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1970 Geo. Bassett Victoria Cross Heroes in Action ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1970 1970 Geo. Bassett Victoria Cross Heroes in Action
1 The Victoria Cross
2 Lord Roberts
3 Gough Brothers
4 Mick Mannock
5 Zeppelins
6 Q-Ships
7 Walter Congreve
8 Major Martin-Leake
9 F/O Campbell
10 H.M.S. Coventry
11 Commander Malcolm
12 Sgt. Elliott
13 Sgt. Ward
14 Capt. Gardner
15 Commander Fegan
16 Lt. Nicolson
17 Seaman Mantle
18 Commander Linton
19 Captian Upham
20 Lt. Comm. Esmonde
21 Tirpitz
22 Geoffrey Keyes
23 Buy Gibson
24 Lt. Beattie
25 Magennis/Lt. Fraser

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