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Southern Cal Discs ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1974 Southern Cal Discs
1 Bill Bain
2 Otha Bradley
3 Kevin Bruce
4 Mario Celotto
5 Marvin Cobb
6 Anthony Davis
7 Joe Davis G
8 Shelton Diggs
9 Dave Farmer
10 Pat Haden
11 Donnie Hickman
12 Doug Hogan
13 Mike Howell TE
14 Gary Jeter
15 Steve Knutson
16 Chris Limahelu
17 Bob McCaffrey
18 J.K. McKay
19 John McKay CO
20 Jim O'Bradovich
21 Charles Phillips
22 Ed Powell
23 Marvin Powell
24 Danny Reece
25 Art Riley
26 Traveller II and
27 Tommy Trojan
28 USC Song Girls
29 USC Song Girls
30 Richard Wood
NNO Football Card Holder

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