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Southern Cal Winners ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1988 Southern Cal Winners
1 Title Card
2 George Achica
3 Marcus Allen
4 Jon Arnett
5 Johnny Baker G
6 Damon Bame
7 Chip Banks
8 Mike Battle
9 Hal Bedsole
10 Ricky Bell
11 Jeff Bregel
12 Tay Brown
13 Brad Budde
14 Dave Cadigan
15 Pat Cannamela
16 Paul Cleary
17 Sam Cunningham
18 Anthony Davis
19 Clarence Davis
20 Morley Drury
21 John Ferraro
22 Bill Fisk
23 Roy Foster
24 Mike Garrett
25 Frank Gifford
26 Ralph Heywood
27 Pat Howell
28 Gary Jeter
29 Dennis Johnson LB
30 Mort Kaer
31 Grenny Lansdell
32 Ronnie Lott
33 Paul McDonald
34 Tim McDonald
35 Ron Mix
36 Don Mosebar
37 Artimus Parker
38 Charles Phillips
39 Erny Pinckert
40 Marvin Powell
41 Aaron Rosenberg
42 Tim Rossovich
43 Jim Sears
44 Gus Shaver
45 Nate Shaw
46 O.J. Simpson
47 Ernie Smith
48 Harry Smith
49 Larry Stevens
50 Lynn Swann
51 Brice Taylor
52 Dennis Thurman
53 Keith Van Horne
54 Cotton Warburton
55 Charles White
56 Elmer Willhoite
57 Richard Wood
58 Ron Yary
59 Adrian Young
60 Charle Young UER
61 Pete Adams and
62 Bill Bain and
63 Nate Barrager and
64 Booker Brown and
65 Al Cowlings/Gunn/Weaver
66 Jack Del Rio and
67 Clay Matthews/B.Matthews
68 Marlin McKeever and
69 Orv Mohler and
70 Sid Smith and
71 John Vella and
72 Don Williams and
73 Stan Williamson and

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