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Williards Chocolate Boxing (V137) ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1923 Williards Chocolate Boxing (V137)
1 Jack Britton
2 Johnny Buff
3 Alex Burlie
4 Joe Burman
5 Georges Carpentier
6 Bud Christiano
7 George Cook
8 Jim Corbett
9 Eugene Criqui
10 Jack Dempsey
11 Louis Donovan
12 Johnny Dundee
13 Luis Firpo
14 Bob Fitzsimmons
15 Eddie Fitzsimmons
16 Frankie Genaro
17 Tom Gibbons
18 Benny Gould
19 Al Holmes
20 Fred Jacks
21 Jim Jeffries
22 Soldier Jones
23 Stanley Ketchel
24 Johnny Kilbane
25 Benny Leonard
26 Dan Lewis
27 Young Mack
28 Jock Malone
29 Vincent Martin
30 Jack McAuliffe
31 Tommy Mitchell
32 Pal Moore
33 Frank Moran
34 Paddy O'Brien
35 Eddie Pinchot
36 Johnny Rose
37 Tom Sharkey
38 Frank Slaney
39 Harold Smith
40 Homer Smith
41 Jeff Smith
42 Midget Smith
43 Ad Stone
44 Young Stribling
45 John L Sullivan
46 Clonie Tait
47 Jim Tracey
48 Carl Tremaine
49 Pancho Villa
50 Bermondsey Billy Wells
51 Billy Wells Bombardier
52 Charlie White
53 Jimmy Wilde
54 Jess Willard
55 Curly Wilshur
56 Johnny Wolgast

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