General Prewar Goals
In addition to the specific set lists below, I will trade for any cards in these sets: E90-1 through E107, E135, E145, D304, D310 Los Angeles, D311, D328 Weil Baking, D350 Standard Biscuit, T204, T206 Rare Backs, T209, T211, T214, T215, N300, N172, N321.
Caramel E Wantlist E90-1 American Caramel Baker Bailey Bell Bemis Bender Bescher Bresnahan Bridwell Brown(Bost,Chi) Bush Butler Camnitz Clarke(Pitt) Clement Collins Corridon Davis(Chi) Demmitt Donovan Dougherty Ellis Gibson(back,front) Hall Hartzell(pink) Erwin JoeJax Jordan Karger Keeler(red,throw) Lajoie Leach(bat,throw) Leever Lobert Marquard McInnes McLean Miller Oakes Plank Siegle Shean Sheckard Speaker Stahl Stanage Stone(green) Sweeney(Bost)Tenney Upp Wagner(bat,throw) Walsh Willis Young(port,pitch)
E90-2 & E90-3 all
E91-B Archer Baker Bender Bridwell Chance Collins Donlin Doyle Evers Ganley Krause Marquard Matty Overall Plank Scheckard Seymour Thomas Tinker
E93 Standard Caramel Brown Chase Cobb Clarke Delahanty Evers Griffith Jones Joss Matty McGraw Plank Tinker Waddell
E96 Adams Arrelanes Brown Clark Donovan Dooin Karger Kling Konetchy McQuillan Meyers Mowrey Mullin Murray Rossman Rucker Thomas
E121-120 American Caramel Cobb(bat) Ruth(ball in hand)
E135 and all associated backs all cards
E210 York, Tharp, Yeungling, W502, Greiners, Sweetman all cards
E220 National Caramel all
E270 Colgan Red Border all
D304 Baker Barry Bell Bender Cobb Lajoie Marquard Wagner Young - all no teams
M116 Sporting Life Series 5 Carrigan Lobert Hoffman Camnitz Grant Plank Smith(Braves) Street Sullivan Wallace Willett
1911 Zeenuts all
1933 Zeenut Sepia Bottarini Brannon Bryan Camilli French McDonald McNeely McQuaid JSherlock
Tobacco T Wantlist T210-7 Old Mill Cantwell Cooney Cowell Dwyer Galvin Gilespie Handibe MacDonald Mayer Merchant Morgan Morris O’Halloran Whelan
T211 Red Sun all
T212-2 150 Series Berry Cameron Griffin Hiester Hogan Howard Krapp Mundorf JSmith Stewart Swander Tonneson Williams Willett Willis
T218 all cards - doing the set!
T220 Boxing White Border Barry Burke Carney Coburn(maninbackground) JCorbett YCorbett Cross Dempsey HeenanSayers Jackson MaceKing Sullivan
S74 Silks any from white series
C46 Imperial Tobacco all
1963 Peel Off Aaron Ashburn Aspromonte Banks Bunning Clemente Cepeda Colavito Davis Donovan Drysdale Hubbs Kaline Killebrew Koufax Mantle Musial Purkey Richardson BRobinson FrankRobinson Romano Spahn Stenhouse White
1964 Giants 7 25 28 29 41 44 49 51 60
1965 Transfers Allison Alvis Aparicio Bond Bouton Bunning Carty Causey Cepeda Conigliaro Freehan Fregosi Gibson Groat Haller Jackson Knoop Maloney Marichal Maye OToole Pascual Pinson Pizarro Richardson Rodgers Roseboro Stuart Tiant Torre Veale Wagner Wickersham Williams Yaz Aaron Allen Aspromonte Boyer Callison Christopher Clemente Colavito Drysdale Howard Hunt Kaline Killebrew King Kline Koufax Kranepool Mays Maz Oliva Pappas Powell Radatz BRobinson FRobinson Santo Segui Skowron Spangler Ward White
1965 Embossed 1 11 13 19 52 58 69 Thanks: Archibald, Camps, Craig, Domino, Kodl, Lindholme, Morganti, Toback, Williams
1966 Ruboffs Bunning Clemente Conigliaro Maris Rose Yaz Braves Pirates Reds Yankees
1968 Topps #179 Stoneman (I have bio ending "Bill was used sparingly but still" and need the other one)
1970 Topps #570 Fregosi (white pickup in background, no pickup in background)
1973 Topps #280 Kaline (bandaid on forehead)
1974 Topps #315 Ron Cey - gathering multiples, this is my hoard card
1978 Burker King & OPC all Dodgers, Angels & Yankees
Hockey C55 2 3 4 5 7 11 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 32 33 35 37 38 39 41 42 44 45
1930s Diamond Matchbooks any
1977-78 Topps 131Bladon(standing), 138Wolfe(MacAdam,cor), 149MacAdam(Wolfe,cor)
1990-91 Pro Set #246 Paul Gillis bloody nose variation
1970s LA Kings (please no more UV Kings, I have pretty much all of them now, thanks)
Schedules from 1967-1980
All oddball sets: 71-72 Toronto Sun, 77-78 Coke, Lipton Tea, Quaker Oats
1968-69 Shirriff Coins need Krake Robinson
1971 OPC Posters need all
1975-76 Topps need 179
1978-79 OPC #377 Edestrand
1972-74 LA Sharks WHA
Scheds, 72-73 OPC, 1973 7-11 Slurpee Cup Jim Watson, 73-74 Quaker Oaks #32 Venerruzzo, #42 Leblanc
Football Wantlist U Oregon FB Cards-My Alma Mater all (issued by UO 50s-70s, not Topps or Bowman, I have dupes)
N302 Mayo all
1930s Diamond Matchbooks all
1948 Leaf all
1949 Leaf 1 2 3 4 7 13 15 16 19 22 23 28 31 38 39 40 41 43 49 51 56 65 67 70 79 81 89 90 95 101 110 127 134 150
1950s Topps all Rams only
1957 Topps Rams Only - HAVE 10, 34, 46, 58, 70, 82, 87, 120, 143
1959 Bell Brand Rams (white) 2Humphrey 1 Left! 1960 Bell Brand Rams (yellow) 1-4 7-9 11 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 28 29 32 35-40
1962 Fleer 1 2 3 4 5 10 12 14 15 16 20 21 22 24 26 28 30 33 35 39 43 45 46 47 48 52 58 59 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 74 76 77 78 79 80 82 83 84 85 87
1962 Post all Rams have 160 161 168 169 171
1966 Topps Chargers 125Hadl 1 Left! 1970 Kelloggs 5 6 7 10 12 13 14 15 17 18 20 22 23 24 25 28 30 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 42 44 45 46 49 53 54 55 56 60
1971 Bazooka all
1977 Topps Mexican all Rams
Bowman Football Rams 1948 HAVE 15
1950 HAVE 17, 85, 87
1951 HAVE 41, 77, 114
1952 Large HAVE 1VanBrocklin, 13Fears, 25Younger, 120Towler
1952 Small HAVE 99
1953 need all
1954 HAVE 56
1955 HAVE 23, 43, 47, 69, 82, 88, 89
Basketball Wantlist 1948 Bowman 37Carlson 51Dwan 62Schaefer 66Pollard 69Mikan
1957 Topps 23Garmaker 25Krebs 28Mikkelsen 64Burrow 74Leonard 79Fleming 80Schnittker
1961 Fleer 3Baylor 40Selvy 66WestSnagsaRebound
1961-62 Bell Brand Lakers any card in any condition
Non-Sport N14 General Government and State Capitals all
N99 Battle Scenes all
N113 Habitations of Man all
N184 Kimball PedestrianofEngland SixDaysRollerSkater SwimmerofCalifornia LivePigeonShot TightRopeWalker
American Caramel Type Set E3Navy, E27TeddysTrophy, E45Easter, E47Jockey, E49WildWest, E75Boxers
E3 Navy Dolphin Illinois Kansas Louisiana Michigan Montana Nebraska NCarolina Pennsylvania Tingey Vermont Washington
E6 Rulers all
E15 Flags Austro-Hungary Germany Russia Servia Turkey
E40 Airships all
T29 Animals Addax AfricanBushPig BandedMongoose BataleurEagle CaffreCat Cheetah ElandAntelope Elephant HarnessedBushbuck Hartebeest HoodedCobra GroundHornbill Konzi Lechwe Leopard LionLioness MarbouStork Meerkat RedRiverHog RingTailLemur CapeFox SpottedHyena StripedHyena WaterChevrotain WhiteBeardedGnu Wildebeast
T30 Arctic Scenese AndreesBalloon AndreesFarewellMessage EskimoWoman TheAmerica ArcticAurora Midnight Tegetthof
T38 Aviators all
E40 Airships BaldwinDirigible BatesBiplane ChneseDirigible CurtissBiplane FarmanBiplane GleasonRobinsonBiplane KnabenschueDirigible LathamMonoplane LefebvreBiplane RepubliquieDirigible SantoDumontDirigible WrightBiplane ZeppelinDirigible
T77 Lighthouses Abescon, Boston Auxillary, Execution Rocks, Heceta Head, Minots Ledge, Navesink, The Nubble, Race Rock, Sanibel Isl, Southwest Reef, Tarrytown
T80 Tolstoi Military all
T99 Sights & Scenes Alps ArchConstantine BlarneyCastle CapitolWashington EiffelTower GrandCanonColorado NiagaraFalls PennsylvaniaTerminal StGotthardTunnel StPetersCathedral StatueLiberty TreesYosemite WashingtonMonument
T36 Auto Drivers E123 Actors (look similar to E120 or W573) 7 18Rawlinson 20 25 27 28 29 31 36Williams 37 39 45 47 55 57 60 61 72 81 92 94 97 100 101 106 108 111 113 114 116 118 119 121-123 125-131 133-139
Tobacco Silks all subjects
T68 Heroes of History
Series 1: LiHungChang ChrisColumbus HernandoDeSoto Geronimo U.S.Grant ThaddeusKosciusko RobertELee AbeLincoln MollyPitcher PhilipSheridan WilliamTecumsehSherman SittingBull GeorgeStephenson GeorgeWashington
Series 2: GeorgeCalvert PTBarnum EdwinBooth HernanCortes QueenElizabethI KingHenryVIII EliasHowe ThomasJefferson KingPhilipV FranciscoPizarro WilliamShakespeare JohnStark MaryStuart CharlesSumner ElihuYale
My Son Matthews wantlist 1972 Topps Presidents 36Nixon(Resign) 37Chisholm
My Son Masons Wantlist Batman: Blue Bats (bat back) have 3B, 5B, 6B, 11B, 12B, 18B, 23B, 35B
Batman: Blue Bats (puzzle back) have 6B, 13B, 17B, 18B, 23B, 26B, 33B, 38B
Bat Laff need 1, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 25-28, 30-32, 45-47, 54, 56+
Star Wars all cards from original 1-330 sets from 1977
Hockey Cards of Gump Worsley, Terry Sawchuk
Recently Completed Sets
E49 American CaramelCompleted by Steve Rittenberg 8-24-14! T59 Flags of All NationsCompleted 3-12-16 by Sal Domino, Sean Schuettpelz & Mike Glasser! 1960 Bell Brand Dodgers Completed by Peter Mead 2-27-16! 1967 Philadelphia FB Completed by Jim Craig 3-10-17! 1974-75 OPC Hockey Completed by Scott Duguid 8-27-18! Mason's Batman: Red BatsCompleted by Peter Mead 5-31-19! E90-3 American Caramel Completed 4-28-20 by Ebay, Honorable Mention Mac Wubben! 1953 Johnston Cookies Completed 6-20-20 by Mike Rich! 1977 Burger King Star Wars Completed 8-18-20 by Mike Rumley-Wells! 1976 Hostess Completed 11-6-21 by James Keenum! 1974-75 Acme Loblaw Kings Completed 3-9-22 by Scott Duguid! 1968-69 Topps Hockey Completed 7-9-22 by Jake Elwell! 1955 Bowman Completed 9-6-22 by Geordie Calvert with Mays! 1977 Wonder Bread Star Wars Completed 9-6-22 by Aaron Shirley! 1966 Monkees Completed 10-29-22 by Chris Tripler! 1964 Addams Family Completed 11-14-22 by Don Berg! E121 Series of 120 Completed 12-3-22 at Philly Show! 1977 Burger King Yankees Completed 1-9-23 by Tom Biggs and Donnie Barnett! 1956 Davy Crockett Completed 2-6-23 by Johns Stamper! 1951 Topps Red Backs Completed 3-15-23 by Dave Toback! E92 Dockman Gum Completed 1-2-24 by Mac Wubben! E95 Philadelphia Caramel Completed 5-23-24 by Mac Wubben and Joe Adriance! 1974 Topps and Parker Brothers - Rams Completed 1-31-25 by Larry Tipton!