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1933 Goudey World War Gum (R174) ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1933 1933 Goudey World War Gum (R174)
1 War Is Declared
2 Recruiting
3 Drawing Draft Numbers
4 Arriving At Camp
5 Practice At Camp
6 Ocean Protection
7 Up To The Front
8 To The Front Reinforcements
9 Side Door
10 First Pay Day
11 Over The Top
12 A Night Attack
13 Across No Man's Land
14 Kitchen Duty
15 German Drive Begins
16 Identifying Wounded
17 Daylight Signaling
18 A Tank Attack
19 In The Argonne Forest
20 Under Fire
21 Front Line Trenches
22 A Cup Of Cold Water
23 Emergency Invention
24 Grenade Attack
25 Resting Between Drives
26 Calamity Jane
27 Bringing In Prisoners
28 Medical Corps Work
29 One Pounder Trench Gun
30 Doughboys March On
31 Outpost Duty
32 Clemenceau And Pershing
33 One Pound Gun In Action
34 Anti-Aircraft
35 Balloon Observation
36 Mopping Up
37 Rebuilding A Bridge
38 French First Aid
39 Tuning Tank Motor
40 Camouflaged Artillery
41 Breath Of Death
42 American Sniper
43 Sergeant Alvin C York
44 Long Range Hits
45 Decorated For Bravery
46 Delousing
47 Marines Arriving Home
48 The Heroes Return
49 Going Up To The Front
50 Cavalry Advance
51 Big Gun Crew Working
52 War Tragedy
53 War Disaster
54 Marching With Masks
55 Surprise Attack
56 Thanking Yankee Soldiers
57 Prisoner Camp
58 German Machine Gun Nest
59 Throwing Hand Grenades
60 Up To The Trenches
61 Picking Off The Enemy
62 Rolling Allong
63 Taps
64 Big Bombardment
65 Dead Soldier
66 German Machine Gun Crew
67 German Flag Review
68 Austrian Machine Gun
69 Italian Big Gun
70 Soldier Shot Before He Got Out Of Trench
71 Tank Crashing Through
72 The British Attack
73 Bulgarian Soldiers
74 Bringing In German Wounded
75 British Gun In Action
76 Through Barbed Wire
77 Two Minutes Then Over The Top
78 A German Captured
79 Advance Under Fire
80 Cavalry And Ruined Church
81 A Retreat
82 Surrender
83 English Soldiers Over The Top
84 German Tanks Land Battleships
85 American Infantry
86 Grenade
87 U.S. Machine Gun
88 Building A Railroad Under Fire
89 A Rest Between Fights
90 Snipers
91 Front Line Trench
92 A Mop-Up Squad
93 Throwing Grenades
94 Gas Attack
95 Infantry Advance
96 French Field Guns Firing

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