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1972 A and BC Fantastic Twisters ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1972 1972 A and BC Fantastic Twisters
1 Spaceman Dog Fancier Mexican Bandit
2 Noble Lord Blind Beggar Mad Scientist
3 Brick Layer Building Wall Actor Accepting Oscar
4 Max Faker Misto Spuiffo
5 Keep You Fire Stocked Up With High Grade Cole
6 Stick Up Your Pictures With Snappy Tin Tacks
7 Brollo Soap Pads Umbrozia Twinkle
8 Brighten Up Your Ceiling With Deluk Non-Drip Paint
9 Use Sootho Hair Remover And You'll Have Legs Like A Movie Star
10 Musician Playing Triumpet
11 Hairy Gorilla
12 Excited Disc Jokey
13 Policeman And Dog Jumbo Jet Steam Roller
14 Famous Actress Russian Assassin Poodle
15 Atomic Subs Doctor Fined Man Punches Wife
16 Python Caught In City Sewer
17 Escaped Lion Eats Zoo Keeper
18 Village Idiot Drinks Sixty Pints Of Beer
19 Charitable Free Soup Nun
20 Trapeze Performer
21 Space Astronaut
22 Lifeguard Rescues Swimmer
23 Bank Manager Counts Money
24 Dustman Empties Bin
25 Conductor Leading Orchestra
26 Caretaker Sweeping Playground
27 The Mummy Groping
28 Martian With Ray Gun
29 Butcher Cutting Meat
30 Traffic Warden Writing Ticket
31 Soak Your Tired Feet In Radex Refreshing Bath Salts
32 For A Snack Try A Sandwich Made Of Shoppams Fish Paste
33 Brush Your Teeth Twice A Day With Gobb's Toothpaste
34 Kitchen Floors Gleam When Polished With Junsons Floor Wax
35 Young Mother Gives Birth To Quins
36 Runaway Elephant Tramples On Village Cottage
37 Dirty Miner
38 French Miner
39 French Mistress
40 Woman Wrestler
41 Baboon Tramp Lawyer
42 Dictator Planning War
43 Giant Octopus Strangles Diver
44 Prime Minister Applauded For Speech In Parliament
45 Lone Yachtsman Space Monkey Golden Eagle
46 Hula Hoop Dancer
47 Mick Jagger Bouncing Baby Clever Professor
48 Stern Judge Rip Van Winkle Coalman
49 Karate Expert Bus Conductor Staff Nurse
50 Haunting Ghost Star Footballer School Teacher
51 Fat Farmers Falls In Duckpond
52 Woman Cyclist
53 Road Mender Drilling Surgeon Chef
54 Tired Housewife Daring Skydiver Long John Silver

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