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1900 American Tobacco Old and Ancient Ships (T418) ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1900 1900 American Tobacco Old and Ancient Ships (T418)
1445. Gun Ports First Introduced In Ships. Guns 'til Then Only Carried On Upper Deck
A Garrack. 15th Century
A Tall Spaniard. 16th Century
A Venetian Bagozzo, 16th Century
Admiral's Flagship, Dutch, 17th Century
African Dow, 17th Century
Burmese War Boat. 16th Century
Chinese First Class War Junk. 18th Or 19th Century
Chinese Junk, 10th Century
Corean Junk. 18th Century
Dutch Lugger, 18th Century
Egypt, Dahabieh, 17th Century
Egyptian War Galley. About 700 B.C.
England, Lord Howard, 16th Century
English Battle Ship, 18th Century
French Battleship, 13th Century
French Lugger, 18th Century
French War Ship, 16th Century
Galley. Three Rowers 12th Century
H.M.S. Foudroyant In Nelson's Time. A.D.1800
Holland, Tchalk 18th Century
India, A Sampan, 18th Century
India, Hindoo Boat. 13th Century
Indian River Boat, 18th Century
Italy, Cadora, 17th Century
Japanese War Junk. 17th Century
Java, Cingalese Boat With Outrigger, 17th Century
Java, Pirogue, 15th Century
Java Bezouki Catamaran, 16th Century
Louis Xiv. 17th Century
New Guinea, War Canoe, 17th Century
Portugal, A Muleta, 18th Century
Portuguese Ship Of War, 17th Century
Roman Trireme. Punic War 264 B.C.
Ship Of St. Louis 13th Century
Ship Of Wm. The Conqueror 11th Century
Spain, Spenora, 17th Century
Spanish Armada. 1588
Spanish Warship, 16th Century
The Ark Royal. The Flag-Ship Of The English Fleet. 16th Century
The Constitution. 1812
The Great Harry. Henry 8th First Ship Of War About 1508
The Santa Maria Columbus. 15th Century
The Sovereign Of The Seas. 17th Century
Triere Old Greek War Ship At The Battle Of Salamis 480 B.C.
Venetian Galeass, 17th Century
Venetian Galley. 14th Century
Venetian Galley At The Battle Of-Lepanto.16th Century
Viking. A Norman Vessel 10th Century
War Canoe. Ancient Hawaii. 17th Century

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