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1938 Godfrey Phillips Ltd. Bird Painting ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1938 1938 Godfrey Phillips Ltd. Bird Painting
1 Starling
2 House-Sparrow
3 Greenfinch
4 Goldfinch
5 Chaffinch
6 Bullfinch
7 Linnet
8 Yellow-Hammer
9 Reed-Bunting
10 Swallow
11 Sand-Martin
12 Water Wagtail
13 Wren
14 Great Tit
15 Coal-Tit
16 Blue Tit
17 Long-Tailed Tit
18 Song-Thrush
19 Blackbird
20 Stonechat
21 Redstart
22 Robin
23 Nightingdale
24 Whitethroat
25 Blackcap
26 Goldcrest
27 Chiff-Chaff
28 Reed-Warbler
29 Skylark
30 Jay
31 Magpie
32 Rook
33 Jackdaw
34 Kingfisher
35 Cuckoo
36 Green Woodpecker
37 Night Jar
38 Kestrel
39 Barn-Owl
40 Wild Duck
41 Wood-Pigeon
42 Turtle Dove
43 Partridge
44 Pheasant
45 Red-Grouse
46 Lapwing
47 Golden Plover
48 Woodcock
49 Snipe
50 Common Gull

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