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1967 Barratt Ltd. Tarzan ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1967 1967 Barratt Ltd. Tarzan
1 Dawn Fright
2 Poachers Routed
3 Friends Rescue
4 Crocodile Killer
5 Jungle Crash
6 Lost Treasure
7 Fire Ordeal
8 Princess In Peril
9 Ambush
10 Slave Traders
11 Sabotage
12 Death Dive
13 Game Of Death
14 Rugger Bomb
15 Stolen Secrets
16 Death Trail
17 Shark Menace
18 In The Nick Of Time
19 Jeep Jitters
20 Sky Capture
21 Bull Pit
22 Lesson In Fear
23 Monster From The Depths
24 Falls Of Terror
25 Idol's Destruction
26 Deadly Sands
27 Cracking The Croc
28 Elephant Madness
29 Rescue Plunge
30 Avoiding Disaster
31 Jungle Fire
32 Earthquake
33 Eagle Rescue
34 Man Trap
35 Desert Flight
36 Rhino Decoy
37 Vaulting Capture
38 Hippo Danger
39 Crook Flight
40 Muscle Trial
41 Gorilla Shock
42 Crazy Flight
43 Trial Of Courage
44 Boulder Menace
45 High Dive
46 Sea Trap
47 Tank Charge
48 Flying Fire
49 Bridge Peril
50 Stampede

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