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Patriots Frito Lay ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1982 Patriots Frito Lay
1 Julius Adams
2 Pete Brock
3 Preston Brown
4 Mark Buben
5 Don Calhoun
6 Matt Cavanaugh
7 Allan Clark
8 Raymond Clayborn
9 Bob Cryder
10 Bill Currier
11 Vagas Ferguson
12 Chuck Foreman
13 Tim Fox
14 Russ Francis
15 Steve Grogan
16 Ray Hamilton
17 John Hannah
18 Don Hasselbeck
19 Mike Haynes
20 Mike Hubach
21 Horace Ivory
22 Harold Jackson
23 Roland James
24 Andy Johnson
25 Steve King
26 Bill Matthews
27 Tony McGee
28 Stanley Morgan
29 Steve Nelson
30 Garry Puetz
31 Rick Sanford
32 Rod Shoate
33 John Smith
34 Mosi Tatupu
35 Dwight Wheeler

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