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1958 Express Weekly The Wild West ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1958 1958 Express Weekly The Wild West
1 Braves On The Warpath
2 Kit Carson, Hunter
3 A Trading Post
4 A Stern-Wheeler
5 A Bull-Whacker
6 Captain Fremont, Pioneer
7 Caravan Trains
8 Attack On A Caravan
9 Gold!
10 The Overlanders
11 The Cape Horners
12 The Panama Route
13 Randy Runnels, Vigilante
14 Buffalo Hunters
15 Hank Monk - Stage-Driver
16 The Pony Express
17 East Meets West
18 Buffalo Bill
19 The Cowboy
20 The Cattle Trails
21 Law Of The Colt
22 Law And Order
23 Battle Of O.K. Corral
24 Chief Sitting Bull
25 Chief Red Cloud

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