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1951 Bowman Jets, Rockets, Spacemen ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1951 1951 Bowman Jets, Rockets, Spacemen
1 Spacemen Inspect Rocket Center
2 Seeing A Rocket Built
3 To The Launching Ring
4 Final Check Before Blastoff
5 Blastoff
6 Receding Earth
7 Free Of Gravity
8 Looking At The Universe
9 Repairing Rocket In Flight
10 Space Station
11 Dodging Meteor Showers
12 Attacked By Ray Fighters
13 Approaching The Moon
14 Circling Moon For Landing
15 On The Moon
16 Lunar Observatory
17 Leaping Lepons
18 Mantis Men
19 Bound For Mercury
20 Crash-Landing In Mercurian Bog
21 Hypnotized By Steam Frogs
22 Overcoming Steam Frogs
23 Rocket Repair And Formula Q
24 Fighting Off Fire Beetles
25 Wrestling Saber-Toothed Tiger
26 Exploring In Heat Gliders
27 Detained By Martians
28 Martian City
29 Phobos-Moon Of Mars
30 Slaying Deimos Rock Dragon
31 Observing Martian Dust Storm
32 In Deadly Peril
33 Battling Space Cell
34 Cutlass
35 Futuristic Fighter
36 Matador
37 Panther
38 Scorpion
39 Fighting Giant
40 Spacemen Examine...
41 Battle Of Rockets
42 Landing In A Venusian Jungle
43 Riding A Dinosaur
44 Caught By Tentacle Vines
45 Octoplant Thwarts..
46 Through Volcanic...
47 Seeing King Vulcor's Realm
48 Rescued From Icy Sub-Cavern
49 Back To The Outer World
50 Strange Burst
51 Seen On The Telescreen
52 Over Planet Ex
53 A Long Dive
54 Undersea Realm
55 Equipped With Gill Gears
56 Underwater Hunting
57 In The Realm Of Prince Frost
58 Polar Cats Invade Runways
59 Ice Capital
60 Thoughts Of Planet Ex
61 Over Saturn's Rings
62 On Saturn
63 Visiting Titan
64 Fur Men Of Canymede
65 Navigating In Planetoid Belt
66 End Of A Spaceship
67 Captured By Space Pirates
68 Released By Asteroid Men
69 Saving An Asteroid World
70 Escape From Space Pirates
71 Defending Space Station
72 Home To Manhattan
73 Set For New Adventure
74 Invention Of The Zaratron
75 Bigger And Better Rocket.
76 Test Flight
77 Spacemen Hold Convention
78 All Is Ready
79 On Our Way
80 Trans-Solar World
81 Hypnotized By Brain Man
82 Landing On Kroto
83 Turned Into Dwarfs
84 Brought To King Trunion
85 At Kroto's Radial Center
86 Menaced By Vegetable Men
87 Assembling Ice Robots
88 Strange Battle
89 Duel Over Fierson Pit
90 Capt. Argo Rescues Count Melchor
91 Videoscope
92 Palace In The Sky
93 Attacked By Funnel Rockets
94 Prisoners Of Iron Men
95 Sentenced By Krator The Cruel
96 Making Deno-Ray Adapter
97 Magnetizing Iron Men
98 Ending Krator's Reign
99 Thor Mogon's Ultimatum
100 Help Arrives
101 In Wild West Fashion
102 Final Day On Kroto
103 Visit To Pluto
104 Close Call
105 Malpo The Mighty
106 Avro 707
107 Voodoo And Demon
108 Thunderjet

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