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1961 Domino Cigarettes Figures Historiques ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1961 1961 Domino Cigarettes Figures Historiques
1 Field Marshall Earl Kitchener
2 Count Leo Tolstoy
3 William Shakespeare
4 Marshall Ferdinand Foch
5 Attila
6 Thomas Edison
7 Wilheim Kaiser
8 Adolf Hitler
9 Field Marshall Earl Roberts
10 Stephanus Johannes Kruger
11 Ludwig Van Beethoven
12 David Livingstone
13 Sir Walter Scott
14 Charles Dickens
15 First Duke Of Wellington
16 John Wesley
17 Oliver Cromwell
18 John Knox
19 Johannes Brahms
20 Benjamin Disracli
21 Lloyd George
22 Lord Horatio Nelson
23 Alfred The Great
24 Christopher Columbus
25 Julius Caesar

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