Aaron Shirley's VINTAGE TOPPS BASEBALL wantlist

Aaron Shirley's VINTAGE TOPPS BASEBALL wantlist

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Last updated January 13, 2025.
For a complete list of my OBC gifters and trading partners, jump to the bottom of this page. Thanks to ALL.

1. 1965 Topps sluggers: 250 Mays. 350 Mantle. 500 Mathews. 510 Banks.
2. Maris with the Cardinals. (1967 OPC 45, Venez 328… 1968 Venez 330, etc).
3. 1974 Topps in any quantity and any quality.

1951 TOPPS BLUE BACKS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Schoendienst 7 Staley 8 10 11 12 Jethroe 13 15 17 18 Garver 19 20 23 24 Lollar 25 26 27 28 Brecheen 29 30 Slaughter 31 32 34 35 36 Fannin 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 Mize 51 52. Missing 45 cards. THANKS: Cook x2, Duguid x2, Niessen x2, Fitak!

1951 TOPPS RED BACKS: 1 BERRA, 5 RIZZUTO, 7 Pollet, 14 Terwilliger, 16 Roe, 20 DiMaggio, 22 FELLER, 24 Bauer, 31 HODGES, [36 Zernial Chicago], 38 SNIDER, 39 KLU, 46 Goodman, 47 [52 Holmes Boston], [52 Holmes Hartford]. Missing 16 cards. THANKS: Goto & Sackmann for 15, Uncle Dick x7, Rittenberg x4, Donaldson x3, Silva x2, Elwell, Glidden, Henthorn, Huntoon, Rice, Smith, Talbot, Valacak.

1951 TOPPS TEAMS: I picked up the Washington Senators with date at the 2024 National. Would love to find any others, especially the Cardinals team - with or without date.

1952 TOPPS: 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 13 15 17 18 20 24 28 29 30 31 33 36 Hodges, 37 40 41 42 43 44 45 48 51 52 53 55 57 59 62 63 67 68 Chambers, 69 70 71 72 73 74 77 78 80 84 85 88 120 122 129 Mize, 131 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 Moss, 145 146 150 155 159 163 Rojek, 164 166 167 169 171 173 174 Marshall, 175-187 189-195 199 202 205 210 211 214 216 221 230 231 232 233 234 235 [236 FitzGerald multiple copies welcome] 237 238 240 244 246 250 252 253 255 256 258 259 260 261 Mays, 262 263 Brecheen, 264 265 267 268 269 270 271 Delsing, 273 275 276 277 278 279 280 Boyer, 282 283 284 Arft, 286 DeMaestri, 287 Bilko, 288-310 311 Mantle, 334 Mizell, 347 Adcock, 349 Cain, 366 Madison, 378 Fusselman, 386 Yuhas, 398 Rice, 402 Harrist, 407 Mathews. Missing 183 cards. THANKS: Goto x11, Smith x11, Gray x10, Glidden x6, Moleta x5, Papacek x5, Archibald x3, Elwell x3, Levinson x3, Stamper x3, Betza x2, Capio x2, Cook x2, Domino x2, Fitak x2, Galbreath x2, Leroux x2, Niessen x2, Schott x2, Shepard x2, Tourdot x2, Wattigny x2, Angland, Henthorn, Jensen, Labs, Lindholme, Luurs, Mead, Miller, Moore, Rumley-Wells, Schock, Sherman, Talbot, Toback, Tysver, Valacak.

1953 TOPPS (back print color variations in brackets): 1 9 10 29 30 31 37 Mathews 47 52 54 58 62 66 71 75 80 82 Mantle 86 87 [90B] 95 [96B] 104 105 114 118 [127B, 127W] [128W] 134 138 141 144 146 147 149 151 152 155 [160B, 160W] 191 Kiner 192 221 222 223 225 226 227 228 232 Kokos 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 Mays 246 247 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 260 261 262 263 264 265 267 268 269 Pillette 270 271 272 273 Haddix 274 Riddle 275 276 277 280. Missing 92 cards. THANKS: Betza x11, Roach x9, Delia x6, Fitak x5, Christopherson x4, Donaldson x4, Elwell x4, Goto x4, Lindholme x4, Tourdot x4, Zurawski x4, Archibald x3, Dahms x3 including Campy, Galbreath x3, Silva x3, Craig x2, Kilbourn x2, Mackie x2, Moleta x2, Morganti x2, Wattigny x2, Adriance, Ashton, Biggs, DeJong, Dingman, Domino, Duguid, Dworchak, Fitts, Glidden, Griffin, Leroux, Levinson, Lyons, Mroz, Paris, Pike, Reed, Rice, Rumley-Wells, Salek, Shepard, Talbot, Taylor, N.Thomas, Tripler, Valacak, Watts, White, Yudt.

1954 TOPPS: 1 Williams, 10 13 37 68 70 90 Mays, 94 Banks, 105 128 Aaron, 131 132 139 145 156 161 166 183 185 201 238 239 246 248 250 Williams. Missing 25 cards. THANKS: Moore x30, Delia x12, Sherman x12, Donaldson x8, Fitak x8, Roach x7, Biggs x5, Brewer x5, Cook x5 including Hodges, Goto x5, Toback x5, Christopherson x4, Fitts x4, Gray x4, Ashton x3, Coker x3, D'Angelo x3, Elwell x3, Farrell x3, Galbreath x3, Griffin x3, Rittenberg x3, Wattigny x3, Glasser x2, Greenwood x2, Huntoon x2, Jensen x2, Mead x2, Miller x2, Morganti x2, Rumley-Wells x2, Schock x2, Schott x2, Silva x2, Stamper x2, Taylor x2, White x2, Capio, Conway, Craig, Dingman, Domino, Glidden, Henthorn, Hitzeman, Hutchinson, Iversen, Paris, Reed, Rice, Salinsky, Smith, Shepard, Talbot.

1955 TOPPS: 2 WILLIAMS, 28 BANKS, 50 JACKIE, 123 KOUFAX, 137 Harry Elliott, 161 Chuck Tanner, 164 CLEMENTE, 166 BAUER, 177 Robertson, 178 Bobby Adams, 187 HODGES, 190 Gene Woodling, 194 MAYS, 197 Al Smith, 204 Frank Smith, 205 Gene Freese, 206 Pete Daley. Missing 17 cards. THANKS: Morganti x12, Glasser x11, Cook x6 including Killebrew, DeJong x6, Levinson x6, Schechter x6, Betza x5, Paris x4, Schock x4, Conway x3, Dworchak x3, Galbreath x3, Goto x3, Greenwood x3, Moleta x3, Rainsley x3, Sankner x3, N.Thomas x3, Tysver x3, Yudt x3, Rittenberg (Kaline & Mathews), Angland x2, Ashton x2, Brewer x2, Chapman x2, Craig x2, Fitak x2, Henthorn x2, Holland x2, Jensen x2, Kodl x2, Mead x2, Mroz x2, Papacek x2, Saxton x2, Smith x2, Stamper x2, Wattigny x2, White x2, Miller (Spahn), Pelletier (Yogi), Archibald, D'Angelo, Dahms, Delia, Delott, Domino, Ellis, Elwell, Farrell, Griffin, Housley, Hutchinson, Kilbourn, Lindholme, Rice, Rumley-Wells, Salek, Shepard, Talbot, Tripler, Williams.

1955 TOPPS DOUBLE HEADERS: [5/6 Kazanski/Jones] [31/32 Pollet/Banks] [37/38 Moon/Cunningham] [41/42 Lopat/Haddix] [83/84 Frazier/Mossi] [105/106 Aaron/Herbert] [107/108 Grammas/Qualters] [111/112 Killebrew/Podres] [125/126 Repulski/Lepcio]. Looking for 9 cards.

1956 TOPPS: 1 6 10 [11 CUBS GREY STOCK with date, centered, left aligned] [11 CUBS WHITE STOCK with date, left aligned] 20 24 25 30 31 AARON, 33 [72 PHILLIES GREY STOCK with date, left aligned] [72 PHILLIES WHITE STOCK with date] 79 [85 INDIANS GREY STOCK with date, centered, left aligned] [85 INDIANS WHITE STOCK with date, left aligned] [90 REDLEGS GREY STOCK with date, left aligned] [90 REDLEGS WHITE STOCK with date, centered, left aligned] [95 BRAVES GREY STOCK with date, centered, left aligned] [95 BRAVES WHITE STOCK with date, left aligned] 99 [100 ORIOLES GREY STOCK with date, centered] [100 ORIOLES WHITE STOCK with date, left aligned] 110 111 RED SOX white stock, 113 114 118 121 PIRATES white stock, 124 134 CARDINALS white stock, 135 MANTLE, 140 150 164 KILLEBREW, 166 DODGERS white stock, 176 181 184 187 191 194 200 205 208 209 213 TIGERS, 215 218 220 224 231 232 233 240 248 250 251 YANKEES, 255 256 257 259 263 268 282 291 292 299 306 307 313 324 329 332 334 340 CL1 CL2. Missing 95 cards. THANKS: Yudt x18, Shepard x13, Wattigny x11, Dahms x10, Glasser x10, Barnett x8, Fitak x8, Christopherson x7, Ashton x6, Betza x6, D'Angelo x6, Gray x6, Smith x6, DeJong x5, Galbreath x5, Dworchak x4, Levinson x4, Schock x4, Tripler x4, Archibald x3, Glidden x3, Henthorn x3, Lindholme x3, Lyons x3, Moleta x3, Morganti x3 including Banks, Sankner x3, Sherman x3, N.Thomas x3, Coker x2, Cook x2, Delott x2, Gioia x2, Griffin x2, Holland x2, Labs x2, Luurs x2, Reed x2, Roach x2, Salinsky x2, Schechter x2, Tipton x2, Torrez x2, Wax x2, Arbeeny, Beauchemin, Chapman, Craig, Fitts, Gersbach, Goto, Harrell, Hattox, Housley, Kilbourn, Levine, Miller, Papacek, Rainsley, Salek, Smart, Talbot, Tysver, Valacak, Vrechek.

1957 TOPPS: 1 WILLIAMS. 10 MAYS. 80 HODGES. 203 WILHELM. 212 COLAVITO. 250 MATHEWS. 270 WAS TEAM. 273 DAVIS. 275 CLE TEAM. 299 HARMON. 322 CIN TEAM. 324 BKLN TEAM. 329 CWS TEAM. 400 BKLN SLUGGERS. 407 NYY POWER HITTERS. Missing 16 cards. THANKS: Gyselinck x36, Zurawski x12, DeJong x9, Fitak x9, Glasser x9, Johnson x8, Miller x7 including Aaron, Rice x7, Talbot x7, Angland x6, Calvert x6, Christopherson x6, Delia x6, Diamanti x6, Schafer x6, Archibald x4, Bannon x4, Donaldson x4, Duguid x4, Galbreath x4, Glidden x4, Hutchinson x4, Schock x4, Valacak x4, Wubben x4, Brewer x3, Denning x3, Henthorn x3, Mead x3, Vrechek x3, Wattigny x3, Adriance x2, Conway x2, Delott x2, Fitts x2, Gray x2, Hitzeman x2, Holland x2, Massey x2, Morganti x2, Salek x2, Salinsky x2, Sherman x2, Zentkovich x2, Keenum for Frank Robinson, Ashton, Berg, Codere, Cook, Craig, Dahms, Domino, Elwell, Freedman, Gersbach, Gioia, Greenwood, Griffin, Harrell, Jensen, Mack, Reed, Roach, Rumley-Wells, Shepard, Smith, Tipton, Toback, Torrez, Yudt.

1958 TOPPS: 5 MAYS. 30 AARON. 150 MANTLE. [236 Fitzgerald] 285 ROBINSON. 310 BANKS. 368 COLAVITO. 377 BRAVES TEAM numerical back. 418 BATTING FOES. 428 REDS TEAM numerical back. Missing 10 cards. CARDINAL YELLOW NAMES: have 8 Kasko, 60 Ennis. THANKS: Thayer x52, Goto x42, Cook x24, Massey x23, Keister x20, Fitak x16, Ashton x14, Woodrome x14, Galbreath x12, Levinson x12, Gray x11, Pelletier x11, Barnett x9, Moleta x9, Glasser x7, Lyons x7, Schock x7, Holland x6, Salek x6, DeJong x5, Delia x5, Miller x5, Lindholme x4, Freedman x3, Greenwood x3, Jensen x3 (Reese, Ashburn), Kilbourn x3, Malson x3, Morganti x3, Schafer x3, Schott x3, Christopherson x2, Corvello x2, Domino x2, Massimo x2, Mroz x2, Rice x2, Roach x2, Tourdot x2, Valacak x2, Zentkovich x2, Bessette, Brewer, Conway, Franklin, Gersbach, Gioia, Glidden, Henthorn, Hitzeman, Leonard, Levine, Mead, Miller, Parker, Reed, Rumley-Wells, Sankner, Shepard, Sherman, Smith, Talbot, Tipton, Toback, Tripler, Tysver, Wattigny, Williams.

1959 TOPPS: 10 MANTLE. 50 MAYS. [CREAM BACKS: 202 Maris, 248 BoSox team]. [GREY BACKS: 202 Maris, 212 Fence Busters, 270 Hodges]. 461 THRILLS MANTLE. [HIGHS: 509 510 513 515 KILLEBREW. 518 527 528 539 542 543 544 549 550 555 557 559 BANKS AS. 560 561 AARON AS. 562 563 MAYS AS. 564 MANTLE AS. 568]. Missing 30 cards. THANKS: Massey x70, Rice x31, Miller x25, Henthorn x16, Fitak x14, Valacak x13, Montgomery x12, Camps x11, Wattigny x11, Moleta x10 including Brooks, Morganti x9, Ashton x7, Sweeney x7, Tysver x7, Freedman x6, Galbreath x6, Jones x6, Mead x6, DeJong x5, Levinson x5, Chapman x4, Coker x4, Lindholme x4 including the Aaron, Schock x4, Thayer x4, Distelrath x3, Holland x3, Malson x3, Roach x3, Schafer x3, Schott x3, Tipton x3, Angland x2, Christopherson x2, Delott x2, Elwell x2, Greenwood x2, Jensen x2, Kodl x2, Mroz x2, Sherman x2, Bauer, Betza, Codere, Corvello, D'Angelo, Domino, Gioia, Glasser, Glidden, Hutchinson, Jackson, Kilbourn, Lyons, Mackie, Marsili, Martens, Pelletier, Pillion, Reed, Rumley-Wells, Sankner, Schuettpelz, Talbot, Tripler, Yudt.

1960 TOPPS: 300 AARON. 377 MARIS. 388 HODGES WS. 560 BANKS AS. 564 MAYS AS. 565 MARIS AS. 566 AARON AS. Missing 7 cards. THANKS: Massey for over 80 hits, Miller for over 60, Gyselinck for Mantle AS and Mantle/Boyer, Sankner for the Banks, Z+N McCain for McCovey!

1961 TOPPS: 150 Mays. 307 Mantle WS. 478 Maris MVP. 484 Aaron MVP. 485 Banks MVP. 554 Pirates Team. 561 James. 573 Boyer AS. 575 Banks AS. 576 Maris AS. 577 Aaron AS. 578 Mantle AS. 579 Mays AS. 581 F.Robinson AS. Missing 14 cards. THANKS: Massey for over 50, Rice for 30, Fitts for 23, Keenum for Mantle and McCovey, Glidden for Ruth, Mead for Gibson!

1961 TOPPS STAMPS PRIORITIES: Adcock, Banks, Boyer, Flood, Javier, Killebrew, Mantle, Mays, McCovey, McDaniel, HSmith, White. Thanks to Jensen for over 40.

1962 TOPPS: 5 18 Manager's Dream Mays/Mantle. 53 Killer/Mantle/Maris Ldr. 118 Javier GT. 136RuthGT. 136RuthCor. 137GT 138RuthGT. 139RuthGT. 139RuthCor. 140RuthGT. 140RuthCor. 158BravesGT. 167McCarverCor. 190MoonBat. 200 Mantle. 300 Mays. 313 Maris 61st HR. 318 Mantle Switch. 350 F.Robinson. 394 Aaron AS. 395 Mays AS. 401 Homer Kings Maris. 465 Reds Team. 471 Mantle AS. 530 Gibson. 544 McCovey. 552 Cubs Team. 561 Oliver. 584 Twins Team. 590 Flood. Missing 33 cards. THANKS: Bill Massey for 60 hits, Corvello for 27, MRW for Maris, Levinson for Musial 21st, Elwell for Kaline!

1962 TOPPS BUCKS: looking for any besides Minoso - because I just got my first beautiful buck!
1962 TOPPS STAMPS PRIORITIES: Colavito, Hodges, LJackson, Javier, Killebrew, Mantle, Maris, Mathews, Musial, Sadecki. Thanks to Fitak, Rice, Tipton.

1962 TOPPS VENEZUELAN: got my first (83 Larry Jackson) at the 2024 National.

1963 TOPPS: 1 Aaron/Rob/Musial/White Ldr. 2 Mantle Ldr. 3 Aaron/Mays/Rob/Banks Ldr. 9 Gibson Ldr. 68 Friendly Foes Hodges. 173 Bomber's Best Mantle. 242 Power Plus Aaron/Banks. 250 Musial. 275 Mathews. 300 Mays. 312 Colts Team. 375 Boyer. 380 Banks. 390 Aaron. 415 Gibson. 417 Giants Team. 451 Indians Team. 472 Brock. 490 McCovey. 500 Killebrew. 505 Flood. 533 Shantz. 544 Carmel RS. Missing 23 cards. THANKS: Grandpa for 33 hits, Cook for 30, and Miller for 21!

1963 TOPPS PEEL-OFFS / STICK-ONS (I've seen them called both): have Donovan, Farrell, Lumpe, Monboquette, Richardson, a trimmed F.Robinson, Sanford, Terry, White. Looking for more.

1964 BAZOOKA: only have the McCovey. This is a reused pic from his 63 Topps card!

1964 TOPPS: (103 Flood) 300 AARON. 306 Giant Gunners MAYS. 423 Tops in NL AARON/MAYS. 429 McCARVER. 433 YANKEES TM. 473 ORIOLES TM. 523 BURDETTE. 531 DODGERS TM. 543 UECKER. 563 MAXVILL. Missing 11 cards. THANKS: Grandpa for 42 hits, Cook for over 30, Rice for 16, Guru for MANTLE! Capio for Rose!

1964 TOPPS COINS: 3 4 7 12 13 18 21 23 24 27 28 29 33 35 36 38 40 41 42 44 45 50 51 52 53 55 56 58 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 75 76 77 79 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 99 100 101 103 105 106 108 109 111 112 113 114 115 116 118 119 120 130 131 134 142 143 146 149 150 151 152 155 159 160 161 164. Missing 94 coins. Thanks to Bannon, Dahms, Delott, Elwell, Glasser, Pelletier, Rice, Rumley-Wells, Yudt.

1964 TOPPS GIANTS: 3 Koufax. 11 Clemente. 28 Friend. 42 Stuart. 47 Cisco. 51 Mays. 60 Moose. Missing 7 cards (all short prints except Clemente). Thanks to Glasser (for Mantle), Goto and Sackmann.

1964 TOPPS STAND-UPS: Aaron, Banks, Boyer, Broglio, Killebrew, Mantle, Mathews, Mays, McCovey, FrankRobinson, White. Thanks to Stamper for the Groat.

1964 TOPPS VENEZUELAN: I now have 132 Braves Team and 147 Ray Sadecki, thanks to Henthorn and Rich. Any other Cardinals wanted.

1965 O-PEE-CHEE: 2 3 5 6 10 12 24 28 43 57 78 91 99 100 116 120 123 126 132 134 135 136 138 139 151 154 155 170 173 176 190 209 214 230 234 250 256 267 275. Looking for 39 cards.

1965 Topps: 5 Mick Ldr. 134 Mick WS. 250 Mays. 350 Mantle. 415 Flood. 426 Braves team. 431 Briles/Spiezio RC. 500 Mathews. 510 Banks. 519 Uecker. 591 Skinner. Missing 11 cards. THANKS: Coker, Gyselinck, Henthorn, Levinson, Schott, Sherman, White!

1965 TOPPS EMBOSSED: 1 Yaz, 8 Koufax, 11 Mantle, 19 Clemente, 22 F.Robinson, 40 B.Williams, 58 Banks. Missing 7 cards. Thanks to Labs for Aaron, Mays & Killebrew.

1965 TOPPS TRANSFERS: Just got Ken Boyer from Talbot and Bob Rodgers from Sam Taylor!

1966 O-PEE-CHEE: 1 7 19 26 50 59 60 76 91 92 103 110 120 125 131 137 142 150 163 172 179 194. Looking for 22 cards.

1966 TOPPS: FINISHED! Always looking for more 591 BART SHIRLEY. THANKS: Morganti, Rice and Sherman for over 20 hits each; Conway, Dahms, Mack, Toback, Wubben for great HOFers; and OBC-friendly dealer Dick Zimmerman for over 60 more!

1966 TOPPS RUB-OFFS: Aaron, Banks, Colavito, Flood, Mantle, Mays, McCovey. PENNANTS: Angels, KCAthletics, MilBraves, CARDINALS, Giants, Indians, Mets, Orioles, Pirates, Red Sox, Senators, Tigers, White Sox, Yankees. Thanks to Bannon, Cook, D'Angelo, Guru, Mandell.

1966 VENEZUELAN TOPPS: 7 26 76 91 103 104 125 137 163 179 206 225 243 275 320 338 358. Thanks to Rich and Tourdot.

1967 O-PEE-CHEE: 1 20 41 42 45 62 63 78 92 100 102 103 108 109 128 131 146 150 166 173 191 195 196. Looking for 23 cards.

1967 TOPPS: [128 Spiezio error; name missing letters]. [287 any copies of Bart Shirley]. 544 Indians Team. 563 Adcock. 592 Rookies. 604 Red Sox Team. Missing 4 cards and 1 variation. Always interested in miscut Cardinals. THANKS: Hattox for over 100, Goto for 25, Fitak for Maris, Guru for Banks!
1967 TOPPS POSTERS: 6 Mantle 11 Clemente. Missing 2 posters.
1967 TOPPS VENEZUELAN: 120 Shirley, 141 Gehrig, 147 Ruth, 148 Williams, 149 Ott, 154 Sisler, 157 Musial, 163 Foxx, 165 Frisch, 171 Alexander, 177 Paige, 182 Mize, 192 Mantle, 194 Robinson, 206 Killebrew, 213 Mays, 214 Mathews, 255 Howard, 266 Shannon, 267 Gibson, 275 Banks, 276 Flood, 283 Briles, 284 Aaron, 291 Cepeda, 297 Schoendienst, 303 McCovey, 307 Brock, 320 Javier, 328 Maris.

1968 MILTON BRADLEY: 99 Colavito, 110 Aaron.

1968 O-PEE-CHEE: 2 3 4 5 6 25 27 46 50 58 68 84 99 100 110 117 137 141 151 153 154 157 158 162 168 180. Looking for 26 cards.

1968 TOPPS VENEZUELAN: 330 Maris… and others.

1969-70 BAZOOKA ALL-TIME GREATS: Just got what I think is a Mel Ott from Levinson. Thanks!

1969 O-PEE-CHEE: 6 8 10 12 18 20 39 60 85 100 110 136 160 162 164 165 190 200. Looking for 18 cards.
1969 O-PEE-CHEE DECKLE EDGE: Looking for Gibson and Mays. Thanks to Tripler for Flood and McCovey.

1969 TOPPS FINISHED! Always accepting multiple copies of 289 BART SHIRLEY. WHITE LETTERS: have 444, 461 and 491. THANKS: Morganti, Sherman, Stamper, Tysver!

1969 TOPPS DECALS: HAVE Clendenon, Foy, most of a Gibson, McDowell, Monday, F.Robinson, Selma and Short.

1969 TOPPS STAMPS: Aaron, Banks, Brock, Cepeda, Flood, Gibson, Javier, Killebrew, Mantle, Mays, Maxvill, McCarver, McCovey, Pinson, FRobinson.

1970 O-PEE-CHEE: 140 150 211 220 250 330 346 386 387 394 411 450 459 462 463 472 500 501 509 530. Looking for 20 cards.

1970 TOPPS SUPER: 1 2 4 5 7 8 12 14 17 19 20 22 23 24 25 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42. Missing 26 cards.

1971 BAZOOKA: Aaron Gibson Jackson Killebrew Mays McCovey. Looking for six cards. Thanks to Bob Donaldson for the first two!

1971 O-PEE-CHEE: [1 ORIOLES TC] [5 MUNSON] 9 13 14 16 23 [26 BLYLEVEN] 27 39 [55 CARLTON] 61 66 67 71 93 [100 ROSE] [117 SIMMONS] 128 132 [160 SEAVER] 161 [180 KALINE] 192 196 197 201 [230 STARGELL] [248 WILHELM] [264 MORGAN] 266 270 271 274 [276 FOSTER] 278 [280 JENKINS] 281 282 284 285 288 289 [290 OLIVA] 292 294 295 297 299 [300 BROOKS] 301 [308 CARDINALS TC] 310 313 314 315 317-324 [325 MARICHAL] 326-331 333 335 336 338 340 [341 GARVEY] 343 344 346 347 349 [350 B.WILLIAMS] 351 353-357 362 364 368 369 [370 TORRE] 371 374 376 383 385 386 389 394 395 396 399 [400 AARON] 401 402 405 406 408-419 422 423 424 426-432 434-448 [450 GIBSON] 451-460 462 465 466 467 470 473 474 477 480 482 485 486 488-497 499-502 507 509-512 [513 RYAN] 514-518 520 522.
FIFTH SERIES 524 [525 BANKS] 526 527 528 [529 NL RS] [530 YAZ] 531-549 [550 KILLEBREW] 551-559 [560 STAUB] 561 563-569 [570 PALMER] 571-579 581-593 [594 CARDINALS RS] 596 597 598 599 [600 MAYS] 601 602 603 604 [605 CEPEDA] 606-624 [625 BROCK] 626 627 628 629 [630 CLEMENTE] 631-639 [640 F.ROBINSON] [641 METS TC] 642 643.
SIXTH SERIES 644-647 [648 METS RS] 649-688 690 692 693 694 696 697 [698 BREWERS TC] 699 [700 BOOG] 701-708 [709 BAKER/BAYLOR] 711 713-717 719 720 [722 ASTROS TC] 723-739 [740 APARICIO] 741-752. Missing 418 cards. Thanks to Talbot x37, Chadwick x30, Thayer x26, Rich x25, Donaldson x21.

1971 TOPPS COINS: 6 7 8 12 13 16 23 24 29 30 31 35 36 37 45 49 50 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 68 71 72 73 75 76 80 81 83 85 86 89 90 91 92 93 94 96 97 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 107 108 109 113 114 115 117 118 119 120 121 123 126 127 130 131 132 134 135 136 137 138 141 143 144 145 146 151 152. Missing 85 coins. Thanks to Elwell, Gersh, Glasser, Hattox, Labs, Mroz, Neill, Pillion, Summers.

1971 TOPPS SUPER: 1 5 7-10 12 15-17 19 21 23-26 29 32 33 36-38 42-46 52 53 56 60 61 63. Missing 33 cards. Thanks to Goto, Sackmann, Thayer.

1972 O-PEE-CHEE: 1 9 49 50 51 52 71 85 87 88 89 90 93 100 107 130 206 237 262 278 280 282 299 300 316 328 336 341 353 362 375 381 395 397 420 435 436 454 465 479 487 500 510 514 522. Looking for 45 cards.

1972 TOPPS POSTERS: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24. Missing 20 posters. Thanks to Carl for the first four!

1973 O-PEE-CHEE: 1 7 24 26 64 81 85 91 158 170 175 202 237 243 255 269 278 292 305 316 347 364 389 399 410 417 434 449 450 464 472 473 474 497 500 521 523 536 548 549 556 567 576 596 599 603 607 615 641 649 654. Looking for 51 cards.

1973 TOPPS TEAM CHECKLISTS: *ONE STAR* A's, Cardinals, Giants, Red Sox, Royals, Tigers. **TWO STAR** Reds.

1974 O-PEE-CHEE: 1-6 8-12 14-33 36-45 47-58 60-76 78-84 86 87 88 91-98 100-103 105-123 125 127-137 139-145 147-152 154-169 171-189 191-196 198-211 214 215 217 218 220-223 225 226 227 229-233 235-256 258 259 261 262 264-294 296 297 299-313 315-336 338-343 345 346 348-354 356 357 359-370 372-396 398-402 404-413 415 416 418 420-425 427-431 434-439 441-446 449-472 474-505 507-512 514-520 522-534 536 538-544 546 547 548 550-560 562 563 565-588 590 592-598 600-614 616 617 618 620 621 623 625 626 627 629-632 634 635 636 638 640-647 649-654 656-659. Missing 588 cards. Team CL finished.

1974 TOPPS missing 11 cards for a second master set: 32 GRUBB WASHINGTON, 125 COLBERT WASHINGTON, 207 RYAN/SEAVER LEADERS, 226 WASHINGTON TEAM, 241 BECKERT WASHINGTON, 309 ROBERTS WASHINGTON, 363 YANKEES TEAM, 364 GASTON WASHINGTON, 387 MORALES WASHINGTON, 456 WINFIELD, 599 ROOKIE PITCHERS SAN DIEGO SMALL PRINT. In addition, I am ALWAYS accepting ANY 1974 Topps, in ANY quantity, and ANY quality - including but not limited to miscuts, blank-backed, wrong-backed, ripped, holed, chewed, runover, mustachioed, ink-traded, pocketed, bike-spoked or otherwise loved/hated.

1974 TOPPS TRADED: I am ALWAYS accepting ANY 1974 Topps Traded, in ANY quantity, and ANY quality. I’ve finished around two dozen sets so far.

1974 TOPPS TEAM CHECKLISTS: I am ALWAYS accepting ANY 1974 Topps Team CL, in ANY quantity, and ANY quality. Inventory coming eventually.

1975 O-PEE-CHEE: 2 3 5 7 18 27 34 46 51 70 75 87 101 117 122 126 150 189 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 209 210 211 212 229 236 257 270 276 286 296 300 304 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 318 331 341 361 384 386 391 404 405 416 421 443 450 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 471 511 517 531 540 543 580 589 592 610 611 616 620 623 627 638 640 646 649 660. Missing 95 cards.

1975 TOPPS MINI: 1 2 3 4 5 7 51 70 98 150 189 190 194 195 198 199 200 204 211 212 257 306 310 312 466 540 561 616 620 621 623 640 646 660. Looking for 34 cards (not working on a whole set).

1976 O-PEE-CHEE:

1976 TOPPS TEAM CHECKLISTS (white stock, super-thin, from mail-in sheets): Angels, Athletics, Braves, Brewers, CARDINALS, Cubs, Dodgers, Expos, Giants, Indians, Mets, Orioles, Padres, Phillies, Pirates, Rangers, Red Sox, Reds, Royals, Twins, White Sox, Yankees.

1977 BURGER KING YANKEES: 17 Reggie. Thanks to Smart and Straniero.

1977 O-PEE-CHEE: 2 4 [6 Ryan/Seaver] 8 10 12 14 [15 Eck] [25 Stargell] 27 28 36 [37 Yaz] 38 45 47 48 49 [52 Rollie] 55 57 58 60 61 [62 Rice] 63 [65 Ryan] 69 72 77 90 [93 Carlton] 96 104 108 111 112 [115 Fidrych] 124 125 126 127 128 133 [135 Perez] 139 141 145 150 151 154 157 163 164 168 169 171 172 179 180 184 186 [187 Fergie] 189 190 191 198 [200 Reggie] [204 Yount] 206 207 208 211 213 214 216 218 [220 Morgan] 222 225 226 229 231 234 237 238 [240 Rose] 242 243 244 [245 Schmidt] 246 249 252 253 254 255 259 260 [261 Brett RB] 262 263. Missing 102 cards. Thanks to Sal for over a hundred and Vrechek for ten more!

1977 TOPPS CLOTH STICKERS: 3 6 7 9 10 14 15 19 24 25 29 30 31 32 34 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 52 54. Team photo puzzle: ALBR. Missing 26 cards. Thanks to Earle, Mead, Schott, Valacak.

1977 TOPPS TEAM CHECKLISTS (white stock, super-thin, from mail-in sheets): 18 34 51 74 134 183 Cardinals 211 228 259 287 327 354 387 418 428 442 467 504 518 597 621 647. Missing 22 cards. Thanks to Mike Rumley-Wells for the first four!

1978 BURGER KING YANKEES: 21 Reggie.
1978 O-PEE-CHEE: 27 49 76 99 148 [154 Murray RC] 157 162 175 180 227 [242 Reggie RB]. Plus any with traded statements or pose variations (I do have a few of those, but have not yet made a final wantlist. Would need to do some visual research!)
1978 TOPPS: I'll always smile at more 266 Bob Shirley rookies.
1978 TOPPS TEAM CHECKLISTS (white stock, super-thin, from mail-in sheets): starters wanted.

1979 O-PEE-CHEE:
1979 TOPPS: I'll always smile at more 594 Bob Shirley second year cards.
1979 TOPPS COMICS: 12 REGGIE! Thanks to Moleta for a bunch, and an MLB gum wrapper for these.
1979 TOPPS TEAM CHECKLISTS (white stock, super-thin, from mail-in sheets): 41 66 82 96 112 [192 CARDINALS] 214 244 259 302 381 404 424 451 499 526 551 577 606 626 659 689 header. Missing 22 cards.

1980 BURGER KING PITCH HIT & RUN: 17 Reggie, 21 Rose. Missing 2 cards. Thanks to Spike for the near set!
1980 O-PEE-CHEE:
1980 TOPPS: I'll always smile at more 476 Bob Shirley third-year cards.
1980 TOPPS SUPER: 1 4 10 11 15 19 22 23 24 29 30 44 59 60. Missing 14 cards. Thanks to Glasser, Malson, Tripler.

I'm a casual accumulator of many players. These are just the vintage-card-era guys. The UV page has players from more recent years. I collect all cards of:
A. Lew Brockett, my third cousin, thrice removed. Early 20th century player for New York.
B. Bart, Bob, Mule and Tex Shirley, and ANY other Shirley men of ANY sport. Al, Steve and Tommy were UV-era players.
C. Any players of any sport with the last names POE or FITZGERALD, my grandparents' names.
D. Everyone with 500+ home runs in their career: Hank Aaron, Ernie Banks, Jimmie Foxx, Reggie Jackson, Harmon Killebrew, Mickey Mantle, Eddie Mathews, Willie Mays, Willie McCovey, Eddie Murray, Mel Ott, Frank Robinson, Babe Ruth, Mike Schmidt, Ted Williams.
E. Everyone with 50 home runs in a season: George Foster, Hank Greenberg, Ralph Kiner, Roger Maris, Johnny Mize, Hack Wilson.
F. Everyone with 4 home runs in a game: Joe Adcock, Rocky Colavito, Ed Delahanty, Lou Gehrig, Gil Hodges, Chuck Klein, Bobby Lowe, Pat Seerey.
G. These three clubs, in any other league - like Josh Gibson, Katsuya Nomura, Sadaharu Oh…
H. Sam "the Jet" Jethroe, the first Boston Brave of color, and the 1950 NL ROY.
I. Players born in, or from around, where I have lived.

Other than baseball cards, I collect quite a few non-sport cards, British coins and stamps, United States cents, Fantastic Four comics and some other junk. Got any you wanna trade? Got anything you're looking for?

Joe Adriance, Carlos Alcazar, Dan Angland, Anthony Arbeeny, Steve Archibald, Bill Ashton, Mark Atnip, Dan Austin, Cooter Bankston, Bob Bannon, Robert Bard, Jerry Barnes, Donnie Barnett, Hank Bauer, Gary Beard, Jim Beauchemin, Don Berg, Rob Bessette, Brian Betza, Paul Biggs, Tom Biggs, Andy Blackburn, Greg Bowers, Jake Brewer, Jim Brockett, Geordie Calvert, Mark Camps, Cesar Capio Jr., Mike Cavallaro, Rob Chadwick, Brad Chambers, Bob Chapman, Phil Chmielewski, Jason Christopherson, Glenn Codere, Jerry Coker, Griffin Cole, Greg Conway, Andy Cook, Bob Corvello, Nick Covello, Dakota Cox, Jim Craig, Bob D'Angelo, John Dahms, Colleen Dearborn, Dick DeCourcy, Doug DeJong, Wayne Delia, Jeff Delott, Joe Denning, Mike Diamanti, Terry Dietrick, Mike Dillon, Richard Dingman, Ryan Distelrath, Sal Domino, Bob Donaldson, J+M Donaldson, Jack Downs, Joe Duffy, Scott Duguid, Kyle Dworchak, Scott Earle, Gord Ellis, Jake Elwell, Ron Estes, Ed Fagan, Dave Fallen, Bob Farrell, Tim & Linda Fitak, Rob Fitts, Cliff Franklin, Joel Freedman, Mike Galbreath, Larry Gersbach, Mark Gilmore, Rob Gioia, Mike Glasser, Spike Glidden, Ken Goetsch, Andrew Goguen, Kent Goto, John Scott Gray, Barney Greenway, Erik Greenwood, Jeff Grever, Randy Griffin, Walker Guthrie, Joel Gyselinck, Holiday Hack, Stan Hack, John Harrell, Jim Hatch, Brock Hattox, JD Heckathorn, Matt Heilenman, Greg Henthorn, Steve Hitzeman, Ron Hoehne, Dave Hogan, Mark Holland, Dave Hornish, Jerry Hosking, Tom Housley, Andy Huntoon, Ed Hutchinson, Joe Isaac, Peter Iversen, Mike Jackson, Jon Jeans, Scott Jensen, Rick Johnson, Kurt Jones, Andrew Kamholz, James Keenum, Ryan & Mary Keister, Earl Kilbourn, Richard Kimball, Dennis Kleintop, Randy Kniffin, Chris Kodl, Randy Krolewicz, Richard Labs, Larry Leonard, John Leroux, Josh Levine, Tony Levinson, Brian Lindholme, Dave Luciano, Ray Luurs, Rick Lyons, Nate Mack, Mike Mackie, Mark Macrae, Bill Malson, Gary Mandell, Steve Manson, John Marsili, Kevin Martens, Bill Massey, Tom Massimo, Ed McAdams, Russell McBride, Z+N McCain, Mike McCann, Sean McGowan, John McLaughlin, Dan McMurrer, Peter Mead, Marshall Merims, John Metzger, Greg Miller, Lynn Miller, James Moleta, Kent Montgomery, George Moore, Howard Morgan, Ken Morganti, Kyleigh Morganti, John Morrison, Mike Mroz, Gunny Musgrove, Bob Neill, Rich Niessen, Kit Okamuro, Kevin O'Neill, Eric Papacek, Chuck Paris, Jimmy Parker, Steve Parr, Nick Pelletier, Ron Perry, Robert Pigeon, Ed Pike, Ken Pillion, Patrick Prickett, Mark Puett, Bernie Pulk, Dave Purdham, Grant Rainsley, Bob Reed, Don Rice, Mike Rich, Steve Rittenberg, Jennifer Roach, Tim Rooks, Bo Rosny, Mike Rumley-Wells, Jeff Sackmann, Chuck Salek, Michael Salinsky, Steve Sankner, OBC Santa, Bob Saxton, Jon Schafer, Barry Schechter, Taylor Schock, Ed Schott, Sean Schuettpelz, Mike Selleck, Wes Shepard, Don Sherman, my wife, Jim Silva, Jeremy Simons, Jeff Sinclair, Kenneth Siscon, Shawn Smart, Doug Smith, John Stamper, Rob Stapleton, Erick Steen, Will Steffe, Joe Stout, Jerry Straniero, Keith Summers, Rick Svetecz, Ken Swank, Pat Sweeney, Mark Talbot, Sam Taylor, Jimi Thayer, Neal Thomas, Guru Larry Tipton, David Toback, Bob Tompkins, Shawn Torrez, Kurt Tourdot, Chris Tripler, Jay Tysver, Brad Utterstrom, T.J. Valacak, George Vrechek, Geno Wagner, Art Wainwright, Steve Washburn, Pat Wattigny, Ed Watts, Brandon Wax, Randy Welk, Lee Weller, Marshall West, Anson Whaley, W+E Whewell, Andrew White, Jeff Whitworth, Jim Wiehe, Mike Wierzbicki, Dan Williams, Carl Woodrome, Mac Wubben, Matt Yudt, Chris Zacharko, Mark Zentkovich, Brad Zickefoose, Dick Zimmerman and Larry Zurawski. Thanks to all. Have you ever sent/given/traded/sold me something and do not see your name on this list? Please let me know and I will remedy that ASAP!

Collect what you like!
- Aaron

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