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1969 Topps Planet of the Apes ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1969 1969 Topps Planet of the Apes
1 Crash Landing
2 Bail Out
3 Stranded
4 Spaceman George Taylor
5 First Sign Of Life
6 Discovery
7 Man Vs Beast
8 Captives Of The Apes
9 Stalking Human Prey
10 Another Prisoner
11 Nova Is Captured
12 No Escape
13 Ape Brutality
14 Captured
15 The Victors
16 Proud Conquerors
17 Say Cheese
18 Ape Surgeon
19 Taylor's Life Is Saved
20 Pleading For Mercy
21 Caged
22 Taylor's Ally
23 Words Of Anger
24 Human On A Leash
25 Return To Prison
26 Ape Scientist
27 Taylor's Escape Fails
28 Zoo Attendant
29 Water Torture
30 Ape Madhouse
31 Manacled
32 Ape Jury
33 Speaking Against Taylor
34 The Trial Continues
35 Ape City
36 Deciding Taylor's Fate
37 Escape
38 The Search
39 The Forbidden Zone
40 Under Arrest
41 Friends Of The Human
42 Farewell
43 Man's Destiny
44 Lights/Camera/Action

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