Bob Donaldson's Wantlist

Bob Donaldson's Wantlist

To contact Bob Donaldson, send email to

Updated 3/28/25

High Priority E121s, E220s.

*** Note I prefer cards untrimmed, without writing or paperless on front (exceptions for big $$ cards)

Babe Ruth – I need E220, E121 (any but holding ball), Goudey Sport Kings, 1933 WWG I have Ruths to trade for these!
Yaz – I Need – 63 BB Buck, 63 Stick On, 64 Tattoo, 71 Tattoo, 72 Candy Lid, 74 Deckle,

T206 Cards I HAVE Abbatchio (Brown Slvs), Abbot, Abstein, Alperman, Ames (Hands Chest), Arndt, Arrellanes, Atz, Barry (Phil), Barry (Mlwk), Batch, Bates, Beaumont, Becker, Bender (P, trees, no trees), Bell(above), Bergen(Bt) Berger (Catch), Birmingham, Bliss, Bowerman, Blackburne, Bradley(B), Bradley(P)Brain, Bransfield, BrashearBridwell(P), Brown(Cubs), Brown (P), Burch(Btg), Burke(P), Bush, Byrne, Camintz(side), Camnitz(folded), Carrigan, Cassidy, Chappelle, Charles, Chase(P), Chase(Dark), Cicotte, Clancy, JJ Clarke, Clymer, Conroy(Fldg), CoveleskiC, hance(Yellow Port), Clark(Col), Cicotte, Cobb(Red),Crandall (P Cap), Crawford(Thrw),Cravath, Cree, Criss, Cross, Davidson, G Davis, H. Davis, `Dessau, Donlin(Fldg), Donlin (seat), Donovan(Thrw), Dooin, Dubec, Doolan(Bat), Doolan(fld), Doolin, Downey, Ewing, Fletcher, Delehanty (throw), Dorner, Doyle(Bat), Doyle(P), Dougherty(P), Dunn(Balt),Dunn(Brckln), Dygert(P), Freeman, Egan, Engle, Evers (bat Chicago), Ferguson, Flick, Freeman, Frill, Fromme, Ganely, Gasper, Gibson, Gilbert, Graham(Bos), Graham(St L), Goode, Gray, Grimshaw, Griffith(P), Groom, Hahn, Hannifan, Herzog(Bos), Hinchaman (P), Hoblitzell, Hoffman (T), Howard (Chi), Howard(Sav), Howell(P), Hunter, Jacklitsch, Johnson(P), Jones (Det), Jones(Chi),F Jones (P), Jordan(P), Keeler(Bat), Kelley, Knabe, Krause, Kleinow (Bos), Lajoie(Thrw), Lattimore, Kruger, Lake(no ball), Killian(P),Leach,Leach(P), Leifield, Leibhart, Lentz, Lord, Lumley, Kleinow (Bos), Magee(bat), Magee(P), Malarkey, Maloney, Manning, Marquard(hnds thighs), Marshall, Mathewson(Dark), Mattern, McAleese, McCormick, McElveen, McGraw(finger), McGraw(glove), McGraw (port), McGinnity, McGlynn, McIntyre (Brkln) , McIntyre (B&Ch), McQuillan, Mitchell, Moeller, Moran, Miller, Murphy(Thrw), Murphy(B), Myers(Btg), Nichols, Nicholls, Niles, Oakes, Oberlin, Oldring, Overall, Owen, Pastorius, Pattee, Pelty, Pelty(Horiz), Perring, Pfeister(seated), Phelps, Phillippe, Pickering, Powell, Powers, Quinn, Raymond, Rhoades (hands chest), Rucker(th), White(P), Scaeffer(Det), Scaeffer(Wash), Schirm, Schreck, Scott, Schulte(front) Seymou(P), Sheckard(glove), Sheckard(ng), Sheppard, F Smith, Spade, Spencer, Stahl(glove), Stahl(no glove), Starr, Steinfeldt(P), Stephens, Stone, Stovall, Strang, Street(ctch), Street(P), Sullivan, Tannehill(Wash), Tannehill(Chi)Tinker (bat off ), Titus, Turner, Unglaub, Waddell (Th), Wagner(Rght), Wagner(Left), Walsh(P), Wallace(P), Wheat, White (Buf), Willett, Willetts, Williams, Wilson, Wiltse, (pitch),Wright, Young (Glove shows), Irv Young,

T202 Triple Folders (Looking for one of each middle panel, regardless of who is on the end panels) I NEED: A Desperate Slide for Third, Ambrose McConnell At Bat, Baker Gets His Man, Catching Him Napping, Chase Safe At Third, Clarke Hikes For Home, Close At Third -Speaker, Crawford About To Smash One, Fast Work At Third, Good Play At Third, Hal Chase Too Late, Harry Lord At Third, Hartsel Strikes Out, Jake Stahl Guarding First, Knight Catches A Runner, Lobert Gets Tenney, Lord Catches His Man, McIntyre At Bat, Nearly Caught, Speaker Rounding Third, Speaker Scores, Stahl Safe

M101-4 (The Sporting News, various backs including blank)
1 Babe Adams, 4 Grover Cleveland Ale, 7 Jimmy Austin, 9 J. Franklin Baker, 10 Dave Bancroft, 11 Jack Barry, 12 Zinn Beck, 13 Chief Bender, 15 Bob Bescher, 17 Mordecai Brown, 19 George H. Burns, 22 Donie Bush, 24 Bobby Byrne, 25 Forrest Cady, 30 Ray Chapman, 31 Lawrence Cheney, 32 Eddie Cicotte, 34 Eddie Collins, 36 Charles Comiskey OWN, 37 Joe Connolly, 38 Ty Cobb, 39 Harry Coveleski, 41 Sam Crawford, 46 Josh Devore, 51 Larry Doyle, 52 Jean Dubuc, 53 Oscar Dugey, 54 John Evers, 55 Red Faber, 56 Happy Felsch, 57 Bill Fischer, 60 Art Fletcher, 61 Eddie Foster, 62 Jacques Fournier, 64 Chick Gandil, 65 Larry Gardner, 71 Jack Graney, 72 Clark Griffith, 73 Tommy Griffith, 76 Bob Harmon, 77 Roy Hartzell, 83 Dick Hoblitzell, 84 Harry Hooper, 86 Miller Huggins, 87 Joe Jackson, 89 Harold Janvrin, 90 Hughie Jennings, 91 Walter Johnson, 92 Fielder Jones, 93 Joe Judge, 95 Bill Killefer, 96 Ed Konetchy, 102 H. B. Leonard, 103 Duffy Lewis, 106 Fred Luderus, 107 Connie Mack, 114 Erskine Mayer, 117 Stuffy McInnis, 118 Fred Merkle, 119 Chief Meyers, 120 Clyde Milan, 122 Otto Miller, 130 Ed Murphy, 132 Bert Niehoff, 134 Oliver O'Mara, 137 Roger Peckinpaugh, 138 Walter Pipp, 142 Eppa Rixey, 143 Davey Robertson, 144 Wilbert Robinson MGR, 146 Edd Roush, 148 Nap Rucker, 150 Reb Russell, 151 Babe Ruth, 154 Ray Schalk, 155 Wally Schang, 156 Frank Schulte, 157 Everett Scott, 160 Howie Shanks, 161 Bob Shawkey, 162 Ernie Shore, 164 George Sisler, 167 George Stallings, 168a Oscar Stanage SP, 168b Oscar Stanage VAR, 169 Casey Stengel, 170 Milton Stock, 172 Billy Sullivan, 174 Joe Tinker, 177 George Tyler, 179 Bobby Veach, 182 Honus Wagner, 183 Clarence Walker, 184 Ed Walsh, 185 Bill Wambsganss UER, 186 Buck Weaver, 188 Zack Wheat, 190 Fred Williams, 193 Ivey Wingo UER, 194 Mel Wolfgang, 195 Joe Wood, 197 Pep Young, 198 Rollie Zeider, 199 Heinie Zimmerman, 200 Ed Zwilling,

1921 Exhibits George Burns, Max Carey, Ty Cobb, Charles Deal, Heinie Groh, Jesse Haines, Rogers Hornsby, Dick Kerr, Roger Peckinpaugh, Urban Shocker

1922 Exhibits Turner Barber, Carlson Bigbee, Sam Bohne, George Burns, Joe Bush, Leon Cadore, Wilbur Cooper, George Cutshaw, Joe Dugan, William Evans (Umpire), Hildebrand (Umpire), Bill Jacobson, E.R. Johnson, Bill Klem, Harry Liebold, George Maisel, Harry Myers, Roger Peckinpaugh, Rigler (Umpire), Eppa Rixey, Frank Snyder, Milton Stock, James Tierney, Curtis Walker, Tillie Walker, Aaron Ward, Smoky Joe Wood, Moses Yellowhorse, Ross Youngs (misspelled Young)

1923-24 Exhibits Clyde Barnardt, Ray Blades, Jim Bottomley, Dan Clark, Howard Ehmke, Howard Freigau, C. Galloway, Joe Genewich, Mike Gonzales, Charlie Grimm, Gabby Hartnett, George Harper, Cliff Heathcote, Andy High, Charlie Jamieson, Willie Kamm, Tony Kaufmann, Harry Liebold, Dolph Luque, W. Matthews, John McGraw, John Morrison, J.F. O’Neill, Ernest Padgett, Herman Pillette, Ray Powell, Del Pratt, Ed Rommel, Muddy Ruel, Henry Severeid, Joe Sewell, Al Simmons, R.Smith, Casey Stengel, J. Stevenson, James Tierney, L. Woodall, Russ Wrightstone

1925 Exhibits (name in white box in corner) CARDS I HAVE Dressen, W Hubbell, McNeely, Rommel, Ruel

1925-31 Post Card Backs CARDS I HAVE Vergie Barnes, Jack Fournier, Tom Griffith, George Haas, George Kelly, Ralph Pinelli

1927 Exhibits (light green) CARDS I HAVE Bassler Bentley, E Collins, Dauss, Decauter, High, Kamm, Hargrave, Mokan, Neiss, Ruel, Schalk, Wambsganns, K Williams, Winfield, Wrightstone

1928 Exhibits (blue) CARDS I HAVE Barnes, Cochrane S Harris, Hogan, Kremer, Ogden, S Jones, Ruth, S JSchulte, Simmons, Taylor

1921 E121 - either series of 120 or 80, or blank backed (Koester/W575-1) Frank Baker (HOF) 3rd B. NY A, Jesse Barnes NY N, Howard Berry NY N, Carlson Bigbee OF Pit N, Corson L. Bigbee OF Pit N, "Ed" Brown CF NY N, Jesse Burkett Coach NY N, Ty Cobb (batting) (HOF) Mgr Det A, Ty Cobb (throwing, looking front) (HOF) Mgr Det A, "Rip" Collins P. NY A, Bill Cunningham Outf NY N, Dave Devenport P. StL A, "Chicken" Hawks Outf NY A, Harry Heilman (HOF) Bat OF Det A, Harry Hooper (HOF) w/ shed RF Chi A, Walter Johnson (hands at chest) (HOF) P. Wsh A, Lee Meadows (only one known) , Chas. O'Leary Coach NY A, Roger Peckinpaugh (correct name) SS NY A, Jeff Pfeffer P. Brk N, William Piercy , Fred Schupp P. StL N, Chas Stengel (Port.) OF NY N, Charles Stengel (Batting) RF Phl N, George Whitted OF Brk N
Upgrades to Good (not trimmed) Coveleskie, Roth, Veach(folded)

1922 American Caramel E120 (Ornate Borders) AL – BOS: Pennock, Quinn, Pratt, Smith, Menosky, Harris CHI Collins*, Hodge, Robertson, Schalk, Yaryan CLE Bagby, Coveleskie, Southeren, Speaker, Wambsganss DET Heilman, NY Bush, Meusal*, Miller, Pipp*, Shawkey PHI Dykes, Furham, Moore, Perkins, StL Davis, Ellerbe, McManus WAS Goslin, Johnson, Peckinpaugh, NL—BOS complete! BRK Myers, Schmandt CHI Alexander, Hartnett, Hollocher, Krug, Statz CIN Daubert, Donahue, Pinelli, Rixey, Roush NY Frisch, Young* PHI Betts, Hubbell, Leslie, Parkinson, Ring, Walker PIT Traynor StL Ainsmith, Doak, Hornsby, Pertice, Smith
* = I have a W573

1923 W515-2 8 10 15 31 36 38 39 40 47

1921-23 E220 National Caramel
Babe Adams, Grover Alexander, Ty Cobb, Eddie Collins, John Collins, Stan Coveleski, Jake Daubert, Jimmy Dykes (batting), Red Faber, Wilson Fewster, Larry Gardner, Walter Gerber, Sam Harris, Claude Hendrix, Rogers Hornsby, Waite Hoyt, Wm Jacobson, Joe Judge, Rabbit Maranville, Carl Mays, Bob Meusal, J.C. Milan, Earl Neale, Joe Oeschger, Steve O’Neill, Jeff Pfeffer, Del Pratt, Babe Ruth, Joe Sewell, George Sisler, Frank Snyder (bending down), Aaron Ward, Fred Williams, Ivy Wingo

1933 Goudey COMPLETE UPGRADES to VG 6 Dykes (36 yr)

1933 World Wide Gum (Canadian Goudey) V353 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 44 47 49 50 51 52* 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 72 74 75 80 81 84 85 86 88 89 93 94
*needs upgrade to f/g
1933 Goudey Sport Kings 2 4 5 6 8 17 19 20 22 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 42 43 44 45 46 48
1934-36 Diamond Stars 50 Ott 54 Greenberg

1935 Goudey Adams, Bartell, Bonura, Bottomley, Brandt, Coleman, Fox, Foxx, Hadley, Juhel, Lucas

1936 Goudey Cochrane, Cuyler, Derringer, Greenberg, Harris

1936 National Chicle “Fine Pens” DiMaggio/Erickson, Herman, Stengel

1936 Goudey “Wide Pens” Type 1 Ethan Allen, Bill Brubaker, Chapman/Werber, Joe Coscarart, Paul Derringer, DiMaggio/McCarthy, Wes & Rick Ferrell, Lou Finney, Frankie Frisch, Earl Grace, Hank Greenberg, Odell Hale, "Gabby" Hartnett, Babe Herman, Frank Higgins, Myril Hoag, Waite Hoyt, Bob Johnson, Lyn Lary, Al Lopez, Pepper Martin, Ducky Medwick, Gene Moore, Buck Newsom, Fred Ostermueller, Tommy Padden, Tony Piet, Bobby Reis, Bill Rogell, Red Rolfe, Al Schacht, John Stone, Joe Sullivan, Bill Swift, Vito Tamulis, Bill Urbanski, Arky Vaughan, Buck Walter [Walters], [Harold] Warstler, Whitlow Wyatt

1939 Playball Upgrades to VG 158 160

1940 Playball 225 Jackson

1941 Goudey 5 6 7 10 13 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 32

1939-46 Exhibits (Med)
Averill, Cuccinello, Dean, Gehrig, Gehringer, Gomez, Greenberg (Very truly yours), Grove, Hartnett, Hassett, , Holmes (Sincerely yours), Klein, Kreevich, Mulcahy, Rizzo, Russell, Travis, Vander Meer, Walker (No "D" on cap), Warneke

1947-66 Exhibits (Med)
Max Alvis, Richie Ashburn (Cubs), Ernie Banks (Port), Steve Bilko, Tom Brewer, Rocky Colavito (Port), Choo Choo Coleman, Gordy Coleman, Jerry Coleman, Joe Cunningham (Batting), Bud Daley, Alvin Dark (port) Don Drysdale (Glove at waist), Don Drysdale (Port), Whitey Ford (Port), Frank Gustine (Pirates uni), Ray Herbert, Kirby Higbe, Chuck Hinton, Frank Howard, Ken Hubbs, Al Kaline (Port), Harmon Killebrew (Bat), Harmon Killibrew (Port), Ed Kranepool, Bob Lemon (glove), Phil Linz, Don Lock, Mickey Mantle (Port), Willie Mays (Port), Bill Mazeroski (Bat), Barney McCoskey, Sam Mele, Joe Page, Satchel Paige, Albie Pearson, Gary Peters, Jimmy Piersall, Vada Pinson, John "Boog" Powell, Bobby Richardson, Robin Roberts (Plain), Eddie Robinson, Floyd Robinson, Bob Rogers, Richard Rollins, Pete Runnels, Ron Santo, Red Schoendeinst (Red), Rip Sewell, Bill "Moose" Skowron,, Frankie Thomas, Frank Thomas, Harry Walker, Pete Ward, Herman Wehmeier, Wes Westrum, Billy Williams Dodgers Team 1949, Dodgers Team 1952, Dodgers Team 1955, Dodgers Team 1956, Giants Team 1954, Giants Team 1954 (PC), Indians Team 1954, Yankees Team 1949, Yankees Team 1950, Yankees Team 1951, Yankees Team 1952, Yankees Team 1955
$8 -15 $16-25 $35-$50 $100+

1948 HOF Exhibits Duffy, Hornsby, Johnson

1948 Bowman 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 17 18 22 28 29 30 32 34 36 38 46 47

1949 Bowman (145+ 2.5 X) 46 47 49 52 60 69 70 76 82 84 85 98 100 110 142 148 149 152 159 160 161 163 165 167 169 170 173 174 175 176 179 180 183 185 187 193 194 195 196 198 201 202 205 208 210 213 214 216 217 219 221 224 225 226 228 232 233 238 239

1950 Bowman (1-72 2.5X) 1 3 6 10 11 12 17 19 21 23 28 32 33 35 40 41 47 48 56 59 60 65 75 119 129 138 139 151 182 189 203 222 227 229 234 248

1951 Bowman (253+ 2.2X) 1 Ford 7 Hodges 232 Fox 253 Mantle 260 286 305 Mays

1951 Topps Red Back 24 30 38 50

1951 Topps Blue Backs 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 11 13 19 20 23 27 29 30 31 34 36 39 40 41 43 45 47 49 50 51 52

1952 Bowman (217+ 2X) 1 Berra 4 5 21 53 Ashburn 90 101 Mantle 142 Wynn 156 Spahn 161 204 218 Mays 219 220 228 229 231 245 251 253

1952 Topps (251-310) 71* 188 191 Berra 202 253* 257* 261 Mays 272 274 277 279 286 281 283* 284 286* 291 307
3rd series gray backs! (#131-190)

1953 Topps (221+ 2X) 10 54 Feller 78 79 82 Mantle 104 Berra 106 134 138 139 147 Spahn 222 223 224 225 229 232 233 234 235 240 243 244 Mays 248 251 253 254 256 258 261 262 263 265 267 268 269 271 272 273 275 276 277 278 280

1953 Bowman Color (113+ 2.5X) 46* 48 55 59 Mantle 65 92 Hodges 93Martin/Rizzuto 114 Feller 115 117 Snider 118 Martin 121 Berra 123 146 153 Ford

1953 Bowman B&W 9 13 15 17 25 27 36 39 42 44 45 49 50 51 53 55 58 61 62

1954 Topps (51-75 1.6X) 94 Banks 205 Sain 232 Limmer 237 Ryba

1954 Bowman 65 Mantle 95 Roberts 101 Larsen 129 145 Martin 196 Lemon

1954 Red Heart Ashburn, Fondy, Lollar, Mantle, Martin, Minoso, Musial, Snider

1955 Topps(161+ 2X) 160 Upgrades to vg 114 120 Klu 152 Agganis 167 176 181 191 197 204

1956 Topps (upgrades to vg). 1 49 63 102 118 125 136 138 141 181 190 199 201 233 243 252 340

1955 Bowman (225 + 2X) 23 Kaline 68 179 Aaron 227 229 231 239 242 Banks 243 245 246 253 265 268 269 278 284 287 293 294 299 300 303 305 313 315 317

1957 Topps (265-352 2X) 18 Drysdale 35 212 292 298 302 Koufax 328 BRobby 338
Upgrades to vg 43 25 Ford 35 FRobby 55 Banks 90 Spahn 133 161 212 271 290 329

1958 Topps 74 220 upgrades to vg 5 Mays 14 43 53 66 67 110 116 117 142 164 196 227 240 278 440 Matthews 442 444 485 Williams AS 490

1959 Topps (507+ 2.25X) 8 34 60 98 99 163 257 300 308 509 514 Gibson 552 Stengel AS 564 Mantle AS 566 568
Upgrades to vg 17 81 83 112 147 153 155 161 187 188 193 215 305 311 347 350 Banks 395 441 474 480 542 552 568

1959 Fleer Ted Williams 68

1960 Topps 210 295 316 McCovey 332 409 508 509 561 Kaline 563 Mantle 565
Upgrades to VG 16 18 28 32 36 73 89 93 120 138 168 171 185 204 298 302 304 364 379 410 411 427 466 494 518 521 530 559

1960 Fleer BB ATG – 3 28 47 62 80

1960 Nu Card Baseball Hi-Lites 1 9 14 16 20 21 22 24 27 28 29 30 38 47 49 50 51 53 58 61 62 63 65 70

1961 Fleer BB ATG – 75 99 104 114 115 116 117 120 126 128 137 139 145 148 150 152 153

1961 Topps (523) 404 544 568 570 572 576 578 Mantle 579 May
Upgrades to vg 35 Santo 74 104 150 Mays 160 Ford 305 324 349 350 388 Clemente 414 Marichial 426 455 464 475 Mantle 480 528 539 556 573

1961 Nu-Card Scoops 414 424 426 439 450 455 480
1961 Golden Press 9 16 29

1962 Post. 2 5 7 9 10 15 26 28 34-8 45 47 49 54 55 60 61 63 64 68 69 72 75 82 83 84 88 91 93 95 99 104 107 108 109 111 113 122 124 125 134 137 140 145 151 152 153 154 156 158 159 164 169 172 176 184 188 189 190

1962 Topps (447+ 1.8X, 523+ 2.5X) 1 Maris 18 Mgrs Dream 53 AL HR Ldr 199 Perry 200* Mantle 218 313 318 320 Aaron 360 372 Berra 384 387 Brock 454 458 465 479 481 483 485 490 492 501 505 Marichial 509 523 532 525 526 527 528 529 530 Gibson 533 534 535 537 540 542 543 544 McCovey 545 546 549 550 551 552 554 557 559 560 561 564 566 567 568 570 571 572 575 577 579 581 584 586 587 588 590 590 591 592 593 594 595 595 597 598

1963 Fleer 5 43 46 61

1963 Topps (447+ 2.5X) 165 200 Mantle 228 250 Musial 299 300 Mays 302 314 324 325 327 329 334 340 342 345 347 351 353 361 366 368 369 371 377 378 384 390 Aaron 393 398 399 400 401 415 Gibson 421 427 429 443 448 455 456 465 466 469 470 472 473 479 489 490 McCovey 496 500 504 505 508 520 524 537 Rose 540 Clemente 544 547 553 Stargell 558 562

1964 Topps Giants 45 Causey

1964 Topps (523+ 2.2X) 9 NL HR 378 380 Ford 461 471 486 512 534 539 585

1964 Topps Standups (High) Aaron Baldschun Banks Culp Gonzalez Mantle Marichial Matthews Mays FRobby Santo Spahn Woodeschick upgrades (full card) Clemente Kaline Koufax White Yaz

1965 Topps (371+ 2X) 18 NL ERA 155 Maris 176 McCovey 250 Mays 350 409 460 Allen 461 Niekro 466 470 Berra 547 581 Perez
Upgrades to vg/ex 24 27 33 70 76 79 103 115 118 133 167 170 Aaron 184 200 204 225 248 254 269 275 290 295 299 303 316 320 Gibson 323 327 330 Ford 347 348 360 363 387 388 397 421 510 Banks 584

1966 Topps (371+ 1.8X 447+ 2.2X 523+ 3X) Complete! (Upgrades to vg/ex ) 10 44 67 152 155 192 243 348 362 378 397 559 593

1967 Topps complete, upgrades (vg/ex) Drysdale 242 NL RBI 369 Hunter 484 516 531 546 555 565 581 585 587 595 609 RedSox Stickers (upgrades VG) 29

1967 Venezuelan 44 62 78 79 89 120 123 124 128 137 138 139 141-188 189 190 191 193 194 195 196 197 198 200 201 205 206 209 211 212 213 214 222 229 230 235 236 237 239 240 242 243 245 246 248 249 250 251 252 255 257 258 261 263 264 266 267 270 271 273-86 288 289 290 291 292 295 297 300 303 306 307 308 311 313 317+

1968 Topps (458+ 2X) Upgrades to vg/ex 280 Mantle 408 Carleton 512 583 592
1969 Topps Complete! (589+ 1.5X)

1968 Atlantic Oil Agee, Banks, Davis, Etchebarren, Fairly, Freehan, McGraw, Osteen, Wilson, Williams,

1969 Topps Stamp Team Albums (Med), Stamps only Needed Pirates(Maye), Cardinals(javier), Yanks ( Kosco), Expos (Wills) Reds(May, Perez), RedSox(Scott), As(Bando), WhiteSox(Alomor, Berry, Horlen), Orioles (Johnson), Tigers(McClain, Stanley, Wert)
**** Need many individual stamps, just need to type up the wantlist

1969 Nabisco Team Flakes Fregosi*, Horton, Longborg*, Marichial, Mays

1969 Transogram (Cards I Have) Banks Cater Davis Fregosi Mays Marichial McClain Reichardt F Robinson Shamsky Stottlemyer, Torre Tovar Ward White Wilson

1969 Topps Decals Aaron Clemente Gibson Mantle Robinson Seaver 1969 Topps 4 on 1 mini Stickers (Low)Need all
1969 Topps Super I Have 8 23 26 35 45
1969 Topps upgrades to vg/ex 16 71 314 356 480 Seaver 495 555 598 638 664 White Letters 440 441 447 452* 454~ 461 464 468~ 470 471 473* 476~ 482* 485 486 491~ 493 500 501~ 505 511~ all last name except ~(front) *(full name)

1969 OPC Deckle Alou Aparicio Carew Clemente Davis Ferrara Foy Fregosi Gibson Kessinger Koosman McClain McCovey Monday BRobinson Rose Santo Whilhelm Wynn

1970 Milk Duds I Have Johnson, Harper Holtzman, J Perry, McDowell, McNally, Mays, Messersmith, Milan Osteen, G Perry, Aparicio, Walker, Jenkins, Dietz, Davis, R Smith
1970 Topps (547+ 2x 634+ 4X) Upgrades to Ex+ (sharp corners, no creases, scuffing, missing paper, writing etc.) 581 588 716
1970 Topps Scratch Offs Mack Jones
1970 Topps Super (upgrades to ex) 8 9 12 18 21 24 34 40

1971 Topps Tatoos 10 11 13 15 16

1971 Super (upgrades to ex) 1 5 11 25 29 35 44 49

1971 Topps (524+ 1.9X, 644+ 3X) (upgrades to ex+) 590 649 Lyle 692 725

1971 Topps Scratchoffs (red middle) Aparicio Kaline Seaver Stargell Wynn

1971 Topps Greatest Moments I HAVE 4 5 6 18 21 22 25 26 28 40 36 43 51 52

1971 Bazooka (either w/ or w/o numbers) Allen, Conigliaro, Harrelson, Jenkins, Kaline, Mazeroski, Mccarver, Oliva, Robinson F, Seaver, Wills, Wynn

1971 Topps Coins 109
Upgrades (no scratches on front, minimal on border) 39 96 110

1971 OPC 1 5 10 20 31 50 54 59 61 64 65 66 68 73 81 83 91 96 99 100 103 124 140 143 148 150-154 157 158 160 161 162 164 167 168 171 174 175 178 179 180 181 182 183-184 185 188 192 194-7 199 202 208 210 211 212 217 225 235 246 247 250 258 262 263 264 266 276 280 282 284 285 286 289 290 295 300 304 305 308 312 314 315 317 320 324 325 329 330 332 336 341 349 350 370 374 380 381 385 394 397 400 402 403 405 406 407 409 412 413 416-21 423-29 432 433 435 436 438 439 440 442 444 445 446 449 450 451 452 457 458 459 461 462 463 465 466 467 469-75 477479 480 481 482 488 491 492 494-502 504-10 512 513 515 517 520 521 523+

1972 Fleer Famous Feats 15 16 18 24 27

1972 Topps (526+ 2X 657+ 3X) 781 787 Upgrades to Ex+ (sharp corners, no creases, scuffing, missing paper, writing etc.) 434 Bench IA 445 Seaver 555 604 661 680 690 749 761 773

1972 Venezuelan Stickers 1 31 32 49 55 56 65 78 132 137 143 148 155 208 244 249

1973 Topps (529+ 2.1X) Upgrades to ExMt all Team Checklists except A’s Giants, 54 163 174 193 200 202 338 388 410 430 433 437 460 471 475 476 493 530 533 534 538 545 555 557 585 588 606 610 611 613 614 616 629 630

1973 OPC 7 37 54 56 85 134 145 155 190 191 202 203 204 206 210 215 218 219 224 225 254 269 270 272 273 286 290 292 295 300 305 314 315 320 327 330 331 333 338 342 349 355 360 365 366 367 368 369 373 374 383 384 385 390 394 395 399 429 430 433 437 448 451 456 457 462 464 465 470 473 474 479 481 484 485 491 498 500 506 508 511 514 521 524 530 531 533 536 538-543 546 548 550 554 557 560 561 566 567 568 569 572-579 581 584-588 590 592 593 596 597 598 601 602 603 604 605 607-616 619-626 629 630 631 633-639 642 646 649 650 654+ Team Checklists Tigers Cubs Reds

1974 Topps Upgrades to ExMt 126 400 414 456 Winfield 599 (San Diego) Team Checklists (unmarked) A’s Yankees Royals Cardinals Reds

1975 Topps Minis 5 7 17 50 100 128 194 200 204 223 228 280 439 461 500 531 600 620 622

1975 Baseball Upgrades to EX+ (no creases, scuffing, missing paper, writing etc.) 4 20 561

1975 Sports Hobbyist SH102 Hubbell SH111 Young SH119 Wagner SH120 Ruth SH121 Ruth SH123 Ruth SH125 HOF SH128 Musial SH132 Travis SH133 Berra SH134 Heilman SH136 Matthewson SH140 Greenberg SH145 Doerr

**** Note I define a hostess panel as the ENTIRE bottom of the box ***
1975 Hostess (Med) 89b (Rader)
1975 Hostess Panels (entire box bottom) 10-12 16-18 49-51 85-123 127-132
1976 ex/mt upgrade 50 Lynn 73 Orioles 198 Gossage 331 Padres 643 cklist
1976 Hostess upgrades to vg in () (45) (53) (59) (81) (84) (124) z 63b (reversed negative) 121b (Messersmith)138b (Briggs)
1976 Full Panels (entire box bottom) 4-6, 10-15, 28-33, 40-54 64-72 79-81 88-108 112-114, 121-123 124-126, 133-135 145+
1977 Hostess upgrades to vg in () (2) 3b (Carew) 9b (Jackson) 32 36 (44) (51) 111 117
1977 Hostess Full Panels (entire box bottom) 1-3, 7-12, 16-18, 22-30, 34-48 52-60, 64-66, 70-115, 118-20, 124-132, 136-144, 148-150
1977 Twinkies (full uncut) cards approx. 3 ¼ x 4 ¼ 9 10 19 39 40 49 50 61+
1977 Burger Chef Need “All” from the following teams Brewers Blue Jays Royals Rangers White Sox Angels Mariners Athletics
Phillies Cardinals Cubs Expos Mets Dodgers Giants Padres

1977-76 Venezuelan Stickers 2-5 10 16 24 26 28-32 38 41 42 43 45 46 47 49 52 53 56-9 61 63 65-72 75 79-82 86 91 92 93 95 98 99 103-6 108 110 112 114 127-147 149-55 157 158 159 162-170

1977 Topps ExMt upgrades 18 34 51 113 134 228 259 262 287 309 327 363 387 416 428 442 467 505 518 546 621 647 654 655

1978 Papa Gino’s Discs 5 6 12 20 22 33

1978 Topps ExMt upgrades 214 302 320 328 551 577 689 *** No writing on checklists

1979 Topps ExMt Upgrades 96 115 282 302 310 Munson 340 Palmer 343 365 Lyle 412 413 498 499 614 656

TCMA All Time Great Postcards – I need Banks Clemente Mantle

1966 Philadelphia Football upgrade to VG 158

1967 Topps Football 1 15 16 17 23 24 25 27 42 43 45 53 54 56 59 6 64 65 66 69 70 73 74 75 76 80 82 86 90 96 97 98 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 108 109 119 120 122 123 128

1968 Topps Football upgrade to VG 55 74 75 Sayers 161 166 181

1969 Football Team Booklets Steelers

1969 Football 215 Starr upgrades (vg/ex) 25 Unitas 120 Csonka 232 Blanda

1970 Football Glossy 9 Starr 22 OJ 29 Namath
1970 Football upgrades (vg/ex) 4 189 190 200

1971 Football upgrades (vg/ex) 158 250 Namath 260 OJ

1971 Kelloggs Football 6 7 9 12 13 20 21 26 27 28 29 49 50

1971 Topps Football Posters complete! Thanks Brian Lindholme

1972 Topps Football 264+ Upgrades to vg/ex 200 Staubach 230

1972 Sunoco Football Stamps Saints – Manning, QB 49ers – Schnitker, RG Broncos

1973 Topps Football 140 295 341 487

1974 Topps Football 130 137 150 219 230 470

1978 Topps Football 3 182 315 322 upgrades to Ex 70 170 245 334 373 395 415 480 490 527

1967-68 Topps Hockey 1 3 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 24 33 38 39 49 51 55 57 64 65 66 69 70 72 73 75 80 82 83 84 86 91 99 118 119 120 122 123 124 125 126 127 129
Upgrade to VG 15 32 35 71 107

1968-69 Hockey Upgrade to Ex 29 Howe 84 97 105 121 cklist 127

1969-70 OPC Hockey. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 22 24 26 27 30 31 35 61 69 70 71 76 77 89 92 103 113 118 125 132 138 139 151 152 155 156 157* 163 165 172 176 178 180 181 182 184 185 189 190* 192 193 194 195 197 198 205-218* 219 220* 221-232

1969-70 Hockey Upgrade to Ex 12 Hall* 24 Orr* 27 Hodge* 36 42 Ratelle* 44 62 Mahavolich* 65 70 71 86Hampson 103 114 McCreary* 125 Grant* 132
* Looking for card with stamp
1969 Hockey (Cournoyer,Hall,Orr,Hodge,Ratelle,Mahavolich,Hampson,McCreary,Grant)

1970-71 Hockey Upgrade to Ex 1 52 105 131 Perrault 132 cklist

1970-71 Hockey OPC Deckle 7 11 18 19 21 22 30

1970-71 Hockey Sticker/Stamps Gordon, Giacomin

1970-71 OPC Hockey 1 2 6 7 8 10 11 14 15 17 20 21 24 26 29 30 32 39 40 43 44 46 51 52 55 56 58 59 61 62 65 66 67 68 75 76 79 80 82 83 84 85 86 94 95 100 101 103 104 114 115 116 118 119 120 121 122 123 131 132 136 145 153 156 157 159 160 162 167 169 170 172 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 183 186 188 191 192 193194 195 199 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 218 219 220 222 223 225 226 227 229 230 231 234 235 237 238 239 240 241 242 244 245 247 250 252 253 254 255 256 262 264

1971-72 OPC Hockey 9 20 Esposito 40 Park 56 65 72 85 99 111 113 114 Clarke 129 133 Dionne 148 Lafleur 156 Vachon 158 161 175 Leach 193 221 245 Orr Trophies 260 Cournoyer AS 262 Howe ret. 263 Beliveau Ret. 256 Checklist

1971-72 Hockey Upgrade to Ex 1 2 50 Hull 54 Cheevers 100 Orr 111 cklist

1972-73 Hockey Upgrade to Ex /Mt 122 Orr A/S

1973-74 Hockey Upgrade to Ex/Mt 116 cklist 177

1974-75 Hockey Upgrade to Ex 162 cklist 168

1975-76 Topps Hockey 10 23 99 100 199 218 256 261 286 288 301 306

1976-77 Topps Hockey 1 2 3 5 14 25 28 31 49 57 64 65 66 70 92 93 95 98 107 110 111 112 113 117 122 130 131 136 150 156 167 168 176 187 190 192 195 196 197 200 204 205 213 214 215 216 217 218 221 226 227 231 235 236 245 251 256 257 258 259 261 263 264

T218 Champion Athletes BILLIARDS John Daly, Calvn Demarest, Willie Hoppe [portrait], Willie Hoppe [playing], Thomas Hueston, Jerome Keogh, Ora Morningstar [playing], Alfredo de Oro, George Sutton [playing], Cowboy Charles Weston
BOWLING Alex Dunbar, William Heins, Glen Riddell
BOXING Al Delmont, Battling Hurley, Jim Jeffries [full length], Jack Johnson [front view], Jack Johnson [side view], Stanley Ketchell, Frank Klaus, Patsey Kline, Sam Langford, Johnny Marto, Jim Stewart, Jack (Twin) Sullivan, Johnny Summers [seated], Fred Welsh, Billy West, Charles Eyton
GOLF Findlay Douglas, Fred Herreshoff, Jack Hobens, Alex Smith

Beatles Cards

B&W Series 1 9 12 15 26 33 40 49 54 58

B&W Series 2 – 102

B&W Series 3 116 117 119 121 122 123 124 127 129 133 134 136 138 147 148

Color Cards – 1 4 10 13 14 17 18 19 20 25 28 29 30 31 34 35 36 38 39 41 44 45 46 48 49 50 52 53 58 60 62+
I have 5 15 16 26 40 42

A Hard Day’s Night 1 2 5 11 14 15 17 19 27 31 33 34 35 36 38 43 44 45 48 50 54

Beatles Diary 2 4 20 22 29 37 40 41 49 52 57

*** I will gladly take any 1967 – 1975 BB Card in EX/MT condition as an upgrade

====. SECOND SETS ===== Please give preference to others first sets, but if you must …
1968 (458+ 2X) 1 10 30 37 39 40 45 80 Carew 86 Stargell 100 Gibson 105 146 152 154 155 156 157 157 177 194 275 293 314 330 Maris 334 343 355 Banks 365 370 Aaron a/s 373 380 381 400 404 406 408 Carleton 414 420 440 447 452 460 462 466 469 471 472 474 476 478 479 481 487 489 490 491 493 494 495 497 498 500 503 504 505 506 508 509 512 514 517 519 522 523 526 530 532 537 538 541 543 560 563 564 566 567 569 579 582 583 584 589

1969 589+ 16 80 85 150 162 169 170 230 244 255 270 287 290 295 340 371 394 416 431 432 433 434 475 476 480 489 500 528 533 547 550 560 562 564 570 574 584 589 597 615 630 657

1970 (547+ 2x 634+ 4X) 470 Stargell 555 Cepeda 573 600 Mays 621 623 630 634 639 654 656 659 660 Bench 664 670 683 689 705 709 713 714 715

1971 (524+ 1.9X, 644+ 3X) 160 250 Bench 276 341 Garvey 373 380 417 502 525 Banks 529 530 532 544 550-Killer 553 567 568 570 577 580 582 586 590 592 600 612 621 624 625 627 628 638 640 641 644 648 649 650 653 656 658 664 665 672 673 680 683 686 687 688 692 694 698 700 704 709 Baker 711 712 713 715 717 722 723 735 738 740 744 750 751

1972 (526+ 2X 657+ 3X) 51 343 439 BWilliams 441 Munson 445 Seaver 555 556 559 Rose 560 Rose IA 567 580 660 661 662 664 668 669 670 673 676 677 678 679 680 682 683 686 687 689 691 692 694 696 Carew IA 697 699 700 701 704 708 709 711 712 714 715 716 717 718 719 721 724 726 728 732 735 736 737 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 749 751 753 754 754 757 759 760 761 765 766 768 771 772 773 774 776 777 779 780 781 782 783 785 787

1973 (529+ 2.1X) 136 338 471 604 613 614 (629) EXMT 244 322 648

1974 126 327 381 384 400 414 456 Winfield 472 495 599 unchecked Pirates

1975 20 Munson 64 250 315 433 491 492 493 517 589 612 623

1975 Topps Minis 5 7 17 50 100 128 194 200 204 211 223 228 280 439 461 500 531 600 620 622

1976 73 Orioles198 Gossage 230 Yaz 331 Padres 340 Rice 500 Reggie 643 cklist

1977-84 Renata Glasso 1 7 8* 20 22 29* 30* 41* 44* 46 69 71 81-86 88 89 90 91 96 100 106 109 116 117 126 128 129 135 136 146 148 159 160 161 171 172 174 181-245 247-270 *Needs an upgrade to vg/ex or better

1977. 1 3 10 14 15 21 34 51 55 60 69 70 71 73 74 78 85 97 107 110 113 119 124 128 138 140 144 150 162 165 166 170 171 173 179 184 204 210 215 220 223 225 227 228 234 237 240 249 254 255 259 265 277 285 287 288 289 290 294 295 296 298 305 306 308 311 313 318 322 324 331 332 336 338 342 355 357 358 368 373 374 377 380 387 390 408 410 411 412 414 416 418 424 428 432 437 442 450 457 464 465 472 473 480 487 488 489 490 491 505 506 507 509 510 515 521 525 528 529 547 550 563 565 568 569 572 579 580 586 599 614 615 616 617 620 626 634 635 637 640 650 654 656

1978 48 79 112 214 268 302 320 328 424 688 689 702

1979 2 52 96 115 259 282 302 310 Munson 340 Palmer 343 344 365 Lyle 412 413 451 476 498 499 551 614 619 638 656 680 Fisk

1969-70 Topps Hockey 2 7 8 11 13 14 19 22 24 29 30 31 32 34 36 38 40 45 46 50 51 53 57 60 61 62 63 66 67 70 71 73 74 78 80 81 82 86 88 90 92 94 95 98 99 100 103 104 109 114 115 116 118 122 126 127 128 132

1970-71 Topps Hockey 3 4 7 8 9 10 20 22 26 27 29 32 34 37 40 44 46 50 53 54 57 62 63 68 77 78 79 80 84 92 97 111 124 131 132

1971-72 Topps Hockey 2 3 4 31 35 36 45 50 51 54 60 69 70 71 90 100 104 110 114 123 125 131

1973-74 Hockey. 3 10* 17 50 116 149 150 157 162 183 186 198

Hall, Orr, Hodge, Ratelle, Mahavolich, Mikita, Hampson, Parent, Binkley, McCreary, Grant

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