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1940 Gum Inc. Lone Ranger ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1940 1940 Gum Inc. Lone Ranger
1 A Silver Bullet Stops A Hanging
2 Tonto And The Secret Mine
3 Tonto's Race With Death
4 The Giant Ghost
5 The Wreckedstagecoach
6 Ghouls At Work
7 Poisoned Waters
8 Hawk's Prey
9 The Fight Over The Water Hole
10 The Substitute Dispatch Bearer
11 The Run-Away Herd
12 The Lasso Duel
13 The Counter Attack
14 The Undergroundriver
15 The Tree Trap
16 Silver Charges The Horse Thieves
17 The Interrupted Coach Robbery
18 Barrier Of Fire
19 The Burning Shack
20 Thirsty Burros
21 Saving Tonto's Scalp
22 Firebrands On The Ledge
23 Threatening Hoofs
24 Smoke Signals
25 A Double Hold-Up
26 The Vicious Circle
27 Midnight Branding Party
28 Trial Of The Killer
29 Blasted Canyon
30 Tonto In War Paint
31 Dead Man's Leap
32 The Phantom Rider
33 Paradise Regained
34 Fire Trap
35 The Haunted House
36 The Cattle Rush
37 His Father's Son
38 Broken Windows
39 Smugglers' Love Letters
40 A Piece Of Gingham
41 The Price Of Sealed Lips
42 Storming The Indian Camp By Night
43 The Bank Bandits
44 Round-Up Time In Prairie Gulch
45 Horseshoes For Bad Luck
46 Gun Girl
47 The Rescue Of The Wagon Train
48 Silver's Vigil

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