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Coke Caps CFL ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1965 Coke Caps CFL
1 Neil Beaumont
2 Tom Brown
3 Mack Burton
4 Mike Cacic
5 Pat Claridge
6 Steve Cotter
7 Norm Fieldgate
8 Greg Findlay
9 Willie Fleming
10 Dick Fouts
11 Tom Hinton
12 Sonny Homer
13 Joe Kapp
14 Gus Kasapis
15 Peter Kempf
16 Bill Lasseter
17 Mike Martin
18 Ron Morris
19 Bill Munsey
20 Paul Seale
21 Steve Shafer
22 Ken Sugarman
23 Bob Swift
24 Jesse Williams
25 Ron Albright UER
26 Lu Bain
27 Frank Budd
28 Lovell Coleman
29 Eagle Day
30 Paul Dudley
31 Jim Furlong
32 George Hansen
33 Wayne Harris
34 Herman Harrison
35 Pat Holmes
36 Art Johnson
37 Jerry Keeling
38 Roger Kramer
39 Hal Krebs
40 Don Luzzi
41 Pete Manning
42 Dale Parsons
43 Ron Payne
44 Larry Robinson
45 Gerry Shaw
46 Don Stephenson
47 Bob Taylor
48 Ted Woods
49 Jon Anabo
50 Ray Ash
51 Jim Battle
52 Charlie Brown
53 Tommy Joe Coffey
54 Marcel Deleeuw
55 Al Ecuyer
56 Ron Forwick
57 Jim Higgins
58 Henry Huth
59 Randy Kerbow
60 Oscar Kruger
61 Tom Machan
62 Grant McKee
63 Bill Mitchell
64 Barry Mitchelson
65 Roger Nelson
66 Bill Redell
67 Morley Rohliser
68 Howie Schumm
69 E.A. Sims
70 John Sklopan
71 Jim Stinnette
72 Barney Therrien
73 Jim Thomas
74 Neil Thomas
75 Bill Tobin
76 Terry Wilson
77 Art Baker
78 John Barrow
79 Gene Ceppetelli
80 John Cimba
81 Dick Cohee
82 Frank Cosentino
83 Johnny Counts
84 Stan Crisson
85 Tommy Grant
86 Garney Henley
87 Ed Hoerster
88 Zeno Karcz
89 Ellison Kelly
90 Bob Krouse
91 Billy Ray Locklin
92 Chet Miksza
93 Angelo Mosca
94 Bronko Nagurski Jr.
95 Ted Page
96 Don Sutherin
97 Dave Viti
98 Dick Walton
99 Billy Wayte
100 Joe Zuger
101 Jim Andreotti
102 John Baker
103 Gino Beretta
104 Bill Bewley
105 Garland Boyette
106 Doug Daigneault
107 George Dixon
108 D. Dolatri
109 Ted Elsby
110 Don Estes
111 Terry Evenshen
112 Clare Exelby
113 Larry Fairholm
114 Bernie Faloney
115 Don Fuell
116 Mike Gibbons
117 Ralph Goldston
118 Al Irwin
119 John Kennerson
120 Ed Learn
121 Moe Levesque
122 Bob Minihane
123 Jim Reynolds
124 Billy Roy
125 Larry Tomlinson
126 Ernie White
127 Rick Black
128 Mike Blum
129 Billy Joe Booth
130 Jim Cain
131 Bill Cline
132 Merv Collins
133 Jim Conroy
134 Larry DeGraw
135 Jim Dillard
136 Gene Gaines
137 Don Gilbert
138 Russ Jackson
139 Ken Lehmann
140 Bob O'Billovich
141 John Pentecost
142 Joe Poirier
143 Moe Racine
144 Sam Scoccia
145 Bo Scott
146 Jerry Selinger
147 Marshall Shirk
148 Bill Siekierski
149 Ron Stewart
150 Whit Tucker
151 Ron Atchison
152 Al Benecick
153 Clyde Brock
154 Ed Buchanan
155 Roy Cameron
156 Hugh Campbell
157 Henry Dorsch
158 Larry Dumelie
159 Garner Ekstran
160 Martin Fabi
161 Bob Good
162 Bob Kosid
163 Ron Lancaster
164 Hal Ledyard
165 Len Legault
166 Ron Meadmore
167 Bob Ptacek
168 George Reed
169 Dick Schnell
170 Wayne Shaw
171 Ted Urness
172 Dale West
173 Reg Whitehouse
174 Gene Wlasiuk
175 Jim Worden
176 Dick Aldridge
177 Walt Balasiuk
178 Ron Brewer
179 W. Dickey
180 Bob Dugan
181 Larry Ferguson
182 Don Fuell
183 Ed Harrington
184 Ron Howell
185 Francis LaRoue
186 Sherman Lewis
187 Marv Luster
188 Dave Mann
189 Pete Martin
190 Marty Martinello
191 Lamar McHan
192 Danny Nykoluk
193 Jackie Parker
194 Dave Pivec
195 Jim Rountree
196 Dick Shatto
197 Billy Shipp
198 Len Sparks
199 Dave Still
200 Norm Stoneburgh
201 Dave Thelen
202 John Vilanus
203 Jim Walter
204 Pat Watson
205 John Wydareny
206 Billy Cooper
207 Wayne Dennis
208 Paul Desjardins
209 Noel Dunford
210 Farrell Funston
211 Herb Gray
212 Roger Hamelin
213 Barrie Hansen
214 Henry Janzen
215 Hal Ledyard
216 Leo Lewis
217 Brian Palmer
218 Art Perkins
219 Cornel Piper
220 Ernie Pitts
221 Kenny Ploen
222 Dave Raimey
223 Norm Rauhaus
224 Frank Rigney
225 Roger Savoie
226 Jackie Simpson
227 Dick Thornton
228 Sherwyn Thorson
229 Ed Ulmer
230 Bill Whisler

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