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Coke Caps Steelers ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1964 Coke Caps Steelers
1 Art Anderson
2 Frank Atkinson
3 Gary Ballman
4 John Baker
5 Charley Bradshaw
6 Jim Bradshaw
7 Ed Brown
8 John Burrell
9 Preston Carpenter
10 Lou Cordileone
11 Willie Daniel
12 Dick Haley
13 Bob Harrison
14 Dick Hoak
15 Dan James
16 Tom Jenkins
17 John Henry Johnson
18 Jim Kelly TE
19 Brady Keys
20 Joe Krupa
21 Ray Lemek
22 Paul Martha
23 Lou Michaels
24 Bill Nelsen
25 Terry Nofsinger
26 Buzz Nutter
27 Clarence Peaks
28 Myron Pottios
29 John Reger
30 Mike Sandusky
31 Theron Sapp
32 Bob Schmitz
33 Ron Stehouwer
34 Clendon Thomas
35 Joe Womack

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