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1972 Burtons Indian Chiefs ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1972 1972 Burtons Indian Chiefs
1 Winnebago
2 Pawnee
3 Yampa Ute
4 Navaho
5 Dakota Sioux
6 Oto
7 Apache
8 Nez Perce
9 Dakota Sioux
10 Navaho
11 Blackfeet Sioux
12 Dakota Sioux
13 Southern Apache
14 Ponca
15 Chief Charging Bear
16 Cheyenne
17 Dakota Sioux
18 Chase In The Morning
19 Gros Ventre
20 Blackfeet Sioux
21 Chief Yellow Hair
22 Gros Ventre
23 Southern Cheyenne
24 Pawnee
25 Chippewa

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