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Chiefs Team Issue ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1976 Chiefs Team Issue
1 Tony Adams
2 Billy Andrews
3 Charlie Ane III
4 Gary Barbaro
5 Larry Brunson
6 Tim Collier
7 Tom Condon
8 Jimbo Elrod
9 Lawrence Estes
10 Tim Gray
11 Matt Herkenhoff
12 MacArthur Lane
13 Willie Lee
14 John Lohmeyer
15 Henry Marshall
16 Billy Masters
17 Pat McNeil
18 Mike Nott
19 Orrin Olsen
20 Whitney Paul
21 Jack Rudnay
22 Keith Simons
23 Jan Stenerud
24 Steve Taylor
25 Emmitt Thomas
26 Rod Walters
27 Walter White
28 Larry Williams
29 Jerrel Wilson
30 Jim Wolf
31 Wilbur Young

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