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W.D. and H.O. Wills Boxers Scissors Back ChecklistSports Card Set Checklists

1911 W.D. and H.O. Wills Boxers Scissors Back
1 Corpl Baker
2 Peter Brown
3 Sid Burns
4 Tommy Burns
5 Young Cohen
6 Johnny Condon
7 P.O. Curran
8 Jim Driscoll
9 Arthur Everden
10 Joe Gans
11 Jack Goldswain
12 George Gunther
13 Seaman Hayes/Arthur
14 Johnny Hughes
15 Peter Jackson
16 Jim Jeffries
17 Joe Jeanette
18 Jack Johnson
19 Battling Jim Johnson
20 Jim Kenrick
21 Bill Lang/Llanfranchi
22 Sam Langford
23 Packey McFarland
24 Owen Moran
25 Seaman Parsons
26 Bandsman Rice
27 Spike Robson
28 Private Smith
29 Bill Squires
30 Digger Stanley
31 Jim Sullivan
32 Johnny Summers
33 Tom Thomas
34 Bomb Wells
35 Matt Wells
36 Fred Thomas Welsh

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