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Eagles Frito Lay ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1977 Eagles Frito Lay
1 Bill Bergey
2 John Bunting
3 Lem Burnham
4 Harold Carmichael
5 Mike Cordova
6 Herman Edwards
7 Tom Ehler
8 Cleveland Franklin
9 Dennis Franks
10 Roman Gabriel
11 Carl Hairston
12 Mike Hogan
13 Charlie Johnson
14 Eric Johnson
15 Wade Key
16 Pete Lazetich
17 Randy Logan
18 Herb Lusk
19 Larry Marshall
20 Wilbert Montgomery
21 Rocco Moore
22 Guy Morriss
23 Horst Muhlmann
24 John Outlaw
25 Vince Papale
26 James Reed
27 Kevin Russell
28 Jerry Sisemore
29 Manny Sistrunk
30 Charles Smith
31 Terry Tautolo
32 Art Thoms
33 Stan Walters
34 John Walton

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