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1999 WOTC Pokemon Complete 1st Edition ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1999 1999 WOTC Pokemon Complete 1st Edition
1 Alakazam
2 Blastoise
3 Chansey
4 Charizard
5 Clefairy
6 Gyarados
7 Hitmonchan
8 Machamp
9 Magneton
10 Mewtwo
11 Nidoking
12 Ninetales
13 Poliwrath
14 Raichu
15 Venusaur
16 Zapdos
17 Beedrill
18 Dragonair
19 Dugtrio
20 Electabuzz
21 Electrode
22 Pidgeotto
23 Arcanine
24 Charmeleon
25 Dewgong
26 Dratini
27 Farfetch'd
28 Growlithe
29 Haunter
30 Ivysaur
31 Jynx
32 Kadabra
33 Kakuna
34 Machoke
35 Magikarp
36 Magmar
37 Nidorino
38 Poliwhirl
39 Porygon
40 Raticate
41 Seel
42 Wartortle
43 Abra
44 Bulbasaur
45 Caterpie
46 Charmander
47 Diglett
48 Doduo
49 Drowzee
50 Gastly
51 Koffing
52 Machop
53 Magnemite
54 Metapod
55 Nidoran
56 Onix
57 Pidgey
58 Pikachu-Red Cheeks
58 Pikachu-Yellow Cheeks
59 Poliwag
60 Ponyta
61 Rattata
62 Sandshrew
63 Squirtle
64 Starmie
65 Staryu
66 Tangela
67 Voltorb
68 Vulpix
69 Weedle
70 Clefairy Doll
71 Computer Search
72 Devolution Spray
73 Imposter Professor Oak
74 Item Finder
75 Lass
76 Pokemon Breeder
77 Pokemon Trainer
78 Scoop Up
79 Super Energy Removal
80 Defender
81 Energy Retrieval
82 Full Heal
83 Maintenance
84 Pluspower
85 Pokemon Center
86 Pokemon Flute
87 Pokedex
88 Professor Oak
89 Revive
90 Super Potion
91 Bill
92 Energy Removal
93 Gust Of Wind
94 Potion
95 Switch
96 Double Colorless Energy
97 Fighting Energy
98 Fire Energy
99 Grass Energy
100 Electric Energy
101 Psychic Energy
102 Water Energy

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