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Coke Caps Eagles ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1966 Coke Caps Eagles
C1 Norm Snead
C2 Al Nelson
C3 Jim Skaggs
C4 Glenn Glass
C5 Pete Retzlaff
C6 John Osmond
C7 Ray Rissmiller
C8 Lynn Hoyem
C9 King Hill
C10 Timmy Brown
C11 Ollie Matson
C12 Dave Lloyd
C13 Jim Ringo
C14 Floyd Peters
C15 Gary Pettigrew
C16 Frank Molden
C17 Earl Gros
C18 Fred Hill
C19 Don Hultz
C20 Ray Poage
C21 Aaron Martin
C22 Mike Morgan
C23 Lane Howell
C24 Ed Blaine
C25 Jack Concannon
C26 Sam Baker
C27 Tom Woodeshick
C28 Joe Scarpati
C29 John Meyers
C30 Nate Ramsey
C31 Ben Hawkins
C32 Bob Brown T
C33 Willie Brown WR
C34 Ron Goodwin
C35 Randy Beisler
C36 Team Logo
NNO Eagles Saver Sheet

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