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Coke Caps Giants G ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1966 Coke Caps Giants G
G1 Joe Morrison
G2 Dick Lynch
G3 Pete Case
G4 Clarence Childs
G5 Aaron Thomas
G6 Jim Carroll
G7 Henry Carr
G8 Bookie Bolin
G9 Roosevelt Davis
G10 John Lovetere
G11 Jim Patton
G12 Wendell Harris
G13 Roger LaLonde
G14 Jerry Hillebrand
G15 Spider Lockhart
G16 Del Shofner
G17 Earl Morrall
G18 Roosevelt Brown
G19 Greg Larson
G20 Jim Katcavage
G21 Smith Reed
G22 Lou Slaby
G23 Jim Moran
G24 Bill Swain
G25 Steve Thurlow
G26 Olen Underwood
G27 Gary Wood
G28 Larry Vargo
G29 Jim Prestel
G30 Tucker Frederickson
G31 Bob Timberlake
G32 Chuck Mercein
G33 Ernie Koy
G34 Tom Costello
G35 Homer Jones
NNO Giants Saver Sheet

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