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Eagles Frito Lay ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1979 Eagles Frito Lay
1 Larry Barnes
2 John Bunting
3 Lem Burnham
4 Billy Campfield
5 Harold Carmichael
6 Ken Clarke
7 Scott Fritzkee
8 Louie Giammona
9 Leroy Harris
10 Wally Henry
11 Bobby Lee Howard
12 Claude Humphrey
13 Charlie Johnson
14 Wade Key
15 Keith Krepfle
16 Frank LeMaster
17 Randy Logan
18 Rufus Mayes
19 Jerrold McRae
20 Wilbert Montgomery
21 Woody Peoples
22 Petey Perot
23 John Sanders
24 John Sciarra
25 Manny Sistrunk
26 Mark Slater
27 John Spagnola
28 Stan Walters
29 Reggie Wilkes
30 Brenard Wilson

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