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1988 Topps Dinosaurs Attack! ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1988 1988 Topps Dinosaurs Attack!
1 Forward/Header Card
2 Experiment In Space
3 Time Scanner Disaster
4 The Past Comes Alive
5 Homeroom Horror
6 Police Precinct Assaulted
7 Dc Holocaust
8 Crushing A Canine
9 Nuptial Nightmare
10 Italy Under Seige
11 Trapped In The Basement
12 Panic In The Stadium
13 Rock Concert Carnage
14 Lunch Break
15 The Colonel-Shredded
16 Heartland Horror
17 Blue Water/Savage Death
18 Tourist Trap
19 Madness In The Streets
20 Bashing The Bmt
21 Fast Food Frenzy
22 The Behemoth Fries
23 The Perfect Wave
24 London In Flames
25 Day Of The Duckbill
26 Coasting To Calamity
27 Soviets Vs Dimetrodons
28 Saurian Secrets
29 Monster In The Museum
30 A Kid Strikes Back
31 Our Forces-Flattened
32 Cat Lady's Revenge
33 Manhatten Island Swamped
34 Animal Wars
35 A Lady In Distress
36 Comics Con Catastrophe
37 Picnic Of Peril
38 We Can't Hold Them Back
39 Trilobite Terror
40 Wrestling Riot
41 Entombed
42 Lights/Camera/Carnage
43 Business Lunch
44 Meltdown
45 Anchorman's Peril
46 Grip Of Horror
47 Supreme Evil
48 You Can't Let Them Win
49 Ripped Out Of Time
50 Gruesome Fate
51 Time Twister
52 The Ultimate Sacrifice
53 Prometheus Explodes
54 Rebuilding Our World
55 Dinosaurs Attack-Synopsis

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