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Chiefs Frito Lay ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1980 Chiefs Frito Lay
1 Gary Barbaro
2 Ed Beckman
3 Mike Bell
4 Horace Belton
5 Jerry Blanton
6 Brad Budde
7 Carlos Carson
8 M.L. Carter
9 Herb Christopher
10 Tom Clements
11 Paul Dombrowski
12 Steve Fuller
13 Charlie Getty
14 Gary Green
15 Bob Grupp
16 James Hadnot
17 Eric Harris
18 Matt Herkenhoff
19 Thomas Howard
20 Charles Jackson
21 Dave Lindstrom
22 Mike Livingston
23 Nick Lowery
24 Dino Mangiero
25 Frank Manumaleuga
26 Henry Marshall
27 Ted McKnight
28 Don Parrish
29 Whitney Paul
30 Cal Peterson
31 Jim Rourke
32 J.T. Smith
33 Gary Spani
34 Art Still
35 Mike Williams

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