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Cardinals Big Red Biographies ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1965 Cardinals Big Red Biographies
1 Monk Bailey
2 Jim Bakken
3 Don Brumm
4 Jim Burson
5 Joe Childress
6 Willis Crenshaw
7 Bob DeMarco
8 Pat Fischer
9 Billy Gambrell
10 Irv Goode
11 Ken Gray
12 Charlie Johnson
13 Bill Koman
14 Dave Meggysey
15 Dale Meinert
16 Mike Melinkovich
17 Sonny Randle
18 Bob Reynolds
19 Joe Robb
20 Marion Rushing
21 Sam Silas
22 Carl Silvestri
23 Dave Simmons
24 Jackie Smith
25 BillThunder) Thornton
26 Bill Triplett
27 Herschel Turner

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