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1995 Ultra X-Men All Chromium ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1995 1995 Ultra X-Men All Chromium
1 Archangel
2 Beast
3 Bishop
4 Cannonball
5 Cyclops
6 Gambit
7 Iceman
8 Phoenix
9 Professor X
10 Psylocke
11 Rogue
12 Storm
13 Wolverine
14 Forge
15 Havok
16 Mystique
17 Random
18 Sabretooth
19 Strong Guy
20 Boomer
21 Cable
22 Domino
23 Shatterstar
24 Warpath
25 Colossus
26 Douglock
27 Nightcrawler
28 Shadowcat
29 Banshee
30 Chamber
31 Husk
32 Jubilee
33 M
34 Mondo
35 Penance
36 Skin
37 Synch
38 White Queen
39 Alter Beast
40 Holocaust
41 Sugar Man
42 X-Man
43 Deadbolt
44 Gauntlet
45 Genesis
46 Hurricane
47 Lifeforce
48 Spyne
49 Tusk
50 Corsair
51 Deadpool
52 Kane
53 Lilandra
54 Longshot
55 Magneto
56 Maverick
57 Raza
58 Albert
59 Apocalypse
60 Black Tom Cassidy
61 Blob
62 Blood Scream
63 Cyber
64 Emplate
65 Gladiator
66 Juggernaut
67 Lady Deathstrike
68 Legion
69 Locus
70 Mojo
71 Mr. Sinister
72 Omega Red
73 Orphan Maker
74 Sauron
75 Sentinels
76 Silver Samurai
77 Spiral
78 Stryfe
79 Toad
80 Logan
81 Cia
82 Weapon X
83 Department H
84 Mariko
85 Sidekick
86 Fatal Attractions
87 Blood Oath
88 Broken Claws
89 Back Again
90 Beast As Ben Franklin
91 Colossus As Count Vampire
92 Cyclops As The King
93 Gambit As The Cajun Cowboy
94 Iceman As The Snowman
95 Professor X As The Wizard Of X
96 Psylocke As The French Maid
97 Rogue As The Vampiress
98 Storm As The Witch
99 Wolverine As Captain Claw
100 Checklist

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