 from Christopherson, 1 from Ant, 1 from Jensen, 1 from Welk
4-O'Connell 5-Aaron 21-Spahn 23-Logan 33-Burdette 34-Thomson
1954 Topps - any condition (last common 124Fricano from Prickett 6/22)
1955 Topps Double Headers I need (any still in one piece): Down to 5!
15/16-Walker/Limmer 25/26-Jackie 69/70-TedW 105/106-Aaron 111/112-Killebrew
1959 Fleer - Thanks to Richard Hankins for a huge start!
68Ted Signs
1960 Union Oil Meet the Dodgers Booklets (b. 6/24 - look on the back at the schedule to confirm what year it is) NEED ONE: Koufax
1961 Post - I wouldn't mind assembling the lowest grade Post sets ever seen! ANY partially recognizable card is great!
73estrada 93lemon 94stobbs 106mathews
AND the following 61 Post variations: 30Reds 51Senators 55Phillies 57Giants 109Tigers 124RedSox and any Minnesota [not Minneapolis] Twins except Pascual & Gardner
1963 Post/Jello (either works for me) - Same stringent condition requirements as the 61 set :-) LAST 5: Haller from JChristopherson!
61Adair 128Kasko 172BWilliams 187Aspro
1966 Topps Rub Offs - b. 7/24
Players: Aaron Allen Aspromonte Boyer Callison Campaneris Cardenal Clemente Davis Drysdale Ellis JFisher Flood Freehan Gibson Grant Howard Lock Mantilla Mays Maz McCovey Tresh Yaz
Pennants: Braves Cardinals Indians Orioles Phillies Pirates Reds RedSox Yankees
1967 Topps Upgrades to VG/EX (or at least no creases and presentable): 393 473 492
1967 Topps Variations (any condition): 62 - copyright under "T"; 117 - "DI" in sky next to left arm; 128 - Spiezio obscured; 374 - no line below stat totals; 402 - no line below Wilson's stat totals; 417 - BRaves correct on back; 427 - stats missing from 66 & total; 447 - 66 SD stats obscured/missing
1968 Atlantic Oil - "Base Set" done but will trade for the "Money" cards in any shape:
Agee Banks Davis Etchebarren Fairly Freehan McGraw Osteen Williams Wilson
1969 Topps white letters: 500 Mantle
1970 Topps Worst Set Ever! (b. 08/24) Ok, so I have four (for now) classifications of cards as it pertains to this endeavor:
a) If a card is not listed, I dare you to send me a worse one! :-)
b) If a card is listed solely by its number, I need your worst one.
c) If a card # is followed by a U, it means that I arguably have the worst one in my original set, so by you sending me a nearly crease-free, respectable card, I'll move the worst one out of my #1 set and into my worst set.
d) I'm adding a 4th separate section for cards that I have in my worst set that need to be downgraded. These will be clearly delineated below the main list. Here goes & thanks for playing! Contributors so far: Levinson, D.Williamsx2, Camps, Tysver, Hoehnex2, Goguen, Biggs, Betzax2, Dominox2, Berg, Salinsky, Labs, Keenum, Franklin, Jeans, Branton, Buzil, D'Angelo, Stout.
1970T Not Worst Enough - Check your 1st sets and your dupes; if you have a beater for one of these, I can send a pretty decent or even nice upgrade back to you! (Please mention that you would like the return fire if you send me one of these.)
18 28 48 50 51 55 106 153 173 218 230 293 299 312 326 351 396 465 478 479 485 490 491 496 503 510 576 646 693 695 707 708
1973 Kellogg's ("Pro Super Stars") - b.4/2020
6Rose 16Ryan
1973 OPC - any condition - LAST ONE remaining! 220Ryan
Thanks to Jay Tysver for getting me started 05/16 and to Linda Fitak for repeated hits! Rick Lyons sends 15 w/ 8 hi# on my bday, and later adds a Seaver! Greg Henthorn nearly replicates Lyons on my next bday (13 w/ 8 hi#)! Steve R. sends 17 w/ 7 hi# incl. Boone RC! Tysver follows up with a blue checklist *set* 11/22!
1973 Johnny Pro Orioles - thanks to Mead for my first three! Last distinct player: Rettenmund 1/24! Need 1 variation: 5-BRob(batting)
1974 Kelloggs - born 10/24 - any shape ok: 20Reggie 38Rose
1975 Kelloggs - born 10/22; base completed 5/23; lack 1 variation: 4Grich (does not say "1973 work" in bottom line)
1977 Burger King Yankees: 23Piniella (11 hits from Shawn Smart 7/13!)
FSU in the Pros: I would like to collect a professional card of every football player from my alma mater, Florida State U. The last pre-1975 player that I needed was 1965 Topps #18 Tony Romeo, which was sent by Cliff Franklin 3/24! It's quite likely that I need some from '75 & '76 (never made either set) as well as Noles from the 2000s when I rarely bought any football cards.
1957 Topps - any shape - started 6/21
119Starr 138Unitas
1969 Topps 4-in-1 - now a needs list, according to player in upper left corner:
Hickerson, Lothridge, Nance, Russell, Scarpati, Simmons*, Talamini, Unitas*, (*side note: while my list is for intact cards of all 4 players, a single panel of Bob Hayes or Unitas would complete a 3/4 card that I have, haha...)
1972 Topps FB: 1st OBC hit from Dan Angland; others from Lindholme, R.Johnson (14 SUPER hits!), Glasser & Labs (2 hi each!), Heilenman, Stamper, Valacak, Goto, Rich (Bradshaw & Namath!), Talbotx2, Silva, Craig, Cook, Hutch, Fitak & Arbeeny (a hi# each), and a bunch of hi#s from The Fuge! Staubach RC from Thayer! Manning RC from Rice! Huge high hit from Hanson! Hi#C.Franklin, Hutch, Levinson & Biggs!
266Wright 267L.Little 271Warfield 272Griese 280Lilly 291Spurrier 294Checklist 308Morrall 316Wright 330Russell 338Spurrier 341Butkus 343Namath
1977 Topps FB - b.9/22 - ANY condition OK! Starter set from Hutch & 50 more from Keenum! 34 more from Utterstrom! More from Bankstonx2, Angland, Tysver, MRW, Labs, Schock, Betza, Hutch (again), Lindholme, Guthrie, Jensen, Roach, Rosny, Musgrove, Rittenberg, Smart, Morganti, Henthorn, Jeansx2, Kodl, Stout, Branton, 15 from Salinsky, 13 from Levinson, 18 from Toback & 20 from Berg!
1 82 99 105 177 182 201 203 218 219 223 245 256 257 333 369 372 380 397 425 484
BASKETBALL SETS - Thanks in large part to OBC, my 69-70 & 70-71 sets are finished, as well as 71-72, 72-73, 73-74 (most via trade w/ Greg Miller), 74-75, 76-77, 77-78, and 78-79 (100% OBC!)
1910 T51 Murad - These depict colleges and college athletes - just getting started in May '24. OBC-wise, I got 1 from Don Rice, 1 from Andy Cook, and a few from Andrew White. Another 5 hits from Cliff Franklin!
1935 Schutter-Johnson I'm Going to Be - so...some of these depict athletes and others regular working stiffs (no offense if your job is depicted...)
Aside from the nearly impossible #4 Strong Man, I only need #19 Baseball Player
NON-SPORTS (Must...resist...can't!)
1937? British Cigs Birds and their Young
5 7 13 15 19 20 24 28 35 36 45 50
1950 Hopalong Cassidy (started 12/18) big hits from Glasser (20+) & Moore (60+)!
(119) 122 124 125 132 147 150
1966 Batman Bat Laffs: (recent inbound from Smart - 2 of last 5! Santa White '24 sends #1!) 4 17
1966 Batman Riddler Back (* = need full-sized version): 1 2* 7 8 9 30 32* HUGE hit from Keenum!
1980-81 Burger King Star Wars (perforated & unnumbered)
Droids Inside the Rebel Base, Princess Leia Organa, One of the Sandpeople
1980 Empire Strikes Back - recent hits: 24 from Mike Glasser! a dozen from Joel F! 12 from Fitak! Last Lo# (263) from JRo!
265-272 275 276 278-281 283-285 287 291 292 294 296 298 301 302 304 307-309 312 314 315 317 319 322-326 328 329 331 340-345 349 350 352+
First Vintage Set Completed: 1953 Topps! (Finally got the Mantle!!)
other completed baseball (unless noted) sets include:
T206 Yankees team set - last card Keeler portrait acquired 1/16!
1935 Fleer Cops and Robbers - #7 Benny Gray via eBay 2/25! Set started 4/20 (most of set done quickly...)
1940 T87 Series A Wings Modern American Airplanes - 7/24: auction near set and then found 28 & 33 via eBay
1941 Play Ball - last cards Cronin & Dom DiMaggio from Andy Cook 7/2/01!
1944 Yankee Team Stamps - last one Spud Chandler from Mike Rumley-Wells 7/31/21!
1946 Remar Oaks - last card Stewart from John Stamper 4/20!
1947 Remar Oaks - last 3 (10 13 23) from Mark Macrae 11/18!
1948 Bowman - last card Musial 05/02!
1948 Leaf Boxing - Last attainable card - 19Chocolate from Battersbox 1/20
1949 Remar Oaks - last 3: Martin, Toolson, Wilson - from Mark Macrae 1/20!
x1950 Bowman - last card Johnny Mize from John Storman's childhood collection on 12/13/03! Set started 3/01; thanks to Bob Donaldson for a huge hit!
1950 Remar Oaks - last card Padgett arrived on 4/9/16 via ebay
1951 Topps Blue Backs(re-started 1/02) - Last 3(3Ashburn 6Red 37Doerr) snagged on ebay 4/16!
1951 Topps Redbacks - last card Wally Westlake via ebay 5/01
1951 Post Hopalong Cassidy - last 1 #20 via eBay 11/23
1952 Topps Wings (started 1/19) - last 1: 86 from Bev Hills 10/22
1952 Bowman (born 12/06) 01/10: Big hits from Bill Ashton & Richard Dingman! Stan the Man from Tom Elliott! Last card 10/15 - Feller from Jay Tysver!
x1953 Bowman - Last Card Duke Snider 01/02!
x1953 Bowman B&W - last card Piersall from Rice 2/6/07; Greenwood 9 card swap hit in '05
1953 Bowman B/W - last card 39Stengel via eBay 11/23
1953 Topps MASTER set: last white bio 140Glaviano 3/23! last black bio 96Trucks via COMC 8/23!
1953 Johnston Cookies Braves - last 1 (#1 Grimm) eBay on 3/31/16
1953 Mother's Cookies - 08/23 - 9/23 - 6 of last 8 from Prickett! Last 2 (52 & 62) via eBay & Mark Macrae.
1953 Red Man - Last card Rizzuto from Chuck Salek 2/13/17!
1954 Red Man - base done 12/17(last=Erskine); variations done 1/21 (last = AL 9-Philley-Cleveland)
1954 Bowman - Last Card Reese 05/02! Thanks to Dan Austin for a great starter! Last var 12/17 (Rogovin "2K's")
1954 Red Heart - last card was Nellie Fox from Dan Austin 02/02!
x1954 Topps - last card - Willie Mays (w/ ebay help from Sean McGowan!)
1955 Topps All-American - any shape - started 12/16 - 1st OBC hit from Hitzx2 and two more from Talbot! Also 1 from JSG! 6 from Elwell! 4 from Ant! 2 from Larry L! 5 from Jimi! 1 from DeJong! Lipsky sends Stagg! Rockne & Horsemen from Prickett! Arch delivers Thorpe to kill the set on Halloween '22!
1955 Red Man - last card AL 16-Berra 10/21!
1955 Topps - last cards were Ken Boyer & Hank Bauer picked up at the National in '99!
1955 Bowman - completed at the National in '99!
1955 Bowman FB - started 4/20 & completed 9/21 - OBC hits from Levinson, Dejongx2, Chapmanx2, Keenumx2, Prickett, Rittenberg, Jensen, Kodl, Salinsky, Morganti, White, Lipsky! Last two cards were 72 & 155
1956 Topps - last cards were Gilliam & Checklist 1/3 in 7/01! 1956 Topps MASTER-back variations: GRAY - Finished 6/17! WHITE - 135Mantle from Glasser 10/22!
1956 Topps FB - last card Gifford 1/10
x1957 Topps - last card Bunning RC 1/02
1957 Topps - Brooks and Mick arrived 6/22! Lots of OBC thanks with this set: Fitak(Ted!), Tobackx3, Levinson, Gershx2, Chapman, Schockx2, Donaldson, Brewer, Mead, Thayer, Morgantix2, Schottx2, Rumley-Wellsx2, Whitex6, Salinsky, Jensenx3(Aaron! & last 2 mid#s!), Arbeenyx2, Kodl, Archibald, Prickettx2, Glidden, Woodrome, Fitts, Domino, Delia, Chapman, Rittenberg, Denning, Mack, Mead, Labs(Koufax!), Welk, Duguid, Gyselinck(Mays!), Mack(Reese & Kubek!), Henthorn(Banks!)
1958 Topps - Last cards were Johnny Podres from Skelley 9/16/98 & Carl Erskine from George Moore 2/24/99! YL/YT variation: all but one in early 00s, and Clemente finally 1/24!
1958 Topps Zorro - started 8/22; two of last three sent by Camps & final card #2 from Stamper 10/23!
1959 Topps - last card - Mantle All-Star
1959 Topps #2 - thanks to Geno for trading me the Gibby and last card 561Aaron on 8/15 from Rittenberg! Last gray/white variation #202 Maris acquired 10/19!
1960 Fleer - last card - #3 Ruth sent by Andy Cook 12/11!
1960 Topps - last card - Mantle All-Star (again!)
x1960 Topps#2 - last card Aaron All Star 10/17 via eBay.
1960 Topps back variations - #382 sent by Jimi Thayer 2/17!
1960 Topps FB (11/15-11/17)- last card Starr; OBC hits from Schock, Mroz, Tysver (Christmas 16), Craig & Rice!
1960 Union Oil - last one - Rippelmeyer - acquired via GMCards 10/22
1960 Bell Brand Dodgers - last card 12Klippstein from Richard Labs 2/25!
1961 Bell Brand Dodgers - last card 38Craig from Macrae 9/23!
1961 Golden Press - last card #3Ruth acquired 9/22 via trade w/ Roy Sye
1961 Nu-Card Scoops - born 3/2020 & completed 11/24 - hits from MRWx2, Guru, Arch, Ant, Henthorn, Gershx2, Domino, Salek, Labs, Greenwood, Martens, Talbot, Morganti, Mack, Krolewicz/PP! & Keenum(Mantle!) last 2 - 421Musial & 427Mays - via eBay 11/24!
1961 Topps - last card - #531 Jim Coates via eBay 8/04!
1961 Fleer Greats - last card 150 Wagner via Net54 (Tony O) 1/17; Thanks to Catfish Parker for the start!
1962 Bell Brand Dodgers - last card 32Koufax via eBay 8/24!
1962 Post - Thanks to Doug Dejong for the Wilhelm and Brandon Gonzalez for the Virdon to put the set to bed on 6/13/14!
1962 Topps - last card - #592 Rookie Parade-Bouton via ebay 2/05! Thanks to Mac W for a starter set & to Mike Rich for the last 3 pose variations(6/08)! Update:
(thanks, gremlins...) 218 Joe Torre sent by Andy Cook 08/15! Green tints (8/17) & hat variations (11/17) also KO'd!
1963 Fleer - last card - #59 Mazeroski 10/06!
1963 Topps - last card was #327 Paul Foytack sent by both Mark Zentkovich & Chuck Paris(who also sent a huge early hit) which arrived on 12/31/04! Thanks also to
Steve Rittenberg for a great start! 1963 Topps variations: 454b # in white box on back found in Fair Lawn, NJ 2/15!
1964 Auravision Records - last one Allison from Stamper 6/20! Got Mantle from Glasser!
1964 Topps GIANT - last card #3 Sandy Koufax sent by Peter Mead 12/31/04!
1964 Topps - last card - Gus Bell 9/9/02!
1965 Topps - last 2 cards from Mac Wubben 6/01!
1965 Topps Embossed - last card Clemente from Gary Mandell 8/02!
1965/66 James Bond Glidrose/Philadelphia - last card #8 via COMC 1/20!
1966 Batman red - last card #37 - completed 5/22!
1966 Batman Blue (b. 5/23): LAST 5 (6 10 13 19 35) from OBC Santa '24 Andrew White!
x1966 Topps - last card #544 Cards RC via ebay 2/05!
1966 Topps - any shape - b. 2/21: last 2 561Coleman & 591Jackson via eBay 11/23!
1966 East Hills Pirates: last one Gene Michael 12/17!
1967 Philadelphia - last 4 (Kelly, Unitas, Nitschke & Butkus) via 3 eBayers & Dean's 8/23; started 4/18 - two dozen from Joe D!
1967 Topps - #593 Westrum & #604 RedSox sent by Rick Johnson & Chuck Paris 11/17/07!
1967 Topps Posters - #12 Mays via ebay 11/15!
1968 Atlantic Oil "base" set (no back vars or money cards) - last 4 from eBay 1/22
1968 Topps - last card Phil Gagliano from Robert Pigeon 7/15/04!
1968 Topps Game - last card #2 Mantle 8/03!
1968 Topps Game#2 - 10/20-3/21 - last card 30Rose (Macrae) & big starter from Estright plus help from OBC!
1969 OPC - Mac started me awhile back(?) by OBC rules when he sent me a pair. :) I picked up a beater lot, got a few more hits from OBC, and last card was 163HortonWS via eBay 1/24.
1969 Milton Bradley (on the back, red #1's do NOT have a horizontal base) Last one Clemente 12/23
OBC Thanks to Shepard (huge starter), Freedman (13), Cook(10), Labs(12), Fitak(2) Santa Delia '19(12 + 5), Stamper(26) JSG (12), Denning(2), Jensen(10), Tripler & Biggs (HUGE 70 card hit!) Also, I had six team cards (Cal, Oak, KC, Was, Det, Min) before TOM BIGGS sent me the remaining 18 in 01/21!
1969 Deckle Edge - last cards were Rose & Foy via Brock Hattox 2/15/01!
1969 Topps - last card #212 Tresh from John Leroux 1/4/04! Thanks to Jim Hatch & Ken M for a grande starter set!
1969 Topps set#2 :9/06 - 02/17 Any condition acceptable, and hoping to be as OBC as possible... Thanks to Betza, RJohnson, Mead, Massimo, Valacak(45+!), Lyons, Ashton, Fr. Wattigny, Heilenman, Coker, Greenwood, Kilbourn, L.Miller(36!) Angland, Rich(Reggie!), Vrechek, Stamper (24+!), Holland, Schott, Shepardx2, Corvello, Saxton, McGinley, Thayerx2, Dingman, Fitts, Ellis, Fallen, Gioia, Morganti & Tysverx2, including the set killer #660-Reggie Smith!
1969 Topps FB: born 11/18; thanks to Mike Glasser for a huge start, Ant Arbeeny for a star-studded 34 card blast (inc. Csonka & Piccolo!) and Henthorn for 4 of the last 5! LAST CARD 138Vogel from COMC 1/20
1969 Topps FB Stamp Albums: 23-Dolphins from Brad Utterstrom in 10/22!
1969 Topps Decals (b. 9/23) - thanks to Krolewicz & Talbotx2! Last 2 - Mantle & Clemente - via Facebook & eBay 3/24
1969-70 Topps: After finishing the rest of the set years ago, finally traded for 25Alcindor 9/23 - thanks to Dr. Chaos & friends!
1970 Kellogg's: Thanks to JSG for 10 hits, Peter Mead for 4, Levine for Mays, Ken M for 2, Fitak for 4 and Clemente from Brewer to close it out 05/23!
1970-71 Topps Basketball - Pistol Pete RC delivered via trade by Tom Elliott 8/11/10!
1970-71 Topps basketball poster inserts - last 1 Jerry West via eBay 8/23
1970 Topps - Completed 6/23/01!
1970 Topps Story Booklets - last 3 8/14; thanks to Talbot for 3, Stamper for 2, and Shepard for 5!
1970 Topps Scratch offs - Aaron, Seaver & Wynn finished 1/15 from Ed Hutchinson! Thanks along the way to Lyons, Rice, Housley & Huntoon!
1970 Topps SUPER - last card #6Dierker from Ken Pillion 10/15!
1970 Topps Posters - last was #4 Brock acquired from CalSportsCards on 6/16!
1970 Topps FB: 2/14-12/18: Thanks to John Stamper for a huge hit! Nine of last ten from Fitak, Arbeeny & Tipton (3 each!) Last card (205-Roy Jefferson) from Greg Henthorn!
1970 Fleer WS - last card #41 (1944) from Mike Rich 10/19! Stout sends penultimate card #6!
1971 Fleer WS - last card #64 (1966) of the base set 5/20!
1971 Topps - Completed 6/23/01!
1971 Topps #2 - Completed 1/9/18! Last two 550Killebrew (M.West) & 692 AL Rookies (W.Shepard)!
1971 Topps FB (6/20 - 12/21) - started with a stack of ~40 and a handful of stars, then Levinson traded me a Bradshaw! Also got help from Levinson(againx5), Labsx3, Talbot, Elwell, Archibald, Salek, Dahmsx2, Luurs, Krolewicz, Donaldson, Salinskyx2, Orzoff, Domino, Zentkovich, Angland, Stout, MRW, Tobackx3, Keenum, Lyons, Goto, Thomas, Rice, Craig(Namath!), Goetsch, Arbeeny(OJ)! My son Jake bought me Taylor, Hayes, Tingelhoff, Morrall & MeanJoeGreene for Christmas '21, and Greg Henthorn, who hit my set in the early going, sends set killer #144 Bob Lilly!
1971 Topps FB Game inserts - last card #10 Sayers from ebay 3/13!
1971 Topps Posters (b.10/20): last 3 - Lamonica, Butkus & Nelson - via eBay 5/22
1971-72 Topps - last card #200 Issel 5/24 via ebay! Big 43 card hit from Ant! Santa '23 Tom H delivers Wilt!
1972 Kellogg's ATG: last card Gehrig from Wes 12/17; Thx to Betza & Mack for a Babe & a Wagner!
1972 Topps US Presidents - #40 McGovern from Morganti 04/24!
1972 Topps - Last 2 cards Jim Kaat (Thanks Steve R!) & Bobby Murcer on 7/7/01!
1972-73 Topps: Big 30 card hit from Ant! Wilt from Sankner! Macrae sends last card #195 Dr.J 10/23!
1973 Topps - last card was a checklist from Ye Olde Friar 8/99!
1973 Topps#2 - last card 582 Porter from Donnie Barnett 2/18! Last blue team from Capio 10/18!
Also, thanks to Malson, Mackx2, Hitzeman, Zentkovichx2, Smartx5, Glidden, Mackie, Henthornx3, Hoehne, Glasser(x3; Ryan!), Dahms, Pelletier (Rose!), Bannon (Schmidt!), Thayer, Morgantix2, Cook, Barnes, Schuettpelz, EEK, Dahms, Hutchinson (2 Ruth!),Vrechek, Luciano, Silva, West, Shepard (12 hi#!), Tripler, Wagner, Arbeenyx2, Taylor, Donaldson, Welk & Goto (over 100!)
1973 Topps #3 This birth year endeavor was almost 100% OBC. Schmidt, Ryan, #1 and many of the hi# were here when I started thanks to OBC! Last 7 cards were Bench, Cepeda, McCovey, Cleon Jones, Torre, Lopes RC & Evans RC - thanks to Bankston and Morganti for polishing this off 3/22!
1973 Topps FB: any shape and as OBC as can be. Thanks so far to Rice, Housley, Hutchinsonx3, Tysverx2 (incl. big Christmas '16 hit!), Glasserx4, Whitworth, Smart, Goto, Vrechek, Triplerx3, Valacak (w/ Staubach!), Morganti, Denningx3 (including 87 hits!), Donaldson, Luciano, Richx2, Betzax2, Mack, Miller, Domino, Gawain(N54), Craigx3(w/Bradshaw!), Thayer, Schott, Hoehnex2, Pulk, Dejong, Shirley, Gersh, Fitakx8, Labs, Dahms & Henthornx6! Final #115Ham 1/20 via COMC (couldn't pass at $1!)
1973-74 Topps Bkb - #82 last one from Jim Craig 2/16!
1973 Fleer Baseball's Wildest Days & Plays - last 4 (16 23 32 41) via COMC 1/19
1974 Fleer Pioneers - #2 Harry Wright sent by Morganti 8/17!
1974 Topps - last card was a Yankees Checklist from Mark Atnip 1/01! - Thanks to Catfish Parker on a huge starter!
1974 Topps #2 - Last 6 sent 8/10 by Tom Elliott!(85 207 215 233 400 598); 599 SD big variation sent by Morganti 6/16!
1974 Topps Traded #2 - 319 sent 10/07 by Mark Talbot!
1974 Topps Red Team Checklists #2 - Phillies & Twins sent 10/07 by Mark Talbot!
1974 Topps football: 2/14-1/22/18 - HUGE starter from Jimi; final card Butkus from Jay Tysver! End game help: Greg Miller (13 of last 23), Craig (Harris &
Staubach/Stabler) & MRW (Blanda)
1974-75 Topps: 39Walton & 200Erving via eBay 9/23!
1974 Johnny Pro Phillies: last 4 04/24! 10-Bowa 16-Cash 32-Carlton 37-Schueler
1975 Topps - last card was 1961 MVPs on 11/17/01! Big hits along the way from Bob Schaub!
1975 Topps Mini: 99% OBC (I began with 2 & only bought a handful along the way) Thanks to Bob Schaub(x3) & Robert Pigeon for a great start, and to TJ Valacak for a 41 card chunk! Thanks also to Tom Williams, Mac Wubben(x2), Al Crotte, Al Cummings, Larry Gersbach(x4), Joe Isaac(x2), Kevin Martens(x2), Joe Cerullo, Mike Rich (GREAT BIG hits!), Rick Svetecz (Xmas 03), Joe Adriance (Xmas 15), Squirrel Earle, Bob D'Angelo, Steve Rittenberg, Doug Smith, Kit Okamuro(x3), Ant Arbeeny, Ed Schott, Lynn Miller(x2 incl Aaron), Geno Wagner (x2), Richard Kimball(x2), Rob Fitts (Reggie & Brooks Robby!), Spike Glidden, Matt Heilenman, Jim Silva, Dan Austin, Bob Bard, Bob Reed, John Stamper, Randy Welk, Mike Mroz, Joe Denning, Ed Watts, Dan Angland, Jim Holman (Kaline!), Rick Johnson, Jason Christopherson, Rick Lyons(x2), Mark Talbot(x2), Tom Housley(x3), Ed Pike, Mike Mackie, Sal Domino, Kent Goto, Nick Pelletier (Rose!), Brock Hattox, and the last two - Yount & Lolich - from Ken Morganti on 10/10/17!
1975 Topps #2 - ANY condition OK! Thx to Shirley, Bannon, Keenumx3 & Rice for starters! Thx to Levinson for a huge star hit including Brett & Yount! Vrechekx2, Betza, Chapmanx2, Labsx2, McLaughlin, Huntoon, Henthornx3, Lipskyx2, Roach, Schecter, White, Duguid, Nicholas, Mroz, Dworchak(lotsa stars!), Cannon, Grever, Morganti, Berg, Smart, Orzoff(24!), Rainsley, Toback, Darren Russell, Tysver (CarterRC), Dan Williams & Stranierox2 for hits! LAST 2! 200-Mantle/Wills from Dan Williams and 585-Chambliss from Gunny Musgrove in April 2023!
(1975 SSPC Puzzle Back (oversized square cards) - found Rice on eBay 11/23)
1976 Isaly - last card Joe Torre sent by Mike Rich 10/19!
1976 SSPC - #269 Jeff Burroughs sent by Mark Z 10/19!
1976 Topps - last cards rec'd 11/5/98 from Ken Morganti & Pat Sweeney!
1976 Topps #2 - b. 7/22 and as OBC as possible - OBC hits from Svetecz, Welkx3, Mroz, Griffin, Henthorn, Rainsley, Tobackx3, Goguenx3, Russell, Williamsx2, Keenum, Berg(40!), Straniero, D.Smith, Franklin, Domino & Labs! Completed by Talbot and Morganti with last 14 cards in 6/23!
1976 Topps Traded: Thanks to Sean McGowan & Steve Simms for KO'ing this set a mere week after posting!
1976 Topps Traded #2 - thx to Chapmanx2, Mroz, Sankner, Straniero(11 hits!) & Betza for the last two - 28T (Baker) & 211T (Carroll) - on 3/22
1976 Hostess: thanks to Andy Cook for a big start! 11Yount & 63Cey were last two from ebay 1/13!
1976 Wonder Bread: 11/16-6/17: 3 from Vrechek, 5 from Freedman, and the final Upshaw from Betza!
1976 Kellogg's - 7/19-6/20: last card #55 Rose from eBay 6/20! Thanks to Straniero, Stout & Morganti!
1976-77 Topps Tallboys! Started 6/14; big 6 HOFer push from Jim Craig 1/17! Last card 143Free from Fitak 11/18!
1977 Topps - Completed 6/01!
1977 Topps #2: 144Sutter KO'd by '08 Secret Santa Earl Kilbourn!
1977 Topps #3 - KO'd Black Friday 2019 on COMC & eBay (Reggie & McCovey)
1977 Topps #6 - KO'd by Joe Adriance (656 Guidry) on 4/20/20!
1977 TOPPS NINE POCKET CHALLENGE - DONE! (June 6, 2019 - May 20, 2020)
500-599: DONE 580-2 of last three from Jimi & 1 from TJ 5/2020
600-660: DONE 656 x3 Guidry sent by TJ, Kyle D & the final card of the quest from Jerry Straniero on 5/20/20!
77T Kudos to: Tobackx2, Straniero (2K+ & HOFers AND the final card - wow!), Mack(1k-wow!), Freedman (1.5K-wow!), Thayerx2(star power near the end!), Smart, Glidden, Keenumx3, Henthornx5, Sankner, Lyons, Chapmanx3, Zentkovichx2, Donaldsonx3, Stoutx4, Vrechekx2, Betzax3, Huntoon, Adriancex3, Schockx2, Labs, Welk, Woodrome, Barnett, Bergx2, Jensen, Hutchinson, Duguid, Schottx2, Arbeeny (incl 4 Ryans!), Glasserx3, Morganti (incl 2 Murphs & 2 Ryans!), Levinsonx2(w/Rose & Ryan!), Rumley-Wells, Gersbach, Kodl, Valacak (5 of last 15 including Brett!), Dworchak, Stamper, Domino
1977 Topps CLOTH Stickers: Fidrych sent by Ken M 6/16! Thx along the way to Huntoon, Angland & Bob D!
1977-78 Topps basketball - near set from Brad Utterstrom in July 2024 and #104 Shumate from Kenneth Siscon in Aug 2024!
1978 Topps FB - Last card (#391 Jim Allen) tracked down 10/25/03! Set me back 50 cents! :-)
1978 Topps - last card from Ken M. 11/00! - Thanks to Bob Schaub for a huge starter set!
1978 BK Yankees - last card Reggie on 8/17!
1978 Nobis Foundation/Atlanta Sports Collector set (look like pistachio-colored 59T) - last 2 Mize & Nobis sent by Gersh 4/20!
1978-79 Topps: Mike Mackie sent a 15 card starter, and I didn't have any others. My OBC-only set was also hit by Mike Mroz (15), Greg Henthorn (19), Jay Tysver (8 + 54!), Ant Arbeeny (14 including DocJ!) Morganti (Kareem), Taylor (King & Wilkes), Ed Hutchinson (Barry) and the last three from Betza (Bing, Cowens & Nixon) on 6/17!
1979 Topps - Last 3 from Rex Stahlman Oct 2001!
1979 BK Yankees - #2 Munson acquired Spring 2012
1979 Kellogg's - Last card(Rose) from Mike Rumley-Wells 10/16! Thx to Ken M for 10 of last 14 & JSG for 2 of last 4!
1979 Topps FB: nearly OBC-only set after Peter Iversen got me started w/ a huge lot! 2nd hit from Tom Massimo & others from Betza, Valacak, Malson, Talbot, Lyons (twice!), Fitak, Vida (Trading Bases), Shirley, Taylor, Henthorn (twice!), Schott, Goetsch (24 hits) Griffin, Guru, Denning x2, Reed, Rice, Goto, Stamper, Tysver, M.Jackson, Freedman, Holland (48 hits!) Rumley-Wells(11 stars!), Mroz (35 hits!), Whitworth, Elliott, Morganti, Austin, Xmas06 Bradshaw from Peter Mead, and the last two (351 & 371) from Greg Miller on 2/17!
1979 Fleer FB: b.6/20 & completed 9/23 w/ #s 25 & 52
1979 OPC - huge starter from Bob Chapman & lots of help from Linda F, Rick L & Joe D, plus Ozzie from Ant! Ryan & Dawson from Keenum! Last 6 - 16 114 151 203 261 360 - arrived 1/23
1979 Topps Comics - started 9/18 - Ed H sent me Bench! 3 more from Gersh! Last 8 also sent by Gersh 1/20!
1980 Topps - last card 3/02!
1980 Topps #2 - last 6 cards from Stamper (4) & Smart (2) 08/21! First big blast from Keenumx5! Also hit by Chapmanx3, Slinky, Fitts, McLaughlin, Dworchak, Yeiter, Henthornx3, Lyons, Angland, Hallett, Berg (41 cards!), Shirley, Stamper & Smart!
1981 Topps - Last 6 from Ken Morganti 2/20/02!
1980-81 Topps single panels: last card - 139Magic - sent by James Keenum 10/19!
My Ultimate Quest: The Great American Baseball Card Flipping Trading & Bubble Gum Book. I found this book on a sales rack in a bookstore when I was 11 or 12, and read it cover-to-cover religiously. For those of you that haven't read it, see if you can dig up a copy, 'cause this book is what OBC is all about. It is written by 2 guys who grew up in the 50's & 60's that collected cards, and reminisces on some of the distinctive & less than stellar ballplayers of that time. It's very well written, and my eternal thanks go out to Chuck Paris, who actually tracked down another copy for me, since my original is in Tipton VG at this point! So why am I telling you all this? There are cards of every player they speak about (except Eddie Gaedel) featured in this book, & ever since I bought the book I dreamed of a day when I might get 'em all. Well, it took about 20 years, but I've recently managed to finally knock out the whole book! Last card was a hi# '52 Topps Crosetti I found on ebay on 2/2/04!
Red Barber called this book, "The Single Best Baseball Book of All Time." Told to & compiled by Lawrence S. Ritter (any relation to ex-OBCer Larry Ritter?) the book contains "the story of the early days of baseball told by the men who played it." I picked it up in a Harvard used book store several years ago, and it is a fantastic read. The challenges & experiences these players had compared to the game they saw played through the 50's & 60's is perspective enough on how much the game has evolved, much less compared to the millionaires of today. At any rate, after a discussion with John Collins, I have decided to collect at least one card of each featured player in this book - here's who's left (& what years they played):
Stan Coveleski (1916-28) (have an autograph)
Joe Wood (1908-22) (have memorabilia)
Thanks for checking out my wantlist!
PS: I am placing my T206 list in an inactive status, but here's my most recent iteration:
1909-1911 T206 that I ALREADY HAVE: Abbatichio (brown), Abbott, Ames (hands above head, hands @ chest), Anderson, Arellanes, Baker, Ball (Cle), Ball (NY), Barbeau, Bastian, Bay, Beaumont, Beck, Becker, Beckley, Bell (pitching), Bender (w/trees), Berger, Birmingham, Blackburne, Bliss, Bradley (port & w/ bat), Bransfield, Bridwell (no cap), Burns, Camnitz, Campbell, Carr, Casey, Chance (red port), Chase (throw dark cap, throw white cap, trophy, pink, blue bkg), Chesbro, Cicotte, Coles, E.Collins (Phi), Conroy (w/ bat), Covaleski, Cravath, Crawford (batting), Cree, Criger, Criss, Delehanty (L'ville), Demmitt, Devore, Donlin (fielding & w/ bat), Doolan (bat), Doyle, Duffy, Dunn (Balt) Dygert, Elberfeld (NY & fielding), Engle, Evers (bat), Ewing, Ferris, Ford, Frill, Fritz, Gibson, Hemphill, Herzog (Bos & NY), Hinchman (Cle & Tol), Hoblitzell, Hofman, Howard (Savannah), Huggins (port & hands), Hulswitt, Hummel, Isbell, Jennings (both hands & port), Johnson (port), Jones (Det), Jordan (Brk port), Keeler (port & bat), Kelley, Kiernan, Killian (throw & port), Kleinow (bat & catch), Knight (bat & port), LaFitte, Lajoie (throw), Lake (ball in hand, NY AL), LaPorte, Lattimore, Lavender, Leach (bending), Leifeld (bat), Lentz, Lobert, Magee (port), Manning (bat, pitch), Marquard (port, hands at thighs, pitching), McGinnity, McGraw (finger & port w/ cap), McQuillan (bat), Milan, Milligan, Mullin (throw), Murphy (horizontal), Myers (fielding), Needham, O'Brien, Oldring (bat & glove), Orth, Overall (portrait), Owen, Pattee, Pelty (horiz), Perdue, Persons, Pfeister (seated), Phelps, Pickering, Poland, Powell, Powers, Quillen, Quinn, Reagan, Reulbach (glove & no glove), Revelle, Rockenfeld, Schirm, Schlei (batting), Schmidt (port & throw), Schreck, Seymour (throw), Shannon, Shaughnessy, Shipke, Smith (Sh'port), F.Smith (F on frt), H. Smith (Brk), Sid Smith, Snodgrass (batting), Speaker, Starr, Steinfeldt (port & bat), Stovall, Street(catch), Summers, Sweeney, Tannehill ("L" on front), Tenney, Thebo, Tinker (bat on shoulder), Turner, Violat, Wagner (left), Warhop, Weimer, Westlake, White (Hou), Willetts, Willis (port, bat & throw), Wilson, Wiltse (port w/ cap & port no cap), Young (bare hand), Young (Minn)
I got this close on 1933 Goudey before busting it up: 53Ruth 92Gehrig 106Lajoie 144Ruth 149Ruth 160Gehrig 181Ruth 188Hornsby 207Ott 211HackWilson 223 Dean 229Vaughn (So, I was not really that close after all, or five reasonably attainable cards away, depending upon your point of view.)
Worked on 1966 Philadelphia for awhile (12/17-9/23) and got this close before losing interest & trading a bunch. Along the way, I got OBC help including: 50 card hit from Thayer 8/18! 10 from Labs 6/19! Jim Brown from Levinson & Starr from Mead! 5 more from Tripler!
21 24 31 38 58 79 82 114 127 144 150 153