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Aaron Shirley's Non-Sports Want List

Aaron Shirley's Non-Sports Want List

To contact Aaron Shirley, send email to vintagebowman@gmail.com

click here for my VINTAGE TOPPS BASEBALL lists.
click here for my NON-TOPPS BASEBALL lists.
click here for my 1981-PRESENT BASEBALL lists.
Cut & paste links:
COINS (a work in progress): tinyurl.com/AaronCoins
MINI CAPS: tinyurl.com/MiniCaps
SCHEDULES: tinyurl.com/AaronSkeds

Last updated July 1, 2024.
BASKETBALL, FOOTBALL & HOCKEY wantlists are near the bottom of this page.


1. 1910-11 T59 Flags of All Nations (thousands of variations).
2. 1950 Topps Flags (missing 40).
3. 1951 Bowman Jets, Rockets, Spacemen (missing 99).
4. 1953 Topps License Plates (missing 6).
5. 1963 Flags Midgees (missing 79 for a master set).
6. 1974 stuff. All of it.
7. 1980 Donruss Dukes of Hazzard (missing 13).

1896 (P6?) SWEET CAPORAL PINS: I have Congo State, Costa Rica, Great Britain, Greece, Guatemala, Hawaii, Mexico, New Zealand, Orange Freestate, Spain. Greece may be of a different type… thanks to Andrew White for all 10 of these!

1904-05 (and other years?) HEIDELBERG BIBLE PICTURE CARDS: Yes, I have some, & if you find others I would love to see them, or perhaps even own some. Thanks to MRW & Glasser for the starters!

1909-19 HASSAN ANIMALS: I got the Cape Hunting Dog, King Vulture & Lechwe from Andrew White!

1910-11 T59 FLAGS OF ALL NATIONS: Ambulance, American Canoe Assn. Burgee, Austria Pilot Flag, Austria Royal Standard, Baltimore Yacht Club, Belgium, Belgium Pilot Flag, Blue Peter Ready To Sail, Bolivia, Boston Yacht Club, Brazil, British Samoa, Brooklyn Yacht Club, Brunswick, Buffalo Yacht Club, Cape Colony, Chicago Yacht Club, Cleveland Yacht Club, Cold Wave, Corinthian Marblehead Mass. Yacht Club, Denmark Pilot Flag, Detroit Yacht Club, Edinburgh, England, England Pilot Flag, Equador, Fair Weather-Colder, France Pilot Flag, German West Africa, Germany Pilot Flag, Germany Royal Standard, Guatemala, Hamburg Yacht Club, Higher Temperature, International Code A B C D, International Code M N O P, International Code Q R S T, International Code U V W X, International Code Y Z Answering Pennant, Ireland, Italy Pilot Flag, Larchmont Yacht Club, Liverpool, Modena, New York Yacht Club, Newark Yacht Club, Newport Yacht Club, Norway, Norway Pilot Flag, Orange Free State, Persia, Peru, Philadelphia Yacht Club, Portugal, Portugal Pilot Flag, Portugal Royal Standard, Royal Clyde Yacht Club, Royal London Yacht Club, Royal Yacht Squadron, Russia Pilot Flag, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Scotland, Siam, Signal of Distress, South African Republic, South West Winds, Spain Pilot Flag, St. Petersburg, Straits Settlements, Sweden Royal Standard, Turkey, Tuscany, Wales, Western Canoe Assn. Burgee, Wurtemberg. Missing 74 cards.
MULTIPLE BACKS for the same card: have Cochin China (Scrap Iron, Sweet Caporal); Hurricane Warning (Jack Rose, Recruit); Japan Imperial Standard (Recruit, Scrap Iron); Santo Domingo (Recruit, Sweet Caporal); Servia (Jack Rose, Sweet Caporal). Thanks to Fallen, Glasser, Prickett, White!

1917 PLAYER'S - SHAKESPEARIAN SERIES: 1-18 20-25. Missing 24 cards.

1922 LAMBERT & BUTLER'S MOTOR CARS: Looking for card #5, Studebaker.
1924 OGDEN'S Children of All Nations: 1 3-8 10 12 14 15 16 17 19 23-47 49 50. Missing 43 cards. Thanks to Guru for all 9 so far!
1926 CAVANDER'S - CAMERA STUDIES: 1-5 7-41 44-53 55 56. Missing 52 cards.
1926 JOHN PLAYER & SONS CRICKETERS: 1-27 29 31-50.
1926 LAMBERT & BUTLER'S MOTOR CARS 3rd series: 2 3 9 10 11 15 17 18 19 22 27 28 30 31 32 34-39 42-45 47 49. Missing 27 cards.
1927 CARRERA'S - NOSE GAME: Have the Commercial Nose.
1927 CAVANDER'S - PEEPS INTO MANY LANDS: 1-8 9left 10-72.

1930 O-PEE-CHEE KINGS & QUEENS (v302): starter wanted.
1933-40 GOUDEY INDIANS: Have 23, Mandan Tribe, from Archibald.
1933? LLOYD ZIGARETTEN GERMAN SIGNAL FLAGS: I have 14 different but there are hundreds, send any spares you have! Thanks to Betza for help here.
1934 NATIONAL CHICLE SKY BIRDS: 1 3-74 76-108. Thanks to Freedman for the starter.
1935 PLAYER'S - KINGS & QUEENS OF ENGLAND: 1-6 8-20 24-33 35-50.
1935 G-MEN & HEROES OF THE LAW: 1-10 12-451 (skip-numbered).
1936 GOUDEY LICENSE PLATES: 36-card set; starters wanted.
1937 CHURCHMAN - THE KING'S CORONATION: 1-6 8-26 28-49.
1937 CHURCHMAN - TREASURE TROVE: 1-11 13-50.
1937 GOUDEY LICENSE PLATES: 70-card set; starters wanted.
1937 MARS - CEREMONIES OF THE CORONATION: 1-11 13-19 21-25.
1938 WILBUR-SUCHARD flags (series of 36). Greece, United States. Missing 2 cards.
1938 WILBUR-SUCHARD flags (series of 29): *HAVE* Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden. Thanks to Glasser, Rittenberg.
1938 GUM INC HORRORS OF WAR: 1-43 45-120 122-131 133-288.
1938 GOUDEY LICENSE PLATES: 66-card set; have Illinois & Oklahoma, looking for any others.
1939 GOUDEY LICENSE PLATES: 30-card set; starters wanted.

1941 UNCLE SAM: 1 4 5 6 8-18 20-87 90-96. Missing 90 cards.
1941 UNCLE SAM'S HOME DEFENSE: 97 98 100-105 107-144. Missing 46 cards.
ESTAMPAS EUCALOL: The Brazilian EUCALOL cards range from 1930-1957. The "Believe It Or Not" series (Incrivel porem Verdadiero) are series (serie) 218 through 243, with 6 cards (estampa) in each series, for a total of 156 cards in the 26-series run. Here is my wantlist, listing SERIE then ESTAMPA. 220: 1 2 3 4 5 6. 221: 1 2 3 4 5 6. 222: 2 3 4 5 6. 223: 1 2 3 5. 224: 6. 225: 2 6. 227: 3 5 6. 228: 2 4 6. 229: 1 2 4. 232: 1. 234: 4 5. 235: 1. 237: 1 4. 238: 1 2. 239: 3. 241: 6. 242: 3 5. 243: 3 4 5 6. Series 218, 219, 226, 230, 231, 233, 236, 240 are all finished. Missing 49 cards. Series 218-239 are vertical; series 240-243 are horizontal. A little more on possible dating: one early card mentions 1944 so these probably date from that point forward.
1947 GOUDEY INDIAN GUM: 1 3-32 34-70 72-999. Thanks to Labs & White!
1947 TURF FILM STARS: 1-14 16-25 27-40 42-45 47-50. Missing 46 cards.

1948 BOWMAN MOVIE STARS: have a type card 36 Blyth, thanks to Linda!
1948 KELLOGG'S PEP: Bennett, Budge, Colbert, Devine, Faye, Ferrier, Garner, Groza, Lamarr, Mikan, Paige, Smith, Trippi reversed, Zale facing right, Zale facing left. Missing 15 cards.

1949 BOWMAN AMERICA SALUTES THE FBI: have a type card 20 Oscar Bites the Dust, thanks to Andrew!
1949 BOWMAN MOVIE PREVIEW FLIPBOOKS: type card wanted.
1949 BOWMAN WILD WEST: I have A-1 & G-4 type cards thanks to Andrew & Linda!
1949 TURF FAMOUS FILM STARS: 1-4 6 8 11-14 17 22 25 27-32 34-36 38 39 42 48-50. Missing 28 cards.

1950 TOPPS FREEDOM'S WAR: 1-3 5 8-19 22-31 33 34 37 39 41-43 46-53 55-63 65 66 68-72 74 75 77 78 80-82 84 86-90 92-107 111 114 115 118 119 120 124-134 137-141 143-146 148-155 157 158 160-162 164-168 170 171 175 176 178 179 181 183-185 188 190 193-196 198-200 202. Missing 149 cards. Thanks to Rittenberg for several.
1950 TOPPS HOPALONG CASSIDY: 1-4 6-230. Missing 229 cards.
1950 TOPPS LICENSE PLATES: 3 8 10 21 23 [27 West Virginia, 27 Minnesota, 29 Missouri, 30 Quebec, 30 Montana, 32 Texas, 32 Louisiana, 34 Vermont, 35 Virginia, 35 Massachusetts, 36 Oregon, 37 ILLINOIS, 38 Indiana, 39 SOUTH CAROLINA, 39 Iowa, 40 South Dakota, 40 Kansas, 41 New York, 41 Connecticut, 42 North Carolina, 42 Delaware, 43 North Dakota, 44 Florida, 46 Nebraska, 46 Alabama, 48 NEW HAMPSHIRE, 48 ARKANSAS, 49 California, 50 Colorado] 55 56 59 65 72 73. Missing 39 cards. Want multiples of 48a&b (Studebaker back). Thanks to Guru & Hutch.
1950 TOPPS PARADE FLAGS OF THE WORLD: 1 6 9 10 11 14 15 17 19 20 26 27 30 40 42 43 45 46 47 49 50 58 59 62 63 64 67 73 81 84 85 86 88 89 90 91 93 96 98 100. Missing 40 cards.
1950 BOWMAN WILD MAN (R701-18): have 11

1951 BOWMAN FIGHT THE RED MENACE: 1-14 16 18-24 26 28 29 31 32 34-39 41 43-48. Missing 40 cards. Thanks to Fitak & White.
1951 BOWMAN JETS, ROCKETS, SPACEMEN: 1-6 8-16 18-55 57-63 65-69 71 74-98 100-103 105-108. Missing 99 cards.

1952 TOPPS LOOK 'N SEE: 1 3 4 6 9 11 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 24 30 31 32 37 42 44 45 47 50 51 54 56 58 63 64 66 73 81 82 84 88 94 98 101 104 105 107 110 112 116 120 127 129 131 132 133. Missing 51 cards. Thanks to Angland, Glasser, Neill, Shepard, Smith.
1952 BOWMAN PRESIDENTS: 4 15 19 21 25 36. Missing 6 cards.
1952 BOWMAN TELEVISION & RADIO STARS OF THE NBC (R701-14): type card wanted.
1952 BOWMAN UNCLE MILTIE: type card wanted.
1952 TOPPS WINGS: 1 5 9 12 14 16 21-23 26 27 29 30 32 33 35 36 38-42 45 46 48-50 52 61 62 66 70 73 74 77 83 84 86 89-94 97-102 108 114 115 117-120 123 124 126 127 130-134 137-144 146 147 149 153-156 159-161 166 169 172-176 179 181 183 185 190 193 195 197 198. Missing 100 cards. Thanks to Jensen, Labs, White.

1953 O-PEE-CHEE LICENSE PLATES: starters wanted.
1953 TOPPS LICENSE PLATES: [12 ILLINOIS] 16 33 40 [46 SOUTH CAROLINA] 48 73 74. Missing 6 cards. Thanks to Glasser & White.
1953 BOWMAN TV & RADIO STARS OF THE NBC: have 17. Be on the lookout for #58, Ronnie Walken.
1953 TOPPS WHO-Z-AT?: have 5

1953 TOPPS WORLD ON WHEELS: [7 German] [7 English] 10 18 46 [53 STUDE] 62 83 [92 HP118/WB125] [93 STUDE] 129 143 144 152 161-180. Missing 12 cards for a low-number master set. Thanks to Tourdot & White!

1954(?) BOWMAN FIREFIGHTERS: have 25 type card, thanks to John Dahms!
1954 BOWMAN POWER FOR PEACE: 1-4 6 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 18-21 23 27 32-52 54-65 67-83 85-88 92 94 95 96. Thanks to Fitak, White.
1954 BOWMAN U.S. NAVY VICTORIES: have type card 3 Niagara Stands Alone.
1954 TOPPS SCOOPS: 1-4 6 8 11-25 27 28 29 31-37 39-46 48 50-53 55 56 57 60 61 62 67-71 73 75 78-92 94-99 101-145 147-156. Missing 133 cards. Thanks to Glasser for three starters!

1955 PARKHURST FIDO: have 2
1955 BOWMAN MAGIC PICTURES: type card wanted.
1955 TOPPS RAILS & SAILS: have 17

1956 PARKHURST (CARS?): have 1
1956 TOPPS DAVY CROCKETT green backs: have 3
1956 TOPPS DAVY CROCKETT orange backs: have 19
1956 TOPPS ELVIS PRESLEY: starters wanted.
1956 TOPPS FLAGS OF THE WORLD: FINISHED! Thanks to Dahms, Hutch, Tysver, White & others.
1956 TOPPS JETS: have 2
1956 TOPPS PRESIDENTS: 1 4 6 7 8 16 36. Missing 7 cards. Thanks to Moore for over half the set!
1956 TOPPS ROUND UP: have 2

1957 TOPPS PLANES: have 3
1957 TOPPS ROBIN HOOD: 1 2 4 6 7 8 10-17 19-26 28-31 33 34 36 38 39 41 42 43 45-50 52-56 58 59. Missing 47 cards. Thanks to Arbeeny for the starter.
1957 TOPPS SPACE: have 4

1958 TOPPS ZORRO: have 2

1959 A&BC FLAGS: have 8
1959 TOPPS FUNNY VALENTINES (regular size): have 15
1959 FLEER INDIANS: have 2
1959 TOPPS WACKY PLAKS: have 63. Big thanks to Guru.

1960 FLEER CASPER: have 2
1960(?) A&BC FLAGS OF THE WORLD: have 2
1960 TOPPS FUNNY VALENTINES (oversized): have 4

1961 GOLDEN PRESS DINOSAURS: set finished! Would love dupes sent to Mike R-W.
1961 TOPPS SPORTS CARS: starters wanted, including license plate stickers.

1962 CASEY & KILDARE: have 12
1962 YORK DINOSAURS: have 2

1963 A&BC FLAGS OF THE WORLD: starters wanted.
1963 ROSAN JOHN F. KENNEDY: 3 5 6 10 11 13 14 26 46 62 64. Missing 11 cards. Thanks to Bob Donaldson for the near set!
– perforation on right side only: 1 3 4 6 8 20 28 30 41 43 46 47 48 58 59 64 71 72 80 85 86 92 96 97. Missing 24.
– perforation on both sides: 2 5 15 17 36 38 42 43 44 46 48 62 63 64 66 67 70 73 76 78 82 83 86 95 97 98 99. Missing 27.
– perforation on left side only: 1 4 5 10 18 20 22 26 32 39 40 45 52 55 56 57 58 62 65 68 73 75 77 82 90 93 95 99. Missing 28. All told, I’m missing 79 of the 297-card theoretical master set. Thanks to Glasser, Miley & others.
1963 TOPPS MONSTER LAFFS MIDGEES: 1-15 17-19 21 24-31 33-153. Missing 148 cards.
1963 OUR WONDERFUL WORLD OF PEOPLE: Sealed packets wanted: 1 2 3 7 8 10 12 13 14 17 18 19 20. Looking for 13 packets. Individual stamps wanted: 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 31 33 44 45 47 48 52 55 58 59 60 62 63 65 69 70 73 75 76 84 86 88 94 96 97 98 99 101 102 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 118 122 123 125 127 128 134 138 149 154 162 177 178 179 187 190 193 196 197 198 200 201 205 210 212 215 216 218 219 224 229 233 237 240 243 246 252 253 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 265 266 275 279 283 284 285 288 289 313 317 327 329 335 344 350 357 358 359 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 371 374 380 391 397 399. Missing 138 stamps.

1964 ADDAMS FAMILY: have 14
1964 BEATLES BLACK & WHITE: have 12
1964 BEATLES COLOR: have 9
1964 BEATLES DIARY: have 6
1964 GENERAL MILLS PRESIDENTS: 3 Jefferson, 6 J.Q.Adams, 9 W.H.Harrison, 11 Polk, 35 Kennedy. Missing 5 cards. Would love any images of complete panels for research.
1964 TOPPS JOHN F. KENNEDY: have 10
1964 (A&BC) OUTER LIMITS: starters wanted.
1964 (OPC) OUTER LIMITS: have #39. Missing 49 cards.
1964 (Topps) OUTER LIMITS: have 40. Thanks to Morganti for a great starter set.

1965 BATTLE: have 1
1965 GOMER PYLE U.S.M.C.: have 12
1965 TOPPS MAN FROM UNCLE: 15 24 26-32 34 36 39 40 43 45-48 51 54 Missing 19 cards Thanks to White
1965 SPEC SHEET: have 9
1965 WAR BULLETIN: have 19
1965 WEIRD-OHS: have 1

1966 OPC BATMAN BLACK BAT: 1-16 18-55. Missing 54 cards.
1966 OPC BATMAN RED BAT: 1-4 6-12 14-25 27-44. Missing 41 cards.
1966 TOPPS BATMAN BAT LAFFS: 1-40 42-55. Missing 54 cards.
1966 TOPPS BATMAN BLACK BAT: 1-3 6-13 15-18 20-22 24 25 27 29 32 33 35 36 39 42-45 47 49 50 52-54. Missing 37 cards.
1966 TOPPS BATMAN BLUE BAT / PUZZLE: 1-4 6-10 12-44. Missing 42 cards.
1966 TOPPS BATMAN RED BAT: 2 6 7 9 12 15 16 18 22 24-27 31 32 34 35 38-40. Missing 20 cards.

1966 DONRUSS GREEN HORNET: 1 2 4-13 15 17 18 20-34 36-44. Missing 39 cards.
1966 LOST IN SPACE: 1-45 47-51 53 54 55. Missing 53 cards.
1966 MARVEL have 60 Thor.
1966 Donruss MONKEES (sepia photos): 3 5 7-11 16-20 22-30 32 33 35-38 40 42. Missing 29 cards.
1966 OPC RAT PATROL: have 19/66.
1966 Topps RAT PATROL: have 0/66.

1967 MAYA MYSTERIES OF INDIA: 1 3-6 9 11-15 17 20 22 23 24 26 29 31 33 38 39 41 42 45-50 52. Missing 31 cards.
1967 A&BC MONKEES (B&W photos): 1-55.
1967 A&BC MONKEES (color photos): 1-55.
1967 Donruss MONKEES A (color photos): 1 2 6-10 12-16 20 22 25 26 27 29 30 31 36 41 43 44. Missing 22 cards.
1967 Donruss MONKEES B (yellow border): 1 2 4 6 7 8 11 12 14-17 19-22 24 25 26 28 33 37 38 39 42 43 44. Missing 27 cards.
1967 Donruss MONKEES C (pink/blue outline): 1 3-10 12-16 18-26 28-40 43 44. Missing 38 cards.

1967-71 STAR TREK starters wanted for 1967 Leaf, 1968 A&BC, 1968 Sketch Cards, 1969 A&BC, 1971 Primrose Confectionery

1968 DARK SHADOWS: 1-54 56-66. Missing 65 cards.
1968 MOD SQUAD: 1 3-11 13-21 24-40 42-47 49-53 55. Missing 48 cards. Thanks to Guru for the first 7!
1968 A&BC PLANET OF THE APES: starters wanted.
1968 TOPPS WHO AM I?: 1-16 18-22 24-33 35-38 40-999.
1969 O-PEE-CHEE PLANET OF THE APES: starters wanted.
1969 (Topps) PLANET OF THE APES: 1 2 4 5 7-11 14 16-23 26-29 31 33 35-38 40 41 43 44. Missing 32 cards.

1969 O-PEE-CHEE MAN ON THE MOON: 1-23 25-55. Missing 54 cards.
1969 TOPPS MAN ON THE MOON: 1-5 7-12 14-23 25-32 35-44 48 50 52-55. Missing 45 cards.
1970 TOPPS MAN ON THE MOON: 1-11 13-27 31 33-47 49-57 59 60 62-64 66-76 78-81 84-93 95-99. Missing 86 cards. Thanks to Guru.

1970 RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT: I found one picturing Agesilas in Kurt's junk box. Any others?

1971 FLAG CUTOUTS: anyone got some info on these?

1972 CHOPPERS & HOT BIKES: 2 6 8 9 10 12 17 18 19 20 22 23 29 31 33 36 39 40 44 46 47 49 50 51 54 55 56 57 60 64 66. Missing 31 cards.
1972 HITMAKERS: 1 2 4-36. Missing 35 cards from first series. Second series examples exist; known cards include 37 39 41 43 45 46 47 49 50 75 93.
1972 TOPPS PRESIDENTS: should be finished up to 37. Missing 40 42 43. Thanks to Donaldson, Moore, Tysver.

1973 KUNG-FU: 1-12 14-19 21-34 36-45 47 48 50-60. Missing 55 cards.
1973 YOU'LL DIE LAUGHING: currently researching the back variations, so will gladly accept any!

1973-76 WACKY PACKAGES: rebuilding the wantlist.

1974 BROOKE BOND - THE SEA OUR OTHER WORLD: 1-4 6-9 12-16 18 20-29 31 34 35 37 38 40 41 42 44-50. Missing 39 cards.
1974 BROOKE BOND: help wanted with History of the Motor Car, The Race Into Space, The Sea Our Other World, Tropical Birds. Or any other 1974 sets.
1974 HANNA-BARBERA: looking for any but Granny /Cousin Itt…
1974 SAMLARSAKER POPBILDER (Swedish music cards): 501-577 579-586 588-598 600-656 689 701-739. Missing 192 cards.
1974 VISUAL PANOGRAPHICS PRESIDENTS panels [1/14] [2/37] [26/18] [35/12].
1974 VISUAL PANOGRAPHICS PRESIDENTS singles 2-7 9-13 15-18 20-30 32-36 38-99
1974 WONDER BREAD DC/WB: DETECTIVE COMICS - Batman, Catwoman, Clark Kent, Joker, Lois Lane, Riddler, Wonder Woman. WARNER BROTHERS - Bugs Bunny, Cool Cat, Elmer Fudd, Honey Bunny, Merlin the Magic Mouse, Pepe LePew, Porky Pig, Speedy Gonzales, Tasmanian Devil, Tweety, Wile E. Coyote, Yosemite Sam. Missing 19 cards.
(((1974 birth year set. Any type cards or starters wanted)))

1975 (Scanlens) PLANET OF THE APES: starters wanted.
1975 (Topps) PLANET OF THE APES: 8 33 38. Missing 3 cards.
1975 (Topps Spanish) PLANET OF THE APES: starters wanted.
1975 VISUAL PANOGRAPHICS PRESIDENTS: I only have a c1975 #38 Ford. The rest are c1974.

1976 HAPPY DAYS (OPC): 1-16 18-999. Thanks to Glasser for the starter.
1976 HAPPY DAYS (TOPPS): Big thanks to Glasser!
1976 KING KONG: 1 5 10 13 28 34. Missing 6 cards. Thanks to Fitak, Glasser, Guru, Rittenberg.
1976 KNOW YOUR PRESIDENTS: I have Pierce. Any others welcome!
1976 SPACE 1999: 1-3 5-10 12-35 37-66. Missing 63 cards.
1976 TY-PHOO THE AMAZING WORLD OF DOCTOR WHO: got those from Hutch.
1976 WELCOME BACK KOTTER: Completed by Mike Galbreath!
1976-79 STAR TREK starters wanted for 1976 Topps, 1979 Rainbo, 1979 Weetabix.

1977 CHARLIE'S ANGELS: 64 190 191 193 196 198 199 209 211 214 216 218 224 228 235 236 242 244 247 251. Stickers: 1 2 5 10 12 14-22 34-36 38-40 42-44. Missing 20 cards and 23 stickers. Thanks to Glasser & Thayer for nearly 100 each!
1977 (Wonder Bread) CLOSE ENCOUNTERS: FINISHED! Thanks to Camps for 8 of the last 9!
1977 SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER: 1 4 6 8 11 12 13 18 20 22 24 25 26 28 29 30 34 35 37 42 44 45 49 51 58 60 63. Missing 27 cards. Thanks to Fitak, Glasser, Hutch.
BLUE finished. RED one star finished.
RED 2star 70 73 76 77 81 83 89 96 97 101 102 106 118 120 121 122 126 128 131 132.
YELLOW 1star 134 136 138 140 147 150 154 156 157 159 165 168 169 170 173 174 184 185 186 187 191 193 194 198.
YELLOW 2star 142 143 144 152 181 195.
GREEN 1star 200 202 203 209 212 214 219 224 243 244 246 250 253 254 263.
GREEN 2star 199 204-207a 208 220 221 226-228 231 233 237 238 245 248 249 255-257 260 264.
ORANGE 1star 284 297 (306) 317 330.
ORANGE 2star 266 267 269 270 272 278 281 282 283 287 288 289 292 299 300 302 310 311 313 319 320 328.
STICKERS: 6 10 34 36 39 42 44 45 52 53. Missing 10 stickers.
Thanks to Glasser, Morganti, Rittenberg for hundreds each!
1977 STAR WARS (WONDER BREAD): 3 5 10. Missing 3 cards.


1978 (Topps) BATTLESTAR GALACTICA back border variations: 4g 7g 26g 45g 46g 50g 55g 66g 67g 75g 92g 93g 103P 105g 106P 107g 114g 124g 126g. G=grey (no blue or pink). P=pink border. Thanks to Glasser, Pike.
1978 BSG Stickers: 1 3-6 8-10 12 17-22.
1978 (Wonder Bread) BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: 6 8 10 11 14 15 16 22. Missing 8 cards. Thanks to Guru for 16!
1978 (Topps) CLOSE ENCOUNTERS: Base set & stickers finished. Asterisk variations: 4** 18** 30** 32** 36** 37** 49** [51*] 53** 55** [63*] STICKERS 1** 2** [3*] [5*] [7*] [8*] [9*] 10** 11** Thanks to Angland & Glasser.
1978 Donruss ELVIS PRESLEY: 24 (white jumpsuit) 36 65. Missing 3 cards. Thanks to Pillion.
1978 Monty Gum ELVIS: starters wanted.
1978 GREASE: 95 112 120. Stickers 2 5-22. Missing 3 cards & 19 stickers. Thanks to Mroz, Roach, Talbot, Thayer.
1978 JAWS 2 STICKERS: 1-8 10. Missing 9 stickers. Thanks to Glasser & Thayer!

1978 KISS: (2 var) (3 group photo obv) (7 drum obv, lights rev) (9 band standing without instruments obv, lights rev) (15 gene obv, lights rev) (17 Ace guitar obv) (22 ace & drums obv, drums closeup rev) (24 rose petals obv) (25 band obv, lights rev) (32 lights rev - not sure if this exists) (33 drums with fog obv, lights rev) (36 Eric Carr new guy) (39 var) (41 partial guitar rev - not sure if this exists) (42 Eric drums obv) (44 three guys obv, chest rev) (47 shirtless obv) (48 number in black at bottom right obv, drums rev) (51 Gene lightning obv, lights rev) (53 drums obv, partial guitar rev) (56 Peter in blue tunnel obv) (57 Gene/tongue obv) (59 Paul guitar drums fog obv) (61 three guys obv, lights rev). SERIES TWO: 67-102 104-129 131 132. Missing 64 cards for a set, & lots of variations for a master set.
1978 TOPPS MORK & MINDY: 39 88 94. STICKERS 1 2 4-10 12-16 18-22. Missing 3 cards & 19 stickers.
1978 SGT. PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND: finished with a huge thrift store find from my wife.
1978 SUPERMAN: finished! [RED BORDER STICKERS: The Man of Steel red border, Villainess Ursa, Young Clark Kent]. [FOIL STICKERS: Clark Kent closeup, Fortress of Solitude, Otis, Superman fist out, Superman flying by Statue of Liberty, Superman flying with fist up, Superman insignia, Superman on railroad track, Superman standing among pipes, Superman straight-faced]. Missing 13 stickers. Thanks to Guru for most of series 2.
1978 THREE'S COMPANY: 1-42 44. Missing 43 cards.

1979 ALIEN: 1-6 8-12 14 15 17 19 24 26 29-32 34 35 37 39 40 41 44 48-54 56 59 62 66-69 71 72 74 76 77 78 80 82 84. Missing 60 cards. Thanks to Glasser!
1979 BLACK HOLE finished. STICKERS 1-17 19-22. Missing 21 stickers. Thanks to Thayer.
1979 INCREDIBLE HULK 1-7 9-25 27-77 80-88. Missing 84 cards. Thanks to Elwell.
1979 KELLOGG'S 50 STATES: Just got Idaho. Any others out there?
1979 MOONRAKER: 3 5-8 15 17 19 20 22 26 28 30 33 38 43 51 56 63 66 70 72 74 78 79 81 83 89 93 94 95 99. Stickers 1-5 7-10 12 14-17 20 21. Thanks to Stamper.
1979 ROCK STARS: 1 3-66. Missing 65 cards.
1979 ROCKY II: 31 53 83 84 93. STICKERS: 1 3 6-22. Missing 5 cards & 19 stickers. Thanks to Freedman, Glasser, Holland.

1979 (Topps) STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE: 4 37 56 86. Stickers 2 4 7 9 11 13 14 16 17 18 20 21 22. Missing 4 cards and 13 stickers. Thanks to Glasser & Thayer.

1980 BURGER KING SW/ESB (unnumbered so they are listed here alphabetically by the tag line on the front): Battle of the Lightsabers! Bounty Hunters. Cantina Denizens! Captured by the Jawas! Dark Lord of the Sith. Darth Vader & Boba Fett. Droids Inside the Rebel Base. Flight of the Millennium Falcon. Han Solo in Action! Imperial Stormtrooper. Jawas of Tatooine. Luke Astride His Tauntaun. Luke Disguised as a Stormtrooper! Luke's Training. Princess Leia Organa. Pursued by the Empire! R2-D2 & C-3PO. Raid on the Death Star! Snowswept Chewbacca. Space Adventurer Han Solo! Star Pilots Prepare for Battle! Weird Cantina Patrons! Wonderful Droid R2-D2. Yoda on Dagobah. Yoda The Jedi Master. Missing 25 cards. Singles or panels are great! Thanks to Guru.

1980 DUKES OF HAZZARD: 1 5 20 23 28 35 40 42 44 50 61 62 66. Missing 13 cards. Thanks to Stamper for a nice stack. These were THE FIRST cards I ever had!
RED & BLUE (series 1&2) finished. YELLOW series three: 266 267 271 273 274 277 278 279 280 282 289 299 305 314 318 319 322 325 326 336 338 339 340 341 344. STICKERS: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 56 57 58 59 61 62 64 66 68 69 70 74 76 78 79 80 82 83 85 88. Missing 25 cards & 65 stickers.

1980 SUPERMAN II: set finished. Stickers 4 5 6 8 13 17 18. Thanks to Angland & Guru for a near set.
1980 YOU'LL DIE LAUGHING: just getting started on this one.

1981 DUKES OF HAZZARD: 2 4 6 7 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 37 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 61. Stickers 1 2 3 4 5 6. Missing 46 cards & 6 stickers.
1981 HERE'S BO: 1-16 20-31 34 35 37 39-43 45-51 53 55 59 60 61 64 66 70. Missing 51 cards.
1981 RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK: got a complete set from Galbreath!
1981 TRON: 9 30 63. Missing 3 cards. Thanks to DeJong, Glasser.
1981-87 STAR TREK starters wanted for 1981 Leaf, 1982 FTCC, 1982 Monty Gum, 1984 FTCC, 1987 Panini.

1982 BROOKE BOND - QUEEN ELIZABETH I/II: 1-9 11-18 20-29 31-50.
1982 DARK CRYSTAL: 1-18 20-50 52 55-58 60-78. Missing 73 cards.
1982 E.T.: FINISHED! Thanks to Freedman, Glasser, Sankner, West.
1982 KNIGHT RIDER: 1 2 8 9 13 19 20 21 36 38 42 48 49 50. Missing 14 cards. Thanks to Sankner.
1982 M*A*S*H: SEND ANY because there are back variations for each number! To finish a BASIC set: 1 6 10 11 15 21 24 25 27 31 32 34 35 36 37 39 45 56 58 66. Missing 20 cards. Thanks to Huntoon!

1983 A-TEAM: 17. Missing ONE CARD! STICKERS: 2 4 5 8 9 11 12. Thanks to West for 2/3 of the set!
1983 DUKES OF HAZZARD: starters wanted.
1983 LEAVE IT TO BEAVER: 1-5 7-9 11-20 23-27 29-35 39-44 46-50 56-60. Missing 46 cards. Thanks to Sankner for the starting 9!
1983 MAGNUM P.I.: starters wanted.

1983 (O-Pee-Chee) RETURN OF THE JEDI: 1-18 20-37 39-43 45-94 96-113 115-132. Missing 127 cards. Thanks to Duguid for the starting five.
1983 (Topps) RETURN OF THE JEDI: cards finished. STICKERS: 1-32 36-38 43.

1983 SUPERMAN III: Started & finished by Guru with an unopened wax box. Thanks!

1984 GREMLINS: 1 3-13 15 16 18-24 26-58 60 61 62 64-75 77-80 82. Missing 74 cards. Thanks to Glasser.
1984 HE-MAN:
1984 MICHAEL JACKSON: I guess maybe I will collect this set. I have card 1...
1984 (Kelloggs) ROTJ STICKER CARDS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9. Missing 8 cards.
1984 TEMPLE OF DOOM: 68 70. STICKERS: 1 3 7 8. Missing 2 cards & 4 stickers. Thanks to Betza, Glasser.
1984 misc: starters wanted for Dune, Supergirl & V.

1985 GARBAGE PAIL KIDS first and second series: ask about joining my sharable GPK spreadsheet!
1985 GOONIES STICKERS: 1 5 6 8-14. Thanks to Glasser for three!
1985 RAMBO: 1 2 4 5 7 14 16 20 21 32 36 39 40 46 47 48 66. Missing 17 cards. Thanks Glasser.
1985 WWF: 1 7 8 11 15 16 30 34 37 43 46 47 52 57 60 61 64. Missing 17 cards.
1985 misc: starters wanted for Rocky IV, Transformers.

1986 GARBAGE PAIL KIDS third through sixth series: ask about joining my sharable GPK spreadsheet!
1986 MAX HEADROOM: 1 2 5 9 10 12 17 19 22 31. Missing 10 cards. Thanks to Glasser for the near set!

1987 GARBAGE PAIL KIDS seventh through eleventh series: ask about joining my sharable GPK spreadsheet!
1987 ALF: 1-4 7 9 12 13 14 16-20 24 28 33 37 39 40 42 47-51 54 55 57 60 62 63 65 67-73 75-79 81 83 84 86 88 89 91-999. Stickers 1-19 22 24 25 26 28-999.
1987 TOPPS WWF: 1-47 50-54 56-62 64-75. Missing 71 cards. Stickers 1-10 12-22.

1988 DINOSAURS ATTACK: 1-3 5-13 15-37 39-999. Stickers 1-5 7 8 9 11-999.
1988 GARBAGE PAIL KIDS twelfth through fifteenth series: ask about joining my sharable GPK spreadsheet!

1989 BACK TO THE FUTURE II: 1 2 12 16-22 24 25 33 34 37 39 42-47 49-62 66 68-71 73-77 79-83 85 87 88. STICKERS: 1 2 6 8 10. Missing 54 cards & 5 stickers.
1989 BATMAN: 2 9 10 12 24 32 33 40 46 49 53 57 60 61 63 65 67 72 73 78 82 84 86 95 97 100 101 103 104 105 108 114 117 119-123 126 130 131 134 135 139 140 142 143 152 155 159 162 165 167 169 171 173 174 175 183 191 200 208 210 214 217 219 224 225 226 229 231 233 235 236 240 246 249 251 255 256. STICKERS 2 3 5 8 9 10 12 15 20 22 23 24 26 28 29 30 33 34 37 39 40 42 43. Missing 80 cards and 23 stickers.
1989 GHOSTBUSTERS II: 1-29 31-45 48-59 62 64 66-71 73-76 78 79 81 83-88. Missing 77 cards.
1989 NINTENDO: Set is 1-33. Plus 60 different scratch-off inserts. Starters wanted.
1989 TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 13-33 35-55 57-65 67-72 75 76 78-82 84-176.

1990 BEETLEJUICE: Set is 1-100. Stickers 1-20. Starters wanted.
1990 DICK TRACY: 6-10 16 18 20 22 23 34 43 44 53-63 67 81 83 84 87 88. Missing 30 cards.
1990 GREMLINS 2: Set is 1-82. Stickers 1-11. Starters wanted.
1990 A JOURNEY DOWNSTREAM: 1-13 15-25.
1990 MARVEL UNIVERSE: 1-90 92-136 138-162. Plus holograms and whatnot.
1990 ROBOCOP 2: 6 18 22 48 62 66 72 80 88. Missing 9 cards.
1990 SIMPSONS: 2 4 8-12 15 21-25 27-32 34 43 45 49 52 54 60 65-70 72 79 80 81 84 85 86 89-999. Stickers 1-10 12-16 18-21 23-999.
1990 Broder

1991 ADDAMS FAMILY: 1-9 11-64 66-76 78-99. Missing 96 cards.
1991 BILL & TED: 1-5 7 10 11 14 15 17 22 24 25 27 29 30 32-36 43-47 49 50 51 53 54 55 57 58 60 62-65 70-78 81-87 89 90. Missing 58 cards.

1991 (Pacific) DESERT SHIELD: 7 17 20 30 33 50 57 65 74 77 85 88 96 105. Missing 14 cards. Thanks to Utterstrom.
1991 (ProSet) DESERT STORM: 46 48 67 88 96 105 113 121 150 160 169 176 178 179 185 202 203 215 216 225 251 252 253. Missing 86 cards. Thanks to Utterstrom.
1991 (Topps) DESERT STORM STICKERS: 34 37 38 41 43. Missing 5 stickers. Thanks to Labs for a huge stack.
1991 HOOK: set is listed under 1992.
1991 IMPEL MARVEL: 1-26 28-119 121-999. Have 2 cards.
1991 MARVEL UNIVERSE II: 1-19 21-62 64 65 67 68 70-89 91 93-108 111-140 142-162. Missing 153 cards.
1991 Space Shots MOON/MARS: 1 5 6 7 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 23 25, reference index, reorder card. Missing 15 cards.
1991 ROCKETEER: 2-7 9 10 12-17 19-21 23-29 31 33 35-37 39-44 46 48 50-52 54-57 59 60 62 64-74 77 79-85 87-89 91-96 98 99. Stickers: 1-6 8 10 11. Missing 77 cards and 9 stickers. Thanks to Zentkovich for the starters!

1991 STAR TREK: 1 2-5 7 8 9 11 12 14-21 23 25 27 29 30 31 33 34 35 37 38 39 42-49 51-63 66-74 76-81 83-90 92-97 99-112 114 117-120 123-131 133-141 143-148 150-155 157-164 166-172 174-180 182-192 194-198 200 202 204-228 230-242 244 246 248 250 252 253 254 256-294 296-304 306 308 310. Missing 264 cards. Thanks to Roach!

1992 Starline AMERICANA: 1-67 69-75 77-232 235-250. Missing 246 cards.
1992 Stadium Club BATMAN RETURNS: 3 8 23 30 49 63 93 94 95. Missing 9 cards. Big thanks to BATza.
1992 Topps BATMAN RETURNS: *ONE*ASTERISK* 1 42 53 54 56 58 64 68 73 84. **TWO**ASTERISK** 6 25 33 36 48 49 52 82 85. Missing 19 cards for a master set.
1992 DOOMSDAY: DEATH OF SUPERMAN: 1-19 22 24 25 27-34 36-67 69 70 72 73 75 76 79-91. Missing 81 cards.
1992 GHOST RIDER II: 2-5 7-34 36-80. Missing 77 cards.
1992 Pro Set GUINNESS BOOK OF RECORDS: 1-24 26-33 35-48 50-62 65-100. Missing 95 cards.
1992 HOOK (cards say c1991): 1-65 67-96 98 99. Missing 97 cards.
1992 LITTLE DEBBIE PRESIDENTS: 1 2 3 6 8 9 10 11 12 16 18 19 20 22 24 26 27 28 32 33 34 35 36 38. Missing 24 cards. Thanks to Glasser for the starting 16!
1992 Impel MARVEL: 1 2 3 13 17 18 25 26 29 30 32 33 34 36 43-46 48 49 50 52 54-60 62-65 67-72 77 79 80 82 84-87 89 90 92 93 96 97 101 102 104 107 108 110 112 113 115 118 119 122 123 126 131 132 133 135-138 144-149 152 154 157 159-169 171-174 180 181 182 184 186 188 189 192 193 195 197 199 200. Missing 112 cards.
1992 MARVEL MASTERPIECES: 1-58 60-100.
1992 Comic Images SILVER SURFER: 1-9 11-72.
1992 STAR TREK: 1-27 29-86 88 90-120. Missing 117 cards.
1992 YOUNG INDIANA JONES: 1-10 12-20 23-28 30-77 80-96. Missing 90 cards.

1993-present: there are several DOCTOR WHO, MARVEL, PRESIDENTIAL, STAR TREK & STAR WARS sets I am slowly building; Thanks to Andrew White for a couple hundred Doctor Who cards from various sets.

1993 Topps JURASSIC PARK: 1-46 48-999.
1993 STAR WARS GALAXY series one: 1-140. Missing 140 cards.
1994 FLEER ULTRA X-MEN: 1-13 15 16 17 19-100 102-123 125-999.
1994 MARVEL: 1-38 40-49 51-77 79-149. Missing 146 cards. Suspended Animation 1-5 7-12.
1994 STAR WARS GALAXY series two: 141-275. Missing 135 cards.
1999 PLANET OF THE APES ARCHIVE: starters wanted.
2001 Topps AMERICAN PIE:
2001 NECA BEETLEJUICE: set is 1-24. Starters wanted.
2001 Topps PLANET OF THE APES: starters wanted.
2002 Topps AMERICAN PIE:
2003-present GARBAGE PAIL KIDS: ask about joining my sharable GPK spreadsheet!
2005 Rittenhousse PLANET OF THE APES behind the scenes: starters wanted.
2008 Topps CAMPAIGN:
2015 PLANET OF THE APES Charlton Heston collection: starters wanted.
2015 STAR WARS JOURNEY TO THE FORCE AWAKENS (these look like the 1977 series one blue cards): 1 3-12 14 15 16 18-24 26 27 28 31-35 37-41 43 45-55 57-61 63-67 69 71-78 80-102 104-110. Missing 94 cards. CONCEPT ART: 1 2 4-9. STICKERS: 1-12 14-18.

I don't typically collect cards of other sports besides baseball, but there are a few exceptions. Not a priority; these are simply for fun.
1. Players with my family names (Brockett, Fitzgerald, Poe, Shirley)
2. I also recently decided it might be fun to build a collection of ALL card sets produced in 1974 - my birth year.
So below will be a sort of scratchpad for my thoughts-in-progress.


1948 BOWMAN BASKETBALL: type card wanted.

1974 SUGAR DADDY: Got Jo Jo White from Domino. Would love to find more.

1974-75 TOPPS BASKETBALL: [1 Kareem] 6 7 [10 Maravich] 14 15 19 20 25 26 31 34 36 37 [39 Walton] 40 41 42 49 50 51 [55 Robertson] 58 60 62 65 78 80 81 82 84 87 88 91 92 93 94 99 [100 Havlicek] 104 112 113 115 117 118 120 123 124 129 130 [132 Jackson] 134 135 138 142 144 145 146 147 149 150 152 153 155 157 158 161 163 164 166 167 170 [176 West] 178 181 182 187 189 192 195 [196 Gervin] 197 199 [200 Erving] 204 205 206 207 212 215 216 217 221 222 224 226 227 229 230 234 235 236 237 244 249 [250 Wilt] 251 252 253 257 258 259 261. Missing 112 cards. Thanks Guru for a starter set of 46 cards!

Any other 1974 basketball stuff wanted.

2001-02 TOPPS HERITAGE BASKETBALL (looks like 1974-75 Topps BKB): 1-232 234-264. Missing 263 cards, ugh. Ever seen these?

THE TALL OF FAME: anyone who played professional basketball and was 7 feet tall or more. I’m sure there are others, but here are the names I have compiled so far: Andrea Bargnani, William Bedford, Benoit Benjamin, SIM BHULLAR, Uwe Blab, Andrew Bogut, BOL BOL, MANUTE BOL, Sam Bowie, SHAWN BRADLEY, RANDY BREUER, Primoz Brezec, Andrew Bynum, Joe Barry Carroll, Bill Cartwright, Duane Causwell, Tyson Chandler, KEITH CLOSS, Brad Daugherty, Vlade Divac, Greg Dreiling, Kevin Duckworth, Tim Duncan, MARK EATON, James Edwards, Joel Embiid, Patrick Ewing, TACKO FALL, Marc Gasol, Pau Gasol, Matt Geiger, Rudy Gobert, Paul Grant, SWEDE HALBROOK, Donald Hodge, ZYDRUNAS ILGAUSKAS, Les Jepsen, Nikola Jokic, Damian Jones, Jon Koncak, PRIEST LAUDERDALE, Luc Longley, Brook Lopez, BOBAN MARJANOVIC, Lauri Markkanen, Bob Martin, Tim McCormick, YAO MING, Eric Montross, GHEORGHE MURESAN, Dikembe Mutombo, CHUCK NEVITT, Dirk Nowitzki, Shaquille O'Neal, Hakeem Olajuwon, Greg Ostertag, Robert Parish, Will Perdue, TIBOR PLEIß, Marshall Plumlee, PAVEL PODKOLZIN, Jakkob Poeltl, Olden Polynice, KRISTAPS PORZINGIS, ALEKSANDAR RADOJEVIC, PETER JOHN RAMOS, Blair Rasmussen, Bryant Reeves, Stanley Roberts, David Robinson, Tree Rollins, ARVYDAS SABONIS, RALPH SAMPSON, Dwayne Schintzius, Brad Sellers, HA SEUNG-JIN, RIK SMITS, Mike Smrek, Elmore Spencer, Felton Spencer, Zan Tabak, WALTER TAVARES, HASHEEM THABEET, SLAVKO VRANES, Christian Welp, VICTOR WEMBANYAMA, Bill Wennington, Hassan Whiteside, Kevin Willis, Jeff Withey, Cody Zeller, Stephen Zimmerman, Ivica Zubac. Those 7'3" and taller are in caps.


BOWMAN FOOTBALL - I have a type card of all the main football issues.

1971 DALLAS COWBOYS team issue #8 John Fitzgerald.

1974 FLEER IMMORTAL ROLL: Fortmann, Halas, Hewitt, Hutson, McAfee, McNally, Nagurski, Van Buren.
Missing 8 cards. Thanks to Labs, Rittenberg, Talbot.

1974 PARKER BROS FOOTBALL: 23 Norm Snead with vertical pose on front & 1973 stats on back.

1974 TOPPS FOOTBALL: 128 checklist (marked is OK) & any more of 526 Fitzgerald!
1974 TOPPS FB TEAM CL one asterisk: Browns, Cardinals, Jets, Saints.
1974 TOPPS FB TEAM CL two asterisks: Packers, Rams.

1974 TOWN TALK FOOTBALL: starters wanted.

1974 WONDER BREAD FOOTBALL: 4 9 11 16.

All other 74 FB sets... starters wanted.

1975 TOPPS FB: 257 Fitzgerald.
1976 TOPPS FB: 102 Fitzgerald 403 Matuszak.
1977 TOPPS FB: 173 Matuszak 447 Fitzgerald.
1977 TOPPS MEXICAN FB: 173 Matuszak 447 Fitzgerald.
1978 TOPPS FB: 182 Fitzgerald 439 Matuszak.
1979 FLEER TEAM ACTION FB: 66 Super Bowl X.
1979 TOPPS FB cream back: 108 Matuszak 213 Fitzgerald.
1979 TOPPS FB grey back: 108 Matuszak 213 Fitzgerald.
1980 TOPPS FB: 433 Fitzgerald.
1981 FLEER TEAM ACTION FB: 68 Super Bowl XII.
1981 TOPPS FB: 255 Matuszak.
1981 TOPPS STICKERS FB: 100 Matuszak.
1982 TOPPS FB: 195 Matuszak.
1988 Notre Dame Fighting Irish: 10 Ted FitzGerald
1993 North Carolina State Wolfpack Action Graphics: NNO Brian Fitzgerald
1994 Ohio High School Big 33: NNO Dennis Fitzgerald
1997 Genuine Article: Pat Fitzgerald two different
1997 Senior Bowl: NNO Pat Fitzgerald
Larry Fitzgerald has over 9,000 cards, from 2003-present.
2006 Upper Deck AFL: 12 Fitzgerald, base card, gold parallel & autograph.
2008 Donruss Threads: Matuszak twelve inserts
2008 Leaf Certified Materials: Matuszak nineteen different
2008 Leaf Limited: Matuszak eighteen different
2008 Playoff National Treasures: Matuszak three different
2008 SAGE Aspire: Marcus Fitzgerald three different
2009 Upper Deck America's Team: 57, 71. Both Fitzgerald. Also an autograph.
2010 Panini Classics Classic Cuts: 42 Matuszak AU, SN1
2010 Playoff National Treasures Souvenir Cuts: 26 Matuszak AU, SN1
2010 Topps Draft 75th Anniversary Cut Autographs: 49 Matuszak AU, SN1
2011 Panini Certified: Matuszak five different
2011 Playoff National Treasures: Matuszak five different
2011 Tri-Star OBAK: 62, POE Princeton Brothers - or any parallels or minis. The mini is #16.
2012 Panini Momentum Materials: 33 Matuszak MEM, SN199
2015 Maryland High School Big 33: NNO Noah Fitzgerald
2015 Topps 60th Anniversary Buyback: 1979 Topps 213 Fitzgerald.
2015 TOPPS FB: I have Dontari Poe.


1974-75 OPC HOCKEY: 1-4 6 8-15 17-21 23 26-29 31-43 45-48 50 51 53-56 59-62 64-73 75-84 87-105 107 108 110-116 118-143 145-147 149-165 167-170 172-174 176-192 194-197 199 201-215 218-226 228-233 235 236 238-240 242-244 246-256 259-261 264-266 269 270 272-274 276 278 280-292 295 297 299-305 307-309 311 312 315-317 320-323 326-331 334-339 342-348 350-355 357 359 360 362 363 367 368 370-372 375 377-380 382 386 389 390 393 395. Missing 315 cards. Thanks to Duguid for a pile!

1974 O-PEE-CHEE WHA HOCKEY: 1-7 9-12 14 15 17-23 26-53 56-66. Missing 59 cards. Thanks to Duguid & Mead for the starters!

1974-75 ROYAL BANK CANUCKS (mini-posters): Boudrias, Dailey, Gould, Lockett, Meehan, Smith. Missing 6 posters. Exclusive thanks to Duguid!

1974-75 TOPPS HOCKEY: 2 6 26 28 42 44 51 54 61 66 72 76 77 [100 Orr] 108 129 [130 Orr AS] 135 138 146 153 160 [161 Cherry] 183 190 192 209 216 223 236 245 250. Missing 32 cards.

1974 HOCKEY starters wanted for: Buffalo Sabres Postcards, Finnish Jenkki, Finnish Typotor, Hamilton Fincups OHA, Lipton Soup, Minnesota Fighting Saints WHA, Montreal Canadiens, Nabisco Sugar Daddy, NHL Action Stamps, NHL Action Stamps Update, Pittsburgh Penguins, San Diego Mariners WHA, Semic Stickers, Sioux City Musketeers USHL, Soviet Stars, Sugar Daddy, Topps Cloth Stickers, Toronto Maple Leafs, Washington Capitals White Borders, Winn Dixie Atlanta Flames - or any other set issued in 1974.

More Hockey notes:
1995-96 LEAF: #316 Rusty Fitzgerald.
1995-96 O-PEE-CHEE #209 Rusty Fitzgerald.
1995-96 TOPPS: #209 Rusty Fitzgerald.
1995-96 UPPER DECK: #142 Rusty Fitzgerald & its parallels: Electric Ice #142, Electric Ice Gold #142.
1997-98 Cleveland Lumberjacks: #11 Rusty Fitzgerald.
2001-02 Upper Deck German: #110 Rusty Fitzgerald.
Tom Fitzgerald: Tom has a couple hundred cards from 1989-2006. ANY hits appreciated for the family binder.
Zach Fitzgerald: Zach has cards from 2008-2012. ANY hits appreciated for the family binder.


1974 NABISCO SUGAR DADDY Pro Faces: 1 Staubach, 2 Little, 4 Gabriel, 5 Douglass, 6 Gilliam, 8 Brockington, 9 Plunkett, 10 Landry, 11 Esposito, 12 Hull, 13 Fleming, 14 Unger, 15 Sanderson, 16 Korab, 17 Robertson, 18 Haywood, 20 Connie Hawkins, 21 Thurmond, 22 Redmond, 23 Walker, 24 Murphy, 25 Abdul-Jabbar. Missing 22 cards.

click here for my VINTAGE TOPPS BASEBALL lists.
click here for my NON-TOPPS BASEBALL lists.
click here for my 1981-PRESENT BASEBALL lists.
Cut & paste this link to view my ALL NEW COIN WANTLIST (a work in progress): tinyurl.com/AaronCoins

Collect what you like!
- Aaron

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