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1934 Carreras Ltd. Believe It or Not ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1934 1934 Carreras Ltd. Believe It or Not
1 Mystrs Growng Grave
2 Countless Stones
3 2500 Miles In A...
4 S.S.Conte Di Savoia
5 The Rock Church
6 The Death Sign
7 Memrl. At Thiepval
8 The Manbuti Pygmies
9 Austrln Bottle Tree
10 The Chair That Grew
11 Wght Of Coat Of Pnt
12 Hens Never Lay Eggs
13 Prairie Schooner
14 The Talking Turkey
15 A Champ. Egg Layer
16 Mrs. Frank Scott
17 Thomas Parr
18 Orgn Of The Wrd Tip
19 Pete Markovich
20 Bldg. W/O A Smkstck
21 Sixteen Children
22 Gave Away His B-Day
23 Mllnaire Gladiator
24 Jockeys Day...
25 Worlds Grtst Kissr
26 Newsboys Profit
27 Blck Hole Of Clctta
28 Straight And Narrow
29 A Grenade Exploded
30 Lord Paulstons
31 172 Goals By S.York
32 Tsars Lantrn Guard
33 A Unique Marriage
34 A Fam. Of Admirals
35 Ice Sitting Contest
36 Russias Labour Ldr
37 T.Morgans War Hlmt
38 The Living Statue
39 Sacred Chapter
40 A.J.S Officers..
41 Father And Son
42 Wedding Anniv Celeb
43 Pine Grows Out....
44 Queen Victoria Rock
45 Endrnce Of Jekisiel
46 Never Slept In 71
47 What Happened To...
48 Moores Punishment
49 You Cant Take...
50 King Of 4 Kingdoms

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