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Colts Kroger ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1985 Colts Kroger
1 Dave Ahrens
2 Raul Allegre
3 Karl Baldischwiler
4 Pat Beach
5 Albert Bentley
6 Duane Bickett
7 Matt Bouza
8 Willie Broughton
9 Johnie Cooks
10 Eugene Daniel
11 Preston Davis
12 Ray Donaldson
13 Rod Dowhower
14 Owen Gill
15 Nesby Glasgow
16 Chris Hinton
17 Lamonte Hunley
18 Matt Kofler
19 Barry Krauss
20 Orlando Lowry
21 Robbie Martin
22 Randy McMillan
23 Cliff Odom
24 Tate Randle
25 Tim Sherwin
26 Byron Smith
27 Ron Solt
28 Rohn Stark
29 Donnell Thompson
30 Ben Utt
31 Brad White
32 George Wonsley
33 Anthony Young

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