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1936 Jolly Roger Pirates ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1936 1936 Jolly Roger Pirates
1 A Bilander
2 A Brig
3 A Brigantine
4 A Broadside Cannon
5 A Chase At Sea
6 A Man-O-War
7 A Secret Map
8 A Ship's Stern
9 A Sloop
10 A Topsail Schooner
11 A Treasure Map
12 About To Die
13 Attack On A Town
14 Blackbeard's Capture
15 Boarding The Prize
16 Buried Treasure
17 Burning The Ship
18 Captain John Quelch
19 Captain Thomas Pound
20 Captain William Kidd
21 Careening The Ship
22 Chained In The Hold
23 Combat At Sea
24 Dividing The Spoils
25 Duel On The Beach
26 Duel On The Gun Deck
27 Edward (blackbeard) Teach
28 Edward Low
29 Extorting Tribute
30 Fight On The Quarterback
31 Francis Ashton Huxley
32 George Lowther
33 The Happy Delivery
34 John Phillips
35 Left To Burn
36 Map Of The Spanish
37 Marooned
38 Pierre Le Grand
39 Pirate Gold
40 Ransacking A Town
41 Samuel Bellamy
42 Set Adrift
43 Signing The Articles
44 Sir Henry Morgan
45 Storm At Sea
46 Treasure Cave
47 Unloading Treasure
48 Walking The Plank

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