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Coke Caps Browns ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1964 Coke Caps Browns
1 Walter Beach
2 Larry Benz
3 Johnny Brewer
4 Jim Brown
5 John Brown
6 Monte Clark
7 Gary Collins
8 Vince Costello
9 Ross Fichtner
10 Galen Fiss
11 Bobby Franklin
12 Bob Gain
13 Bill Glass
14 Ernie Green
15 Lou Groza
16 Gene Hickerson
17 Jim Houston
18 Tom Hutchinson
19 Jim Kanicki
20 Mike Lucci
21 Dick Modzelewski
22 John Morrow
23 Jim Ninowski
24 Frank Parker
25 Bernie Parrish
26 Frank Ryan
27 Charlie Scales
28 Dick Schafrath
29 Roger Shoals
30 Jim Shorter
31 Billy Truax
32 Paul Warfield
33 Ken Webb
34 Paul Wiggin
35 John Wooten
NNO Browns Saver Sheet

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