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1961 Donruss Idiot Cards ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1961 1961 Donruss Idiot Cards
1 I Used To Be A Chainsmoker
2 My Hair Needed Cutting Badly
3 I Can Stand On My Head
4 These Birds Are For You
5 I Hit Myself With A Hammer
6 Darling
7 Does Your Face Hurt
8 Wanta Know My Secret To Scholastic Success
9 You Made Me What I Am Today
10 You're A Reg'lar Enstein
11 To Avoid That Rundown Feeling
12 See Ya Round
13 I Love You Like A Father
14 There's Plenty Of Good Fishing Here
15 I'm Built Upside-Down
16 I'd Like To Be A Baker
17 She Sure Gave You A Dirty Look
18 Hey Dad It Followed Me Home
19 You Have The Kind Of Face I'd Like
20 You're Far From Dumb
21 Touche' Nothin
22 Your New Suit Fits Like A Glove
23 When They Passed Out Noses You Tho't They Said Roses
24 The Squirrels Love You
25 You're Very Even Tempered
26 I Was Voted Most Likely
27 Love Me
28 You've Got A One Track Mind
29 But Gladys
30 You'll Get A Big Bang Out'a This
31 You're No Tarzan
32 No One Cooks Like You Mom
33 You Tell 'em Pieface
34 I Call My Girl Faucet
35 Two Heads Are Better Than One
36 Don't Think It Hasn't Been Nice
37 You Have Only One Equal
38 I Can't Think Too Well Today
39 You've Got A Point There
40 Hey Frankie Come Meet Your Biggest Fan
41 You've Got A One-Track Mind
42 If Lincoln Were Alive Today He'd Be A Remarkable Man
43 When They Passed Out Brains You Tho't They Said Trains
44 Your Name Should Be Glue
45 You Oughta Be On Tv
46 You've Gotta Voice Like A Bird
47 We'll Be Friends Till The End
48 You've Made Quite An Impression On Me
49 I'm Not Hard Of Hearing
50 You've Got A Head Like A Door Knob
51 I Ran For President
52 Are You A Man Or A Mouse
53 We Want You On Our Tug O' War Team
54 Have An Accident
55 You Musta Got Up Onna Wrong Side Of Bed
56 I Just Wanted To Be A Little Boy And Have Fun
57 I Was Just Admiring Your Picture
58 Are You Brown From The Sun
59 Hey Buddy Wanna Drag
60 What's That Book About
61 You're A Perfect Idiot
62 I Hear You Have The Biggest Collection Of Idiot Cards In Town
63 If Brains Were Dynamite
64 Money Won't Buy Happiness
65 We're Striking For Shorter Hours
66 I've Been Catching Up On My Reading

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