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Panini Stickers ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1988 Panini Stickers
1 Super Bowl XXII
2 Buffalo Bills Helmet FOIL
3 Buffalo Bills Action
4 Cornelius Bennett
5 Chris Burkett
6 Derrick Burroughs
7 Shane Conlan
8 Ronnie Harmon
9 Jim Kelly
10 Buffalo Bills FOIL 240)
11 Mark Kelso
12 Nate Odomes
13 Andre Reed
14 Fred Smerlas
15 Bruce Smith
16 Buffalo Bills Uniform FOIL
17 Cincinnati Bengals Helmet FOIL
18 Cincinnati Bengals Action
19 Jim Breech
20 James Brooks
21 Eddie Brown
22 Cris Collinsworth
23 Boomer Esiason
24 Rodney Holman
25 Cincinnati Bengals FOIL 255)
26 Larry Kinnebrew
27 Tim Krumrie
28 Anthony Munoz
29 Reggie Williams
30 Carl Zander
31 Cincinnati Bengals Uniform FOIL
32 Cleveland Browns Helmet FOIL
33 Cleveland Browns Action
34 Earnest Byner
35 Hanford Dixon
36 Bob Golic
37 Mike Johnson
38 Bernie Kosar
39 Kevin Mack
40 Cleveland Browns FOIL 270)
41 Clay Matthews
42 Gerald McNeil
43 Frank Minnifield
44 Ozzie Newsome
45 Cody Risien
46 Cleveland Browns Uniform FOIL
47 Denver Broncos Helmet FOIL
48 Denver Broncos Action
49 Keith Bishop
50 Tony Dorsett
51 John Elway
52 Simon Fletcher
53 Mark Jackson
54 Vance Johnson
55 Denver Broncos FOIL 285)
56 Rulon Jones
57 Rich Karlis
58 Karl Mecklenburg
59 Ricky Nattiel
60 Sammy Winder
61 Denver Broncos Uniform FOIL
62 Houston Oilers Helmet FOIL
63 Houston Oilers Action
64 Keith Bostic
65 Steve Brown
66 Ray Childress
67 Jeff Donaldson
68 John Grimsley
69 Robert Lyles
70 Houston Oilers FOIL 300)
71 Drew Hill
72 Warren Moon
73 Mike Munchak
74 Mike Rozier
75 Johnny Meads
76 Houston Oilers Uniform FOIL
77 Indianapolis Colts Helmet FOIL
78 Indianapolis Colts Action
79 Albert Bentley
80 Dean Biasucci
81 Duane Bickett
82 Bill Brooks
83 Johnie Cooks
84 Eric Dickerson
85 Indianapolis Colts FOIL 315)
86 Ray Donaldson
87 Chris Hinton
88 Cliff Odom
89 Barry Krauss
90 Jack Trudeau
91 Indianapolis Colts Uniform FOIL
92 Kansas City Chiefs Helmet FOIL
93 Kansas City Chiefs Action
94 Carlos Carson
95 Deron Cherry
96 Dino Hackett
97 Bill Kenney
98 Albert Lewis
99 Nick Lowery
100 Kansas City Chiefs FOIL 330)
101 Bill Maas
102 Christian Okoye
103 Stephone Paige
104 Paul Palmer
105 Kevin Ross
106 Kansas City Chiefs Uniform FOIL
107 Los Angeles Raiders Helmet FOIL
108 Los Angeles Raiders Action
109 Marcus Allen
110 Todd Christensen
111 Mike Haynes
112 Bo Jackson
113 James Lofton
114 Howie Long
115 Los Angeles Raiders FOIL 345)
116 Rod Martin
117 Vann McElroy
118 Bill Pickel
119 Don Mosebar
120 Stacey Toran
121 Los Angeles Raiders Uniform FOIL
122 Miami Dolphins Helmet FOIL
123 Miami Dolphins Action
124 John Bosa
125 Mark Clayton
126 Mark Duper
127 Lorenzo Hampton
128 William Judson
129 Dan Marino
130 Miami Dolphins FOIL 360)
131 John Offerdahl
132 Reggie Roby
133 Jackie Shipp
134 Dwight Stephenson
135 Troy Stradford
136 Miami Dolphins Uniform FOIL
137 New England Patriots Helmet FOIL
138 New England Patriots Action
139 Bruce Armstrong
140 Raymond Clayborn
141 Reggie Dupard
142 Steve Grogan
143 Craig James
144 Ronnie Lippett
145 New England Patriots FOIL 375)
146 Fred Marion
147 Stanley Morgan
148 Mosi Tatupu
149 Andre Tippett
150 Garin Veris
151 New England Patriots Uniform FOIL
152 New York Jets Helmet FOIL
153 New York Jets Action
154 Bob Crable
155 Mark Gastineau
156 Pat Leahy
157 Johnny Hector
158 Marty Lyons
159 Freeman McNeil
160 New York Jets FOIL 390)
161 Ken O'Brien
162 Mickey Shuler
163 Al Toon
164 Roger Vick
165 Wesley Walker
166 New York Jets Uniform FOIL
167 Pittsburgh Steelers Helmet FOIL
168 Pittsburgh Steelers Action
169 Walter Abercrombie
170 Gary Anderson K
171 Todd Blackledge
172 Thomas Everett
173 Delton Hall
174 Bryan Hinkle
175 Pittsburgh Steelers FOIL 405)
176 Earnest Jackson
177 Louis Lipps
178 David Little
179 Mike Merriweather
180 Mike Webster
181 Pittsburgh Steelers Uniform FOIL
182 San Diego Chargers Helmet FOIL
183 San Diego Chargers Action
184 Gary Anderson RB
185 Chip Banks
186 Martin Bayless
187 Chuck Ehin
188 Vencie Glenn
189 Lionel James
190 San Diego Chargers FOIL 420)
191 Mark Malone
192 Ralf Mojsiejenko
193 Billy Ray Smith
194 Lee Williams
195 Kellen Winslow
196 San Diego Chargers Uniform FOIL
197 Seattle Seahawks Helmet FOIL
198 Seattle Seahawks Action
199 Eugene Robinson
200 Jeff Bryant
201 Raymond Butler
202 Jacob Green
203 Norm Johnson
204 Dave Krieg
205 Seattle Seahawks FOIL 435)
206 Steve Largent
207 Joe Nash
208 Curt Warner
209 Bobby Joe Edmonds
210 Daryl Turner
211 Seattle Seahawks Uniform FOIL
212 AFC Logo
213 Bernie Kosar
214 Curt Warner
215 Jerry Rice/Largent
216 Mark Bavaro/Munoz
217 Gary Zimmerman/Fralic
218 Dwight Stephenson/Munchak
219 Joe Montana
220 Charles White/Dickerson
221 Morten Andersen/Sikahema
222 Bruce Smith/R.White DE
223 Michael Carter/McMichael
224 Jim Arnold
225 Carl Banks/Tippett
226 Barry Wilburn/Singletary
227 Hanford Dixon/Minnifield
228 Ronnie Lott/Browner
229 NFC Logo
230 Gary Clark
231 Richard Dent
232 Atlanta Falcons Helmet FOIL
233 Atlanta Falcons Action
234 Rick Bryan
235 Bobby Butler
236 Tony Casillas
237 Floyd Dixon
238 Rick Donnelly
239 Bill Fralic
240 Atlanta Falcons FOIL 10)
241 Mike Gann
242 Chris Miller
243 Robert Moore
244 John Rade
245 Gerald Riggs
246 Atlanta Falcons Uniform FOIL
247 Chicago Bears Helmet FOIL
248 Chicago Bears Action
249 Neal Anderson
250 Jim Covert
251 Richard Dent
252 Dave Duerson
253 Dennis Gentry
254 Jay Hilgenberg
255 Chicago Bears FOIL 25)
256 Jim McMahon
257 Steve McMichael
258 Matt Suhey
259 Mike Singletary
260 Otis Wilson
261 Chicago Bears Uniform FOIL
262 Dallas Cowboys Helmet FOIL
263 Dallas Cowboys Action
264 Bill Bates
265 Doug Cosbie
266 Ron Francis
267 Jim Jeffcoat
268 Ed Too Tall Jones
269 Eugene Lockhart
270 Dallas Cowboys FOIL 40)
271 Danny Noonan
272 Steve Pelluer
273 Herschel Walker
274 Everson Walls
275 Randy White
276 Dallas Cowboys Uniform FOIL
277 Detroit Lions Helmet FOIL
278 Detroit Lions Action
279 Jim Arnold
280 Jerry Ball
281 Michael Cofer
282 Keith Ferguson
283 Dennis Gibson
284 James Griffin
285 Detroit Lions FOIL 55)
286 James Jones FB
287 Chuck Long
288 Pete Mandley
289 Eddie Murray
290 Garry James
291 Detroit Lions Uniform FOIL
292 Green Bay Packers Helmet FOIL
293 Green Bay Packers Action
294 John Anderson
295 Dave Brown DB
296 Alphonso Carreker
297 Kenneth Davis
298 Phillip Epps
299 Brent Fullwood
300 Green Bay Packers FOIL 70)
301 Tim Harris
302 Johnny Holland
303 Mark Murphy
304 Brian Noble
305 Walter Stanley
306 Green Bay Packers Uniform FOIL
307 Los Angeles Rams Helmet FOIL
308 Los Angeles Rams Action
309 Jim Collins
310 Henry Ellard
311 Jim Everett
312 Jerry Gray
313 LeRoy Irvin
314 Mike Lansford
315 Los Angeles Rams FOIL 85)
316 Mel Owens
317 Jackie Slater
318 Doug Smith
319 Charles White
320 Mike Wilcher
321 Los Angeles Rams Uniform FOIL
322 Minnesota Vikings Helmet FOIL
323 Minnesota Vikings Action
324 Joey Browner
325 Anthony Carter
326 Chris Doleman
327 D.J. Dozier
328 Steve Jordan
329 Tommy Kramer
330 Minnesota Vikings FOIL 100)
331 Darrin Nelson
332 Jesse Solomon
333 Scott Studwell
334 Wade Wilson
335 Gary Zimmerman
336 Minnesota Vikings Uniform FOIL
337 New Orleans Saints Helmet FOIL
338 New Orleans Saints Action
339 Morten Andersen
340 Bruce Clark
341 Brad Edelman
342 Bobby Hebert
343 Dalton Hilliard
344 Rickey Jackson
345 New Orleans Saints FOIL 115)
346 Vaughan Johnson
347 Rueben Mayes
348 Sam Mills
349 Pat Swilling
350 Dave Waymer
351 New Orleans Saints Uniform FOIL
352 New York Giants Helmet FOIL
353 New York Giants Action
354 Carl Banks
355 Mark Bavaro
356 Jim Burt
357 Harry Carson
358 Terry Kinard
359 Lionel Manuel
360 New York Giants FOIL 130)
361 Leonard Marshall
362 George Martin
363 Joe Morris
364 Phil Simms
365 George Adams
366 New York Giants Uniform FOIL
367 Philadelphia Eagles Helmet FOIL
368 Philadelphia Eagles Action
369 Jerome Brown
370 Keith Byars
371 Randall Cunningham
372 Terry Hoage
373 Seth Joyner
374 Mike Quick
375 Philadelphia Eagles FOIL 145)
376 Clyde Simmons
377 Anthony Toney
378 Andre Waters
379 Reggie White
380 Roynell Young
381 Philadelphia Eagles Uniform FOIL
382 Phoenix Cardinals Helmet FOIL
383 Phoenix Cardinals Action
384 Robert Awalt
385 Roy Green
386 Neil Lomax
387 Stump Mitchell
388 Niko Noga
389 Freddie Joe Nunn
390 Phoenix Cardinals FOIL 160)
391 Luis Sharpe
392 Vai Sikahema
393 J.T. Smith
394 Leonard Smith
395 Lonnie Young
396 Phoenix Cardinals Uniform FOIL
397 San Francisco 49ers Helmet FOIL
398 San Francisco 49ers Action
399 Dwaine Board
400 Michael Carter
401 Roger Craig
402 Jeff Fuller
403 Don Griffin
404 Ronnie Lott
405 San Francisco 49ers FOIL 175)
406 Joe Montana
407 Tom Rathman
408 Jerry Rice
409 Keena Turner
410 Michael Walter
411 San Francisco 49ers Uniform FOIL
412 Tampa Bay Bucs Helmet FOIL
413 Tampa Bay Bucs Action
414 Mark Carrier WR
415 Gerald Carter
416 Ron Holmes
417 Rod Jones CB
418 Calvin Magee
419 Ervin Randle
420 Tampa Bay Buccaneers FOIL 190)
421 Donald Igwebuike
422 Vinny Testaverde
423 Jackie Walker TE
424 Chris Washington
425 James Wilder
426 Tampa Bay Bucs Uniform FOIL
427 Washington Redskins Helmet FOIL
428 Washington Redskins Action
429 Gary Clark
430 Monte Coleman
431 Darrell Green
432 Charles Mann
433 Kelvin Bryant
434 Art Monk
435 Washington Redskins FOIL 205)
436 Ricky Sanders
437 Jay Schroeder
438 Alvin Walton
439 Barry Wilburn
440 Doug Williams
441 Washington Redskins Uniform FOIL
442 Super Bowl action
443 Super Bowl action
444 Doug Williams
445 Super Bowl action
446 Super Bowl action
447 Super Bowl action
NNO Panini Album

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