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Coke Caps Cowboys ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1966 Coke Caps Cowboys
C1 Mike Connelly
C2 Tony Liscio
C3 Jethro Pugh
C4 Larry Stephens
C5 Jim Colvin
C6 Malcolm Walker
C7 Danny Villanueva
C8 Frank Clarke
C9 Don Meredith
C10 George Andrie
C11 Mel Renfro
C12 Pettis Norman
C13 Buddy Dial
C14 Pete Gent
C15 Jerry Rhome
C16 Bob Hayes
C17 Mike Gaechter
C18 Joe Bob Isbell
C19 Harold Hays
C20 Craig Morton
C21 Jake Kupp
C22 Cornell Green
C23 Dan Reeves
C24 Leon Donohue
C25 Dave Manders
C26 Warren Livingston
C27 Bob Lilly
C28 Chuck Howley
C29 Don Bishop
C30 Don Perkins
C31 Jim Boeke
C32 Dave Edwards
C33 Lee Roy Jordan
C34 Obert Logan
C35 Ralph Neely
C36 Cowboys Logo
NNO Cowboys Saver Sheet

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