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1938 Gum Inc. Action ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1938 1938 Gum Inc. Action
1 Tanks Attack
2 Torpedo Bombers
3 Eliminating Enemy Nests
4 Night Bombing Attack
5 Offshore Air Patrol
6 Direct Hit
7 Parachute Invasion
8 Supply Train Attacked
9 Pictures Under Fire
10 A Withering Broadside
11 The Infantry Moves In
12 Machine Gun And Crew
13 Pursuit Planes Dogfight
14 Team Work Aloft
15 Plane Attacks Convoy
16 Cruisers Make Turn
17 Motorcycle Scout
18 Smashing Tank Attack
19 Pursuit Plane Victory
20 Sky Bird Fighter
21 Battleship Formation
22 Attack On Carrier
23 Tops In Fighting Speed
24 Spotting Night Raiders
25 Leaving Aircraft Carrier
26 Bombers In Formation
27 The Marines Charge
28 Sinking In Flames
29 Worlds Largest Bomber
30 Commence Firing
31 Freighter Torpedoed
32 Planes To The Rescue
33 Light Artillery
34 Sky Birds Take Off
35 Surprising Enemy Sub
36 Mosquitoes In Action
37 Attack On Air Field
38 Night Bombers Depart
39 3 Inch Anti-Aircraft Gun
40 Cruisers Scout Plane
41 Navy Bomber Dives
42 Planes Screen Advance
43 Wasps Of The Air
44 16 Coast Defense Gun
45 Convoying Freighters
46 Away At Dawn
47 Landing By Chute
48 Dive Bombing A Fort
49 Armed Might Speaks
50 Tanks Fording River
51 To The Rescue
52 Loading The Bomber
53 Tanks In Combat
54 Hard-Hitting Advance
55 Bombing Harbor Forts
56 Peel Off
57 Navy Blimp
58 Listening In
59 Down In Flames
60 Marines Land
61 Motorcycle In Action
62 Mine Sweeping
63 Caught In Balloon Cables
64 Engineers Make Crossing
65 Tossing Thunderbolts
66 Infantry Advances
67 Artillery Moves Up
68 Army Half Track Car
69 8 Inch Railway Gun
70 Long Range Flying Boat
71 Single Seater Fighter
72 Time To Bail Out
73 To A Watery Grave
74 Flame Throwers
75 Anti-Aircraft Gun
76 Tin Fishfrom Skeeter
77 Firing Death Bomb
78 Camouflaged Planes
79 Range And Altitude
80 Hedgehopping
81 Fighting Pursuers
82 Mother Ship And Subs
83 The Marines Advance
84 Grenade Throwers
85 Scout Crew In Action
86 Protecting Docks
87 Plane Launches Torpedo
88 Laying A Screen
89 Full Speed Ahead
90 Bombers Lay Eggs
91 Taking The Short Cut
92 Pom-Pom Gun In Action
93 Ambulance Rushes Aid
94 Knocking Out Bombers
95 Signal Listening Post
96 A Shattering Broadside

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