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Redskins Frito Lay Schedules ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1981 Redskins Frito Lay Schedules
1 Coy Bacon
2 Perry Brooks
3 Dave Butz
4 Rickey Claitt
5 Monte Coleman
6 Mike Connell
7 Brad Dusek
8 Ike Forte
9 Clarence Harmon
10 Terry Hermeling
11 Wilbur Jackson
12 Mike Kruczek
13 Bob Kuziel
14 Joe Lavender
15 Karl Lorch
16 John McDaniel
17 Rich Milot
18 Art Monk
19 Mark Moseley
20 Mark Murphy
21 Mike Nelms
22 Neal Olkewicz
23 Lemar Parrish
24 Tony Peters
25 Ron Saul
26 George Starke
27 Joe Theismann
28 Ricky Thompson
29 Don Warren
30 Jeris White

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