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1965 Fleer Gomer Pyle ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1965 1965 Fleer Gomer Pyle
1 I Can See You'll Need My Special Attention Pyle
2 You Mean They Taught Him To Cut Hair This Way
3 Every Marine's Creed-May That Lousy Di Choke On His Stinkin' Whistle
4 Sergeant I Hates To Say It But You Just Don't Whistle Pretty
5 Pyle Am I In Good Voice Today
6 I Must Be Slippin' Two Days With Me And You Can Still Smile
7 Pyle Only You Could Get A Mop Stuck In A Bucket
8 Ah Sure Love It Here In The Marines Ah Kin Be Workin' And Layin' Down At The Same Time
9 Sergeant Told Me I Was In G-2 That Ain't Intelligence I'm In Garbage
10 On This Entire Base We Got The Cleanest Area And Ah Got The Wettest Socks
11 The Sergeant Is All For Safety He Said Dig A Hole 6' Wide 6' Long And 6' Deep-To Bury A Match
12 Cain't Remember What The Sergeant Said-Paint The Door-Post Or Paint Every Door On The Post
13 That Funny Sergeant Put Me In G-2 Again
14 The Big Wind From Winnetka
15 It's Got So Ah Sweep When Ah Sleep And Ah Sleep When Ah Sweep
16 Pyle You've Got To Stop Eating Those Garlic And Onion Sandwiches
17 What'd Ya Mean Ya Can't Count Past 50 I'll Count 48-49-50-1-2-3-4-5
18 While You're Down There Pyle Check Those Cracks For Dirt
19 I'm So Tired Mah Hair Won't Even Stand Up
20 Sorry Sergeant But I Thought The General Would Like A Piece Of My Licorice
21 I'd Sure Hate To Meet The Spider That Spun This Web
22 Guess The Sergeant Was Right When He Called Me Leadfoot
23 Don't Look So Miserable Pyle Be Happy And Smilimg Like Me
24 That Simple Grin Won't Get You Out Of This Goof Up Pyle
25 No Not For Cleaning Your Toenails-Guess Again Pyle
26 Pyle I'll Pick My Own Teeth Thanks
27 Ain't Anybody Can Look As Mean And Vicious As You Sergeant
28 Pyle What Could Possibly Make You Think Of Me As Your Enemy
29 Here Just Take A Whiff Of Mah Letter
30 Ah Sure Hope She Didn't Get Carried Away It'd Be Embarassin'
31 Shazam
32 Looky Here Sergeant What I Got In The Mail
33 Don't Grind Your Teeth Like That Sergeant You'll Wear 'em Right Down To The Nubbins
34 Happy Days Happy Days A Four-Leaf Clover
35 Mah Aunt Ruby Found A Four-Leaf Clover Once And Now She's 110 Years Old
36 Cousin Icabod Never Found A Four-Leaf Clover And T'other Day He Fell Down The Well And 'most Drown
37 Ever Since I Come Here Sergeant I Noticed You Ain't Been Very Happy
38 Look Sergeant Guess Who Won
39 Golly Sergeant You And Uncle Sam Are Just Too Generous
40 Shazam Looky Here
41 Gosh Did Your Momma Get Herself Lost Little Feller
42 Now You Just Pretend YouÆre A Regular Pussy-Cat
43 Ain't He Jest The Cutest Little Feller You Ever Saw
44 It Ain't The Smell So Much Sergeant It's Just That It Makes Your Eyes Water
45 I Don't Make The Rules-You Jest Cain't Enlist
46 Hey There Lil' Ol' King Snake Don't It Feel Good To Get Up Off Your Belly For A While
47 Snakes Are Just Like People-You Grin At 'em And They'll Grin Right Back At'cha
48 From Uncertainty Directly To Confusion
49 If I Thought It Was Possible Pyle I'd Ask You To Help Me By Thinking
50 The Smell Of That Cigar Sure Takes Me Home Sort'a Like Leaves Burnin' In The Fall
51 Do You Always Turn Green On The First Puff Sergeant
52 In The Field Pyle You Eat Berries/Roots/Fruit All Raw
53 Hope Sergeant Carter Found Some Of Those Fruits And Berries For Dessert
54 All I Need Now Is Some Turnip Greens Hush Puppies And Black Eyed Peas
55 Pyle I Might Make A Marine Out Of You Yet
56 I Said I'd Find Us Water If I Hadda Dig To China And I Think I Just Hit A Rickshaw
57 A Drip Looking For A Drop
58 No Pyle I'm Not Doing Anything Important I Just Like To Get All Hot Dirty And Sore Digging Holes
59 Water I Don't Believe It Pyle The Only Water You Could Find Is The Water On Your Brain
60 What'd You Say Sergeant I'm Surrounded By What Kinds Of Ivy
61 Do I Look Like A Big Ugly Bear Pyle Well Sir-Don't Answer That Pyle
62 Miss This Little Two-Seater Was Made For You And Sergeant Carter Let's Try And Forget Private Pyle
63 I'll Kill Him 1001-I'll Kill Him 1002-I'll Kill Him 1003
64 Wipe The Stupid Look Off Your Face Stupid
65 Gomer Pyle And Friend
66 Well I Finally Made It Fellers Gomer Pyle Usmc-Shazam

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