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Cowboys Frito Lay ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1985 Cowboys Frito Lay
1 Vince Albritton
2 Brian Baldinger
3 Dextor Clinkscale
4 Jim Cooper
5 Fred Cornwell
6 Doug Cosbie
7 Steve DeOssie
8 John Dutton
9 Ricky Easmon
10 Ron Fellows
11 Leon Gonzalez
12 Mike Hegman
13 Gary Hogeboom
14 Jim Jeffcoat
15 Ed Too Tall Jones
16 James Jones COW
17 Crawford Ker
18 Robert Lavette
19 Eugene Lockhart
20 Timmy Newsome
21 Drew Pearson ACO
22 Steve Pelluer
23 Jesse Penn
24 Kurt Petersen
25 Karl Powe
26 Phil Pozderac UER
27 Tom Rafferty
28 Mike Renfro
29 Howard Richards
30 Jeff Rohrer
31 Mike Saxon
32 Victor Scott
33 Rafael Septien
34 Don Smerek
35 Roger Staubach
36 Broderick Thompson
37 Dennis Thurman
38 Glen Titensor
39 Mark Tuinei
40 Everson Walls
41 Danny White
42 John Williams
43 Team Photo

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