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1930 Useful Birds of America Third Series ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1930 1930 Useful Birds of America Third Series
1 Dickcissel
2 Summer Tanager
3 Painted Bunting
4 Varied Bunting
5 Lazuli Bunting
6 American Magpie
7 Prothonotry Warbler
8 White-Winged Crossbill
9 Bay-Breasted Warbler
10 House Wren
11 Scott Oriole
12 Red-Winged Blackbird
13 Orchard Oriole
14 Phoebe
15 Western Tanager
16 Arkansas Kingbird
17 Black-Thr Blu Warbler
18 Black-Cap Chickadee
19 California Jay
20 Veery
21 Ovenbird
22 Violet-Grn Swallow
23 Green-Tailed Towhee
24 Cowbird
25 Bobolink
26 Green Jay
27 White-Throated Swift
28 Canada Warbler
29 Scissor-Tail
30 3-Toed Woodpecker

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