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1942 W.S. Corporation America at War (R12) ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1942 1942 W.S. Corporation America at War (R12)
501 Bombing Jap Planes At Lae
502 Truck Convoy On Burma Road
503 Jap Destroyer Destroyed
504 Tank Action At Mindanao
505 U.S.S. Anderson
506 Repelling Japs At Moresby
507 Routing Japs At Darwin
508 Flying Tigers In Burma
509 Bombing By Parachute
510 Operating While Being Bombed
511 Parachute Action
512 U.S. Naval Attack At Marshall Island
513 Battling At Singapore
514 Corregidor Underground H.Q.
515 General Stillwell
516 Barrage Baloon
517 The Answer To Pearl Harbor
518 Phillippine Guerilla Action
519 Coming Invasion Of Europe
520 Chiang Kai-Shek
521 Burning Oil At Cavite
522 Tank Trap
523 Pulling Away From Sinking Ship
524 Boarding The Troop Ship
525 American Raid On Wotje Island
526 Observation Post
527 Bombardiers Greenhouse
528 Bomber Returning To Carrier
529 Navy Tunnel At Corregidor
530 Stalin
531 Submarine Conning Tower
532 Plane Protecting Commandos
533 Tanks In Africa
534 Sinking Japs In Coral Sea
535 Colin P. Kelly
536 Rescue Men In Asbestos
537 Victory In Coral Sea
538 Night Attack In Australia
539 Sergeant Wireless Operator
540 New Battleships Rushed
541 Scarsdale Jack Ace
542 Capsized Jap At Gilbert Island
543 Machine Guns At Bataan
544 U.S. Marine Transport Plane
545 Nazi Bomber Crashes
546 U.S. Planes Bom Tokyo
547 Defending Darwin Harbor
548 Mopping Up Jap Parachutists

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